Solicitation/Contract Form - General Services Administration

Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance BoardSAMPLE SOLICITATION forMulti-Service ProjectUsing theGeneral Services Administration’sEIS ContractDRAFT: Version 4.e.212/8/2016 About this TemplateThis template is provided by GSA to help customer agencies contract for telecommunications and IT services using the Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions (EIS) contract. The template is designed as a guide for developing a solicitation and contains a sample statement of work that can be readily tailored to meet agency procurement needs.At a minimum, the solicitation must include the service description, agency desired capabilities and features, quantity, and if applicable, the products or service-related equipment to be deployed. With EIS, the agency may also have the option to specify labor requirements to be provided to manage and support the service(s). The template contains proposal instructions and a list of evaluation criteria upon which the evaluation will be based.This template follows the standard Uniform Contract Format (UCF) under FAR Part 15. Although FAR Part 15 does not govern IDIQ contracts, UCF has been adapted as a general best practice approach under EIS. Standardizing task order solicitations can help agencies facilitate scope determination, contractor response, proposal evaluation and help facilitate GSA in-scope solicitation review. GSA will review solicitations in accordance with Section C of the EIS contract to determine scope compatibility, against Section B of the EIS contract to determine price structure compatibility and against the Terms and Conditions of EIS.Since agency needs vary widely, this template does not cover all possible or appropriate variations in SOW solicitation content. It is offered as guidance to be adapted as necessary to meet agency needs. The general approach described here does not supersede requirements of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) or agency FAR supplemental(s) and policies. In all cases, the ordering contracting officer (OCO) must ensure complete adherence to applicable laws, the FAR, and any additional agency regulations.Other EIS resources can be found at eis.The template contains context boxes such as this one. Context boxes contain informational material and/or instructions to help the agency understand the service and the different options available within the scope of the EIS contract. The agency may select and specify in the solicitation the desired solution or outcome based on those options selected. YELLOW Context Boxes contain instructions, or suggested requirement language/narratives and possible options the agency may choose to include or discard when developing the requirements. ORANGE Text, if present, indicates placeholders where the agency should provide a numeric value (e.g., n for number of days, or number of pages) or replace text with actual descriptions such as agency name, proposal due date, name of agency POC, etc.BLUE Text, if present, denotes sample text that is specific to the service(s) to be obtained. Blue text may be modified or deleted as required.BLACK Text is text that appears in all SOW-ASSIST generated templates and relates to general aspects of the solicitation. Black text may also be modified or deleted as required.Notes: The context boxes should be deleted by the agency when finalizing this document. Sections of this template may be deleted if they are not relevant to the agency, and new sub-sections may be added to meet the agency’s specific needs. This document was generated by the SOW-ASSIST tool. It should not be finalized until it has been tailored, reviewed and accepted by the agency named on the title page. The “Generated by SOW-ASSIST” watermark and the references in the page footers should also be removed for the final copy.REMOVE THIS PAGE WHEN FINAL SOLICITATION IS COMPLETED.Table of Contents TOC \o "1-5" \h \z \u ASolicitation/Contract Form PAGEREF _Toc468961506 \h 6BSupplies or Services and Prices/Costs PAGEREF _Toc468961507 \h 7CDescription/Specifications/Statement of Work PAGEREF _Toc468961508 \h 8C.1Service(s) Sought PAGEREF _Toc468961509 \h 8C.2Project Title PAGEREF _Toc468961510 \h 10C.3Project Overview PAGEREF _Toc468961511 \h 10C.4Project Background PAGEREF _Toc468961512 \h 10C.5Description of Current Environment PAGEREF _Toc468961513 \h 10C.6Project Scope PAGEREF _Toc468961514 \h 10C.7Unspecified Services PAGEREF _Toc468961515 \h 11C.8Virtual Private Network Service (VPNS) PAGEREF _Toc468961516 \h 11C.8.1Connectivity PAGEREF _Toc468961517 \h 12C.8.2Technical Capabilities PAGEREF _Toc468961518 \h 12C.8.3Features PAGEREF _Toc468961519 \h 12C.8.4Performance Metrics PAGEREF _Toc468961520 \h 12C.9Internet Protocol Voice Service (IPVS) PAGEREF _Toc468961521 \h 13C.9.1Connectivity PAGEREF _Toc468961522 \h 13C.9.2Technical Capabilities PAGEREF _Toc468961523 \h 13C.9.3Features PAGEREF _Toc468961524 \h 14C.9.4Performance Metrics PAGEREF _Toc468961525 \h 15C.10Managed Trusted Internet Protocol Service (MTIPS) PAGEREF _Toc468961526 \h 15C.10.1Connectivity PAGEREF _Toc468961527 \h 16C.10.2Technical Capabilities PAGEREF _Toc468961528 \h 16C.10.2.1TIC Portal Capabilities PAGEREF _Toc468961529 \h 17C.10.2.2MTIPS Transport Collection and Distribution Capabilities PAGEREF _Toc468961530 \h 17C.10.2.3MTIPS Security Requirements PAGEREF _Toc468961531 \h 17C.10.3Features PAGEREF _Toc468961532 \h 17C.10.4Performance Metrics PAGEREF _Toc468961533 \h 18C.11Service Related Equipment (SRE) PAGEREF _Toc468961534 \h 19C.12Service Related Labor PAGEREF _Toc468961535 \h 19C.12.1List of Labor Tasks PAGEREF _Toc468961536 \h 19C.12.1.1VPNS-Specific PAGEREF _Toc468961537 \h 19C.12.1.2IPVS-Specific PAGEREF _Toc468961538 \h 20C.12.1.3MTIPS-Specific PAGEREF _Toc468961539 \h 20C.12.2Details of Labor Tasks PAGEREF _Toc468961540 \h 20C.12.2.1VPNS-Specific PAGEREF _Toc468961541 \h 20C. Labor Placeholder 1 Task PAGEREF _Toc468961542 \h 20C. Labor Placeholder 2 Task PAGEREF _Toc468961543 \h 20C.12.2.2IPVS-Specific PAGEREF _Toc468961544 \h 20C. Labor Placeholder 1 Task PAGEREF _Toc468961545 \h 20C. Labor Placeholder 2 Task PAGEREF _Toc468961546 \h 20C.12.2.3MTIPS-Specific PAGEREF _Toc468961547 \h 20C. Labor Placeholder 1 Task PAGEREF _Toc468961548 \h 20C. Labor Placeholder 2 Task PAGEREF _Toc468961549 \h 21C.13Security Requirements PAGEREF _Toc468961550 \h 21C.13.1Personnel Background Investigation Requirements PAGEREF _Toc468961551 \h 21C.13.2Protection of Government Information PAGEREF _Toc468961552 \h 21C.13.3Personnel Security Clearances PAGEREF _Toc468961553 \h 22DPackaging and Marking PAGEREF _Toc468961554 \h 23EInspection and Acceptance PAGEREF _Toc468961555 \h 24FDeliveries or Performance PAGEREF _Toc468961556 \h 25GContract Administration Data PAGEREF _Toc468961557 \h 26G.1Requirements for Billing PAGEREF _Toc468961558 \h 27G.2Requirements to Support Task Order PAGEREF _Toc468961559 \h 27G.3Ordering for Services by Authorized Person(s) PAGEREF _Toc468961560 \h 27G.4Requirements for Deliverables and Data Exchange PAGEREF _Toc468961561 \h 27G.5Government-Furnished Property PAGEREF _Toc468961562 \h 28G.6Department of Homeland Security Office of Emergency Communications Priority Telecommunications Services PAGEREF _Toc468961563 \h 29HSpecial Contract Requirements PAGEREF _Toc468961564 \h 30H.1Acquisition Selected PAGEREF _Toc468961565 \h 30H.2Period of Performance PAGEREF _Toc468961566 \h 30H.3Place of Performance PAGEREF _Toc468961567 \h 31IContract Clauses PAGEREF _Toc468961568 \h 32JList of Attachments PAGEREF _Toc468961569 \h 33J.1Pricing Spreadsheet PAGEREF _Toc468961570 \h 33J.2Service Locations PAGEREF _Toc468961571 \h 33J.3List of Task Order Deliverables PAGEREF _Toc468961572 \h 33J.4Security Assessment and Authorization (formerly known as Certification and Accreditation [C&A]) Requirements PAGEREF _Toc468961573 \h 34J.5Additional Information PAGEREF _Toc468961574 \h 34J.6Network Interface Diagrams PAGEREF _Toc468961575 \h 34J.6.1VPNS Network Interface Diagram PAGEREF _Toc468961576 \h 34J.6.2IPVS Network Interface Diagram PAGEREF _Toc468961577 \h 35J.6.3MTIPS Network Interface Diagram PAGEREF _Toc468961578 \h 35KRepresentations, Certifications, and Other Statements of Offerors or Respondents PAGEREF _Toc468961579 \h 37LInstructions, Conditions, and Notices to Offerors or Respondents PAGEREF _Toc468961580 \h 38L.1Solicitation Closing Date and Time PAGEREF _Toc468961581 \h 38L.2Preparation and Delivery Instructions PAGEREF _Toc468961582 \h 38L.3Preparation of Price Proposal PAGEREF _Toc468961583 \h 39L.4Preparation of Technical Proposal PAGEREF _Toc468961584 \h 40L.5Past Performance PAGEREF _Toc468961585 \h 41MEvaluation Factors for Award PAGEREF _Toc468961586 \h 42M.1Evaluation Type PAGEREF _Toc468961587 \h 42M.2Technical Evaluation Criteria PAGEREF _Toc468961588 \h 44M.2.1Factor 1: Technical Design and Approach PAGEREF _Toc468961589 \h 45M.2.1.1Technical Design Sub-Factor PAGEREF _Toc468961590 \h 45M. Design Sub-Factor Applicable Services PAGEREF _Toc468961591 \h 45M.2.1.2Availability Sub-Factor PAGEREF _Toc468961592 \h 45M. Sub-Factor Applicable Services PAGEREF _Toc468961593 \h 46M.2.1.3Related SRE Sub-Factor PAGEREF _Toc468961594 \h 46M. SRE Sub-Factor Applicable Services PAGEREF _Toc468961595 \h 46M.2.2Factor 2: Service Delivery, Operations and Management Approach PAGEREF _Toc468961596 \h 46M.2.2.1Management Approach Sub-Factor PAGEREF _Toc468961597 \h 46M. Approach Sub-Factor Applicable Services PAGEREF _Toc468961598 \h 47M.2.2.2Staffing Approach Sub-Factor PAGEREF _Toc468961599 \h 47M. Approach Sub-Factor Applicable Services PAGEREF _Toc468961600 \h 48M.2.2.3Performance Reporting Sub-Factor PAGEREF _Toc468961601 \h 48M. Reporting Sub-Factor Applicable Services PAGEREF _Toc468961602 \h 48M.2.2.4Ordering & Billing Sub-Factor PAGEREF _Toc468961603 \h 48M. & Billing Sub-Factor Applicable Services PAGEREF _Toc468961604 \h 48M.2.3Factor 3: Past Performance PAGEREF _Toc468961605 \h 49M.2.3.1Past Performance History/Track Record Sub-Factor PAGEREF _Toc468961606 \h 49M. Performance History/Track Record Sub-Factor Applicable Services PAGEREF _Toc468961607 \h 49M.3Price Evaluation Criteria PAGEREF _Toc468961608 \h 49Solicitation/Contract FormThe agency should replace this page with its appropriate solicitation/contract form, e.g., Standard Form 1449.Task orders must contain all of the items listed in FAR 16.505(a)(7)Supplies or Services and Prices/CostsA pricing spreadsheet is provided in Section J.1 of this template. Agencies may use this spreadsheet for obtaining prices from contractors or develop an alternative approach. This section should be modified in accordance with the agency’s preferences for obtaining contractor prices.Agencies may consider developing their task orders using a not to exceed ceiling amount for the base period and each option period. Funding will need to be obligated for the base period at the time of task order award. Funding for option periods are obligated when options are exercised.The contractor shall enter prices using the Pricing spreadsheet provided in Section J.1 of this solicitation.Description/Specifications/Statement of WorkConduct a complete analysis of your agency’s current inventory of telecommunications services and your future operational needs. This analysis will determine how the EIS service offerings can best meet your agency’s needs. Requirements can then be grouped into one or more TO solicitation at the agencies discretion.Task orders for supplies and services issued as a result of this solicitation must contain the items listed in FAR 16.505(a)(7).Required by FAR 16.505(a)(7)(iii). All services or equipment you intend to order, or may order during the life of the task order and for any locations that you require service in or may require service in, should be specified on the task order.Note that the EIS services defined in Sections C.2.1 through C.2.10 and in Section C.2.12 include all service-related labor necessary to implement the services.This is the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board solicitation for services utilizing the General Services Administration’s Enterprise Infrastructure Services (EIS) contract.The baseline requirements for the services sought herein are defined in Section C of the EIS contract. The Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board expects that all EIS contractors provide the baseline level of service and support specified in the EIS contract. The Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board has additional agency-specific requirements that are described in this solicitation and will be assessed as part of the technical evaluation process defined in Section M Evaluation Factors for Award of this solicitation. This solicitation describes the full range of services required.The contractor shall provide all personnel, transportation, equipment, tools, materials, supplies, installation, management, supervision, engineering, maintenance, testing, and services necessary to make circuits/services fully operational and to perform all tasks and functions as defined in this solicitation.Consistent with Section C.2.11 of the EIS contracts, the contractor shall provide, at no additional cost to the government, all service-related labor necessary to implement the services. The contractor shall propose any Service Related Equipment (SRE) necessary to implement and manage the service.Service(s) SoughtBEST PRACTICE 1: Understand the EIS contract and develop agency requirements. As the first fundamental step, the appropriate agency manager should assemble an Integrated Procurement Team (IPT) of key program managers, contracting, and technical personnel to: (1) Become familiar with the services offered under the12 service categories in the EIS contract; and (2) Develop the agency's requirements based on that understanding and the agency's needs. BENEFIT: This results in a SOW-ASSIST session that produces a high quality solicitation document that will require relatively few revisions prior to GSA scope review and eventual release. This enables a more efficient procurement cycle. TIP: Become familiar with the EIS services by reviewing the service guides, relevant portions of the EIS contract, training guides & videos, and/or arrange briefings by GSA or agency technical personnel. Also, review the EIS Fair Opportunity and Ordering Guide (FOOG) and Management and Operations (MOPS) Handbook.BEST PRACTICE 1.1: Reference the EIS contract wherever possible when describing requirements. BENEFIT: This helps to clarify the agency's needs by directing the service provider to the relevant sections of the contract. This facilitates more responsive proposals.BEST PRACTICE 1.2: Express requirements using EIS contract vehicle terminology. BENEFIT: This helps ensure accurate comparisons between contractors on a like-for-like basis. The agency time spent in converting requirements into EIS terminology will result in faster proposal generation and evaluation, as well as easier program startup and operations. Risk Avoided: Using EIS contract terminology also avoids the risk of the EIS contractor proposing an existing contract service under a different name or at a higher price. (NOTE: It is acceptable for the agency to use non-EIS terminology [e.g., Networx, commercial brand names, etc.,] in current agency inventories and planning documents.)Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board seeks to acquire the following EIS service(s):Virtual Private Network Service (VPNS)Internet Protocol Voice Service (IPVS)Managed Trusted Internet Protocol Service (MTIPS)Project TitleMulti-Service ProjectProject OverviewThe agency should provide the project overview here. Include an overall project timeline if available and appropriate.Project BackgroundBEST PRACTICE 2: Provide detailed information (that does not violate agency security policy) regarding the project background and the desired outcomes. This information should include the evolution of the agency’s current network and services as well as agency plans to move forward with new network expansion, service(s), equipment, and/or labor. BENEFIT: This information will assist the EIS contractor in better understanding the agency’s requirements and increase their ability to recommend solutions. The agency should provide the project background here.Description of Current EnvironmentBEST PRACTICE 3: Describe in detail the current network infrastructure and environment, and all current telecommunications services. Include supporting network diagrams (in Section J.6). BENEFIT: This information will help the EIS contractor fully understand the system that is to be replaced and/or improved. Project ScopeThe agency should provide the project scope here.BEST PRACTICE REMINDER: The next several subsections are used for specification of services required by the agency. Ensure Best Practices 1.1 and 1.2 above are used in the description of agency requirements in these subsections. Functional Requirements Unspecified ServicesFor some of its needs, the agency may wish to have contractors propose the specific service(s) in response to a functional specification (Performance Work Statement or Statement of Objectives). This section outline may be used for this purpose.A PWS and a SOO emphasize performance-based measures such as desired service outcomes and performance standards. A SOO establishes high-level outcomes and objectives for performance while a PWS describes outcomes and objectives at a more detailed and measurable level. A PWS or SOO is often appropriate where the Agency requires a transformative solution and desires to provide maximum flexibility for offerors to propose innovative approaches.Note also the following FAR direction (FAR 16.505):Performance-based acquisition methods must be used to the maximum extent practicable. Individual orders shall clearly describe all services to be performed or supplies to be delivered so the full cost or price for the performance of the work can be established when the order is placed. The Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board requires the provision of EIS services to meet the needs stated in this section. Contractors are expected to propose an appropriate mix of services to meet these needs.State needs in this section.Sample statements:The contractor shall engineer, design, configure, provide, and maintain a secure private data communications solution that will simultaneously provide data transmission between all locations as defined in Section J.2 of this solicitation The contractor shall engineer, design, configure, provide, and maintain data transmission to the sites defined in Section J.2, at the speeds defined in Section J.2The location defined in Section J.2 shall be designed and configured to provide 100% availability from the point of demarcation (POD), demarc extension, or demarc to all other locationsThe contractor’s proposed service(s) shall meet the requirements described in the section for the service in the EIS contract, as well as any agency-specific requirements detailed in this solicitation.Virtual Private Network Service (VPNS) Virtual Private Network Service (VPNS) allows a contractor-provided, shared network to appear to agency users as a private network. Such a network can be used in one or all of the following modes:Intranet ─ which provides secure tunnels between remote sites, utilizing broadband or dedicated access.Extranet ─ which enables trusted business partners to gain access to corporate information via secure/encrypted tunnels, utilizing broadband or dedicated access.Remote Access ─ which enables mobile/remote workers to gain access to secure corporate information via secure encrypted tunnels, utilizing dial, broadband, or dedicated access.The contractor’s proposed VPNS solution shall meet the requirements described in Section C.2.1.1 Virtual Private Network Service of the EIS contract, as well as any agency-specific requirements detailed in this solicitation.ConnectivityThe contractor’s proposed offering shall meet the connectivity requirements as described in Section C. Connectivity within the VPNS section in the EIS contract. This is where the agency may optionally specify any custom connectivity for this service.Technical CapabilitiesThe contractor’s proposed service shall include the technical capabilities as described in Section C. Technical Capabilities with the VPNS section of the EIS contract. This is where the agency may optionally specify any custom capabilities and technical requirements for this service.Features The contractor’s proposed offering shall include the features in the table below. These features are described in Section C. Features within the VPNS section of the EIS contract.VPNS Service FeaturesName of VPNS FeatureCustom RequirementsHigh availability optionsThis is where the agency may optionally specify any custom requirements for this feature.Interworking ServicesThe agency may specify any custom requirements for the feature here.The table above has been generated by SOW-ASSIST based on the information provided. Unused rows should be deleted before finalizing the document.Performance MetricsThe contractor's proposed VPNS solution shall meet the performance levels as specified in the EIS contract in VPNS Section C. Performance Metrics and Section G.8.2.1 Service Performance SLAs.This is where the agency may optionally specify any custom SLA requirements for this service.Internet Protocol Voice Service (IPVS)Internet Protocol Voice Service (IPVS) provides voice communications service and telephony features that traverse a managed IP network using the Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). VoIP allow users to make a call directly from a computer, a VoIP phone, or a traditional phone connected to a VoIP adapter. Under the EIS contract, an agency has the option to use IPVS provided as a network-based (hosted) or premises-based telephone service over a contractor-provided Internet Protocol (IP) network. For a complete IPVS solution, the contractor may also be required to provide Managed LAN Service. Managed LAN Service extends the IPVS from the site demarcation point to the terminating user devices.Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Trunk Service. SIP Trunk Service provides an IP connection between a SIP-enabled PBX system on an agency’s premises and the contractor’s SIP-compliant IPVS network. Both Managed LAN Service and SIP Trunk Service are subservices of IPVS, described in Sections C. and C. of the EIS Contract.The contractor's proposed IPVS solution shall meet the requirements described in Section C.2.2.1 Internet Protocol Voice Service of the EIS contract, as well as any agency-specific requirements detailed in this solicitation.ConnectivityThe contractor's proposed offering shall meet the connectivity requirements as described in Section C. Connectivity within the IPVS section in the EIS contract.The agency may specify any custom connectivity for this service here.Technical CapabilitiesThe provision of IPVS may also require the Managed LAN Service or SIP Trunking Service. The contractor’s proposed service shall include the technical capabilities as described in Section C. Technical Capabilities within the IPVS section of the EIS contract. The Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board also requires that the contractor plan, design, test, implement and deploy IPVS capability and features, including underlying services for connectivity and access, to meet Government agency requirements for voice.Section J.2 Service Locations of this solicitation includes current Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board voice services and infrastructure by site location. To support IP-enabled voice at agency locations, the contractor shall provide, as appropriate, Managed LAN Service as specified in Section C. Managed LAN Service of the EIS contract and/or Session Initiation Protocol Trunk Service as specified in Section C. Session Initiation Protocol Trunk Service of the EIS contract.The contractor shall train the agency system administration staff in the maintenance, administration and operation of the VoIP system.The agency may specify any custom capabilities and technical requirements for this service here.Features IPVS includes 23 standard telephony features as part of the basic service (e.g., Caller ID, Call transfer); there is no requirement for the agency to specify these features. See Section C. Features of the EIS contract for details.The contractor’s proposed offering shall include the features in the table below. These features are described in Section C. Features within the IPVS section of the EIS contract.Internet Protocol Voice Service FeaturesName of IPVS FeatureCustom RequirementsVoice Mail BoxThe agency may specify any custom requirements for the feature here.Auto AttendantThe agency may specify any custom requirements for the feature here.Augmented 911/E911 ServiceThe agency may specify any custom requirements for the feature here.SIP Trunk: Automatic call routingThe agency may specify any custom requirements for the feature here.SIP Trunk: Bandwidth QoS managementThe agency may specify any custom requirements for the feature here.SIP Trunk: Trunk burstingThe agency may specify any custom requirements for the feature here.SIP Trunk: Telephone number blocks (DID)The agency may specify any custom requirements for the feature here.The table above has been generated by SOW-ASSIST based on the information provided. Unused rows should be deleted before finalizing the document.Performance MetricsThe contractor's proposed IPVS solution shall meet the performance levels as specified in the EIS contract in IPVS Section C. Performance Metrics and Section G.8.2.1 Service Performance SLAs.The agency may specify any custom SLA requirements for this service here.Managed Trusted Internet Protocol Service (MTIPS)Managed Trusted Internet Protocol Service (MTIPS) comprises the network infrastructure to transport IP traffic between the agency Enterprise WAN and the Trusted Internet Connection (TIC) Portal; together these 2 components create an agency TIC Trusted Domain (DMZ) for IP traffic. Only MTIPS-certified vendors are allowed to offer agencies secure connectivity to the public Internet. These vendors are required to have certified and fully operational TIC, compliant with the OMB TIC directives and with authority-to-operate approval from the GSA. There are 2 parts associated with this service: the TIC portal and the transport for the collection and distribution of Internet traffic. The MTIPS-provided transport serves as a “collection” network for TIC physical or virtual portal connectivity, insulating an agency’s internal network from the Internet and other external networks. If the agency requires virtual instances to support a dynamic perimeter boundary, the agency must articulate this requirement in its task order (TO). The agency may also specify whether the other underlying services (access and transport services) already exist, or if the agency intends to procure the other services with this, or a separate, solicitation. The Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board has a requirement for the contractor to provide the capability for a secured connectivity to the public Internet using the Managed Trusted Internet Protocol Service (MTIPS). The contractor shall deliver and support MTIPS which shall comprise two (2) parts: (1) TIC Portal (TIC Access Points) and (2) Transport Collection and Distribution (MTIPS Transport). The contractor's proposed MTIPS solution shall meet the requirements described in Section C.2.8.4 Managed Trusted Internet Protocol Service of the EIS contract, as well as any agency-specific requirements detailed in this solicitation.ConnectivityThe contractor's proposed offering shall meet the connectivity requirements as explained in Section C. Connectivity within the MTIPS section in the EIS contract.The contractor shall take into consideration Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board’s unique connectivity requirements as applicable when designing an MTIPS solution for the agency. The MTIPS solution shall provide seamless connectivity for the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board’s networking environments and shall support the agency’s traffic traversing to the DHS Einstein Enclave for inspection (i.e. Internet, Extranet, and Cloud traffic). The hosted Einstein Enclave is described and depicted in the MTIPS Context Architecture defined in Section C. MTIPS Context Architecture of the EIS contract.The agency may specify any custom connectivity for this service here.Technical CapabilitiesTechnical Capabilities described in this section are specific to the agency’s requirements for MTIPS. The agency may describe the desired MTIPS technical capabilities from the baseline offerings and/or may specify additional capabilities within the scope, terms and conditions of the EIS contract.The contractor’s proposed service shall include the technical capabilities as described in Section C. Technical Capabilities within the MTIPS section of the EIS contract.The contractor shall support the requirements for routing of Internet, Extranet, and Cloud traffic to a DHS Einstein Enclave for inspection as defined in Section C. MTIPS Transport Collection and Distribution Capabilities of the EIS contract.TIC Portal CapabilitiesThe agency may articulate in this sub-section how the TIC Portal shall be managed and correlate with multiple independent traffic streams for the ordering agency and whether the contractor is required to provide virtual TIC capabilities upon request for agency resources hosted outside their physical boundaries. See Section C. TIC Portal Capabilities of the EIS contract for baseline requirements.MTIPS Transport Collection and Distribution CapabilitiesThe agency may articulate additional requirements for the MTIPS-provided transport collection and distribution capabilities which serve as a “collection” network for TIC physical or virtual portal connectivity insulating the agency’s internal network from the public Internet and other external networks.Requirements for routing of Internet, extranet, and cloud traffic to a DHS Einstein Enclave for inspection is defined in MTIPS.Requirements for MTIPS to transport IP traffic between the agency enterprise WAN and the TIC Portal to create an agency TIC Trusted Domain (DMZ) for IP traffic. Requirements to accommodate a dynamic and evolving agency perimeter boundary where contractor must also support virtual instances.See Section C. MTIPS Transport Collection and Distribution Capabilities of the EIS contract for baseline requirements.MTIPS Security RequirementsThe agency may articulate additional security requirements for MTIPS, including agency-specified SSP (System Security Plan) if required. See Sections C. MTIPS Security Requirements and C. System Security Plan (SSP) of the EIS contract.The agency may specify any custom capabilities and technical requirements for this service here.Features The contractor’s proposed offering shall include the features in the table below. These features are described in Section C. Features within the MTIPS section of the EIS contract.Managed Trusted Internet Protocol Service FeaturesName of MTIPS FeatureCustom RequirementsEncrypted TrafficThe agency may specify any custom requirements for the feature here.Agency Security Policy EnforcementThe agency may specify any custom requirements for the feature here.Forensic AnalysisThe agency may specify any custom requirements for the feature here.Custom ReportsThe agency may specify any custom requirements for the feature here.Agency NOC/SOC ConsoleThe agency may specify any custom requirements for the feature here.Custom Security Assessment and Authorization Support (formerly known as Certification & Accreditation (C&A))The agency may specify any custom requirements for the feature here.External Network ConnectionThe agency may specify any custom requirements for the feature here.Encrypted DMZThe agency may specify any custom requirements for the feature here.Remote AccessThe agency may specify any custom requirements for the feature here.Extranet ConnectionsThe agency may specify any custom requirements for the feature here.Inventory/Mapping ServiceThe agency may specify any custom requirements for the feature here.The table above has been generated by SOW-ASSIST based on the information provided. Unused rows should be deleted before finalizing the document.Performance MetricsThe contractor's proposed MTIPS solution shall meet the performance levels as specified in the EIS contract in MTIPS Section C. Performance Metrics and Section G.8.2.1 Service Performance SLAs.The agency may specify any custom SLA requirements for this service here.Service Related Equipment (SRE)The Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board is seeking the purchase, installation, de-installation, and maintenance and support of contractor-provided Service-Related Equipment (SRE). The SRE requirements to deliver the requested telecommunications and technology services, as described in Section C.2.10 Service Related Equipment of the EIS contract, shall apply.The contractor shall install SRE as required to meet the specifications of the terminal equipment located at the government SDP. The details and specifications for the interfaces at each SDP will be provided in the service order.The SRE required to deliver the services under this solicitation will be purchased by Single installment. The SRE to be provided by the contractor shall be new and not refurbished.The contractor shall meet and comply with the requirements for Payment Methods as described in Section B.2.10.4 Payment Methods of the EIS contract.Service Related LaborContractor support services (called service related labor under the EIS contract) must be incidental to the EIS services being implemented or supported. Labor for construction, alteration, and repair (if applicable) is only in scope as necessary to offer a complete telecommunications solution provided that it is integral to and necessary for the effort stated in the task order.The allowed scope for labor service is described in Section C.2.11 of the EIS contract. Job descriptions for EIS labor categories are presented in Section J.5 of the EIS contract.Labor services performed under the EIS contract are either time and materials (T&M), or firm fixed price.The contractor shall propose an appropriate labor mix to meet agency requirements for support services. The contractor shall provide qualified staff proficient in network management, LAN/WAN engineering, data and communications, or voice communication systems as appropriate. The tasks listed below shall be performed by the contractor.List of Labor TasksVPNS-SpecificVPNS-Specific Labor Placeholder 1 TaskVPNS-Specific Labor Placeholder 2 TaskIPVS-SpecificIPVS-Specific Labor Placeholder 1 TaskIPVS-Specific Labor Placeholder 2 TaskMTIPS-SpecificMTIPS-Specific Labor Placeholder 1 TaskMTIPS-Specific Labor Placeholder 2 TaskDetails of Labor TasksVPNS-SpecificVPNS-Specific Labor Placeholder 1 TaskThe agency may specify the requirements for this task here.VPNS-Specific Labor Placeholder 2 TaskThe agency may specify the requirements for this task here.IPVS-SpecificIPVS-Specific Labor Placeholder 1 TaskThe agency may specify the requirements for this task here.IPVS-Specific Labor Placeholder 2 TaskThe agency may specify the requirements for this task here.MTIPS-SpecificMTIPS-Specific Labor Placeholder 1 TaskThe agency may specify the requirements for this task here.MTIPS-Specific Labor Placeholder 2 TaskThe agency may specify the requirements for this task here.Security RequirementsSome agencies have security requirements above those included in the EIS contract (see Section C.1.8.7 of the EIS contract, in addition to security provisions of the individual services in Section C.2 of the EIS contract). This section should be used to specify such services, if any.The contractor shall meet all requirements included in Section C.1.8.7 System Security Requirements of the EIS contract. The contractor shall, in addition, comply with Section J.4 Security Assessment and Authorization (formerly known as Certification and Accreditation [C&A]) Requirements of this solicitation, as well as with the personnel security requirements below.Personnel Background Investigation RequirementsThe contractor will require access to government sensitive information and/or access to government information systems. All contractor personnel must successfully complete, at a minimum, a National Agency Check with Written Inquiries (NACI) in accordance with Homeland Security Presidential Directive-12 (HSPD-12), Office of Management and Budget (OMB) guidance M-05-24, M-11-11 and as specified in agency specified directives (Suitability and Personnel Security) for background investigations to provide services under this contract. The required background investigations for administrative personnel shall be a minimum of a NACI, and for technical staff and personnel who handle Personal Identifiable Information (PII) shall be a Minimum Background Investigation (MBI) or higher depending upon their access and control over the systems. The agency will identify all individuals who require system accounts and verify that they have successfully completed the required background investigations prior to providing them access to government sensitive information or information systems.The contractor shall insert this clause in all subcontracts when the subcontractor is required to have physical access to a federally-controlled facility or access to a Federal information system.Protection of Government InformationThe contractor shall be responsible for properly protecting all information used, gathered, or developed as a result of this contract. The contractor shall implement procedures that ensure that appropriate administrative, technical, and physical safeguards are established to ensure the security and confidentiality of sensitive government information, data, and/or equipment. The contractor’s procedures shall be consistent with Government and GSA policies, including agency specified directive, Information Technology Security Policy, OMB Circular A-130 (Management of Federal Information Resources), OMB M-06-16, OMB M-07-16, HSPD12, and the Privacy Act. In addition, during all activities and operations on Government premises the contractor shall comply with the procedures, policies, rules, and regulations governing the conduct of personnel or protection of Government facilities and data as expressed by GSA, written or oral.All contractor personnel shall take the annual Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board IT Security Awareness Training Course before being allowed access to Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board computers and networks.The contractor shall insert this clause in all subcontracts when the subcontractor is required to have physical access to a federally-controlled facility or access to a federal information system.Personnel Security ClearancesIt is anticipated that certain work under this task order will require a security clearance at a Top Secret level. At least one person must possess a clearance at this level or higher. Clearance level and additional guidance is provided on the Department of Defense Contract Security Classification Specification (DD Form 254).List agency-specific security requirements here.Packaging and MarkingThe agency should replace this page with appropriate Packaging, Packing, Shipping and Marking content. Required by FAR 16.505(a)(7)(vi).Inspection and AcceptanceThe agency should replace this page with appropriate Inspection and Acceptance content.Deliveries or PerformanceThe agency should replace this page with appropriate Deliveries or Performance content, and schedule. Required by FAR 16.505(a)(7)(iv) and 16.505(a)(7)(v).Contract Administration DataTask orders under IDIQ Contracts must contain the accounting and appropriation data and method of payment and payment office, if not specified in the contract. Required by FAR 16.505(a)(7)(vii) and 16.505(a)(7)(viii).BEST PRACTICE 4: Take advantage of the standard reporting requirements built into the EIS contract. The EIS contract requires contractors to provide regular management reports and data, and performance and usage monitoring, at no additional charge. Avoid requirements that can result in paying an EIS contractor to produce the same result by other means or paying another contractor to duplicate the no-charge EIS requirements.Do not request additional reporting from the contractors if there is no business need, as this will increase costs.BENEFIT: Money saved on contractor reporting.The roles and responsibilities of the EIS contractor shall commence upon task order award. The EIS requirements for contract administration, management and operational support shall be met at no additional cost to the agency, and shall apply throughout the life of the task order for all deployed services. The contractor shall also support and assist GSA and the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board in transitioning EIS services to the next contract. The contractor shall meet and comply with the requirements for contract administration and operational support for subscribed EIS services in accordance with Section G Contract Administration Data of the EIS contract. The contractor shall support and comply with the following:G.2 – Contract AdministrationG.3 – OrderingG.4 – BillingG.5 – Business Support SystemsG.6 – Service AssuranceG.7 – Inventory ManagementG.8 – Service Level ManagementG.9 – Program ManagementG.10 – TrainingG.11 – National Security and Emergency PreparednessG.12 – Requirements for Climate Change Adaptation, Sustainability and GreenInitiativesRequirements for BillingThe contractor shall bill the agency directly for all charges incurred by the agency and its sub-agencies. The contractor will be paid directly by the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board. The contractor shall be responsible for collecting the Associated Government Fee (AGF) and remittance of the total AGF amount collected for the month to GSA by electronic funds transfer (EFT).Requirements to Support Task OrderTask orders associated with this solicitation will be issued by the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board and will identify the services and contractor support requirements. The contractor shall meet the requirements for all scheduled deliverables identified herein, including agency-specific contract administration data, operational support, any applicable service-related equipment, and service level performance. (See Section G.3.2 Task Orders of the EIS contract) The task or service order(s) associated with this solicitation may contain a combination of CLINs from the base contract and task order specific requirements for services, features, and performance. Task order specific pricing submission details are described in Section J.4.1 Task Order Specific Pricing of the EIS contract.If Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board chooses to use GSA Conexus to submit Service Orders, the contractor shall accept Service Orders (SO) via web services from the GSA Conexus application in the Conexus data dictionary format.Ordering for Services by Authorized Person(s)For each order, the OCO is the sole and exclusive government official with authority to take actions that may bind the government. The contractor shall verify that an OCO has the required Delegation of Procurement Authority (DPA) issued by GSA. The OCO may designate one or more CORs or ordering official to assist the CO with administering the task order. The contractor shall not accept or bill the government for task orders or service orders from an unauthorized person. (See Sections G. Task Order Authority / OCO and G. OCO Duties of the EIS contract)Requirements for Deliverables and Data ExchangeThe contractor shall meet and comply with the deliverables and data exchange requirements as described in Section J.2 Contractor Data Interaction Plan (CDIP) of the EIS contract. The CDIP provides functional requirements and process details to further describe the common operations, process flows, data exchange and system interfaces, and the deliverables required in accordance with the management and operational support requirements cited in Sections G.3 thru G.10 of the EIS contract.The requirements and contents of each data set described in Section J.2.10.3 Data Set Content of the EIS contract shall apply. The detailed contents of each data set to be exchanged as part of the processes are described throughout the CDIP of the EIS contract for the following functions: J.2.3Task Order Data ManagementJ.2.4OrderingJ.2.5BillingJ.2.6Billing & Inventory DisputesJ.2.7Inventory ManagementJ.2.8SLA ManagementData requirements and the transfer mechanisms cited in Sections J.2.9 Data Transfer Mechanisms and J.2.10 Data Dictionary of the EIS contract shall also ernment-Furnished PropertyDuring performance of individual service orders, the government may, at its discretion, provide the items listed below as necessary for the contractor to fulfill the orders. Any GFE provided under individual service orders will be specified in the individual service ernment Furnished Property/Equipment (GFP/GFE). The government may provide hardware and/or software requiring technical analysis, evaluation, verification, or study in support of a specific task. The government may also provide office space, laboratory equipment and supplies, as applicable, in support of a specific task. Such GFP/GFE will be specified in individual service orders.GFP/GFE provided to the contractor in support of individual service orders shall be tracked through applicable procedures provided by the agency CO in accordance with the ernment property shall be accounted for and marked accordingly for identification and tracking purposes with the contract number, task order number, serial number, and other information as required by the agency CO.All GFP/GFE shall be returned to the government at the completion of each service order unless otherwise ernment Furnished Information (GFI). The government may provide information (e.g., technical data, applicable documents, plans, regulations, specifications, etc.) in support of a specific service order. Such GFI will be specified in individual service ernment-Furnished Workspace. Such government-furnished workspace will be specified in individual service orders.This is where the agency may specify GFP requirements.Department of Homeland Security Office of Emergency Communications Priority Telecommunications ServicesIf Telecommunication Service Priority is needed then include the paragraph below, edited appropriately, in the solicitation. Otherwise, delete this section. At locations indicated in Section J.2 Service Locations, the contractor shall fully comply and interoperate with all applicable Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Office of Emergency Communications (OEC) Priority Telecommunications Services including TSP, Government Emergency Telecommunications Service (GETS), Wireless Priority Service (WPS) and, when released, Next Generation Network Priority Services (NGN-PS). Special Contract RequirementsAcquisition SelectedThis section assumes that the agency will issue service orders after issuance of the task order (TO) resulting from this solicitation. Agencies have the option of including service orders within the solicitation. If an agency selects this latter approach, all service-order-related information must be added to the solicitation (see Section G.3 Ordering of the EIS contract).The Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board has selected the EIS contract. An Indefinite-Delivery, Indefinite-Quantity (IDIQ) Fixed Price with Economic Price Adjustment (EPA) task order (TO) will be issued under the EIS contract to the successful contractor, and service orders placed under that TO. The contractor shall submit contract modification proposals in a timely fashion to add to its contract any Core Based Statistical Areas (CBSAs) required for the provision of all required services.The contractor shall adhere to the terms and conditions specified in the EIS contract in addition to the service specific requirements in this solicitation. Note that this solicitation may contain requirements supplemental to those defined in the EIS contract. The contractor is responsible for recognizing and supporting those supplemental requirements.Period of PerformanceThe task order term will be from the date of award through a base period (for example, one year) plus 1 option periods. The overall period of performance is specified in the following table:Start DateEnd DateBase Period6/30/20176/29/2018Option Period 16/30/20186/29/2019The table above has been generated by SOW-ASSIST based on the information provided. Unused rows should be deleted before finalizing the document. Place of PerformanceThe contractor shall provide the required service(s) to the service location(s) provided in Section J.2 Service Locations of this solicitation. Contract ClausesThe agency should replace this page with appropriate agency contract clauses.List of AttachmentsAttachments included below are samples generated by SOW-ASSIST that may be tailored based on agency requirements. Otherwise, they should be deleted before finalizing the document.NOTE: Double-clicking an attachment file may produce the error "Word cannot start the converter mswrd632.wpc," which is a known Microsoft issue (). Microsoft provides the following workaround:?right-click on the embedded attachment (instead of double-clicking) and then select "Document Object" and then use "Open" (instead of "Convert") from the pop-up menu.Pricing SpreadsheetThe attachment above can be used to provide a structure for contractors to provide pricing in response to the solicitation.Service LocationsBEST PRACTICE 5: Complete the locations spreadsheet including current services transitioning to EIS and any new EIS requirements. Complete the locations spreadsheet for every agency site location, listing all services and their associated features and SRE, if known, that the agency plans to order. For transitions from another contract, the agency’s current inventory can be used as a starting point. BENEFIT: This will help the contractors map agency current services to EIS contract services.List of Task Order DeliverablesThe contractor shall provide all deliverables required by the EIS contract to the agency.BEST PRACTICE 6: If agency-specific task order deliverables are required, specify in detail. State very clearly and concisely any expected task order deliverables outside of those required as part of the contractor’s EIS contract. Include expected delivery date(s), services, etc. BENEFIT: This will help ensure contractors meet agency expectations.This section has been generated by SOW-ASSIST as a placeholder for relevant information to be inserted. If it is not required, it should be deleted along with any references to it before finalizing the document.Security Assessment and Authorization (formerly known as Certification and Accreditation [C&A]) Requirements\sAdditional InformationThis section has been generated by SOW-ASSIST as a placeholder for relevant information to be inserted. If it is not required, it should be deleted along with any references to it before finalizing the work Interface DiagramsBEST PRACTICE 7: Include the agency’s network interface diagram(s). Whenever possible, include the agency’s network interface diagram(s) at least at a high level. BENEFIT: This will assist the prospective service provider(s) in fully understanding the agency’s network and facilitate better overall service solution(s) results.Note that example diagrams that have been generated by SOW-ASSIST may appear in this section. These may be updated or replaced as needed. If not required, they should be deleted before finalizing the document.VPNS Network Interface DiagramIPVS Network Interface DiagramMTIPS Network Interface DiagramRepresentations, Certifications, and Other Statements of Offerors or RespondentsThe contractors completed the representations and certifications required by the FAR prior to contract award. No additional representations and certifications are required.Instructions, Conditions, and Notices to Offerors or RespondentsEIS contractors are expected to review, understand, and comply with all aspects of this solicitation. All proposals received by the closing date and time will be evaluated in accordance with the evaluation criteria in Section M Evaluation Factors for Award.Questions and clarifications concerning this solicitation shall be submitted in writing via email to: name and email address, no later than Q&A Closing Date (MM/DD/YYYY).Solicitation Closing Date and TimePROPOSALS MUST BE RECEIVED ON OR BEFORE 3:00 PM EST ON 4/28/2017.Any proposal received by the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board after the due date and time will not be considered.Preparation and Delivery InstructionsThe proposal shall be delivered to: POC Name/Title Email PhoneProposals shall be submitted in three separate volumes as shown below:VOLUMEVOLUME TITLEFORMATPAGE LIMITATIONSVol. IPRICE PROPOSALMS-EXCELNo page limitVol. IITECHNICAL PROPOSALTechnical approachManagement approachPDFn maximum number of pagesVol. IIIPAST PERFORMANCEPDFn maximum number of pagesThe table above is an example generated by SOW-ASSIST that may be tailored based on agency requirements. FORMAT. All materials shall be in typeface Times New Roman 11 point (or Arial 11 point), and formatted to print on 8-1/2 x 11” white paper with one-inch margins all around. Tables and illustrations may use reduced font style but not less than 8-point. All material submitted may be single-spaced. Each page must provide identification of the submitting contractor in the header or footer.MATERIALS SUBMITTED. The contractor is advised that all submissions and related material become the property of the government and will not be returned. The technical and price proposals, if accepted by the government, will form binding parts of the task orders that result from this solicitation. Therefore, care must be taken to properly address the requirements set forth in this solicitation. PROPRIETARY DATA. Each page of the contractor’s proposals must be reviewed and marked as to proprietary data content by the contractor in strict compliance with FAR 52.215-1. Also see FAR 3.104-4. A single blanket statement at the front of the proposal is not acceptable. Failure to mark every page will subject your proposal to public release through Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.Preparation of Price ProposalThe text below makes several references to TUCs (Task-Order Unique CLINs). If the agency intends to accept only existing fixed price CLINs that are on the EIS contracts, that should be stated and the references to TUCs removed.Contractors shall use the price model provided in Section J.1 Pricing Spreadsheet of this solicitation to prepare their price proposals. The model contains the baseline service requirements (i.e., bandwidth, data rates, access type, routine/critical) by service site locations. The list of service locations is provided in Section J.2 Service Locations of this solicitation. The contractor shall identify the CLINs needed to provide services for each location, including TUCs if necessary, as well as any non-recurring charges (NRC) that they will waive for the purposes of transition. The contractor may add rows, columns, or worksheets to accommodate the required pricing information.The price model along with the CLINs for each site code (service locations) identified in Section J.2 of this solicitation will be used to determine price reasonableness and the prices of the proposed services to meet the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board‘s requirements. In the price model, the contractor shall provide all the Service Related Equipment (SRE) necessary and sufficient to enable the government to implement all proposed services on an end-to-end basis. For pricing purposes, the contractor shall identify each SRE by its separately priced components, as described in Section B.2.10 Service Related Equipment of the EIS contract.Where service-related labor is proposed, the proposed CLINs and/or TUCs shall be indicated in the price proposal.The price proposal must be submitted as a separate document from the Technical Proposal. While there is no page limit for the Price Proposal, the contractor must provide the necessary detail and supporting information to address the solicitation requirements and to allow a complete analysis of each line item price. Pricing proposals for services, features or capabilities pricing information should be consistent with the structure and content in Section B of the EIS contract. Contractors shall provide a listing of any new TUCs proposed, and shall map those proposed TUCs to the technical requirements in their proposal. The contractor’s price proposal shall include price schedules for the services, related priced features, and Service Related Equipment (SRE) and related service options as required in this solicitation. Responses shall include price schedules for all contract periods including all option years. The price tables must specify the EIS contract year, and the associated start date and end date. The contractor shall clearly identify any location that is in a CBSA that is currently not included in the contractor’s EIS contract.Prices shall be fixed, or on a time and materials basis, for all services and features for each applicable fiscal year within the contract period. TUC prices shall be developed under the procedures described in the EIS contract.Contractors are required to submit their pricing using the pricing template in Section J.1 Pricing Spreadsheet of this solicitation. Failure to do so may result in the proposal being removed from consideration.Preparation of Technical ProposalThe contractor’s technical proposal shall address each paragraph and subparagraph of Section C Description/Specifications/Statement of Work of this solicitation and shall meet and comply with all requirements in this solicitation. The contractor shall demonstrate a clear understanding of the requirements and shall follow the Technical Proposal format described below, referencing the paragraph and section numbers in the solicitation. If the contractor simply restates the requirements in Section C of this solicitation, the contractor’s proposal will be removed from consideration for award.Refer to Section M.2 Technical Evaluation Criteria of this solicitation for a description of the evaluation factors and sub-factors, and for information on the contractor’s requirements to provide narrative descriptions and/or diagrams that explain the proposed services. The contractor must stipulate that it has read, understands, and will meet the government’s requirements. The technical proposal shall include a detailed description of the contractor’s proposed solution including associated Service Related Equipment (SRE) and installation procedures.All critical information supplied by the contractor from appendices shall be identified and summarized in the technical proposal. Not included in the page limitation are the following: Cover/title page Table of contentsExecutive summaryDivider pagesTable summarizing the qualifications of proposed personnelThe technical proposal shall include the technical approach and management approach and shall be organized into the sections listed below. This structure follows the technical evaluation criteria listed in Section M.2 of this solicitation.Technical Design and Approach (agencies must state what they want the contractors to submit for evaluation for this requirement)Service Delivery, Operations, and Management Approach (to include resumes of key personnel) (agencies must state what they want the contractors to submit for evaluation for this requirement)Past PerformanceIf the agency has additional proposal instructions above and beyond the instructions stated in this solicitation, they may be provided in this section. Conversely, an agency is not required to use any or all of the instructions contained herein. Past PerformanceAgencies are encouraged to use the Past Performance Information Retrieval System (PPIRS) to obtain information about EIS contractors’ previous performance. For those choosing to do so, this section can be removed. Contractors shall submit the following information as part of their proposal:The contractor shall describe its past performance directly related to contracts it has held within the last 3 years that are similar in scope, magnitude, and complexity to the tasks described in this solicitation, and on which the contractor has performed for a minimum of one (1) year. Contractors shall provide three (3) relevant examples. Each example is limited to two (2) pages in length.The contractor shall provide relevant past performance documentation and references for services comparable to those described in Section C of this solicitation. Past performances listed may include those entered into by the government, state and local government agencies, and commercial customers. The contractors shall notify each of their private-sector (commercial) references that they may be contacted by the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board and authorize them to provide the past performance information requested. References other than those identified by the contractor may be contacted by the government, and the information received from these contacts may be used in the evaluation of the contractor’s past performance.For each reference, provide the following:Customer/Agency nameContract titleContract or task order numberTotal contract/project valueThe percent of total contract/project work complete to date by the offerorContract/project start date and end dateCustomer’s/CO’s name, address, email address and telephone numberCustomer’s / Program Manager’s name, address, email address and telephone numberA description of the work performed by the offerorProvide information on problems encountered on the identified contracts and the offeror’s corrective actions.Evaluation Factors for AwardBEST PRACTICE 8: Provide evaluation criteria. Ordering contracting Officers (OCO)s have broad discretion in issuing task orders and should consider evaluation factors such as past performance, quality of deliverables, cost control, price or cost, or other relevant factors. State the factors – technical, management, past performance, price, etc. - that will be used in the evaluation, including relative values. Be certain that all important requirements have a corresponding evaluation factor so that proposals can be properly differentiated.BENEFIT: Proposals that are more responsive to agency needs.NOTE: FAR 16.505 (b)(1)(v)(B) does not strictly require formal evaluation plans or scoring of quotation/proposals.The government will evaluate the contractor’s proposal to determine if the service offerings satisfy the specific requirements under this solicitation, based on the evaluation factors defined in this section. To result in an award, the contractor’s proposal must demonstrate the ability to satisfy all technical requirements as set forth in Section C Description/Specifications/Statement of Work and must conform to all required terms and conditions of the EIS contract.The government may award a contract based on the initial proposal without discussions or negotiations with contractors, in accordance with FAR 52.215-1. Therefore, it is important that each proposal be fully compliant, without exception to any requirement, clause, or provision. Contractors should submit initial proposals which respond most favorably to the solicitation’s requirements.Evaluation TypeNote: The agency should select either Best Value with Tradeoffs or Lowest Price Technically Acceptable (LPTA). Delete all information in this template relevant to the method that was NOT selected.The award will be made to the offeror that presents the overall best value to the government using a Best Value with Tradeoffs evaluation process.SUGGESTED EVALUATION LANGUAGE IF BEST VALUE WITH TRADEOFFS IS SELECTED BY THE AGENCY(Agency may remove or modify the narratives below)The government anticipates awarding a task order to the contractor whose proposal represents the best value, price and other factors considered. All evaluation factors other than price, when combined, are considered significantly more important than price.The government intends to evaluate proposals and may award a contract without discussions. However, the government reserves the right to conduct discussions if determined by the CO to be necessary. Therefore, each initial offer should contain the contractor’s best proposal from both a price and a technical standpoint.Proposals received in response to this solicitation will be evaluated by the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board pursuant to the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), in accordance with FAR 52.215-1, and in accordance with the evaluation criteria set forth herein. The government intends to make one award to the responsible contractor whose proposal, conforming to the solicitation, is determined most advantageous to the government, all technical and price factors considered. The relative importance of the evaluation factors is as follows:Non-price factors are shown in descending order of importance.All evaluation factors other than price when combined are significantly more important than price.Price has not been assigned a numerical weight. Contractors are reminded that the government is not obligated to award a negotiated contract on the basis of lowest proposed price, or to the contractor with the highest technical evaluation score. Although for this procurement, technical proposal merits are considered substantially more important than price when deciding which contractor might best perform the work, pricing factors and Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board’s budget may also be considered.As technical scores converge, price may become a deciding factor in the award. Therefore, after the final evaluation of proposals, the Contracting Officer (CO) will make the award to the contractor whose proposal offers the best value to the government considering both technical and price factors.SUGGESTED EVALUATION LANGUAGE IF LOWEST PRICE TECHNICALLY ACCEPTABLE (LPTA) IS SELECTED BY THE AGENCY(Agency may remove or modify the narratives below)Award will be made to the contractor whose proposal represents lowest price technically acceptable as defined in FAR 15, Subpart 15.101-2. The contractor’s proposal will be evaluated with regard to its ability to meet the tasks set forth in the PWS. To result in an award, the contractor’s proposal must demonstrate the ability to satisfy all technical requirements as set forth in Section C Description/Specifications/Statement of Work of this solicitation, and must conform to all required terms and conditions of the EIS contract.Lowest price technically acceptable source selection process:The lowest price technically acceptable source selection process is appropriate when best value to the government is expected to result from selection of the technically acceptable proposal with the lowest evaluated price. When using the lowest price technically acceptable process, the following apply: The evaluation factors and significant sub-factors that establish the requirements of acceptability shall be set forth in the solicitation. Solicitations shall specify that the award will be made on the basis of the lowest-evaluated price of proposals meeting or exceeding the acceptability standards for non-price factors. If the CO documents the file pursuant to 15.304(c)(3)(iii), past performance need not be an evaluation factor in lowest price technically acceptable source selections. If the CO elects to consider past performance as an evaluation factor, it shall be evaluated in accordance with 15.305. However, the comparative assessment in 15.305(a)(2)(i) does not apply. Proposals are evaluated for acceptability but not ranked using non-price factors.Technical Evaluation CriteriaThe government will review the responses to this solicitation to ensure that contractors have addressed the requirements outlined in Section C Description/Specifications/Statement of Work of this solicitation and are sufficient in detail and clarity to allow the government to determine whether the proposed services, technical approach, and agency-specific solutions are acceptable, or if the government desires to enable the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board CO to identify items for discussions.The agency may select an adjectival rating system, a points system, or any other approved rating system. The technical evaluation criteria will serve as the standard against which all technical proposals will be evaluated and will serve to identify the significant discussion items that contractors should address in their proposals. The Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board realizes that each contractor selected as one of the EIS contractors has successfully demonstrated to the government that its services are acceptable. The proposal should assume this as a foundation and only address the unique requirements of this solicitation without repeating from the earlier proposal submitted for EIS RFP unless doing so will help the government evaluators understand the proposed service. Contractors should be aware that a proposal requiring contract modifications (such as the addition of CBSA coverage not on the contractor’s contract as of submission of the proposal) may receive a lower technical evaluation.SUGGESTED TECHNICAL EVALUATION CRITERIA (Agency may remove, add to or modify the narratives below)The government will evaluate the contractor’s proposal based upon the following three factors: Factor 1: Technical Design and ApproachFactor 2: Service Delivery, Operations and Management ApproachFactor 3: Past PerformanceEach of the above factors has one or more sub-factors. To achieve an acceptable rating, the contractor’s Technical Proposal must achieve a pass rating on all sub-factors.The evaluations will be based on the factors and sub-factors listed in descending order of importance for each and what the proposal should provide to meet the minimum technical acceptability rating.The government will evaluate each of the contractor’s technical proposals to determine if the service offerings satisfy the specific requirements. The factors and sub-factors are presented below.NOTE: Not all of these factors and their corresponding sub-factors may apply to every service. The agency must review, revise as necessary, and delete the factors/sub-factors that do not apply to their solicitation.Factor 1: Technical Design and ApproachThe extent to which the proposal demonstrates a clear understanding of the statement of work and the degree to which the proposed technical design and implementation approach is technically and managerially sound and likely to produce results and meet the objectives of the EIS service(s) as described in this solicitation.Technical Design Sub-FactorThe extent to which the proposed solution effectively addresses the agency’s requirements. The proposal shall contain the technical design elements/components and their advantages. The technical aspects of the design will be evaluated under this sub-factor. The technical solution proposed must thoroughly describe in narrative form the technical requirements and must be sufficiently specific, detailed, and complete to clearly and fully demonstrate the techniques and procedures the contractor will employ to meet the agency’s requirements.A design diagram (i.e., network interface diagram, process diagram, network architecture and topology, etc.) may be provided to identify and describe the critical components of the proposed solution.Technical Design Sub-Factor Applicable ServicesThis sub-factor applies to the following service(s):Virtual Private Network Service (VPNS) Internet Protocol Voice Service (IPVS) Managed Trusted Internet Protocol Service (MTIPS) Availability Sub-FactorThe proposed solution shall demonstrate how the contractor achieves availability. The contractor shall provide the proposed availability by segment {i.e., Transport and Digital Access Arrangement (DAA)} for each service used in the proposal and the service level (routine and critical). The proposal shall identify how the proposed values equal or exceed the requirements found in the EIS contract as modified by this solicitation. The proposal shall identify how resiliency is achieved for points of presence and for the backbone network.The contractor shall provide recent historical Availability Data or a Service Level Agreement (SLA) Performance Report for their network for at least a six month period of time.Availability Sub-Factor Applicable ServicesThis sub-factor applies to the following service(s):Virtual Private Network Service (VPNS) Internet Protocol Voice Service (IPVS) Managed Trusted Internet Protocol Service (MTIPS) Related SRE Sub-FactorThe extent to which the technical proposal shall identify the Service Related Equipment (SRE) and their capability used in the design. The technical proposal shall also contain a description of the various configurations the contractor has used in the design and identify the components and their CLINs used to price the configuration. The description shall identify any equipment the contractor plans to install at the government site and how that equipment interfaces with the government equipment on-site (for example, description how contractor-provided SRE will interface with government site equipment where aggregation solution is proposed).Generalized diagrams or an equipment list may be provided. Referencing the CSUs and modems identified in the price spreadsheet (price model), the contractor shall identify the device(s) proposed and provide a short description along with capabilities of each. In addition, the contractor shall identify any other equipment expected to be used.Related SRE Sub-Factor Applicable ServicesThis sub-factor applies to the following service(s):Virtual Private Network Service (VPNS) Internet Protocol Voice Service (IPVS) Managed Trusted Internet Protocol Service (MTIPS) Factor 2: Service Delivery, Operations and Management ApproachManagement Approach Sub-FactorThe extent to which the contractor’s management approach demonstrates best practices, reasonableness, and realism. The proposed solution should describe a logical sequence of events, including a proposed implementation timeline, needed to make the implementation a success. The proposed solution should demonstrate coordination with other parallel services from the agency’s current service provider and other support contractors. If the agency requires a service in CBSAs where the contractor does not currently provide that service, the contractor should identify the affected locations and demonstrate clearly how the contractor will complete necessary contract modifications to provide the service in accordance with the agency’s schedule requirements.The agency will evaluate the realism of the staffing proposed including labor categories and labor hours proposed, the flow of project management, and implementation activities from start to completion (including schedule).The agency will evaluate whether the approach is sufficiently specific, detailed, and complete to demonstrate a clear and full understanding of the work, risks (including required contract modifications), and risk management.The agency will evaluate proposed escalation procedures for close monitoring and reporting of implementation progress, identification of critical issues that may arise and keeping the agency apprised of the possible risks that could develop.The agency will evaluate the reporting assignment of key personnel as well as managerial and critical positions within the organizational chart for completeness, reasonableness, appropriateness, and effectiveness.The agency will evaluate the realism, effectiveness, and efficiency of the contractor’s proposed organizational structure, including policies, procedures, and techniques for managing the proposed work to include subcontractors. This evaluation will include the contractor‘s approach to quality management of the required support services through surveillance, organizational structure, staffing and utilization, and distribution of the workforce in meeting contract requirements, cost constraints, and schedules.The agency will evaluate the reasonableness of any assumptions made in preparing a response to this solicitation.Management Approach Sub-Factor Applicable ServicesThis sub-factor applies to the following service(s):Virtual Private Network Service (VPNS) Internet Protocol Voice Service (IPVS) Managed Trusted Internet Protocol Service (MTIPS) Staffing Approach Sub-FactorThe extent to which the contractor’s proposal demonstrates effectiveness, completeness, and adequacy of the proposed staffing approach, including corporate reachback (i.e., acquisition of affiliate personnel services limited to specific areas of expertise and in duration.), and how it will satisfy the contract requirements.The agency will evaluate the contractor’s staffing approach to assess the ability of the contractor to supply a sufficient workforce to meet the agency’s requirements.The agency will evaluate the Key Personnel Resumes for relevancy, qualifications, career progression, and breadth of experience.The agency will evaluate the qualifications of staff, including the project manager, lead solution engineer, lead deployment engineer, and any other individuals proposed to fill positions identified by the contractor to be critical for adequacy, relevancy, competency, training, and experience in meeting the agency’s requirements.The agency will evaluate for effectiveness and adequacy any proposed strategy to overcome shortfalls in the primary staffing strategy and the approach to providing backup in the event of absences or vacancies.The agency will evaluate for effectiveness, adequacy, and responsiveness the contractor‘s approach to staffing for fluctuating requirements.The agency will evaluate for adequacy the contractor‘s comprehensive hiring plan, which presents the approximate number of personnel to be hired from incumbents, those to be transferred from within the contractor‘s own organization, and those from other sources.The agency will assess the contractor‘s planned incumbent capture rate, the basis of this rate, and the effectiveness of methods and schedule proposed to recruit and hire incumbents and new hires.Staffing Approach Sub-Factor Applicable ServicesThis sub-factor applies to the following service(s):Virtual Private Network Service (VPNS) Internet Protocol Voice Service (IPVS) Managed Trusted Internet Protocol Service (MTIPS) Performance Reporting Sub-FactorThe proposed solution shall describe providing the agency with a web-based administrative tool that provides basic security alerts, incidents, and reports including real-time performance information related to the health of the contractor’s services.Performance Reporting Sub-Factor Applicable ServicesThis sub-factor applies to the following service(s):Virtual Private Network Service (VPNS) Internet Protocol Voice Service (IPVS) Managed Trusted Internet Protocol Service (MTIPS) Ordering & Billing Sub-FactorThe extent to which the contractor demonstrates understanding of the agency’s unique ordering and billing requirements and can ensure compatibility with agency’s billing data and systems.Ordering & Billing Sub-Factor Applicable ServicesThis sub-factor applies to the following service(s):Virtual Private Network Service (VPNS) Internet Protocol Voice Service (IPVS) Managed Trusted Internet Protocol Service (MTIPS) Factor 3: Past PerformancePast Performance History/Track Record Sub-FactorThe offeror will be evaluated with respect to its past performance of projects similar in size and scope to the requirements in this solicitation.This assessment will first consider the five (5) most recent relevant ratings available in the Past Performance Information Retrieval System (PPIRS) that are of similar size and scope to the work effort described in this solicitation. If five such ratings are not available in PPIRS, then the government shall use the information received from the offeror. It is presumed that offerors have previously had an opportunity to respond to adverse past performance for ratings that were entered in the Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System (CPARS) and subsequently loaded into PPIRS; therefore, offerors will not be provided another opportunity to address adverse past performance if their PPIRS ratings are used as part of the evaluation.Past performance will be evaluated by assigning an adjectival rating based on:1. Relevant History. Degree to which the offeror demonstrates relevant history on projects and contracts of similar size and scope to the services sought in this solicitation.2. Customer Satisfaction. Level of customer satisfaction with delivering services on projects and contracts of similar size and scope to those sought in this solicitation.With regard to the government’s evaluation of past performance, offerors should note that in accordance with FAR 15.305 (2)(iv):“In the case of an offeror without a record of relevant past performance or for whom information on past performance is not available, the offeror may not be evaluated favorably or unfavorably on past performance.”Past Performance History/Track Record Sub-Factor Applicable ServicesThis sub-factor applies to the following service(s):Virtual Private Network Service (VPNS) Internet Protocol Voice Service (IPVS) Managed Trusted Internet Protocol Service (MTIPS) Price Evaluation Criteria?SUGGESTED EVALUATION LANGUAGE FOR PRICE EVALUATION CRITERIA USED IN THE TRADEOFF PROCESS(Agency may remove or modify the narratives below)No points are assigned to the price proposal evaluation. While the?technical evaluation criteria?are significantly more important than price, the government is required to evaluate price in all acquisitions.?Price evaluation will consist of a review of the price portion of a contractor’s proposal to determine if the resulting overall cost to the government proposed is realistic for the work to be performed, if the prices reflect an accurate understanding of the requirements, and if the price is consistent with the Technical Proposal. Evaluation of the price proposal will consider but not be limited to the following:Price reasonableness and completeness of the price proposal and supporting documentationOverall price control/price savings evidenced in the proposal (avoidance of prices that exceed reasonable requirements)Verify the contractor’s understanding of the requirementsAssess the degree to which the price proposal accurately reflects the technical approach and proposed work effort Although technical evaluation criteria are significantly more important than price, the closer the technical evaluation scores of the various proposals are to one another, the more important price considerations will become. The evaluation of proposed prices may therefore become a determining factor in the award as technical scores converge. ................

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