Business one:one glossary - Oxford University Press

business one:one glossary

The definitions in this glossary are based on the Oxford Business English Dictionary for Learners of English and the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, seventh edition.

Key AmE = American English  BrE = British English  fml = formal  infml = informal

absenteeism (n) staying away from work, especially often and without good reasons

accentuate (v) to emphasize sth or make it more noticeable

accomplish (v) to succeed in doing or completing sth

achievement (n) the act or process of doing sth successfully, using your own effort and skill

acronym (n) a word formed from the first letters of the words that make up the name of sth; for example ‘AIDS’ is an acronym for ‘acquired immune deficiency syndrome’

aftermath (n) the situation that exists as a result of an important, and usually unpleasant, event

aid organization (n) an organization that exists to provide money, help, food, etc. in areas or countries where it is needed

allegorical (adj) an allegorical story, play, picture, etc. uses characters or events as symbols representing ideas or qualities, such as truth or evil

allocate (v) to officially give sth to sb/sth for a particular purpose

any more (adv) used at the end of negative sentences and at the end of questions, to mean ‘any longer’

apparently (adv) according to what you have heard or read

appraisal (n) a meeting between an employee and a manager to discuss the quality of the employee’s work and to plan future tasks

appreciate (v) to be grateful for sth that sb has done; to welcome sth

appropriate (adj) suitable, acceptable, or good enough for the particular circumstances

arise (v) to happen as a result of a particular situation

art-house (adj) art-house films/movies are usually made by small companies and intended to be unusual and of a high quality, rather than being designed to please a wide audience

as far as (sth) is concerned (idiom) used to give facts or an opinion about a particular aspect of sth

as regards (prep) concerning or in connection with sb/sth

as such (adv) as a result of the circumstances that have been described

as yet (adv) until now or until a particular time in the past

assemble (v) to fit together all the separate parts of sth

assertive (adj) saying what you want or think strongly and with confidence, so that people take notice

asset (n) a person or thing that is valuable or useful to sb/sth

assure (v) to tell sb that sth is definitely true or is definitely going to happen, especially when they have doubts about it

attention to detail (n) the quality of taking care over the small facts or features of sth, that may be difficult to notice

back out of (v) to decide that you are no longer going to take part in sth that has been agreed

backer (n) a person or company that gives financial support to sb/sth

ball-park figure (n) a number that is approximately correct

based (adj) if a person or business is based in a particular place, that is where they live or work, or where the work of the business is done

be that as it may (idiom) despite that; nevertheless

bear (sth) in mind (v) to remember or consider sth

benchmark (n) something which can be used as a standard that other things can be compared with

besides (prep) in addition to sb/sth; apart from sb/sth

best part of (idiom) most of sth; more than half of sth

bid (v) to offer to do work or provide a service for a particular price, in competition with other companies

billboard (n) a large board on the outside of a building or at the side of the road, used for putting advertisements on

bonnet (n) the metal part over the front of a vehicle, usually covering the engine [BrE]

boom (n) a sudden increase in trade and economic activity; a period of wealth and success

boot (n) the space at the back of a car that you put bags, cases, etc. in [BrE]

brainchild (n) an idea or invention of one person or a small group of people

brainstorm (v) to spend time thinking about and discussing sth as a group, often in order to solve a problem or to create good ideas

break off (v) to end sth such as a relationship or discussion

breakdown (n) a list of all the details of sth

breathalyzer (n) a device used by the police to measure the amount of alcohol in a driver’s breath

brewery (n) a factory where beer is made, or a company that makes beer

bring (sth) up (v) to mention a subject or start to talk about it

brisk (adj) quick or busy

browser (n) a program that lets you look at or read documents on the Internet

browsing (n) the activity of looking at and reading documents on the Internet

bug (n) a fault in a computer system or program

calibre [BrE], caliber [AmE] (n) the quality of sth, especially a person’s ability

carried away (adj) very excited or losing control of your feelings

carry (sth) out (v) to do and complete a task

cash flow (n) the movement of money into and out of a business as goods are bought and sold

casting agency (n) a company that finds actors for films/movies, plays, and advertisements

catch up on (v) to find out about things that have happened

caveat (n) [fml] a warning that particular things need to be considered before sth can be done

chase (sb) up (v) to contact sb in order to remind them to do sth that they should have done already

climb a ladder (idiom) to make progress by a series of stages in a plan, career, or organization

collate (v) to collect information together from different sources in order to examine and compare it

come up against (v) to have to deal with sth such as problems or opposition

come up with (v) to find or produce sth such as an answer, idea, or sum of money

commercial orientation (n) awareness of the need to make a profit, and efforts to do this

communicative (adj) willing to talk and give information to other people

competency (n) a skill that you need in a particular job or for a particular task

conservatism (n) the tendency to resist change

consider (v) to think about sth carefully, especially in order to decide whether to do it

consignment (n) a quantity of goods that are sent or delivered somewhere

contentment (n) a feeling of happiness or satisfaction

contingency budget (n) an amount of money allowed in a plan to pay for a possible future expense or loss

converge (v) to move towards a place from different directions and meet

conversion rate (n) the number of items sold or number of new customers, compared to the amount spent on Internet advertising

convey (v) to make ideas or feelings known to sb, for example by sending a message

cope (v) to deal successfully with sth difficult

count on (v) to trust sb to do sth

course of action (n) a way of acting in or dealing with a particular situation

courteously (adv) politely, in a way that shows respect

coverage (n) the reporting of news in newspapers and on radio and television

creativity (n) the ability to use your imagination and skill to produce or think of sth new

credo (n) a set of beliefs

customer focus (n) attention to and efforts to fulfil the needs of customers

delegate (v) to give part of your work, power or authority to sb in a lower position than you

delighted (adj) very pleased

demanding (adj) expecting a lot of work or attention from others; not easily satisfied

demeanour [BrE], demeanor [AmE] (n) the way that sb looks or behaves

demonstrate (v) to show how to do sth or how sth works

determined (adj) having made a firm decision to do sth and not willing to let anyone prevent you

deterrent (n) something that makes sb less likely to do sth

disclaimer (n) a statement that you are not connected with or responsible for sth, or that you do not have any knowledge of it

discontinue (v) to stop doing, using, or providing sth, or stop making a product

discrepancy (n) a difference between two or more figures, dates, accounts, etc. that should be the same

dismissal (n) the act of officially removing sb from their job

donation (n) something that is given to a person or an organization such as a charity, in order to help them

dossier (n) a collection of documents that contain information about sth or sb

downsizing (n) the process of reducing the number of people who work in a company, business, etc. in order to reduce costs

be down to (v) to be caused by a particular thing or person

drastic (adj) extreme in a way that has a sudden or serious effect

draw (sth) up (v) to make or write sth that needs careful thought or planning

drawback (n) a disadvantage or problem that makes an idea less attractive

embark on (v) to start to do sth new or difficult

embrace (v) to accept an idea, a proposal, a set of beliefs, etc., especially with enthusiasm

emissions (n) harmful gases, especially carbon dioxide, that are sent out into the air

emphasize (v) to give special importance to sth; to stress sth

empowerment (n) the act of giving someone more power or more control over their life or environment

entail (v) to involve sth that cannot be avoided

enthusiastic (adj) feeling or showing a lot of excitement and interest

envisage (v) to imagine what will happen in the future

ETA (n) estimated time of arrival; the time at which sb or sth is expected to arrive

evaluate (v) to form an opinion about the quality or value of sb/sth after thinking about it carefully

excel (v) to do sth extremely well

excess funds (n) money available in addition to the amount that is needed or was planned

experienced (adj) having knowledge or skill in a particular job or activity

expertise (n) expert knowledge or skill in a particular subject, activity, or job

explore (v) to examine sth completely or carefully in order to find out more about it

extend (v) to offer or give sth such as thanks, a welcome, or an invitation

extortionate (adj) (of a price) much too high

eyesore (n) a building, an object, etc. that is very unpleasant to look at

facilitate (v) to make an action or process possible or easier

fall over yourself to do (v) to try very hard or want very much to do sth

familiarize (v) to learn about sth or teach sb about sth, so that you/they start to understand it

fast-track (v) to make sth happen or make sb progress more quickly than normal

feasible (adj) that is possible and likely to be achieved

fertilizer (n) a substance added to soil to make plants grow more successfully

fine-tune (v) to make very small changes to sth so that it is as good as it can possibly be

firmly (adv) in a strong or definite way

first and foremost (adv) before or more than anything else

fly the coop (idiom) (of sb’s child) to leave home and live somewhere else

focused (adj) with very clear aims; with your attention directed strongly to what you want to do

follow up (v) to add to sth you have just done by doing sth else

foregone conclusion (n) a result that is certain to happen

foresee (v) to think sth is going to happen in the future

former (n) the first of two things or people mentioned

fortunate (adj) having or bringing an advantage, a piece of good luck, etc.; lucky

foundation (n) an organization that is established to provide money for a particular purpose, for example for scientific research or charity

franchise (n) a business run by sb with official permission to sell a company’s goods or services in a particular place

franchisee (n) a person or company that has been given a franchise (the right to sell a company’s goods or services in a particular place)

freight (n) goods that are transported by ships, planes, trains, or lorries/trucks

frizzy (adj) (of hair) in a mass of tight curls

front runner (n) sth or sb that seems most likely to be the best or to win

frustrated (adj) feeling annoyed and impatient because you cannot do or achieve what you want

fund raising (n) the activity of collecting money for a charity or organization

garish (adj) very brightly coloured in an unpleasant way

gate receipts (n) money received from people paying to attend a sports event

get across (v) to reach a place that is on the other side of something such as a road or area of water

get back to sb (v) to speak or write to sb again later, especially in order to give a reply

get behind sth (v) to get involved with supporting or developing sth

get off sth (v) to stop discussing a subject, especially one you should be discussing, and start talking about sth else

get rid of sb (v) to make sb leave their job

get the go-ahead (v) to get permission to start doing sth

give up (v) to stop trying to do sth

go ahead (v) used to tell sb to begin or continue doing sth

go along with sb/sth (v) to agree with sb/sth

go beyond sth (v) to be more or better than sth

goal-oriented (adj) working hard to achieve the tasks that have been set

gratitude (n) the feeling of being grateful and wanting to express your thanks

gripe (n) a complaint about sth

gross profit (n) the amount of profit before overheads and tax are taken off

ground rules (n) the basic rules on which sth is based

grumblings (n) protests about sth that come from a number of people but that are not expressed very clearly

guesstimate (n) an attempt to calculate sth that is based more on guessing than on information

hands-on (adj) doing sth rather than just talking or thinking about it

hands-on experience (n) experience that involves actually doing sth yourself

happen to (v) to do sth by chance

hard on sb (adj) treating or criticizing sb too strictly or severely

have sb onside (idiom) to have sb’s support

heartfelt (adj) showing strong and sincere feelings

heavy-hitter (n) a person with a lot of power, especially in business or politics

high-profile (adj) receiving or involving a lot of attention and discussion on television, in newspapers, etc.

hindsight (n) the understanding that you have of a situation only after it has happened, which means you would have done things in a different way

hint (v) to suggest sth in an indirect way

hitch (n) a problem or difficulty that causes a short delay

hoarding (n) a large board on the outside of a building or at the side of the road, used for putting advertisements on [BrE]

hold (sb/sth) up (v) to delay or block the progress of sb/sth

honour [BrE], honor [AmE] (n) something that you are very pleased or proud to do

hopelessly (adv) very badly; used to emphasize the degree of sth, usually sth bad

humiliating (adj) making sb feel ashamed or stupid, and that they have lost the respect of other people

hurtle (v) to move very fast in a particular direction

hybrid (adj) using more than one type of fuel, usually petrol and electricity

immune (adj) protected from sth and therefore able to avoid it

impede (v) to delay or stop the progress of sth

impromptu (adj) done without preparation or planning

inform (v) to tell sb about sth, especially in an official way

in lieu (adv) instead of sth

innovative (adj) introducing or using new ideas, ways of doing sth, etc.

in parallel (adv) with and at the same time as sb/sth else

integrity (n) the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles

interrupt (v) to say or do sth that makes sb stop what they are saying or doing

in the grip of (idiom) experiencing sth unpleasant that cannot be stopped

in the meantime (adv) in the period of time between two times or two events

in the region of (idiom) used when you are giving a number, price, etc. to show that it is not exact

in tune with (idiom) in agreement with sb/sth; having the same opinions, feelings, interests, etc. as sb/sth

invariably (adv) always; without fail

irreverence (n) not showing respect to sb/sth that other people usually respect

jargon (n) words or expressions that are used by a particular profession or group of people, and are difficult for others to understand

job responsibilities (n) the tasks and duties that must be done by sb as part of their job

juxtapose (v) to put people or things together, especially in order to show a contrast or a new relationship between them

keep going (v) to continue doing sth

keep in mind (v) to remember or consider sth

keep track of (v) to have information about what is happening or where sth is

keep up (v) to manage to understand or do sth at the same rate as others

keep (sth) up (v) to manage to continue doing sth difficult

key sector (n) the most important part of an area of activity, especially of a country’s economy

kick (sth) off (v) to start sth

last but not least (idiom) used when mentioning the last person or thing of a group, in order to say that they are not less important than the others

last-minute (adj) done at the latest possible time before an event

latter (n) the second of two things, people, or groups that have just been mentioned, or the last in a list

leadership skills (n) the qualities and abilities of a good leader

leave it there (v) to say or do nothing more about sth

left field (n) an opinion or a position that is strange or unusual and very different to the normal position

left to rot (adj) allowed to gradually decay or be destroyed because nothing is done

let (sth) slip (v) to allow a situation where a task is not completed or an aim is not achieved by the planned date

level-headed (adj) calm and sensible; able to make good decisions even in difficult situations

link up (v) to join or become joined with sb/sth

lose your temper (v) to fail to control your anger

lose out on sth (v) to not get sth you wanted or feel you should have

lounge (v) to stand, sit, or lie somewhere in a lazy way, not doing anything useful

loyalty card (n) a card given to customers by a shop/store, which enables them to earn points every time they shop there [BrE]

make amends (v) to do sth for sb in order to show that you are sorry for sth wrong or unfair that you have done

make the most of sth/sb (v) to gain as much advantage, enjoyment, etc. as you can from sb/sth

mantra (n) a word, phrase, or sound that is repeated again and again, especially during prayer or meditation; a commonly repeated word or phrase

meet (sth) head on (v) to face something directly and firmly

mellow (adj) relaxed, calm, and happy

motivated (adj) very interested in what you do and working hard

move on (v) to make progress, especially by starting to do or discuss sth new

multi-tasking (n) the ability to do several things at the same time

muscle in (v) to involve yourself in a situation when you have no right to do so, in order to get something for yourself

my pleasure (idiom) used as a polite way of replying when sb thanks you for doing sth, to show that you were happy to do it

nest egg (n) a sum of money that you save to use in the future

notify (v) to formally or officially tell sb about sth

obesity (n) the fact or problem of sb being very fat, in a way that is not healthy

obnoxiously (adv) in an extremely unpleasant or offensive way

off licence (n) a shop that sells alcoholic drinks in bottles and cans to take away [BrE]

off the wall (adj) [infml] unusual and amusing; slightly crazy

offshoot (n) a thing that develops from sth, especially a small organization that develops from a larger one

on purpose (adv) not by accident; deliberately

on the case (idiom) dealing with a particular matter

on the dot (idiom) [infml] exactly on time or at the exact time mentioned

on the safe side (idiom) being especially careful; taking no risks

on track (adj) doing what is necessary in order to achieve a particular result

once in a while (idiom) occasionally

operational costs (n) costs connected with the way in which a business or system normally works

orchestrated (adj) organized very carefully or secretly

outlet (n) a shop/store or an organization that sells goods made by a particular company or of a particular type

outset (n) the beginning of sth

outskirts (n) the parts of a town or city that are furthest from the centre

outsource (v) to arrange for sb outside a company to do work or provide goods for that company

outstay your welcome (idiom) to stay somewhere as a guest longer than you are wanted

outweigh (v) to be greater or more important than sth

over budget (idiom) having spent more money than was planned or than is available

overhaul (v) to examine every part of a machine, system, etc. and make any necessary changes or repairs

overheads (n) regular costs of running a business or an organization, such as rent, electricity, wages, etc.

overpriced (adj) too expensive; costing more than it is worth

overseer (n) a person whose job is to make sure that people or systems are working as they should

overworked (adj) made to work too hard or too much

panel interview (n) an interview in which a person applying for a job is asked questions by a group of people

parameter (n) something that decides or limits the way in which sth can be done

party animal (n) a person who enjoys spending a lot of time at parties

pass (sb) over (v) to not consider sb for promotion in a job, especially when they deserve it or think that they deserve it

patent (n) an official right to be the only person to make, use, or sell a product or an invention; a document that proves this

paunch (n) a fat stomach on a man

pending (adj) waiting to be decided or settled

perks (n) things you receive as well as your wages for doing a particular job

perpendicular (adj) forming an angle of 90° with another line or surface; vertical and going straight up

persuasive (adj) able to persuade sb to do or believe sth

pick up speed (idiom) to go faster

play for time (idiom) to say or do sth in an attempt to give yourself more time to answer, decide, finish, etc.

plenary (adj) (of meetings, etc.) to be attended by everyone who has the right to attend

plush (adj) very comfortable; expensive and of good quality

point-blank (adv) in a way that is very definite and direct, and not very polite

poll (n) the process of questioning people who are representative of a larger group in order to get information about the general opinion

post code (n) a group of letters and/or numbers that are used as part of an address so that post/mail can be separated into groups and delivered more quickly [BrE]

potential (n) qualities in a person that exist and can be developed

praise (v) to express your approval or admiration for sb/sth

preferred supplier (n) a business that has an agreement to supply another business with goods or services

premise (n) a statement or an idea that forms the basis for a reasonable line of argument

premises (n) the building and land near to it that a business owns or uses

product placement (n) a type of advertising in which a company pays to have its product appear in a film/movie or television programme

projected sales (n) estimated future sales based on what is happening now

proliferation (n) the sudden increase in the number or amount of sth; a large number of a particular thing

promotional stunt (n) something that is done in order to attract people’s attention and advertise a product or service

proper channels (n) the usual and correct method or system for getting information, communicating, or sending sth somewhere

proportionate (adj) increasing or decreasing in size, amount, or degree according to changes in sth else

propose a toast (idiom) to ask people to wish sb or sth success by raising their glasses and drinking

prospect (n) the possibility that sth will happen

prototype (n) the first design of sth from which other forms are copied or developed

provision (n) the act of supplying sb with sth that they need or want; sth that is supplied

proximity (n) [fml] the state of being near sb/sth in distance or time

psychometric test (n) a test that measures sb’s mental abilities, personality, attitudes, etc., often used when choosing sb for a job

pull your weight (v) to work as hard as everyone else in a job, an activity, etc.

pull out (v) to move away from sth or stop being involved in it

pull over (v) to move to the side of the road in order to stop or let sth pass

put (sth) back (v) to move sth to a later time or date

put (sth) in (v) to spend a lot of time or make a lot of effort doing sth

put up with sb/sth (v) to accept sb/sth that is annoying, unpleasant, etc. without complaining or trying to stop it

quaking in your boots (idiom) very frightened or nervous

ramshackle (adj) (of buildings, vehicles, furniture, etc.) in a very bad condition and needing repair

rapport (n) a friendly relationship in which people understand each other very well

razzmatazz (n) [infml] a lot of noisy exciting activity that is intended to attract people’s attention

reboot (v) if you reboot a computer or it reboots, you switch it off and then start it again immediately

rebuild (v) to make sth complete and strong or successful again

recount (v) to tell somebody about something, especially something that you have experienced

rectify (v) to put sth right that is wrong

reflect on (v) to think carefully and deeply about sth

refurbish (v) to clean and decorate a room, building, etc. in order to make it more attractive, more useful, etc.

regarding (prep) concerning sb/sth; about sb/sth

rehabilitate (v) to return a building or an area to its previous good condition

re-install (v) to put a program on to a computer again, usually because sth has gone wrong

remuneration (n) [fml] an amount of money that is paid to sb for the work they have done

renovate (v) to repair and paint an old building, a piece of furniture, etc. so that it is in good condition again

reservations (n) feelings of doubt about a plan or idea

respectively (adv) in the same order as the people or things already mentioned

respondent (n) a person who answers questions, especially in a survey

retention (n) the ability of a company to keep its employees

revenue (n) the money that an organization, etc. receives from its business

riddled with sth (adj) full of sth, especially sth bad or unpleasant

round-trip ticket (n) a ticket for a journey to a place and back again [AmE]

salvage (v) to manage to rescue sth from a difficult situation; to stop a bad situation from being a complete failure

saturated fat (n) a type of fat found, for example, in butter, fried food, and many types of meat, which encourages the harmful development of cholesterol

scale (sth) up (v) to increase the size or number of sth

scroll (v) to move text on a computer screen up or down so that you can read different parts of it

sedentary (adj) spending a lot of time sitting down and not moving

seem (v) to give the impression of being or doing sth

seemingly (adv) according to what you have read or heard

self-awareness (n) knowledge and understanding of your own character

send (sth) through (v) to get information to sb by post/mail, email, etc.

sensor (n) a device that can react to light, heat, pressure, etc. in order to make a machine, etc. do sth or show sth

set objectives (idiom) to decide or agree which things sb must try to achieve

setback (n) a difficulty or problem that delays or prevents sth, or makes a situation worse

shipment (n) a quantity of goods that are sent from one place to another

shoddy (adj) (of goods, work, etc.) made or done badly and with not enough care

shortlist (v) to select sb/sth as one of a small number chosen from all the candidates for a job, prize, etc.

shun (v) to avoid sb/sth

single-handedly (adv) done by one person with nobody helping

so far (adv) until now; up to this point

soft skills (n) the abilities that sb has to communicate well and work with other people

source (v) to get sth from a particular place

spawn (v) to cause sth to develop or be produced

speed (sth) up (v) to make sth move or happen faster

spin (n) a way of presenting information or a situation in a particular way, especially one that makes you or your ideas seem good

sponsor (n) a person or company that pays for a radio or television programme, or for a concert or sporting event, usually in return for advertising

sponsor (v) (of a company, etc.) to pay the costs of a particular event, programme, etc. as a way of advertising

stand (sb) in good stead (idiom) to be useful or helpful to sb when needed

stand up to sth (v) to remain valid even when tested, examined closely, etc.

stay on (v) to continue working somewhere

stiff competition (idiom) a situation in which people or organizations compete with each other strongly for custom

stress (v) to emphasize a fact, an idea, etc.

strike (v) to happen suddenly and have a harmful or damaging effect on sb/sth

stupidly (adv) in a way that shows a lack of thought or good judgement

subordinate (n) a person who has a position with less authority and power than sb else in an organization

subsidized (adj) partly paid for with money given by an organization or by the government

succession (n) the act of taking over an official position or title or the right to take over an official position or title

superfluous (adj) more than is needed or wanted

supportive (adj) giving help, encouragement, or sympathy to sb

surprisingly (adv) in a way that is surprising

swapping (n) the replacement of one thing with another

sweet tooth (n) a liking for food that contains a lot of sugar

swipe card (n) a special plastic card with information recorded on it which can be read by an electronic device

tactfully (adv) in a way that shows care not to upset or annoy other people

take (sb) up on sth (v) to accept an offer from sb

take (sb) on (v) to employ sb

take the biscuit (idiom) to be the most surprising, annoying, etc. thing that has happened or that sb has done [BrE]

talent scout (n) a person whose job is to find people who are good at singing, acting, sport, etc. in order to give them work

talk over sb (v) to talk when sb else is talking, so they cannot be heard

target user (n) the type of customer that you want to use your product

teamworking (n) the activity of working well together as a team

tender (n) a formal offer to supply goods or do work at a stated price

think outside the box (idiom) to think in a new or different way in order to solve a problem

think tank (n) a group of experts who provide advice and ideas on political, social, or business issues

time to market (n) the amount of time from when a company starts to develop a new product until the product goes on sale

timescale (n) the period of time that it takes for sth to happen or be completed

toast (n) an act of raising your glass and drinking in order to wish sth or sb success

track (v) to follow the movements of sb/sth

traffic report (n) a report of the number of people who visit a web page in a particular period

transferral (n) the act of moving an employee from one job, department, office, etc. to another

trend (n) the general direction in which a situation is changing or developing

turn up (v) (of a person) to arrive

turning point (n) the time when an important change takes place, usually with the result that a situation improves

twist (n) an unexpected change or development in a situation

underestimate (v) to think or guess that the amount, cost, or size of sth is smaller than it really is

underline (v) to emphasize that sth is important or true

understaffed (adj) not having enough people working and therefore not able to function well

understanding (adj) showing sympathy for other people’s problems and being willing to forgive them when they do sth wrong

undervalue (v) to not recognize how good, important, or valuable sb/sth really is

unforeseen (adj) that you did not expect to happen

up to sb (idiom) sb’s responsibility; for sb to decide

upwards of (prep) more than the amount or number mentioned

urbanization (n) the process of people moving to live and work in towns

variance report (n) a report on the difference between the level of costs or income that have been planned, and the actual costs or income

viable (adj) that can be done; that will be successful

virtually (adv) in a way that exists only on computer or uses computers as a means of communication

waste disposal (n) the act of getting rid of materials that are no longer needed

waypoint (n) a stage in a process where progress can be measured

whereby (prep) [fml] by which; because of which

with sb (idiom) able to understand what sb is talking about

with this in mind (idiom) thinking of or considering a particular thing

workforce (n) all the people who work for a particular company, organization, etc.

work-life balance (n) a situation in which a person manages to spend the right amount of time at work and on their personal life

worryingly (adv) in a way that makes you worry

zip code (n) a group of letters and/or numbers that are used as part of an address so that post/mail can be separated into groups and delivered more quickly [AmE]

zoom in (v) to make an object appear closer using a camera or computer screen


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