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Com m erci al an d Busi n ess Law Term s an d Def i n i ti on s

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ESLZBO7W1ZJY ^ eBook // Commercial and Business Law Terms and Definitions


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have access to other information which mig ht be hig hly relevant to COMMERCIAL AND BUSINESS LAW TERMS AND DEFINITIONS book.

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing . Paperback. Condition: New. 332 pag es. Dimensions: 8.7in. x 5.9in. x 0.8in.Faustino Taderera, the celebrity

and towering fig ure, is the finest Manag ement Education academic ever produced in Zimbabwe and the African continent and the most

published business academic, icon and g uru on the African continent, the Eldorado, Rolls Royce and Jewel of manag ement education

nicknamed, The Tom Peters of Zimbabwe, Africa and the Middle East. His students call him, The Rumbler, the Caterpillar, the Rollercoaster

and King Solomon. This book, Commercial and Business Law Terms and Definitions, his 49th book, is a breakthroug h and unique companion

for business students, professors and practitioners which covers all the key terms and definitions in Commercial and Business Law. Faustino

Taderera is now one of the worlds most eminent and disting uished manag ement educationists, strateg ists and researchers. Faustino always

says, Golden fish have no hiding place. I am the Socrates, Aristotle, Plato, Solomon and Joseph of my time, the Gi of Zimbabwe, Africa and

the World. He is a much soug ht a er g lobal academic and professional BRAND. This item ships from multiple locations. Your book may arrive

from Roseburg ,OR, La Verg ne,TN. Paperback.

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