FALL 2019 AGREEMENTS - BUSINESS LAW II –Friday– 9:00 AM to 11:45 AMProfessor Leonard J. Rymszaemail: leonard.rymsza@csun.edu1.OFFICE: Bookstein Hall (BB) 3247 TELEPHONE: 677-5489 or 677-29052.OFFICE HOURS: Friday- 8:30 AM – 9:00 AM; Friday: 11:45 AM – 12:15 PM; and by appointment. 3.OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSEThis course provides students with the opportunity to understand the complex nature of the legal and ethical environment in which business in conducted. The primary focus of the course introduces students to the laws governing agency, employment and business organizations.The course is taught using a modified Socratic method. Students are required to read and prepare written briefs of assigned cases and answers to assigned problem cases. Students will be called upon at random to actively participate in the class discussion relating to the cases they have briefed and problem cases that have been assigned. The analysis of the assigned course materials is designed to develop a student’s analytical reasoning and writing skills.4.TEXTBOOK: BUSINESS LAW, THE ETHICAL, GLOBAL, AND E-COMMERCE ENVIRONMENT, 15th edition by Mallor et. all.Business Law Textbook Affordability InitiativeAs part of the Department of Business Law’s efforts to make textbooks more affordable, BLAW II [308] students have the choice of purchasing a traditional textbook hardcopy or by downloading or accessing text materials online.?Professor Rymsza’s BLAW II [308] class will use:Mallor, et al., Business Law, The Ethical, Global and E-Commerce Environment, 15th ed.,For those classes using the Mallor text, the cost of downloading the materials or accessing online for BLAW II is less than $26.? The McGraw-Hill Bookstore to purchase your eBook can be accessed at In the “Looking for new materials?” box, type in the following ISBN#: 9781121608085. Once you type in the ISBN# (the number only) click on the yellow box containing the name of the textbook and other information and follow the instructions on ordering the eBook.5.PREPARATION: It is each student’s responsibility to be prepared for EACH class session he or she attends. A.To be prepared for class means that all cases assigned for a class session must be briefed IN WRITING. 1.Written brief should contain the following: Facts; Issue(s), Rule(s) of law; Application; Conclusion.B. Assigned Problems - Writing answers to assigned problems is not required. However, written answers will be extremely beneficial in (1) assisting in answering the problem in class if you are called upon; and (2) preparing you for the essay examinations. To obtain the maximum benefit, your written answers to assigned problems should not be briefs but should be complete essays that would be understood by students who have not taken this class. Answers to problems should include the following information:1.identification of the issue or issues that must be decided and an explanation of why the issue or issues is/are important to the outcome of the problem;2.a statement of the applicable rules of law and definitions that must be used to solve the issue(s) (only explain rules and definitions that are needed to solve the dispute in the problem);3.an explanation of how all the relevant facts would be applied to the rules stated, giving the arguments that each of the parties would use;4.a statement of your conclusion and an explanation of how you arrived at it.C.If you are not prepared for class on any given day, you must inform me BEFORE THE CLASS SESSION BEGINS that you are not prepared. If you are called upon and you are not prepared for that day's class and you have not (on that class day) informed me of this fact three (3) points will be deducted from your final grade. This penalty will be earned following each failure to comply with the rule.D. If you are unable to attend a class session, it is still your responsibility to be prepared at the next class meeting you attend. (I suggest that you obtain the telephone/cell phone numbers and email addresses of two other students in the class.)6.EXAMINATIONS:A.EXAMINATIONS - There will be TWO ESSAY "mid-term" examination. There will be a final examination that will be either multiple choice or essay or a combination of multiple choice and essay.B.For all essay examinations you will need a pen.C.NO MAKE-UP EXAMINATIONS will be given. Any student missing an examination, without permission, will receive a ZERO grade on that examination.D.QUIZZES – There will be unannounced quizzes. Generally, the quizzes will be given at the beginning of a class session.E.No extra credit assignments will be given. The grade you earn will be determined as stated below.7.GRADING:A.Your final grade in the class will be based upon the following: First Mid-Term Examination (22%); Second Mid-Term Examination (27%); Final Examination (38%); Quizzes (8%); Attendance and Preparation (5%).B.Final grades will be assigned on a plus (+) minus (-) basis.C.CHEATING - any student caught cheating on any examination will receive an F grade in the class and will be reported to the Associate Dean of the College. Each student must supply two (2) SMALL GREENBOOKS, on or before Friday, September 13. PLEASE DO NOT WRITE YOUR NAME ON THE GREENBOOKS ................

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