Chapter 74 Guide for Professional Vocational Technical ...

5715015240000Chapter 74Guide for Professional Vocational Technical Educator License RenewalMassachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary EducationOffice of Educator LicensureAtten: Vocational Technical Educator Licensure135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA Vocational Technical Education Regulations 603 CMR 4.00 and the Guidelines for Vocational Technical Education Programs and Educator Licensure are the basis for this Guide. The Department does not represent this Guide as a replacement for the official Vocational Technical Education Regulations and Guidelines for Vocational Technical Education Programs and Educator Licensure which, should be reviewed because they contain important information that is not included in this Guide including, but not limited to, Professional Standards for teachers, administrators and cooperative education coordinators, as well as general provisions for licensure and employment that includes revocation, suspension, limitation and denial of licenses. The official copies of the Vocational Technical Education Regulations and Guidelines for Vocational Technical Education Programs and Educator Licensure are implemented by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Renewal ScheduleProfessional Vocational technical teacher licenses must be renewed every five calendar years in order to remain active.ReferencesChapter 74 Guide for Preliminary Vocational Technical Teacher LicensureChapter 74 Guide for Professional Vocational Technical Teacher LicensureChapter 74 Guide for Initial and Professional Vocational Technical Administrator LicensureThe online Educator Licensure & Recruitment System (ELAR) at ELAR contains full information on vocational technical educator licensure.Applicants may also want to review the Massachusetts Educator Licensure Series (MELS), a collection of slideshows explaining various aspects of the Licensure process, found here: Additional references are listed with the requirements for each license field in this Guide.How to Use this GuideThe purpose of this guide is to provide the necessary information to individuals who will need to renew their Professional Vocational Technical Education license. In the following pages, we will discuss the requirements for renewing a professional level license and the process for submitting an application for renewal. Educators are encouraged to review all information in this guide as well as the information on the Licensure Office’s website: The Professional Vocational Technical Educator LicenseOne of the key differences of the Professional Vocational Technical Educator license is the period of validity. While a Preliminary or Initial license is valid for years of employment, (meaning that only time spent working under the license counts against it), the Professional license is valid for five calendar years, (meaning that the license expires after five years regardless of whether or not the educator is employed under it). In order to keep a Professional level license active, educators must earn Professional Development Points (PDPs) during the 5-year window that the license is considered active. PDPs may be earned through a variety of activities such as workshop/seminars, college coursework and district-sponsored initiatives. Requirements for Professional License RenewalThe renewal of an educator’s first Professional license requires the educator to earn 150 PDPs during the five-year cycle that the license is active, this is commonly referred to as renewing a primary license. Educators who are currently employed in the role of their license should work with their school district to develop a Professional Development Plan for how they will earn the necessary PDPs during their renewal cycle. Information on the types of activities that earn PDPs may be found in Appendix A of this document.Professional license renewal requires a minimum number of PDPs in certain topic areas such as Subject Matter Knowledge and Skills, Safety and Health, and Pedagogy. These topic areas will vary depending on the category of license renewed, (teacher vs. administrator). Educators should consult the appropriate page in this guidebook for information on which topics they will be required to earn PDPs in. For each additional license that is renewed, an additional 30 PDPs must be earned with 15 of those PDPs in the subject matter knowledge and skills of the license. Educators should also note that if an occupational license/certificate was required for their vocational license, it is expected that the occupational license/certificate is active and in good standing at the time of their Professional License Renewal. Educators are expected to maintain that license/certification throughout their teaching career. Impact of the SEI Endorsement on Professional Vocational License RenewalIn 2017 the Vocational Technical Education Licensure Regulations (603 CMR 4.00) were updated to incorporate the Sheltered English Immersion (SEI) Endorsement into the requirements for Vocational Technical Education Licensure. One change made was the requirement that Vocational Technical Educators who are renewing a Professional Vocational Teacher or Administrator license will be required to earn 15 PDPs in SEI, English as a Second Language or Bilingual Education and 15 PDPs in training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning styles. The new PDP requirements went into effect July 1, 2021. Therefore, if an educator’s Professional Vocational Teacher or Administrator license is renewed after July 1, 2021, they will be required to meet this new distribution. Another outcome of the 2017 Vocational Technical Regulation changes was the creation of the SEI cohort. This cohort consisted of Career and Technical Education teachers who were assigned an English Learner during the 2017/2018 school year. Such educators were expected to earn the SEI Endorsement by July 1, 2021 either by completing a DESE-sponsored RETELL course or through some other means, such as passing the SEI MTEL test. If they did not earn the SEI endorsement by this date, they would see their license go into a “RETELL Restricted” status. A license that is “RETELL Restricted” may not be extended, advanced or renewed until the educator earns the endorsement and the restriction is lifted. Educators should note that possession of the SEI Endorsement is only a requirement for license renewal if they were placed into the SEI cohort. If an educator with a Professional license was not placed into the SEI cohort, then they do not need to earn the SEI endorsement for license renewal. They need only ensure that they obtain the necessary PDPs in SEI/ESL/Bilingual Education. However, such an educator may still need to earn the SEI endorsement for employment purposes, (i.e. if it is required by their school district). Educators should consult with their employing school district to see if the SEI Endorsement is required for employment purposes.How to Apply for License RenewalEducators have two options when it comes to applying for renewal: submitting an application via the ELAR system (which is how over 96% of the renewal applications are received) OR submitting a paper application. The cost of renewing the Primary license is $100. The cost of renewing each Additional license is $25. Part of the Professional License Renewal Application is a statement attesting that as of the application submission date, all requirements for renewal have been completed. Therefore, educators should not submit a renewal application until they have confirmed that they have collected the necessary PDPs, occupational license (if applicable) and supervisor approval (if applicable). Educators do not need to submit evidence of PDPs when submitting an application for renewal. However, educators should ensure that they keep careful record of appropriate documentation for all PDPs earned in case they are selected for a License Renewal Audit. If selected for an Audit, the educator will need to produce evidence for the PDPs earned during the renewal cycle. To apply online, educators should log into their ELAR account, (which may be reached here: ). On the Welcome page, click on the link that reads “Apply to renew your professional level license or endorsement.” Follow the steps provided. The application is considered officially submitted once the payment has been processed at the end of the application.If an educator wishes to submit a paper License Renewal Application, it may be found here: A completed copy of this application along with proper payment may be mailed to the Office of Educator Licensure. Educators should note that a paper application may take additional time to process. It is much quicker/more secure to submit an online application via the educator’s ELAR account. Primary vs. Additional License DesignationIf an educator is renewing Professional licenses in more than one field, the educator must designate, upon license renewal, which license field is the primary license field. The primary license field is usually (but not necessarily) the license field the educator is employed under. The renewal of a Primary license typically requires 150 PDPs and the renewal of each additional license requires an additional 30 PDPs. However, educators should consult the table of contents in this guidebook for the page that details their license field specific renewal requirements in order to find out what is required when their license is renewed as a primary versus as an additional license. The first license renewed within a renewal cycle will be designated as the primary license by default. For example, if an educator is working under an Initial Voc Supervisor/Director, 9-14, license and is attempting to renew a Professional Carpentry, 9-14, license that they are currently not employed under, the ELAR system will require the Carpentry, 9-14, license to be listed at the Primary license. The educator may only change which license is listed as the Primary when more than one Professional license is being renewed. Professional Development PlanEach vocational technical educator who holds a Professional-type license must have a Professional Development Plan. The educator develops this plan in coordination with their supervisor at the employing school district to ensure that the educator’s development is in line with the district’s goals. The specific requirements for the development and approval of Professional Development Plans for vocational technical educators are contained in the Vocational Technical Education Regulations and can be found in the Appendices of this document.When a Professional License is not RenewedIf a Professional license is not renewed by the expiration date, the license will go into an “Inactive” status and remain in this status for a period of five calendar years unless the educator renews the inactive license or gains employment under the inactive license. If the inactive license has not been renewed at the end of the five-year Inactive period, the license will then go into an “Invalid” status. It is important to note that at no point does the educator “lose” their Inactive or Invalid license. It is more appropriate to think of the license as going dormant. Provided they have collected the necessary PDPs and hold a valid copy of any required occupational license/certificate, an educator with an Inactive or Invalid license may renew their license at any time in order to make it active again. An educator renewing an Inactive or Invalid license will not be asked to re-take any tests required for the Preliminary license. An educator with an inactive license who is newly hired, (i.e. to a new field, a new grade level or to a new school district), can be legally employed under that license for up to two years from the date of hire. Such an educator would be expected to renew their inactive license by the end of this two-year period if they will be continuing to be employed in the role. An educator who holds an Invalid license may not be hired under that license until they have completed the necessary requirements and have applied to renew it. If a school district wishes to hire an educator with an Invalid license in a role that requires said license, they will need to apply for a waiver. Such a decision is up to the discretion of the school district. Renewing an Inactive or Invalid LicenseThe requirements for renewing an Inactive license are the same for renewing a license that is currently active. Educators are expected to have earned 150 PDPs during the renewal cycle for their primary license and an additional 30 PDPs for each additional secondary license renewed. For example, if an educator is renewing an Inactive Automotive Technology, 9-14, and an Inactive Auto Collision and Repair, 9-14, license, they would need to ensure that they have collected a total of 180 PDPs. The renewal of an Invalid license requires the completion of 150 PDPs in the areas outlined in this document regardless of whether or not the renewed license is considered an additional license. For example, if an educator is renewing an Invalid Baking, 9-14, license and an Invalid Culinary Arts, 9-14, license, a total of 300 PDPs will be required. When an educator renews an Inactive or Invalid license, they should be aware that all necessary PDPs must come from within the five years prior to submitting an application. For example, if an educator submits a renewal application for an Inactive license on August 1, 2022, it is expected that all necessary PDPs were earned between the dates August 1, 2017 to August 1, 2022. Professional License Renewal AuditIn order to maintain the integrity of the license renewal process, the Licensure Office will conduct audits on randomly selected educators who have renewed their Professional license. If selected for an audit, educators will be expected to submit evidence of the Professional Development activities completed in order to qualify for renewal. Examples of evidence could include, certificates of completion, official college transcripts or letters from PD providers. If the Licensure Office determines that the educator did not meet the requirements for renewal, the license status will revert to what it would be if the educator had not applied for renewal. The educator may then apply for renewal again once they have collected the necessary PDPs, subject to review by the Licensure Office. Resources for Additional QuestionsIf you have any additional questions about Professional Vocational Technical Education License Renewal or about the Licensure process, please feel free to utilize the following resources:You may speak with a Licensure Office representative via the Licensure Call Center at 781-338-6600. The Licensure Call Center is open each business day from 9am-1pm and 2pm-5pmIf you wish to speak with a Licensure Office representative in-person. The Licensure Walk-in Welcome Center Service Counter is available at the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education at 135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149. Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Office of Educator Licensure PAGEREF _Toc117607656 \h 1Advanced Manufacturing PAGEREF _Toc117607657 \h 1Agricultural Mechanics PAGEREF _Toc117607658 \h 2Animal Science PAGEREF _Toc117607659 \h 3Automotive Collision Repair & Refinishing PAGEREF _Toc117607660 \h 4Automotive Technology PAGEREF _Toc117607661 \h 5Aviation Technology PAGEREF _Toc117607662 \h 6Baking PAGEREF _Toc117607663 \h 7Biotechnology PAGEREF _Toc117607664 \h 8Building and Property Maintenance** PAGEREF _Toc117607665 \h 9Business Technology PAGEREF _Toc117607666 \h 10Cabinetmaking PAGEREF _Toc117607667 \h 11Carpentry PAGEREF _Toc117607668 \h 12Construction Craft Laborer PAGEREF _Toc117607669 \h 13Cosmetology PAGEREF _Toc117607670 \h 14Criminal Justice PAGEREF _Toc117607671 \h 15Culinary Arts PAGEREF _Toc117607672 \h 16Dental Assisting PAGEREF _Toc117607673 \h 17Design & Visual Communications PAGEREF _Toc117607674 \h 18Diesel Technology PAGEREF _Toc117607675 \h 19Drafting PAGEREF _Toc117607676 \h 20Early Education & Care PAGEREF _Toc117607677 \h 21Electricity PAGEREF _Toc117607678 \h 22Electronics PAGEREF _Toc117607679 \h 23Engineering Technology PAGEREF _Toc117607680 \h 24Environmental Science & Technology PAGEREF _Toc117607681 \h 25Fashion Technology PAGEREF _Toc117607682 \h 26Graphic Communications PAGEREF _Toc117607683 \h 27Health Assisting PAGEREF _Toc117607684 \h 28Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning Refrigeration PAGEREF _Toc117607685 \h 29Horticulture PAGEREF _Toc117607686 \h 30Hospitality Management PAGEREF _Toc117607687 \h 31Information Support Services & Networking PAGEREF _Toc117607688 \h 32Machine Tool Technology PAGEREF _Toc117607689 \h 33Major Appliance Installation/Repairing PAGEREF _Toc117607690 \h 34Marine Service Technology PAGEREF _Toc117607691 \h 35Marketing PAGEREF _Toc117607692 \h 36Masonry & Tile Setting PAGEREF _Toc117607693 \h 37Medical Assisting PAGEREF _Toc117607694 \h 38Metal Fabrication & Joining Technologies PAGEREF _Toc117607695 \h 39Painting & Design Technologies PAGEREF _Toc117607696 \h 40Plumbing PAGEREF _Toc117607697 \h 41Power Equipment Technology PAGEREF _Toc117607698 \h 42Programming & Web Development PAGEREF _Toc117607699 \h 43Radio & Television Broadcasting PAGEREF _Toc117607700 \h 44Robotics and Automation Technology PAGEREF _Toc117607701 \h 45Sheet Metalworking PAGEREF _Toc117607702 \h 46Stationary Engineering PAGEREF _Toc117607703 \h 47Telecommunications PAGEREF _Toc117607704 \h 48Welding PAGEREF _Toc117607705 \h 49Medical Laboratory Technology PAGEREF _Toc117607706 \h 50Practical Nursing (LPN) PAGEREF _Toc117607707 \h 51Surgical Technology PAGEREF _Toc117607708 \h 52ADMINISTRATOR LICENSES PAGEREF _Toc117607709 \h 53Superintendent/Assistant Superintendent PAGEREF _Toc117607710 \h 53Principal/Assistant Principal PAGEREF _Toc117607711 \h 54Supervisor/Director PAGEREF _Toc117607712 \h 55Cooperative Education Coordinator PAGEREF _Toc117607713 \h 56APPENDIX A: Additional Information on Professional Development Requirements PAGEREF _Toc117607714 \h 57APPENDIX B: Sample Professional Development Plan PAGEREF _Toc117607715 \h 62APPRENDIX C: Reconsideration and Hardship Waiver or Modification PAGEREF _Toc117607716 \h 67APPENDIX D: Educator Approvals to Technical Educator Licenses Crosswalk PAGEREF _Toc117607717 \h 68APPENDIX E: Merged Vocational Licenses Crosswalk PAGEREF _Toc117607718 \h 72APPENDIX F: Licenses with Title Change Crosswalk PAGEREF _Toc117607719 \h 73APPENDIX G: Questions and Answers PAGEREF _Toc117607720 \h 74Advanced Manufacturing Primary License Field150 Professional development points must be earned in the following topics:Minimum of 10 points in subject matter knowledge and skills Minimum of 10 points in pedagogy Minimum of 10 points in academic and technical curriculum integrationMinimum of 10 points in safety and healthMinimum of 15 points in Sheltered English Immersion, English as a Second Language or Bilingual EducationMinimum of 15 points in training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning stylesSecondary License Field30 professional development points must be earned with a minimum of 15 of those points in the subject matter knowledge and skills of the licenseAgricultural Mechanics Primary License Field150 Professional development points must be earned in the following topics:Minimum of 10 points in subject matter knowledge and skills Minimum of 10 points in pedagogy Minimum of 10 points in academic and technical curriculum integrationMinimum of 10 points in safety and healthMinimum of 15 points in Sheltered English Immersion, English as a Second Language or Bilingual EducationMinimum of 15 points in training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning stylesSecondary License Field30 professional development points must be earned with a minimum of 15 of those points in the subject matter knowledge and skills of the licenseAnimal Science Primary License Field150 Professional development points must be earned in the following topics:Minimum of 10 points in subject matter knowledge and skills Minimum of 10 points in pedagogy Minimum of 10 points in academic and technical curriculum integrationMinimum of 10 points in safety and healthMinimum of 15 points in Sheltered English Immersion, English as a Second Language or Bilingual EducationMinimum of 15 points in training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning stylesSecondary License Field30 professional development points must be earned with a minimum of 15 of those points in the subject matter knowledge and skills of the licenseAutomotive Collision Repair & RefinishingPrimary License Field150 Professional development points must be earned in the following topics:Minimum of 10 points in subject matter knowledge and skills Minimum of 10 points in pedagogy Minimum of 10 points in academic and technical curriculum integrationMinimum of 10 points in safety and healthMinimum of 15 points in Sheltered English Immersion, English as a Second Language or Bilingual EducationMinimum of 15 points in training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning stylesPossession of valid Automotive Services Excellence (ASE) certification in at least two areas of automotive collision repair and refinishing (one of the areas must be painting/refinishing)Secondary License Field30 professional development points must be earned with a minimum of 15 of those points in the subject matter knowledge and skills of the licensePossession of valid Automotive Services Excellence (ASE) certification in at least two areas of automotive collision repair and refinishing (one of the areas must be painting/refinishing).Information regarding Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certification is available from the National Institute for Automotive Excellence (ASE) and National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF), both at 1305 Dulles Technologies Drive, Herndon, VA 20171-3421, Tel: 703/713-0100 . Automotive Technology Primary License Field150 Professional development points must be earned in the following topics:Minimum of 10 points in subject matter knowledge and skills Minimum of 10 points in pedagogy Minimum of 10 points in academic and technical curriculum integrationMinimum of 10 points in safety and healthMinimum of 15 points in Sheltered English Immersion, English as a Second Language or Bilingual EducationMinimum of 15 points in training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning stylesPossession of valid Automotive Services Excellence (ASE) certification in at least three areas of automotive technologySecondary License Field30 professional development points must be earned with a minimum of 15 of those points in the subject matter knowledge and skills of the licensePossession of valid Automotive Services Excellence (ASE) certification in at least three areas of automotive technologyInformation regarding Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certification is available from the National Institute for Automotive Excellence (ASE) and National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF), both at 1305 Dulles Technologies Drive, Herndon, VA 20171-3421, Tel: 703/713-0100 . Aviation Technology Primary License Field150 Professional development points must be earned in the following topics:Minimum of 10 points in subject matter knowledge and skills Minimum of 10 points in pedagogy Minimum of 10 points in academic and technical curriculum integrationMinimum of 10 points in safety and healthMinimum of 15 points in Sheltered English Immersion, English as a Second Language or Bilingual EducationMinimum of 15 points in training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning stylesPossession of a current Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Airframe & Power-plant Certification 147Secondary License Field30 professional development points must be earned with a minimum of 15 of those points in the subject matter knowledge and skills of the licensePossession of a current Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Airframe & Power-plant Certification 147Information regarding FAA Airframe & Power-plant certification 147 may be found on the FAA website, here: Baking Primary License Field150 Professional development points must be earned in the following topics:Minimum of 10 points in subject matter knowledge and skills Minimum of 10 points in pedagogy Minimum of 10 points in academic and technical curriculum integrationMinimum of 10 points in safety and healthMinimum of 15 points in Sheltered English Immersion, English as a Second Language or Bilingual EducationMinimum of 15 points in training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning stylesCurrent certification in food sanitationSecondary License Field30 professional development points must be earned with a minimum of 15 of those points in the subject matter knowledge and skills of the licenseCurrent certification in food sanitationFood Sanitation certification is issued by the following:Experior Assessments, 600 Cleveland St., Suite 900, Clearwater, FL 33755, 800-200-6241National Registry of Food Safety Professionals, 1200 E. Hillcrest St., Suite 303, Orlando, FL 32803, 800-446-0257 () ServSafe The Educational Foundation of the National Restaurant Association, 250 South Wacker Drive, Suite 1400 Chicago, IL 60606-5834, 800-765-2122 () BiotechnologyPrimary License Field150 Professional development points must be earned in the following topics:Minimum of 10 points in subject matter knowledge and skills Minimum of 10 points in pedagogy Minimum of 10 points in academic and technical curriculum integrationMinimum of 10 points in safety and healthMinimum of 15 points in Sheltered English Immersion, English as a Second Language or Bilingual EducationMinimum of 15 points in training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning stylesSecondary License Field30 professional development points must be earned with a minimum of 15 of those points in the subject matter knowledge and skills of the licenseBuilding and Property Maintenance** Professional License Renewal Primary License Field150 Professional development points must be earned in the following topics:Minimum of 10 points in subject matter knowledge and skills Minimum of 10 points in pedagogy Minimum of 10 points in academic and technical curriculum integrationMinimum of 10 points in safety and healthMinimum of 15 points in Sheltered English Immersion, English as a Second Language or Bilingual EducationMinimum of 15 points in training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning stylesBuilding and Property Maintenance** – Professional License Renewal Secondary License Field30 professional development points must be earned with a minimum of 15 points in the subject matter knowledge and skills of the license**This license field was previously called: Facilities ManagementBusiness Technology Professional License Renewal Primary License Field150 Professional development points must be earned in the following topics:Minimum of 10 points in subject matter knowledge and skills Minimum of 10 points in pedagogy Minimum of 10 points in academic and technical curriculum integrationMinimum of 10 points in safety and healthMinimum of 15 points in Sheltered English Immersion, English as a Second Language or Bilingual EducationMinimum of 15 points in training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning stylesBusiness Technology – Professional License Renewal Secondary License Field30 professional development points must be earned with a minimum of 15 of those points in the subject matter knowledge and skills of the licenseCabinetmakingProfessional License Renewal Primary License Field150 Professional development points must be earned in the following topics:Minimum of 10 points in subject matter knowledge and skills Minimum of 10 points in pedagogy Minimum of 10 points in academic and technical curriculum integrationMinimum of 10 points in safety and healthMinimum of 15 points in Sheltered English Immersion, English as a Second Language or Bilingual EducationMinimum of 15 points in training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning stylesCabinetmaking – Professional License Renewal Secondary License Field30 professional development points must be earned with a minimum of 15 of those points in the subject matter knowledge and skills of the licenseCarpentryProfessional License Renewal Primary License Field150 Professional development points must be earned in the following topics:Minimum of 10 points in subject matter knowledge and skills Minimum of 10 points in pedagogy Minimum of 10 points in academic and technical curriculum integrationMinimum of 10 points in safety and healthMinimum of 15 points in Sheltered English Immersion, English as a Second Language or Bilingual EducationMinimum of 15 points in training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning stylesPossession of a valid Massachusetts Construction Supervisor licenseCarpentry – Professional License Renewal Secondary License Field30 professional development points must be earned with a minimum of 15 of those points in the subject matter knowledge and skills of the licensePossession of a valid Massachusetts Construction Supervisor licenseMA Construction Supervisor licenses are issued by the MA Department of Public Safety, 1 Ashburton Place, Room 1301, Boston, MA 02108-1618, Tel. 617/727-3200 or 1-800-223-0933 Construction Craft LaborerProfessional License Renewal Primary License Field150 Professional development points must be earned in the following topics:Minimum of 10 points in subject matter knowledge and skills Minimum of 10 points in pedagogy Minimum of 10 points in academic and technical curriculum integrationMinimum of 10 points in safety and healthMinimum of 15 points in Sheltered English Immersion, English as a Second Language or Bilingual EducationMinimum of 15 points in training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning stylesConstruction Craft Laborer – Professional License Renewal Secondary License Field30 professional development points must be earned with a minimum of 15 of those points in the subject matter knowledge and skills of the licenseCosmetologyProfessional License Renewal Primary License Field150 Professional development points must be earned in the following topics:Minimum of 10 points in subject matter knowledge and skills Minimum of 10 points in pedagogy Minimum of 10 points in academic and technical curriculum integrationMinimum of 10 points in safety and healthMinimum of 15 points in Sheltered English Immersion, English as a Second Language or Bilingual EducationMinimum of 15 points in training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning stylesPossession of a valid Massachusetts Cosmetologist Instructor licenseCosmetology – Professional License Renewal Secondary License Field30 professional development points must be earned with a minimum of 15 of those points in the subject matter knowledge and skills of the licensePossession of a valid Massachusetts Cosmetologist Instructor licenseThe MA Board of Registration of Cosmetologists at the Division of Professional Licensure, 1000 Washington Street, Suite 710, Boston, MA 02118, Tel (617) 727-3074, issues MA Cosmetologist license and Instructor’s licenses dplCriminal Justice Professional License Renewal Primary License Field150 Professional development points must be earned in the following topics:Minimum of 10 points in subject matter knowledge and skills Minimum of 10 points in pedagogy Minimum of 10 points in academic and technical curriculum integrationMinimum of 10 points in safety and healthMinimum of 15 points in Sheltered English Immersion, English as a Second Language or Bilingual EducationMinimum of 15 points in training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning stylesCriminal Justice – Professional License Renewal Secondary License Field30 professional development points must be earned with a minimum of 15 of those points in the subject matter knowledge and skills of the licenseCulinary Arts Professional License Renewal Primary License Field150 Professional development points must be earned in the following topics:Minimum of 10 points in subject matter knowledge and skills Minimum of 10 points in pedagogy Minimum of 10 points in academic and technical curriculum integrationMinimum of 10 points in safety and healthMinimum of 15 points in Sheltered English Immersion, English as a Second Language or Bilingual EducationMinimum of 15 points in training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning stylesPossession of valid certification in food sanitationCulinary Arts – Professional License Renewal Secondary License Field30 professional development points must be earned with a minimum of 15 of those points in the subject matter knowledge and skills of the licensePossession of valid certification in food sanitationFood Sanitation certification is issued by the following:Experior Assessments, 600 Cleveland St., Suite 900, Clearwater, FL 33755, Tel. 800-200-6241National Registry of Food Safety Professionals, 1200 E. Hillcrest St., Suite 303, Orlando, FL 32803, Tel. 800-446-0257 () ServSafe The Educational Foundation of the National Restaurant Association, 250 South Wacker Drive, Suite 1400 Chicago, IL 60606-5834, Tel. 800-765-2122 () Dental Assisting Professional License Renewal Primary License Field150 Professional development points must be earned in the following topics:Minimum of 10 points in subject matter knowledge and skills Minimum of 10 points in pedagogy Minimum of 10 points in academic and technical curriculum integrationMinimum of 10 points in safety and healthMinimum of 15 points in Sheltered English Immersion, English as a Second Language or Bilingual EducationMinimum of 15 points in training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning stylesPossession of valid dental assisting certificationDental Assisting – Professional License Renewal Secondary License Field30 professional development points must be earned with a minimum of 15 of those points in the subject matter knowledge and skills of the licensePossession of valid dental assisting certificationThe Dental Assisting National Board, 676 N. St. Clair St., Suite 1808, Chicago, Illinois 60611, issues Dental Assisting Certification & Visual CommunicationsProfessional License Renewal Primary License Field150 Professional development points must be earned in the following topics:Minimum of 10 points in subject matter knowledge and skills Minimum of 10 points in pedagogy Minimum of 10 points in academic and technical curriculum integrationMinimum of 10 points in safety and healthMinimum of 15 points in Sheltered English Immersion, English as a Second Language or Bilingual EducationMinimum of 15 points in training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning stylesDesign and Visual Communications – Professional License Renewal Secondary License Field30 professional development points must be earned with a minimum of 15 of those points in the subject matter knowledge and skills of the licenseDiesel Technology Professional License Renewal Primary License Field150 Professional development points must be earned in the following topics:Minimum of 10 points in subject matter knowledge and skills Minimum of 10 points in pedagogy Minimum of 10 points in academic and technical curriculum integrationMinimum of 10 points in safety and healthMinimum of 15 points in Sheltered English Immersion, English as a Second Language or Bilingual EducationMinimum of 15 points in training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning stylesPossession of current Automotive Services Excellence (ASE) certification in at least one area of diesel technologyDiesel Technology – Professional License Renewal Secondary License Field30 professional development points must be earned with a minimum of 15 of those points in the subject matter knowledge and skills of the licenseCurrent Automotive Services Excellence (ASE) certification in at least one area of diesel technologyInformation regarding Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certification is available from the National Institute for Automotive Excellence (ASE) and National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF), both at 1305 Dulles Technologies Drive, Herndon, VA 20171-3421, Tel: 703/713-0100 . DraftingProfessional License Renewal Primary License Field150 Professional development points must be earned in the following topics:Minimum of 10 points in subject matter knowledge and skills Minimum of 10 points in pedagogy Minimum of 10 points in academic and technical curriculum integrationMinimum of 10 points in safety and healthMinimum of 15 points in Sheltered English Immersion, English as a Second Language or Bilingual EducationMinimum of 15 points in training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning stylesDrafting – Professional License Renewal Secondary License Field30 professional development points must be earned with a minimum of 15 of those points in the subject matter knowledge and skills of the licenseEarly Education & CareProfessional License Renewal Primary License Field150 Professional development points must be earned in the following topics:Minimum of 10 points in subject matter knowledge and skills Minimum of 10 points in pedagogy Minimum of 10 points in academic and technical curriculum integrationMinimum of 10 points in safety and healthMinimum of 15 points in Sheltered English Immersion, English as a Second Language or Bilingual EducationMinimum of 15 points in training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning stylesEarly Education and Care – Professional License Renewal Secondary License Field30 professional development points must be earned with a minimum of 15 of those points in the subject matter knowledge and skills of the licenseMassachusetts Early Education and Care Lead Teacher licenses are issued by the MA Office of Early Education and Care, 51 Sleeper Street, 4th Floor, Boston, MA 02111, Tel. 617/988-6600 eec/licensingElectricityProfessional License Renewal Primary License Field150 Professional development points must be earned in the following topics:Minimum of 10 points in subject matter knowledge and skills Minimum of 10 points in pedagogy Minimum of 10 points in academic and technical curriculum integrationMinimum of 10 points in safety and healthMinimum of 15 points in Sheltered English Immersion, English as a Second Language or Bilingual EducationMinimum of 15 points in training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning stylesPossession of a valid Massachusetts Journeyman Electrician licensePossession of a valid Massachusetts Master Electrician licenseElectricity – Professional License Renewal Secondary License Field30 professional development points must be earned with a minimum of 15 of those points in the subject matter knowledge and skills of the licensePossession of a valid Massachusetts Journeyman Electrician licensePossession of a valid Master Electrician licenseThe MA Board of State Examiners of Electricians at the Division of Professional Licensure, 1000 Washington Street, Suite 710, Boston, Massachusetts 02118-6100, Tel. (617) 727-3074, issues MA Master and Journeyman Electrician licenses ?dplElectronics Professional License Renewal Primary License Field150 Professional development points must be earned in the following topics:Minimum of 10 points in subject matter knowledge and skills Minimum of 10 points in pedagogy Minimum of 10 points in academic and technical curriculum integrationMinimum of 10 points in safety and healthMinimum of 15 points in Sheltered English Immersion, English as a Second Language or Bilingual EducationMinimum of 15 points in training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning stylesElectronics – Professional License Renewal Secondary License Field30 professional development points must be earned with a minimum of 15 of those points in the subject matter knowledge and skills of the licenseEngineering TechnologyProfessional License Renewal Primary License Field150 Professional development points must be earned in the following topics:Minimum of 10 points in subject matter knowledge and skills Minimum of 10 points in pedagogy Minimum of 10 points in academic and technical curriculum integrationMinimum of 10 points in safety and healthMinimum of 15 points in Sheltered English Immersion, English as a Second Language or Bilingual EducationMinimum of 15 points in training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning stylesEngineering Technology – Professional License Renewal Secondary License Field30 professional development points must be earned with a minimum of 15 of those points in the subject matter knowledge and skills of the licenseEnvironmental Science & TechnologyProfessional License Renewal Primary License Field150 Professional development points must be earned in the following topics:Minimum of 10 points in subject matter knowledge and skills Minimum of 10 points in pedagogy Minimum of 10 points in academic and technical curriculum integrationMinimum of 10 points in safety and healthMinimum of 15 points in Sheltered English Immersion, English as a Second Language or Bilingual EducationMinimum of 15 points in training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning stylesEnvironmental Science & Technology – Professional License Renewal Secondary License Field30 professional development points must be earned with a minimum of 15 of those points in the subject matter knowledge and skills of the licenseFashion TechnologyProfessional License Renewal Primary License Field150 Professional development points must be earned in the following topics:Minimum of 10 points in subject matter knowledge and skills Minimum of 10 points in pedagogy Minimum of 10 points in academic and technical curriculum integrationMinimum of 10 points in safety and healthMinimum of 15 points in Sheltered English Immersion, English as a Second Language or Bilingual EducationMinimum of 15 points in training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning stylesFashion Technology – Professional License Renewal Secondary License Field30 professional development points must be earned with a minimum of 15 of those points in the subject matter knowledge and skills of the licenseGraphic CommunicationsProfessional License Renewal Primary License Field150 Professional development points must be earned in the following topics:Minimum of 10 points in subject matter knowledge and skills Minimum of 10 points in pedagogy Minimum of 10 points in academic and technical curriculum integrationMinimum of 10 points in safety and healthMinimum of 15 points in Sheltered English Immersion, English as a Second Language or Bilingual EducationMinimum of 15 points in training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning stylesGraphic Communications – Professional License Renewal Secondary License Field30 professional development points must be earned with a minimum of 15 of those points in the subject matter knowledge and skills of the licenseHealth Assisting Professional License Renewal Primary License Field150 Professional development points must be earned in the following topics:Minimum of 10 points in subject matter knowledge and skills Minimum of 10 points in pedagogy Minimum of 10 points in academic and technical curriculum integrationMinimum of 10 points in safety and healthMinimum of 15 points in Sheltered English Immersion, English as a Second Language or Bilingual EducationMinimum of 15 points in training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning stylesPossession of a valid Massachusetts Registered Nurse (RN) licenseHealth Assisting – Professional License Renewal Secondary License Field30 professional development points must be earned with a minimum of 15 of those points in the subject matter knowledge and skills of the licensePossession of a valid Massachusetts Registered Nurse (RN) licenseThe Massachusetts Board of Registration in Nursing, 239 Causeway Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02114, Tel. (617) 727-9961, issues MA RN License: Ventilation Air Conditioning RefrigerationProfessional License Renewal Primary License Field150 Professional development points must be earned in the following topics:Minimum of 10 points in subject matter knowledge and skills Minimum of 10 points in pedagogy Minimum of 10 points in academic and technical curriculum integrationMinimum of 10 points in safety and healthMinimum of 15 points in Sheltered English Immersion, English as a Second Language or Bilingual EducationMinimum of 15 points in training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning stylesPossession of valid Section 608 EPA Certification at the Universal levelHeating-Ventilation-Air Conditioning-Refrigeration – Professional License Renewal Secondary License Field30 professional development points must be earned with a minimum of 15 of those points in the subject matter knowledge and skills of the licensePossession of valid Section 608 EPA Certification at the Universal levelInformation about Section 608 EPA Certification at the Universal Level may be found here: Horticulture Professional License Renewal Primary License Field150 Professional development points must be earned in the following topics:Minimum of 10 points in subject matter knowledge and skills Minimum of 10 points in pedagogy Minimum of 10 points in academic and technical curriculum integrationMinimum of 10 points in safety and healthMinimum of 15 points in Sheltered English Immersion, English as a Second Language or Bilingual EducationMinimum of 15 points in training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning stylesPossession of a valid Massachusetts Pesticide Applicator licenseHorticulture – Professional License Renewal Secondary License Field30 professional development points must be earned with a minimum of 15 of those points in the subject matter knowledge and skills of the licensePossession of a valid Massachusetts Pesticide Applicator licenseMA Pesticide Applicator licenses are issued by the MA Dept. of Food & Agriculture, 251 Causeway Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02114, Tel. (617) 626-1700 Hospitality ManagementProfessional License Renewal Primary License Field150 Professional development points must be earned in the following topics:Minimum of 10 points in subject matter knowledge and skills Minimum of 10 points in pedagogy Minimum of 10 points in academic and technical curriculum integrationMinimum of 10 points in safety and healthMinimum of 15 points in Sheltered English Immersion, English as a Second Language or Bilingual EducationMinimum of 15 points in training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning stylesPossession of a valid certification in food sanitationHospitality Management – Professional License Renewal Secondary License Field30 professional development points must be earned with a minimum of 15 of those points in the subject matter knowledge and skills of the licensePossession of a valid certification in food sanitationFood Sanitation certification is issued by the following:Experior Assessments, 600 Cleveland St., Suite 900, Clearwater, FL 33755, Tel. 800-200-6241 National Registry of Food Safety Professionals, 1200 E. Hillcrest St., Suite 303, Orlando, FL 32803, Tel. 800-446-0257 () ServSafe The Educational Foundation of the National Restaurant Association, 250 South Wacker Drive, Suite 1400 Chicago, IL 60606-5834, Tel. 800-765-2122 () Information Support Services & Networking Professional License Renewal Primary License Field150 Professional development points must be earned in the following topics:Minimum of 10 points in subject matter knowledge and skills Minimum of 10 points in pedagogy Minimum of 10 points in academic and technical curriculum integrationMinimum of 10 points in safety and healthMinimum of 15 points in Sheltered English Immersion, English as a Second Language or Bilingual EducationMinimum of 15 points in training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning stylesInformation Support Services & Networking – Professional License Renewal Secondary License Field30 professional development points must be earned with a minimum of 15 of those points in the subject matter knowledge and skills of the licenseMachine Tool Technology Professional License Renewal Primary License Field150 Professional development points must be earned in the following topics:Minimum of 10 points in subject matter knowledge and skills Minimum of 10 points in pedagogy Minimum of 10 points in academic and technical curriculum integrationMinimum of 10 points in safety and healthMinimum of 15 points in Sheltered English Immersion, English as a Second Language or Bilingual EducationMinimum of 15 points in training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning stylesMachine Tool Technology – Professional License Renewal Secondary License Field30 professional development points must be earned with a minimum of 15 of those points in the subject matter knowledge and skills of the licenseMajor Appliance Installation/Repairing Professional License Renewal Primary License Field150 Professional development points must be earned in the following topics:Minimum of 10 points in subject matter knowledge and skills Minimum of 10 points in pedagogy Minimum of 10 points in academic and technical curriculum integrationMinimum of 10 points in safety and healthMinimum of 15 points in Sheltered English Immersion, English as a Second Language or Bilingual EducationMinimum of 15 points in training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning stylesPossession of valid Section 608 EPA certification at the Universal levelMajor Appliance Installation/Repairing – Professional License Renewal Secondary License Field30 professional development points must be earned with a minimum of 15 of those points in the subject matter knowledge and skills of the licensePossession of valid Section 608 EPA certification at the Universal levelInformation about Section 608 EPA Certification at the Universal Level may be found here: Marine Service TechnologyProfessional License Renewal Primary License Field150 Professional development points must be earned in the following topics:Minimum of 10 points in subject matter knowledge and skills Minimum of 10 points in pedagogy Minimum of 10 points in academic and technical curriculum integrationMinimum of 10 points in safety and healthMinimum of 15 points in Sheltered English Immersion, English as a Second Language or Bilingual EducationMinimum of 15 points in training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning stylesMarine Service Technology – Professional License Renewal Secondary License Field30 professional development points must be earned with a minimum of 15 of those points in the subject matter knowledge and skills of the licenseMarketingProfessional License Renewal Primary License Field150 Professional development points must be earned in the following topics:Minimum of 10 points in subject matter knowledge and skills Minimum of 10 points in pedagogy Minimum of 10 points in academic and technical curriculum integrationMinimum of 10 points in safety and healthMinimum of 15 points in Sheltered English Immersion, English as a Second Language or Bilingual EducationMinimum of 15 points in training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning stylesMarketing – Professional License Renewal Secondary License Field30 professional development points must be earned with a minimum of 15 of those points in the subject matter knowledge and skills of the licenseMasonry & Tile SettingProfessional License Renewal Primary License Field150 Professional development points must be earned in the following topics:Minimum of 10 points in subject matter knowledge and skills Minimum of 10 points in pedagogy Minimum of 10 points in academic and technical curriculum integrationMinimum of 10 points in safety and healthMinimum of 15 points in Sheltered English Immersion, English as a Second Language or Bilingual EducationMinimum of 15 points in training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning stylesMasonry & Tile Setting – Professional License Renewal Secondary License Field30 professional development points must be earned with a minimum of 15 of those points in the subject matter knowledge and skills of the licenseMedical AssistingProfessional License Renewal Primary License Field150 Professional development points must be earned in the following topics:Minimum of 10 points in subject matter knowledge and skills Minimum of 10 points in pedagogy Minimum of 10 points in academic and technical curriculum integrationMinimum of 10 points in safety and healthMinimum of 15 points in Sheltered English Immersion, English as a Second Language or Bilingual EducationMinimum of 15 points in training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning stylesPossession of current National Certification as a Medical AssistantMedical Assisting – Professional License Renewal Secondary License Field30 professional development points must be earned with a minimum of 15 of those points in the subject matter knowledge and skills of the licensePossession of current National Certification as a Medical AssistantThe Licensure Office accepts certification as a Medical Assistant or Medical Assistant/Secretary is accepted from one of the following organizations:American Association of Medical Assistants; 20 N. Wacker Dr., Ste. 1575, Chicago, IL 60606. aama- American Medical Technologists; 710 Higgins Road, Park Ridge, IL 60068-5765. National Health Career Association; 134 Evergreen Place, E. Orange, NJ 07018. Metal Fabrication & Joining TechnologiesProfessional License Renewal Primary License Field150 Professional development points must be earned in the following topics:Minimum of 10 points in subject matter knowledge and skills Minimum of 10 points in pedagogy Minimum of 10 points in academic and technical curriculum integrationMinimum of 10 points in safety and healthMinimum of 15 points in Sheltered English Immersion, English as a Second Language or Bilingual EducationMinimum of 15 points in training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning stylesMetal Fabrication & Joining Technologies – Professional License Renewal Secondary License Field30 professional development points must be earned with a minimum of 15 of those points in the subject matter knowledge and skills of the licensePainting & Design TechnologiesProfessional License Renewal Primary License Field150 Professional development points must be earned in the following topics:Minimum of 10 points in subject matter knowledge and skills Minimum of 10 points in pedagogy Minimum of 10 points in academic and technical curriculum integrationMinimum of 10 points in safety and healthMinimum of 15 points in Sheltered English Immersion, English as a Second Language or Bilingual EducationMinimum of 15 points in training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning stylesPainting & Design Technologies – Professional License Renewal Secondary License Field30 professional development points must be earned with a minimum of 15 of those points in the subject matter knowledge and skills of the licensePlumbingProfessional License Renewal Primary License Field150 Professional development points must be earned in the following topics:Minimum of 10 points in subject matter knowledge and skills Minimum of 10 points in pedagogy Minimum of 10 points in academic and technical curriculum integrationMinimum of 10 points in safety and healthMinimum of 15 points in Sheltered English Immersion, English as a Second Language or Bilingual EducationMinimum of 15 points in training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning stylesPossession of a valid Massachusetts Journeyman Plumber licensePossession of a valid Massachusetts Master Plumber licensePlumbing – Professional License Renewal Secondary License Field30 professional development points must be earned with a minimum of 15 of those points in the subject matter knowledge and skills of the licensePossession of a valid Massachusetts Journeyman Plumber licensePossession of a valid Massachusetts Master Plumber licenseThe MA Board of State Examiners of Plumbers & Gas Fitters at the Division of Professional Licensure, 1000 Washington Street, Suite 710, Boston, MA 02118-6100, Tel. ?(617) 727-3074, issues MA Master and Journeyman Plumber licenses Power Equipment Technology Professional License Renewal Primary License Field150 Professional development points must be earned in the following topics:Minimum of 10 points in subject matter knowledge and skills Minimum of 10 points in pedagogy Minimum of 10 points in academic and technical curriculum integrationMinimum of 10 points in safety and healthMinimum of 15 points in Sheltered English Immersion, English as a Second Language or Bilingual EducationMinimum of 15 points in training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning stylesPower Equipment Technology – Professional License Renewal Secondary License Field30 professional development points must be earned with a minimum of 15 of those points in the subject matter knowledge and skills of the licenseProgramming & Web DevelopmentProfessional License Renewal Primary License Field150 Professional development points must be earned in the following topics:Minimum of 10 points in subject matter knowledge and skills Minimum of 10 points in pedagogy Minimum of 10 points in academic and technical curriculum integrationMinimum of 10 points in safety and healthMinimum of 15 points in Sheltered English Immersion, English as a Second Language or Bilingual EducationMinimum of 15 points in training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning stylesProgramming and Web Development – Professional License Renewal Secondary License Field30 professional development points must be earned with a minimum of 15 of those points in the subject matter knowledge and skills of the licenseRadio & Television BroadcastingProfessional License Renewal Primary License Field150 Professional development points must be earned in the following topics:Minimum of 10 points in subject matter knowledge and skills Minimum of 10 points in pedagogy Minimum of 10 points in academic and technical curriculum integrationMinimum of 10 points in safety and healthMinimum of 15 points in Sheltered English Immersion, English as a Second Language or Bilingual EducationMinimum of 15 points in training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning stylesRadio & Television Broadcasting – Professional License Renewal Secondary License Field30 professional development points must be earned with a minimum of 15 of those points in the subject matter knowledge and skills of the licenseRobotics and Automation TechnologyProfessional License Renewal Primary License Field150 Professional development points must be earned in the following topics:Minimum of 10 points in subject matter knowledge and skills Minimum of 10 points in pedagogy Minimum of 10 points in academic and technical curriculum integrationMinimum of 10 points in safety and healthMinimum of 15 points in Sheltered English Immersion, English as a Second Language or Bilingual EducationMinimum of 15 points in training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning stylesRobotics and Automation Technology – Professional License Renewal Secondary License Field30 professional development points must be earned with a minimum of 15 of those points in the subject matter knowledge and skills of the licenseSheet Metalworking Professional License Renewal Primary License Field150 Professional development points must be earned in the following topics:Minimum of 10 points in subject matter knowledge and skills Minimum of 10 points in pedagogy Minimum of 10 points in academic and technical curriculum integrationMinimum of 10 points in safety and healthMinimum of 15 points in Sheltered English Immersion, English as a Second Language or Bilingual EducationMinimum of 15 points in training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning stylesSheet Metalworking – Professional License Renewal Secondary License Field30 professional development points must be earned with a minimum of 15 of those points in the subject matter knowledge and skills of the licenseStationary Engineering Professional License Renewal Primary License Field150 Professional development points must be earned in the following topics:Minimum of 10 points in subject matter knowledge and skills Minimum of 10 points in pedagogy Minimum of 10 points in academic and technical curriculum integrationMinimum of 10 points in safety and healthMinimum of 15 points in Sheltered English Immersion, English as a Second Language or Bilingual EducationMinimum of 15 points in training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning stylesPossession of a valid Massachusetts First, Second or Third-class Boiler Engineer licenseStationary Engineering – Professional License Renewal Secondary License Field30 professional development points must be earned with a minimum of 15 of those points in the subject matter knowledge and skills of the licensePossession of a valid Massachusetts First, Second or Third-class Boiler Engineer licenseMA Boiler Engineer licenses are issued by the MA Department of Public Safety, 1 Ashburton Place, Room 1301 Boston, MA 02108-1618, Tel. (617) 727-3200 TelecommunicationsProfessional License Renewal Primary License Field150 Professional development points must be earned in the following topics:Minimum of 10 points in subject matter knowledge and skills Minimum of 10 points in pedagogy Minimum of 10 points in academic and technical curriculum integrationMinimum of 10 points in safety and healthMinimum of 15 points in Sheltered English Immersion, English as a Second Language or Bilingual EducationMinimum of 15 points in training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning stylesTelecommunications – Professional License Renewal Secondary License Field30 professional development points must be earned with a minimum of 15 of those points in the subject matter knowledge and skills of the licenseWelding Professional License Renewal Primary License Field150 Professional development points must be earned in the following topics:Minimum of 10 points in subject matter knowledge and skills Minimum of 10 points in pedagogy Minimum of 10 points in academic and technical curriculum integrationMinimum of 10 points in safety and healthMinimum of 15 points in Sheltered English Immersion, English as a Second Language or Bilingual EducationMinimum of 15 points in training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning stylesPossession of a valid National Welding certificationWelding – Professional License Renewal Secondary License Field30 professional development points must be earned with a minimum of 15 of those points in the subject matter knowledge and skills of the licensePossession of a valid National Welding certificationNational Welding Certification is issued by the American Welding Society (AWS), 550 NW LeJeune Rd., Miami, FL 33126, Tel. (800) 443-9353 Licensure for Post-Secondary Chapter 74 ProgramsMedical Laboratory Technology Professional License Renewal Primary License Field150 Professional development points must be earned in the following topics:Minimum of 10 points in subject matter knowledge and skills Minimum of 10 points in pedagogy Minimum of 10 points in academic and technical curriculum integrationMinimum of 10 points in safety and healthMinimum of 15 points in Sheltered English Immersion, English as a Second Language or Bilingual EducationMinimum of 15 points in training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning stylesMedical Laboratory Technology – Professional License Renewal Secondary License Field30 professional development points must be earned with a minimum of 15 of those points in the subject matter knowledge and skills of the licensePractical Nursing (LPN)Professional License Renewal Primary License Field150 Professional development points must be earned in the following topics:Minimum of 10 points in subject matter knowledge and skills Minimum of 10 points in pedagogy Minimum of 10 points in academic and technical curriculum integrationMinimum of 10 points in safety and healthMinimum of 15 points in Sheltered English Immersion, English as a Second Language or Bilingual EducationMinimum of 15 points in training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning stylesPossession of a valid Massachusetts Registered Nurse (RN) licensePractical Nursing (LPN) – Professional License Renewal Secondary License Field30 professional development points must be earned with a minimum of 15 of those points in the subject matter knowledge and skills of the licensePossession of a valid Massachusetts Registered Nurse (RN) licenseThe MA Board of Registration in Nursing, 239 Causeway Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02114, Tel. (617) 973-0900, issues MA RN licence Technology Professional License Renewal Primary License Field150 Professional development points must be earned in the following topics:Minimum of 10 points in subject matter knowledge and skills Minimum of 10 points in pedagogy Minimum of 10 points in academic and technical curriculum integrationMinimum of 10 points in safety and healthMinimum of 15 points in Sheltered English Immersion, English as a Second Language or Bilingual EducationMinimum of 15 points in training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning stylesSurgical Technology – Professional License Renewal Secondary License Field30 professional development points must be earned with a minimum of 15 of those points in the subject matter knowledge and skills of the licenseADMINISTRATOR LICENSESSuperintendent/Assistant SuperintendentProfessional License Renewal Primary License Field150 Professional development points must be earned in the following areas:Minimum of 15 points in contentMinimum of 15 points in Sheltered English Immersion, English as a Second Language or Bilingual EducationMinimum of 15 points in training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning stylesschool lawschool financelabor relationssafety and healthother areas deemed necessary by the district’s professional development planSuperintendent/Assistant Superintendent – Professional License Renewal Secondary License Field30 professional development points must be earned with a minimum of 15 of those points in the subject matter knowledge and skills of the licensePrincipal/Assistant PrincipalProfessional License Renewal Primary License FieldProfessional development points (150 points) must be earned in the following areas:Minimum of 15 points in contentMinimum of 15 points in Sheltered English Immersion, English as a Second Language or Bilingual EducationMinimum of 15 points in training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning stylescurriculumsupervisionschool lawlabor relationssafety and healthother areas deemed necessary by the district’s professional development planPrincipal/Assistant Principal – Professional License Renewal Secondary License Field30 professional development points must be earned with a minimum of 15 of those points in the subject matter knowledge and skills of the licenseSupervisor/DirectorProfessional License Renewal Primary License FieldProfessional development points (150 points) must be earned in the following areas:Minimum of 15 points in contentMinimum of 15 points in Sheltered English Immersion, English as a Second Language or Bilingual EducationMinimum of 15 points in training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning stylescurriculumsupervisionschool lawlabor relationssafety and healthother areas deemed necessary by the district’s professional development planSupervisor/Director – Professional License Renewal Secondary License Field30 professional development points must be earned with a minimum of 15 of those points in the subject matter knowledge and skills of the licenseCooperative Education CoordinatorProfessional License Renewal Primary License FieldProfessional development points (150 points) must be earned in the following areas:Minimum of 15 points in training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning styleslabor lawssafety and healthother areas deemed necessary by the district’s professional development planCooperative Education Coordinator – Professional License Renewal Secondary License Field30 professional development points must be earned with a minimum of 15 of those points in the subject matter knowledge and skills of the licenseAPPENDIX A: Additional Information on Professional Development RequirementsThe requirements for professional development for vocational technical educators are significantly aligned with those for educators licensed under Chapter 71. Note that Professional Development Plan forms are the same for vocational technical educators and other licensed educators. The process for supervisor approval is the same as well. The template for this approval is provided in this Guide (see Appendix B).Documentation and Record Keeping:Each vocational technical educator shall maintain the following materials to verify completion of professional development requirements: an individual Professional Development Plan, to be implemented over the five-year period, that includes the educator's goals for strengthening knowledge and skills resulting in improvements in teachingreasonable documentation that validates the completion of each activity and the number of PDPs accruedrecord log of completed professional development activities, that at a minimum includes the topic and type of professional activities completed, the dates of such activities and the number of PDPs accrued Each vocational technical educator shall maintain the Professional Development Plan, documentation of PDPs, and record log for five years from the date of license renewal. This documentation is subject to review by the vocational technical educator's supervisor and audit by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Approval of Professional Development Plans: Vocational technical educators must obtain approval of their proposed professional development plans from their supervisors pursuant to the timelines in the Vocational Technical Education Regulations. Approval for proposed individual professional development plans shall be from the vocational technical educator's direct supervisor or an appropriate designee. In most instances, this will mean that the plans of teachers and other educators who report to the principal will be approved by the principal, a principal's plan will be approved by the superintendent, and a superintendent's plan will be approved by the chairperson of the school committee. Approval of a professional development plan shall be based on whether the proposed professional development plan is consistent with the educational needs of the school and/or district and whether the plan is designed to enhance the ability of the educator to improve student learning. A supervisor may consider whether the plan requires an educator to earn PDPs regularly throughout the five-year period when evaluating the plan. Approval of individual professional development plans shall not be unreasonably withheld. In the event that a supervisor rejects a plan, teachers and other educators who report to the principal may seek review of the denial from the superintendent, principals may seek review from the school committee chairperson, and superintendents may seek review from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. An educator may then seek additional review from the Department, according to the provisions set forth in the Vocational Technical Education Regulations.A supervisor shall review each individual professional development plan at least every two years. A supervisor shall review the professional development plan of any educator new to the district or school within three months of the educator's beginning employment in the new position. A supervisor may require an educator to amend the plan or may withdraw approval for a plan that had been previously approved, provided, however, that any PDPs that were earned consistently with an approved plan shall be deemed approved in applying for license renewal. Any PDPs that are earned prior to the approval of a plan may be subject to disapproval, if in the opinion of the educator's supervisor, the PDPs are not consistent with the educational improvement goals of the school and/or district. Vocational technical educators who are employed in a Massachusetts public school will be required to attest in their license renewal application that they have obtained their supervisor's approval of their completed professional development plan. (Has your supervisor approved your professional development plan?). A supervisor's approval will indicate that the supervisor has reviewed the log of professional development activities maintained by the educator to ensure that the reported activities are consistent with the approved professional development plan. Educators may be required to produce the signed approval, if audited. Vocational technical educators who are not employed in a Massachusetts public school at the time that they apply for license renewal shall submit their professional development plan directly to the Office of Educator Licensure, without a supervisor's approval. Options and Examples of Professional Development Activities: The following options and examples outline professional development activities that may count toward license renewal. The options and examples will assist vocational technical educators in developing an ongoing individual professional development plan consistent with the educational needs of the school and/or district while providing flexibility in the kinds of activities that are eligible for professional development points for license renewal.For your convenience, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education has created a searchable registry of Department-approved Professional Development Providers. These organizations have been authorized by the Department to offer professional development activities and to award Professional Development Points. Educators should note that this is not a registry of ALL approved providers. The PD Provider registry may be found here: New Employment Activities: Educators may accrue up to 75 PDPs for a five-year renewal cycle through an educator-designed professional development such as new employment activities (work experience) that provide the individual with new skills. One clock hour of new employment experience will equal one PDP. In order to be considered new, the skills to be acquired must be new to the individual educator.Vocational Technical Education Framework Development: Educators who participate on Vocational Technical Education Framework Committees for the development of the frameworks may earn PDPs.Additional Occupational Licenses/Certification for Professional Development Points toward license renewal: Achieving a new occupational license or certification in a licensed occupation may earn a vocational technical teacher a maximum of 50 PDPs in the field of the educator’s license. The state/federal/industry licenses/certifications listed under the requirement for each license field in this Guide are approved for PDPs in the field of the Professional license. Note that license/certification renewals are not considered new licenses/certifications. However, the continuing education required for the renewal would count as PDPs.Undergraduate and Graduate Courses, Seminars, or Institutes:Colleges and universities offer upper-level undergraduate and graduate-level courses. School districts, collaboratives, museums, scientific institutes, cultural institutions, and other providers may offer equivalent courses of study after obtaining approval from the Department. Please refer to Appendix C of the Recertification Guidelines for Massachusetts Educators at for specific Department guidelines regarding approval.Upper-level (except where otherwise noted) or equivalent or lower-level undergraduate courseOne semester hour = 22.5 PDPsA graduate-level course of study or its approved equivalent in the content area of the license, or an upper-level undergraduate course or its approved equivalent when the content is substantially new to the educator, will be considered. Advanced academic study will be awarded more PDPs.Upper-level undergraduate course or approved equivalent(only when substantially new to the educator)One semester hour = 22.5 PDPsGraduate-level course or approved equivalentOne semester hour = 22.5 PDPsInitiatives sponsored by Districts, Collaboratives, or Registered Providers: Educators who participate in school district-based in-service programs that focus on strengthening knowledge and skills in content areas are eligible to receive one PDP per clock hour. Educators may receive PDPs after the successful completion of a professional development program (minimum of 10 hours on a topic) with an observable demonstration of learning that could include a written product or other documented product.Some professional development programs are not readily measured in clock hours or may result in a large number of hours. The Department has established the maximum number of points per year for some programs in an effort to encourage educators to participate in a variety of professionally relevant and meaningful activities. Educators who participate in the following professional development programs within a five-year renewal cycle are eligible to receive one PDP per clock hour but may not apply more than the identified maximum number of points per year toward license renewal. Educators may apply the earned PDPs toward either the content-based pedagogy/professional skill area or the elective points or both depending upon whether or not the pedagogical activities are content-based.Eligible ProgramMaximum Number of Points Per YearMentoring15 PDPs from districts that have submitted a mentoring plan to the Department of Elementary and Secondary EducationPeer Coaching15 PDPsPeer Assistance and Review Programs15 PDPsCooperating Teacher15 PDPsNational Board of Professional Teaching Standards 120 PDPs for successful completion (30 PDPs in content, 60 PDPs in pedagogy and 30 PDPs in elective)Audited Courses: Undergraduate or graduate course or equivalent audits one semester hour = 7.5 PDPsTeam for Accreditation or Inspection (Example: c. 74 new program on sites): 30 PDPs upon submission of a written reportEligible PersonMaximum Number of Points Per YearTeam member30 PDPs in five-year cycleSchool faculty member preparing for visit30 PDPs in five-year cycleNote: PDPs for accreditation or inspection visits may be used for points not subject to supervisor approval.Teacher of a graduate-level Course or Approved Equivalent for Educators: A teacher of a graduate-level course or approved equivalent is eligible to receive 45 PDPs per semester hour for the first time the course is taught in a five-year renewal cycle. The graduate-level course must be related to the content area of the educator’s license.Educator Designed Activities: Educators may earn PDPs through an educator designed professional development activity that results in a product that would be shared with other educators.Professional Conference: While PDPs are no longer awarded for attendance at a professional conference, educators are eligible to receive 30 PDPs the first time they make a presentation at a professional conference in a five-year renewal cycle. In addition, educators who attend a professional conference may extend their learning by developing a school-based activity or curriculum, or by publishing written material as described below. These activities will assist educators in earning PDPs for license renewal.School-Based Activity: Educators may earn PDPs for developing and implementing an activity for students, parents, or teachers that incorporates the learning standards of the Curriculum Frameworks. Educators may earn one PDP per clock hour with a maximum of 30 points in all in a five-year cycle when the school-based activity is distributed or implemented within a local school, district, or university. Educators may count PDPs from school-based activities toward license renewal content requirement when the activity is directly related to the content area of the license.Examples of school-based activities: Design and coordinate extended learning activities for students.Design and implement a series of seminars for teachers and/or parents. Training topics might include:developing and implementing standards-based units designing instructional practices that support learning in a standards-based classroom/shop supporting students with disabilities within a standards-based classroom/shop supporting gifted and talented students within a standards-based classroom/shopPresenters/Trainers: Educators who develop and present a minimum of three separate sessions in a professional development series are eligible to receive twice the number of PDPs given to participants, with the presenter receiving a minimum of 10 PDPs and a maximum of 24 PDPs. These points may be counted the first time the training is provided in a five-year cycle.Curriculum Development: Educators who author a new curriculum unit that is published in a school or district guide or formally shared in other ways, including software, student text book or professional resource may earn 15 points per curriculum unit and may accrue up to 60 points in five years.Published Written Materials:Doctoral dissertation90 PDPs in five yearsMaster's or CAGS thesis45 PDPs in five yearsBook(s)90 PDPs per bookProfessional journal articles or chapters in a professional book30 PDPs per chapter or article in a book or journalPublished results of action research30 PDPs in five yearsNote: When a professional development activity includes the development of a work to be used, distributed, or published, legal issues concerning ownership and copyright protection may arise. Educators who write copyrightable material while "on the job" should discuss these issues with their employer.Continuing Education Units: Courses provided by professional development providers that meet specific standards are often measured in Continuing Education Units (CEUs) as defined by the International Association for Continuing Education. For more information call 202-463-2905 or visit the website at . One CEU = 10 PDPsAPPENDIX B: Sample Professional Development PlanThis sample Individual Professional Development Plan represents a culinary arts teacher who needs 150 PDPs for license renewal with a minimum of 10 PDPs in each of the required areas. This plan is aligned with a sample School Improvement Plan and 80% of the professional development activities are consistent with the educational needs of the school. Name: LastFirstMiddleRenewal DateHome AddressCityState Zip CodePrimary License FieldLicense NumberAdditional License Field License NumberDistrictSchoolGrade Level(s)Subject(s)Professional Development Points Required for Renewal of Primary Field = 150Minimum number of PDPs required in subject matter and skills = 10Minimum number of PDPs required in pedagogy = 10Minimum number of PDPs required in core subject and technical curriculum integration = 10Minimum number of PDPs in safety and health = 10Minimum number of PDPs in SEI/ESL/Bilingual Education = 15Minimum number of PDPs required in training in strategies for effective schooling for students with disabilities and instruction of students with diverse learning styles = 15Professional Development Points Required for Renewal of Additional License Field = 30My professional growth goals (please number):increase my knowledge of Strand Four of the Massachusetts Vocational Technical Education Hospitality Management Vocational Technical Education Frameworkincrease my knowledge of American Culinary Federation’s (ACF) Secondary Accreditation requirementsincrease my knowledge of writing across the curriculum (Strand Three of the VTEFincrease my knowledge of occupational safety and health (Strand One of the VTEF)increase my knowledge of student-developed portfolios for the Certificate of Occupational Proficiencyincrease my skills in high-end food preparation (Strand Two of the VTEF)My professional growth goals are consistent with the following district and/or school goals:increase the number of students who earn licenses and certificates in their technical program areaimplement techniques and strategies that will improve students’ writing skillsimplement techniques and strategies for authentic assessments that capture what students know and can doalign technical programs to national program standardsimplement techniques and strategies that will improve students’ literacy levelSample Record of Approved Professional Development Activities for Primary License FieldProfessional Development ActivityProfessional Growth Goal NumberSubject Matter Knowledge and Skills PDPsPedagogy PDPsCore Subjects & Technical Curriculum Integration PDPsSafety & Health PDPsSEI/ESL/ Bilingual education PDPsStudents with diverse Learning Styles PDPsDate Approved and Supervisor’s InitialsDate CompletedDOE Content Institute: Hospitality Management167.5OSHA Sponsored Training: Safety410School-Based Study Group: Writing Across the Curriculum310Participation on Certificate of Occupational Proficiency Portfolio Standards Committee52010Participation as a member of an ACF Accreditation Team230Employment in Restaurant Learning High-End Foods Incl. Culinary Sauces675RETELL course67.5Special Education Workshop15Sample Record of Additional Professional Development Activitiesfor Elective PDPs or for Additional License FieldProfessional Development ActivityProfessional Growth Goal NumberSubject Matter Knowledge and Skills PDPsPedagogy PDPsCore Subjects & Technical Curriculum Integration PDPsSafety & Health PDPsSEI/ESL/ Bilingual Education PDPsStudents with Diverse Learning Styles PDPsDate Approved and Supervisor’s InitialsDate CompletedPeer Coaching515Use additional copies of this form if necessary.Educator’s NameLicense NumberInitial Review and ApprovalDate:The signature below indicates that 80% of this educator’s Individual Professional Development Plan is consistent with the educational needs of the school and/or district and is designed to enhance the ability of the educator to improve student learning.Supervisor’s Name (print)TitleSignatureFirst Two Year ReviewDate:The signature below indicates that this educator’s Individual Professional Development Plan was reviewed.Please check oneThe Plan remains consistent with the education needs of the school and/or district.The Plan was reviewed and amendedSupervisor’s Name (print)TitleSignatureSecond Two Year ReviewDate:The signature below indicates that this educator’s Individual Professional Development Plan was reviewed.Please check oneThe Plan remains consistent with the education needs of the school and/or district.The Plan was reviewed and amendedSupervisor’s Name (print)TitleSignatureFinal EndorsementDate:The signature below indicates the supervisor has reviewed this educator’s Record of Professional Development Activities and the reported activities are consistent with the approved professional development plan.Supervisor’s Name (print)TitleSignatureAPPRENDIX C: Reconsideration and Hardship Waiver or ModificationReconsideration:An applicant for license renewal may request that the Commissioner reconsider the Department’s decision not to renew such applicant’s license. An applicant may also appeal a supervisor’s decision not to approve or endorse a professional development plan to the Commissioner after seeking any review available at the local school district pursuant to 603 CMR 4.12(8)(e). The applicant shall submit a written request for reconsideration to the Commissioner within 30 days of the date that the applicant received notice that his or her application for license renewal has been denied or that the individual professional development plan was rejected at the highest available level of local review. The decision of the Commissioner shall be final.Hardship Waiver or Modification:Upon demonstration of extreme hardship, the Commissioner may waive or modify the requirement of completion of the requisite number of PDPs as set forth in 603 CMR 4.12. A showing of extreme hardship may include serious illness or other catastrophic circumstances that are beyond the control of the educator. No modification or waiver will be granted without satisfactory evidence that the educator has made a good faith effort to obtain the required number of PDPs but that extreme hardship has prevented the educator from doing so.The Commissioner, in his or her discretion, may impose reasonable conditions upon any modification or waiver granted.The decision of the Commissioner shall be final.APPENDIX D: Educator Approvals to Technical Educator Licenses CrosswalkCROSSWALK FROM VOCATIONAL EDUCATOR APPROVALS TO VOCATIONAL TECHNICAL EDUCATOR LICENSES Effective September 1, 2003APPROVALS PREVIOUSLY ISSUED:LICENSES TO BE ISSUED:Aircraft MaintenanceNone – retired 9/1/03 but renewableAir ConditioningHeating, A/C, Refrigeration TechnologyAgricultural MechanicsAgricultural MechanicsAgricultural Production – Animal ScienceAnimal ScienceAgricultural Production – Plant ScienceHorticultureAgricultural ResourcesNatural ResourcesAuto TechnologyAutomotive TechnologyAuto bodyAutomotive Collision Repair and RefinishingBiotechnologyBiotechnologyBilingual Vocational TeacherNone – retired 9/1/03 but renewableBoat BuildingNone – retired 9/1/03 but renewableBuilding & PropertyBuilding & Property MaintenanceCabinet MakingCabinetmakingCarpentryCarpentryChild Care and DevelopmentChild Care and DevelopmentClothing and TextilesFashion TechnologyClothing Management and ProductionFashion TechnologyCommercial DesignCommercial DesignCommercial Garment Design (Fashion Design)Fashion TechnologyComputer Technology/NetworkNetwork Systems, Information Support and ServicesComputer ProgrammingComputer Programming and Software DevelopmentConsumer EducationNone – retired 9/1/03 but renewableCopy PressGraphic CommunicationsCosmetologyCosmetologyCulinary Arts – BakingBakingCulinary Arts – ChefCulinary ArtsData ProcessingNone – retired 9/1/03 but renewableData Processing OperatorNone – retired 9/1/03 but renewableDental AssistantDental AssistingDental Laboratory TechnologyNone – retired 9/1/03 but renewableDiesel MechanicsDiesel TechnologyDietary AideNone – retired 9/1/03 but renewableDrafting, ArchitecturalDraftingDrafting, GeneralDraftingDrafting, ElectromechanicalDraftingDrafting, MachineDraftingDrafting, StructuralDraftingElectricityElectricityElectronicsElectronicsElectronics, AssemblyElectronicsEnvironmental TechnologyEnvironmental TechnologyFamily RelationsNone – retired 9/1/03 but renewableFoods and NutritionNone – retired 9/1/03 but renewableFood ManagementNone – retired 9/1/03 but renewableForestryNatural ResourcesGraphics Pre PressGraphic CommunicationsGeneral Sheet MetalSheet MetalHealth Services AssistantHealth SciencesHealth SciencesHealth SciencesHeatingHeating, A/C, Refrigeration TechnologyHome ManagementNone – retired 9/1/03 but renewableHVAC&RHeating, A/C, Refrigeration TechnologyHotel & RestHospitality ManagementIndustrial StitchingNone – retired 9/1/03 but renewableInstructor of Trade ApprenticesNone – retired 9/1/03 but renewableLandscapingHorticultureLicensed Practical NursingPractical Nursing (LPN)Machine ShopMachine TechnologyMajor Appliance RepairMajor Appliance Installation/RepairingMarine ScienceNone – retired 9/1/03 but renewableMarketingMarketingMasonryMason & Tile SettingMarine MechanicsMarine MechanicsMedia TechnologyRadio and Television BroadcastingMedical AssistingMedical AssistingMedical Assistant/SecretaryMedical AssistingMedical Laboratory TechnologyMedical Laboratory TechnologyMetal FabricationMetal FabricationMill CarpentryCarpentryOccupational TherapyNone – retired 9/1/03 but renewableOffice TechnologyOffice TechnologyOffset PrintingGraphic CommunicationsOperating Room TechnologyOperating Room TechnologyOpticsNone – retired 9/1/03 but renewableOrnamental HorticultureHorticulturePainting and DecoratingPainting & Wall CoveringPhotographyNone – retired 9/1/03 but renewablePhysical Therapy AideNone – retired 9/1/03 but renewablePlant MaintenanceBuilding & Property MaintenancePlumbingPlumbingPrecision Sheet MetalSheet MetalRadio and Television RepairNone – retired 9/1/03 but renewableSheet MetalSheet MetalSmall Engine RepairSmall Engine MechanicsSteam EngineeringStationary EngineeringTelecommunicationsTelecommunicationsUpholsteringNone – retired 9/1/03 but renewableWeldingWeldingNo approvalDigital Media TechnologyNo approvalEngineering TechnologyNo approvalFiber OpticsSpecial Needs Vocational TeacherNone – retired 9/1/03 but renewableOTHER:Superintendent-Director of Reg. Voc. DistrictVoc. Tech Superintendent/Asst. Supt.Asst. Supt-Dir. of Reg. Voc. DistrictVoc. Tech Supervisor/DirectorDirector of Voc Tech High SchoolVoc. Tech Supervisor/DirectorAsst. Director of Voc Tech High SchoolVoc. Tech Supervisor/DirectorDirector of Postsecondary Tech ProgramsVoc. Tech Supervisor/DirectorAsst. Director of Postsecondary Tech ProgramsVoc. Tech Supervisor/DirectorDirector of Voc. Tech ProgramsVoc. Tech Supervisor/DirectorDir. of Occ. Ed. Programs in a Comp. SchoolVoc. Tech Supervisor/DirectorDirector of Adult Voc Tech ProgramsVoc. Tech Supervisor/DirectorDepartment HeadVoc. Tech Supervisor/DirectorCoordinator of Adult Practical ArtsVoc. Tech Supervisor/DirectorCoordinator of Guidance/PPSVoc. Tech Supervisor/DirectorCoordinator of Allied HealthVoc. Tech Supervisor/DirectorCoordinator of MarketingVoc. Tech Supervisor/DirectorCoordinator of MarketingMarketing TeacherCoordinator of Special EdVoc. Tech Supervisor/DirectorCoordinator of Academic CoordinatorVoc. Tech Supervisor/DirectorCoordinator of Occ. Ed. Coord. in Reg. VocVoc. Tech Supervisor/DirectorCoordinator of Occ. Ed. Coord in Comp SchoolVoc. Tech Supervisor/DirectorArea CoordinatorVoc. Tech Supervisor/DirectorCooperative Education CoordinatorVoc. Tech Coop. Ed. CoordinatorVocational Guidance CounselorNone – retired 9/1/03 but renewableNo approvalVoc. Tech Principal/Asst. PrincipalAPPENDIX E: Merged Vocational Licenses CrosswalkCROSSWALK FROM VOCATIONAL TECHNICAL TEACHER LICENSES TO VOCATIONAL TECHNICAL TEACHER LICENSES (Licenses Merged) Effective December 12, 2006On June 27, 2006, the Massachusetts Board of Education approved the following mergers.LICENSES PREVIOUSLY ISSUED:MERGED LICENSE1. Telecommunications, 2. Fiber Optics Telecommunications – Fiber Optics1. Commercial Design, 2. Digital Media TechnologyDesign & Visual Communications1. Horticulture, 2. Natural ResourcesHorticultureAPPENDIX F: Licenses with Title Change CrosswalkCROSSWALK FROM VOCATIONAL TECHNICAL TEACHER LICENSES TO VOCATIONAL TECHNICAL TEACHER LICENSES (Licenses with Titles Changed) Effective December 12, 2006On June 27, 2006, the Massachusetts Board of Education approved the following license title changes.LICENSES PREVIOUSLY ISSUED:NEW TITLEBuilding and Property MaintenanceFacilities ManagementChild Care and DevelopmentEarly Education and CareComputer Programming and Software DevelopmentProgramming & Web DevelopmentEnvironmental ScienceEnvironmental Science & TechnologyHealth SciencesHealth AssistingHeating, Air Conditioning, RefrigerationHeating-Ventilation-Air Conditioning-RefrigerationMachine TechnologyMachine Tool TechnologyMarine MechanicsMarine Service TechnologyMason and Tile SettingMasonry & Tile SettingMetal Fabrication Metal Fabrication & Joining TechnologiesNetwork Systems, Information Support and ServicesInformation Support Services & NetworkingPainting and Wall CoveringPainting & Design TechnologiesSmall Engine MechanicsPower Equipment TechnologyAPPENDIX G: Questions and AnswersAdditional Q’s and A’s will be added. Do the regulations require that I get my professional development plan approved by my supervisor? Yes.What recourse do I have if my supervisor refuses to approve my professional development plan. ? The regulations have a process for educators to seek review if their plan is rejected which is outlined in CMR 603 4.12(g). In the event that a plan is rejected by a supervisor, teachers and other educators who report to the principal may seek review of the denial from the superintendent, principals may seek review from the school committee chairperson, and superintendents may seek review from the Department. An educator may then seek additional review from the Department, according to the provisions of 603 CMR 4.12(6)What are PDPs? They are a unit of measurement of professional development activities. All licensed educators must earn PDPs for license renewal. Most academic and all vocational technical educators must earn 150 PDPs over a five-year period for license renewal. One clock hour (60 minutes) of new employment experience is equivalent to one PDP for vocational technical educators. A vocational technical educator can earn up to 75 PDPs toward license renewal for new employment experiences in a five-year period. One semester hour (one credit) of college credit is equivalent to 15 PDPs. One continuing education unit is equivalent to 10 PDPs. Professional development activities sponsored or approved by the Department and advanced academic and vocational technical education subject matter studies will receive 1.5 PDPs per clock hour. I have to take 21 clock hours of continuing education in order to renew my electrician license. Will these hours count toward my license renewal as an electrical teacher? Yes, so long as those clock hours are earned within your renewal cycle.If I am not employed as a teacher, who will review and approve my professional development plan? Whereas you do not have a supervisor, you will do the required professional development without a supervisor’s approval of your professional development plan. If you obtain employment as a teacher, your supervisor will then review your plan for approval. When you apply to renew your license, you will submit the required information about your professional development as stipulated on the application form.I hold a Journeyman Electrician license and a Vocational Technical Teacher license to teach electrical that I obtained in 1998. Why is the state requiring me to get a Master Electrician license when I renew my teacher license? Because the education for the Master license includes business practices and your students would benefit from your increased knowledge in this area. I am employed as a vocational technical teacher out-of-state. I hold a MA Vocational Technical Educator license that I would like to keep. May my supervisor approve my professional development plan even though she is out-of-state? Yes, as long as you and your supervisor follows the MA applicable regulations and guidelines.Can I get PDPs for teaching a non-college credit evening course required for the Journeyperson Electrician license? Note that I teach electrical during the day. The answer to this question is no, because you cannot earn PDPs for teaching what you need the professional development to be licensed to teach. You teach the course material for the journeyperson course during the day under your Vocational Teacher license. How long must I retain a copy of my Five-Year Professional Development Plan and PDP documentation after I renew my Professional Educator license? You must retain them for five years after you use them for the renewal of your license. In this way, you will have the documentation if the Department selects you for a professional development audit. Is volunteer work learning new technical skills that will be taught to students an allowable professional development activity for teachers with a Professional Vocational Technical Teacher license? This would be allowable subject to supervisor approval, as is new employment experience.I have to be recertified by Automotive Services Excellence (ASE) in several ASE areas. 1) May I receive PDPs for the ASE recertification? 2) If not, may I receive PDPs for the professional development I do to prepare for the ASE recertification? 1) ASE recertification or for that matter any recertification) alone does not qualify for PDPs. 2) The professional development that one would do to prepare for ASE recertification is in many cases self-study that does not qualify for PDPs. However, if one were to take courses, seminars, or participate in new employment activities etc. in order to prepare for ASE recertification, PDPs could be earned.Can I get PDPs for: 1. Being a Skills USA event manager 2. staying after school to prepare students for the Health Careers Knowledge Bowl event for SkillsUSA? The answer to this question is no, because you cannot earn PDPs for doing what you need the professional development to be licensed to do. Both activities are part of what vocational technical teachers do as part of their profession. Note however, that training you receive to be the event manager may count if the training consisted of 10 hours (minimum of 10 hours on a topic). Note that the 10 hours could be earned over time e.g., two hours training per year for five consecutive years.Can I receive PDP's for the renewal process for my RN License and my CPR Instructor Certification? PDPs may be earned for the professional development activities, courses etc. that are required for the renewals. PDPs cannot be awarded for simply filing the paperwork and fee to renew a license or certification. ................

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