Business Communication: Process and Product, 3e

Business Communication: Process and Product, 6e

WebThink Chapter 1

1. Getting Noticed in Today’s Workplace

Resource Web Site:

(AppleOne, “Getting Noticed in Today’s Workplace)

In Chapter 1 you learned about some of the most significant changes occurring in today’s workplace, including heightened global competition, flattened management hierarchies, expanded team-based management, innovative communication technologies, new work environments, and an increasingly diverse workplace. How can you best survive in today’s increasingly complex workplace? More importantly, how can you get yourself noticed?

AppleOne, a well-known employment agency, offers several suggestions for getting on the right track and for showcasing your talents in today’s workplace. Read these suggestions carefully. When you finish, print this page, answer the questions below, and then submit your answers to your instructor.

a. What does AppleOne say is the best way to get noticed in today’s workplace? Do you agree? Why or why not?

b. What four tips does AppleOne suggest for ways to get on track? What would you add to this list?

c. What five tips does AppleOne suggest for showcasing your talents? What would you add to this list?

d. Do you think it’s important to be noticed in the workplace? Why or why not?

2. Cubicles: An Office Undivided

Resource Web Sites:

(Center for Association Leadership, “Life in Cubicle Times)

(Bremer Communications, “Cubicle Etiquette”)

(, “Working in Cubicle City”)

Writing for the Center for Association Leadership, Shane M. Artim discusses some of the issues faced by people working in cubicles. In the second article, Jill Bremer of Bremer Communications offers cubicle etiquette tips. Finally, the third article focuses on tips for thriving in a cubicle environment. Read all three articles. When you finish, print this page, answer the questions below, and then submit your answers to your instructor.

a. From the three articles, what advantages can you see to cubicle work environments? Consider both the employer's and the employee's view.

b. What disadvantages are evident from these articles?

c. What do you think are the most important cubicle etiquette guidelines to follow? List ten and briefly explain your reasons for your selections.

d. Briefly explain whether you would be willing to work in a cubicle environment and why you feel as you do.

e. From your reading, what tips do you think would work best for you if you had to work in a cubicle environment? List ten or more.

3. Your Communication Style: How Do You Communicate Most Effectively?

Resource Web Site:

(Online Women’s Business Center, “Understanding Your Communication Style”)

The Online Women's Business Center, in conjunction with the Small Business Administration, publishes a short communication style questionnaire on the Web. Read the article and complete the questionnaire as a way to determine your personal communication style. It might be helpful to print the page first. To get the best results, be sure to respond to each question as honestly and objectively as possible. When you finish, print the following questions and submit your answers to your instructor.

a. Briefly describe the four categories of communication styles and how to best communicate with each style. Before you completed the questionnaire, what category did you think you fell under? Why?

b. According to your questionnaire results, what is your communication style? Do you agree? Give concrete examples explaining why or why not.

c. What communication styles do you think are possessed by others who are close to you (your spouse, partner, roommate, best friend, child, boss, instructor, coworker, etc.)? Choose four individuals and try to guess their communication styles. How can you determine their communication styles?

d. How can being aware of different communication styles make you a more effective communicator?

4. Information Overload: Drowning in Information?

Resource Web Site:

(InfoWorld, “Overcoming Information Overload”)

Read Paul Krill’s article titled "Overcoming Information Overload," which discusses ways to deal with the prevalent problem of information overload. Although this article is several years old, the techniques presented are still very relevant today. When finished reading the article, print the following questions and submit your answers to your instructor.

a. After reading the article, how would you define "information overload"?

b. What does the author say has led to information overload?

c. What is the relation of the Internet to information overload?

d. What do you think are the primary causes of information overload? What are some effects of information overload? How have you experienced information overload in your own life?

e. How does the author suggest one fight information overload? What does he say NOT to do?

f. How do you recommend dealing with information overload? What techniques work best for you?

g. Why do you think it is important to be able to effectively manage information overload?

5. Business Ethics: Doing the Right Thing

Resource Web Sites:

(Texas Instruments, Ethics)

Texas Instruments – an international company that manufactures semiconductors, graphing calculators, broadband technologies, PDAs, wireless components, holographic data storage, medical imaging equipment, surveillance equipment, and many other high-tech products – has put its company's Code of Ethics on the Web for all to see. Take some time to read through TI's overview and its philosophy regarding integrity, innovation, and commitment (click the "The Values and Ethics of TI" link). Also see how TI views ethics in the global market (click the "Ethics in the Global Market" link). Finally, take the "TI Ethics Quick Test" (). When you have finished reviewing the site, print the following questions and submit your answers to your instructor.

NOTE: A link to the “TI Ethics Quick Test” is needed for this exercise so that students can find it. You can include the link in the instructions, as I’ve done above, or you can add a separate link to it below the “Texas Instruments” link.

a. According to TI, what does its reputation depend upon? Do you agree with this philosophy? Why or why not? Do you think TI's reputation depends on anything else?

b. Briefly explain what TI means by the value of integrity. How do you think TI ensures that all employees exhibit integrity?

c. Briefly explain what TI means by the value of innovation. How can TI continue to remain innovative and competitive in these fast-paced times?

d. Briefly explain what TI means by the value of commitment. How do you think TI encourages commitment on the part of its employees?

e. How does The TI Ethics Quick Test for making ethical decisions compare with the one presented in your textbook? Can you think of any other questions one might ask when making an ethical decision?


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