Business Math I: Project I Preliminary Report

Business Mathematics II

Project I: Evaluation of Written Report/Excel file

Team #:

Total: _____ /60

Overall structure: ______/15

• Start gives the point of the memo

• Flow of ideas clear

• Rationale for decision clear

• Conclusion convincing

Correct data/calculations and correct Conclusions ______/15

• Calculations correct for maximum profit

• Sensitivity

• Consumer surplus

• Correct implications of adjustment to demand(decision on the advertising)

• Correct calculation on training and streamlining costs

Writing style ______/10

• Good grammar, spelling,

• Easy to read

• Good style: catches attention, good tone

Excel File

_____ /10

▪ All calculations should be accurate - the answers project questions are given in a orderly manner (separate worksheets)

▪ All graphs should be accurate – Must have all the graphs as in Marketing Focus.xls

▪ Should contain the formulas for all the relevant cells

▪ All graphs – I should be able to see the source data

▪ Cost Function is correctly attached to the file

Further Analysis ---------/4

• Team explores the project beyond the level of the Class Project

Peer evaluation by team members -------- /6


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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