Business Math – Syllabus For 2004-2005

Business Math – Syllabus semester 2 -2019

Instructor- Ms. Sheryl Keith

School e-mail address –sheryl.keith@

Math Department Phone Number – 435-8563 Extension 41304

Course Description: Students will explore life’s most important math skills from how to understand a paycheck stub and keeping a checkbook in balance to buying that first car or home. These are skills which just happen to involve mathematical applications that everyone needs to know to get by in life.

Supplies: Llined paper, calculator( students should bring their own), pen or pencil, charged Chromebook.

Units: We will cover around 11 units

Grades- Grades will be determined based on the following percentages as determined by Central High School Policy: Assessments count 70% of the grading period and Practice counts as 30%. We will probably do a book assignment and worksheet for each lesson. The worksheets may count more points than the book assignment. The book assignment will be awarded points based upon completion of the assignment and how well directions were followed. Worksheets will be graded based on correctness of the answers. Grades will be assigned based on the following scale:

100-90% A, 89 – 80% B, 79 – 70% C, 69 – 60% D, 59-0% F

Tests: It is the student’s responsibility to ask me when missed tests can be made up. The Enrichment period built into our schedule will be utilized as often as possible. The final exam at the end of each semester is 20% of the semester grade. This is EVSC board policy. If you are marked truant on test day, your test score will be zero.

Retests: A student may request to retake any test, but it must me done within 2 weeks of knowing the original score. A student plan to learn material must be approved by me and an appointment to retake the test must be made with me for the retest within 2 weeks of receiving the original score. Test retakes will NOT be given during class time, only during 3rd period or after school.

Attendance Policy: Daily attendance is important for mathematics class. If a student is truant, no work can be made up and all work will be given a zero. A student is allowed one day to make-up work for every day the students was absent. If a student misses only the Review Day, the student will be expected to take the test with the rest of the class. Work not made up when due will receive a zero.

Homework: Very little homework will be given in this class. Students are to use class time to complete most assignments. If a student works all period and cannot complete the assignments for the day, he needs to get my permission to take the paper and turn it in next class. If the student does not seek my permission, I will not accept it late. Once in a while a special project may be assigned that will require work to be done outside of class time, but the majority of the work should be completed in class. Late work will not be accepted. Work missed due to an excused absence is not considered late. It is the student’s responsibility to check my web site online or with another student to get the missing work. When you are absent, you need to ask me for the SPECIFIC pages you need.

Extra Credit: I offer only a few opportunities for extra credit. I NEVER offer it to INDIVIDUALS. When I make extra credit available, it is for the whole class.

Hall Passes are not available on a daily basis. Restroom and locker visits are to be done during passing periods. Get your supplies, use the restroom, and be on time to class. I do mark people tardy not in the room at the tardy bell. Class time is for learning. Hall passes to restroom and lockers should be for extreme emergency only, especially since we have B lunch halfway through class. Do not be tardy from B lunch. It is a shorter passing period. Pay attention.

Extra Help: The Enrichment period will provide a good opportunity should a student require some extra help. An appointment during the Enrichment period may be initiated by the student or by me. I am willing to stay after school occasionally. Please try to schedule after school help in advance. Remember, I am not a mind reader. I won’t know that you want extra help unless you communicate with me. It is extremely important that the student talk with me about this ahead of time so a Flex pass can be given to the student or his homeroom teacher.


1.) RESPECT for self, classmates, teacher, and surroundings is expected at all times and is a top priority in my classroom!

2.) Please be on time with all required materials. 

3.) Central rules will be enforced. (Especially NO FOOD OR DRINK is to be carried into class. The only exception to this is water which must be purchased at school, not in cups or tumblers.)

4.) Class time is valuable.  Use passing periods, before and after school, and lunchtime to attend to personal needs such as restroom visits, drinks, locker visits, etc.

5.) The best possible learning environment for this class is one of my goals as a teacher. Behavior that disrupts the learning process is prohibited.

6.) It is the student's responsibility to inquire as to what work was missed due to absence.  If a student is truant, the missed work will be entered as a zero. Soon I will be posting daily assignments on. It is your responsibility to check it.

7.) Please do not alter the classroom.  Do not open or close windows or window shades or move chairs and desks.  Do not touch the television, computers, or bulletin boards without permission.  Also do not write on desks or chairs. 

8.) Class time is to be used to learn math.  Phones should not be out and earbuds are only allowed when I tell you, not automatically.


-Fire: Use exit number 5 (go to nearest stairs (straight out the door), At the bottom of the steps turn right and go around the corner and down the hall by the cafeteria. Exit the door at the end of this hall, and go across the parking lot to the grassy area.

-Tornado: Go downstairs to the hallway under the classroom away from any windows. (wait there quietly)


Let’s have a fantastic semester!!!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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