The following solicitation has been posted on The University of Alabama at Birmingham website:

Request Number H032-20

Request Title Cleaning Services for The Kirklin Clinic

Contract Term Recurring

Mandatory Walk-thru December 5, 2020, 10:00 AM

Response Due Date December 15, 2020

Response Opening Time 10:00 AM

Location Zoom Video Conference

Buyer Pamela Layton

Phone 205-996-5860


To access this request, point your browser to . This link will connect you to a list of pending requests for The University of Alabama at Birmingham Hospital. The list includes all pending solicitations indicating the request title, due date and a brief description. Locate the request title above to view and download the complete solicitation request. Should you experience substantial difficulty in downloading a request, you may contact The Hospital Purchasing Department at (205) 975-5281 for assistance. It is the vendor’s responsibility to check the website for updates.

Due to COVID restrictions in place, a hard copy of the request cannot be obtained by visiting the Hospital Purchasing Department.

All responses must include an original signature and must be submitted to The Hospital Purchasing Department in a sealed envelope with the request title, buyer’s name, and opening date noted on the front. No faxed responses will be accepted.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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