Business Plan Rubric

Written Business Plan Rubric Student(s):

|Written Business Plan Rubric Scoring Scale |SCORE |

|Each section will be graded if it meets the requirements. It must have full explanations that provide all the necessary | |

|details | |

| Cover Page | |

|All information present, including: | |

|Business name | |

|Company logo (optional) | |

|Name(s) of the owner(s) | |

|Date | |

|Table Of Contents | |

|Includes each major section. | |

|Includes page numbers. | |

|Organized and neat. | |

|Executive Summary | |

|Type of ownership | |

|Management experience | |

|Organizational structure | |

|Business Description | |

|Basic information (mailing address, phone number, website, email, etc.) | |

|Legal form (partnership, corporation, etc.) - be specific | |

|Mission statement | |

|Goals & objectives | |

|Keys to success | |

|Product or Service Description | |

|Competitive Advantage | |

|Uniqueness of product | |

|Market Analysis | |

|Behavior | |

|Target Market | |

|Promotion | |

|Strategy | |

|Commercial | |

|Resources | |

|Product | |

|Merchandise | |

|Martials | |

|Distributors | |

|Location Analysis | |

|Advantages/disadvantages of location | |

|Rents/costs | |

|Financial Plan | |

|Start-up costs | |

|Pricing | |

| | |

|Structure | |

|Font size 12 | |

|Double spaced | |

|1" margins | |

|No typographical errors | |

|Spelling, grammar, sentence structure | |

| | |

|Business Plan Score: | |

|Oral Presentation Score: | |

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|Notes: | |

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|Oral Presentation Rubric : Business |

|Student(s) Name:     ________________________________________ |TOTAL SCORE: |

| | | | | |

|CATEGORY | | | | |

|CONTENT |Shows a full understanding |Shows a good understanding |Shows a good understanding |Does not seem to understand |

| |of the topic. Demonstrates |of the topic with detail. |of parts of the topic, |the topic very well. |

| |material insight with new | |conveys connections. | |

| |ideas. | | | |

|PREPAREDNESS |Student is completely |Student seems pretty |The student is somewhat |Student does not seem at all|

| |prepared and has obviously |prepared but might have |prepared, but it is clear |prepared to present. |

| |rehearsed, is well |needed a couple more |that rehearsal was lacking. | |

| |organized. |rehearsals. | | |

|VISUALS |Group presents visuals that |Group presents adequate |Group presents some visuals |Presents little or no |

| |present a vast and complete |visuals to support presented|but does not support |supporting visuals |

| |representation of material |information |information adequately | |

|SPEAKS CLEARLY |Speaks clearly and |Speaks clearly and |Speaks clearly and |Often mumbles or can not be |

| |distinctly all (100-95%) the|distinctly all (100-95%) the|distinctly most ( 94-85%) of|understood OR mispronounces |

| |time, and mispronounces no |time, but mispronounces one |the time. Mispronounces no |more than one word. |

| |words. |word. |more than one word. | |

|POSTURE & EYE CONTACT |Stands up straight, looks |Stands up straight and |Sometimes stands up straight|Slouches and/or does not |

| |relaxed and confident. |establishes eye contact with|and establishes eye contact.|look at people during the |

| |Establishes eye contact with|everyone in the room during | |presentation. |

| |everyone in the room during |the presentation. | | |

| |the presentation. | | | |

|ENTHUSIASM |Facial expressions and body |Facial expressions and body |Facial expressions and body |Very little use of facial |

| |language generate a strong |language sometimes generate |language are used to try to |expressions or body |

| |interest and enthusiasm |a strong interest and |generate enthusiasm, but |language. Did not generate |

| |about the topic in others. |enthusiasm about the topic |seem somewhat faked. |much interest in topic being|

| | |in others. | |presented. |

|SUBJECT KNOWLEDGE |Student is able to |Student is able to |Student is able to |Student is unable to |

| |accurately answer almost all|accurately answer most |accurately answer a few |accurately answer questions |

| |questions posed about the |questions posed about the |questions posed about the |posed about the topic. |

| |topic with substantial |topic. |topic. | |

| |information and material. | | | |

|ATTIRE |Business attire, very |Casual business attire. |Casual business attire, but |General attire not |

| |professional look. | |wore sneakers or seemed |appropriate for audience |

| | | |somewhat wrinkled. |(jeans, t-shirt, shorts). |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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