Business Plan Template -

Be Virtual Assistant Wise

Knowledge + Partnership = Success

Virtual Assistant Business Plan Template

Owner: Tel nr: Fax nr: Email:

"Your Name" +27 "Tel nr" +27 "Fax Nr" "email address"

Disclaimer: The information contained herein is made available as an example. The intent of the information is to help you create your own documents and business processes. We use illustrative numbers only and we cannot and do not make results guarantees or give professional or legal advice. Using this information does not guarantee you will get results or earn an income.

Be Virtual Assistant Wise Business Plan Template

Table of Contents

Table of Contents................................................................................................................ 2 1. Executive Summary ....................................................................................................... 3 2. Company Description..................................................................................................... 3

2.1 Mission Statement ....................................................................................................... 3 2.2 Goals........................................................................................................................... 4 2.3 Company Strengths..................................................................................................... 4 2.4 Services Offered.......................................................................................................... 4 2.5 Hours of Operation ...................................................................................................... 4 2.6 Pricing strategy............................................................................................................ 5 2.7 Tools and Equipment................................................................................................... 5 2.8 Business Legal Structure............................................................................................. 5 2.9 Insurance..................................................................................................................... 5 3. Marketing: Strategy & Plans........................................................................................... 5 3.1 Industry and Market Analyses...................................................................................... 5 3.2 Your Niche Market....................................................................................................... 6 3.3 Competitive analyses................................................................................................... 6 3.4 Marketing Strategy ...................................................................................................... 6 4. Financial Plan ................................................................................................................ 6 5. Addendum ..................................................................................................................... 7

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Be Virtual Assistant Wise Business Plan Template

1. Executive Summary

Provide a short description of all the highlights in your business plan. Keep it less than 2 pages

2. Company Description

Include the following elements in your company description: ? Who you are and what you do ? Mission statement ? Goals ? Company strengths ? Services offered ? Hours of operations ? Operation Strategy ? Pricing strategy ? Operational plans ? Equipment Needs ? Business legalities

2.1 Mission Statement

Include the following elements in your mission statement - The purpose of your business - Specific client needs - How will you address these needs - The values / beliefs that will guide your work

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Be Virtual Assistant Wise Business Plan Template

2.2 Goals

Set SMART goals with different timelines in all aspects of your business ? e.g Operations, Financial, Marketing etc. - Short goals (months to 1 year) - Medium goals (1 ? 2 years) - Long term goals (2-5+ years)

2.3 Company Strengths

List the following: - Education, previous experience and skills. - Your strengths and core competencies - The factors that will make your business succeed - Your competitive advantages and/or disadvantages

The answers to these questions can typically be derived from doing a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analyses.

2.4 Services Offered

Provide a detailed description of your services. - State your services - Include information about the specific benefits that these services will offer your client. - Try to state your ability to meet your client's needs and any advantage that your service has over

that of your competition.

2.5 Hours of Operation

State the number of hours that you will be able to work weekly

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Be Virtual Assistant Wise Business Plan Template

2.6 Pricing strategy

Provide your different rate structures as well as the process for invoicing.

2.7 Tools and Equipment

Give a list of all the tools and equipment that is necessary to run your business. Indicate if you need to acquire any additional equipment

2.8 Business Legal Structure

Provide details of the legal structure under which you will operate

2.9 Insurance

Give details of your insurance coverage. Will you make use of additional insurance or amend your home insurance to cover your business equipment

3. Marketing: Strategy & Plans

3.1 Industry and Market Analyses

Provide general highlights of the industry as perceived by you. Do some research on... - The growth of the VA industry over the years. - Future growth prospects. - Where does your business fit into this picture?

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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