Business Plan Project - Ms. Holka Riverside High School

Business Plan ProjectEntrepreneurship | Fall 2016 | Ms. Holka OverviewA business plan is a document that presents a complete and detailed picture of a new business and the strategy to launch that business. It is normally created as a way to attract potential investors and raise money to operate the business.For this project, you will create a business plan throughout the course of the year. Sections of the business plan will be due at different times, and during the last couple months of class, you will have time to compile all of the sections into a finished product. On your own you will:Create a concept for a new business – producing a product, offering a service, or both.Produce the individual sections of the business plan based on the requirements below.Present your business plan to the class at the end of the semester.Sections of the business planCover Page and Table of ContentsCover Page – (page 1) Name of business, name of group members, date.Table of Contents – (page 2) Listing of sections in the business plan.Executive SummaryIncludes the most important information from each section of the plan.Open with compelling story of the problem the business is addressing. Then, describe how the business will address the problem.Brief explanation of the key points contained in a business plan. This gives the reader a convincing reason to read the full plan. Investors and lenders may read many business plans every day, so to save time they rely on the Executive Summary to help them to decide whether the concept interests them and is worth pursuing. Less than 1 pageDue Date: ______________________Company DescriptionHelps investors understand the size, scope, and type of business.Include the company's background and basic business concept.Describes the entrepreneurial opportunity and explains why the venture will succeed.Less than 1 pageDue Date: ______________________Vision Statement & Mission StatementVision Statement: Establishes the scope and purpose of the company and reflects its values and beliefs. Simple & broad. Exp: Disney's is "To bring happiness to millions"Mission Statement: Expresses the specific aspirations of a company, the major goal for which it will strive. Simple & specific. Exp: "To produce and sell 100,000 lbs of pork chops to restaurants and caterers on the US West Coast.Between 1 and 3 sentences each.Due Date: ______________________Product and Service PlanDescription of the product or service.Note unique features and benefits. Include possible spin-offs (Diet Coke, Cherry-Lime Coke, etc.)About 1 pageDue Date: ______________________Industry OverviewThis section presents your research into the industry (companies providing similar, complementary, or supplementary products and services.How big is the industry? Is the industry growing? What are current trends in the industry? Is the industry projected to grow or shrink? What does the industry need to grow? How is the industry changing?1 or 2 pagesDue Date: ______________________Market AnalysisDefine your target market (your customer base), and provide geographic, economic, and demographic data.Who are your target customers (who makes the purchasing decisions)? Middle-aged professionals? Hispanic females ages 14-25? College educated young adults? Etc. Where is the target market? Downtown Lincoln, Nebraska? Rural western Nebraska? The Midwestern United States, between Colorado and Indiana, and North Dakota and Texas? Etc.Why would these people buy your product or service?About 1 pageDue Date: ______________________Competitive AnalysisThis section demonstrates how your proposed business has an advantage over its competitors.Identify competitors in your market, determine their strengths & weaknesses, and explain why your business has an advantage over each of them. This can be presented as a list.2 to 4 pagesDue Date: ______________________Marketing PlanThis section discusses how your business will make its target market aware of its products or services. Here you will outline your Marketing Mix:Price - Pricing of your product and pricing techniquesPlace - Where you will be selling your productProduct - How your product will be designed and packagedPromotion - How you will market your product, including branding & media planInclude Marketing BudgetYou will also create the following:A logo for your product or service. Also include a description of and rationale for the logo.Website and preopening and promotional plans.1 or 2 pages + 1 page for the logo and packaging / advertisementDue Date: ______________________Operational PlanDescribe the production and delivery processes for of the product or service.What steps are needed to create the product? (or) What steps are needed in implementing the service?How will you distribute your product? (or) How will you deliver the service?1 or 2 pagesDue Date: ______________________Organizational PlanLooks at the people aspects & legal form of the business.Management Philosophy (Management style).Legal organization (partnership, corporation, LLC).Role & compensation of key management personnel.Important employee policies.Hierarchical structure.Use the activities you did in class to help with this section. Include your outline of hierarchical structure as well as the job descriptions and specifications you created.2 or 3 pagesDue Date: ______________________Summary of Capital NeedsA line-item breakdown of the amount of money / capital you are requesting from the investors. This is for start-up. What items will you need to start your business and how much will they cost?You should include all fixed, variable, and periodic costs that you think will be involved in operating your business.1-2 pageDue Date: ______________________Grading RubricGrades for each section will be based on the following criteria:Completeness – Is everything covered that was required?Cohesiveness – Is the information in this section consistent with the other sections? Does the information in this section follow a logical sequence. Content – Does this section promote the purpose of the business plan (to convince the investors to give you money)?Professionalism – Is the information presented here grammatically correct and in appropriate format?Accuracy – Is the data presented here correct? (if necessary)Cover Page / Table of Contents _____ / 10Executive Summary _____ / 40Company Description _____ / 50Vision Statement & Mission Statement _____ / 25Product and Service Plan _____ / 75Industry Overview _____ / 100Market Analysis _____ / 100Competitive Analysis _____ / 100Marketing PlanWrite-Up _____ / 100Packaging / Advertisement _____ / 50Operational Plan _____ / 100Organizational Plan _____ / 100Financial Plan _____ / 100Summary of Capital Needs _____ / 50Total______/1000Grading SheetDate: _____________Name: Business Name: Section: __________________________Grade: _________ / ______ptsCompletenessCohesivenessContentProfessionalismAccuracySection: __________________________Grade: _________ / ______ptsCompletenessCohesivenessContentProfessionalismAccuracyPresentationEach person will present their business ideas to the class. You need to have a 15-20 minute, rehearsed presentation.Ideas for how to present the information:Poster presentationPowerpoint presentationMovie maker videoPreziHandoutsVideo presentationOther ideas??Things that should be included in your presentation:Business name, logo, sloganTarget marketVision/missionProduct/service planMarketing strategy including your website, preopening plan idea/materials, promotional strategy plan/materialsOperational and organizational structureFinancial needsYour presentation should be well done and rehearsed. Please have scripts or notes so your presentation flows and everyone knows what they are supposed to be doing. Create high quality visual aids. They should be well done and have a point in your presentations. Please let me know if you need copies of anything or want something printed in color. Your presentation should last 15-20 minutes and everyone should have some sort of role in the presentation.The presentation is worth 200 points. The final copy of your business plan is worth 1000 points. Failure to do quality work will most likely result in a failing grade in this course. ................

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