Scoring Rubric for Critical Analysis ( points possible)

Scoring Rubric for HYDCE 483 Critical Analysis Paper (25 points possible)

|Component |Excellent |Satisfactory |Unsatisfactory |

| |4-5 points |2-3 points |0-1 point |

| | | | |

|Analysis of author’s|Provides a thorough, accurate |Provides a description, but only |Student does not accurately assess |

|justification |analysis of the author’s |minimal analysis, of the author’s |the author’s arguments justifying the|

| |justification of the worth and |justification of the worth and |study. |

| |significance of the study |significance of the study | |

|Analysis of author’s|Provides a thorough, accurate |Provides a description, but only |Student does not accurately assess |

|methods |analysis of the study design, |minimal analysis, of the study |study design, sample selection, and |

| |sample selection, and data |design, sample selection, and data |data collection methods used in this |

| |collection methods used in this |collection methods used in this |study |

| |study |study | |

|Analysis of validity|Provides a thorough, accurate |Provides a description, but only |Student does not assess accurately |

|and credibility of |analysis of study bias, |minimal analysis, of study bias, |study bias, reliability, author |

|the study |reliability, author credentials, |reliability, author credentials, |credentials, and publication |

| |and publication venue |and publication venue | |

|Writing |Overall, writing was clear, |Overall, writing was organized but |Overall, writing was disorganized and|

| |succinct, and reflects the depth |lacked some polish, and might not |did not reflect a deep understanding |

| |of student thinking/ analysis. |convey the true depth of student |of the topic. |

| |Paper is organized logically with|understanding of the topic. | |

| |adequate transitions between | | |

| |sections. | | |

|Mechanics |Consistently grammatically |Few errors in spelling and grammar |Utilizes poor spelling and grammar. |

| |correct with rare misspellings. |evidenced. | |

| | | |Project is not in NLM style/format; |

| |Project adheres to the NLM |Project generally adheres to NLM |references are incomplete. |

| |style/format; references are |style/format but has some errors. | |

| |complete; cover page is correct. | | |


Goals for this rubric – Anne, did I get this rubric to address these??

• Can students assess if article authors justified their purpose with lit review and introduction. Analyzing worth and significance of the study – should it have been studied in the first place?

• Can students assess if article authors pursued a scientifically appropriate method of studying their question: study design, sample selection, data collection methods

• Can students recognize validity and credibility of the study: bias, reliability, credentials of authors, venue of publication

• Students clearly express their ideas: not only understand, but can articulate what they understand

• Mechanics: spelling, grammar, cover page, references


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