DHS-Wide Tactical Communications (TacCom) Contractors

DHS-Wide Tactical Communications (TacCom) Contractors

TC1 ? Subscriber Base

Unrestricted Track

Small Business Track 1. EF Johnson 2. Midland 3. RELM 4. ACG Systems 5. AEG Group 6. Affigent 7. AT&T 8. Eyak Technology 9. General Dynamics 10. Government Acquisitions 11. Harris Corp 12. Karco 13. Lockheed Martin 14. Motorola 15. Nakuuruq 16. Patriot Towers/Team Patriot 17. PROCOM 18. Thales Communications

TC2 ? Infrastructure

(No separate small business track.)

1. ACG Systems 2. AEG Group 3. Affigent 4. AT&T 5. Catalyst Communications 6. Daniels Electronics 7. EF Johnson 8. Eyak Technology 9. General Dynamics 10. Government Acquisitions 11. Harris Corp 12. Karco 13. Lockheed Martin 14. Midland 15. Motorola 16. Nakuuruq 17. PROCOM 18. RELM

TC3 ? Infrastructure Services

Unrestricted Track

Small Business Track 1. Chartis Consulting 2. IT Tech Direct 3. Karco 4. Rivada Port Graham Solutions 5. Soft Tech Consulting 6. Allied Technology 7. ARINC 8. AT&T 9. CACI-ISS 10. Eyak Technology 11. General Dynamics 12. Harris Corp 13. Lockheed Martin 14. Motorola 15. SAIC 16. Unisys

TC4 ? O&M Services

Unrestricted Track

Small Business Track 1. IT Tech Direct 2. Karco 3. Patriot Towers/Team Patriot 4. Rivada Port Graham Solutions 5. Soft Tech Consulting 6. Allied Technology 7. AT&T 8. CACI-ISS 9. General Dynamics 10. Harris Corp 11. Lockheed Martin 12. Motorola 13. QinetiQ 14. SAIC 15. Unisys

TC5 ? Test Equipment

(No separate small business track.)

1. AT&T 2. General Dynamics 3. Harris Corp 4. Lockheed Martin 5. Motorola

Notes: ? Set-aside orders will be competed

among small business track contractors only. ? Unrestricted orders will be competed among all contractors in the TC (including small business track contractors). ? A contractor may be qualified for the small business track in one TC but not another because of different small business size standards for each TC. ? See Appendix A in the TacCom Ordering Guide for complete POC information for each contractor


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