Inspire School

1. Meeting called to order at 7:01pm.In attendance: Denver Latimer, Doris Luther, Eric Nilsson, Dan La Bar, Mike Panuto, Ben Juliano, Debbie Travers, Matt Brown, and Jann Reed.2. Consent Calendar:June 17, 2013, minutes: motion to approve by Debbie, seconded by Denver, all approved.No donations to report.See attached expenditure list. Eric reports that the newly approved LCFF (Local Control Funding Formula) will generate an estimated increased revenue of $140,000-160,000. The walls and electrical work will be interior only. Motion to approve donations/expenditure by Mike, seconded by Ben, all approved.3. Student Report – none4. Principal’s ReportFacilities – The first row of portables have been painted, and the second row has been started. District is replacing drywall damage on exterior walls of existing portables. Bob Michael is confident that by the next board meeting concrete work will be done. Mike Weissenborn met with us today to share budget info regarding the district facilities budgets. Budgets are tight. The district cost of getting the new portables data-ready and upgrading the existing portables is at $72k, which he had originally estimated at $40k. The next and last meeting for the Measure E Masterplan will be in September.5. Discussion/Action Items5.1a. Discussion/Action: Policy for determination of part-time employees. Eric checked on the district’s policy, and the district has employees submit for a Leave of Absence for 1 or 2 years. Also, STRS has part-time positions that are set up for up to five years that allow teachers to ease into retirement. There is a difference between leave (temporary) and reduction (permanent). Pros: teachers would be happy to have the option. Cons: finding and keeping appropriate quality part-time replacements, concern about policy of dividing full-time positions into part-time positions. Usually 0.5 FTE staff are looking for full-time work, and 0.25 FTE staff would be particularly tough to keep. In the past, the district started having trouble keeping jobs open for teachers to go back up to full time. Debbie explained her wish to go to 0.75 FTE by giving up one prep and 1.5 sections for personal reasons. She is willing to give this 0.25 FTE permanently. Inspire needs policy to fly positions internally. Action: Eric will get ideas from other local and regional charter high schools to help shape our policy and will bring next board meeting. Since government is a semester class, we can perhaps get someone for the spring 2014. Motion to fly 0.25 FTE by Mike, seconded by Jann, all approved. Debbie abstained from voting.5.1b. Discussion: Three year math graduation requirement. Lots of pros and cons to implementing a third year of math. CUSD will probably vote to approve a third year grad requirement at their next board meeting. UC already requires 3 years math. Cal State requires 2 years, and Algebra Readiness and Algebra 1 are okay to meet this requirement. Pros: Common Core testing is done in 11th grade and students may be rusty if they don’t take a third year. Butte College found that about 70% students are not ready to go straight into transfer-level math course. Some surrounding districts are going for 3rd year. Concerns: Dan Sours, Chico High math, feels the district is moving too fast, we don’t know what the classes would be like, electives will be squeezed even more. Where is support for this transition, especially with Common Core already making large impact? Eric recalls that there are about 23 states that require 3rd and 4th year math. See handout for links, studies, and abstracts of this topic. Also see pie charts on Inspire students. Over 80% of our students already take 3 math classes, but there are no patterns to who or why. Mike would like as much flexibility as possible and not shove math down their throats. Downside could be worse than any improvements. Matt is concerned that we don’t impact electives any more than necessary. Jann wonders how many students passes at algebra 2. Ben wonders how many are interested in STEM related majors. Dan has messages out to ask what would it look like if it was two-years with assessment in third year, career and college readiness. Eric wonders about Butte and CSUC assessments – what level? How does this affect drop-out rate? 5.1c. Discussion/Action: By-law amendments. See handout. Bylaws contain old board member names. Jann made motion to remove board member names and terms from the bylaws and to move this data to the Inspire website on an ongoing basis, Ben seconded, all approved. 5.1d. Discussion/Action: Approval of 0.5 FTE Office Assistant. See handout. Action: Ben made motion, Jann seconded, all approved. Jann wants more information on number and roles of admin staff.5.1e Discussion/Action: Approval of Salary Level for Registrar/Fiscal Manager Position.Doris Luther leaves the room for item; Dan La Bar’s minutes start here:The Fiscal Manager takes on ASB reporting, site budgeting, registrar, and substitutes. Jann suggests that we should be looking at other charter schools regarding organization charts. Ben would like to know history of prior pay increases of positions up for salary adjustments. Jann requests an organization chart with duties, job titles, and how these positions have evolved over time. Debbie requests similar salaries for comparison. Tabled for more information.5.1f. Discussion: Process for Evaluation and Contract for Principal. Eric is unclear if he a signed contract or has he been evaluated. Kelly Staley reviews other high school principals. District survey results, done every year, could be used. Ron felt it was important to get anonymous feedback from staff. It should be useful to Eric, to provide feedback. Action: Eric brings his own evaluation – reflection of last year and goals for 2013-14. Ron and Debbie will pull up district survey. Denver will meet with Eric about Dan’s discussion. Can we get a charter salary schedule? Then they will talk about Asst Principal and Principal. Jann will bring a sample contract template.5.1g. Discussion/Action: Approval of Assistant Principal Salary Increase. Tabled until more salary data is collected and put on next agenda. Dan will stay same until change.5.1h. Discussion/Action: Approval of new hire for Guitar. See resume of Kirk Williams. He is young, extremely talented, one of Charlie Robinson’s students, and Ron thinks he will do well with the students. Kirk will be FTE 0.25, three semester sections, paid $2000 per section as a classified teacher. Matt makes motion to hire, Mike seconds, and all approved.6. Items from the floor. A number of students are using on-line learning, e2020 this summer. Ron may apply for a grant from the Navy to bring more students to STEM, due in September. Engineering Camp was very good.7. Announcements. Outdoor theatre called Butcher Shop will be Labor Day weekend, at the south end of downtown. Meeting adjourned 10:09pm. ................

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