Pearson Assessments

Read the selection and choose the best answer to each question. Then fill in the answer on your answer document.Adrian wrote a story about a type of drama performed without words. Actors use movements and facial expressions to tell a story in mime. Read Adrian’s story and look for any corrections he should make. Then answer the questions that follow.The Magical Art of Mime(1) On a bright, summer morning a boy and his father head to the festival in their favorite park. (2) At the park, they passed a statue of a man wearing a striped shirt and French beret cap. (3) The statue does not look familiar, so the curious boy steps closer to have a look. (4) All of a sudden, the statue’s right arm will begin to move. (5) The boy stumbles back. (6) He rubs his eyes, thinking his vision is blurry. (7) The rest of the statue is perfectly still, silent as steel. (8) The bizarre sight surprises his father, too. (9) At first, the area around the statue was vacant, but then a crowd gathers around. (10) Everyone is fascinated by the strange illusion. (11) Somehow this statue is coming to life. (12) Suddenly, the statue grasp its stylish hat. (13) A hush falls over the crowd. (14) In a jerky motion, the metallic man popped off his hat and tips it towards the crowd as if to say, “Welcome to the enchanting world of mime!” (15) Warm applause ripples through the air. How should sentence 2 be changed?Change they to themChange passed to passChange wearing to wornThe sentence should not be changed. What change needs to be made in sentence 4?Change All to allChange right to writeChange will begin to beginsChange move to moved How should sentence 9 be changed?Change area to areasChange was to isChange but to orChange gathers to gatheringWhat change, if any, should be made in sentence 12?Change grasp to graspsChange its to itChange hat to hatsSentence 12 should not be changed. How should sentence 14 be changed?Change popped to popsChange tips to tippingChange say to saidChange Welcome to welcomeAbby wrote a journal entry about her first softball game. Read Abby’s paper and look for any corrections she should make. Then answer the questions that follow.My First Hit(1) Yesterday morning, I woke up with butterflies in my stomach. (2) It is the day of my first softball game. (3) Immediately, I jumped out of bed. (4) Then I carefully put on my new uniform and will run downstairs for breakfast. (5) After breakfast, my mom dropped me off at the field. (6) “Good luck, Abby!” she said with a smile. (7) After my teammates and I warms up, the umpire cried, “Batter up!”(8) I was the first one to step up to the plate. (9) I kept my eye on the ball, just like my coach taught me. (10) I took a swing and watched the ball sail over first base. (11) When I heard the cheers of the crowd, I race to the base. (12) “Safe!” called the ump as he waved his arms. (13) “I did it!” I thought to myself. (14) Getting the first hit of the game was awesome! What change, if any, should be made to sentence 2?Change is to wasChange day to daysChange my to theirChange game to gaming How should sentence 4 be changed?Change Then to ThanChange carefully to carefulChange put to putsChange will run to ran What change, if any, should be made to sentence 7?Change my to mineChange I to meChange warms to warmedChange cried to crying What change needs to be made in sentence 11?Change When to WhereChange heard to hearingChange cheers to cheeredChange race to raced What change, if any, needs to be made in sentence 14?Change Getting to GetChange hit to hittingChange was to wereMake no change CHECKPOINT ANSWER KEY FOR GRADE 3The Magical Art of Mime and My First HitItemAnswer SkillTEKS1BEdit verb tense3.22 A (i)2CEdit verb tense3.22 A (i)3BEdit verb tense3.22 A (i)4AEdit sentence-verb agreement3.22 C5AEdit verb tense3.22 A (i)6AEdit verb tense3.22 A (i)7DEdit verb tense3.22 A (i)8CEdit verb tense3.22 A (i)9DEdit verb tense3.22 A (i)10DEdit for correctness3.17 D ................

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