Poet Tree Volume One: Forrever Memories

Poet Tree

Volume One

Forrever Memories

Poet Tree

Forrever Memories

by Poet Tree


Copyright © 2010 by Poet Tree

All Rights Reserved

This book of parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any menas – electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise – without prior written permission of the publisher, except as provided by United States of America copyright law.

Published by Forrest Fyr

International Standard Book Number: 978-0-557-37861-6

Printed in the United States of America

Second Edition

“I dedicate this book to Penny, who has been there for me throughout this journey, always. I could not have accomplished this without you. I love you.”


I have always wanted to be a writer. I think I was born to be a writer, not necessarily the best with big words but nevertheless I think I do all right. I began writing a journal before I started creating Poet Tree and then boom I couldn’t stop the flow of free verse within my fingertips. I would write a poem only once without correcting or editing the context. This became my diary, my living story as I saw it affecting my surroundings.

I have written over 400 poems since 1991 but this is the first published collection of Poet Tree written by me. I describe my writings in this work as a journal of my life experiences, from early childhood up through my teenage years. I have recorded many life stories within this text for you to explore. I hope you enjoy reading about my past trials and tribulations as they may ease your pains and sorrows. You may relate to any or all of my experiences. If anything though, I hope you get to learn a little bit about me and what I went through in my earlier years of life. I wrote about my struggle to live between the heterosexual world and the gay lifestyle for which I had become more accustomed to through no fault or choice of my own. You will soon learn more about this strife as you read on about my memories that seem to last forever.

The feeling of this published accomplishment is overwhelming. I have tried numerous times before now to transcribe my poems onto my PC and have failed to keep track of them as I bought new computers along the way, leaving my transcripts behind on those hard drives. Now thanks to my perseverance I ran the race and finally won again. A job I hope you find was well worth the read.

Although this series of poems were all written in 1991, I have tried to include all details of their original work, especially when I start thinking about writing. I first think of how I will start the poem. Next I take a moment to complete some recordkeeping as I am big on writing down dates of occurrences and such. I record the current date and time before I begin to contemplate what I was going to write, usually found by use of my watch. Both the starting and ending times are important to me and perhaps those of you who want to utilize this detail as a chronological personal diary, it is quite useful to know when and how long it took me to create such a piece of art. Then I write the body of the text and then lastly I think of a neat title then I write down when I finished the poem. If I listened to music to inspire me, I would record this fact too. Most of my poetry is free verse. I have had no technical poetry writing education but loved my high school English classes. I hope I make my teachers proud. This is my challenge – to get published, to get known, to get recognized and to finally make history.

I know that having written the words within this sort of memoir over 17 years ago may seem a bit boring at first, as it is more important to me to have been first published than to have written a masterpiece. You will see the darkness and the light filter through my language of metaphors and perhaps you will see my youth in the writing. I purposely have not edited the works as I wanted to preserve the content written when I was younger and not through the influence of my current experiences. You see I have created history and preserved it for your pleasure and mine. God bless you.

Table of Contents

Dreams 11

“Memories serve me far too well” 13

Saddened Hearts 15

Torn between two worlds 17

The pain returns 20

Wishing I had him back 22

Memories returning 24

Forces invading my soul 25

Butterfly 26

Gone 28

Squirrels scamper about the meadow 29

Our eyes meet 31

Change 32

Past and Present 33

Let Go 34

That Night 36

Days of happiness fill my soul 38

The Rake 39

Pain 43

My Candle 44

My Candle (part 2) 45

Endings 47

The Ladder of Light 49

Buffalos March 50

Out of time 52

Sunshine 54

Fading Fast 56

Tempest Island 57

Perfect Lover 59

Tempest Island (part II) 61

Tempest Island III 62

I will conquer evil 63

You (part II, or Perfect Lover II) 64

Tempest Island IV 65

Tortured Soul (becomes a memory forever) 66

Precious Jewels 68

Tempest Island V 69

Desires 71

I needed this 73

Heaven or Hell 74

Dead or Alive 76

Temptations 77

Mood Change 78

The Rake (part II) 80

Always 84

Steps of Fire 85

Taking Risks 86

I go crazy 87

Walking Alone 89

In My Own World 90

Falling in love with you 91

Mirror of Hate 93

You (part III) 94

The Test 95

Away For A While 96

Do Not Dwell 98

Where are you my friend? 99

Can’t Endure 100

Who should I blame? 102

Fire Mountain (part one) 104

Dead or Alive (part II) 106

Pure Torture 108

Anchor 110

(Storm) Cloud 111

Y-Not 112

Sacrifice 113

Her 115

Together 116

Funky People 117

Who is chasing me? 119

No More Ink 120

Crimson Soul 121

Tempest Island VIII 123

Until the Dawn Breaks 125

When the morning comes 126

My Soul’s Shadow 127

Land of Enchantment 129

You (part IV) 130

I’m Human 132

Hold Back 134

My Only Weakness 135

All alone in this world 136

My soul is returning 137

Get out of my life 139

We will never part 140

Wire Basket 141

Sex without cost 142

Fall 144

Nothing Matters 145

Alone in the darkness 146

Between the twilight 147

The Last Prayer 148

Vision of Darkness 150

Against the Wall 151

Road to Happiness 152

Peace of Pleasure 154

Tempest Island IX 155

Left Behind 157

A Brisk Evening 158

Sleeping forever 160

Seasons only change 161

Waiting For The Right Moment 163

Tippy Toes 164

Breath of Life 166

You (part V) 168

Wave Good-bye 170

Decisions 171

Reflection of Happiness 172

Woodland Fantasy 175

Blind man 176

Dream Book (part 1) 177

Waiting to Return 178




Dark, blank and colorless

These dreams I have are evil

Messages stripped of their meaning,

Symbolism resides

A hollow tree filled with tears,

A stone cracked in half

A single rose among the desert

Withers in the wind

The sun blocked by a carpet of blackness

Life, desolate

Strange and haunting memories flow into a pool of hate

Clouds drifting among the silent sky

Form a mass of anger

The rose looks to the sky for hope

It begins to rain

The thunder, loud and dangerous

Chills my bones (additions 04:01:00:pM)

Lightning flashes amidst the dunes

Dust turned to snow as everything freezes

My soul encased in ice longs to break free.

My mind filled with absent memories

As my body gives up hope, death takes over,

My petals fall to the ground.

My tears begin to freeze

A thorn twitches, it falls;

A ray of bright white light emits from the thorn’s home

My eyes are now wide open

Watching as destruction takes place.



“Memories serve me far too well”

Flying above all limitations

I came upon a mountain of

Unbelievable height

I could not fly as high.

So now I must try to climb over it.

This is a very difficult task for me to accomplish,

Always used to flying and soaring above all problems.

Now I am faced with this force that

I must deal with

Not near to the summit but trying so hard.

The sky looks grey and no promised of sunshine.

The ground shakes and the mountain trembles.

I fight to hold on.

I climb on further, a task too difficult.

In the distance a bird of beauty flies toward me.

I miss flying and get jealous.

The bird lands on a branch of a tree next to me.

I look at it and then my eyes meet its beauty.

I stopped and realized that this mountain must be conquered.

The sky brightens but a dark cloud looms near the horizon.

Life seems hopeless.

The bird calls out my name.

I stutter…don’t know where to go.

I lie back against the mountain.

“I sit here lying on this mountain thinking to myself”…

”my memory serves me far too well.”

I cry…weep…my heart is torn as the earth opens up.

Memories fill the atmosphere. I close my eyes

And hope…I pray “Praying for Time.”



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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