The Press. (Stafford Springs, Conn.) 1916-06-21 [p ].

Look! THE PRESS. We have two bargains In second-han- d

D. Robertson & Co. ranges which are unusually good ones.

Both of these ranges are In perfect con-

Stafford dition, one of them having been used

Springs only a little over a

a medium size, one

year. with


Ranges are of tank and one

without. If you are looking for a good

tui bargain it is here.


lkwi9 Mclaughlin, publisher

S1.S0 a adT&nee,

;eti In adance.

at the rate of 11.75

When a year.

not paid lu

We are not responsible for, nor do we by pub-UahL-nf . endorse the opinion of oar correspond-


Beeolatloni, obituariee or earda of thank In-

Dowe of Bristol, spent Sunday with Mrs. Leonard's aunt, Mrs. Henry Barber, in South Coventry. Charles Leonard had the misfortune to find his horse dead in the barn on Saturday morning.

School closed last Friday in the White district with the usual picnic, the children bringing sandwiches and cake and money toward the ice cream, candy and nuts. The following day Harry Wood and Mr. Christopher commenced tearing the school house to pieces, preparatory

Annie Service, "God is OverAU, "

Annie Farr, "Our Country," Graoe

Gurley; singing by the choir.;

reoitations, "What Little Things

Did," Mary Oisar, "The Things that

Count," Franoes Wood worth; address

by the pieoe,

pastor; offering; "Heralds of the


Cross, " by

several yonng ladies; singing by the

sohool; benediotion. The committee

in charge of the exercises consisted , of

Miss Rosa O. Hall, Mrs. Jas. Service,

Much credit is due the superintendent.

The Sunday evening service will be lead

by Miss purpose

Brlgham. of our

Topic, "What life on earth ? "

is the Eph.

2:1-1- 0.


Olin Frank is working for I. F. Wilcox on the farm.

Mrs. Eugene Dimock spent a few days with friends in Willi mantic and South


I. F. Wilcox has been having German

Negative Judgments.

Negative thin:s often show positive

traits. For example, it is fairly safe

to judge a man , by the auits and by the things

company he does

he not

say. Youth's Companion.




SatlasfoforOdldstrHeeaty, ,






buy a inquire

store at

scarlnea. ao.

nt AnSthpoonty CAadsamh s Co. Paid for all kinds of

Rags, Metals, Rubbers, Old

Etc Iron, Automobile Tires, I RE Drop a postal and will

call on yon.



Staffer Spriag, Cms.

RLHNRWUSEGSCUiCiiuoeninlbcu.nckfosdnLeabfmigksaeMdnlleohESF,hweitLresrmnsntsauAyor,DnePgsi,mwme.rauRsSotrirresepmuSeAllaasBlDiiplrsinneDtNnesrrirdDCsaiseUCrnn,aGnserrngEesedsReepdssRssaeoaert,SSanGysRoyAkt,dnoieLrdo'ttdEsStse,s, Tw"i OKMBiar$ilatnd1Dsid.Ql,6,DlDU0e5i$nAr5n.i1pgLce.eInsd3TRr,p0YieMc$sorpw1N'ebe.oB4atre.0lGu,crswptChrseektaor.l.i,PncnCR$wIo1Ct.r&.PE6nS0raRianCcIGdBoeH.asTCg.:.orn, GGliorlvsesHVMoouiaslieen, SMtreuesHtlionsiery. One-pie-ce


half-pric- e,

at serted

one-ha- lf

adTerttslng rates. Births

marriages and deaths Inserted free.

Communications reeelTed without signatures always committed to the waste basket without


This paper is mailed regularly to its subscribers until a definite order to discontinue Is

and all arreaia are paid in full.

We are always glad to have mim items sent

in, bat request that they reach us by Tuesday

noon, or earlier. If possible. It is often neces-

sary to abridge Items that are received the lat-

ter part ot Tuesday afternoon or morning. Forma closed Wednesday


at 10 a. m.

TOLLAND. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Holland of Springfield were the gnesta Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. I. Tilden Jewett.

The annual meeting of the corpora ton of the Tolland savings bank will be held in the banking house June 26.

The Library association will serve a dinner Saturday afternoon on the green to the Men's union of Rook-vill- e.

Mis. Charles H.Sterry has returned home after spending about a month in Meriden, Hartford and Thompsonville.

The Missionary society of the Lee Methodist church met last Friday afternoon with Mrs. Myron G.


Dr. Harris W. Price and Marson

Shelden of Maiden, Mass., were the

week-en- d

guests of Mr. and Mrs.

Lewis B. Price.

Mrs. Elizabeth Remington and Mrs. Earl Church of Windsor have been spending a short time with Miss Elizabeth Terhuue.

Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Keeney, Eugene Eeeney and Mr. and Mrs. Thresher of Buckland were the guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis B. Price.

The Ladies' Aid of the Lee Metho dist church will meet Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Ernest Hall. If the weather per mits supper will be served on the lawn.

The district superintendent, Rev. Q. G. Scrivener, held the seoond qanrterly conference in the Lee Methodist church Sunday evening. After the conference the superintendent preached a sermon.

Children's day was observed in the Congregational church Sunday. The ohuroh was prettily decorated, and in the evening the Sunday school gave the program The program consisted of musio, recitations and re marks by the pastor, Rev. B. F. Case. The children acquitted themselves

to raising and enlarging the building.

The school-roo- m

will be 27x80. A Smith

heater is to be installed and grading

done. model'

it will be The town

the has

a verv caina taking1 and efficient man at

the head of the repairs on the school, in

Mr. Wood.


Mr. and Mrs. Glarenoe Eldredge are reoeiving congratulations on the birth of a son.

Mrs. Samuel Bartlett was at church Sunday the first time fox many months and was gladly greeted by her many friends.

On Sunday evening at 7 o'olook there will be a meeting at the chapel, Tolland side, at whioh George Wester-fiel- d

will preside and speak.

The hours of the party the boys of the Sunday sohool are to give the girls the 27th are from 2 until 6 p. m. If rainy Tuesday it will be postponed nntil Wednesday.

Mrs. O. F. Reed was so unfortunate

as to out her hand very badly with a sickle when clipping grass about her flower beds Saturday. The wound was dressed by Dr. Converse and is doing welL

A pleasant inoident of the roll-oal- l meeting was the presence of Mrs. Lena Wbitford Moore and daughter, Pauline, who have been visiting relatives since their return from

Florida some weeks sinoe.

We neglected last week to mention

the recent death, near Boston, of Mrs.

Gilbert Brown, who is recalled by

the some as

step-moth- er

of Rev.

Charles H. Brown who lived at the

parsonage for several years.

We have received a dainty memorial pamphlet of Rev. George H. Shepherd who supplied the Baptist church here for one summer several years ago and died in Salem, N. Y., Nov. 23, 1915, sent by his daughter, Miss Annie, who is living in Springfield.

Flag day was prettily observed by Bible school teachers and pupils. There was a parade, followed by flag drill and games on the common. The boys' fife and drum corps making excellent musio for the marohing.

Thursday afternoon Miss Pratt, superintendent of the elementary department of the Sunday sohool will meet theteaohersof her department at 2 o'clock and Mr. Parker will meet

all the teachers and others interested at 3 o'clock for the usual meeting at conference room.

Miss Alioe Service.

West Willington. George Bugbee has a Butck runabout to use in going back and forth to his work at South Willington. Charles Eorner and family were in Wil-llmant- lc

Saturday night, attending "The Battle Cry of Peace."

Dr. Converse has nearly completed his

garage. It is very neat in appearance, be-

ing 22x22 feet, and makes room for his two autoa. The old garage will be used for a work-sho-


Mrs. Harvey M. Lawson is making extensive repairs on the bungalow.

Dorius Roberts and family of Worcester were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Roberts.

Miss Gillingham and Miss Robinson held a combination picnic for their schools on Stickney Hill on Tuesday. - -

Two more cases of measles developed last Wednesday, Emily Dio aneV Julia Kaldta being the unfortunate this Time.

Ralph V. Towne of the New Mi) ford high school is camping with his Boy Scouts before returning to Union for the summer vacation.

Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Morrow arrived here last Wednesday, and are stopping for a short time at Ferry's Inn, before opening their cottage for the summer.

Mrs. Lyman Moore has been entertaining her cousin, Miss Ida Kenney, of Worcester. Miss Kenney is the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Charles Webster, this week.

Delegates from Union are attending the meeting in Wesleyan hall, Rockville,

to-da- y.

Considerable interest in the es-

tablishment of a farm bureau for Tolland

County is shown here.

Miss Florence L, Barrows returned to

her home last Saturday. Miss Barrows has been granted a year'B leave of absence from the West Haven high school, where she has been teaching for the past four years.

A pleasant social was held at the hall last Friday evening. An excellent sup per was served by the hostesses, Mrs.

Lyman Moore and Mrs. George Kost-r-. This was followed by games and social


The Lindsay family have opened their cottage for the season. Mrs. W. G.

Brown arrived last Saturday. Dr. Lind

say, Miss Flora Lindsay and a friend

were at the cottage

the for

week-en- d

Miss Lindsay and her friend returned to Wellesley college for commencement.

Bock Meadow. r

meas'es, but is very much better and able to be out again.

Gurleyville. Edward Simonds is driving a new horse. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Simonds spent Monday in Hartford. Mrs. Margeurite Walker is Spending a month in Watertown. Mrs. Lila Davoll of Willlmantic called on relatives here Monday. Mrs. H. E. Simonds has returned home after visiting relatives in Williman-tic- .


ASHFOBD. Warrenville. Morgan Brewer is blaoksmithing for B. H. Gardiner. The Ashford Baptist Sunday Sohool convention will be held at Brooklyn June 28. Mrs. Harry Green of Hartford was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Durkee over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. David Mathewson and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Browu are away on an automobile tour in Maine this week. The entertainment glveu by the women of the Mission Circle in Baker's hall, Tuesday eveulug, was weil patronized and prooeeds netted $25. Saliool liere closed Friday Refreshments were provided for the children and parents The teacher, Miss Vera L Dollmau, has boarded during the year with Rev. and Mrs B. C. Bug-bee- .

SOMERS. Mrs. L. H. Baker and two daughters have left for Cape Cod Miss Grace Warriner of Warren has been visiting her sister, Miss Florence Warriner. Miss Marcia A. Pendleton of Preston has returned home after spending a year in Somers. Dr. Elsword Light, from Baltimore medical college, is spending several weeks with Dr. A. L. Hurd.

Miss Fannie A. Holcomb of Somers has returned to her home in Torring- ton for her summer vacation.

Mr and Mrs. Charles S. Fuller and Mrs. Ida Sage have returned from a several days' stay at Crescent Beach.

Mrs. Mabel Russell Niles of New York is visiting in the home of her father, E P. Russell.

Mrs. A. Yail Smith has had as a recent guest her brother, Charles Whitlock of Mt. Kisco, N. Y.


the the

Glen 8wlS


tenement house, known as the Gov. Hyde patoclarwceeso.r'okSf tlIaanfnfStdoht.raedffmoHArioldgLllooSowpdIr.nihnqoguBms.iareernf,oorfhaeSnnAycMoonoUepEsdLeasinrid1ngIS;

LP wanted

A morl nun

in alt Thread

PdfelrpnDartntmT'lenWtsillio- f-

mantle mills. Apply at ollice.

WANTED Lady ofanRd omodemstbaenrdoifngsomIen

church to devote several hours each month to cdMUToihldnolelatehoDceWpt.ripn'CsogC.rMHtCIuoaOUnugOiartBzyKUianIUcePOfcoUorHBuDonLaAmtIsHielraaHfdHrIyUoNeamIUUdwiUnCigmtJ-Che-OmCDaMlWbuUPebUAtr.tslNeuoYHisfu,ppulatel1hrunee. Boylston St., boston, Mass,

O RENT A house and barn on Mac mtadam road, Stafford MRS. C II. M BY BUS.

PidnrrLPeifTcsievOstsehKeJvmOeirNSnybANuorrtoeLeusaMEgswhoA.naHal3Akb0WlNeoaf,ilacltnhr6dee8sseolnpWlouefeibansslstipycarMlonesyucurhmltnoqsoul.laaS. nnwtrdtiieAttheydI-t-n.,


TI "IEi mWiMA. RiuDntaf1onrlnfrrewtutArn1

of small black

flrillarH InRt Mnn.

dleaayvemaotrnFilntzgpaotinlckl' t.


12 ,





A new milch cow. T. F. MAKTEN, Tel. ,83-1-

A maid, at the Johnson


for Kale-50,me wnoie

Utf !. L. C'HIHM, pr



ApeKrMcnIh.TeAsGtnEu. t,

mOR SALE A pair of


j.' Horses, 2wll

uood workers. A. BODNBR, K. F. D. 8.

AS uunsi. cchaoeStnritotaornfnabf,cemomtdarinydlyalgnspawpdcearcriilbfsonteooeug,anrnsrs,tMmd,aCiwarasoesrinytahnhIae.o,trDwueeiJtbolulyiJnsjupfeeusoaytnry1,bc0wia,ndhuo1da9s1ebseBni.lolltresrufpots3rftowivmhnlolegy.r

tpuilsAnesegae. seUs,seFhCtlpaaauaToanrrondIayOirtatoaburNr,iarl,eslJs.uaS;fnnoCAedruuLtisrnotetEetau.smMimunsKse.,C3rio.ohcluuajsesurustoroteanfrrplut..SiurtcumpalrerH.pasryeialteiflxsotr,&.irWnSdmniheaue.-daalinslartry-t.


"LI3w7i0ueUr NcAadDndrehsasAverp.saauim.rekoufbaynoipssale,yisgnilagansosfoerras.sthpiOrsinwgands.

SEE velsOtitgf astme! a?lJlufEasartsmywntheeraamtGr sOy,yoRouDusreOweaNorrekA..loCoWHkAhiyRngTnEoRfto. Irn !

COUND A Plush Robe. Owner can

I f


-tinhsavaea.samtKe Uby.


paying -- awiu






sJe.ttBinOgW. LER,

Crystal Lake, Conn.



Infants BWlouesaers .... Be An Optimist Middy

HDoaiunsteyhoDldreCssotMtoantserials HanadvefyeeolurthSattrawtheHasturenadiys Ladies' Home Journal Patterns

HowarTdhe. Store T bpsshtoryeiunlpeneasdrweodtifothtSosoohfngitnereeaoenftsdotthoheSne.amilaoBnyre National Bank Building.

with ease and gave a very nice enter tainment.

William Staples was arrested Thursday for striking Austin Edger ton on the hetd with stones while they were hoeing in the field. Staples asked for the privilege of having a lawyer so the oourt .was adjourned until Friday, when Staples was fined

$35 and costs and 50 days in jail on

two accounts, assault and breaoh of the peace. He was tried before Justice Charles S. Hulbert

Tolland (west side) The Misses Mary and Florence Leon ard have finished their school duties and are at home for the summer vacation.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leonard and daughter, Dorothy and Dr. and Mrs.

The boys who were defeated in the Sunday sohool membership oontest are to give the girls a pionio Tuesday afternoon, the 27th, meeting at the ohuroh at 2 o'clock. All the members of the Sunday school are invited. There will be games and a pleasant time is expected.

South "Wellington. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Oolburn, Walter Colbnrn and Miss Ruth Ellis motored to Ocean Beach Sunday.

Miss Fannie Tesar left for New York city Tuesday to attend the wedding of her brother, Miohael.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Braokett spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Preston in Mansfield Center.

Exoavating tor the foundation for

Mr. and Mrs. Adelbert Agarti and

children were guests a few days last

week of his brother, Albert Agard in

Warren, who returned

for a two-day- s'





George Bradway . and daughter,

Grace, and his sister, Eunice Brad- -

way, went to Springfield ,r Sunday.

Mrs. Geo. Bradway went with them

as far as Foskit Mills and is visiting

a few days with her sister. Charles

Heck took them in his automobile. .

There were fifty present at the fare well reception given Miss Lillian Robinson, the Rock Meadow school teacher, at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

George Heck last Fridav evenine.

After hanging her a June box, well filled with candy, the guests were invited into the house. Refreshments

Mrs. Rebecca M. Gager and Mrs

Charles M. Gager entertained at a card

party Saturday evening. .


A pretty home wedding took place in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Pease

Russell Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock,

when their youngest daughter, Lida Maria, was married to John Harold Mc

Lean of Thompson ville by Rev. Earl H

Thayer, pastor of Congregational church

The ceremony was performed in the


in front of an arch formed

by the bay window, which was banked

with roses, daisies, palms and laurel

from the center of which waB suspended

a wedding bell. The wedding march

was played by the Philharmonic orches

tra of Thompsonville, of which the

bridegroom is a member. The couple

were unattended. The bride's gown was

IfOR SALE Cow, 6 years old, and a

X heifer 6 montDS' oia. someone.

uood bargain ior

6tf - - YiNCENZO SCOTTA, East Main St.


L f-


oWf .cJa.tBtlOeWbLoEuRgh&t

and sold.



West WllUlngton, Conn.

,Atf8UwThOereMaOndBIaLt EanyPAtimR. eTP.AIEUTSLeieGptaInNkoHenneOLaT-a- .,ny

tTmwj?oOMaRcariensSsoAtf. LlaEnnao.usMe,jymkcsar.emswsi,d. enmne,cnewnsoouunsaeisi,uEieatsc.t

T?OR SALE. Good, rueged well-d- e


old pigs, bred sows CfaOn.,cyLynprni,ceMs,ass.jnuw

Ts jOgRan,


SALE lacy s


DicyWcie. .



parlor or



Id our Wash Goods Section will be found an excellent

assortment of Voiles in Stripes and Plain at 19c, 25c, 33c and

45c per yard.

40-inc- h

Persian Lawn 25c per yard.

40 inch Batiste at 19c per yard.

. 40 inch Nainsook lGc per yard.

40-inc- h

India Linons 15c per yard.

3G inch Pongee Suitings at 15c per yard.

Also a good assortment of Poplins for those who may want a heavier material in white and colors, 3G inches wide,

at 25c per yard.


Kildare Suiting at 15c per yard.

White Crepe, suitable for underwear, at 12Jc and 15c yd.

Also a complete line of the host 3G inch Percales in light and dark colors, at 12Jc per yard.

Agent for Butterick Patterns

1. sun-


Are You Going

To Norwich?


Tuesday, July 4th

Independence Day Celebration...

All Day With A

Big Preparedness Parade

In The Afternoon

Automobile Parade, Band Concerts and Literary Exercises

In The Morning

Finest Exhibition of Fireworks ever shown in this vicinity

During The Evening

Spend Your 4th of July in Norwich this year

All Trolleys lead to Norwich Tuesday July 4th, 1916

the new bleaoh and dye house is well under way and the oonorete forms will soon follow.

0 The electric lighting wires are to be

were served. Instrumental musio. singing and aooordeon playing by Olin Willis all helped to make a very en joyable evening.

of white satin and georgette crepe, with full court train and with long tulle veil caught with orange blossoms. Her bou quet was a shower of bride roses and


XX onable address P. Springs.

and Window


Call at S3, m.

C3hlWeaahensaitnxMg,-aaisnttaSrn8et.owa, rsloa0r

0 extended to the new houses being built 0 by Wm. H. Hall on the Fisher place 0 north of the village. 0 John Fiala had the misfortune to


Crystal Lake. Next Sunday will be observed

lilies of the valley. After the ceremony a reception was held, the couple being assisted in receiving by Mr. and Mrs as Russell, parents of the bride, and Mrs

FOR iafeognerdt, ;tof7tirrnooeSollAmleoysLcaEawwtniiioattnhhScinfnopirunletrehpcsnlentaadc.tteihedriuirvnooihonnpagaoa.rmlDtooaerwr.nnaaCnnoodafnvSgetaanfr-



0 slip and fall from a team wagon last

0 H Friday afternoon, striking the ground

0 in such a manner as to break his

Children's day. Unstavus Dudley of Douglas, Mass. ,

called on friends in the place ' last

Sarah McLean, mother of the bride groom. The bridegroom's gift to the bride was a ring set with pearls and the

ALL FOR RENT at Cooper Lane.


A. SttKAf lJN.

0 collar bone. 00 I Special communication of Uriel 0 Lodge, F. & A. M. Saturday evening.

Work on . the M. M. degree. This

0 is to be past master's night, and 0 visitors are expected from Fayette, 0 Ionio, Woloott and Eastern Star lodges. 0 The iron and cement bridge aoross 0 the brook by the slate xoof barn in '0 this village has been laid and un 0 doubtedly will be ready for travel 0 soon. It is to be oovered with several 0 inches of gravel to take the wear off 0 the oonorete. 0 Uriel lodge has acoepted the in 0 vitation of Rev. Ohas. A. Parker to 0 attend divine services St. John's day 0 at Memorial churoli in this village 0 at 11 o'clock a. m. next Sunday. At 0 tending Masons are requested to meet 0 in the hall over the store at 10.30.

Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. U. Charter at

tended the funeral of their brother, O. J. Charter, Ellington, last Wednes day.

District Superintendent G. G, Sorivener preached last Sunday after which the first quarterly conference was held.

Sohool closed last Friday with a piunio for the children. Miss Chap man, the teacher, returned to her home in Groton Saturday.

The Ladies' Aid society will hold their annnal strawberry festival next week Thursday evening. Strawberry cakes will be served at the regular price.

(Crystal Lake District.)

Frank Stout of East Hartford spent Sunday with Ernest Smith.

bride's gift to the bridegroom was a diamond and amethyst scarfpin. The young couple were the recipients of many gifts. Mrs. E. S. Edgerton of

H.A T a Court of Probate holden at Staf- -

onPmrefesoersndut,.mwRaiOtahByinE0R1aTnJ duHnfe.o,rFatIhS. eKju.d. iJissutidruis.cret.




On motion of the administrator on the estate

of Josephine 3. Glazier, late of Stafford, within

Rockville catered for the luncheon, as

sisted by Misses Marjorie Moore, Alta

Corbin, Marguerite'JBugbee and Lyla

Pease. Mr. and Mrs. McLean left in the

afternoon for a two-week- s'

stay at Orange

Lake, Newburg, N. Y. The bride's

golng-awa- y

gown was of champagne, col

sbaeIidtelidvsiesontrrditcehtra,etddtehbceyeatahsdeimsd.inciosutrrat,tiotnhaat ccnooutincteInsshaaildl estate will be exhibited for settlement at the JcItiPnnouorgwpnoayebnan,a0ect110ewi91r1mcOs6u,psfilfasiaaiapctotneeiAroroai9ntnertpearosius,'nacotbli,anodlsnicaMsmakDiha,AeeiosdRafytpoirC8urieaiUcDtnn.atnSi,oviecSoeoBtntrn.sai.,ugnfstF-fphioobI-neSrsytgdK2,p8,taotnChnseiltdndeisnrahaksgyama. vioaeaf

or, with hat to match. Guests were present from New York, Brooklyn, East Orange, N. J., Dover, N. H., Thompson

ville, Hazardville, Ellington, Hartford, Springfield and Rockville. After Sept. 1 the couple will be at home to their

A T a Court of Probate holden at Staf oXnJpOLmrnesfemoersnodutt,m,iownkaitaohoyfibn0eth1akeontduandhfeom.,r i&ftnih.inesutkrD.a, iitisjouotrrd.iccroten.ofthSetaefsftoartde. of James M. Lord, late of Stafford, within salt dbeiisttraiirsclvto,ernadeetcrheeaaatseDdt.hyemaidsmcionuisrtt,rattnioant naocticcoeunstnaiinl

friends at 112 Pearl St., Thompsonville.

said estate will be exhibited for settlement at the Probate Office in said district, on the 30i h

Legend of th. Grand Canyon.

The Grand Canyon of the Colorado was first reported to the civilized world by the early Spanish explorers in 1540.


0 Although for three suoocessive Miss. Effie Wiers spent a part of last The Indian lejend of the Grand can-

0 Saturdays the attempt of the Get- 0 li. together baseball team to have a game

have been frustrated by untimely rains, they persevere and have arranged to have the Glynville Stars here this week Saturday at 3 o'olook p. m.

"Heralds of the Cross" was the title given the Children's day exercises at Memorial ohuroh last Sunday. The decorations were simple but tasty, in keeping with the spirit of the exercises which were rendered in a most pleasing manner. The pro- gram: Mrs. Wm. H. Hall, organist; prelude; children marohed in and took their places ; singing, Pleyel's

week with her cousin, Ruby Shlppee, of the Springs.

E. D. Chapman has accepted employ ment with the Underwood Typewriter Co., Hartford.

E. B. Smith has one of the finest

pieces of rye in this vicinity. It averages

6J feet in height.

. Carlos Chaffee returned to his home in

Boston, Sunday, after a week's visit with

his sister, Mrs. Cora Gold.


A little daughter arrived at the home of Ernest Hack in Windsor, June 11th, grandaughter to Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Wiers. and to Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Hack, of this place.

yon is picturesque. There was a great

chief who mourned the death of his

wife and would not be comforted. To

him came

one of the In-

dian gods, and told him that his wife

was in a happier laud to which he

would take him that he might see for

himself if upon his return he would

cease to mourn. The chief promised.



made a trail through

tthifeulmloaundn.tainTshitshattrajial rwdaesdththeactabneyaoun-

gorge of the Colorado.

it Through


led the thief, and when they

had returned the pod exacted from the

chief a promise that he would tell no

one of its joys lest, through discontent

with the ehvumstunjces of this world,

others should desire to go there. Then


OF SOMERS, ss. Probate

15, A. D.

Estate Hattle S.

rf Dorothy B. Avery, minors,


Way I. somers,






real estate scribed In district of

situated In said ssaoimd earps,plIitcaisti:on

snmers. and in tile In the



hymn; responsive reading; greetings,

Superintendent Geo. O. Westerfield;

responsive reading; prayer, Pastor

Charles A. Parker; singing, "Come

with Gladness;" recitations, "My

Mission," Isabel Service, "Just this

Minute," Hazel Braokett," 44 A Help

ing by


sohool ;


Flowers;" recitations, "The Men

Who Try," Holman Hall, "Why Don't Yon Laugh," Walter Benson;

class exercise, "Guiding Stars," for

g' 'iCrlosn;fussininggin, g' 'CbayroslyonhoWool;rd


en,4 Grow-

ing Smiles," Frances Hall, "My

Prayer," Clara Toberman; song by

children; recitations, "Daisies,"

Helen Fardus, "Our Thanksgiving,"


Mansfield Depot. Miss Anna E. Hall of Boston, was a guest of her mother, Mrs. G. W. Sted man, over Sunday.

Mrs. Webber was In Norwich two days last week and will soon move to that place, as she has sold her place here to Dr. Higgins of South Coventry.

Children's Day exercises were held Sunday evening by the Sunday school of the Eber Dunham Memorial Baptist church. There were recitations,' singing by the children, singing by the choir, solo by Miss Klein and remarks by Rev, F. W. Klein on the first Children's Day, The exercises were enjoyed by an appreciative audience of over, one hundred- -


rolled a river iiito the gorge,

a mad, raging gulf any that thereby. This

stream. tbi;t should enmight attempt to enter river was the Colorado.

Abound Reason. Mistress Didn't you hear me calling. Jane? Jane Yes'm, but you told me the' other day never to answer you back..

A healthy man is a king in his own




market 85 years.' $ a bottle.

Cases of Summer Complaint, SSCdqgruewtluoeseegmtaniengotatlsinycse.htPotchUwasoeensrdlredleedIrtcnshIttneebedtmfyseots,irtnbMi2any5Claoo.hltthhitlreeddarrsiacesstnteut.aoronrbfdaTMnph8creoeoytsrmhe, eaotrreatseUnr.edri.nafdAryeit-'l-osl

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how much it will cost to wire my house '

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genuinely Ymi

nAA- -Vl Arwohrkemrdansohfipa

and a. contract

that wasn't letter Dy us be done by


Straws we are showing.

Jas. F. Warren


The question of the child's education must te met sooner or later.

Why not talk It over with us ? The 1 est way the safe way Is to put by a little money each

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