Ultimate Bitcoin Guide - CryptoRunner


How to Get Started and Buy Bitcoin

Get Started and Buy Bitcoin in Just a Few Minutes! Follow Our Step-By-Step Instructions




What? Why? How?


What Is Bitcoin?


Why Use Bitcoin?


How to Buy Bitcoin


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What? Why? How?

Bitcoin has never been as popular as today. Demand increases as more and more understand the benefits and opportunities with the cryptocurrency. This is a guide to help you get started with Bitcoin.

What is Bitcoin? Why should you use Bitcoin? How to get started with Bitcoin? Where do I buy Bitcoin? We will answer these questions and explain everything you need to know.

This is a brief review of the digital currency to get started quickly. We have simple step by step instructions, and at the end of the guide, we help you to buy Bitcoin instantly.

There are people who say they don't use Bitcoin because they don't understand the underlying Blockchain technology. A common excuse for not getting started with new technology.

It's easy to buy and use Bitcoin, and you don't need to understand the technology to use it (even though that is good). It was the same at the beginning of the Internet. However, today all use the Internet even though everyone doesn't understand the technology.


Bitcoin is here to stay, and it's proven that the technology works and is safe. The only question is how long you will wait before you buy the cryptocurrency. Have you been thinking of buying Bitcoin but hasn't because of the high price?

You're not alone. However, remember that the price was also expensive at $10, $100 and 1000 dollars.

Past performance is no guarantee of future results. But there will never be more than 21 million bitcoins. If you only buy one bitcoin, you always own more than about 99.85% of the world's population. (You can, of course, buy less than one bitcoin).

What? Why? How? If you can answer these questions, you already have more knowledge about Bitcoin than 99% of the population. Time to stop procrastinate and getting started with Bitcoin!

What Is Bitcoin?

Bitcoin was the first decentralized digital currency, also called cryptocurrency. It works like cash or gold that can be transferred on the internet across the globe. You can transfer money as easily as sending an email.


This means that you can send money person-to-person without a middleman or involvement of any third party. In other words, you avoid expensive fees and long waiting times as at the bank.

We can briefly describe Bitcoin as follows: Bitcoin is an independent, global and public ledger used to transfer and store value.

It's independent because no state, bank or institution can control or manipulate Bitcoin.

It's global because everyone can send money fast and cheap24/7 to anyone on earth.

It's public because all transactions are stored in a common ledger. At the same time, Bitcoin is anonymous because everyone can participate without having to identify themselves.

Bitcoin is secure because it is based on cryptography and mathematics. All users decide together over the Bitcoin network and its rules. There is no central bank that can print more and more money to reduce the value.

Protection against inflation is one of the benefits with the cryptocurrency. Read about more benefits and why everyone should use Bitcoin in the next section.

This is a brief description of Bitcoin. If you want to learn more, we have detailed guide about Bitcoin. There we go through what money is, where bitcoin comes from, why the cryptocurrency has value and much more.


Why Use Bitcoin?

Why should I use Bitcoin instead of my credit/ debit card or cash? There are many answers to that question because Bitcoin has many different uses. Below we summarize the

main benefits of using Bitcoin.

Fast payments globally: With Bitcoin, you can transfer money

around the world in just a few seconds. Bitcoin is the first global currency.

Extremely low transaction fees: It costs almost nothing to transfer

bitcoin. In addition, fees are voluntary in the network.

Bitcoin is a secure system: Bitcoin is impossible to counterfeit and is

secure with the help of math and cryptography. The current financial system is secured by laws which will always contain loopholes.

You don't need to trust any third party: There is no intermediary that

can deny your transaction or demand expensive fees. All payments are made person-to-person without having to rely on any company. You control your own money.

Bitcoin is anonymous but also transparent: It's anonymous because

you don't need to identify yourself in the Bitcoin network. It's transparent because the ledger of all transactions is public.


The Bitcoin network is decentralized: The digital currency is

decentralized in the same way as the internet. Bitcoin is more fair because no single group can control or manipulate it.

Protect your money against inflation: Perhaps the biggest advantage

of Bitcoin is that your money is protected against inflation. Bitcoin has a limited supply to preserve the value of your money.

How to Buy Bitcoin

We help you buy Bitcoin directly with your credit/debit card

We have compared all Bitcoin exchanges and chosen the best one depending on your location. It has received our highest rating, is userfriendly, and has the lowest fees! We guide you from the beginning to end! First, answer this question:

Where Do You Live?

There are two different buying guides depending on where you live. One buying guide for Europe / Global and one for USA. Just follow our simple step-by-steps below


Buy Bitcoin Globally (excluding USA)


eToro is the Best Bitcoin Exchange. You can buy Bitcoin and cryptocurrency easy, instant and secure. Their exchange platform has received our highest rating. Follow our step-by-step instructions below and buy Bitcoin (BTC) now

1. Create Account

First step is to Open Your eToro Account. Follow this link, enter your information, and click on "Start Trading"!



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