Somerset Silver Palms

5121635-277409020000 Somerset Academy Silver Palms Mathematics Course 2Seventh Grade Advanced SyllabusMs. Lopez Alopez@ Course Objective:To help students excel in Mathematics as they work to master the concepts and skills of the Florida State Standards for Course 2 and Pre-Algebra.Course Description:This course will place a strong emphasis on the continued study of integers, order of operations, variables, expressions, and equations. Students will solve and graph equations and inequalities, write and solve proportions, and explore geometry, statistics, and graph concepts. Problem solving will be emphasized throughout the course. (Students in this course are in the Advanced Learning path, if they successfully pass this course, they are eligible to take Algebra 1 in 8th grade.)Classroom Rules:Follow the Somerset Academy Silver Palms Code of Student ConductBe on time and prepared, this includes having your assignments done before class startsRespect your surroundings and all othersDuring independent computer time, students must remain silentElectronic devices must be on silent and in students book bag All work MUST be shown to receive credit for every assignmentAttendanceStudents have the responsibility of attending class regularly and ON TIME. In order for absences to be excused, students must bring approved note upon returning to school indicating the reason for his/her absence. Failure to submit a note within 72 hours (3 days) will result in the absence(s) being marked unexcused (please refer to the Parent/Student Handbook for more details). Makeup work will not be graded for unexcused absences, but must be completed by the student for mastering.Consequences:Verbal warning/student conferenceParent contact and/ or detentionReferred to counselor/ detention/ parent contactAdministrative referral **Depending on the offense, disciplinary actions (referrals) may be taken first. Materials (Must have in book bag at all times)4 3 Subject Spiral Notebooks (One per 9 weeks. This will be for our interactive notebook where students’ daily agenda, warm-ups, writing in math prompts, and notes will be taking place. If you choose to buy the one subject notebooks, instead of the 3 subject one, calculate at least 2 to 3 per semester). 2 – plastic folders with prongs1 pack of sheet protectors (Top Load) (will need about 10 sheets)Lined paper 1 – Pack of graph paper 1 – Pack of pencils and or mechanical pencils (must always have at least two every day in class. NO WORK IN PEN)1 –Thin dry erase marker Pens (For checking work) 1 – Sharpener with cover 1 – Pack of paper reinforcement rings1 – Multi color pack of highlighters1 – Pack of Color Pencils 1 – Pack of thin markers3 – Small Glue stick1 – Scissors 1 – Basic four function Calculator$10.00 Math Fee (pay online)**1 ? inch Binder is not mandatory but recommended (this can assist your child in being organized)**Wish List In order to help maintain a healthy and vibrant learning environment it would be greatly appreciated if the following can be provided. (Volunteer hour credits will be given if receipt is submitted with child’s name, student ID#, homeroom teacher and room number, and sibling name if applicable with the Family Donation Recognition Form)Packs of color pencilsPairs of scissorsPacks of thin markersPacks of regular markersClorox WipesColored Copy Paper (Vibrant & Pastel)Copy PaperKleenexSticky NotesMulticolor dry erase markers (low order)Ink cartridge for printer (12A)Multi-Color and White cardstockGift cards to Walmart, Target, Office Max,…(to buy incentives and items for the class) CompassElmer’s glue sticks Clear Scotch tapeProtractorsNOTE: Because your child will be actively learning, supplies will need to be replenished from time to time. Please make sure your child has his or her school supplies ALWAYS in their book bag.Grading Policy40% Tests/Projects: This includes chapter tests and projects. Tests will always be announced ahead of time. Review Guides for tests will be given in class or available on my website. 30% Quizzes/ Formative Assessments: Students will take paper and pencil quizzes (announced and unannounced) to check their understanding. Students will also be taking periodic short benchmark assessments.15% Classwork/ Homework/ Participation15% Technology: Students are expected to complete their Computer based programs in the given time frame. (example Carnegie and Gizmo) Grading Scale A= 90 - 100% B= 80 - 89% C= 70 – 79% D= 60 – 69% F= below 60% Effort Code1 = Outstanding 2 = Satisfactory 3 = Insufficient Conduct Code A = Outstanding B = Good C = Satisfactory D = Improvement Needed F = Unsatisfactory ***Assignments MUST be turned in on the day they are due. Late assignments and make-ups will ONLY be accepted from students with excused absences. Projects can be turned in ahead of time if an absent is anticipated or the written portion of a project can be emailed if sick on day that it is due.**** PROJECTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED LATER THAN DUE DATE.****Conduct GradeEvery student starts each grading period with an ‘A’ in conduct. Students that behave in an unsatisfactory manor will receive a conduct cut. Students’ names will be written down and recorded in the teacher’s grade book at the end of the class. Should a student continue misbehaving, parents will be notified by phone, email, text, or a note will be sent home. Conduct cuts are given for the infractions listed below:TalkingOut of seat without permissionMisbehaving during an activityAny other behavior as listed in the Code of Student ConductA student has the ability to raise their conduct grade by displaying exceptional behavior (it will be at the teacher’s discretion to raise the grade based on this behavior but it is always a good idea to inform the teacher of the intention to improve the grade). Conduct grades will be assigned based on the number of conduct cuts given using the scale below.0 - 2 = A3 – 4 = B5 – 6 = C7 – 8 = D9 – 10 = FInteractive Notebook CheckStudents are required to maintain a Math Interactive Notebook where agenda, warm-ups, journal entries, notes, and wrap-ups will be located. These items will be evaluated at least twice each grading period. Failure to have a satisfactory notebook may affect a student’s overall performance.Home Learning: Home Learning will be assigned and checked on a regular basis. Incomplete or missing assignments will be recorded in the grade book and a double grade will be issued twice per grading period. Grades will be given based on the number of missed assignments using the scale below:0-1= A2-3= B4-5= C6-7= D8 or more= FClass ResponsibilitiesResponsibility and respect are important attitudes to have in life. Each student will be accountable for his or her actions. All cell phones, iPods, etc., must be off and put away during class. No student has the right to inhibit another student’s ability to learn.All assignments must be turned in with a proper heading, which includes the students’ full name and period.There will be no passes given during class time unless it is a true emergency. No foolishness or misbehaving will be tolerated during group assignments for any reason. If an individual needs to be excluded from a group assignment, a zero (Z) will be earned for the assignment and a conduct cut will be given. Plagiarism and CheatingPlagiarism and cheating will not be tolerated. Students will not receive credit for any copied home learning assignment. If a student is caught cheating during an exam or quiz they will receive a “Z”.Research projects and essays must be written in students’ own words. When using information from newspapers, magazines, or online articles, students must paraphrase the information and cite their sources. Any assignment that includes literal repetition will receive an “F”.Parents As Partners:Family involvement is an essential element for a student’s success in mathematics. Be positive and support home learning, don’t do it for them. You can help by asking questions and listening. You may also help by visiting the online resources and encouraging your child to take advantage of the Free Tutoring, online tutorials, interactive activities, and other online resources. Think of yourself as a guide rather than your child’s teacher. Feel free to email me with any issues or concerns; I will do my best to respond within 48 hours, my contact information is listed on the top of this syllabus and on the school website. STUDENTS MUST KEEP THIS SYLLABUS IN THEIR BINDER CLASS FOLDER (Use one of the sheet protectors to store it in the prongs of the folder)** Please log on to my school page and fill out the Google Form under Parent/ Student Information Form **216673-18493900Student’s Name (Last, First): _____________________Date: _____________________Period: _____________________Mathematics Course 2Seventh Grade Advanced SyllabusValidate Your ContractRead the information again along with your parents/guardians. Parent & Student must sign this form. Return this signed portion by Thursday or Friday, September 3 & 4 (depending on A day or B day). The submission of this contract will be used as a home learning grade.Signing this contract means that you understand the information given and agree to follow the rules set forth in this syllabus.____________________________________________________________Student Name (Print) Student Signature Date_____________________________________________________________Parent/Guardian Name (Print)Parent/Guardian Signature DateAdditional Contact Information you would like me to have regarding your child and my class: ................

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