The Open Door

The Open Door

“I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.” _ Jesus Christ (John 10:9)

Volume 20 No. 05 Published by Cedar Key Church of Christ

02 February 2020: David Binkley, Gospel Minister; Galina Binkley, News

2 Corinthians 9:6-8 “...Whoever ows sparingly will also reap also sparingly and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.”… Please notice the OFFERING BOX in the entranceway; where we cheerfully place our offerings in the collection box. Your contributions to God help us preach the Gospel here in Cedar Key, around the world and carry out works of benevolence to the glory of Christ our Lord.

Welcome Visitors and Members! We hope that your experience today will add something meaningful to your life in Christ Jesus. If you are new to the area and would like more information about this church, let us know. If you are just visiting our island community, then we hope to see you again. Would you like to confess your faith in Jesus Christ and repent of your sins today? Come forward during the last song and we will assist you in obeying Christ as Lord – or let us know your desire some other time. We can arrange a time for your baptism into Christ. If you are a Christian and wandered away from home with the Lord, you may make your desire known and we will pray for God to forgive your sins, and fully restore you to Jesus Christ and joyful fellowship with other Christians.

Share the Good News! Free Bible studies and much more are available at our congregation’s web site Cedar Key Church of Christ. We also have the church’s weekly Bulletin on our web site.

WEDNESDAY EVENING CHURCH MEETINGS are on Wednesdays at 5PM, and Sunday Evening Worship meetings at 5 PM.

We meet together to study God’s Word, sign cards and have wonderful Christian fellowship while having a snack. Please plan to come and enjoy a rewarding experience. We welcome visitors. We had 16 last Wednesday.

Cedar Key Church of Christ Food Pantry is working!

Thank you, our faithful donors to keep our pantry going. Thank you, Margaret for buying clothes for children and for shopping for Food pantry. Thank you to anonymous donor to buy a basket of food regularly. We helped 3 families, 5 children. Total 8. We also bought some milk and fruits for a needy teen. God is good!

Ollie – February 2nd;

Emma Lou – February 2nd;

Chanler – February 2nd,

John Andrek – February 3rd;

Charlene Smith – February 4th,

Will Harris – February 16th;

Bill Vetovitz - February 16th,

Brent Brooks – February 18th;

We wish you more God’s blessings!

(If you have Birthday in February or next month, please let GB know. Thanks)

Cecil and Carol!

Ronnie and Diane!

We wish you more happy years together filled with Gods blessings!

We love you!

Cedar Key Community Food Pantry will have OPEN HOUSE on February 5th, 2020 at 1:00-4:00PM at 11912 SR 24 Cedar Key.. Please come and visit new location, learn about new goals for social services. More info on Bulletin Board.

The Cedar Key annual Empty Bowls Soup Supper will be held Wednesday, February 5, 2020, from 3:30-6:30 at the Cedar Key Community Center. Attendees enjoy a warm bowl of soup and dessert in exchange for a donation to the Cedar Key Food Pantry. This event is a major fundraiser for the pantry.

CK School Safety Patrol Valentine’s Day Fundraiser.

If you want to give sweet treat to your loved ones or yourselves, please contact Ollie or Katy.

Bible Question: What was Ruth’s nationality? (Ruth 1)

God’s Servant Ruth

But Ruth said, “Do not urge me to leave you or to return from following you. For where you go I will go, and where you lodge I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God my God. Where you die I will die, and there will I be buried. May the Lord do so to me and more also if anything but death parts me from you.” (Ruth 1:16-16 ESV)

This past Wednesday evening we initiated a new course of study into some of the exceptional servants of God in the Bible. Ruth is a short book in the Bible but the story of the person Ruth reveals a person willing to take extraordinary steps in order to be God’s servant.

I. (Ruth 1:6;16-17) God’s providential care for his people by providing them food during famine. Ruth developed faith in Yahweh as God by turning away from worship of idols. For this, God made it possible for her to bear children. (4:13-15)

II. (Ruth 1:8, 2:20) Ancient rules of the Jews come into effect, i.e. the covenant of loyalty and kindness. Boaz was impressed with Ruth for the way she as a foreigner showed respect for Jewish laws and customs. She showed chesedh = loyal kindness. (2:20) Boaz showed kindness to living and the dead. When we are faithful to God, God shows kindness to us.

III. (Ruth 1:6-8) Naomi is very concerned for the welfare of both daughers-in-law. (1:10-14) She regrets she cannot provide for them (3:1-5) Naomi feels strong obligation to find a home for Ruth. (3:10) Boaz praised Ruth for the way she was respectful of family traditions. A great lesson we can learn to respect ancient social obligations that we may not have grown up with for others revere as family law.

IV. (Ruth 1:13, 20-21; 2:2) Trust God all the time.Naomi at first complained about the heavy way she had to suffer. But she is patient for God’s answer. (2:19-20) She gives God credit for the action he takes. God will do great things for people today who have faith in his plan of salvation through faith in his Son. DB

Remember in Prayers, Cards and Visits

Cancer: Hannah Baker (8y.o.), Joel Baxley, Danielle Beckham, Sue Colson, Linda Curry, Debby Delaino, Sue Dillon, Michael Fowler, Lynn Francis, Sharon Hile, Tim Parker, Cecilia Rains, Susan Roqemore, Nancy Sherouse, Joe Simpson.

Heart, Other Health Problems & Condolences: Mary Beth and triplets: Logan, Joe, Morgan; Margaret Brooks, Cecelia Bullard, David Curry, Patty Curtis, Michelle, Kay Hollman family, Bonnie & Mike Kaprally (house fire in PA), , Ivan Meade, Mary Parker, Alice Richburg, Bud Robinson, Elizabeth Robinson, Verna Tschappatt, our local Cedar Key children.

Military: Tyler Anderson, Ian Andrek, Lauren Bartholemy, Tim Baxley, Daniel Beans, Montana Beckham, Joseph Bishop, Nathaniel Brinkman, John Henry Collins, Quentin Collins, Chelsea Colson, Alan Crews, Jacob Crosby, Isaac Delaino, John Dusek, Thomas Felletier, Nick Gentry, Amber Haven, James Holland, Robby Ice, Adam Iovine, Crystal Jenkins, David Johnson, Tommy Lee, Ian McNulty, Richard Moran, Steven Poole, Austin Pope, Cloe Reynolds, Jonathan Roque, Jared Shewey, Brock Stone, William Clenton Wasson, Jerrett Westling, Alex Zografos.

Mission Work: Magadan, Russia; Nikolaev & Slavyansk, Ukraine, Cedar Key Police, First Responders & Firefighters; School children of Cedar Key; President Trump, others in authority, victims of earthquake in Puerto-Rico, families members of those who American Firefighters who died in plane crash in Australia, victims of a new corona virus, and for those who are working on an antidote, PEACE and more boldness to share our faith in Jesus Christ.

Our Record – 01/26/201

Sunday morning worship ............................ 26

Sunday morning Bible studies ..................... 18

Sunday evening worship ……………………………….. 12

Wednesday PM 01/29/2020………….................. 16

Contributions 01/26/2020 ………………….… $550.00

Calendar of Opportunities

Sunday: Bible classes 10:00 am

Worship assemblies 11:00 am & 5:00 pm

Wednesday: Prayer and Bible study: 5:00 pm

Come and bring a friend!

Cedar Key Church of Christ

709 Third St., Cedar Key, FL 32625


Welcome and first Prayer …… Brent Brooks

Song Director ……. Mel Beckham

Lord’s Supper – Presiding ………… Mel Beckham

Lord’s Supper – Assisting Garrett Beckham

Sermon……… God’s Servant Ruth

Closing prayer …………… Ronnie Taylor

Greeter ………………………………… Laura Jean Delaino

Children’s Bible Class…………… Laura Robinson


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