Bravecto rebate form canada - Aawyx


Bravecto rebate form canada

Bravecto - Flea and Tick Prevention [/mp_heading] [/mp_span_inner] [/mp_row_inner] [/mp_span] [/mp_row] 50% off heartworm testing Mosquitoes are bad this year! Get 50% off heartworm test with purchase of 1 years worth of heartworm preventative! [/mp_row] Vectra is still offering a Buy 3 doses (1 pack of 3) and get 1 free mail in rebate (code7Z7ZA6) Increase the savings when you buy 6 doses (2 pack of 3) and get 3 free doses (code B2E62C). Receive up to a $40 rebate on your purchase of Seresto flea and tick collar ($20 rebate for up to two pets). Purchase at our clinic and mail in your rebate. Get your VIP card at Best Friends Veterinary Hospital! We'll stamp your card each time you make a Adaptil or Feliway purchase. Purchase 5 products and your 6th product is FREE! Feb 1st, 2021 3:37 pm BlankdeBlack [OP] Newbie Jan 20, 2018 69 posts 322 upvotes Feb 1st, 2021 3:37 pm Deal Link: Expiry: December 31, 2021 Retailer: Bravecto *This is a thread for dog/cat owners only, you can close the tab if you are not a pet owner.* Found this from Bravecto website, seems no one ever posted it yet. SAVING UP TO $35 ON BRAVECTO? IS EASY! Step 1: Simply purchase BRAVECTO? according to your veterinarian's recommendation Step 2: Submit your completed rebate claim form, by mail or online, Save up to $30 per dog for purchases made between January 1st and December 31st, 2021 inclusively, and an additional $5 per dog for select purchases made between January 1st and June 30th, 2021 inclusively for a maximum of $35 per dog.* Terms: * Rebate offer applies to the purchase of 2, 3 or 4 doses of BRAVECTO? for dogs, for up to 3 dogs per household. Pet owners who purchase 4 doses of BRAVECTO? for dogs between January 1st and June 30th, 2021 inclusively, and use the promo code obtained from their veterinary clinic are eligible to get an additional rebate of $5 per dog. Maximum total rebate of $105 for a household with 3 dogs. Dog Owner: Cat Owner: What is BRAVECTO? BRAVECTO kills fleas and prevents flea infestations for 12 weeks. BRAVECTO Chew and BRAVECTO Topical Solution for Dogs kills ticks (black-legged tick, American dog tick, and brown dog tick) for 12 weeks and also kills lone star ticks for 8 weeks. BRAVECTO Topical Solution for Cats kills black-legged ticks for 12 weeks and American dog ticks for 8 weeks. Feb 1st, 2021 3:47 pm renegadeavenger Deal Addict Jun 1, 2008 2825 posts 2814 upvotes Feb 1st, 2021 3:47 pm Bravecto is used by a lot of people, but I have been personally hesitant about continuing to use it ( tried it once before ), due to 1 pill, lasting several months. The half-life of the dose is very high up there, compared the monthly pills. Its a bit scary considering tick prevention is still a low dose poison you are giving to your dog. Feb 1st, 2021 4:27 pm neonic Deal Addict Jul 20, 2016 2015 posts 1816 upvotes Toronto Feb 1st, 2021 4:27 pm huuuu! (?'-')? C-('-'Q) straight! Feb 1st, 2021 5:25 pm zanewn Deal Addict Jul 8, 2009 1224 posts 547 upvotes T Dot Feb 1st, 2021 5:25 pm Can this be purchased online at a discount vs going to the vet? Feb 1st, 2021 6:58 pm dhomas Sr. Member Dec 18, 2005 976 posts 1062 upvotes Montreal Feb 1st, 2021 6:58 pm I don't have a pet, but I'm here anyway. Don't tell me what to do! Feb 1st, 2021 7:16 pm gobseck Member Nov 10, 2013 377 posts 313 upvotes Richmond Hill, ON Feb 1st, 2021 7:16 pm zanewn wrote: Can this be purchased online at a discount vs going to the vet? It's a prescription medication, so you can purchase it online, but you need an Rx from a vet, whether you know one who can write you a script without going to him/her, I don't know your situation. Does this answer seem smart a$$ or just me being anal and actually answering the question comprehensively? Feb 1st, 2021 10:07 pm zanewn Deal Addict Jul 8, 2009 1224 posts 547 upvotes T Dot Feb 1st, 2021 10:07 pm gobseck wrote: It's a prescription medication, so you can purchase it online, but you need an Rx from a vet, whether you know one who can write you a script without going to him/her, I don't know your situation. Does this answer seem smart a$$ or just me being anal and actually answering the question comprehensively? lol no you answered it. Thanks. Guess that's a no for me. Interceptor Plus prevents heartworm disease and treats and controls adult roundworm, hookworm, whipworm, and tapeworm infections in dogs and puppies 6 weeks or older and 2 pounds or greater.Treatment with fewer than 6 monthly doses after the last exposure to mosquitoes may not provide complete heartworm prevention. Prior to administration of Interceptor Plus, dogs should be tested for existing heartworm infections. The safety of Interceptor Plus has not been evaluated in dogs used for breeding or in lactating females. The following adverse reactions have been reported in dogs after administration of milbemycin oxime or praziquantel: vomiting, diarrhea, decreased activity, incoordination, weight loss, convulsions, weakness, and salivation. For complete safety information, please see Interceptor Plus product label or ask your veterinarian.

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