Report on Resettlement Planning of

Henan Provincial Huaihe River Basin Key Plain & Low-Lying Land Drainage Improvement Project

With Loan from the World Bank

Resettlement Action Plan for the First Year

Project Management Office for Foreign Fund

Henan Province Water Resource Department

October, 2008

Commitment Letter

Henan Province Government, through the Ministry of Finance, applies to the World Bank for loans used to finance part of the cost of the project. As a result, the projects must meet the World Bank’s social security policy. This plan represents the World Bank’s key requirement and the basis of this project for land acquisition, demolition and resettlement. This plan follows the laws of People’s Republic of China and local regulations. In order to complete the resettlement better, this plan has included a number of additional measures, implementation and monitoring arrangements.

Henan Province Government confirms the contents of this immigration plan, promises to include the budget of the immigration plan in the total budget of the project and have them in lace in time. Henan Provincial Government has discussed the first draft of the immigration plan with related institutions and got theiu approval. Henan Provincial Government has authorized the Project Management Office of Henan Province to take charge of the implementation of the project and corresponding resettlement, the governments of various project areas are responsible for the implementation of the project and corresponding resettlement within their specific areas.

Director of Henan Province Water Resource Department:



1 General Information of the Project

Introduction of the Project

Henan Province Key Plain &Low Land Improvement Project is funded with loan from the World Bank. The project is aimed to mitigate flood and water-logging disasters and provide favorable conditions for sustainable agriculture and socioeconomic development in the project area through dredging river, repairing embankment, reconstructing, expanding, or repairing and strengthening pumping stations for drainage, flood control sluices and bridges or building new ones, to improve drainage and flood protection standard of rivers and polder areas in the project area.

Origin of the project

The state and four provinces (Jiangsu, Anhui, Henan and Shandong) along the Huaihe River have always been devoting much effort to improvement of low-lying land in Huaihe River basin. In 1991, state council made clear that “building drainage system and strengthening embankment in low-lying area and improving flood control and drainage standard” in “Decisions on Further Regulation of Huaihe River and Taihu Lake”. In 2003 extreme flood occurred in Huaihe River basin. At the 24th executive meeting of State Council held in October 2003, the participants discussed and adopted the State Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Water Resources and Ministry of Finance jointly prepared “ Asking for instruction on issues concerning paying close attention to disaster rehabilitation in Huaihe River Basin and speeding up Huaihe River Regulation”, demanding to pay close attention to disaster rehabilitation in Huaihe River Basin and speed up Huaihe River regulation and having defined the target and tasks of Huaihe River regulation. In “The report on Huaihe River Basin Flood Control Plan” worked out in October 2003 and “The Plan for Speeding up Huaihe River Regulation Projects Construciton” (2003-2007) worked out in same year by Huaihe River Conservancy Commission of Ministry of Water Resources, it is emphasized to devote more efforts to strengthen Huaihe River basin key low-lying land regulation and improve flood and water-logging control standard, and 3 new items for speeding up Huaihe River regulation projects construction were increased. After heavy flood in July 2003, Programming and Planning Division of Ministry of Water Resources, and Agroeconomy Division of State Development Reform Commission together with International Cooperation and Science and Technology Division of Ministry of Water Resources and experts and officials of World Bank, Huaihe River Conservancy Commission, water resources department (WRD) of Jiangsu, Anhui, Henan and Shandong provinces came to an agreement and planned to use loan of World Bank and carry out Huaihe River key low-lying land improvement project. Henna Provincial Water Resources Department submitted a document to Ministry of Water Resources and Huaihe River Conservancy Commission, demanding to use loan from World Bank to carry out Huaihe River basin Henan Province key low-lying land improvement project.

Components of the project

Huaihe River Basin Henan Province key plain low-lying land involves low-lying land along Huaihe River, in lower reaches of Xiaohong River and along Jialu River and in lower reaches of Yinghe River. Low-lying land along Huaihe River is located in some polder areas along main stream of Huaihe River, low-lying land in lower reaches of Xiaohong River is located between Yanggang estuary and confluence of Xiaohong River and Ruhe River, Jialu River and Yinghe River downstream low-lying land is located in a junction area of Jialu River, Yinghe River and Shahe River. The main components of Henan Provincial key plain low-lying land improvement project include river dredging, levees strengthening and expanding and rehabilitation of pumping stations and culverts and sluices and bridges. According to “The Feasibility Study Report on Huaihe River Basin Henan Provincial Key Plain Low-lying Land Improvement Project with World Bank Loan”, project involves dredging river of 340.79km , strengthening embankment of 41.06km, rehabilitating, repairing and strengthening or newly building 140 flood control culverts and sluices, 20 pumping stations and 45 bridges, as shown in table 1.1-1.

Table 1.1-1 Summary of Construction Components of Henan Provincial Key Plain Low-lying Land Improvement Project

|No. |Low land |Strengthening |River dredging(km) |Pumping station |Culvert &sluice |bridge |

| | |embankment | | | | |

| | |(km) | | | | |

|1 |along Huaihe river |407.13 |44.69 |33.29 |huangchuan, huaibin |14 |

|2 |Xiaohong River |1912 |210 |120 |shangcai, runan, |39 |

| | | | | |pingyu, xincai | |

|3 |jialu River |494.3 |48.76 |26.76 |xihua, fugou |10 |

|total |2813.43 |303.45 |180.05 | |63 |

The area to be affected by the project

The project permanent land occupation include embankment building, river dredging, structures construction and houses building for resettlers, thus the land that will be permanently occupied are located along rivers, moreover in some areas local people’s production and living conditions will be affected by project construction and will not be restored. According to the improvement scope and regulation plan defiened in the project feasibility study report, and on the basis of field survey, the areas to be affected by the project involve 8 counties, 51 towns or townships and 133 villages of Xinyang City, Zhumadian City and Zhoukou City, total permanent land acquisition of the project is 565.87 mu, total affected households 649 and total affected residents is 2790 persons.

The affected area in first year project implementation

In the first year, project implementation will affect some areas in 8 counties, 18 towns(townships) and 34 villages of Xinyang City, Zhumadian City and Zhoukou City. The detailed data are shown in table 1.3-2.

Table 1.3-2 The area to be affected by project implementation in the first year

|Sn |Low-Lying Area |Permanent Land |Affected |Affected Population |Affected |Affected |Affected |

| | |Acuisition (Mu)|Households |(Person) |Counties |Townships |Administrati|

| | | | | |(Cities) |(Towns) |ve Villages |

| | | | | | |(Number) |(Number) |

Socioeconomic Background of Project Area

Huaihe River basin Henan provincial key low-lying land areas are suitable for growing of kinds of grain crops and cash crops and are important grain, cotton and oil production bases in Henan. In the project area, most of crops are dry crops, only along the main stream of Huaihe River paddy rice and dry crops are grown in rotation. In most areas there are 3 crops in 2 years or 2 crops in a year. Main grain crops include wheat, rice, corn and tuber crops, etc, and main cash crops include beans, cotton, peanuts and rape, etc. In 2006 grain crops output in the project area totaled 5010000t, total output value of agricultural production was 1490 million yuan. At present in project area economic income mainly comes from agricultural production, while industrial development lags behind, mainly are grain processing plants and small manufactures and large scale enterprises are not many. In 2006, in the project area, total industrial output value was 4435million yuan. At present in the project area, the counties are linked with bituminous paved rood or cement paved highways and towns (townships) are basically linked with asphalt road, forming a crisscross highway traffic network.

Total Investment and Mode of Financing of the Project

According to the Preliminary Design Report on the Huaihe Rive Basin Key Plain Low-Lying Land Improvement Project with Loans from the World Bank, static investment of the project is 323.0402 million Yuan, the financing interest in the project construction phase is 6.6507 million Yuan and the gross investment of the project totals 329.6909 million Yuan, of which resettlement investment is 46.999 million Yuan.

In accordance with Ministry of Water Resources’ document of banguiji[2004], in the total investment of this project it is planned to use World Bank loan of US$ 15 million. On the basis of specific condition, Central Government shall provide financial support of water conservancy construction investment in the sum of 20~40% of gross investment of the project, governments at different levels in Henan are in charge of financing of the rest part of project investment.

The total investment for project implementation in the first year is 37.4104 million Yuan, of which 8.6038 million Yuan will be used in resettlement.

The Measures for Lessening Project Influence

Project design phase

(1) In project design phase, when optimizing alternatives on the basis of comparison, the designing institutions should try to reduce requisition of land and removal and reduce the negative effects of project implementation on local socio-economy that should be taken as the key factors in comparison and optimizing of the alternatives.

(2) In river dredging, the excavated section should be close to the bank where houses are few.

The measures for construction phase

The project occupied land is in zonal distribution, therefore influence from requisition of land and removal are not great. In order to minimize influence of project construction, layout of construction sites and selection of construction schemes should take into consideration local people’s living and production and avoid unnecessary requisition of land and removal of houses. The measures to be adopted are as follows:

(1) Prior to removal, on-the-spot survey should be made and those houses are not necessary to be removed or partially necessary to be removed should not be removed or only a portion be removed.

(2) Measures should be taken to control dust and reduce construction moises to minimize influences on nearby residential life.

Implementation phase of requisition of land and removal for the project

If requisition of land and removal and resettlement are unavoidable, following measures should be taken to reduce influence of project construction on local people:

(1) Local people’s losses from removal and resettlement should be compensated on the basis of replacement price and in accordance with the principle of construction before removal, the negative effects on relocated residents sould be reduced as much as possible.

(2) Resettles should be settled in original villagers group or the same village, without changing resettles’ surroundings or social connections.

(3) Collection of basic data should be tightened and practical resettlement action plan should be made in accordance with local realities to ensure the people who are affected by the project construction may not suffer the loss from project implementation.

(4) Positively encourage local people to care for the project implementation to carry out information disclosure for accepting supervision from local people.

(5) Strengthen internal and external monitoring, establish high-efficien and unblocked refeed mechanism and channel, shorten information processing period to guarantee that the problems occurred in project implementation could be resolved timely.

(6) In removal and resettlement, local departments concerned should provide effective help to relocated residents to ensure smooth implementation of removal and resettlement to lessen budern and losses of relocated households.

2 Project Influence

Henan Provincial Key Plain Low-lying Land Improvement Project shall occupy land in 8 counties, 51 towns (townships), 133 administrative villages, 252 villagers group, and altogether 2790 residents of 649 households will be affected by project implementation. 2415 households and 10258 residents will be influenced in short period.

About 565.87 mu of land shall be permanently occupied by the project including acquisition of rural collective land of 560.38 mu, state-owned farmland of 5.49 mu; temporarily occupied land is 3,694 mu, including collective land of 3,674 mu, state-owned land of 20 mu; the project shall remove various residential houses of 14,675 ㎡, including urban residents’ houses of 5,085 ㎡, rural residents houses of 8,210 ㎡; project removal shall affect 16 enterprises or institutions, all shall be partially affected, and removal of various non-residential houses of 1,380 ㎡.

In project implementation in the first year, land occupation involves 8 counties, 18 towns (townships), 34 administrative villages, 34 villager groups, 661 residents and 157 households shall be influenced. Project construction shall affect 447 households and 1810 residents in short period.

Project implementation in the first year, 105.76mu land shall be occupied permanently, that are all rural collective land including 88.71mu farmland, 15.65mu rural house sites and 1.4mu fish pounds. Temporary land occupation totals 840.78mu, which are all rural collective land.

In the first year kinds of 2475.60m2 residential houses shall be removed, all of them are rural residents’ houses (including brick-concrete houses of 798.90m2, brick-wood houses of 1405.20m2, keekwila-houses of 192.00m2 and other houses of 79.50m2).

2.1 Requisition of Rural Collective Land

Requisition of land in the first year under the project is mainly used for project construction and construction of houses for rural relocated households (house sites). Requisition of rural collective land totals 105.76mu, including farmland of 88.71mu, fish ponds of 1.40mu and house sites of 15.65mu. Permanent land occupation involves 7 counties, 15 townships, 30 administrative villages and 30 villager groups.

Statistics data of requisition of rural collective land in low-lying area along Huaihe River are shown in table 2.1-1; data of rural collective land acquisition in lower reaches of Xiaohong River are shown in table 2.1-2 and data of land acquisition in low-lying area along Jialu River are shown in table 2.1-3.

Table 2.1-1 Statistics of Land Acquisition in Low-Lying Area along Huaihe River

in Project Implementation in the 1st year

|Pro- |Sub- |Permanent land occupation (mu) |Temporary land occupation (mu) |

|vince |projrct | | |

| | |Land |Affected population |Affected |enterprise |Land |

| | |(mu) |(person) |population | |(mu) |

| | | | |(person) | | |

| | | | | | |Sum |

| | | | | |

Table 2.1-3 Statistics of Land Acquisition

in Low-Lying Area of Jialu River and Lower Yinghe River

|Sub- |City/ |Township |Administ|Villagers |Household |

|Project |County/ |(Town) |rative |Group |Head |

| |District | |Village | | |

2.2 Permanent Occupation of Public Land

Requisition of land in the first year of project implementation does not involve public land.

2.3 Temporary Land Occupation

In project implementation in the first year 840.78mu land shall be occupied temporarily, mainly for construction or dumping spoil from river dredging. Land occupied by construction is 637.4mu (including 40mu low-lying land along Huaihe River, 575.4mu low-lying land in lower-reches of Xiaohong River and 22mu low-lying land in Jialu River and lower Yinghe River low-lying area, accounting for 75.8% of land occupied in project implementation; land occupied by spoil from river dredging is 203.38my (63.72mu in low-lying area of Xiaohong River and 139.66mu in Jialu River and lower Yinghe River low-lying land area, making up 24.2 percent of temporary land occupation. All the temporarily occupied land belong to collective land.

Statistics of temporarily occupied land in low-lying land area along Huaihe River are shown in table 2.3-1; land occupation statistics of Xiaohong River low-lying land area are shown in table 2.3-2; statistics of land occupation of Jialu River and Yinghe River low-lying land area are shown in table 2.3-3.

Table 2.3-1 Statistics of Temporarily Occupied Land

in Low-Lying Area along Huaihe River

|Sub- |City/ |Township |Village |Villagers |Temporary Land Occupation (Mu) |

|Project |County/ |(Town) | |Group | |

| |District | | | | |

| | | | | |Sum |

| | | | | |Sum |Irrigaed |

| | | | | | |Land |

Table 2.3-3 Statistics of Land Occupation of Jialu River and Yinghe River Low-Lying Area

|Sub-Project |City/County/ |Township (Town) |Village |Temporary Land Occupation (Mu) |

| |District | | | |

| | | | |Sum |Irrigaed Land |

2.4 Removal of Residents’ Houses

The first year’s implementation of project, shall affect houses of 117 residents of 21 houses remohouses of 2475.6m2 that are all rural residents’ houses in low-lying area along Huaihe Riveer.

2.4.1 Rural residents’ houses

Project implementation in the first year only affect rural residential houses of 117 residents, 21 househoulds with 2475.6m2 houses to be removed, including brick-concrete houses of 798.9m2, brick-wood houses of 1405.2m2, keekwilee-houses of 192m2 and other houses of 79.5m2. Moreover, attachments of houses shall also be removed.

Statistics of rural houses removal in low-lying land area along Huaihe River are shown in table 2.4-1.

Table 2.4.1 Statistics of Rural Houses Removal in Low-Lying Area along Huaihe River

|City/ |township |village |house-hold head |Family member |house |

|county | | | | |site |

Table 2.11-2 Statistics of affected on-ground attachments and basic facilities

in lower Xiaohong River

|Sub-project |City/county |Township |Residential |

| | |(town) |committee/ |

| | | |/village |

Table 2.11-3 Statistics of affected ground and basic facilities

in low-lying area of Jialu River and lower Yinghe River

|Sub-project |City |

| |Weigang Township |Luji Township |

|population |Total households |8067 |1386 |

| |Total population |33214 |32105 |

| |Of which: male |17110 |12996 |

| |Agricultural population (person) |21201 |29463 |

|laborer |Total laborer (person) |17152 |16115 |

| |Industrial laborer |2617 |451 |

| |Agricultural laborers |9997 |11392 |

| |Teriray industrial laborer |4538 |4272 |

|Cultivated land |Cultivated land (‘0000 mu) |4.54 |3.11 |

| |Grain crops |Sowing area (‘0000mu) |3.64 |2.68 |

| | |Total yield (t) |29700 |11489 |

| | |Unit area yield(kg/mu) |816 |429 |

| |Oil-bearing crops |Sowing area (‘0000mu) |0.48 |0.42 |

| | |Total yield (t) |968 |705 |

| | |Unit area yield(kg/mu) |202 |168 |

| |Other crops |Sowing area (‘0000mu) |0.42 |0.01 |

| | |Total yield (t) |4360 |84 |

| | |Unit area yield(kg/mu) |1038 |840 |

|Output value |Total output value (‘0000yuan) |26965 |8297 |

| |Total agricultural output value (‘0000yuan) |3974 |3263 |

| |Total industrial output value (‘0000yuan) |20674 |2952 |

| |Total output value of teriary industry |2317 |2085 |

| |(‘0000yuan) | | |

|Financial income (’00 million yuan) |0.033 |0.019 |

|Urban residents per capita income (yuan) |4925 |4539 |

|Farmers per capita net income (yuan) |2752 |2471 |

Table 3.1.2 (continued) Socio-economic conditions of townships (towns)

With in the project affected area

|Affected township |Low-lying area in lower reaches of Xiaohong River |

| |Zhuhu |Yangtun |Qihai |Donghong |Xihong |

|population |Total households |18300 |9437 |12309 |24245 |14920 |

| |Total population |67800 |34007 |45662 |89940 |55348 |

| |Of which: male |34200 |17631 |22998 |45299 |27876 |

| |Agricultural population (person) |53900 |27804 |36267 |71435 |43960 |

|laborer |Total laborer (person) |45200 |23338 |30441 |59960 |36899 |

| |Industrial laborer |9040 |4668 |6088 |11992 |7380 |

| |Agricultural laborers |22600 |11669 |15220 |29980 |18450 |

| |Teriray industrial laborer |13560 |7001 |9132 |17988 |11069 |

|Cultivated land |Cultivated land (‘0000 mu) |14.4 |7.43 |9.69 |19.08 |11.74 |

| |Grain crops |Sowing area (‘0000mu) |11.50 |5.94 |7.74 |15.25 |9.38 |

| | |Total yield (t) |44335 |22891 |29858 |58812 |36192 |

| | |Unit area yield(kg/mu) |386 |385.4 |385.8 |385.7 |385.8 |

| |Oil-bearing |Sowing area (‘0000mu) |1.4 |0.74 |0.97 |1.90 |1.17 |

| |crops | | | | | | |

| | |Total yield (t) |1869.3 |965.2 |1258.9 |2480 |1526 |

| | |Unit area yield(kg/mu) |133.5 |130.4 |129.8 |130.5 |130.4 |

| |Other crops |Sowing area (‘0000mu) |1.5 |0.75 |0.98 |1.93 |1.19 |

| | |Total yield (t) |20857 |10769 |14047 |27667 |17026 |

| | |Unit area yield(kg/mu) |1390 |1436 |1433 |1433 |1431 |

|Output value |Total output value (‘0000yuan) |32673 |16870 |22004 |43342 |26672 |

| |Total agricultural output value (‘0000yuan)|10796 |5574 |14321 |14321 |8813 |

| |Total industrial output value (‘0000yuan) |37805 |19520 |25460 |50149 |30861 |

| |Total output value of teriary industry |10167 |5250 |6847 |13486 |8299 |

| |(‘0000yuan) | | | | | |

|Financial income (’00 million yuan) | | | | | |

|Urban residents per capita income (yuan) |4718.3 |4614.3 |4523.3 |4822.2 |4824.5 |

|Farmers per capita net income (yuan) |2876 |2768 |2513 |2924 |2850 |

Table 3.1.2 (continued) Socio-economic conditions of townships (towns)

within the project affected area

|Affected township |Low-lying area in lower reaches of Xiaohong River |

| |Baichi |Liupen |Jinpu |Bandian |Houliu |

|population |Total households |15666 |19431 |17704 |15113 |17193 |

| |Total population |58115 |71082 |64764 |55286 |63017 |

| |Of which: male |29269 |36675 |33414 |28525 |31165 |

| |Agricultural population (person) |46158 |57546 |52430 |44758 |51678 |

|laborer |Total laborer (person) |38236 |38364 |34953 |29839 |34452 |

| |Industrial laborer |7647 |7673 |6991 |5968 |6890 |

| |Agricultural laborers |19118 |19182 |17477 |14920 |17226 |

| |Teriray industrial laborer |22942 |11509 |10486 |8652 |10336 |

|Cultivated land |Cultivated land (‘0000 mu) |12.33 |21.91 |19.94 |17.03 |16.34 |

| |Grain crops |Sowing area (‘0000mu) |9.85 |14.22 |12.96 |11.06 |10.92 |

| | |Total yield (t) |38002 |55086 |50190 |42845 |42089 |

| | |Unit area yield(kg/mu) |385.8 |387.4 |387.3 |387.4 |385.4 |

| |Oil-bearing crops |Sowing area (‘0000mu) |1.23 |4.8 |4.35 |3.72 |2.86 |

| | |Total yield (t) |1602 |10857 |9892 |8445 |2658.2 |

| | |Unit area yield(kg/mu) |130.3 |226.2 |227.4 |227 |92.9 |

| |Other crops |Sowing area (‘0000mu) |1.25 |2.89 |2.63 |2.25 |2.56 |

| | |Total yield (t) |17877 |56811 |51761 |44186 |40414 |

| | |Unit area yield(kg/mu) |1430.2 |1966 |1968 |1964 |1578 |

|Output value |Total output value (‘0000yuan) |28005 |43037 |39212 |33473 |32493 |

| |Total agricultural output value (‘0000yuan) |9254 |16002 |14580 |12446 |10348 |

| |Total industrial output value (‘0000yuan) |32404 |46162 |42059 |35904 |37086 |

| |Total output value of teriary industry |8715 |11016 |10036 |8567.9 |8722 |

| |(‘0000yuan) | | | | | |

|Financial income (’00 million yuan) | | | | | |

|Urban residents per capita income (yuan) |5066 |4722.3 |4813.4 |4625.9 |4831.2 |

|Farmers per capita net income (yuan) |2993 |2826 |2856 |2934 |2866 |

Table 3.1.2 (continued) Socio-economic conditions of townships (towns)

within the project affected area

|Affected township |Low-lying area in lower reaches of Xiaohong River |

| |Huanglou |Zhuandian |

|population |Total households |11352 |8797.8 |

| |Total population |41716 |32330 |

| |Of which: male |20480 |15872 |

| |Agricultural population (person) |33480 |25947 |

|laborer |Total laborer (person) |22320 |17298 |

| |Industrial laborer |4464 |13838 |

| |Agricultural laborers |11160 |34596 |

| |Teriray industrial laborer |6696 |20757 |

|Cultivated land |Cultivated land (‘0000 mu) |11.43 |8.85 |

| |Grain crops |Sowing area (‘0000mu) |7.76 |6.01 |

| | |Total yield (t) |27753 |21509 |

| | |Unit area yield(kg/mu) |357.6 |357.9 |

| |Oil-bearing crops |Sowing area (‘0000mu) |1.5 |1.16 |

| | |Total yield (t) |2265 |1755 |

| | |Unit area yield(kg/mu) |151 |151.3 |

| |Other crops |Sowing area (‘0000mu) |2.17 |1.68 |

| | |Total yield (t) |27772 |21523 |

| | |Unit area yield(kg/mu) |1280 |1281 |

|Output value |Total output value (‘0000yuan) |20559 |15934 |

| |Total agricultural output value (‘0000yuan) |7760 |6014 |

| |Total industrial output value (‘0000yuan) |35495 |16671 |

| |Total output value of teriary industry (‘0000yuan) |4511 |3496 |

|Financial income (’00 million yuan) | | |

|Urban residents per capita income (yuan) |4763.5 |4663.4 |

|Farmers per capita net income (yuan) |2640 |2531 |

Table 3.1.2 (continued) Socio-economic conditions of townships (towns)

within the project affected area

|Affected township |Low-lying larea of JiaLu River and Yinghe River |

| |Chengguan |Chiying |HonghuaTown |Dawangzhuang |Yebukou Town |

|population |Total households |6064 |9918 |15105 |7772 |12124 |

|population | | | | | | |

| |Total population |97882 |43316 |66077 |32476 |54049 |

| |Of which: male |52132 |21758 |33140 |16274 |27760 |

| |Total households |25015 |40399 |60563 |30854 |51368 |

|laborer |Total laborer (person) |15204 |27113 |39971 |20306 |35504 |

| |Industrial laborer |1473 |2842 |2220 |4015 |960 |

| |Agricultural laborers |6191 |18337 |31360 |11858 |28616 |

| |Teriray industrial laborer |7540 |5934 |6391 |4433 |5928 |

|Cultivated land |Cultivated land (‘0000 mu) |2.019 |5.505 |9.424 |4.03 |5.196 |

| |Grain crops |Sowing area |1.97 |6.243 |9.420 |4.490 |9.303 |

| | |(‘0000mu) | | | | | |

| | |Total yield |8326 |27299 |37798 |19513 |41445 |

| | |(t) | | | | | |

| | |Unit area |422 |437 |401 |434 |445 |

| | |yield(kg/mu)| | | | | |

| |Oil-bearing crops |Sowing area |0.485 |0.987 |1.428 |0.681 |2.167 |

| | |(‘0000mu) | | | | | |

| | |Total yield |1243 |2955 |3529 |1643 |8418 |

| | |(t) | | | | | |

| | |Unit area |256 |299 |247 |241 |388 |

| | |yield(kg/mu)| | | | | |

| |Other crops |Sowing area |0.382 |2.076 |4.322 |1.875 |2.570 |

| | |(‘0000mu) | | | | | |

| | |Total yield |202 |1610 |2386 |1300 |1654 |

| | |(t) | | | | | |

| | |Unit area |52 |78 |55 |69 |64 |

| | |yield(kg/mu)| | | | | |

|Output value |Total output value (‘0000yuan) |582335 (total county) |

| |Total agricultural output value |274422(total county) |

| |(‘0000yuan) | |

| |Total industrial output value |193222 (total county) |

| |(‘0000yuan) | |

| |Total output value of teriary |114691(total county) |

| |industry (‘0000yuan) | |

|Financial income (’00 million yuan) |840 |139 |254 |152 |160 |

|Urban residents per capita income (yuan) |7372 (total county) |

|Farmers per capita net income (yuan) |3920 |2505 |3305 |2410 |2820 |

3.2 Sample Investigation of Basic Information of the Affected Rural Households

Sample investigation of rural households involves 186 residents of 41 households, including 86 women and 113 labourers.

3.2.1 Age distribution, educational level and nationality background of the affected population

(1) Low-lying area along Huaihe River:

The sample investigation of rural households involves 113 residents of 21 households, including 53 women and 68 labourers.

Among the people being investigated 13 are under 18 years old, 55 are between 18 and 40 years old, 37 are between 41 and 60 years old and 8 are above 61 years old and upwards.

Among the people being investigated, 15 are illiterate, 19 have studied in primary school, 70 have studied in junior middle school, 9 have studied in senior middle school or secondary technical school.

(2) Low-lying area in lower Xiaohong River:

The sample investigation of rural households involves 36 residents of 10 households, including 16 women and 23 laborers.

Among the people being investigated, 7 are under 18 years old, 16 are between 18 and 40years old, 11 are between 41 and 60years old, 11 are 61 and upwards.

Among the people being investigated, 2 are illiterate, 23 have studied in primary school, 128 have studied in junior middle school, 3 have studied in senior middle school and secondary technical school and 1 has studied in college.

3) Low-lying land in low-lying area of Jialu River and lower Yinghe River

The sample investigation of rural households involves 37 residents of 10 households, including 17 women and 22 laborers.

Among the people being investigated, 8 are under 18 years old, 15 are between 18 and 40years old, 12 are between 41 and 60years old, 2 are 61 and upwards.

Among the people being investigated, 2 are illiterate, 7 have studied in primary school, 5 have studied din junior middle school, 1 has studied in senior middle school and secondary middle school, and 8 have studied in college.

According to investigation the residents in the project affected area are all Han nationality, without minority nationality residents.

2. Investigation on productive resources

1) Low-lying area along Huaihe River:

The 20 households that were inquired have 124.08mu farmland, average 1.51mu per capita, mainly growing wheat, rice and beans.

2) Low-lying area in lower reaches of Xiaohong River

The 56 households that were inquired have 286.35mu farmland, or 1.42mu per capita, mainly growing wheat and corn.

3) Low-lying area in confluence basin of Jialu River and lower Yinghe River

The 156 households being inquired have 695.63mu farmland, or 1.25mu per capita, mainly growing wheat, corn, soybean, peanuts, cotton and sesame, with wheat and cotton making up larger proportion.

3. Houses floor space

The 227 households be inquired have house sites of 86.3mu or 0.38mu per family, with houses floor space of 21044m2, or 92.7m2 per household and 24.3m2 per capita. Most of the houses were built with bricks and concrete and a small portion of households have 2-storey buildings

4. Annual income and expenditure of families

Among 186 residents of 41 families under investigation, per capita’s annual income was 2992 yuan, including wage-equivalent income of 581 yuan, accounting for 19.4%, income from family-run operation of 2318 yuan, accounting for 77.5%, property income of 23 yuan, accounting for 0.78%, devolution income of 69 yuan, accounting for 2.3%; as for expenditure, the family per capita’s annual total expenditure was 1783 yuan, of which expenditure of cost for household management of production was 495 yuan, accounting for 27.8%, expenditure for purchasing productive fixed assets of 29 yuan, accounting for 1.6%, consumption expenditure of 1186 yuan, accounting for 66.5%; property-equivalent expenditure of 61 yuan, accounting for 3.4%; devolution expenditure of 12 yuan, accounting for 0.72%. Statistics of rural households’ income and expenditure are shown in table 3.2-1.

Table 3.2-1 Statistics of rural households income and expenditure

|Project |Total (yuan) |Per capita (yuan) |proportion |

|Annual |Vage-equivalent income |108066 |581 |19.4% |

|Income | | | | |

|of a household | | | | |

| |Income from family-run operation |431148 |2318 |77.5% |

| |Of which: from first industry |407340 |2190 |73.2% |

| |Secondary industry |4650 |25 |1.1% |

| |Tertiary industry |19158 |103 |4.4% |

| |Protery income |4278 |23 |0.8% |

| |Devolution income |12834 |69 |2.3% |

| |sum |556512 |2992 |100% |

|Annual |Family run operation expenditure |92070 |495 |27.8% |

|family expenditure | | | | |

| |Of which: first industry expenditure |90396 |486 |27.2% |

| |Secondary industry |744 |4 |0.2% |

| |Tertiary industry |930 |5 |0.3% |

| |Purchasing productive fixed assets |5394 |29 |1.6% |

| |Tax and fees | | | |

| |consuption |220596 |1186 |66.5% |

| |Property-equivalent expenditure |11346 |61 |3.4% |

| |Devolution expenditure |2232 |12 |0.7% |

| |Sum |331638 |1783 |100% |

|Net income (income—productive expenditure |517080 |2780 | |

2. Sample Investigation of Basic Information of Project Affected Urban Residents Households

According to investigation, there is no urban land acquisition or removal in project implementation in the first year.

3. Basic Information of Affected Enterprises

According to the investigation, there is no enterprise shall be affected by project implementation in the first year.

4. Basic Information of Affected State Institutions

According to investigation, project implementation in the first year shall affect no state institution.

5. Basic Information of Affected Stores or Shops

According to investigation, in the project implementation in the first year, no stores or shops shall be affectd.

6. Unlicensed Construction

According to investigation, there is no unlicensed construction within the scope to be affected by project implementation in the first year.

7. Basic Information of Colony of Weak Tendency to Be Affected

According to investigation, among the residentss who have to be relocated because of project implementation, there is no colony of weak tendency which need to give extra consideration.

8. Basic Information of National Ethic Community to Be Affected

The project affected areas are inhabited by Han nationality, and there is no ethic community.

4 Legal and Policy Framework

4.1 Major Laws and Policy Applicable for Resettlement

4.1.1 State laws and regulations

(1) Land Management Law of the People’s Republic of China ( come into force from Jan. 1, 1999, amended on aug. 28, 2004);

(2) Enforcement Regulations on Land Management Law of the People’s Republic of China (come into force from Jan. 1, 1999);

(3) State Council’s Decision on Deepening Reform and Tightening Land Management (Guofa [2004] 28);

(4) Guide Opinion on Perfecting Compensation and Settlement System for Requisition of Land ( Guofa [2004] 238, come into force from nov. 3, 2004);

(5) Regulations on Compensation for Requisition of Land and Resettlement of Large and Middle Scale Water Conservancy and Hydroelectric Engineering Construction (come into force from sep. 1, 2006).

4.1.2 Local Rules and Regulations and Policy

Henan Province Implementation of Land Management Law (come into force from dec. 1, 1999);

4.1.3 Policy of World Bank

Business policy of World Bank OP 4.12 “Involuntary Resettlement” and appendix (come into force from jan. 1, 2002).

2. Relevant Provisions of Laws and Policy Concerning Resettlement

1. Relevant decisions of Land Management Law of the People’s Republic of China

Clause 8: The land in urban area of cities is owned by state.

The land in countryside and suburb of cities, excluding the land that is owned by state in accordance with stipulations of rules and regulations, is collectively owned by farmers; house sites, household plot and private hills are collectively owned by farmers.

Clause 10: The collective land owned by villages according to law should be managed or run for operation by the village’s collective economic organizations or villagers’ committee; if the land is owned collectively by more than 2 collective economic organizations of the village, the land should be run for operation and managed by the village collective economic organizations or villagers groups; the land collectively owned by township (town) farmers should be run for operation and managed by township (town) rural collective economic organizations.

Clause 45: Requisition of land with following features should be subject to approval of State Council:

Basic farmland:

Cultivated land not included in basic farmland, however exceeding 35 hm2;

Other land, however exceeding 70 hm2;

Clause 47: Requisitioned land should be compensated according to original utilization

The compensation for requisition of cultivated land should include compensation for land, settlement allowance and compensation for on-ground attachments and young crops. Compensation for land in requisition of cultivated land should be 6 to 10 times of average annual output value of 3 years prior to the land being requisitioned. Settlement allowance in requisition of cultivated land should be calculated on the basis of number of agricultural population that should be relocated. The number of the agricultural population be relocated should be calculated in accordance with acreage of requisitioned cultivated land divided by per capita acreage of land before land acquisition. Settlement allowance of each agricultural resdents be relocated should not exceed 15 times of average annual output value of 3 years before the land being requisitioned.

As regards to requisition of non-cultivated land, compensation for land and settlement allowance should be decided by governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government by consulting the compensation standard for land and settlement allowance in requisition of cultivated land.

The compensation standard for on-ground attachments and young crops of requisitioned land should be decided by governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government. Requisition of vegetable field in suburbs of cities, land users should pay new vegetable field development construction funds in accordance with the State relevant stipulations.

If the compensation for land and settlement allowance paid in accordance with provisions section 2 of this clause can not maintain original living standard of the relocated farmers, with the approval of governments of provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government, settlement allowance could be increased. However, the sum of compensation for land and settlement allowance should be no more than 30 times of annual average output value of 3 years before the land being requisitioned.

Clause 48: After compensation scheme for land and relocation of land requisition being decided, the local people’s governments concerned should issue a notice and listen to opinions of rural collective economic organizations and farmers whose land has been requisitioned

Clause 49: The rural collective economic organizations with the land being requisitioned should inform members of the said collective economic organizations the income and expenditure of the compensation and subject itself to supervision.

It is forbidden to misappropriate or divert the compensation for land acquisition or other related fees.

Clause 50: Local governments at all levels should support the rural collective economic organizations and farmers with the land being requisitioned to engage in development operation and set up enterprises.

Clause 54: If construction units hope use state-owned land, they should pay for land use; however, the following landuse for construction should be subject to approval of county or higher level governments for allocation of the land:

State organs landuse or military land use;

Urban infrastructure landuse and public welfare establishments landuse;

Landuse for energy, communication, water conservancy and other infrastructures under the State priority support;

Other landuse under the stipulations of laws or administrative laws and regulations.

Clause 57: If a construction project and geological prospecting need to use temporarily state-owned land or farmers collective land, it should be subject to approval of land managment departments of county or higher level people’s governments. Among which, temporary land use within urban planning area, before submitting the landuse report for approval, it should be approved by city planning administrative departments beforehand.The land users should sign contracts on temporary use of land with land administrative departments or rural collective economic organizations or villagers committees, and pay compensation for temporary use of land according to the contract stipulations.

The users of temporary land use should use the land in accordance with contract stipulations on usage of the land and it is not allowed to build permanent construction.

Generally speaking, time of temporary landuse should not exceed 2 years.

Clause 62: For villagers, one household should have only one house site, and acreage of the house site should not exceed the standard decided by governments of provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government.

When a farmer build a house, the house should comform with general plan for land use of townships (town), try to build the house on original house site or vacant land. Land use for building houses by village people should be checked by township (town) people’s governments and be subject to approval by county level people’s governments; when occupying farmland, the landuse should go through the procedures stipulated in Clause 47 hereinabove. If a villager who has sold or rent out his (her) house applies for another house site, the application should not be approved.

2. Relevant stipulations of Enforcement Regulations on Land Management Law of the People’s Republic of China

Clause 2: The land with features listed below is owned by epublc i.e. owned by State

(1) Land in urban area of cities;

(2) Land in countryside and suburb of cities that have become state-owned land through confiscation according to law, levy or requisition by purchase;

(3) Land taken over by state according to law;

(4) Forest land, grass land, wasteland, mud flat and other land that are not owned by collective according to law.

(5) Land owned by members of a rural collective economic organization, however the whole members have become city residents;

(6) Because of State arranged resettlement or natural disasters, farmers being relocated on a village basis, the original farmers’ collective land no longer being used by the relocated farmers.

Clause 16: Within the scope of cities and villages or village towns construction landuse defined in land use general plan, occupying farmland for implementing urban planning and village and town planning, and occupying farmland for energy, communication, water conservancy, mining and military facilities out of the urban construction landuse scope defined in land use general plan, city or county people’s governments, rural collective economic organizations and construction units should respectively be responsible for reclaim cultivated land in accordance with provisions of clause 31 of Land Management Law; for the cases that the land could not be reclaimed or reclaimed land is not up to demand, the organizations concerned should pay for reclamation in compliance with regulations of governments of provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government.

Clause 25: After land acquisition scheme is approved according to law, the scheme should be implementated by city or county people’s governments and a notice on the department that approves the land acquisition, the sanction number, usage, scope and acreage of the requisitioned land and compensation standard for requisitioned land, settlement scheme for for agricultural population and time limit for land acquisition compensation, etc. should be made public in townships (towns) or villages where requisitioned land is located.

The owners and users of requisitioned land should bring the certificates to the designated people’s government land administrative departments to handle registration of land acquisition compensation within the time limit stipulated in the notice.

Land administrative departments of city or county people’s governments, in accordance with the approved land acquisition scheme, jointly with departments concerned should work out compensation and relocation scheme for land acquisition, and paste up notices in towns (townships) and villages where the requisitioned land is located, listen to the opinions of rural collective economic organizations and farmers whose land is requisitioned. After the compensation schemes for requisition of land and settlement is approved by city or county people’s governments, the schemes should be implemented by land administrative departments of city or county governments. If there are objections to the compensation standard, county or higher level governments should mediate the disputes; if the disputes could not mediated, that should be arbitrated by the people’s governments that approved the requisition of land. Disputes on compensation for requisition of land and settlement should not influence implementation of the land acquisition scheme.

All the costs for land acquisition should be fully paid in 3 months from the date on which the schemes for land acquisition and settlement are approved.

Clause 26: The compensation for land should be owned by rural collective economic organizations; the compensation for the on-ground attachments and young crops should be owned by owners of the attachments and young crops.

The settlement allowance for requisition of land should be only used for resettlement and not used for other purposes. If the resettlers are settled by rural collective economic organizations, the settlement allowance should be paid to the rural collective economic organizations, and managed and used by the rural collective economic organizations; if the resettlers are settled by other institutions, the settlement allowance should be paid to the institutions that have settled the resettlers; if the resettlers are not settled in a unified way, the settlement allowance should be paid to the resettlers, or after getting approval form the resettlers, the settlement allowance could be used for paying insurance charge. City, county and township (town) people’s governments should tighten supervision on use of settlement allowance.

Clause 28: If a building project construction or geological prospecting need to occupy cultivated land temporarily, the land user should restore growing conditions in one year from the expiration of the temporary land use.

Clause 35: If permanent buildings or structures are constructed on the land for temporary use, land administrative departments of county or higher level people’s governments should order the institutions concerned to remove the buildings or structures within a stated time; if the building or structures are not removed on expiry, the departments which issued the order should apply for forcible execution by people’s court according to law.

3. The relevant provisions of State Council’s Decisions on Deepening Reform and Tightening Land Management

(12) Improve and perfect compensation methods for requisition of land. Local people’s governments at county level and upwards should take practical measures to ensure that the living conditions of people with the land being requisitioned should not become worse because of land requisition. It should be guaranteed to pay in time full compensation for land, settlement allowance and compensation for on-ground attachments and young crops. If compensation for land and settlement allowance paid according to provisions of laws and regulations in force still can not maintain the original living standard of the farmers with land being requisitioned, and not sufficient enough to pay for social security of the farmers who have no land because of land acquisition, people’s governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government should approve to increase settlement allowance. If the sum of compensation for land and settlement allowance is up to policy stipulated upper limit, however, it still can not maintain the original living standard of the farmers with land being requisitioned, and is not sufficient enough to pay for social security of farmers whose land have been requisitioned, people’s governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government should approve increment of settlement allowance. If the sum of compensation for land and settlement allowance is up to legal upper limit, that still can not maintain the original living standard of farmers with land being requisitioned, local people’s governments could provide subsidy from the income from payable uses of state-owned land. People’s governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government should work out and make public known the unified annual output valued standard or regional unified land price, to guarantee same price of compensation for requisition of land in the same region, and the cost for requisition of land for state key construction projects must be fully listed in financial estimates. Compensation standard and resettlement methods of land acquisition for large and medium-sized hydraulic and hydro-electric projects construction is separately decided by State Council.

(13) Relocate properly the farmers with land being requisitioned. People’s governments at county level and upwards should work out specific methods to guarantee the long-term livelihood of the farmers with land being requisitioned. For the projects with stable income, farmers could become shareholders with the landuse right of land use construction approved by law, within city planning area, local people’s governments should involve the farmers who do not have land because of land acquisition in urban employment system, and set up social security system; outside urban planning area, when farmers collective land is purchased by the public, local people’s governments should reserve necessary farmland or arrange appropriate working positions in their own administrative regions for farmers who have lost farmland because of land acquisition; the farmers without farmland and having no basic productive and living conditions, should be relocated in other locations. Labor and social security departments jointly with other departments concerned should put forward guide opinions on setting up pre-job training and social security system for farmers whose land have been requisitioned.

(14)Perfect procedures for requisition of land. In the process of land acquisition, the rights and interests of farmers’ collective land ownership and farmers land contractual operation rights should protected. Before submitting a report on land acquisition to higher level authorities for approval according to law, the usage, location, compensation standard and settlement ways for the land to be requisitioned should be informed to farmers whose land shsll be requisitioned; the survey results of current situations of the land to be requisitioned should be confirmed by farmers collective economic organizations and farmers whose land shall requisitioned; if necessary, land resources departments should arrange a public hearing in accordance with relevant stipulations. The relevant data that have been known and confirmed by farmers with land being requisitioned should be taken as the essential materials in submitting a report to higher level authorities for approval. Set up and perfecting of coordination and arbitration mechanism for disputes on compensation and settlement of land acquisition should be speeded up to safeguard the lawful rights and interests of farmers whose land is requisitioned and land users. The approved land acquisition, except special cases, should be declared.

(15) Strengthen supervision on process of land acquisition. If compensation for land and settlement allowance has not been arranged, the requisitioned land should not be put into use. People’s governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities should work out methods for allocation of land compensation within rural collective economic organizations, in accordance the principle that land compensation should mainly used for the interest of farmers whose land is requisitioned. The rural collective economic organizations with land being requisitioned should make public known the income and expenditure and allocation of compensation for requisition of land to their members, and subject themselves to supervision. Agriculture, civil affairs and other departments should tighten supervision on allocation and use of compensation for requisition of land inside the rural collective economic organizations.

4. Relevant regulations of Guide Opinions on Perfecting Compensation and Settlement System for Requisition of Land

Clause 1: Stipulations “concerning compensation standard for requisition of land”:

(2) Decision on unified times of annual output value. Unified times of annual output value of compensation for requisition of land and settlement allowance, in accordance with the principle of ensuring the original living standard of farmers with land being requisitioned not to lower down, should be decided within the scope stipulated by laws and regulations; If the compensation for requisition of land and settlement allowance calculated on the basis of legal unified times of annual output value can not maintain the original living standard of the farmers with the land being requisitioned, or not sufficient enough to pay for social security expenses of the farmers who have no land because of land acquisition, the times should be heightened after being approved by People’s Governments at provincial level; If the sum of compensation for requisition of land and settlement allowance are calculated on the basis of 30 times, and still are not sufficient enough to maintain the original living standard of the farmers whose land are requisitioned, local People’s Governments should make overall arrangement and transfer a certain proportion of income from payable use of state-owned land as subsidy to the farmers whose land are requisitioned. If occupying of basic farmland is approved according to law, compensation for requisition of land should be paid in accordance with the highest compensation standard issued by local People’s Governments.

(3) Working out of regional unified land price for requisition of land. For the region with essential conditions, provincial land resources departments jointly with other departments concerned should work out regional unified land price for land acquisition of various counties within the province and the regional unified land price for land acquisition should be issued for implementation after being approved by provincial People’s Government, and requisition of land should be compensated. Working out of regional unified land price should take into account such factors as land category, output value, land location, farmland grade, per capita farmland acreage, land supply-demand relations, local economic development level and city residents minimum standard of living.

Clause 2: Specifications “concerning the ways for settlement of the farmers with land being acquisitioned”:

(5) Settlement through agricultural production. For the case of requisition of farmers collective land outside city planning area, through the measures of utilizing rural collective reserve land, farmers voluntarily returning contracted land, contracted land turnover and reclaimed land, the farmers with land being requisitioned should be given priority to regain necessary farmland and continue their agricultural production.

(6) Settlement through selecting a new job. Departments concerned should positively create favourable conditions and providing free labour skill training to farmers with land being requisitioned, and providing appropriate working positions. Under equal conditions, land users should give priority to farmers with land being requisitioned in getting a job. For the case of requisition of farmers’ collective land within city planning area, the farmers who have no land because of land acquisition should be involved in urban employment system, and covered by social security system.

(7) Settlement through becoming shareholders and sharing out bonus. For the landuse projects with long-term stable income, on the premise of farmers’ will, rural collective economic organizations with the land being requisitioned could consult with land users and buy shares with the compensation for land acquisition and settlement allowance or with the approved landuse right of the land used by construction after setting a price for the land. Rural collective economic organizations and rural households could get income by means of priority shares defined by contract.

(8) Resettlement at different locations. If the farmers who have no land because of land acquisition could not be provided with basic productive and living conditions at the original locations, on the premise of adequately seeking the opinions of rural collective economic organizations and rural households with land being requisitioned, local governments should arrange resettlement at different locations.

Clause 3: Stipulations “concerning procedures for requisition of land”:

(9) Inform land acquisition. Before submitting a report to higher level authorities for approval of land acquisition, local land resources departments should inform with a written notice on usage, location and compensation standard of land to be requisitioned and settlement ways to rural collective economic organizations and farming households of which the land shall be requisitioned. After then, any on-ground attachments built or young crops grown on the land to be requisitioned should not be compensated when the land is requisitioned.

(10) Confirm investigation results of land acquisition. Local land resources departments should make investigation on current status of ownership, land category and acreage of the land to be requisitioned, and the ownership, kind and quantity of on-ground attachments, and confirm the investigation results with rural collective economic organizations and farming households with land being requisitioned and property owners of on-ground attachments.

(11) Organize public hearing on requisition of land. Before submitting a report to higher level authorities for approval of land acquisition, local land resources departments should inform rural collective economic organizations and farming households that they have the rights of applying for hearing the compensation standard for the land to be requisitioned and settlement ways. If the interested parties apply for hearing, a public hearing should be arranged in accordance with the procedures stipulated in “Regulations on Public Hearing for Land Resources” and relevant requirements.

5. Relevant provisions of “Regulations on Compensation for Requisition of Land and Resettlement of Large and Middle Scale Water Conservancy and Hydroelectric Engineering Construction”

Clause 19: Make a thorough investigation of distribution of historic relics in project occupied area and inundated area, make sure protective value, and adhere to the principles of protection foremost and salvage first, and carry out key protection and key unearth.

Clause 22: For the land requisitioned in large and middle scale water conservancy and hydroelectric engineering construction, the sum of compensation for land and settlement allowance should be 16 times of annual output value of 3 years before the cultivated land is requisitioned. If the compensation for land and settlement allowance could not maintain original living standard of the resettlers, and standard needs to be increased, the project legal person or project responsible departments should submit a report to the departments that are responsible for approval or check of the projects.

Compensation standard for land and settlement allowance standard for other land acquisition should be implemented in accordance with standard decided by governments of provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government where the projects are located.

Compensation standard for a small amount of trees and young crops on the land being requisitioned should be implemented according to the standard decided by governments of provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government where the projects are located.

On-ground attachments on the land that is requisitioned should be compensated according to the original size, original standard or the principle of restoring original functions; If the compensations are not enough to build essential houses for low-income farmers, the farmers should be given appropriate subsidy.

For the case of using state-owned cultivated land used by other units or persons according to law, the compensation should be paid on the basis of compensation standard for cultivated land to be requisitioned. Using state-owned unused land that is not allocated to other unit or individual should not be compensated.

Clause 32: Relocation expenses and compensation for personal properties sunch as resettlers’ houses and attached buildings, trees, young crops and agricultural and side-line facilities should be fully paid to the resettlers by county level People’s Governments in resettlement area.

Clause 35: Rural residential area for centralized relocation of rural resettlers should be built in accordance with the scale and standard stipulated in approved resettlement planning.

The basic facilities including road, water supply and power supply of rural residential area for centralized relocation of rural resettlers should be constructed in a unified way by towns (townships) or villages.

Residential houses of rural resettlers should be built by themselves. Local governments concerned or villagers committee should make a plan on house sites in a unified way, but they should not impose house building standard on resettlers.

Clause 37: If resettlement work achieves the phasic targets and resettlement work is fulfilled, People’s Governments at he level of province, autonomous region of municipality directly under the Central Government or State Council’s resettlement administrative department should organize institutions concerned to carry out check; If resettlement has not been checked or not up to standard, no phasic check or final check of complete projects should be carried out on large and middle scale water conservancy and hydroelectric works.

Clause 41: People’s Governments at all levels should strengthen basic facilities construction including commutations, energy, water conservancy, environment, culture, education, health and broadcasting and television in resettlement area and support resettlement area development.

Clause 42: State built productive construction projects in resettlement area and large and middle scale water conservancy and hydroelectric engineering benefited areas should give priority to employment to qualified resettlers.

Clause 45: People’s Governments at all levels and departments concerned should strengthen scientific and cultural knowledge and practical skills training of resettlers, improving resettlers’ quality and capability for employment.

Clause 46: Local governments at all levels and departments concerned in large and middle scale water conservancy and hydroelectric engineering benefited area, in accordance with principles of supplementing each other with each other’s advantage, achieving mutual benefit, implementing cooperation in long time and striving for common progress, take multiple measures to give support to resettlement area.

Clause 49: People’s Governments at county level and upwards should enhance supervision on appropriation, use and management of compensation for requisition of land and resettlement funds, and latter period support funds for reservoir resettlers of People’s Governments at lower levels and departments or institutions concerned include financial, development and reform and resettlement.

Local People’s Governments at county level and upwards or resettlement management institutions should enhance management of compensation for land acquisition and resettlement funds and latter support funds for reservoir resettlers and make regular report to People’s Governments of higher level or resettlement management departments and briefing the project legal person on appropriation, use and management of the funds.

Clause 50: Audit and supervisory departmentss at all levels should strengthen audit and supervision on appropriation, use and management of land acquisition compensation and resettlement funds and latter period support funds for reservoir resettlers.

Financial departments of People’s Governments at county level and upwards should enhance monitoring on appropriation, use and management of land acquisition compensation and resettlement funds and latter period support funds for reservoir resettlers.

When audit and supervisory organs and financial departments carry out audit, supervision and monitoring, organizations and individual concerned should cooperate and timely provide relevant information.

Clause 52: The funds of compensation for land acquisition and resettlement should be deposit with a special account and interest in deposit period should be included in the funds of compensation for requisition of land and resettlement and should not be diverted to any other purpose.

Clause 53: People’s Governments at county level should declare to masses investigation results of acreage and category of land requisitioned by large or middle scale hydraulic and hydroelectric engineering construction, compensation scope, compensation standard and amount as well as settlement scheme. If the masses raise an objection, the People’s Governments at count level should check in time and make correction on inaccurate items of statistics and investigation results; If there are no mistakes, the People’s Governments at county level should make explanation.

The townships (towns) and villages that have resettlement tasks should set up and perfect financial management system for the funds of compensation for land acquisition and settlement, and paste up a notice on income and expenditure of compensation for land acquisition and settlement, getting surveillance by the masses; The scheme for use of compensation for collective properties should be subject to discussion for approval at villagers meeting or villagers representatives meeting.

Clause 55: State safeguards lawful rights and interests of resettlers.

In the process of making compensation for requisition of land and resettlement, if resettlers consider that their lawful rights and interests are infringed upon, they could report to People’s Governments at county level and upwards or resettlement management departments, the People’s Governments at county level and upwards or resettlement management departments should verify the reported problems and resolve the problems properly. Resettlers could also bring in a lawsuit to people’s court according to law.

Clause 60: Being contrary to provisions of this regulations, embezzlement, retention and misappropriation of funds of compensation for requisition of land and resettlement and later period support funds for reservoir resettlers, the institutions or individuals should be ordered to return the embezzled, retained or misappropriated funds and be imposed a penalty of 3 times of the amount of money that are embezzled, retained or misappropriated. The persons who are directly responsible for the matter and other responsible persons should be given administrative punishment according to law; If constituting a crime, the responsible people concerned should be given criminal sanctions according to law.

Clause 61: Being contrary to provisions of this regulations, delaying removal or refusing to remove, local People’s Governments or resettlement management departments could apply for people’s court’s forcible execution; the people who is contrary to security administrative laws and regulations should be given security administrative punishment; If constituting a crime, the responsible people concerned should be given criminal sanctions according to law.

6. “Henan Province Implementation of Land Management Law”

Clause 6: The kind of land listed below is collectively owned by farmers:

(1) Land in countryside and suburbs of cities, except the land that is owned by state according to stipulations of laws and regulations;

(2) Starting from 1961 when ownership of defined land was implemented in countryside, the land was confirmed to be owned by farmers collectively and not requisitioned by state according to law;

(3) Barren mountain, waste land, forest land, meadowland, water area and shoaly land that are collectively owned by farmers according to law and state relevant regulations;

(4) Rural residents used house sites, private plots, private hills, private ponds and forage crops land, etc.;

(5) Collective owned land used by rural enterprises, townships (towns) and village public facilities and public welfare establishments;

(6) Being approved by People’s Governments at county level and upwards, original state-owned land that is conversed to farmers collective owned;

(7) Other land that is owned collectively by farmers according to law.

Clause 34: Requisitioning farmers’ collective land, it should be compensated in accordance with the regulations below:

1) Compensation for land.

For requisition of farmland, if the land is located in outskirts of cities which have districts, compensation should be 8 to 10 times of annual average output value of recent 3 years; If the land is located in suburbs of cities without districts, industrial and mining area, and organic town, compensation should be 7 to 9 times of annual average output value of recent 3 years; If the land is located elsewhere, compensation should be 6 to 8 times of annual average output value of recent 3 years.

In requisition of cultivated land, compensation for by-products of kinds of crops (excluding vegetables) should be calculated according to 10%~20% of annual output of main products.

Compensation for other land being requisitioned should be calculated on the basis of compensation for requisition of cultivated land.

2) Settlement allowance.

The standard of settlement allowance of 667m2 cultivated land: Compensation for the case with per capita’s cultivated land exceeding 667m2 should be 4~5 times of average annual output value of 3 years before the land being requisitioned; Per capita’s cultivated land ranging form 334~667m2, compensation should be 6~9 times of average annual output value of 3 years before the land being requisitioned; With per capita’s cultivated land less than 334m2, compensation should be 10~12 times of average annual output value of 3 years before the land being requisitioned. For special cases maximum compensation for 667m2 should be no more than 15 times of average annual output value of 3 years before the cultivated land being requisitioned.

Settlement allowance for requisition of land should be implemented base on settlement allowance standard for requisition of cultivated land.

3) Compensation for young crops. Compensation is calculated for one harvest output value.

(4) Compensation methods and standard for attachments should be implemented in accordance with regulations of Henan Provincial People’s Government. From the date when notice on land acquisition is paste up, new attachments should not be compensated.

Clause 35: If the requisitioned collective land is owned by village collective economic organizations or villagers committee, compensation for land should be paid to village collective economic organizations or villagers committee; If the land is owned by villagers groups, the compensation should be paid to villagers groups; If the land is owned by township (town) collective economic organizations, compensation for land should be paid to township (town) collective economic organizations. Payment and utilization of compensation for on-ground attachments, young crops allowance and settlement allowance should be implemented in accordance with provisions of Clause 26 of Enforcement Regulations on Land Management Law of the People’s Republic of China.

Clause 37: If it is needed by construction, after being approved, state-owned land cultivated by farmers is recovered, compensation for young crops and on-ground attachments should be paid in accordance with relevant provisions of this implementation methods. If farmers cultivated the land for less than five years, farmers should be given certain amount of subsidy; If the land is cultivated for more than five years, subsidy should be paid in amount of 4~6 times of average annual output value of recent three years. If state-owned land used by state forestry centers or state farms is recovered, compensation should be paid on the basis of compensation standard for requisition of cultivated land.

Clause 38: Annual output value in calculation of compensation for land and settlement allowance stipulated in this implementation method are all calculated on the basis of average annual output of past three years and State fixed current mean price of products; If State does not fix the price, it is calculated on the basis of average price of local market.

Clause 39: If there are facilities closely linked with production and living such as waterhead, canal, culvert and sluice, pipeline, road and cable, etc. within the scope of land being requisitioned, local People’s Governments should organize departments concerned jointly with land users and construction units to handle the facilities properly and should not block or damage the facilities without authorization. If the facilities are blocked or damaged, the facilities should be rehabilitated or corresponding engineering facilities should be built according to regulations.

Clause 40: Temporary land use should be implemented in accordance with provisions of Clause 57 of “Land Management Law of the People’s Republic of China”. Upon expiry of temporary landuse, the land users should restore the original conditions of the land and return the land.

Clause 51: When rural villagers build residential houses, the houses should be built in line with land use general plan of the townships (towns) and villages and small towns development plan, the original house sites and vacant land inside the village should be used first. If there is vacant land inside a village, the land outside the village should not be agreed to use.

One rural household should have only one house site and acreage of the house site should be determined according to standard listed below:

(1) In suburbs of cities and towns or plain area where per capita’s cultivated land is less than 667m2, one household’s house site should be no more than 134m2;

(2) In plain area where per capita’s cultivated land is above 667m2, one household’s house site should be mo more than 167m2;

(3) In mountainous regions and hilly areas, one household’s house site should be no more than 200m2; If houses are built on cultivated land, the acreage should be determined according to provisions (1) and (2) of this clause.

7. World Bank’s relevant policy concerning involuntary resettlement

Working out of the resettlement plan of this project follows relevant principles of World Bank’s “Business Policy on Involuntary Resettlement OP/BP 4.12” that shall be carried out in implementation of the resettlement plan. The aim of World Bank’s resettlement policy is to guarantee that the resettlers of a project could benefit from the project implementation. Relocation of involuntary resettelers is an inseparable part of the project and should be carried out by combining with the following policy at the initial stage of project preparation:

A. Study every feasible project design scheme to avoid or decrease involuntary resettlement. If resettlement is inevitable, resettlement activities should be designed and implemented as a sustainable development scheme.The project should provide adequate funds so that the resettlers could share the benefit from the project. The project managers should carefully consult with resettlers and provide opportunity to resettlers to participate in planning and implementation of resettlement scheme. The project should help resettlres to improve their livelihood and living standard, at least restore the living standard to a higher level before removal or project implementation.

B. This policy applies to all project components which bring about involuntary resettlement, no matter what mode of financing. The policy also applies to other activities which account for involuntary resettlement, and according to World Bank’s judgment, these activities, (a) have direct or significant relations with the project funded by World Bank; (b) are necessary for achieving the targets defined in project documents; (c) are carried out or planed to be carried out simultaneously with the project.

C. (1) In resettlement plan or resettlement policy framework appropriate measures should be specified to guarantee that resettlers

(i) are informed their option on resettlement and other rights;

(ii) know the technically and economically feasible alternatives, participate in consultation and have opertunities to choose;

(iii) get quick and effective compensation in accordance with full replacement cost, to set off direct propert losses brought about by project.

(2) If project influence include relocation, then resettlement plan or resettlement policy framework should take appropriate measures to guarantee that resettlers

(i) get help in relocation (for instance relocation subsidy);

(ii) get residential houses or house sites, or get agricultural production sites. Productive potentials, location advantages and other comprehensive factors of agricultural production sites at least should be equivalent to favorable conditions of the original sites.

(3) In order to achieve the targets of this policy, resettlement plane or resettlement policy framework should also take appropriate measuresat at necessary time to guarantee that resettlers

(i) after relocation, according to time duration that is needed for restore livelihood and living standard, reasonably estimate transition duration and get help in transient period;

(ii) get help in land preparation, credit, training or employment.

D. (1) Work out and implement specific components of the project;

(2) Decide standard for quification of resettlers;

(3) Define appropriate measures to help resettlers improve their living standard, or at least restore the living standard to the original level (being calculated according to real value), at the same time, maintain the sustainability of park or urban conservation area;

(4) Deal with potential conflict related to resettlement.

E. In order to prevent occurrence of removal or limiting use of resources or properties before necessary resettlement measures are implemented, implementation of resettlement activities should be linked with project investment. As regards to the influence mentioned in section 3 (a) of this policy, the measures should include providing compensation before removal and necessary help to relocation, as well as resettlement sites with all necessary facilities. It should be pointed out that requisition of land and related properties should be implemented only after compensation is paid, if necessary, after relocation sites and removal allowance are provided. As regards to influence mentioned in section 3 (b), the measures should be taken as a part of the project and implemented in accordance with requirement of project implementation plan.

F. For resettlers who live on land, the strategy of settlement based on land should be placed in the first place. The strategy includes relocation of resettlers on public land or private land that has been purchased for relocation of resettlers. No matter at what time when alternate land is provided, the productive potentials, location advantages and other comprehensive factors of the land provided to resettlers should be at least equal to the favorable conditions before land acquisition. If resettlers do not give priority to the alternative of getter land, if the provided land will bring about adverse effect on sustainability of park or urban conservation area, or resettlers could not get adequate land according to reasonable price, except compensation in cash for land and other property losses, the resettlers should be provided with leaving land settlement scheme including the opportunity for employment or supporting oneself. If there is no adequate land, it should explained and put down in document in accordance with demand of World Bank.

G. Compensation qualification standard. Resettlers could be divided into three categories as below:

People who have official lawful right on land (including state laws and regulations confirmed consistent and traditional right);

People who do not have official lawful right on land at beginning of investigation, however, they claim the plot or priority----- such claim is confirmed by state laws and regulations, or console be approved through the procedures defined in resettlement plan; and people who do not have lawful right on the land they occupied or do not claim the land they occupy.

3. Resettlement Policy of the Project

Resettlement policy to be implemented under this project is worked out in accordance with relevant resettlement policy of People’s Republic of China, Henan Province, Zhoukou City and World Bank.

As regards this project, without approvement of World Bank, relevant policy provisions and qualification identifying standard of right, basis of valuation for property and compensation standard should not be changed.

In accordance with current design scheme of the project, project influence mainly includes requisition of land and removal of houses. The following policy applies to influence of the project.

1. Policy of compensation and arrangement of labour for requisition of collective land

1. Compensation policy for requisition of collective land

(1) The land being requisitioned should be compensated according to original usage of the land being requisitioned. Compensation for requisition of land includes compensation for land, settlement allowance and compensation for on-ground attachments and young crops. Compensation for land should be paid to rural collective economic organizations; Compensation for on-ground attachments and young crops are paid to owners of the attachments and young crops; Settlement allowance for requisition of land should be specially used for arrangement of labour originally worked on land and should not be used for other purposes; If the labour needs to be arranged are arranged by rural collective economic organizations, the settlement allowance should be paid to the rural collective economic organizations and managed and used by the rural collective economic organizations; If the labour are arranged by other units, settlement allowance should be paid to other units; If the labour do not need to be arranged unifiedly, the settlement allowance should be paid to the individual to be relocated, or after being agreed with, paid for insurance expenses of the person to be relocated. People’s Governments at the levels of city, county and township (town) should enhance supervision on use of settlement allowance.

(2) Because cities and counties where the project is implemented have not worked out their own implementation policy for land acquisition, compensation for requisition of land under this project is calculated mainly in accordance with relevant provisions of “Henan Provicne Implementation of Land Management Law” and “Regulations on Compensation for Requisition of Land and Resettlement of Large and Middle Scale Water Conservancy and Hydroelectric Engineering Construction”. Compensation for cultivated land requisitioned in this project implementation is calculated according to 6 times of per mu average output value of past 3 years; Settlement allowance is paid according to 10 times of per mu average output value of past 3 years; Compensation for young crops is paid according to 0.5 time of per mu average output value of past 3 years. Compenattion for on-ground attachments, in accordance with documnent of Yuzheng [1989] No.113 “Henan Province Compensation Standard for On-ground Attachements of Land Acquisition for State Construction”, is determined on basis of considering certain price increment index.

Compensation for other land is determined by consulting compensation standard for cultivated land.

2. Resettlement Policy

This project resettlement mainly adopts monetary settlement.

This project is for river regulation and land occupied by the project is in zonal distribution. Although overall land occupation amount is not large, yet it involves a large number of villages, village groups and farming households, and land occupied in each village or villagers group is less, and land loss rate is rather low. Moreover, project area has rich land resources with per capita’s cultivated land of more than one mu and farmers will lose basic provision farmland because of the project implementation. At present, farmers in project area develop private economy and they need mainly funds and technology, therefore resettlement of this project mainly adopts monentary resettlement.

4.3.2 Compensation for temporary land occupation

The project temporary land occupation is mainly used for construction and spoil from river excavation, and the features of temporary land occupation is in zonal distribution along river and in large quantity. For the purpose of saving on land, after completion of the project the construction unit should carry out second ploughing of the temporarily occupied land, and restore farming conditions to the original level before temporary land occupation.

Compensation for temporary land occupation includes land loss compensation and subsidy for restoring the cultivation. Land loss compensation is mainly used for compensating the land owners for total output and income from the original land and the subsidy is mainly used for restoring cultivation of the temporarily occupied land upon expiry of temporary land occupation. Land loss compensation will be determined according to the annual output value of the original land and duration of temporary land occupation; Subsidy for restoring the cultivation, based on the type of temporary land occupation, shall be determined according to the cost actually needed for restoring the cultivation.

Young crops allowance will not be paid for temporary land occupation in the project implementation.

4.3.3 Policy of compensation for residential houses removal and resettlement. Compensation principles

(1) Compensation and rights and interests provided to project affected farming households should be reasonable, at least could maintain their current housing conditions and even better.

(2) All the buildings being negatively influenced in the project areas should be provided with compensation. Anyone who may not have complete household registration formalities or rental formalities and some building’s legal formalities are not be complete that should be no excuse for refusing to pvovide compensation and help. Rural residential houses

Among rural houses being affected by the project, some sre main buildings and need to be removed, and some are outbuildings and are not becessary to be removed. If the households that need to be removed decide to reconstruct houses within the original village or the original village group, the village or village group should allocate house sites to them, and households could remove the original houses and build new houses by themselves. The houses that are affected by the project implementation and need to be removed should be compensated in accordance with replacement price.

In the process of houses removal the project should provide transient period subsidy and removal subsidy, in which transient period subsidy standard is 200 yuan per capita and removal subsidy is 250 yuan per capita.

4.3.4 Policy of compensation for removal of non-residential houses and resettlement

Compensation for non-residential houses includes compensation for houses and houses facilities.

Compensation standard for non-residential houses and attached buildings and a small number of trees is determined by consulting compensation standard for residential houses and attached buildings as well as a small number of trees.

4.3.5 Unlicensed construction compensation and resettlement

In accordance with provisions of “Henan Province Urban Houses Removal Management Regulations”, removal of unlicensed construction, over-time temporary construction and temporary construction that should be removed unconditionally in case of plan adjusted as being stipulated when the construction is approved, should not be provided with conpensation. In accordance with the revelant policy of the World Bank concerning involuntary resettlement, removal of unlicensed construction should be provided with certain amount of compensation.

Under the premise of observing World Bank’s resettlement policy, this project shall provide appropriate compensation to unlicensed constructions according to the real conditions of the unlicensed constructions.

4.3.6 Compensation policy on colony of weak tendancy

Among the project affected population to removed there is no colony of weak tendancy that need special consideration.

4.3.7 Compensation policy for project affected on-ground attachments

The project affected on-ground attachments shall be compensated by consulting replacement price of same kind of project in 2006.

Unit price of compensation for special facilities include traffic, communication and electric power, based on equipment and materials needed for building facilities of same kind, shall be determined in according to replacement unit price calculated in accordance with estimated unit price of local materials in 2006. Restoration of special facilities including communication and power supply shall be planned, designed and implemented by county-level communication and electric power departments. This project affetced traffic facilities mainly include road by both banks of the rivers, that need to be reconstructed because of being occupied by project, should be reconstructed by construction units in accordance with the original scale and standard.

5 Compensation Standards

5.1 Compensation Standard for Permenantly Registered Rural Collective Land

5.1.1 Compensation standard

This project, in accordance with provisions of relevant laws and regulations include “Henan Province Implementation of Land Management Law” and newly implemented “Regulations on Compensation for Requisition of Land and Resttlement of Large and Middle Scale Water Conservancy and Hydroelectric Engineering Construction”, based on real conditions of the project area, by consulting compensation standard under implementation for land acquisition of similar projects in Henan, decide that the compensation standard for requisition of cultivated land is 6 times of average annual output value per mu of past 3 years and settlement allowance standard is10 times of average annual output value per mu of past 3 years.

Compensation for younge crops is 0.5 time of average annual output per mu of past 3 years.

Compensation for garden plot and fish ponds is determined by consulting compensation standard of 16 times of garden plot and fish ponds comprehensive output value per mu stipulated in “Resettlement Plan for South-to-North Water Division Mid-Route Phase I Project.”

5.1.2 Unit price of compensation

Main grain crops planted within project affected scope include wheat, corn and soybean and main cash crops inclued cotton and oil bearing crops. Calculation of utput value per mu is made in accordance with Statistics Yearbook 2002-2004 of counties in project affected area. In the first place, average output value per mu of each lowing-lying area in 2002, 2003 and 2004, then average output value value of 2002, 2003 and 2004 are averaged and the average output value of 3 years of each low-lying area are obtained. Finally comprehensive output value per mu of cultivared land in Henan is detemined according to average output value per mu.

According to calculation, average output value per mu of 3 years of low-lying area along Huaihe River is 1127 yuan. Average output value per mu of 3 years of low-lying area in lower reaches of Xiaohong River is 1108 yuan. Average output value per mu of 3 years of low-lying area of Jialu River and Yinghe River downstream is 1153 yuan. Henan Province comprehensive output value per mu is 1126 yuan. Compensation for land acquisition is 18016 yuan per mu.

Average output value of fruit land is 1618 per mu, compensation for land acquisition is 25888 yuan per mu as 16 times of Average output value. Average output value of fish pond is 1715 per mu, compensation for land acquisition of fish pond is 27440 yuan per mu as 16 times of Average output value.

Calculation results of unit price of compensation for requisition of land are shown in table 5.1-1.

Table 5.1-1 Unit price computation of compensation for land acquisition of the Plain Low-Lying Land Improvement Project of Henan Province

|Impact category |Low-lying areas along the |Low-lying area in lower |Low-lying area of the Jialu |

| |Huaihe River |reaches of the Xiaohong River |River |

| |Irrigable land |

Relevant tax and fees of land acquisition include cultivated land occupation tax, cultivated land reclamation fee, forest and vegetation restoration fee, and new vegetable land funds etc. This project is for waterlogging drainage and major engineering benefit is to improve farming conditions of project aea. According to practices of project implementation in the past, only cultivated land reclamation fees of project occupied land is collected.

Cultivated land reclamation fees of this project are calculated in accordance with 0.5 time of compensation for land of same kind as shown in table 5.1-2.

Table 5.1-2 Revelant Tax and Fees for Requisition of Cultivated Land

|Affected cities or counties |Xinyang City |Zhumadian City |Zhoukou City |

|Fees for |Reclamation of cultivated land |5040 |5040 |5040 |

|requisition of | | | | |

|land | | | | |

| |Fees for requisition of land for | | | |

| |construction | | | |

| |Tax for occupation of cultivated land |15000 |15000 |15000 |

| |Management fees for land acuisition | | | |

|Principal policy basis |Document of Yucaiwaizi [1999] No. 40, Provisional Regulations of the People’s |

| |Republic of China for Farmland Use Tax (Jan, 2008) |

5.2 Compensation Standard for Temporary Land Occupation

5.2.1 Temporary occupation of collective land

Temporary land occupation under this project is used mainly for dumping spoil from river dredging and construction. In accordance with construction designed plan, duration of temporary land occupation for spoil area and construction layout is one year. Compensation for temporary land occupation includes land loss compensation and subsidy for restoring the cultivation. Land compensation is determined on the basis of annual output value of original land and duration of land occupation, and subsidy for restoring the cultivation is determined according to the actual cost needed for restoring the cultivation.

Duration of temporary land occupation under this project is one year and land compensation standard is calculated according to 1 time of comprehensive output value per mu of Henan.

Restoring the cultivation of temporary spoil area of river dredging include clearing top soil, dumping top soil, land leveling, top soil overlap, construction of field irrigation and drainage systems. According to analysis, per mu investment for restoring the cultivation is 2400 yuan.

Leveling of temporarily occupied land for construction site and restoring the cultivation include: leveling the work site, loosening top soil and building field irrigation and drainage systems. According to analysis per mu investment is 500 yuan.

5.2.2 Temporary occupation of state-owned land

Temporary land occupation of this project does not involve state-owned land.

5.3 Compensation Standard for Removal of Residential Houses

5.3.1 Rural residential houses

In order to correctly and reasonably work out compensation standard and have the relocated households get the compensation equivalent to replacement price of the houses to be removed, based on the structure of the houses, in accordance with budgetary estimates norm, we calculated replacement unit price of houses of different structures with estimate index. Materials in last quarter of 2008 in project area are shown in table 5.3-1 and cost calculation results of houses with different structures are shown in table 5.3-2.

Table 5.3-1 Main Building Materials Price

|Item |Unit |Unit price | |

| | |(yuan) | |

| | | |Brick-concrete |Brick-wood |Civil |

| | | |Quantity |Investment |Quantity |Investment |Quantity |

|3 Euipment usage fees |(Laborers + materials fees)% |3% |1031.74599 |3% |903.04 |1% |264.18 |

|4 Comprehensive fees |(Direct fees)% |4% |1416.93 |4% |1240.17 |3% |800.46 |

|B. Indirect fees |(Engineering cost of direct |5.35% |1970.95 |5.35% |1725.08 |5.35% |1470.32 |

| |fees)% | | | | | | |

|Cost/㎡ |Civil works |  | |388.11 | |

|Arch gate |numbeer |500 |Telephone set |set |100 |

|fencing wall |m |40 |grave |number |300 |

|toilet |number |80 |piggy |number |165 |

|stove |number |165 |Big trees |tree |20 |

|Suction well |number |450 |Small trees |tree |5 |

|Cement ground surface |m2 |30 |Fruit trees |tree |100 |

5.4 Compensation Standard for Removal of Non-residential Houses

5.4.1 Compensation standard for removal of enterprises

According to investigation no enterprises shall be affected by this project implementation in the first year.

5.4.2 Compensation standard for removal of state institutions

According to investigation project implementation in the first year shall affect no state institutions.

5.4.3 Compensation standard for removal of stores or shops

According to investigation the project implementation in the first year shall affect no stores or shops.

5.5 Compensation standard for unlicensed construction

According to investigation, there is no unlicensed construction in project affectd area.

5.6 Compensation standard for on-ground attachments and basic facilities.

Because the document of Yuzheng [1989] No.133 “Henan Province Compensation Standard for On-ground Attachments of State Construction Requisitioned Land” has not been revised for many years, compensation standard for houses and attachments is lower. As regards this regulation project compensation standard is determined by consulting similar projects recently reviewed and approved by Water Conservancy Planning Institute under Ministry of Water Resources. The compensation standard is shown in table 5.4-3

Basic facilities: In rural areas compensation standard is 1500yuan per capita, and in urban area is 2500 yuan per capita.

6 Schemes for Restoration of Resettlers’ Production and Living

6.1 Resettlement Targets, Principles and Guiding Ideology

6.1.1 Resettlement Targets

Provide reasonable compensation and proper settlement for resettlers and guarantee that projected affected residents’ productive capability, income and living standard could be restored or exceeded after being resettled. On the basis of the living standard of resettlers of project area in 2005, in light of the National Economy and Social Development Plan for the 11th Five-Year Plan Period and Future Target of cities (counties and districts), the resettlement targets are determined as follows:

(1) Basically ensure self-sufficient in grain. In areas with less farmland resources, the aim is, through agricultural structure adjustment, to make best use of land and improve land output;

(2) Positive measures should be taken to guarantee that the annual per capita net income of resettlers could be gradually recovered to the level before resettlement;

(3) Public infrastructure, education, medical treatment, social welfare level, natural environment and traffic conditions should be better than resettlement.

6.1.2 Resettlement principles and guiding ideology

(1) Draft of resettlement plan should take social-economic investigation of project area and index in kind statistics of project influence as the basis and take State and local policy and laws and regulations concerning land acquisition and removal, as well as World Bank’s “Involuntary Resettlement Business Policy OD/BP 4.12 as the principles.

(2) Optimize engineering design, devote more effort to protect cultivated land and try to decrease land acquisition removal affected scope. Try to keep away from densely-populated area, multi-storey of high rise buildings and minimize involuntary resettlement. In construction, convenience-to-people measures should be taken to mitigate disturbance to people.

(3) All the compensation and settlement activities for involuntary resettlers are one component of project construction. Project should timely provide adequate funds to resettlers and have resettlers benefit from the project implementation.

(4) Make sure that the project affected people could get all the compensation and subsidies for the resettlement losses before actual removal. Provide reasonable settlement and effective restoration and provide subsidies and help tothem for overcoming temporary difficulties.

(5) Make sure that the living standard, productive capability and income of all the people affected by the project could be restored to the original level before removal for land acquisition and even higher.

(6) Compensation for houses and other properties is replacement price, which should not deduct depreciation or other type discount.

(7) This project should provide compensation to all the people and all the buildings in the project area that are negatively affected by the project. For anyone who does not have complete household registration formalities or rental formalities, management formalities are not complete or legal formalities of some buildings are not complete, that should be no excuse for refusing to provide compensation and help.

(8) Resettlers should be paid compensation in removal transient duration and removal period.

(9) Give proper consideration to colony of weak tendancy and help them select houses and assist them in removal.

(10) Provide compensation to property owners of basic facilities for relocation and building new basic facilities and restoring the functions of the basic facilities.

(11) Provide reasonable compensation for the land being requisitioned and corresponding losses. Compensation for land should be owned by rural collective organizations and used for developing collective economy, improving public facilities and settlement of project affected villagers; settlement allowance should be paid to settlement units or individuals who are resettled.

(12) All the compensation and allowance for requisition of land should be fully paid in 3 months from the date when compensation and settlement scheme is approved and the payment should not be later than the date when construction is started on the requisitioned land plot.

(13) Generally the time limit of temporary land use is 2 years. In case that cultivated land is used temporarily, the land users should restore farming conditions of the land in one year upon the expiry of temporary land use. If the temporarily used land is the farmers’ collective land, rural collective economic organization or villager’s committee should represent land owners and sign a contract with user of the land to be temporarily used and collect compensation for temporary land use. Compensation standard for temporary land use should take into account of losses of original land owners and users of the land. When temporarily used land is returned, if the features of land usage or ownership of the land change, land compensation standard should be correspondingly increased, and original users of the land should be properly settled.

(14) All the labour being affected by requisition of land should be resettled and their living standard should not be decreased because of land acquisition. Encourage people being affected by land acquisition to be settled by living on land and support development of secondary industry and tertiary industry. If possible, farmers could select to find jobs by themselves.

(15) Encourage resettlers to participate in working out resettlement plan and implementing settlement, declare and paste up notices on policy and standard of compensation and settlement. Widely listen to the opinions of projecte affected people on compensation and settlement in investigation and reflect their opinions in the report.

(16) Give consideration to complaints of project affected people, timely and reasonably help them overcome difficulties and inconveniences encountered in land acquisition and removal. Resettlers’ objection to compensation standard should be resolved through consultation. If it could not resolved through consultation it could be subject to arbitration and even lawsuit. Any compulsory removal should be implemented in accordance with legal procedures.

(17) In project implementation period, owner of the project shall carry out internal monitoring on project implementation and invite independent monitoring institution to carry out external monitoring and periodically submit monitoring report to World Bank. After all the activities are completed, assessment on resettlement work should be carried out.

(18) In implementation of resettlement plan, if there are important changes (including lowering compensation standard, changing location and scope of land to be requisitioned and increasing new subproject), that should be reported to World Bank beforehand. If necessary, resettlement plan could be revised or implementation plan of resettlement could be prepared.

6.2 Resettlement of Permanent Land Acquisition and Temporary Land Occupation

6.2.1 Analysis on influence of permanent land acquisition and settlement measures.

Project permanent land acquisition involves 7 districts and counties, 15 townships(towns), 30 administrative villages and requisition of rural collective land totals 105.76 mu, including 88.71 mu of cultivated land, 1.40 mu fish ponds, and house sites of 15.65 mu. The cultivated land plots of 30 villages to be requisitioned have all been contracted to individual households, involving 601 persons of 146 households. The house sites to be requistioned permanently involve 2 villages, i.e. Xinliji Village of Huangchuan County and Xingying Village of Huaibin County in Xinyang City.

Permanent land acquisition under this project is mainly used for river regulation and pumping stations construction. Land requisitioned for pumping station is rural house site involves removal of 21 agricultural households and measures for removal and restoration are introduced in section 6.3.

As regards to land acquisition influence rate, because permanent land acquisition is mainly used for river regulation subproject, the influence area is in zonal distribution. According to statistics analysis, quantity of land acquisition is relatively small and number of villages and households being affected is large. If taking villages as calculation unit, cultivated land loss rate of 30 villages to be affected by land acquisition is no more than 1%. As regards land acquisition affected households, on average each household affected by project implementation will decrease land by about 0.61 mu, individual household loss rate is 6.4%; only 12 households’ loss rate by land acquisition is above 20%, the others are all below 20%, as shown in table 6.2-1. Therefore, land acquisition shall not significantly affect agricultural production of the households. After land acquisition for project implementation, in project area per capita cultivated land is 1.58 mu.

Table 6.2-1 Analysis on Influence of Land Acquisition

|Affected items |unit |Loss rate of cultivated land |

| | |0%~5% |6%~10% |11%~20% |>20% |Total |

|Requisition of land |village |30 | | | |30 |

|ratio |% |100% |0 |0 |0 |100% |

|Affected |household |5 |22 |107 |12 |146 |

|households(AHs) | | | | | | |

|ratio |% |3.4% |15.1% |73.3% |8.2% | |

Because average rate of land loss of individual household is 6.4%, therefore agricultural income loss brought about by land acquisition is 6.4% or less than 6.4% of original agricultural income. Moreover, according to socio-economic investigation and analysis hereinabove, most of the manpower of villages are doing temporary work out of villages, thus main income of the villagers are composed of two parts, i.e. farming and taking temporary jobs, of which agricultural income accounts for 60%-70% of the total income. Thus it can be seen that influence of income loss brought about by loss of land on household’s income is minor, accounting for 3.8%-4.5% of the total income of household, that is to say land acquisition of the project shall not bring about signicant influence on farming households’ production and daily life.

According to above analysis, there are tow schemes for making up loss of farmers whose contracted land is requisitioned.

(1) The affected households could get monetary compensation according to compensation rate of water conservancy projects in Henan, based on the quantity of land acquisition, and compensation is directly paid to affected individuals. The compensation could be used for developing other farming and non-agricultural extra-money making activities including cash crops and other sideline production.

At present, on the one hand in China farmers contracting farmland is implemented with contract period of 30 years; on the other hand, according to investigation, a great majority of villages do not have reserve land that could be allocatted by the villages. Based on objective reality, village heads and villagers do not consider it possible to allocate extra land to farmers through reallocation. Moreover, under this project, except a few households, acreage of most households’ farmland being requisitioned is small in acreage, even adopting the principle of compensating same acreage of land, the farmers are not willing to accept the abandoned land that is not only small in acreage but also distant in location. Therefore, they prefer monetary compensation.

(2) Project implementation could decrease degree of reduction of crop output caused by waterlogging and bring about considerable waterlogging control benefit. Moreover, field irrigation and drainage system shall be structured in project affected area to improve farming conditions and farmland productivity, and increase income of project affected households. Although acreage of land is reduced yet crops output could increase, therefore farmers could get more income. Based on a guess and estimate, normally rice output could increase by 25% and soybean output could increase 33%, and farming households’ annual income could increase by 320yuan ( On condition that rice yield per mu increase by 100kg, with unit price of 1.4yuan/kg, and soybean yield per mu increase by 50kg with unit price of 3.6 yuan/kg.), that could make up losses brought about by land acquisition.

Moreover, in the process of restoring resettler’s production, resettlement departments shall provide help and support to resettlers as much as possible. The major measures are as follows:

(1) In project implementation period, resettlers should be given priority of opportunity for employment that shall bring cash income to project affected households.

(2) In project affected counties, priority should be given to affected persons in labour export.

(3) The project designed a series of technical consultation and training items to provide agricultural technical training, including cash crops and non-agricultural activities. The project shall invite technical personnels concerned of agricultural department and labour security department to carry out farming and cultivation training in resettlement area, and ensure that every affected household accept at least one agricultural productive technical training and non-agricultural productive technical training, through these measures, to improve crops quality and yield, increase income of affected people and restore livelihood of project affected people.

In site investigation, nearly all the project affected households show enthusiasm for the project and believe that the project implementation could control waterlogging.They prefer monetary compensation for requisition of land. Monetary compensation is simple and easy to implement and rural households could use compensation for restoring production and livelihood.

Influence of land acquisition for project construction on each village is different in degree, therefore restoration plans are different based on influence degree, availability of surplus land resources and wishes of the project affected people. Based on consultation with villagers committee and resettlers in social-economic investigation, different economic restoration plans are prepared. See appendix 4.

6.2.2 Temporary land acquisition analysis and settlement scheme

Project implementation in the first year shall temporarily occupy land of 840.78 mu, including temporary land occupation for construction and spoil from river dredging, of which temporary land occupation for construction is 637.4 mu (40mu in low-lying area along Huaihe River, 575.4mu in low-lying area of Xiaohong River and 22mu in low-lying area of Jialu River and Lower Yinghe River) accounting for 75.8% of total temporary land occupation in the project. 203.38 mu of temporary occupation for dumping spoil from river dredging (63.72mu in low-lying area in Xiaohong River and 139.66mu in low-lying area in Jialu River and Shaying River basin), accounting for 24.2% of total temporary land occupation under the project.

Compensation for temporary land occupation shall be paid according to duration of land occupation with the compensation standard of the total income of agricultural production on the plot of the field. After completion of the project, construction units should implement second ploughing and restore the cultivation conditions of the land to the level before temporary land occupation.

Second ploughing of spoil area: The project spoil area shall occupy land of 203.38mu, mainly for temporarily dumping spoil form river excavation. Spoil areas are located on both banks of rivers in zonal distribution. The measures for second ploughing of spoil area is land leveling which include clearing topsoil, topsoil dumping, leveling, topsoil covering and field irrigation and drainage system building. According to analysis, investment in second ploughing per mu is 2400yuan.

Temporary land occupation for construction sites: Temporary land occupation for construction sites of this project is 637.4mu, including embankment construction, river dredging and structures construction. The second ploughing measures include leveling construction sites, loosening topsoil, and building field irrigation and drainage system. Per mu farmland needs 500yuan.

6.3 Rural Residential Houses Removal and Settlement

In project implementation in the first year only subproject of low-lying land along the Huaihe River involves removal of residential houses in Xinliji Village of Huangchuan County and Xingying Village of Huaibin County in Xinyang City. Residential houses of 21 rural households should be removed, affecting 117 residents. The removed houses acreage is 2475.6㎡, including 798.9㎡ of brick-concrete structure, 1405.2㎡ of brick-wood structures, 192㎡ earth-wood structures and other houses of 79.5 ㎡. All the removed residential houses shall be reconstructed in the original village. The attached houses (non-residential houses) shall be compensated in money.

To guarantee that the houses settlement plan properly takes into account the wishes of relocated households, resettlement design institutions, which the help of the local governments, held discussions with relocated households, listening to their opinions. All the relocated households decided to remove and rebuild their houses if sites for new houses could be provided. According to real conditions and productive settlement of the project affected area, resettlers shall build new houses in the original villages.

Reconstruction of new houses need house sites of 15.65 mu. Because relocation involved residents of 2 villages are small in number, in on-site investigation the villages and townships (towns) concerned expressed that through coordination in a village or between villages they could provide house sites to relocated households in original villages. Two villages have reserved house sites. Therefore the relocated households could be settled in original villages by means of building new houses on the house sites provided by villagers committees in accordance with plan and standard. Compensation for houses removal and relocation should be paid to relocated households to building new houses in original villagers group or village. Compensation for newly requisitioned house sites shall be managed by villagers committees and used for basic facilities construction according to wishes of villagers after house sites are reallocated. Basic settlement plan is shown in table 6.3 –1.

Relocated households shall take into account improvement of residential conditions in resettlement. Most of relocated households would like, according to their own economic conditions, to spend certain amount of money in houses building to improve housing standard. Therefore resettlers’s housing conditions shall be improved after relocation.

Compensation for houses shall be paid directly to relocated households which shall be provided with help in relocation and restoration. Compensation for houses shall be paid by installments by resettlement offices of local governments according to materials preparation and houses building progress of resettlers.

In the light of “Villages and Towns Planning Standard”, based on the real conditions of the villages by the side construction sites and the project, it is determined that under the project the rural resettlers’ per capita comprehensive land use standard for building houses is 60㎡. To minimize project influence on relocated households, if current house sites of relocated households are larger than the standard, the relocated households shall be allocated the same acreage of house site as the current house sites for building houses. Compensation standard for requisition of land for new house sites is same as the compensation standard for requisition of dry land. After relocation, restttlers shall still live in original village and they could use the existing electric supply and water supply facilities. There is no need to build new schools or hospitals and resettlers could enjoy medical treatment, education and other services provided by original social service system.

Table 6.3-1 Relocation of Rural Residents’ Housing

|County (district) |Township (town) |Administrative village |Name of head of a |Number of a |New house site |Location for |

| | | |household |family (person) | |settlement |

|Huangchuan |Weigang |Xinliji |Lin Shuye |4 |0.63 |Original village |

|Huangchuan |Weigang |Xinliji |Xu Jianguo |5 |0.85 |Original village |

|Huangchuan |Weigang |Xinliji |Yu Tiancheng |5 |0.57 |Original village |

|Huangchuan |Weigang |Xinliji |Yu Tianxue |4 |0.48 |Original village |

|Huangchuan |Weigang |Xinliji |Yang Zhongguo |9 |0.81 |Original village |

|Huangchuan |Weigang |Xinliji |Yang Zhongfu |6 |0.91 |Original village |

|Huangchuan |Weigang |Xinliji |Wu Shaozhong |7 |0.63 |Original village |

|Huangchuan |Weigang |Xinliji |Yang Kecheng |5 |0.6 |Original village |

|Huangchuan |Weigang |Xinliji |Kuang Tiguo |5 |0.45 |Original village |

|Huangchuan |Weigang |Xinliji |Kuang Shaoting |6 |0.78 |Original village |

|Huangchuan |Weigang |Xinliji |Kuang Shaoqiao |4 |0.54 |Original village |

|Sub-total |60 |7.25 | |

|Huaibin |Luji |Xingying |Liang Kezhong |5 |0.75 |Original village |

|Huaibin |Luji |Xingying |Liang Kehua |5 |0.75 |Original village |

|Huaibin |Luji |Xingying |Liang Maoguo |8 |0.9 |Original village |

|Huaibin |Luji |Xingying |Liang Jianhong |9 |1.35 |Original village |

|Huaibin |Luji |Xingying |Liang Maoyong |5 |0.75 |Original village |

|Huaibin |Luji |Xingying |Liang Maosheng |6 |1.05 |Original village |

|Huaibin |Luji |Xingying |Liang Kezhao |6 |0.9 |Original village |

|Huaibin |Luji |Xingying |Li Wenying |4 |0.6 |Original village |

|Huaibin |Luji |Xingying |Liang Keguang |4 |0.6 |Original village |

|Huaibin |Luji |Xingying |Liang Kefei |5 |0.75 |Original village |

|Sub-total |57 |8.4 | |

|Total |117 |15.65 | |

6.4 Enterprises, State Institutions, Stores and Shops, Floating Population, Unlicensed Construction and Colony of Weak Tendancy

According to investigation, land acquisition and removal for project implementation in the first year does not involve enterprises, state institutions, stores and shops; There is no floating population to be affected; The project implementation affected scope does not involve unlicensed construction; Among 661 persons of 157 households affected by permanent land acquisition and removal of the project implementation in the first year there is no colony of weak tendancy that needs special consideration.

6.5 Affected Basic Facilities and On-ground Attachments

The affected special facilities and on-ground attachments, after being compensated by the project units to the owners, should be reconstructed.

The restoration measures for removed facilities should be planned beforehand and adjusted according to construction site conditions in pratical implementation to achieve safe, highly efficient, timely and accurate results and try to decrease adverse influence on local people.

The affected municipal utilities should be removed according to work drawing of the project, taking not to affect construction as the principle, to minimize removal. Removal of affected pipelines, under the premise of not to affect the normal life of nearby residents (including residents not to be removed) should be rebuilt (or removed) before removal.

7 Public Participation

7.1 Public Participation Strategy

To safeguard resettlers’ lawful rights and interests, reduce disaffection and disputes, achieve the targets of proper settlement of resettlers, in preparation of resettlement policy, working out and implementation of resettlement plan, the project shall attach great importance to resettlers’ participation and discussion, widely listening to opinions of resettlers.

7.2 Public Participation Process and Policy Open Plan

7.2.1 The ways of participation

Before carrying out investigation, the working outline was prepared and local governments’ opinions on investigation components, methods and requirements are involved. Local governments also assigned staff member to join in the work of investigation group.

During investigation, the investigation group invited the leaders of townships (towns), heads of villages and villagers groups and representatives of resettlers to participate in investigation and propagated to them the necessity of project construction, project benefit, project influence, compensation principles, compensation standard and resettlement measures, etc.

In resettlement planning period, the workers responsible for resettlement planning held discussions with officials of cities, counties and townships (towns) and listened to their opinions, demands and existing problems, discussing the ways of settlement and selecting settlement area.

After resettlement report was evaluated, resettlement information handbook were worked out on the basis of resettlement report and handed out to resettlers. Reading the handbook, resettlers could understand project basic information, project influence, compensation policy, implementation institutions and appealing channels, etc., and resettlers’ right for knowing the facts is fully guaranteed.

In drafting detailed resettlement action plan for the first year, in order to make sure all the resettlers, on the basis of project implementation in the first year, we made detailed supplementary investigation to confirm the resettlement households through field visit village by village and household by household. By means of discussion and sample investigation of resettlers’ wishes, every villager affected by land acquisition and removal may know implementation of the project, understand land acquisition and removal and know well policy and laws and regulations about land acquisition and removal, resettlement compensation policy and compensation standard. A summary of meeting was worked out. Investigation on resettlers’ wishes is made among 10% of resettlement households. The aim of taking all these measures is to guarantee the resettlement implementation plan to be reasonable and workable.

7.2.2 Public participation in the process of working out resettlement plan report

In the process of preparing and working out “Resettlement Implementation Plan”, local governments at all levels and resettlers participated in following work:

(1) From Dec. 26, 2005 to Jan. 13, 2006, in the investigation of project land acquisiton and removal affected index in kind, water resources (water affairs) bureaus of Xinyang, Zhumadian and Zhoukou cities and project involved counties water resources (water affairs) bureaus, town governments and villagers’ committees assigned staff members and persons concerned to take part in the investigation.

(2) On Jan.15, 2006, water resources (water affairs) bureaus of counties in project area pasted up notices to disclose the investigation results of index in kind of the project affected village and decided the deadline of compensation. During Jan. 18~20, 2006 the indexes in kind in question were checked.

(3) Dring Jan 20~25, 2006, the institutions involved in working out the report and water resources (water affairs) bureaus of counties involved in the project went to project affected villages and villagers groups, holding discussions attended by heads of villagers’ committees and villagers groups and representative of resettlers, or having interview with resettlers, on the one hand making wide propaganda on state, province and city policy concerning resettlement and World Bank’s policy; on the other hand listening to their opinions and proposals on project implementation and resettlement scheme, including selection of relocation sites, production recovery measures, houses removal and reconstruction, and compensation for land acquisition and removal.

(4) Feb. 6~15, 2006, the institutions involved in working out the resettlement report, with the help of water resources (water affairs) bureaus of counties disclosed resettlement policy and resettlement compensation standard in project affected villages, widely listening to opinions of affected villagers and having revised and perfected the resettlement report.

(5) Aug. 20~26, 2006, institutions for working out the resettlement report, with the help of water resources (water affairs) bureaus of counties involved in project implementation in the first year, rechecked index in kind within project affected scope, carried out socio-economic investigation again, made results analysis, quality inspection and preliminary check, to guarantee that every relocated households affected by the project could be confirmed. Supplementary investigation was conducted to listen to relocated households’ basic information and resettlers’ wishes.

(6) Jun.10~20, 2007, institutions involved in working out the resettlement report, on the basis of the last round public participation and Pre-Assessment Mission’s memorandum, with the help of water resources (water affairs) bureaus of counties, made a new round public consultation with resettlers affected by project implementation in the first year, to guarantee the project affected villages and residents to affirm and agree with resettlement measures and compensation standard in the resettlement action plan, and ensure that the resettlement action plan for the first year to be workable and practicable.

7.2.3 Public participation plan in the process of resettlement implementation

The whole process of resettlement implementation under the project encourages resettlers to participate in actively.

A. Participation in houses reconstruction

1) houses compensation standard

The level of houses compensation standard shall directly affect interests of relocated households. Before houses removal, resettlement institutions concerned shall discuss with relocated households on compensation standard for houses and sign agreements. The discussion results should be made public by pasting up notices before signing the agreements to accept supervision by the masses.

2) Houses reconstruction site and mode of reconstruction

In the period of preparation and working out of “Resettlement Plan”, departments concerned made relevant investigation on resettlers’ houses reconstruction sites and mode of construction. According to investigation results of resettlers’ opinions, most of the resettlers prefer that their houses reconstruction sites could be arranged in their original villages and villagers groups, and would like to remove and reconstruct their houses by themselves. Local governments shall provide appropriate help at all the stages of resettlers building their houses.

3) Disposal of old houses

All the relocated households shall get compensation for houses according to replacement price. In specified period, relocated households could choose to remove old houses first and then build new houses or build new houses before removing old ones, and old materials of the removed houses could be disposed by relocated households.

B. Participation in production settlement

All the members of villagers’ groups, especially the resetters who have special need for land, shall take part in readjustment and allocation of land.

C. Participation in use and management of compensation for land

Compensation for land is owned by villages or villager groups, any organizations or individuals should hold back or divert the compensation. After being paid to villages and villagers groups, the compensation should be planed as a whole by villages or villagers groups and used for special purposes. Usage of the compensation should be discussed and approved at villagers meeting of the villagers groups to accept supervision by representatives of villagers.

D. Participate in project construction

Project construction shall bring about more or less influence to local masses. To guarantee that project affected people could get benefit from project construction, the project positively encourage local masses to participated in project construction and provide convenience to local masses in materials supply and employment.

8 Appealing Procedures

8.1 The Possible Complained Issues and Settlement of the Problems

Resettlement plan is a general plan on resettlement, worked out on the basis of basic situations of the project affected area. In implementation of the plan, change of real conditions or mistakes in work may bring about complaint of resettlers. According to experiences of many projects under construction and completed projects, resettlers’ complaints are mainly reflected in following aspects:

A. Index in kind

Because of careless omission and errors in investigation, statistics and calculation, there might be mission out of items, mission out of registration and wrong registration of index in kind being occupied or removed, affecting resettlers’ interests. After occurrence of problems, the affected people or the villagers’ committees should report in words or in written form to county level resettlement offices, which should organize professional personnel to go to the site for check and submit documents on check results to owner of the project and monitoring units.

The indexes in kind which are missed in registration or wrongly registered should be confirmed and registered and compensated in accordance with standard.

B. Compensation standard

Minority nationality do not know State resettlement policy and laws and regulations and have doubt about compensation standard, complaining that compensation standard is relatively low and can not meet demands of houses construction and productive settlement. Before implementation of resettlement and in the process of implementing resettlement project, designers should cooperate with governments and resettlement offices at different levels, introduce real intentions of design, propagate State resettlement policy and laws and regulations, explain calculation procedures of compensation standard, have the resettlers understand that compensation standard is worked out according to State relevant laws and regulations, that could guarantee that the resettlers could “remove away, have better residential conditions, and development”, to remove all doubts of them.

C. Funds

In implementation of resettlement plan, it is possible that resettlement funds could not be provided in time, affecting resettlers’ houses building and productive settlement and further affecting resettlers production and life. In such cases, staff members engaged in resettlement implementation and management should tighten control of funds, progress and quality, guarantee resettlement funds to be used only for resettlement, coordinate and urge financial departments to appropriate compensation funds in accordance with actual progress every month, ensuring that resettlement could be implemented according to schedule.

8.2 Appealing Channels and Procedures

Resettlers enjoy rights and duties that are endowed to citizens by constitution and laws and regulations. China’s current laws and regulations could fully protect resettlers’ lawful rights and interests from being infringed. When resettlers’ lawful rights and interests are infringed, the resettlers have the rights to lodge an appeal according to law till they get the rights and interests that they should obtain.

8.2.1 Appealing channels

(1) In counties, cities and provinces, there are offices to handle letters form and visits of the masses and the offices could receive, investigate and handle general appealing problems of resettlers.

(2) Resettlemet offices set up at all levels according to law have the right of higher level offices supervising resettlement of lower level offices level by level, i.e. from provincial level to city level to county level, and could accept and hear appeals on resettlement.

(3) Independent resettlement monitoring and appraisal institutions, which carry out supervision on resettlement implementation in accordance with State relevant regulations, have the responsibilities of safeguarding lawful rights and interests of resettlers and could hear and report appeal on infringement on resettlers’ rights and interests to departments concerned.

(4) The administrative supervision, audit, discipline inspection, judiciary and procuratorate at state, provincial, city and count levels could accept and hear resettlers appealed cases concerning breaking laws and violating the disciplines.

The project resettlers appealing system is shown in fig 8.2-1.


Fig 8.2-1 The project resettlers appealing system

8.2.2 Appealing procedures

If resettlers are unsatisfactory about resettlement, they could report to villagers’ committees. Villagers committees or resettled households could go directly to county level resettlement offices for resolving the problems through consultation, and could also appeal in words or in written form to higher level resettlement offices. After receiving the appealing, the higher level resettlement offices shall make record of the appealing and discuss with the villagers committees and county level resettlement offices in 10 days for resolving the complaints. In case that contradictions and disputes could not be resolved through consultation, villagers’ committees, in accordance with Administrative Procedural Law of the People’s Republic of China, could lodge an appeal through appealing procedures to the administrative organs level by level (such as project offices, resettlement management departments, resettlement monitoring institutions, offices for handling letters from and visits of the masses, administrative supervision, discipline inspection and procuratorate, etc.) that have jurisdiction, if they still refuse to accept as final, they could institute a lawsuit to the People’s Court. Resettlement offices should be in charge of making record and keeping in file all the appealing and settling procedures.

9 Organizations

9.1 Resettlement Action Related Organizations

The owner of Henan Provincial Key Plain Low-Lying Land Improvement Project is Henan Province Water Resources Department (Hena WRD). The Project Office of Henan Provincial Key Plain Low-Ling Land Improvement Project under jurisdiction of Henan WRD is a standing organ for organization and coordination of preparatory work of Henan Provincial Key Plain Low-Lying Land Improvement Project, also a bridge linking Central Project Office (Huaihe River Water Conservancy Committee) and project offices of Xinyang, Zhumadian and Zhoukou cities as well as departments concerned.

At water resources (water affairs) bureaus of Xinyang, Zhumadian and Zhoukou cities, city level project offices have been set up, and county level project offices have been set up respectively at project involved counties’ water resources ( water affairs) bureaus, that are in charge of preparation and implementation of the project in local area.

Zhoukou City Water Conservancy Prospecting and Design Institute was in charge of working out “Henan Provincial Resettelent Planning Report” and Xinyang City Water Conservancy Prospecting and Design Institute and Zhumadian City Water Conservancy Prospecting and Design Institute also participated in working out of the report. Resettlement Research Centre of Hohai University provided guidance to working out of the resettlement report.

Immigrantion principals of the key plain low-land improvement project of Henan Province, see Table 9.1-1.

Table 9.1-1 List of immigrantion principals of the project areas of Henan Province

|Project area |Resettlement princiapal |Contact details |

|Provincial Project Management Office |Feng Chaoshan |13803812019 |

|Low-lying areas along the Huaihe |Xinyang City |Fu Qiang |13569763739 |

|River | | | |

| |Huangchuan County |Ni Xianghong |15938289091 |

| |Huaibin County |Ren Yuanpeng |13949159271 |

|Low-lying area in lower reaches |Zhumadian City |Chen Donghong |13939609585 |

|of the Xiaohong River | | | |

| |Pingyu |Fu Zhongdian | |

|Low-lying area of the Jialu River|Zhoukou City |Song Li | |

|and the Yinghe River地 | | | |

| |Xihua County |Xu Yanhong |03942554812 |

| |Fugou County |Zhang Xinzhong |13803941376 |

| | |Liu Xueyi |13503943965 |

9.2 Instituional Framework

The Central Project Office is seated at Huaihe River Water Conservancy Committee and carries out all-round management of resettlement implementation of the whole project. The resettlement offices specially set up at provincial, city and county level are in charge of resettlement implementation in local area. The number of staff members of resettlement offices at different levels range from 2 to 5. The resettlement offices normally are headed by a person who is rich in management experiences.

The institutional framework is shown in fig. 9.2-1.


(R.O.=Resettlement Office)

Fig. 9.2-1.Resettlement Institutional Framework

9.3 Duties of Resettlement Offices

(1) Henan Province Water Resources Department

As the owner of the project, the major duties of Henan WRD are to strengthen leadership of the project, be in charge of policy making for resettlement activities of the project and organizing and coordinating relations between resettlement organizations at different levels.

(2) Henan Provincial Project Resettlement Implementation and Management Office

As the project management institution, its main duties are to carry out the functions of management, planning, implementation, coordination, supervision and monitoring of resettlement work in an all-round way:

① Draw up the policy on project land acquisition, removal and settlement.

② Entrust designing units to work out “Resettlement Planning Report”.

③ Be in charge of professional training of major resettlement staff members of Land Acquisition, Relocation and Settlement Offices.

④ Organize and coordinate working out and implementation of “Resettlement Planning Report”.⑤ Be in charge of management and appropriation of resettlement funds and supervision on use of the funds.

⑥ Guide, coordinate and supervise resettlement implementation activities and the progress.

⑦ Organize and check internal monitoring activities and be in charge of working out report on land acquisition, removal and settlement progress.

⑧ Decide external monitoring institution and assist external monitoring activities.

(3) City level resettlement implementation and management offices

The main duties of city level resettlement implementation and management offices are:

① Assist designing institutions to define project affected scope, investigate land acquisition and removal affected data in kind and be in charge of data preservation.

② Assist to work out “Resettlement Planning Report” and be in charge of implementing resettlement work.

③ Be in charge of selecting main resettlement staff members to take part in professional training.

④ Apply for land use planning license and land use construction license.

⑤ Organize public consultation and propagate resettlement policy.

⑥ Direct, coordinate and supervise resettlement implementation activities and progress of land acquisition, removal and settlement of the departments and institutions related to land acquisition,removal and settlement.

⑦ Be in charge of resettlement work and appropriate resettlement fees in accordance with agreements.

⑧ Implement internal monitoring activities, draw up internal monitoring report and report to Hena Province Project Resettlement Management Office at regular intervals.

⑨ Assist external monitoring activities.

(4) County level resettlement implementation management offices

Main duties of county level resettlement implementation offices are:

① Take part in project investigation on index in kind and assist working out “Resettlement Activities Plan”.

② Organize public participation and propagate resettlement policy.

③ Implement, inspect, monitor and keep record of all the resettlement activities within the county,

④ Handle procedures of resettlers houses removal and construction.

⑤ Be in charge of payment and management of land compensation funds.

⑥ Supervise requisition of land, demolition of houses and attachments and reconstruction and removal of houses.

⑦ Help dealing with contradictions and problems in work.

(5) Villagers’ committees and villagers groups

Resettlement working groups of villagers’ committees and villagers groups are composed of heads of villagers’ committees and villagers groups. The duties are:

① Participate in investigation on socio-economy and project influence.

② Organize public consultation and propagate land acquisition and removal policy.

③ Select resettlers settlement sites and allocate house sites to relocated households.

④ Organize and implement agricultural and non-agricultural productive settlement and other activities.

⑤ Report resetlers’ opinions and proposals to higher level departments concerned.

⑥ Provide help to relocated low-income households.

(6) Duties of resettlement designing institutions

In planning and design phase, the main duties are to investigate accurately on land acquisition and relocation index in kind, environmental carrying capacity and resources that could be developed and used, drawing up total investment estimate of compensation for land acquisition and removal and Land Acquisition Removal and Resettlement Planning Report, and drawing relevant chart.

In implementation phase, the main duties are to timely provide design documents, technical specification, drawings and notice to project offices, introduce by stage the real intentions of design to project offices at different levels, assist resettlement offices ay different levels to implement resettlers removal and productive settlement, and improve and perfect resettlement planning scheme in accordance with real conditions.

(7) Resettlement external monitoring and evaluation institution

Owner of the project shall invite monitoring and evaluation institutes which have necessary certificates as the external monitoring and evaluation institution. The main duties are:

① As the independent monitoring and evaluation institution, observe all the aspects of resettlement planning and implementation, carry out monitoring and evaluation on resettlers removal and settlement, implementation results and resettlers social adaptability, and provide resettlement monitoring and evaluation report through project resettlement offices to World Bank.

②Provide technical consultation on data investigation and processing to project resettlement offices.

9.4 Manning of Organizations

In order to carry out resettlement work smoothly, project resettlement institutions at different levels should be allocated with special staff members to build information transferring channel between upper and lower levels. Resettlement institutions at different levels should be composed of administration staff and technical personnels of 2~5 according to work load. The allocated personnels should be qualified in profession and management and haveexperiences in land acquisition, removal and resettlement.

To meet demand of resettlement work, resettlement offices at provincial, city and county levels should be provided with certain amount of office apparatus, means of transportation and communication apparatus. Apparatus and appliance are listed in table 9.4-1.

Table 9.4-1 Apparatus for Resettlement Offices

|Serial Number |Equipments |Type |Quantity |

|1 |Desks and chairs | |40 |

|2 |Computers |Lenovo 6110 |12 sets |

|3 |Printers |Hp 5100 |12sets |

|4 |Vehicles |Mitsubish V6 |4 |

|5 |Telephone sets |simens8000 |12 sets |

9.5 Measures for Strengthening Organizations Ability

In order to improve service ability of resettlement offices, following measure are to be adopted:

(1) Resettlement offices at all levels should set up and perfect rules on working and define duties and rights.

(2) Provide necessary office apparatus and create good working conditions for resettlement staff members.

(3) Strictly select staff members, strengthen professional skill training and carry out training on administrative staff and technical personnels to improve their professional ability and management standards.

(4) Select women cadres properly and give play to the role of women in implementation of resettlement.

(5) Set up system of awards and penalties and introduce competition mechanism to stimulate enthusiasm of resettlement workers.

(6) Set up data base, enhance information feedback and keep the information channels open. Significant issues should be decided and handled by resettlement leading group.

(7) Enhance report system and strengthen internal monitoring. Any problem discovered should be resolved immediately.

(8) Establish external monitoring and evaluation mechanism and set up early warning system.

(9) Strengthen supervision and managerial role of resettlement offices at all levels to ensure resettlement implementation being open, fair and just. Prevent all kinds of malpractice and corruption.

(10) In implementation of the plan of resettlement and resettlers productive and living restoration, the affected agricultural households are encouraged to take part in resettlement implementation activities and make the resettlement action be more reasonable and efficient.

10 Implementation Schedule

10.1 Implementation Principles of Linking up Progress between Resettlement and Project Construction

Drawing up of resettlement implementation schedule should be based on construction items, quintiles, construction period, and targets of resettlement and mode of resettlement.

(1) Arrangement of implementation progress of rural resettlement brought about by land acquisition and removal should take into account characteristic of agricultural production and land acquisition removal should be arranged in slack season so as to reduce influence on agricultural production.

(2) Demolition of resettlers’ houses should be implemented in phases, however, demolition should be completed before commencement of each sub-project.

(3) Payment of compensation normally starts about 5 days before houses removal.

(4) Resettlers should be informed of removal at least 3 months before removal and resettlers should have at least 2 months for construction of houses between the date they are informed and the deadline for houses demolition. The removal affected people could live in the original houses before new houses are constructed.

(5) Construction period shall be arranged according to project progress, if necessary that could be properly extended.

(6) Land acquisition and houses removal should be fulfilled before commencement of project construction.

(7) Land readjustment and allocation should be completed between crops harvest and sowing.

(8) Public and basic facilities construction should be completed at least 20 days ahead of resettlers’ houses construction so as to reduce influence on resettlers.

(9) Reconstruction of special facilities should be arranged in completion period of each sub-project construction to reduction effect of construction on rebuilt special facilities.

(10) Resettlers training should be arranged in slack season.

10.2 Schedule for Key Tasks of Resettlement Implementation

The first year implementation of Henan Provincial Key Plain Low-Lying Land Improvement Project shall be commenced in Oct. 2007 and ended in Oct. 2008. To meet the need of project implementation, resettlement should be implemented beforehand.

Accoding to project progress arrangement, resettlement should be implemented in batches, starting from Jun. 2006 and fulfilling by the end of Dec. 2008.

Jun.~ Aug. 2007, complete drawing up of resettlement planning report;

Sept.~Oct, 2007, complete first-phase preparation for implementation of resettlement houses removal;

Oct, 2007~ Dec.2007, complete the pre- inquisition of the occupied lands by the project.

Dec.2007~Mar.2008, complete houses removal and settlement of relocated households;

Jan.~Sept.2008, complete compensation for project land occupation and requisition of land occupied by project;

Oct.~Dec.2008, complete check and accept of completion of resettlement and post-evaluation by World Bank.

Implementation plan of resettlement of Henan Key Plain Low-Lying Land Improvement Project is shown in table 10.2-1.


11. Investment Estimate of Land Acquisition and Removal Compensation

11.1 Explanation of Investment Estimate

11.1.1 Basis for drawing upthe investment estimate

(1) “World Bank Implementation Guideline of Involuntary Resettlement” (OP/BP 4.12);

(2) “Land Management Law of the People’s Republic of China” (revised in 1998);

(3) “Henan Province Implementation of Land Management Law” (revised 1999);

(4) “Regulations on Land Acquisition Compensation and Resettlement of Large and Middle Scale Water Conservancy and Hydroelectric Engineering Construction”

(5) “Land Acquisition and Resettlement Design Specification of Water Conservancy and Hydroelectric Engineering Construction” (SL 290-2003);

(6) “Henan Province Management Methods of Cultivated Land Reclamation Fees and Unused Land Fees” (yucaiyuwaizi [1999] No.40);

(7) Notice on “Regulations on Drawing up Water Conservancy Engineering Design Estimate” issued by Water Resources Planning General Institute of Ministry of Water Resources with document number of [200] No.116;

(8) Yuzheng [1989] No.113 document—Notice on printing and disseminating “Henan Province Compensation Standard of On-ground Attachments of State Construction Land Acquisition” (revised edition).

11.1.2 Summary of compensation investment

In accordance with state relevant laws and regulations and relevant provisions of the World Bank’s business policy OP4.12, total investment of compensation for land acquisition and removal in the first year’s implementation of Henan Key Plain Low-Lying Land Improvement Project is 8.6038 million Yuan, including rural resettlement compensation, urban resettlement compensation, special facilities compensation, other cost, basic reserve funds, and related tax and fees. Of the total investment 2.2128 million Yuan is used in low-lying land along the Huaihe River, 3.9951 million Yuan is used in low-lying land in lower reaches of the Xiaohong River and 2.3960 million Yuan is used in low-lying area of the Jialu River and lower the Yinghe River.

Summary of land acquisiotn and relocation compensation investment of Henan Provincial Key Low-Lying Land Improvement Project is shown in table 11.1-1.

Table 11.1-1 Summary of Land Acquisition and Relocation

of Henan Provincial Key Plain Low-Lying Land Improvement Project

|item |Low-lying area along|Low-lying area in lower |Low-lying area of Jialu River |Total |

| |Huaihe River |reaches of Xiaohong River |and Yinghe River | |

|pensation for resettlement. |177.23 |247.98 |148.63 |573.84 |

|2. Compensation for special facilities |0.75 | | |0.75 |

|3. Other cost |14.23 |19.84 |11.89 |45.96 |

|4. Basic reserve funds |19.22 |26.78 |16.05 |62.06 |

|5. Relevant taxes and fees |9.84 |104.91 |63.03 |177.77 |

|6. Total investment |221.28 |399.51 |239.60 |860.38 |

11.2 Investment Estimate

11.2.1 Resettlement compensation

Resettlement compensation include compensation for requisition of land, compensation for houses and attachments, basic facilities compensation, removal compensation and transient allowance as well as compensation for other items.

(1) Land acquisition compensation

The project includes permanent land acquisition compensation and temporary compensation, in total 4.1845 million Yuan, including permanent land acquisition compensation of 2.3688 million Yuan, temporary compensation of 1.8157 million. The land acquisition compensation of various sub-projects as follows: land acquisition compensation of low-lying land along the Huaihe River is 0.5238 million Yuan including permanent land acquisition compensation of 0.4558 million Yuan, temporary land acquisition compensation of 68,000 Yuan; Land acquisition compensation of the low-lying land of the Xiaohong River downstream is 2.3253 million Yuan including permanent land acquisition compensation of 1.1177 million Yuan, temporary land acquisition compensation of 1.2076 million Yuan; Land acquisition compensation of the low-lying land of the Jialu River downstream is 1.3354 million Yuan including permanent land acquisition compensation of 0.7952 million Yuan, temporary land acquisition compensation of 0.5402 Yuan.

(2) Housing and attachment compensation

The project housing and attachment compensation includes compensation for residential, non-residential and attachment compensation, in total 0.8983 million Yuan, all are low-lying land along the Huaihe River.

(3) Infrastructure compensation

Infrastructure compensation is mainly used to construct “three supplies and one leveling” for new houses, including site preparation costs, drinking water and lighting facilities and road facilities, in total 0.2925 million Yuan, all are low-lying land along the Huaihe River.

(4) Removal transport charges and temporary transition subsidies

This project relocation compensation is counted according to 250 Yuan/person, temporary transition subsidies is counted according to 200 Yuan/person, in total 52,700 Yuan, all are low-lying land along the Huaihe River.

(5) Other compensations

Other compensations include vompensationj for scattered trees and graves. This project needs to fell 19,548 trees, including 442 fruit trees, 19,106 other trees, relocate a grave. According to Chapter 5 Standard for Compensation, other compensations of this project total 0.3105 million Yuan, including 5,100 Yuan for areas along the Huaihe River, 0.1545 million Yuan for low-lying areas along the Xiaohong River downstream, 0.1509 million Yuan for low-lying areas along the Jialu River downstream.

11.2.2 Special facilities compensaiotn

Special facilities include power-supply facilities and communication facilities. Professional departments concerned have not put forward detailed relocation plan for project affected special facilities and this financial estimate lists estimated quantity and unit price of project affected facilities. According to compensation standard in chapter 5 compensation for special facilities affected by the project totals 7500 yuna, and all of that is used in sub-project of low-lying area along Huaihe River.

11.2.3 Other expenses

Other costs include survey and design fees, management fees, technical training fees and monitoring and evaluation fees, in total 0.4596 million Yuan including 0.1423 million Yuan for low-lying land along the Huaihe River, 0.1984 million Yuan for low-lying land of the Xiaohong downstream, and 0.1189 million Yuan for low-lying land of the Jialu River and Yinghe River downstream.

(1) Survey and design fees

Survey and design fees are mainly used by the design and survey organs in the early stage of the project for in-depth on-spot survey and preparation of the immigration plan, calculating according to 3% of the sum of 11.2.1 to 11.2.2, in total 0.1724 million Yuan.

(2) Implementation management fees

Implementation and management fees are used by the immigration agencies for immigration removal and land acquisition, calculating according to 3% of the sum of 11.2.1 to 11.2.2, in total 0.1724 million Yuan, including 53,400 Yuan for low-lying land along the Huaihe River, 74,400 Yuan for low-lying land of the Xiaohong downstream, and 44,600 Yuan for low-lying land of the Jialu River and Yinghe River downstream.

(3) Cost for technical training

Technical training fees are used for technical training of immigrants and improvement of immigration principals through training, calculating according to 0.5% of the sum of rural immigration compensation, in total 28,700 Yuan, including 8,900 Yuan for low-lying land along the Huaihe River, 12,400 Yuan for low-lying land of the Xiaohong downstream, and 7,400 Yuan for low-lying land of the Jialu River and Yinghe River downstream.

(4) Monitoring and evaluation fees

Monitoring and evaluation fees are used by external detection agencies to assess the cost of monitoring and evaluation, calculating according to 1.5% of the sum of 11.2.1 to 11.2.2, in total 86,200 Yuan, including 26,700 Yuan for low-lying land along the Huaihe River, 37,200 Yuan for low-lying land of the Xiaohong downstream, and 22,300 Yuan for low-lying land of the Jialu River and Yinghe River downstream.

11.2.4 Basic reserve funds

Basic reserve is calculated according to 10% of the sum of 11.2.1 to 11.2.3, mainly used for unforeseen expenses, in total 0.6206 million Yuan, including 0.1922 million Yuan for low-lying land along the Huaihe River, 0.2678 million Yuan for low-lying land of the Xiaohong downstream, and 0.1605 million Yuan for low-lying land of the Jialu River and Yinghe River downstream.

11.2.5 Relevant tax and fees

(1) Farmland reclamation fees: in light of Resettlement Plan of Central Line First Phase of South-North Water Transfer Project, calculating according to 70% of doubling land compensation, as 5,040 Yuan/ mu

According to calculation, this project is to pay land reclamation fees of 0.4471 million Yuan, including 24,700 Yuan for low-lying land along the Huaihe River, 0.2638 million Yuan for low-lying land of the Xiaohong downstream, and 0.1585 million Yuan for low-lying land of the Jialu River and Yinghe River downstream.

(2) Cultivated land occupancy tax: according to Provisional Regulations of the People’s Republic of China for Farmland Use Tax (January 2008), Henan: 22.5 Yuan/㎡, that is, 15,000 Yuan/ mu.

According to calculation, this project is to pay cultivated land occupancy tax of 1.3307 million Yuan, including 73,700 Yuan for low-lying land along the Huaihe River, 0.7853 million Yuan for low-lying land of the Xiaohong downstream, and 0.4718 million Yuan for low-lying land of the Jialu River and Yinghe River downstream.

Estimated investment of this project is shown by Table 11.2-1.

| Table 11.2-1. Estimated RAP investment for the first year of Henan project |

|sn |Works or costs |unit |Low-lying area along Huaihe River |Low-lying area in lower reaches of |Low-lying area of Jialu River and Yinghe |Total |

| | | | |Xiaohong River |River | |

| |

|sn |Works or costs |unit |Low-lying area along Huaihe River |Low-lying area in lower reaches of |Low-lying area of Jialu River and |Total |

| | | | |Xiaohong River |Yinghe River | |

| |

|sn |Works or costs |unit |Low-lying area along Huaihe River |Low-lying area in lower reaches of |Low-lying area of Jialu River and Yinghe |Total |

| | | | |Xiaohong River |River | |

| |

|Deadline: year month day |

|Date of filling the form: year month day |

|Item |Unit |Planned |Completed |Sum |Tatio | |

| | |quantity |quantity | | | |

| |Temporary land occupation|mu | | | | |

| |Payment of compensation |‘0000 yuan | | | | |

| |for land | | | | | |

|Residents houses |Removal of residents |m2 | | | | |

| |houses | | | | | |

| |Payment of compensation |‘0000 yuan | | | | |

|Enterprises and |Removed space area |m2 | | | | |

|institutions | | | | | | |

| |Payment of compensation |‘0000 yuan | | | | |

|Compensation for infrastructure and special |‘0000 yuan | | | | |

|facilities | | | | | |

|Training |person | | | | |

|Employment |person | | | | |

|Land reallocation |mu | | | | |

|Reporter: Signature (Chief of the unit): Official seal: |

Table 12.1-2 Funds Use Progress

| District (County)________Township (Town)________ |

|Deadline: year month day |

|Date of filling the form: year month day |

|Affected items |description[1] |unit/ |Investment needed |Received |Regulated |Compensation ratio |

| | |quantity |(‘0000 Yuan) |compensation (‘0000 |compensation | |

| | | | |Yuan) | | |

|Village 2 | | | | | | |

|Collective | | | | | | |

|organizations | | | | | | |

|Resettled households| | | | | | |

|Unit | | | | | | |

|Reporter: Signature (Chief of the unit): Official seal: |

12.2 External Independent Monitoring

According to requirement of World Bank policy, Henan PMO shall invite independent resettlement organization which has necessary qualification and rich experiences in World Bank loan supported projects as independent monitoring institution for resettlement. Hohai University Resettlement Research Centre is to be selected as the external independent monitoring and evaluation institution.

External monitoring and evaluation institution shall carry out monitoring and evaluation on implementation activities of resettlement at regular intervals, carry out monitoring on progress, quality and funds of resettlement and put forward advisory opinions, carry out monitoring on resettlers productive capability and living standard and submit monitoring and evaluation report to Henan PMO, Central Project Office and World Bank. Outline of external monitoring and evaluation is shown in appendix 6.

12.2.1 Components and methods of external monitoring

(1) Basic investigation

Eexternal monitoring institution shall carry out basic investigation on the project land acquisition affected villages and villager groups, resettled households and enterprises and institutions, obtaining basic data of productive capability and living standard (living, production and income level) of resettled households being monitored. Investigation on productive capability and living standard shall be carried once half a year, to follow up changes of resettlers’ productive capability and living standard. Investigations be made by means of methods of follow-up investigation of typical samples (sample scale: 5% of land acquisition affected households, 20% of removal affected households, 10% of affected villages and villager groups and 20% of affected enterprises and institutions. Samples are drawn with random sampling method), interview at will and on-the-spot observation, etc., obtaining necessary relevant data. On this basis statistics and analysis are made and evaluation is made.

(2) Monitoring and evaluation at regular intervals.

In implementation of resettlement plan, external monitoring institution shall carry out twice follow-up monitoring of project resettlement in a year, through on-the-spot observation, follow-up investigation of sampled households and interview with resettlers to monitor the following activities:

·Payment and amount of compensation;

·Preparation and availability of relocation site;

·Reconstruction of residential houses;

·Restoration and reconstruction of enterprises and institutions;

·Relocation of affected people;


·Support to weak population;

·Restoration reconstruction of basic facilities and special facilities;

·Production settlement and restoration;

·Compensation for lost properties;

·Compensation for lost working hours;

·Transient allowance;

·Schedule of above-mentioned activities(applicable at any time);

·Institutional framework of resettlement network;

·Use of collective land compensation and resettlers income;

·Income increment of labour employment;

·Whether affected people benefit from the project.

4) Public consultation

External monitoring institution shall participate in public consultation meeting held in resettlement implementation period. By means of taking part in such consultation meetings, the external monitoring institution shall evaluate effect of public participation.

5) Complaint

External monitoring institution shall visit project affected villages and villager groups, and go to PMOs at all levels and resettlement implementation units which hear complaints, asking about handling of complaints. Moreover, staff members of external monitoring institution shall also interview resettlers who have complaints and put forward improvements and suggestions to existing problems to make resettlement implementation process be more effective.

12.2.2 Monitoring indexes

·Socio-economic indicator: Per capita net income, GDP and employment rate, etc.;

·Institutional indicator: Personnel structure, personnel qualifications, rules and regulation, apparatus, completion rate of dealing with matters;

·Land acquisition (occupation) affected resettlement: Rate of fulfilment of compensation funds, mode of productive settlement, rate of change of economic income, employment rate, degree of satisfaction at settlement;

·Relocated residents: Fulfilment rate of compensation funds, location of house sites, houses reconstruction, degree of satisfaction at settlement;

·Enterprises and institutions: Fulfillment rate of compensation funds, location of net sites, land acquisition progress of new sites, average commuter time of workers and staff, rate of change of staff and workers’ income, rate of change of interest rate; rate of satisfaction at settlement;

·Basic facilities: Rate of fulfillment of compensation funds, restoration of function, etc..

12.2.3 External monitoring report

External monitoring and evaluation institution shall submit a monitoring report and evaluation report in half a year to World Bank, Central Project Office and Henan PMO.

12.3 Post-assessment of Resettlement

After accomplishment of project implementation, on the basis of monitoring and evaluation, post-assessment theory and methodology shall be used to make assessment of resettlement activities under this project. The assessment components mainly include assessment of successful experiences and lessons to be drawn in the aspects of removal of residential houses and enterprises and institutions and land acquisition, etc., and provide experiences for reference to resettlement work in future. The unit which undertakes post-assessment of resettlement implementation should draw up outline of assessment, set up assessment indicator system, carry out socio-economic analytical investigation, draw up “Post-Assessment Report on Resettlement of Henan Provincial Key Plain Low-Lying Land Improvement Project with Loan of World Bank” and submit the report to Henan PMO, Central PMO and World Bank.

13 Table of Rights

Table 13-1-1 Resettlers’ Rights and Interests of Henan Key Plain Low-Lying Land Improvement Project

|Affected |Affected |Compensation And Resettlement Policy |Compensation Item |Low-Lying Area Along|Low-Lying Are In |Low-Lying Area Of |

|Item |People | | |Huaihe River |Lower-Reaches Of |Jialu River And Lower|

| | | | | |Xiaohongriver |Yinghe River |

|Residential Houses |Owner Of Property |1.Implement Monetary Compensation And Scattered Settlement.Removed Houses Should |Rural Scope |350yuan/M2 | |350yuan/M2 |

| | |Be Coompensatedonon The Basis Of Replacement Price,After Getting Monetary |1.Brick-Concrete Structures | | | |

| | |Compensation,Relocated People Could Buy Houses Or Build Houses By Themselves. | | | | |

| | |Rural Relocated Households Should Be Provided With House Sites According To | | | | |

| | |Regulations. Materials Of Demolished Houses Could Be Used By Relocated | | | | |

| | |Households. | | | | |

| | |2.In Implementation, Resettlemt Organizations At Different Levels Should Take |2、Brick -wooden Structures |3200yuan/M2 | |320yuan/M2 |

| | |Effective Measures To Help Low-Income Househoulds. | | | | |

| | |3. Compensation For Resettlers’ Houses Should Be Paid To Relocated Households |3、Keekwilee Structures |290yuan/M2 | |290yuan/M2 |

| | |Beforresettlers’ Building New Houses. If Houses Compensation Are Paid By | | | | |

| | |Instalments, The Final Sum Of Money Should Be Paid Before Completion Of Houses. | | | | |

| | |4.Resettlers Coild Lodge An Appeal On Anything Of Resettlement, Including |4、Other Houses |139yuan/M2 | |139yuan/M2 |

| | |Compensation Standard. The Organizations Dealing With Resettlers’ Complaints | | | | |

| | |Should Not Accept Any Fees. | | | | |

| | |5 Compensation For Resettlers’ Houses during the moving. |1 cost of transportion |250 yuan/ person | |250 yuan/ person |

| | | |2 cost for temp house rent |200 yuan/ person | |200 yuan/ person |

Table 13-1-2 Resettlers’ Rights and Interests of Henan Key Plain Low-Lying Land Improvement Project

|Affected |Affected |Compensation And Resettlement Policy |Compensation Item |Low-Lying Area Along |Low-Lying Are In |Low-Lying Area Of Jialu |

|Item |People | | |Huaihe River |Lower-Reaches Of |River And Lower Yinghe |

| | | | | |Xiaohongriver |River |

|Permanent Land |Collective Land |1if Project Construction Needs Requisition Of Land, The Villagers |1、Irrigated Land |18016yuan/Mu |18016yuan/ |18016yuan/ |

|Occupation | |With Land Being Requisitioned Shall Get Compensation For Land, | | |Mu |Mu |

| | |Settlement Alloqance; The Farming Households With Land Being | | | | |

| | |Requisitioned Shall Get Compensation For Young Crops And On-Ground | | | | |

| | |Attachments. | | | | |

| | |2、If Villages Or Villagers Groups Carry Out Reallocation Of Land |2、Garden Land |25888yuan/Mu |25888yuan/Mu |25888yuan/ |

| | |And Land Development And Utilization, Compensatin For Land And | | | |Mu |

| | |Settlement Allowance Should Be Managed And Used By Villages Or | | | | |

| | |Villagers Groups; On Countrary, If Villages Or Villagers Groups Do | | | | |

| | |Not Have Conditions To Reallocate Land And Carry Out Land | | | | |

| | |Development, The Villages And Villagers Groups Should Pay | | | | |

| | |Settlement Allowance To Rural Households With Land Being | | | | |

| | |Requisitioned, And Compensation For Land Should Be Managed And Used| | | | |

| | |By Villages And Villagers Groups. | | | | |

| | |3、Most Part Of Compensation For Land And Settlement Allowance |3..Fish Ponds |27440yuan/Mu |27440yuan/Mu |27440yuan/Mu |

| | |Should Be Used For Resettlers Productive And Living Restoration, | | | | |

| | |Such As Field Irrigation And Drainage System Construction And Rural| | | | |

| | |Basis Facilities Reform And Agricultural Structural Readjustment, | | | | |

| | |Etc. | | | | |

Table 13-1-3 Resettlers’ Rights and Interests of Henan Key Plain Low-Lying Land Improvement Project

|Affected |Affected |Compensation And Resettlement Policy |Compensation Item |Low-Lying Area Along |Low-Lying Are In |Low-Lying Area Of Jialu |

|Item |People | | |Huaihe River |Lower-Reaches Of |River And Lower Yinghe |

| | | | | |Xiaohongriver |River |

|Temporary Land |Collective Land |1. Compensatin For Temporary Land Use Includes Land Loss |1.Irrigated Land |1126yuan/Mu |1126yuan/Mu |1126yuan/Mu |

|Occupation | |Compensation And Fees For Restoring Cultivation. | | | | |

| | |2. Land Loss Compensation Is Determined According To Annual Output |2、Garden Land |1618yuan/Mu |1618yuan/Mu |1618yuan/ |

| | |Value Of Original Land And Duration Of Land Occupation. | | | |Mu |

| | |3fees For Restoring Ccultivation Are Mainly Used For Restoring |3..Fish Ponds |1715yuan/Mu |1715yuan/Mu |1715yuan/Mu |

| | |Cultivation Of Temporarily Occupied Land After Expiry. Fees For | | | | |

| | |Restring Cultivation Shall Be Determined According To Actually | | | | |

| | |Needed Cost. After Expiry, The Construction Unit Should Carry Out | | | | |

| | |Restoration Of Cultivation. | | | | |

Henan Provincial Huaihe River Basin Key Plain & Low-Lying Land Drainage Improvement Project

with loan of the World Bank

Resettlement action Plan for the First Year

Appendix 1-5

Project Management Office for Foreign Fund

Henan Province Water Resource Department

October. 2008

Table of contents

Appendix Ⅰ: Outline of Resettlement External Monitoring and Evaluation

AppendixⅡ: location of the Project

Appendix Ⅲ: Public Participation Meeting Record

Appendix Ⅳ: Village level Resettlement Restoration Plan

Appendix V: Manual of Resettlement action Plan

Appendix Ⅰ:

External monitoring and evaluation work outline

1. Resettlement monitoring and assessment purposes

According to World Bank, Operational Directive 4.12: Involuntary Resettlement, N0.80 technical paper Involuntary Resettlement in development project-- World Bank, Operational Directive Annex 3 Involuntary resettlement monitoring and assessment technical directive and World Bank loan project in China resettlement monitoring and evaluation operational directive, conduct independent monitoring and assessment of resettlement of Henan Province Huai River Basin key plain low-land project with foreign capital, through inspection of house dismantling and relocation resettlement, enterprise and undertaking relocation and placement shop progress, capital and management, carry out tracing evaluation of resettlement of this project. Regularly (twice a year) report to the World Bank, Project Management Office and relevant competent departments and at the same time, provide information and suggestions for reference by various departments in decision-making. Through independent monitoring and assessment, make World Bank and project competent departments have sufficient understanding whether requisition and resettlement reach desired objectives in time and with fine quality, and point out possible problem and make suggestions for improvement.

2 Resettlement monitoring and evaluation contents

(1) Dwelling house dismantling and relocation and placement progress monitoring and evaluation

Including: ① house dismantling and relocation progress and compensation; ② placement house construction progress; ③ relocation placement progress.

(2) Fund availability and its use monitoring and evaluation

Including: ① Availability of funds disbursed; ② use of the funds (planned and actual).

3 Technical route

Independent monitoring and evaluation of technical route is shown by Figure 1.1.

Map 1.1 Independent monitoring technology route

4 Independent monitoring body

This project resettlement independent monitoring and evaluation shall be undertaken by Resettlement Research Center of Hohai University.

5 Resettlement monitoring and evaluation organization and work division

⑴ Project management office commissions resettlement Research Center to monitor and evaluate specific investigation, data collection, analysis, as well as the results of the review.

⑵ Resettlement Research Center makes up Henan Province Low-Land Control Project Monitoring and Evaluation Group with its tasks as under the instruction from officials of the World Bank, conduct monitoring and evaluation of the resettlement of the project, responsible for drafting monitoring and evaluation work outline, set up monitoring points, responsible for on-site monitoring and investigating and inter-profession analysis, responsible for drafting resettlement monitoring and assessment report.

⑶ When the resettlement monitoring evaluation group conducts on-site monitoring, Project Management Office shall cooperates with it in personnel, traffic, and other aspects.

6 Resettlement monitoring and assessment methods

⑴ Monitoring and assessment adopts the method of combination of on-site investigation, expert analysis and comprehensive assessment.

⑵ Investigation is carried out with the combination of overall and typical natures. Resettlement implementation schedule, funds, institutions and management should receive comprehensive investigation. resettlement households should have sampling survey.

⑶ Sampling survey uses random sampling, conducting tracing survey for resettlement households, shops, dismantling and relocation enterprises and undertakings. Sampling ratio: dismantling and relocation households: 10%; shops: 50%; dismantling and relocation impact enterprises and undertakings: 20%.

⑷ Comprehensive survey takes table survey, discussions, inquiries of files and data.

⑸ Apart from data, pay attention to collection of photographs, records, video and films and objects

7 Resettlement independent monitoring and evaluation work program

In October 2006, establish resettlement independent monitoring and evaluation group, draft outline.

In December 2006, prepare resettlement independent monitoring and evaluation, including preparation of survey and outline, tables, establishment of monitoring system, defining tasks and selecting monitoring points.

In January 2007, conduct basal investigation;

In February 2007, work out monitoring and evaluation report No.1 (basal investigation report);

In August 2007, second monitoring, work out monitoring and evaluation report No.2.

AppendixⅡ: location of the Project


Appendix Ⅲ:

Public Participation Meeting Record

Part I Resettlers’ survey Minute of Zhoukou

Henan province Huaihe River basin key Plain and low land drainage improvement project financed by the World Bank

Resettlers’ survey Minute in Xihua County of Henan Province

Date : July 26, 2006

Location : villagers’ committee of Nitudian in Yebukou Township, Xihua County

Content: key Plain and low land drainage project land acquisition and demolition material targets investigation

Moderator: Xihua County Water Authority deputy director: Zhu Hezhuang

Participants : County Water Authority : Zhu Hezhuang (Deputy Secretary), Shao Liuhuan (engineer) Zehng Shuli (engineers) Wang Qingguo (secretary of the management of Huangqiao part)

Nitudian village: Li xuekui (branch secretary), the village cadres, the villagers’ team leaders and representatives.


1. Zhu Hezhuang from the Water Supplies Department Deputy Director introduces the basic condition focus on the plains in Henan depression treatment works progress of the preparatory work, the size of the project, construction, engineering efficiency, the scope of work and the resettlement of migrants importance, time requirements of the land. Physical indicators survey for the work in general arrangement, the specific requirements and the recommendations.

2. Shao Liuhuan, from the Water Authority, Introduce national publicity and the World Bank resettlement policies, the project, the resettlement of preliminary ideas on this kind Relocation indicators survey methodology, accuracy, Physical indicators of the survey forms were briefed. And the initial development of the means to participate in public projects and participation are made.

3. The opinions of the representatives of the villagers :(1) We fully understand and support the state will use the World Bank loan to solve the problem of water-logging depression very supportive. (2) Hope that the government departments and Resettlement Plan for the establishment of units to actively listen to the broad masses of the affected areas, formulate realistic resettlement plans, earnestly safeguard the interests of resettlers.

Moderator: Zhu Hezhuang

Recorder: Zheng Shuili

Date : July 26, 2006

Henan province Huaihe River basin key Plain and low land drainage improvement project financed by the World Bank

Resettlers’ survey Minute in Xihua County of Henan Province

Date : July 26, 2006

Location : Changle villagers’ committee of Yebukou in Township, Xihua County

Content: key Plain and low land drainage project land acquisition and demolition material targets investigation

Moderator: Xihua County Water Authority deputy director: Zhu Hezhuang

Participants : County Water Authority : Zhu Hezhuang (Deputy Secretary), Shao Liuhuan (engineer) Zehng Shuli (engineers) Wang Qingguo (secretary of the management of Huangqiao part)

Changle village: Geng Xuezhen (village branch secretary), the village cadres, the villagers’ team leaders and representatives.


1. Zhu Hezhuang from the Water Supplies Department Deputy Director introduces the basic condition focus on the plains in Henan depression treatment works progress of the preparatory work, the size of the project, construction, engineering efficiency, the scope of work and the resettlement of migrants importance, time requirements of the land. Physical indicators survey for the work in general arrangement, the specific requirements and the recommendations.

2. Shao Liuhuan, from the Water Authority, Introduce national publicity and the World Bank resettlement policies, the project, the resettlement of preliminary ideas on this kind Relocation indicators survey methodology, accuracy, Physical indicators of the survey forms were briefed. And the initial development of the means to participate in public projects and participation are made.

3. The opinions of the representatives of the villagers :(1) We fully understand and support the state will use the World Bank loan to solve the problem of water-logging depression very supportive. (2) Hope that the government departments and Resettlement Plan for the establishment of units to actively listen to the broad masses of the affected areas, formulate realistic resettlement plans, earnestly safeguard the interests of resettlers. (3), other opinions :

Moderator: Zhu Hezhuang

Recorder: Zheng Shuili

Date : July 26, 2006

Henan province Huaihe River basin key Plain and low land drainage improvement project financed by the World Bank

Resettlers’ survey Minute in Xihua County of Henan Province

Date : July 27, 2006

Location :Songqiao villagers’ committee, Yebukou in Township, Xihua County

Content: key Plain and low land drainage project land acquisition and demolition material targets investigation

Moderator: Xihua County Water Authority deputy director: Zhu Hezhuang

Participants : County Water Authority : Zhu Hezhuang (Deputy Secretary), Shao Liuhuan (engineer) Zehng Shuli (engineers) Wang Qingguo (secretary of the management of Huangqiao part)

Songqiao village: Song Baichun (village branch secretary), the village cadres, the villagers’ team leaders and representatives.


1. Zhu Hezhuang, Deputy Director from the Water Supplies Department, introduces the basic condition focus on the plains in Henan depression treatment works progress of the preparatory work, the size of the project, construction, engineering efficiency, the scope of work and the resettlement of migrants importance, time requirements of the land. Physical indicators survey for the work in general arrangement, the specific requirements and the recommendations.

2. Shao Liuhuan, from the Water Authority, Introduce national publicity and the World Bank resettlement policies, the project, the resettlement of preliminary ideas on this kind Relocation indicators survey methodology, accuracy, Physical indicators of the survey forms were briefed. And the initial development of the means to participate in public projects and participation are made.

3. The opinions of the representatives of the villagers :(1) We fully understand and support the state will use the World Bank loan to solve the problem of water-logging depression very supportive. (2) Hope that the government departments and Resettlement Plan for the establishment of units to actively listen to the broad masses of the affected areas, formulate realistic resettlement plans, earnestly safeguard the interests of resettlers. (3), other opinions :

Moderator: Zhu Hezhuang

Recorder: Zheng Shuili

Date : July 27, 2006

Henan province Huaihe River basin key Plain and low land drainage improvement project financed by the World Bank

Resettlers’ survey Minute in Xihua County of Henan Province

Date : July 27, 2006

Location : villagers’ committee of Fangfen, Yebukou in Township, Xihua County

Content: key Plain and low land drainage project land acquisition and demolition material targets investigation

Moderator: Xihua County Water Authority deputy director: Zhu Hezhuang

Participants : County Water Authority : Zhu Hezhuang (Deputy Secretary), Shao Liuhuan (engineer) Zehng Shuli (engineers) Wang Qingguo (secretary of the management of Huangqiao part)

Fangfen village: Wang yishan (village branch secretary), the village cadres, the villagers’ team leaders and representatives.


1. Zhu Hezhuang, Deputy Director from the Water Supplies Department, introduces the basic condition focus on the plains in Henan depression treatment works progress of the preparatory work, the size of the project, construction, engineering efficiency, the scope of work and the resettlement of migrants importance, time requirements of the land. Physical indicators survey for the work in general arrangement, the specific requirements and the recommendations.

2. Shao Liuhuan, from the Water Authority, Introduce national publicity and the World Bank resettlement policies, the project, the resettlement of preliminary ideas on this kind Relocation indicators survey methodology, accuracy, Physical indicators of the survey forms were briefed. And the initial development of the means to participate in public projects and participation are made.

3. The opinions of the representatives of the villagers :(1) We fully understand and support the state will use the World Bank loan to solve the problem of water-logging depression very supportive. (2) Hope that the government departments and Resettlement Plan for the establishment of units to actively listen to the broad masses of the affected areas, formulate realistic resettlement plans, earnestly safeguard the interests of resettlers. (3), other opinions :

Moderator: Zhu Hezhuang

Recorder: Zheng Shuili

Date : July 27, 2006

Henan province Huaihe River basin key Plain and low land drainage improvement project financed by the World Bank

Resettlers’ survey Minute in Xihua County of Henan Province

Date : July 27, 2006

Location : Gangzhao villagers’ committee, Yebukou in Township, Xihua County

Content: key Plain and low land drainage project land acquisition and demolition material targets investigation

Moderator: Xihua County Water Authority deputy director: Zhu Hezhuang

Participants : County Water Authority : Zhu Hezhuang (Deputy Secretary), Shao Liuhuan (engineer) Zehng Shuli (engineers) Wang Qingguo (secretary of the management of Huangqiao part)

Gangzhao village: zhou Min (village branch secretary), the village cadres, the villagers’ team leaders and representatives.


1. Zhu Hezhuang, Deputy Director from the Water Supplies Department, introduces the basic condition focus on the plains in Henan depression treatment works progress of the preparatory work, the size of the project, construction, engineering efficiency, the scope of work and the resettlement of migrants importance, time requirements of the land. Physical indicators survey for the work in general arrangement, the specific requirements and the recommendations.

2. Shao Liuhuan, from the Water Authority, Introduce national publicity and the World Bank resettlement policies, the project, the resettlement of preliminary ideas on this kind Relocation indicators survey methodology, accuracy, Physical indicators of the survey forms were briefed. And the initial development of the means to participate in public projects and participation are made.

3. The opinions of the representatives of the villagers :(1) We fully understand and support the state will use the World Bank loan to solve the problem of water-logging depression very supportive. (2) Hope that the government departments and Resettlement Plan for the establishment of units to actively listen to the broad masses of the affected areas, formulate realistic resettlement plans, earnestly safeguard the interests of resettlers. (3), other opinions :

Moderator: Zhu Hezhuang

Recorder: Zheng Shuili

Date : July 27, 2006

Henan province Huaihe River basin key Plain and low land drainage improvement project financed by the World Bank

Resettlers’ survey Minute in Xihua County of Henan Province

Date : July 27, 2006

Location : Wazhao villagers’ committee, Yebukou in Township, Xihua County

Content: key Plain and low land drainage project land acquisition and demolition material targets investigation

Moderator: Xihua County Water Authority deputy director: Zhu Hezhuang

Participants : County Water Authority : Zhu Hezhuang (Deputy Secretary), Shao Liuhuan (engineer) Zehng Shuli (engineers) Wang Qingguo (secretary of the management of Huangqiao part)

Wazhao village: Zhao Jinliang (village branch secretary), the village cadres, the villagers’ team leaders and representatives.


1. Zhu Hezhuang, Deputy Director from the Water Supplies Department, introduces the basic condition focus on the plains in Henan depression treatment works progress of the preparatory work, the size of the project, construction, engineering efficiency, the scope of work and the resettlement of migrants importance, time requirements of the land. Physical indicators survey for the work in general arrangement, the specific requirements and the recommendations.

2. Shao Liuhuan, from the Water Authority, Introduce national publicity and the World Bank resettlement policies, the project, the resettlement of preliminary ideas on this kind Relocation indicators survey methodology, accuracy, Physical indicators of the survey forms were briefed. And the initial development of the means to participate in public projects and participation are made.

3. The opinions of the representatives of the villagers :(1) We fully understand and support the state will use the World Bank loan to solve the problem of water-logging depression very supportive. (2) Hope that the government departments and Resettlement Plan for the establishment of units to actively listen to the broad masses of the affected areas, formulate realistic resettlement plans, earnestly safeguard the interests of resettlers. (3), other opinions :

Moderator: Zhu Hezhuang

Recorder: Zheng Shuili

Date : July 27, 2006

Part II Resettlers’ survey Minute of Zhumadian city

Henan province Huaihe River basin key Plain and low land drainage improvement project financed by the World Bank

Resettlers’ survey Minute in Pingyu County of Henan Province

Date : Morning, August 24, 2006

Location :Yard of Sheqiao Township, pingyu County

Theme of the meeting: Investigate the basic situation of affected villages, groups; find out the opinions of resettlers of affected households and the problems that exist in the Henan province Huaihe River basin key Plain and low land drainage improvement project financed by the World Bank.

Moderator: Yang Yinsheng , chief engineer ,deputy director of Pingyu County Water Authority

Participants :

Mr. Li Haizhong ,deputy Director of county PMO, from the Planning and development Deparment of Pingyu county.

Chen Hongfei: Deputy Director of Pingyu County Land Resource.

Liu Ping, section chief of Pingyu County finance.

Liu Hongruan, section chief of Pingyu county Water Authority

There are about more than 40 people attended the meeting, including the CPC secretary or leader of township government of Sheqiao Township,Houliu Township,Wanjindian Township,GUhuai Township,Guolou Township and Wanzhong, 16 village branch secretary of CPC and representatives of the affected villagers.


1. Yang Yinsheng, chief engineer, deputy director of Pingyu County Water Authority, introduces the main purpose of the resettlement survey, tasks, and the need to understand the main content. He mainly explained the condition and progress of the project. He said:

Our surrounding the Xiaoqing River, Nan Machang River, Mao River and Jing river drain the exceed water to Xiao hong river and rejoin to the Huaihe River in Xincai county. For many years, since several large branch river mouths are opened without control structures, drainage culvert gates are small. When flooding season the water on both sides of the river can not be discharged in a timely manner so that thenearby people to suffer waterlogging, this constrained the local agricultural production and economic development.

According to occupied land compensation policy of the state construction projects and the calculation regulation, the permanent occupation of 18,016 yuan per mu of arable land, Young compensation 563 yuan per mu. Provisional covering 1,126 yuan per mu, temporary construction site 500 yuan per mu. Spoil fallow temporary covering 2,400 yuan per mu.

Today's meeting was aimed at the implementation of the resettlement project planning, investigation and in-kind compensation standards for everyone.

2. Chen Hongfei, Deputy Director of Pingyu County Land Resource and Liu Ping, section chief of Pingyu County finance also give a short speech.

3. Deputy Director of Sheqiao township made a speech.

Pingyu County lowland drainage project is a golden opportunity. This project could fundamentally change the situation of river and lowland flooded. The party and government's concern for farmers, I think the implementation of the project and resettlement compensation standards are practical. We should do solid work and actively cooperate with departments of water conservancy.

4.Branch CPC secretaries of the Zang Qiao and Xiguan village have speech.

This project for our people is a great thing to do, is a long-cherished desire. In spite of less farmland will be occupied and Part of felling trees,government provide effective compensation plan and solicit our views, embodiment of the party and the government a people-oriented strategy to solve the water problem. Other villages have also agreed.

5. Yang Yin-sheng, deputy director of water resource department emphasis, within five days after the meeting, Investigation of the physical recovery ended questionnaire must be collected; results should be announced in the form of publicity. 25 to 31 August, the result and resettlement plan will be reviewed and adjusted according to object opinions.

Date : August 24, 2006

Henan province Huaihe River basin key Plain and low land drainage improvement project financed by the World Bank

Resettlers’ survey Minute in Runan County of Henan Province

Date : Morning, August 25, 2006

Location :Meeting room of Runan County Water Authority

Theme of the meeting: Investigate the basic situation of affected villages, groups; find out the opinions of resettlers of affected households and the problems that exist in the Henan province Huaihe River basin key Plain and low land drainage improvement project financed by the World Bank.

Moderator: Sun Rugang, deputy director of Runan County Water Authority

Participants :

Sun Rugang,GuoHao, Ye Kairan from the Runan County Water Authority

Li Hua, deputy director of Runan County land resource

Wen ronghua section chief of Runan County land resource

Representatives of the affected villagers. Chen Jingfei,Ma tong from Banmendian Township, Wang Jinshan, Tang Quanxi, Tang Jie, Ma wei from the Datang village of Sanmenzha Township,Li Dagang, Yan Guoqun from Yangji village of Liupen Township,Wang Yonghao, Wang Gang from Daji village of Liupen Township,Zhu Haiyun, Wang Xinkuan and Chen Ynliang from CHenzhuang village of Jinpu Township.


1. Sun Rugang, deputy director of Runan County Water Authority, introduces the main purpose of the resettlement survey, tasks, and the need to understand the main content. He mainly explained the condition and progress of the project.

The control projects including south Machang River, Duyi groove, and and Jing river, with a total permanent occupied land 15 mu . south Machang River permanent occupied land 6.4 mu, Duyi groove permanent occupies 4.8 mu, Jinghe river permanent covering 3.8 mu. Involving four township (town). In which Liupen township 6.1 mu, Jinpu township 2.3 mu, bandian township 2.8 mu and Sanmenzha township 3.8 mu.

2.Li Hua, Deputy Director of Runan County Land Resource and give a short speech about the policy of state and the world bank for compensation of land occupation in project construction.

The expropriation of the land was requisitioned in accordance with the original land use compensation. Land requisition compensation including land compensation, resettlement and compensation for ground appurtenances and Young a compensation fee. In the land compensation payment of land is belong to rural collective economic organizations; Young and ground appurtenances compensation is to all farmers.

The project land requisition compensation based mainly on Implementation Approach The Henan Land Management Law, Ground accessory compensation based Henan National Construction Accessory Land Acquisition Compensation Standards, they consider the price index to determine growth. And other land reference to the compensation of land compensation standards.

3. Ye Kairan, Deputy Director of Runan water authority made a speech to explain the standard for Land Acquisition Compensation.

Permanent rural collective land requisition compensation standards:

The comprehensively to determine the permanent occupation of cultivated land compensation standards, according to 16 times value of an average the per-mu yield of three years before. the Young compensation costs by 0.5 times value of an average the per-mu yield of three years before for compensation. It is calculated that the average per-mu yield three years before with the value of 1,126 yuan / mu, land acquisition costs 18,016 yuan / mu. Young compensation 563 yuan / mu.

Temporary occupation of land compensation standards.

Temporary occupation of land of the project is main site for temporary river dredging spoil site and the temporary construction of temporary land. Temporary spoil site and construction of temporary site occupied for a year. Provisional covering compensation, including compensation for loss of land and reclamation costs, loss of land compensation fee based on the original annual output value of the land , rehabilitation costs under the Reclamation to determine the actual cost. The project temporarily occupied land for a period of years, the land compensation standards by an average of three years before the per-mu yield a value of the times. Provisional river dredging spoil areas fallow investment of 2,400 yuan / mu, the construction site temporary compensation 500 yuan / mu.

4. Sun Rugang, Deputy Director of Runan water authority made a final speech.

Several comrades just now explained the basic items of compensation policy and compensation standards,. Delegates are asked to consider after mutual discussion, then elected representatives, what kind of advice and recommendations, Finally, we would like to fill in each one, " questionnaire focus on public participation for Henan Province Huaihe River Basin depression treatment projects " . Now, I light of the specific project for everyone to talk about : to safeguard the legitimate interests of the masses and reduce resentment and controversy. The project required the participation of the masses, so to collect and reflect views better completion of the projects construction tasks. In the area of compensation for permanent land occupation, actively participate in and to a profound understanding of national policies and the spirit to know the land compensation fee to the village, all the collective group. Compensation funds to the village, the group, to the villages and groups of collective co-ordination to protect earmarked, the use of funds must go through the group discussion by the villagers, and accept the supervision of representatives of the villagers. So in the future implementation of the project, the active participation of the general cadre is welcomed.

5. Representative speech from the village or group

(1) The project for us is a good thing, compensation criteria in line with real income, we fully support the construction projects.

(2) Support the projects. This is the urgent need for the masses to solve the demand problem, control projects completed, we can no longer afraid of a flood disaster, the compensation standard is quite satisfactory.

(3)In 2003, south Machang River flooded serious, the majority of farmland was drowned. After implementing the project, waterlogging will be solved and will greatly improved local agricultural production conditions, and improve the incomes of peasants. We have no reason not to support.

Moderator : Sun Rugang

Records : Tiancuigong

August 25, 2006

Henan province Huaihe River basin key Plain and low land drainage improvement project financed by the World Bank

Resettlers’ survey Minute in Xincai County of Henan Province

Date : Morning, August 26, 2006

Location :Meeting room of Sunzhao Township,Xincai County

Theme of the meeting: Investigate the basic situation of affected villages, groups; find out the opinions of resettlers of affected households and the problems that exist in the Henan province Huaihe River basin key Plain and low land drainage improvement project financed by the World Bank.

Moderator: Wang Yalin, deputy director of Xincai County Water Authority

Participants :

Cai Ming, the office director of Xincai County government

Wang Yalin, from the Xincai County Water Authority

Mei Lijun, Deputy Director of xincai County Land Resource.

Representatives of the affected villagers.


1. Wang Yalin, deputy director of Xincai County Water Authority, introduces the main purpose of the resettlement survey, tasks, and the need to understand the main content. He mainly explained the condition and progress of the project.

In the project areas of Qigang ditch, Ding Hong ditch, Dagang and Liutiao ditch, and the small gathering tributaries, covering total of 10 townships and permanent covering 73.9 mu. Affected households are 95, the affected population 386 people.

2. Mei Lijun, Deputy Director of Xincai County Land Resource , give a short speech about the policy of state and the world bank for compensation of land occupation in project construction.

The expropriation of the land was requisitioned in accordance with the original land use compensation. Land requisition compensation including land compensation, resettlement and compensation for ground appurtenances and Young a compensation fee. In the land compensation payment of land is belong to rural collective economic organizations; Young and ground appurtenances compensation is to all farmers.

The project land requisition compensation based mainly on Implementation Approach The Henan Land Management Law, Ground accessory compensation based Henan National Construction Accessory Land Acquisition Compensation Standards, they consider the price index to determine growth. And other land reference to the compensation of land compensation standards.

3. Cai Ming, the office Director of Xincai county government made a final speech.

Several comrades just now explained the basic items of compensation policy and compensation standards. Delegates are asked to consider after mutual discussion, then elected representatives, what kind of advice and recommendations, Finally, we would like to fill in each one, " questionnaire focus on public participation for Henan Province Huaihe River Basin depression treatment projects " . Now, I light of the specific project for everyone to talk about : to safeguard the legitimate interests of the masses and reduce resentment and controversy. The project required the participation of the masses, so to collect and reflect views better completion of the projects construction tasks. In the area of compensation for permanent land occupation, actively participate in and to a profound understanding of national policies and the spirit to know the land compensation fee to the village, all the collective group. Compensation funds to the village, the group, to the villages and groups of collective co-ordination to protect earmarked, the use of funds must go through the group discussion by the villagers, and accept the supervision of representatives of the villagers. So in the future implementation of the project, the active participation of the general cadre is welcomed.

4. Representative speech from the village or group

(1) The project for us is a good thing, compensation criteria in line with real income, we fully support the construction projects.

(2) I hope that the government departments and Resettlement Plan for the establishment of units to actively listen to the affected areas and views of the masses, design practical resettlement plans, earnestly safeguard the interests of farmers.

(3) The compensation standards for the project that are being implemented should be the same or higher by the Small Honghe river works in the area of compensation for permanent standards, and the best is the same as in highway projects involving compensation for the permanent land occupation standards.

Moderator : Wang Yalin

Records : Jiao Chengbin

August 26, 2006

Henan province Huaihe River basin key Plain and low land drainage improvement project financed by the World Bank

Resettlers’ survey Minute in Shangcai County of Henan Province

Date : Morning, August 26, 2006

Location :Meeting room of Qihai Township,Shangcai County

Theme of the meeting: Investigate the basic situation of affected villages, groups; find out the opinions of resettlers of affected households and the problems that exist in the Henan province Huaihe River basin key Plain and low land drainage improvement project financed by the World Bank.

Moderator: Zhao Fazhong, chief engineer of Shangcai County Water Authority

Participants :

Xia Huaibin, the deputy director of County Water Authority

Wang Hexin, section chief of shangcai County Land Resource.

Leaders of affected townships, Representatives from the affected villagers.


1. Zhao Fazhong, chief engineer of Shangcai County Water Authority, introduces the main purpose of the resettlement survey, tasks, and the need to understand the main content. He mainly explained the condition and progress of the project.

This project in this county include the river dredging has 275.63 km, dike reinforcement 20.53 km, new construction, reconstruction, maintenance, repair and reinforcement of 144 culverts, four pumping stations, 12bridges. The project occupies a total land area of permanent XinLiu 33 mu, involving nine township 13 villages.

2. Wang Hexin, section chief of Shangcai County Land Resource, explained the policy of state and the world bank for compensation of land occupation in project construction.

The expropriation of the land was requisitioned in accordance with the original land use compensation. Land requisition compensation including land compensation, resettlement and compensation for ground appurtenances and Young a compensation fee. In the land compensation payment of land is belong to rural collective economic organizations; Young and ground appurtenances compensation is to all farmers.

The project land requisition compensation based mainly on Implementation Approach The Henan Land Management Law, Ground accessory compensation based Henan National Construction Accessory Land Acquisition Compensation Standards, they consider the price index to determine growth. And other land reference to the compensation of land compensation standards.

Permanent rural collective land requisition compensation standards:

The comprehensively to determine the permanent occupation of cultivated land compensation standards, according to 16 times value of an average the per-mu yield of three years before. the Young compensation costs by 0.5 times value of an average the per-mu yield of three years before for compensation. It is calculated that the average per-mu yield three years before with the value of 1,126 yuan / mu, land acquisition costs 18,016 yuan / mu. Young compensation 563 yuan / mu.

Temporary occupation of land compensation standards.

Temporary occupation of land of the project is main site for temporary river dredging spoil site and the temporary construction of temporary land. Temporary spoil site and construction of temporary site occupied for a year. Provisional covering compensation, including compensation for loss of land and reclamation costs, loss of land compensation fee based on the original annual output value of the land , rehabilitation costs under the Reclamation to determine the actual cost. The project temporarily occupied land for a period of years, the land compensation standards by an average of three years before the per-mu yield a value of the times. Provisional river dredging spoil areas fallow investment of 2,400 yuan / mu, the construction site temporary compensation 500 yuan / mu.

3. Xia Huaibin, the deputy Director of Shangcai county water authority made a final speech.

Several comrades just now explained the basic items of compensation policy and compensation standards. Delegates are asked to consider after mutual discussion, then elected representatives, what kind of advice and recommendations, Finally, we would like to fill in each one, " questionnaire focus on public participation for Henan Province Huaihe River Basin depression treatment projects " . Now, I light of the specific project for everyone to talk about : to safeguard the legitimate interests of the masses and reduce resentment and controversy. The project required the participation of the masses, so to collect and reflect views better completion of the projects construction tasks. In the area of compensation for permanent land occupation, actively participate in and to a profound understanding of national policies and the spirit to know the land compensation fee to the village, all the collective group. Compensation funds to the village, the group, to the villages and groups of collective co-ordination to protect earmarked, the use of funds must go through the group discussion by the villagers, and accept the supervision of representatives of the villagers. So in the future implementation of the project, the active participation of the general cadre is welcomed.

4. Representative speech from the village or group

(1) The project for the people living in the low-lying land is an extremely good news. Moreover, the compensation standard is very near the views of our people. We can provide good construction environment during the construction period, fully support the project's construction.

(2) This matter is a good thing, we agree with and support. My suggestion : I hope the government start compensation before the project implementation.

(3) Dudi ditch that is not only flooded previously in recent years, but also pollution has become an increasingly serious problem. the people along the ditch requested many times to resolve the matter. Now with the project, if we can solve the waterlogging and pollution problem will be a good thing for the masses along the ditch. The people have no reason not to support.

Moderator : Zhao Fazhong

Records : Shan Xiaoping

August 25, 2006

Part III Resettlers’ survey Minute of Xinyang city

Henan province Huaihe River basin key Plain and low land drainage improvement project financed by the World Bank

Resettlers’ survey Minute in Huangchuan County of Henan Province

Date : Morning, August 24, 2006

Location : Xinliji villagers’ committee of Weigang Township, Huangchuan County

Theme of the meeting: Investigate the basic situation of affected villages, groups; find out the opinions of resettlers of affected households and the problems that exist.

Participants :

Dr. Sun Yan, and Dr. Jia yongfei from the Resettlers center of Hehai University

Mr. Cheng Yongbao ,Director of Planning Deparment of Xinyang City Water Authority

Fu Qiang: engineer of Xinyang institute of water resource designing and reconnaissance

Li Zheng, Deputy Director of Huangchuan county Water Authority

Director of congprehensive management office of Weigai Township government

Wu Shiming, the branch secretary of CPC of XInliji village

Representatives of the affected villagers: Kuang Tiguo, Kuang Shaoting,Xu Jianguo,Wu Shaozhong


First, Dr. Sun Yan introduces the main purpose of the resettlement survey, tasks, and the need to understand the main content, mobilize resettlers with affected households will speak out, not to have worries. Li Zheng briefly descripts the situation of the project, Huangchuan County is a poor county, and the more economically backward, socio-economic situation should truly be reflected.

The representatives of the township government said the project area is on the location of the bottom of the topography pot, low-lying and easy flooded, township and village economy backward, lower than the province's average level. The project involves the resettlement problem, as long as adequate funding and in the right place, we can be assured of resettlement work is carried out smoothly.

Branch secretary of the village introduces the situation.this village has a total of 20 groups, 728 households, population 3,120. 3,280 acres of arable land, of which 1,200 acres belong to flood areas, woodland 500 acres. To the village,there is no adjustable land can be motorized, the resettlement can only be implemented through the use of the compensation fees in the village of unified planning to purchase. Also he introduces the situation on the affected team.

In the course of conversation, the investigating officers inquire to the affected villages about the socio-economic situation in a comprehensive and detailed way, including population, arable land, production, the structure of farming, planting crops input and output, the affected, schemes such as the resettlement program.

Later, investigators carried out a detailed investigation to the detailed location of the affected households, including family members of arable land, income, expenses, and related policies, as well as the understanding of the situation.

In the survey, the main issues raised from the resettlers which households affected,are as follows :

1. The resettlement compensation standards affecting households are also not clear, compensation policy for the compensation standards holders has certain doubts, worry not achieve the goal of replacement. Given that the project has yet to determine the compensation standards, to facilitate the advance publication of standards, in order to avoid inconsistencies, contradictions, adverse implementation. 2, the locations identified and the cost of public facilities by the township and village unified planning resettlement sites and public facilities to consider the matching cost.

Date : August 24, 2006

Henan province Huaihe River basin key Plain and low land drainage improvement project financed by the World Bank

Resettlers’ survey Minute in Huaibin County of Henan Province

Date : Morning, August 25, 2006

Location : Xingying villagers’ committee of Luji Township, Huaibin County

Theme of the meeting: Investigate the basic situation of affected villages, groups; find out the opinions of resettlers of affected households and the problems that exist.

Participants :

Dr. Sun Yan, and Dr. Jia yongfei from the Resettlers center of Hehai University

Mr. Cheng Yongbao ,Director of Planning Deparment of Xinyang City Water Authority

Fu Qiang: engineer of Xinyang institute of water resource designing and reconnaissance

Li Minghai, secretary of CPC of Huaibin county Water Authority

Jian Hongming, Deputy Director of Huaibin county Water Authority

Yang Yang , CPC secretary of Luji Township

Xing Shuzhi, the branch secretary of CPC of xingying village

Representatives of the affected villagers: Liang Kejie,Liang Maoguo,Liang Kezhao, Liang Maoyong


First, Dr. Sun Yan introduces the main purpose of the resettlement survey, tasks, and the need to understand the main content, mobilize resettlers with affected households will speak out, not to have worries. Li Zheng briefly descripts the situation of the project, Huangchuan County is a poor county, and the more economically backward, socio-economic situation should truly be reflected.

The representatives of the township government said the project area is in a stated grade poor county. He explained the detail resettlement fund and the resettlement plan. In the process of implementation, management of resettlement fund will be transparency to all affected farmers. As long as adequate funding and in the right place, we can be assured of resettlement work is carried out smoothly.

Deputy Director of Huaibin county Water Authority introduces some case which are implementatedsuch as Da hong river,Qisi resettlement project,HuaiHe beach resettlement project,etc.he said there is no need to worry about the compensation standard.

Branch secretary of the village introduces the situation. This village has 15 groups, 675 households, population 2,840, 2,550 acres of farmland, Floodplain belong flood (diked area has been building the dike in the circle). To this village ,there is no adjustable land can be motorized, the resettlement can only be implemented through the use of the compensation fees in the village of unified planning to purchase. Also he introduces the situation on the affected team.

In the course of conversation, the investigating officers inquire to the affected villages about the socio-economic situation in a comprehensive and detailed way, including population, arable land, production, the structure of farming, planting crops input and output, the affected, schemes such as the resettlement program.

Later, investigators carried out a detailed investigation to the detailed location of the affected households, including family members of arable land, income, expenses, and related policies, as well as the understanding of the situation.

In the survey, the main issues raised from the resettlers which households affected,are as follows :

1. The resettlement compensation standards affecting households are also not clear, compensation policy for the compensation standards holders has certain doubts, worry not achieve the goal of replacement. Given that the project has yet to determine the compensation standards, to facilitate the advance publication of standards, in order to avoid inconsistencies, contradictions, adverse implementation. 2, the locations identified and the cost of public facilities by the township and village unified planning resettlement sites and public facilities to consider the matching cost.

Date : August 25, 2006

Appendix IV:

Village level Resettlement Restoration Plan

1 Income and placement recovery plan of Xingying Village, Luji Township, Huaibin County

A brief description

Project impact:This village involved permanent requisition and house dismantling and relocation, construction of pumping drainage stations led to permanent land requisition and dismantling and relocation of some houses, impacting a small number of households, causing a small loss of land per household, causing a considerably big number of house dismantling and relocation, and damaging some public facilities, such as roads, river and electric poles.

Priorities in the recovery plan: ①Distinguish land loss impact, screen out seriously impacted households, formulate practical recovery plan according to impact; ② Determine methods of dismantling and relocation impacted households for placement and gaining house plots ③ Use of village collective compensation funds, in particular for production development, agricultural development, development of other industries and development of village collective welfare undertakings; ④ Post-mitigation agricultural production benefit and affected households’ life recovery.

1 Placement objectives

Provide reasonable compensation and proper placement to farmers impacted by requisition and dismantling and relocation, ensure that after requisition and dismantling and relocation, displaced persons shall restore or exceed their original production, income and living conditions. According to practical situation of displaced persons in the project area in 2006, the resettlement objectives of the displaced persons are:

(1) Ensure grain self-sufficiency, in response to the fact that the contradiction between people and land is sharp, through structure adjustment of agricultural industries, fully tap the potential of land production so as to improve land outputs and ensure not to decrease agricultural income lower due to land reduction.

(2) Ensure that post-placement production and living standards can restore or exceed that before requisition and dismantling and relocation

(3) Infrastructure, social and economic conditions and ecological environment shall maintain or even exceed the level before requisition and dismantling and relocation.

2 Restoration Principles

1 Production and income restoration principles

(1) Respect will of affected persons, maintain or improve their way of life and traditions

(2) Recovery plan takes impact of requisition and house dismantling and relocation as foundation, compensation and subsidy standards as basis;

(3) Recovery plan should combine with village group construction, resource development, economic development and eco-environmental protection so as to realize sustainable development of impacted village groups;

(4) Ensure to improve living standards of the vulnerable with adverse impact of the project.

2 House Restoration Principles

(1) Affected households can select house reconstruction methods, such as self-construction according to overall plan, overall dismantling and relocation and construction and self-dismantling and self-construction, new house construction sites are to be agreed on by the village committee and households impacted by dismantling and relocation under the guidance of the township government;

(2) Arrange house sites for new house construction in accordance with state regulations free of charge and provide relocation costs;

(3) Time of reconstruction of houses of farmers impacted by dismantling and relocation is about 2-3 months. New houses will be constructed by farmers themselves and the farmers can have their original house building materials free of charge, which should not be deducted from compensation fees;

(4) House dismantling and relocation compensation fees must be paid to the farmers before house dismantling and relocation for their new house construction. The district (county) (resettlement) project management office shall open a new bank account (deposit book) for each farmer impacted by dismantling and relocation, remit full dismantling and relocation compensation fees to their deposit book in a one-off way for their use by stages according to new house building progress, and unfreeze it after completion of relocation (10% of house compensation fee is frozen to ensure timely house construction and relocation of farmers).

(5) When farmers impacted by dismantling and relocation reconstruct their houses, if they need to expand living area or improve quality of housing, they should bear the additional costs by themselves; the farmer should decide whether to expand house area or improve house quality by themselves according to their economic ability.

(6) In house reconstruction and relocation process, the district (county) project management office, township government and village committee shall provide assistance to farmers in difficulty.


4 Recovery Plan

1 Village and group profile

Xingying Village, Luji Township, Huaibin County, is relatively backward and poor because of remote location and inconvenient traffic. This village takes agriculture as main. This village has 2840 people of 675 households of 15 groups, all of whom are agricultural population, including 1619 laborers. It has a plow-land of 2550mu, a per capita plow-land of 0.9mu, a per capita net income of 1200 Yuan. Belonging to a village in flood (beyond the polder built), it had had zero autumn yield for 3 consecutive years. This village has 752 laborers work in other places all the year round and return home to work in the field in the busy farming season. This village has a total production value of 3.40 million Yuan including an agricultural total production value of 2.10 million Yuan, a tertiary industry (mainly referring to outward working) production value of 1.30 million Yuan. The main agricultural crops include corn, peanuts, rice and wheat.

Xingying Village, Luji Township, has 15 groups. The building of drainage pump stations impacted its Liangdong Group with 34 households, 138 people, 77 laborers with a balanced male and female proportion. This group has a plow-land of 82 mu, a per capita plow-land of 0.59 mu, mainly planting rice, wheat and corn.

2 Condition survey of affected families

RA sample survey has been made on social and economic conditions of households impacted by requisition and dismantling and relocation, obtaining valid samples of 7 household, involving 44 people, accounting for 70% of the total number of the affected households (in total 10 household impacted by requisition and dismantling and relocation).

The 7 households have a total plow-land of 27.1 mu, which is entirely dry land, per capita 0.62 mu, a per mu income of 800 Yuan, a total housing area of 486m2, per capita 11.05m2, including a brick-concrete area of 289m2, a brick and wood area of 149m2, a half brick and wood area of 48m2, a total family income of 69696 Yuan, per capita 1584 Yuan. Income consists of 4 parts, namely, agricultural income, sideline income, enterprise and undertaking wage income and outward working income, namely, agricultural income of 23980 Yuan, sideline income of 2900 Yuan, enterprise and undertaking wage income of 14212 Yuan and outward working income of 28600 Yuan, respectively covering 34%, 14%, 21% and 41%. The family total expenditure is 40190 Yuan, per capita 913 Yuan, including agricultural production expenditure of 7320 Yuan, accounting for 18% of the total expenditure, health expenditure of 3,700 Yuan, accounting for 9.2%, non-staple food expenditure of 1800 Yuan, accounting for 4.5%, education cost of 20800 Yuan, accounting for 52%, communication cost of 2360 Yuan, accounting for 5.9%, living expenses of 4,581Yuan, accounting for 11.4%. With the development of agricultural modernization and agricultural structure adjustment, at present, in the rural area it is not necessary to totally rely on land for a living as in the past, and a large number of surplus laborers appear. They go out for working in cities with their own abilities and skills in large quantities on their own initiative or through labor service channel arranged by the government, and most of them will return home to do farming in harvest or planting seasons. Therefore, they have their main income come from outward working. The structure is shown by Table 1-1.

Table 1-1 Annual income and expenditure structure of the investigated

|Project |Per capita (Yuan/person) |Structure proportion (%) |

|Family annual income |Enterprise and institution wage income|545 |34% |

| |Sideline income |66 |4% |

| |Agricultural income |323 |21% |

| |Outward working income |650 |41% |

| |Total annual income |1584 |100% |

|Family annual expenditure |Agricultural production expenditure |166 |17% |

| |Life expenditure |104 |11% |

| |Medical expenditure |84 |8.7% |

| |Non staple food expenditure |41 |4.2% |

| |Education expenditure |473 |49% |

| |Communication expenditure |54 |5.6% |

| |Total annual expenditure |965 |100 |

3 Project impact analysis

Requisition and dismantling and relocation involve 10 households, 57 people, 29 laborers, 35.29 mu of plow-land of Liangdong Group, Xingying Village. For detailed information, see Attached Table 1.

(1) Requisition impact analysis

Permanent requisition involves 5 households, 30 people of Liangdong Group, Xingying Village, land requisition of 2.71 mu including dry land of 2.55 mu, fish pond of 0.16 mu. 5 requisition impacted households have contracted a total land of 18.9 mu with a proportion of land requisition of 3.3%. Permanent requisition of Xingying Village is shown by Table 1-2.

Table 1-2 List of Xingying Village requisition

|Group |Householder |Existing plow |Permanent requisition (mu) | Requisition |

| | |land | |proportion |

| | | |Dry land |

| |Total household number (household) |Total population |Plow land (mu) |

| | |(person) | |

| |Brick |Brick and |Semi -brick and |Attached |Sub-total | | |

| |mixes |wood |wood |building | | | |

Table 1-5 Affected infrastructure

|Street/township or town |Neighborhood committee/village |380V wire pole |Power cable |

| | |piece |M |

|Luji |Xingying |2 |150 |

In terms of house dismantling and relocation households, the affected area is concentrated in 5~150m2, in total 10 households, including 5-50m2 for 3 households, 51~150m2 for 7 households. Table 1-6 lists Xingying Village dismantling and relocation household housing impact analysis. Annex 1 and Annex 2 show a list of the entire 10 households impacted by dismantling and relocation.

Table 1-6 Analysis of impact on Xingying Village removal household houses

|Group |

|Year |Stricken time |Stricken area (mu) |Average yield reduction degree (%) |

| |Brick mixes |Brick and wood (tile) |

|Family annual income |Sideline income |394 |14.7% |

| |Agricultural income |496 |18.5% |

| |Outward working income |1790 |66.8% |

| |Total annual income |2680 |100% |

|Family annual expenditure |Agricultural production expenditure |262 |24% |

| |Life expenditure |247 |22% |

| |Medical expenditure |118 |11% |

| |Non staple food expenditure |193 |18% |

| |Education expenditure |224 |21% |

| |Com munication expenditure |39 |4% |

| |Total annual expenditure |1083 |100 |

2.3.3 Project impact analysis

(1) Acquisition impact analysis

Permanent land acquisition of 2.66 mu includes dry land of 2.36 mu, fish pond of 0.3 mu. Permanent acquisition involves 6 households, 27 people of Nanyuan Group, Xinliji Village, a proportion of land acquisition of 2%. Permanent acquisition of Xinliji Village is shown by Table 2-2. Out of the 6 acquisition impacted households, 3 have a land acquisition ratio of 13~14% and 3 have a land acquisition ratio of 3~4%. Agricultural income is not the main income source, therefore land acquisition has little impact over the income of the households.

Table 2-2 List of land acquisition of Nanyuan Group, Xinliji Village

|Group |Householder |Existing plow |Permanent acquisition ( mu) |Acquisition |

| | |land | |proportion |

| | | |Sub-total |

| |Total household number (household) |Total population |Plow land ( |household |

| | |(person) |mu) |average plow |

| | | | |land |

| |Brick mixes |Brick and wood |Semi -brick and wood |

| | |piece |M |

|Weigang |Xinliji |1 |100 |

In terms of house dismantling and relocation households, the affected area is concentrated in 50~150㎡, in total 11 households, including 51-100㎡ for 3 households, 101~150㎡ for 7 households. Table 1-5 lists Xinliji Village dismantling and relocation household housing impact analysis. Annex 2 shows a list of the entire 11 households impacted by dismantling and relocation.

Table 1-6 Analysis of impact on Xinliji Village removal household houses

|Group |

|Year |Stricken time |Stricken area ( mu) |

| |Brick mixes |Brick and wood (tile) |Civil (cottage) |Brick and wood (tile) |Civil (cottage) |

| |㎡ |

| |Enclosure |Toilet |Manure pit  |

|Household annual |Agricultural income |42204.00 |1834.96 |66.93% |

|income | | | | |

| |Sideline income |1000.00 |43.48 |1.59% |

| |Outward working income |16000.00 |695.65 |25.38% |

| |Other income |3850.00 |167.39 |6.11% |

| |Total annual income |63054.00 |2741.48 |100.00% |

|Household annual |Life expenditure |42550.00 |1850.00 |80.92% |

|expenditure | | | | |

| |Agricultural production expenditure |10036.00 |436.35 |19.08% |

| |Total annual expenditure |52586.00 |2286.35 |100.00% |

9.3.3 Project impacted analysis

(1) Acquisition impact analysis

This project acquired this village’s land of 2.99 mu, entirely dry land, involving this village’s a group, 5 household, 23 people. The affected 5 households contracted a land of 29.9 mu, with a land acquisition proportion of 10%. Acquisition of Liuqiao Village is shown by Table 9-2.

Table 1-2 List of Liuqiao Village land acquisition

|Group |Householder |Original plow land |Permanent acquisition ( mu) |Acquisition rate |

| | | | |(%) |

| | |Paddy field |Dry land |

| |Total household number |Total |Plow land |Household average |

| |(household ) |population |( mu) |plow land |

| | |(person) | | |

|Dry land |1822 |wheat |798 |1493956 |

(2) Reasoning income recovery

After obtaining compensation funds, the resettlement households generally use them to:

(a) To engage in secondary and tertiary industries, such as opening a shop, or establishing a factory. In the village, as a result of traffic, it is not convenient for villagers to go shopping. Some people will to open their own shops, sell daily necessities, to facilitate villagers and at the same time increase their income. Such a shop needs a startup fund of several thousand Yuan. In watercourse project, each household is very slightly impacted and the compensation funds will be around 10,000 Yuan, suitable for such a shop. According to the survey, about 20% of the affected households will use compensation funds to open small shops. They will have a monthly income of about 200 ~ 300 Yuan. Generally, after completion of the project, they will have their income restored.

(b) To work outward. In this area, many young laborers are currently working away from home. Some, however, in order to save transport costs or living in poverty and often choose to work in the seat of Shangcai County or Zhumadian City. With the compensation funds, they can choose to go a bit farther places such as Wuhan and even the coastal areas like Guangdong, There are more job opportunities, and a higher income. For example, the same wage in a restaurant in Shangcai County or Zhumadian City, the wage is about 600 ~ 800 Yuan/month. In Wuhan, it is 800 ~ 1,000 Yuan/month, in Guangdong and other coastal areas it is even higher. Obviously, their income can be increased by at least 200 Yuan/month. According to the survey, About 40% of the affected households will choose to work in other places to increase income.

(c) Adjust the industrial structure, or use remaining land to develop family economy. In the area, agricultural income is still the main income source. The project acquisitioned land is generally along watercourses, which is of poor quality, featuring inconvenient farming and lower yield. And, as the land related to every household is very small. Their agricultural loss is relatively small. At the same time, farmers can use the compensation funds to improve and adjust the remaining better land, which is easier to be focused and facilitate cultivation. According to estimate, through planting structure adjustment, per mu income will be increase by at least 200 Yuan.

(d) Purchase insurance or others. About 10% of villagers, in the absence of clear objectives, will have their compensation funds temporarily deposited in a bank or buy insurance to ensure their income. In case of depositing the funds in a bank, per mu compensation funds will bring about an annual interest of about 600 Yuan / month.

Therefore, implementation and experience of previous projects proofs, through the implementation of the above measures, it is possible to guarantee affected farmers to have their income meet or exceed that before acquisition .

(3) Risk and risk prevention

In Liuqiao village acquisition and dismantling and relocation process, since village (group) and farmers were less impacted, the standards for compensation was proper, compensation funds were ensured, and income recovery plan was feasible. Therefore, acquisition and dismantling and relocation faced less risk.

To ensure acquisition and dismantling and relocation to proceed smoothly, avoid opaque distribution of acquisition dismantling and relocation compensation funds in its management and utilization, it is necessary to make village collective affairs public and acquisition and dismantling and relocation impacted persons supervise the use of compensation funds.

Annex 1: List of Liuqiao Village acquisition impact households

|Householder name |Family total population|Agricultural |Labor force |Male (person) |Contracted plow land area ( mu) |

| |(person) |population |(person) | | |

| | |(person) | | | |

| | | | | |Sub-total |Paddy field |Dry land |

|Liu Che |5 |5 |4 |3 |6.5 |0 |6.5 |

|Liu Chenggang |3 |3 |2 |1 |4.2 |0 |4.2 |

|Chen Zhiguo |3 |3 |3 |1 |3.9 |0 |3.9 |

|Liu Lizhi |6 |6 |5 |4 |7.5 |0 |7.5 |

|Liu Hongli |6 |6 |6 |3 |7.8 |0 |7.8 |

28 Income and placement recovery plan of Nitudian Village, Xihua County, Zhoukou City

A brief description

Impact of the project: this village has only 1 household involved in permanent land acquisition, 2 households involved in temporary land acquisition and without any other special effects.

The recovery plan should focus on: ① payment of compensation; ② benefit of agriculture after disaster reduction

28.1 Basic information about the affected village groups and their villagers

Nitudian Village has 657 households, 2,554 people. This village has now 2,882 mu of arable land, a per capita arable land of about 1.13 mu. Fu Shen, a farmer affected, belongs to Nitudian Village No. 6 Group, this group has 320 people.

This village has its agricultural planting structure with corn, wheat and soybean as the main species of plants. Therefore, the flood affected farmers’ fall crops, namely corn, which plays an important role in the income of rural households.

28.2 Affect from the project

Lower reaches depression sub-project of the Jalu River and the Yinghe River will have permanent land acquisition of 0.33 mu, affecting 1 household, 4 people. The project will have temporary land acquisition of rural collective land of 11.76 mu, affecting 2 households, 11 people, involving no demolition of housing.

28.3 Revenue recovery plan

The project has a very slight land acquisition of land of this village, namely, 0.33 mu, with a land loss rate of 8.2%,

After the implementation of this project, on the one hand, the farmers will reduce the chances of suffering from devastating floods, reduce agricultural production losses, directly increase their agricultural income, on the other, permanent land acquisition compensation.

① Benefit of disaster reduction

In recent years, the village has almost suffered flood every year, the people have been seriously affected by floods. According to the village committee’s preliminary statistics, on the average, about 600 mu of farmland was affected, 70% of fall grain output was zero and even total 450 mu of land had no income, causing heavy losses to farmers. Table 1 shows the analysis of the added value of agricultural income after the implementation of the project.

Table 1 Analysis of income of farmers after disaster reduction

|Farmland category |Average area without yield ( |Crop category |Net income without being|Added value of farmer’s net |

| |mu) | |flooded (Yuan/ mu) |income (Yuan) |

|Irrigable land |450 |Corn |300 |135000 |

② The use of land compensation

The affected households will receive compensation of about 6,000 Yuan, which will be used for planting structure adjustment, increase of the acreage of cash crops and revenue.

The temporary land acquisition will have an impact on 2 households for a year, and the constructor shall be responsible for rehabilitation. Upon completion of the project, the farmers can continue farming. In addition, each farmer will receive an annual compensation for one-year farming income, and their income level shall not be affected.

3 Income and placement recovery plan of Liuqiao Village, Shangcai County, Henan Province

A brief description

Project impact: main impact of this project over this village was permanent requisition, involving in total 5 households, 23 residents. This project had a little amount of land requisition and therefore the impact over this village was slight, and did not involve any house dismantling or relocation.

Priorities in the recovery plan: ① Distinguish land loss impact, screen out seriously impacted households, formulate practical recovery plan according to impact; ② Directly provided compensation funds to the farmers; ③ Post-mitigation agricultural production was benefited.

1 Placement objectives

Provide reasonable compensation and proper placement to farmers impacted by requisition and dismantling and relocation, ensure that after requisition and dismantling and relocation, displaced persons shall restore or exceed their original production, income and living conditions. According to practical situation of displaced persons in the project area in 2006, the resettlement objectives of the displaced persons are:

(1) Ensure grain self-sufficiency, in response to the fact that the contradiction between people and land is sharp, through structure adjustment of agricultural industries and fully tap the potential of land production so as to improve land outputs.

(2) Ensure that post-placement production and living standards can restore or exceed that before requisition and dismantling and relocation

(3) Infrastructure, social and economic conditions and ecological environment shall maintain or even exceed the level before requisition and dismantling and relocation.

Restoration Principles

1 Production and income restoration principles

(1) Respect will of affected persons, maintain or improve their way of life and traditions

(2)Recovery plan takes impact of requisition and house dismantling and relocation as foundation, compensation and subsidy standards as basis;

(3) Recovery plan should combine with village group construction, resource development, economic development and eco-environmental protection so as to realize sustainable development of impacted village groups;

(4) Ensure to improve living standards of the vulnerable with adverse impact of the project.

2 House Restoration Principles

(1) Affected households can select house reconstruction methods, such as self-construction according to overall plan, overall dismantling and relocation and construction and self-dismantling and self-construction, new house construction sites are to be agreed on by this village committee and households impacted by dismantling and relocation under the guidance of the township government;

(2) Arrange house sites for new house construction in accordance with state regulations free of charge and provide relocation costs;

(3) Time of reconstruction of houses of farmers impacted by dismantling and relocation is about 2-3 months. New houses will be constructed by farmers themselves and the farmers can have their original house building materials free of charge, which should not be deducted from compensation fees;

(4) House dismantling and relocation compensation fees must be paid to the farmers before house dismantling and relocation for their new house construction. The district (county) (resettlement) project management office shall open a new bank account (deposit book) for each farmer impacted by dismantling and relocation, remit full dismantling and relocation compensation fees to their deposit book in a one-off way for their use by stages according to new house building progress, and unfreeze it after completion of relocation (10% of house compensation fee is frozen to ensure timely house construction and relocation of farmers).

(5) When farmers impacted by dismantling and relocation reconstruct their houses, if they need to expand living area or improve quality of housing, they should bear the additional costs by themselves; the farmer should decide whether to expand house area or improve house quality by themselves according to their economic ability.

(6) In house reconstruction and relocation process, the district (county) project management office, township government and village committee shall provide assistance to farmers in difficulty.

2 Recovery Plan

1 Village domain overview

Liuqiao Village, Xihong Township, Shangcai County Henan Province, has now 497 households, 2238 people, all are agricultural population, without minority population, 1,454 laborers, accounting for 65% of the total population, male and female ratio is 1: 1.03. According to division of practitioners of the state, it has 1,018 farmers and 154 workers, 282 tertiary practitioners. This village has a plow-land of 2909.4 mu, per capita plow-land of about 1.3 mu, agricultural production takes farming as main, main crops are wheat, corn and soybeans. In 2005, it had a domestic production total value of 9.14 million Yuan, including the primary industrial production total value of 3.22 million Yuan, the secondary industrial production total value of 3.57 million Yuan, the tertiary industrial production total value of 2.35 million Yuan. In 2006 it had a per capita income of 1867 Yuan.

Project impacted Liuqiao Village No. 5 Group has 5 households, 23 people, all are agricultural population, 20 laborers including 11 men, a plow-land of 29.9 mu, per capita plow-land of 1.3 mu . Its main crops are wheat, soybean, corn and rape.

2 Condition survey of affected families

Carried out a full survey of social and economic conditions requisition, dismantling and relocation impacted households, in total 5 households, involving 23 people covering 100% of the affected households.

The 5 households have a plow-land of 29.9 mu, including a dry land of 24.97 mu, per capita land of 1.3 mu, per mu yield of 1075 Yuan. It had a family total income of 63,000 Yuan, a per capita income of 2741 Yuan. Income channels include agricultural income and sideline income, wage income and other income, with the respective ratio as 66.9%, 1.6%, 25.4% and 6.1%. It had a family total expenditure of 52,600 Yuan, per capita 2286 Yuan, with agricultural production expenditure covering 80.9%, and cost of living covering 19.1% with expenditure of health accounting for 6.1%, non-staple food accounting for 64.3%. Its income and expenditure structure is shown by Table 1-1 .

Table 1-1 Annual income and expenditure structure of the investigated

|Project |Total value |Per capita | Structure proportion (%)|

| | |(Yuan/person) | |

|Household annual income |Agricultural income |42204.00 |1834.96 |66.93% |

| |Sideline income |1000.00 |43.48 |1.59% |

| |Outward working income |16000.00 |695.65 |25.38% |

| |Other income |3850.00 |167.39 |6.11% |

| |Total annual income |63054.00 |2741.48 |100.00% |

|Household annual |Life expenditure |42550.00 |1850.00 |80.92% |

|expenditure | | | | |

| |Agricultural production expenditure |10036.00 |436.35 |19.08% |

| |Total annual expenditure |52586.00 |2286.35 |100.00% |

3 Project impacted analysis

(1) Requisition impact analysis

This project requisitioned this village’s land of 2.99 mu, entirely dry land, involving this village’s a group, 5 household, 23 people. The affected 5 households contracted a land of 29.9 mu, with a land requisition proportion of 10%. Requisition of Liuqiao Village is shown by Table 1-2.

Table 1-2 List of Liuqiao Village requisition

|Group |Householder |Original plow land |Permanent requisition (mu) |

| |Total household |Total population |Plow land |Household average |

| |number (household )|(person) |(mu) |plow land |

|Dry land |1822 |wheat |798 |1493956 |

(2) Reasoning income recovery

After obtaining compensation funds, the resettlement households generally use them to:

(a) To engage in secondary and tertiary industries, such as opening a shop, or establishing a factory. In the village, as a result of traffic, it is not convenient for villagers to go shopping. Some people will to open their own shops, sell daily necessities, to facilitate villagers and at the same time increase their income. Such a shop needs a startup fund of several thousand Yuan. In watercourse project, each household is very slightly impacted and the compensation funds will be around 10,000 Yuan, suitable for such a shop. According to the survey, about 20% of the affected households will use compensation funds to open small shops. They will have a monthly income of about 200 ~ 300 Yuan. Generally, after completion of the project, they will have their income restored.

(b) To work outward. In this area, many young laborers are currently working away from home. Some, however, in order to save transport costs or living in poverty and often choose to work in the seat of Shangcai County or Zhumadian City. With the compensation funds, they can choose to go a bit farther places such as Wuhan and even the coastal areas like Guangdong, There are more job opportunities, and a higher income. For example, the same wage in a restaurant in Shangcai County or Zhumadian City, the wage is about 600 ~ 800 Yuan/month. In Wuhan, it is 800 ~ 1000 Yuan/month, in Guangdong and other coastal areas it is even higher. Obviously, their income can be increased by at least 200 Yuan/month. According to the survey, About 40% of the affected households will choose to work in other places to increase income.

(c) Adjust the industrial structure, or use remaining land to develop family economy. In the area, agricultural income is still the main income source. The project acquisitioned land is generally along watercourses, which is of poor quality, featuring inconvenient farming and lower yield. And, as the land related to every household is very small. Their agricultural loss is relatively small. At the same time, farmers can use the compensation funds to improve and adjust the remaining better land, which is easier to be focused and facilitate cultivation. According to estimate, through planting structure adjustment, per mu income will be increase by at least 200 Yuan.

(d) Purchase insurance or others. About 10% of villagers, in the absence of clear objectives, will have their compensation funds temporarily deposited in a bank or buy insurance to ensure their income. In case of depositing the funds in a bank, per mu compensation funds will bring about an annual interest of about 600 Yuan / month.

Therefore, implementation and experience of previous projects proofs, through the implementation of the above measures, it is possible to guarantee affected farmers to have their income meet or exceed that before requisition.

(3) Risk and risk prevention

In Liuqiao village requisition and dismantling and relocation process, since village (group) and farmers were less impacted, the standards for compensation was proper, compensation funds were ensured, and income recovery plan was feasible. Therefore, requisition and dismantling and relocation faced less risk.

To ensure requisition and dismantling and relocation to proceed smoothly, avoid opaque distribution of requisition dismantling and relocation compensation funds in its management and utilization, it is necessary to make village collective affairs public and requisition and dismantling and relocation impacted persons supervise the use of compensation funds.

Annex 1: List of Liuqiao Village requisition impact households

|Householder name |Family total population|Agricultural |Labor force |Male (person) |Contracted plow land area (mu) |

| |(person) |population |(person) | | |

| | |(person) | | | |

| | | | | |Sub-total |Paddy field |Dry land |

|Liu Che |5 |5 |4 |3 |6.5 |0 |6.5 |

|Liu Chenggang |3 |3 |2 |1 |4.2 |0 |4.2 |

|Chen Zhiguo |3 |3 |3 |1 |3.9 |0 |3.9 |

|Liu Lizhi |6 |6 |5 |4 |7.5 |0 |7.5 |

|Liu Hongli |6 |6 |6 |3 |7.8 |0 |7.8 |

Table of contents

1. General Information of the Project ….……….……….…… ……………………2

1.1 Introduction of the Project ……………………………… ………………………………………2

1.2 Project Preparation and Progress ………………………………………………………………4

1.3The Area to Be Benefited from the Project and the Area to Be Affected by the Project.. …………6

1.4 Socioeconomic Background of Project Area………………………………………………………6

1.5 Total Investment and Mode of Financing of the Project ……………………… …………………6

1.6 The Measures for Lessening Project Influence…………… ……………………………………7

2. Project Influence ……… ……………………………………………………………9

2.1 Requisition of Rural Collective Land ……………………………………………………………9

2.2 Permanent Occupation of Public Land …………………………………………………………15

2.3 Pemporary Land Occupation …………… ………………………………………………………15

2.4 Removal of Residents’ Houses …………………………………………………………………17

2.5 Enterprises to Be Affected ………………………………………………………………………20

2.6 Institutions to Be Affected ………………………………………………………………………20

2.7 Stores and Shops to Be Affected …………………………………………………………………20

2.8 Unlicensed Construction…………………………………………………………………………20

2.9 Population to Be Affected…………………………………………………………………………20

2.10 Colony of Weak Tendency, Floating Population and Minority Nationality …………………20

2.11 Affected on-ground attachments or basic facilities infrastructures……………………………20

2.12 Deadline for Compensation……………………………………………………………………23

3 Investigation Results of Socio-economic Status……………………………….……23

3.1 Investigation Results of Rural Socioconomy of Project Affected Counties and Towns (townships) ………………………………………………………………………………………23

3.2 Sample Investigation of Basic Information of the Affected Rural Households…………………31

3.3 Sample Investigation of Basic Information of Project Affected Urban Residents Households ………………………………………………………………………………………33

3.4 Basic Information of Affected Enterprises……………………………………………………33

3.5 Basic Information of Affected State Institutions………………………………………………33

3.6 Basic Information of Affected Stores or Shops ……………………………………………33

3.7 Unlicensed Construction……………………………………………………………………34

3.8 Basic Information of Colony of Weak Tendency to Be Affected……………………………34

3.9 Basic Information of National Ethic Community to Be Affected……………………………34

4 Legal and Policy Framework……………………………………….………………35

4.1 Major Laws and Policy Applicable for Resettlement…………………………………………35

4.2 Relevant Provisions of Laws and Policy Concerning Resettlement ………………………35

4.3 Resettlement Policy of the Project……………………………………………………………49

5 Compensation Standards…………………………………..……………..………53

5.1 Compensation Standard for Permenantly Registered Rural Collective Land…………………53

5.2 Compensation Standard for Temporary Land Occupation ……………………………………55

5.3 Compensation Standard for Removal of Residential Houses……………………………………58

5.4 Compensation Standard for Removal of Non-residential Houses………………………………58

5.5 Compensation standard for unlicensed construction……………………………………………58

6 Schemes for Restoration of Resettlers’ Production and Living…. ..……………59

6.1 Resettlement Targets, Principles and Guiding Ideology…………………………………………59

6.2 Resettlement of Permanent Land Acquisition and Temporary Land Occupation……………….61

6.3 Rural Residential Houses Removal and Settlement………………………………..…………..…61

6.4 Enterprises, State Institutions, Stores and Shops, Floating Population, Unlicensed

Construction and Colony of Weak Tendancy…………………………………………..………...66

6.5 Affected Basic Facilities and On-ground Attachments………………………………..……….…66

7 Public Participation …………………………….…………………………….……67

7.1 Public Participation Strategy…………………………………………………………………..…67

7.2 Public Participation Process and Policy Open Plan …………………………………………… 67

8 Appealing Procedures………………………………………………………………70

8.1 The Possible Complained Issues and Settlement of the Problems……………….……….………70

8.2 Appealing Channels and Procedures……………………………………………….………………70

9 Organizations………………………………………………………………………74

9.1 Resettlement Action Related Organizations………………………………………….………….…74

9.2 Instituional Framework……………………………………………………………….……..……74

9.3 Duties of Resettlement Offices …..…………………………………………….…………………76

9.4 Manning of Organizations ……………………………………….……………….………………76

9.5 Measures for Strengthening Organizations Ability…………………………….………………..…79

10 Implementation Schedule……………………………………………………..……80

10.1 Implementation Principles of Linking up Progress between Resettlement and Project Construction…………………………………………………………………………….………………80

10.2 Schedule for Key Tasks of Resettlement Implementation ……………………….……………..50

11. Investment Estimate of Land Acquisition and Removal Compensation ………………………………………………………………………. 83

11.1 Explanation of Investment Estimate ……………………………………………….…………….. 83

11.2 Investment Estimate……………………………………………………………….………………. 84

12 Monitoring and Evaluation………………………………………………………... 91

12.1 Internal Monitoring………………………………………………………………….……………91

12.2 External Independent Monitoring ……………………………………………….………………95

13. Table of Rights…………………………………………………………………….. 97


Appendix Ⅰ: Outline of Resettlement External Monitoring and Evaluation…………………………104

AppendixII: Project Schemetaic Diagram…………………………….……….………….…………107

Appendix Ⅲ: Public Participation Meeting Record……………………….……….…………………108

Appendix IV: Village level Resettlement Restoration Plan…………………….……….………….…124

Appendix V: Manual of Resettlement action Plan (see Chinese version)


[1] “Description”should include laborers training and employment and allowance to conoly of weak tendancy


Project located town government villagers’committee or villagers group

County level project resettlement implementation management office

City level project resettlement implementation management office


aHenan Provincial Project Resettlement

Implementation Management Office

Henan Provincial Water Resources Department

Offices for handling leeters or visits from the maases

Discipline inspection departments at provincial, city or county level

Legal departments at provincial, city or county level

Socio-economic survey


Draft monitoring and evaluation work plan

Draft survey program, survey forms, typical household and typical units

Sample survey program design

Basal investigation

Establish monitoring and evaluation management information systems

Monitoring survey

Monitoring survey

Bodies to monitor the implementation of resettlement

Typical dismantling and relocation household monitoring

Land user monitoring

Monitoring data compilation database economic survey

Comparative analysis and assessment

Monitoring and evaluation report drafting

Resettlement monitoring complete or nor

End of the economic survey




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