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SALVATION: WORKS VS GRACE THROUGH FAITHMARY -- (enters with Boss) Listen, Boss, I don't want to takeany more company time talking about religion.BOSS -- (guides Mary to podium) Consider it a business lesson.MARY -- A business lesson? What does business have to do withreligion?BOSS -- You'll see. Here we are.MARY -- This is the bookkeeping department. What doesbookkeeping have to do with salvation?BOSS -- (points to opposite exit) Here comes my bookkeeper. Shewill answer your question about salvation.BARB -- (enters opposite slowly, leafing through computerprintout)MARY -- I didn't ask a question. I merely said that faithwithout works is dead. How is a bookkeeper going to add anythingto a conversation about salvation?BOSS -- Our bookkeeper is not only a wiz with numbers, she'salso an expert on Greek and Hebrew.MARY -- You're not making any sense.BARB -- Good morning, chief.BOSS -- You got a minute?BARB -- Sure, what's up?BOSS -- Our friend here seems to think that faith alone is notenough to get a person into Heaven.BARB -- She needs a lesson in bookkeeping.BOSS -- That's what I said.MARY -- Is this whole company going nuts?BOSS -- Tell her what you told me.BARB -- The language of salvation was written in bookkeepinglanguage.MARY -- You're crazy.BARB -- Sorry to disappoint you. But I'm quite sane. In theHebrew language that described Abraham's salvation in the Bookof Genesis, Moses used a bookkeeping term.MARY -- He did?BARB -- Yes.MARY -- I'll bet I know what it says. I'll bet it says thatAbraham PURCHASED his salvation. Or was salvation SOLD to himfrom God for good works?BARB -- Sorry to disappoint you but the language suggestsneither a sale nor a purchase, but a transfer of assets.MARY -- A transfer of assets?!BOSS -- You better tell our non-technical friend what thatmeans.BARB -- It means that no goods or services were rendered in thetransaction. The Bible says that when Abraham believed God,righteousness was transferred to his account.MARY -- Awe, come on! Are you saying that Abraham didn't have toDO ANYTHING to get righteousness?BARB -- Not according to the bookkeeping language of thetransaction.BOSS -- It's like going into your bank and finding out that thebank president transferred money to your account without adeposit slip.MARY -- That's unbelievable!BOSS -- Tell her about the transfer of assets that Jesus made onthe cross.MARY -- Awe, come on! I may not know my Old Testament, but Iknow that Jesus never said anything about bookkeeping on thecross!BARB -- No. But he did use a bookkeeping term.MARY -- What bookkeeping term?BARB -- Just before he died, Jesus said, "Tetelestai", whichis the exact wording bookkeepers used to mark an invoice as"Paid in full".BOSS -- In other words, the creator of the universe, whocredited Abraham's account with righteousness now also does atransfer of assets into the accounts of everyone who believes.BARB -- "Paid in Full". That's the language he used.MARY -- That's amazing!BOSS -- Isn't it though?!MARY -- Then what about works? If it's just a transfer, what dothe works pay for?BOSS -- They don't PAY FOR anything. Think about it. If Isuddenly transferred a couple of thousand dollars to your payenvelope on pay day for no reason, wouldn't you feel a littlegratitude?BARB -- Or at least a little obligation?MARY -- Yes. Yes, I suppose I would. So what?BOSS -- The point is that your gratitude or sense ofobligation would cause you to act differently. Wouldn't it?MARY -- Sure, I suppose.BOSS -- But any works you decided to do out of gratitude wouldcome AFTER the transfer, not BEFORE. Any works you did would bethe RESULT of the transfer, not the CAUSE of it.MARY -- Oh, I see. But what about when James says, "Faithwithout works is dead?"BARB -- James addressed his letter to people who calledthemselves believers. That means they had already received thetransfer of assets from Jesus.BOSS -- That's right. James referred to his readers as BROTHERS.He's saying that the lack of works indicates a lack of gratitudeor obligation.BARB -- The point of his letter was to suggest that if a personhas no sense of gratitude or obligation, perhaps he didn’t?receive the transfer of assets after all. Perhaps he shouldreexamine the depth of his belief.BOSS -- No belief, no transfer.MARY -- Oh, I guess I've got the tail wagging the dog.BARB -- (turns, exits paging through printout) That's whathappens when you don't know about bookkeeping language.BOSS -- (turns to exit) So, do you still think you can buy yoursalvation with works?MARY -- (follows) No, of course not. But tell me more about allthis money your going to transfer to my pay envelope.GIVING TO MISSIONS: TRAVEL WITHOUT LEAVING HOMEAMY -- (enters writing in a check book)LIZ -- (follows) Say, while you're writing checks, I could use afew extra bucks.AMY -- (offers two checks) Here, hold these, will you?(continues writing)LIZ -- (takes checks) Sure. Say, you made a mistake.AMY -- (writing) I did?LIZ -- Yes. You wrote both of these checks to the same payee.AMY -- (writing) That's no mistake. I did that on purpose.(tears out check, offers check)LIZ -- (takes check) Hey. This check has the same payee as the other two.AMY -- (writing) That's right. So does this one.LIZ -- Your writing all these checks to the same payee onpurpose?AMY -- Yes.LIZ -- You'd better watch out. The men in the white coats are going to put you in a padded cell.AMY -- You think I'm crazy?LIZ -- Why are you writing four checks to the same payee?AMY -- Five.LIZ -- Five?!AMY -- Yes. This is how I get around.LIZ -- Have you been getting enough sleep?AMY -- I'm not crazy. I just love to travel.LIZ -- Alright! That's it. I'm removing all the sharp objectsfrom your room until you get help.AMY -- You don't get it, do you?LIZ -- Obviously not.AMY -- (tears check, offers it) Who is the payee on all thosechecks.LIZ -- (reads) They're payable to the church. So?AMY -- Now, look at the notation in the lower left hand corner.LIZ -- (pages) This one says Brazil. This one says Zambia. Thisone says India. They're all different countries.AMY -- Like I said. I love to travel.LIZ -- These checks aren't big enough to buy you a taxi ride tothe airport, let alone a plane ticket to Tanza... Tanza...AMY -- Tanzania. That's in Africa. I've never been on a safari.LIZ -- You're not well. Why don't you take a few aspirins andlie down.AMY -- You don't have to worry about me. I'm as sane as you are.LIZ -- Then explain to me how a check for twenty dollars isgoing to get you to Tanza... Tanza....AMY -- Tanzania. I love to travel, but right now I have too manycommitments at home and too little money to travel, so I send mymoney all over the world by sponsoring missionaries who go there.LIZ -- Oh! Missionaries! Oh, I get it! These checks are for missionaries! You're donating to the mission fund!AMY -- Exactly.LIZ -- Say, you got any money left over?AMY -- A little. Why? Do you need a loan?LIZ -- No. I always wanted to go to Malaysia.AMY -- (snatches checks, exits) Send your own money to Malaysia!LIZ -- (follows) Your travelers are sure a snooty bunch!PRAYER THE LORD'S PRAYER SPOKEN TO THE LORDAMY -- (enters, kneels, clasps hands) Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name.GOD -- (voiceover) Thank you.AMY -- (looks around) Who said that?GOD -- Who were you talking to?AMY -- God. (pause, looks up) God?GOD -- Yes.AMY -- (looks around) You're kidding, right? I mean, this is a put-on, right?GOD -- Don't you want to talk to me?AMY -- Well, sure, but.... well, I never really expected to talk to you.GOD -- Obviously.AMY -- What do you mean?GOD -- You were repeating an old prayer that you could say in your sleep. And you weren't even thinking about the words.AMY -- Well, sure I was.GOD -- What does HALLOWED mean?AMY -- Hallowed, you know.GOD -- I know. I was the one who gave you the prayer. But what does HALLOWED BE YOUR NAME mean to you?AMY -- Can I have a hint?GOD -- What is the third commandment from Exodus 20?AMY -- Ah, let's see. (mumbles) You shall have no... You shall not make... (aloud) I know, you shall not misuse the name of the Lord. So?GOD -- So, do you misuse the name of the Lord?AMY -- Lord knows I've never.... Oh, I just did it, didn't I?GOD -- Yes.AMY -- I.... I'm sorry. You must really hate people who misuse your name like that.GOD -- No, Amy, I love people who misuse my name. What I hate is the sin. Cheapening my name is a sin.AMY -- I'm sorry.GOD -- Would you like some help with that sin, Amy?AMY -- Yes.GOD -- That's what you asked for when you prayed "Hallowed be your name." But rather than rattling off a prayer in 400 year old English, why don't you just ask for help in your own words?AMY -- Lord, I really need your help to keep from cheapening your name. I'm at my worst when I'm around other Christians. I banter your name about like I am a prophet: "God knows this" "The Lord wants me to do that". I even tell other Christians what to do in your name, as if it's a revelation directly from you. I don't want to cheapen your name anymore. GOD -- That's better. I'll be happy to help you with that. What else can I help you with.AMY -- Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done. Whatever that means.GOD -- How can you find what my will is?AMY -- By reading your.... Oh, oh.GOD -- Did we hit another sore spot?AMY -- Yes, I need your help with my morning quiet time. I don't have a regular time every day to read your word or to pray. It just happens when I get the time. Help me to spend time with you every day. And help me to keep my mind from the cares of the world while I'm reading the Bible and especially when I'm praying.GOD -- Yes, Amy, I can help you with that. But there's something else, isn't there?AMY -- Yes. You know that I have been struggling for years with... well, you know what it is. I confess it almost every time I pray and I still have no hope of getting rid of it. Can you help me to do your will?GOD -- I've been waiting for you to stop struggling with it. My strength is best in your weakness.AMY -- Why do you put up with me?GOD -- Because you are unique. There's a ministry that I design specifically for your interests and your strengths, but especially for your weaknesses. But you're useless to me until you quit trying to do it on your own. AMY -- You know, I have been so busy trying to please you that I don't have time to really let you work in my life.GOD -- What does "Give us this day our daily bread" mean to you?AMY -- It means I have to stop worrying about money. Lord, help me to trust you for my daily needs. Do you forgive me for being so stubborn?GOD -- Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.AMY -- Are you saying that you won't forgive me until I forgive my mother?GOD -- Is that an issue for you?AMY -- You know it is, Lord. But she really hurt me.GOD -- Amy, how much have I forgiven you?AMY -- Ouch! Oh, you got me there!GOD -- You keep committing the same sin over and over and over again, yet, every time I hear your confession, I forgive you. How many times are you going to beat up your mother for one offense against you?AMY -- You make it sound so petty.GOD -- Well, is it petty?AMY -- Compared to what you've forgiven me, it is petty. Lord, help me to forgive my Mom. And then I need you to forgive me for disrespecting her. I have been so busy making her wrong that I never had a chance to admit that I was breaking your command to respect my parents. I want to forgive my mom, Lord. Can you help me forgive her?GOD -- I can help you with all those things, Amy. Do you want to finish the rest of the Lord's Prayer.AMY -- You never really intended for us to pray that prayer over and over again did you?GOD -- No. I told my disciples "this is HOW you should pray", not "this is WHAT you should pray". The Lord's Prayer was never meant to be a ritual. I would much rather have you pour out your heart to me, as you just did.AMY -- Thanks for listening, Lord.GOD -- You're welcome, Amy. Oh, by the way, you'd better answer the phone.AMY -- But the phone isn't ri.... (phone rings, Amy stands, moves to exit) Is this some sort of answer to one of my prayers?GOD -- It's your mother. She just tried to pray the Lord's prayer too. But she didn't finish it either. She's calling to say she's sorry.AMY -- Mom?! (picks up cordless phone, puts it to ear, looks up) Thanks, Lord. (exits) Hey, Mom, guess who I just talked to.... ................

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