BTT1O – Information Technology

Assignment 11 – Final Excel Spreadsheet Assignment

The World Famous BTT1O Web Shopping Experience

You are lucky enough to win $2,000,000 dollars in a lottery that allows you to go on a web shopping spree. You can search the Internet for all the things you would love to buy but couldn’t because your allowance just wasn’t big enough.


1. Open a new Microsoft Excel document and name it 11 – Excel Shopping Spree. Save this in your BTT1O folder.

2. In cell A1 write the title of the worksheet: SHOPPING SPREE; bold, 12 point.

3. Create the following headings beginning in column A at cell A3. Format them to bold. Adjust column widths to display headings in full.


|/ 5 C |pie graph is well-formatted |

| |includes a title |

| |corresponding labels on each pie slice |

| |percentage amounts on each slice |

|/ 5 C |paragraph is well-written |

| |proper spelling and grammar |

| |paragraph sufficiently answers WHY particular items were chosen |

|/ 5 TI |spreadsheet is easy to read/scan |

| |use of colour, fill, borders, etc. compliments the overall document |

Total: ______________ /25



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