For Sale By Owner Script

For Sale By Owner Script

“Hello, my name is _______________. May I speak to _______________________. I'm calling about your property at _____________________? Is it still available?”

[If no longer available]: “Oh, okay. I’m calling from a real estate investment company and we usually buy 4-10 houses per month. Do you have any other properties for sale or do you know of anyone else who’d like to sell their property quickly?”

[Write response here:] ______________________________________________________________________


[If they have property or know someone:] “Okay, great. Someone from our office will be in contact with you shortly. Thank you so much. Have a great day.”

[If they don’t have any other property or do not know anyone who wants to sell]: “Okay, thank you for your time. Good bye.”

[If it is available]: “Okay, great. My company usually buys 4-10 houses per month. Would you mind telling me a little bit about your situation?”

[Proceed to ask the questions from the Property Information Sheet]


1. Speak in a natural voice and be courteous and professional.

2. Motivated Sellers:

a. Use the For Sale By Owner script

b. Call the owner and ask them the questions over the phone and fill out the Property Information Sheet as best as you can

c. Find the following information online and include on the Sheet:

i. Price range of sold homes in the area

ii. Rent prices in the area

d. Make any notes on the bottom of the sheet that you think I should know about

PROPERTY INFORMATION SHEET Price Range of Homes in Area:________________

Median Rents in Area: _______________________

Date Source

Name Day Ph

Address Night Ph

City Cell Ph

State Zip Code Email

DESCRIPTION Would you please tell me a little bit about your property? [Let them speak and fill in as they talk]

How many Bedrooms: ____ How many Baths _____ How many Square feet: ______ How big is the lot? ________

How many stories does the house have?: 1 2

Do you live in the property? Yes No [If they don’t live there]: Is it rented out? Yes No

Is your house vacant? Yes No

Does it have a garage? Yes No [If yes]: What size garage?:1 car 2 cars 3 cars Is it attached? __Y __N


► Is the house listed with a realtor? Yes No When do you want to move?

► Why are You Selling?

► Does it need repairs? Yes No What kind of repairs?

► What is your Asking Price? How much do you think your house is worth today?

► How did you arrive at your asking price?

EXISTING MORTGAGE INFORMATION Sometimes we can work out a deal if we know your mortgage history. Would you mind telling us how much you owe on the property?

How much do you owe on your first mortgage? $___________________

What is the interest Rate % Is the rate: Fixed OR Adjustable? When will it adjust?_______________ What is the monthly payment for the first? $

How much do you owe on your second mortgage? $___________________

What is the interest Rate % Is the rate: Fixed OR Adjustable? When will it adjust?_______________ What is the monthly payment for the second? $

Do your monthly payments include tax and insurance? Yes No: Taxes: $____________ Insurance: $___________

Are your Payments Current? Yes No [If not current]: How many months are you behind?

►If I were to offer you all cash and close within 7 day, what is the least amount you would accept? $

► Is that the best you can do? Yes No If “I Don’t Know” ► Will you give me a Ball Park Figure? $

► So, Your saying if you don’t get $ , You won’t sell the house this week? Yes No

How much do you need? What will you use this money for?

► Would you sell your house for what you owe on it? Yes No ►Are you willing to wait for your equity? __Y __N

Okay, great. Someone from our office will be in contact with you shortly. Thank you so much. Have a great day

Notes: _______________________________________________________________________________________


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