PRLog - Buy Wholesale Sell Retail

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Buy Wholesale Sell Retail

As the economy takes a beating with some folks, it is helping others who are choosing to change the way the think about making money; moving from regular jobs to small businesses.

Dec. 6, 2010 - PRLog -- Buy Wholesale and Sell Retail from BellyScarf

Recession has hit hard in the US, as homes continue to foreclose, unemployment rates skyrocket higher and retail stores shut down their doors. Some wonder how to survive this monster recession. While others are taking advantage and succeeding in a hidden corner of the market, which continues to thrive in this sluggish economy. As costs are rising, and insurance are going up, people are looking at ways of cutting costs and beating competitors simply because they can cut the overhead costs and be a great competitor to the big businesses and win. Vijay Harkishnani, owner of has done just that. He opened a small online store last year to help retailers and small business succeed by offering wholesale clothing. His motivation behind was to just make a little side income as most families now need a second income to succeed in this economy. Now as you can look around, one-income families are quickly becoming a thing of the past in most US households.

As Vijay grew up in India, he found most people were either entrepreneurs or small businesses instead of working a 9-5 job. Either they were selling tomatoes in the local market or shoes at the boutique mall. As the US jobs are going scarce, he sees a similarity of the shift from jobs to more small businesses thriving and headed that direction as other countries have adapted, like India and China. He emphasizes that "it's our innate ability to survive, adapt to changes and succeed in whatever economy we are in." More and more people are adapting to this change, by learning about buying in bulk on wholesale and selling it at Retail prices, whether it's buying from ebay or buying directly from a manufacturer. The online industry lets you do that.

Vijay started the same way by buying wholesale and selling it to retail. Now he manufactures his own line of clothing and sells it to distributors and small businesses succeed by selling them only in bulk quantities. Before the business, he was stuck in a job with small opportunities for earning the potential he was worth, and says, "the nice thing about owning your own business is that the more work you put in, the more money you make, and no one can take that away from you." Only towards the end of 2009, he started building own website, worked at nights and weekends on his laptop and invested about $20 to startup his marketing. Now with a lot of research and free help online, he has sold thousands of products in his first year of business.

The key is, he explains, you have to find a product that sells, and buy it cheap. Selling it is the easy part. As he has reached his pinnacle, he wants to help others succeed in his line of work, and offers wholesale rates to new entrepreneurs who are motivated like him. You don't need a lot to invest, you can buy 1 Dozen hip scarfs for $6 each and sell them for retail for $20-25 each. It's simple, you can sell them in a flea market, online store, or a Retail outlet or home parties, the potential is unlimited.

People buy these Jingly Belly Scarfs for Belly dancing, Zumba workout, wearing them jeans for hip hop clubs or costume parties." He explains that there are lot of scams and get rich quick schemes out there, but the real way to make money has always been the same as his parents made with these simple rules.

1) Always have good intentions of helping people 2) Work your butt off cause there ain't no free lunch 3) Honesty and integrity are the key in any relationship or business 4) If you help others, they will support you back. If you screw them, they will make sure you get what you

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He states, "when I started, I was not looking to make a Million dollars- just a few dollars extra so I can have some extra spending money, I hope you have the same mentality. If you are motivated, I would love to help you start your retail business and show you the steps, go to my website to check out the wholesale items and get in touch with me to get free advice on our contact page at . I wish you lots of success."

He suggests, in the 90's, the money to make was in the Stock market. Around 2003, it was the Real Estate market, and the gold rush is Online Industry and hopes more people will join him in shifting over to survive and succeed in this seemingly unending recession. For questions or comments, you can reach visit his website for wholesale opportunities.

Vijay Harkishnani, Owner Cell: 425-283-9342 Email: vharkish@

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offers wholesale clothing to the public for small businesses and individuals wishing to make money online.

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Bothell Washington 98012 United States Business, Jewelry, Shopping Wholesale, Wholesaler, Online Marketing, Distributing, Affiliate, Making Money, Money, Business,

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