General Introduction - DoD Procurement Toolbox

Better Buying DoD by Portfolio (Small Business Analysis) ReportPBIS Reports User Guides Procurement Business Intelligence Service (PBIS) OSD, A&S, DPCVersion 1.004/17/2019Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Introduction PAGEREF _Toc512870 \h 3General Introduction PAGEREF _Toc512871 \h 3Purpose of this User’s Guide PAGEREF _Toc512872 \h 3Report Overview PAGEREF _Toc512873 \h 3Location within PBIS PAGEREF _Toc512874 \h 3Requirement PAGEREF _Toc512875 \h 5Data Sources PAGEREF _Toc512876 \h 5Business Rules PAGEREF _Toc512877 \h 5Update Frequency PAGEREF _Toc512878 \h 6Report Features and Usage PAGEREF _Toc512879 \h 7Tabular Data PAGEREF _Toc512880 \h 7Prompts PAGEREF _Toc512881 \h 9Export PAGEREF _Toc512882 \h 11Aggregation PAGEREF _Toc512883 \h 12Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc512884 \h 12Summary PAGEREF _Toc512885 \h 12Access to PBIS PAGEREF _Toc512886 \h 13Introduction General IntroductionProcurement Business Intelligence Service (PBIS) is a data warehouse capability used for mining enterprise procurement data across the Department of Defense (DoD) and displaying that information in a user-friendly dashboard-like presentation to understand the true health of the acquisition community's operating environment.Its primary purpose is to serve Senior Procurement Executives and provide management-level reports that enable them to make well informed business decisions prior to issuing new procurement policy that may impact other functional areas within the DoD supply chain. Purpose of this User GuideThe purpose of this User Guide is to provide an overview of the Better Buying DoD by Portfolio (Small Business Analysis) Report. This includes steps to access and interpret the report in PBIS, as well as parameters established to dictate the data appearing in the report. Report OverviewBetter Buying DoD by Portfolio (Small Business Analysis) Report consists of a two-tab report identifying ACTIONs and AWARDs organized by Portfolio to facilitate analysis of adherence to Better Buying Power initiatives. Additionally, this report provides Small Business Eligible Dollars as well as dollars allocated to Small Businesses by category thus enabling analyses. The report houses multiple years of data, which can be viewed one year at a time due to volume, and manipulated in a number of ways to display and export relevant information, identify trends, perform analyses, etc.For additional details regarding Better Buying Power initiatives, please refer to the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics memorandum found at (9Apr15).pdf.Location within PBISThe Better Buying DoD by Portfolio (Small Business Analysis) Report is accessed through the PBIS tool. See the section in this user guide entitled “Access to PBIS” for further instructions. Once you have logged into the PBIS Reports tool, click on the Procurement Data Analysis link under the Reports section as shown in Figure 1.1836420105537000Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1You will then see a listing of all of the Procurement Data Analysis reports (Figure 2). 198120167957500Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 2The “Better Buying DoD by Portfolio (Small Business Analysis)” is contained within Better Buying Power Analysis. Click the link indicated in red in the above screenshot to view the contents of that folder, as shown in Figure 3.179070224599500Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 3Click on “Better Buying DoD by Portfolio (Small Business Analysis)” to generate and view the report. Screenshots of what you will see are shown below, in the “Tabular Data” section of this User Guide at the end of this document.RequirementThe Better Buying DoD by Portfolio (Small Business Analysis) Report collects, aggregates, and presents all metadata related to both ACTIONs and AWARDs in order to facilitate analysis of adherence to the Better Buying Power initiatives along with Small Business Eligible Dollars and dollars allocated to Small Businesses by category.Data SourcesData for the Better Buying DoD by Portfolio (Small Business Analysis) Report are pulled directly from the Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS). FPDS data is available from FY2010 forward via ATOM FEED. Business RulesParameters have been applied to the data from FPDS to ensure ACTIONs and AWARDs retrieved and displayed in the first tab of this report, Small Business DoD Awarded By Portfolio, are issued by DoD. Additionally, ACTIONs and AWARDs retrieved and displayed on the second tab, Small Business DoD Funded By Portfolio, are funded by DoD. Note this is specific to AWARDs and does not include Indefinite Delivery Vehicles (IDVs). Programming is then developed to ensure these restrictions:CONTRACTING_AGENCY_DEPT_ID = ‘9700’Section 4A Contracting Agency Code of the FPDS Data Dictionary identifies this data element. This data element identifies DoD as the agency issuing the contract. Includes ACTIONs and AWARDs where the Contracting Agency is DoD.Note this parameter is only applied to the “Small Business DoD Funded By Portfolio” tab.FUNDING_AGENCY_DEPT_ID = ‘9700’Section 4C Program/Funding Agency – Code of the FPDS Data Dictionary identifies this data element. This data element identifies DoD as the agency funding the contract. Includes ACTIONs and AWARDs where the Funding Agency is DoD.Note this parameter is only applied to the “Small Business DoD Funded By Portfolio” tab.The FPDS Data Dictionary is available for further reference at FrequencyAll FPDS reports, including the Better Buying DoD by Portfolio (Small Business Analysis) Report, are refreshed daily. Data presented in the report reflects data as of two days prior to the report’s generation. This date will be presented on the report on the top left of the page, just above the table, as indicated in Figure 4 (Small Business DoD Awarded by Portfolio) and Figure 5 (Small Business DoD Funded by Portfolio).1036320162814000Figure 41017270160909100Figure 5Report Features and UsageTabular DataAll data elements are shown on two pages as represented in the screenshots below; therefore, two tabs are necessary for this report. The report defaults to the current fiscal year, and as seen in Figures 6a-6b and 7a-7b, shows all data related to contracting Better Buying DoD by Portfolio. From here, you can view, filter, print and export the report tailored to your specifications, as explained below in the “Prompts” section of this User Guide.The following data columns are displayed in the Small Business DoD Awarded by Portfolio tab of this report, and displayed in Figure 6a-6b:Fiscal YearContracting Department CodeContracting Department NameContracting Agency Group CodeContracting Agency Group NameContracting Agency CodeContracting Agency NamePSC DescPortfolio GroupPortfolioEligible ActionsEligible DollarsSmall Business ActionsSmall Business DollarsSmall Business Dollars %SDB ActionsSDB DollarsSDB Dollars %8A Actions8A Dollars8A Dollars %Veterans ActionsVeterans DollarsVeterans Dollars %Disabled Veterans ActionsDisabled Veterans DollarsDisabled Veterans Dollars %Women Owned ActionsWomen Owned DollarsWomen Owned Dollars %Hubzone ActionsHubzone DollarsHubzone Dollars %Figure 6aFigure 6bThe following data columns are displayed in the “Small Business – Better Buying DoD Funded by Portfolio” tab of this report, and displayed in Figure 7a-7b:Fiscal YearContracting Department CodeContracting Department NameFunding Agency Group CodeFunding Agency Group NameFunding Agency CodeFunding Agency NamePSC Type DescPortfolio GroupPortfolioEligible ActionsEligible DollarsSmall Business ActionsSmall Business DollarsSmall Business Dollars %SDB ActionsSDB DollarsSDB Dollars %8A Actions8A Dollars8A Dollars %Veterans ActionsVeterans DollarsVeterans Dollars %Disabled Veterans ActionsDisabled Veterans DollarsDisabled Veterans Dollars %Women Owned ActionsWomen Owned DollarsWomen Owned Dollars %Hubzone ActionsHubzone DollarsHubzone Dollars %Figure 7aFigure 7bPromptsPrompts are dropdown menus that allow users to filter the report results by a set of predetermined fields. Once the report has been generated, multiple prompts are available to refine results. These prompts are interdependent; that is, each prompt and whether or how it is filtered will affect what data the other prompts display. Within the report, the prompts are as follows in the Small Business DoD Awarded by Portfolio tab of this report, as shown in Figure 8. Users may make selections as desired into any of these in order to filter results.Action TypeSelect whether you wish to see all contract actions or new contracts awarded (this is a radio button, where the user may either select “All Actions” or “New Awards”). By default, the report is set to present data for all actions.Fiscal YearChoose the fiscal year (or years) for which you want to pull data (the report defaults to the current fiscal year). This is based on the year the contract was signed. You can select as many fiscal years as you need from FY2010 forward.Date Signed (between)Select two dates to bound your data, based on the year the contracts you wish to view were signed. By default, the report will display all data for the current fiscal year to date. Note that your selected dates may span multiple fiscal years (for example, to cover a period from FY15 into FY16).Contracting DepartmentTo refine your search based on the department that issued the contract, select the name of the contracting department whose data you wish to pull. If nothing is selected, data for all contracting departments will be displayed.Contracting Agency NameTo refine your search based on the agency that issued the contract, select the name of the contracting agency whose data you wish to pull. If nothing is selected, data for all contracting agencies will be displayed. Contracting Agency Name, Major Command Code and Contracting Office Code are a hierarchical grouping in that order (highest to lowest), and so have specific dependencies relative to each other.PSC TypeSelect whether you wish to view a product (P) or service (S). If nothing is selected, the report will display results for both products and services. PSC Type, Portfolio Group, Portfolio, and PSC are hierarchically related, and so have specific dependencies relative to one another.Portfolio GroupSelect the portfolio group for which you wish to view data. If nothing is selected, the report will display all portfolio groups. This is one level of detail up from Portfolio, and has specific dependencies relative to PSC Type, Portfolio and PSC.PortfolioPortfolio represents the next level of detail down from Portfolio Group, and has specific dependencies on PSC Type and PSC. Select the portfolio for which you wish to view data. If nothing is selected, the report will display all portfolios.Figure 8Within the report, the prompts are as follows in the Small Business Buying DoD Funded by Portfolio tab of this report, as shown in Figure 9. Users may make selections as desired into any of these in order to filter results.Action TypeSelect whether you wish to see all contract actions or new contracts awarded (this is a radio button, where the user may either select “All Actions” or “New Awards”). By default, the report is set to present data for all actions.Fiscal YearChoose the fiscal year (or years) for which you want to pull data (the report defaults to the current fiscal year). This is based on the year the contract was signed. You can select as many fiscal years as you need from FY2010 forward.Date Signed (between)Select two dates to bound your data, based on the year the contracts you wish to view were signed. By default, the report will display all data for the current fiscal year to date. Note that your selected dates may span multiple fiscal years (for example, to cover a period from FY15 into FY16).Contracting DepartmentTo refine your search based on the department that issued the contract, select the name of the contracting department whose data you wish to pull. If nothing is selected, data for all contracting departments will be displayed.Funding Agency NameTo refine your search based on the agency that funded the contract, select the name of the funding agency whose data you wish to pull. If nothing is selected, data for all funding agencies will be displayed. Funding Agency Name, Major Command Code and Funding Office Code are a hierarchical grouping in that order (highest to lowest), and so have specific dependencies relative to each other.PSC TypeSelect whether you wish to view a product (P) or service (S). If nothing is selected, the report will display results for both products and services. PSC Type, Portfolio Group, Portfolio, and PSC are hierarchically related, and so have specific dependencies relative to one another.Portfolio GroupSelect the portfolio group for which you wish to view data. If nothing is selected, the report will display all portfolio groups. This is one level of detail up from Portfolio, and has specific dependencies relative to PSC Type, Portfolio and PSC.PortfolioPortfolio represents the next level of detail down from Portfolio Group, and has specific dependencies on PSC Type and PSC. Select the portfolio for which you wish to view data. If nothing is selected, the report will display all portfolios.Figure 9ExportAll reports can be downloaded in various formats using the “Export” link at the bottom of the page. The options include PDF, Excel, and PowerPoint. When exporting large datasets, choose the “Data” option and then choose “CSV Format.” (Figure 10 demonstrates this process.) Choosing Excel rather than CSV will result in a very large file that will take a significant amount of time to download. Choosing CSV – a text file offering the most basic and flattened option - allows you to quickly and easily download a workable version of the report. After downloading the CSV file, you can import the data into Excel if needed.315087072326500193167072961500928370107886500Figure 102769870311150014046202476500 Click “Export” Click “Data” Click “CSV Format”For guidance on correctly opening a comma-separated values (CSV)-formatted file in Excel without changing the data (e.g., dropping leading zeroes), please refer to the document found on the DoD Procurement Toolbox at can be removed in order to aggregate the report at a higher level by the remaining columns, as shown in Figure 11. This is done by right-clicking on the column to eliminate, then clicking on “Exclude column” from the menu that generates. Multiple columns may be excluded in the same view, but each must be selected for exclusion separately (that is, they must be selected one by one, not in a batch). Similarly, when including them back in the report, you must choose them one by one to be re-incorporated back into the report.108394513271500276352079946500136652062166500Figure 11To re-include columns you’ve excluded, right-click on the body of the table, select “Include column,” and choose from the list of excluded columns, as shown in Figure 12. 201739620256500344297075501500261112075501500Figure 12ConclusionSummaryThis guide has walked through the basic steps to understanding the purpose of and using the Better Buying DoD by Portfolio (Small Business Analysis) Report, and is one of a series of user guides designed to help you take advantage of the suite of PBIS reports available to you. As a PBIS user, this data is available for you to view and analyze in the way best suited to your needs. Questions and suggestions can be sent to the PBIS support team at to PBISTo request a user account to access PBIS, follow the instructions provided on the DoD Procurement Toolbox at Internet Explorer or Firefox web browser to access the tool at reading the terms of use, click “I Agree” (Figure 13) to launch the main log in page.35375851868170Figure 13Click on “CAC Login” (Figure 14) and select your EMAIL certificate, then enter your CAC PIN.39547801407160Figure 14 ................

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