Run command prompt as administrator shortcut key


Run command prompt as administrator shortcut key

Most of the time, opening the Command Prompt as a regular user is all you need. Sometimes, however, you will need to open Command Prompt as an administrator so that you can run commands that require administrative privileges. Windows offers many different ways to open Command Prompt, and with many of these methods you can also open command prompt with administration privileges. We've

previously shown you how to do this in Windows 7 and Vista, so here's how we'll focus on three quick ways you can open Command Prompt with administrative privileges in Windows 8 and 10. Option One: Use the Power Users menu (Windows+X) Both Windows 8 and 10 offer a Power Users menu that you can access by pressing Windows+X or just by clicking the Start button with the Start button. From

the Power Users menu, choose Command Prompt (Administrator). Note: If you see PowerShell instead of the Prompt Command in the Power Users menu, this is a switch that came up with the Creators Update for Windows 10. It's very easy to re-show the Command Prompt in the Power Users menu if you want, or you can give PowerShell a chance. You can do just about anything in PowerShell that you

can do in Command Prompt, plus a lot of other useful things. RELATED: How to put the command prompt back in the Windows+X power users menu When you start command prompt with administration privileges, you'll probably see a User Account Control window asking for permission to continue. Go ahead and click Yes. Once the Administrator: Command Prompt window is opened, you can run any

command, whether it requires administrative privileges or not. Option Two: Use the Start menu You can also open an Administrative Command Prompt using only the Start menu (or start the screen in Windows 8). Press Start, type command, and you'll see Command Prompt listed as the main result. Right-click on this result and choose Run as administrator. Option Three: Use the Run Box If you are used

to using the Run box to open applications, you can use it to start the Command Prompt with administration privileges. Press Windows+R to open the Run box. Type cmd in the box and press Ctrl+Shift+Enter to run the command as administrator. And with that, you have three very easy ways to execute commands in the Command Prompt window as an administrator. You can use the following two methods

to run Command Prompt as an administrator on your Windows 10 computer. Video guide on how to run Command Prompt as an administrator in Windows 10: Way 1: Do it through the Quick Access Menu. Step 1: Press Windows+X to show the menu and choose the Command Prompt (Administrator) on it. Step 2: Select Yes on control of the user's account. Path 2: Do it through the context menu. Step 1:

Search cmd, right-click the Prompt command, and choose Run as administrator from the menu. Step 2: Tap Yes to allow the CMD to run as an administrator. Related articles: When you run a command prompt on Windows, it runs in user mode by default and has no administrator rights. If you need to run commands such as how to from your user account, then you need to run the command prompt with

administrator privileges. An easy way to access the command prompt as an administrator is to create a shortcut to the command prompt and set it to run as an administrator. Create administrator command shortcut To create this shortcut, right-click the desktop and select New | Pop-up menu shortcut. In the Create shortcut dialog box, type the following text in the item's edit box and click Next.

C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe Type a name for the shortcut, such as cmd, in the name Type one for this shortcut edit box, and click Finish. The shortcut is added to the desktop. Right-click the shortcut and select Properties from the pop-up menu. In the Properties dialog box, make sure the Shortcut tab is active and click the Advanced button. The Advanced Properties dialog box appears. Click the

Administrator check box to activate this option and click OK. When you double-click the new shortcut to open a command prompt with administrator privileges, the following dialog box may appear, warning you about running a program that will make changes to your computer. To continue opening the prompt, click Yes. You will receive this prompt every time you try to run the program because it is being

elevated. If you don't want the UAC prompt, you can disable UAC completely, which I don't recommend or disable uac for a specific application using a third-party tool. The command window opens with the administrator rights, as shown in the window title bar. NOTE: Any commands executed in this command window will make changes to your computer as an administrator, so be careful what you perform

in this window. Enjoy! Keep Shift suspended and right-click to open a File Explorer Command Prompt window. Click to enlarge Each version of Windows includes its own command processor, Cmd.exe. Opening this app gives you access to the full range of command-line tools and utilities in Windows.The slow way to open this essential power user tool is to dig through the Start menu (Start > Windows

System > Prompt Command). Here are some faster ways that also give you control over startup folders and whether you run the command session as an administrator. Right-click to start and choose Command Prompt or Command Prompt (Administrator) from the Quick Link menu. You can also use keyboard shortcuts for this route: Windows + X key, followed by C (non-administration) or A

(administrator). Type cmd in the search box and press Enter to open the highlighted command prompt shortcut. To open the session as administrator, press Alt+Shift+Enter.From Explorer, click the address bar to select its contents; then type cmd and press Enter. This opens a non-administrator command prompt session in the current folder. In a File Explorer window, keep it down Shift while you right-click

on a folder or drive. This opens a non-administrator command prompt session at the selected location. To open an administrative administrative Prompt window in the current folder, use this hidden feature of Windows 10: Navigate to the folder you want to use and tap Alt, F, M, A (this keyboard shortcut is the same as switching to the File tab on tape and then choose the open command prompt as

administrator). If you are a PowerShell user, you can open a PowerShell command prompt session by typing cmd and pressing Enter. To return to PowerShell, type output and press Enter. Previous tip: More hibernation secrets to save time and disk space Next week: Another Ed Bott Windows 10 tip The Command Prompt has been around for a long time, and is still a great resource to have at your

disposal. Today we are showing you all the different ways to open the Command Prompt. I bet you don't know them all. The Command Prompt is a very useful tool. It allows you to do a few things faster than you can do them in the graphical interface and offers some tools that you just can't find in the graphical interface at all. And in true keyboard-ninja spirit, Command Prompt also supports all kinds of

smart keyboard shortcuts that make it even more powerful. While it's easy to just open the Command Prompt from the Start menu, this isn't the only way to do it. So let's take a look at the rest. RELATED: 10 Useful Windows Commands You Should Know Note: This article is based on Windows 10, but most of these methods should work in earlier versions of Windows, too. Open the command prompt of

the Windows+X Power Users menu Press Windows+X to open the power users menu, and then click Command Prompt or Command Prompt (Administrator). Note: If you see PowerShell instead of the Prompt Command in the Power Users menu, this is a switch that came up with the Creators Update for Windows 10. It's very easy to re-show the Command Prompt in the Power Users menu if you want, or

you can give PowerShell a chance. You can do just about anything in PowerShell that you can do in Command Prompt, plus a lot of other useful things. RELATED: How to put the command prompt back in the Windows+X Power Users menu Open a RELATED task manager command request: Seven ways to open the Windows Open Task Manager in more detail. Open the File menu and choose Run new

task. Enter cmd or cmd.exe and click OK to open a regular Command Prompt. You can also check the Create this task with administrative privileges to open the Command Prompt as an administrator. Open a command prompt in task manager administrator mode the easy secret way to quickly open a command prompt with Administrative Privileges of Task Manager, open the File menu, and then hold the

CTRL key while you click Run Task. This will immediately open the Command Prompt with administrative privileges¡ªthere's no need to type anything. Start the Command Prompt from a start menu search You can easily open the Command Prompt by clicking Start and then typing cmd in the search box. Alternatively, click/tap the microphone icon in Cortana Cortana's search and say Launch Command

Prompt. To open the Command Prompt with administrative privileges, right-click the result and click Run as administrator. You can also highlight the result with the arrow keys and then press Ctrl+Shift+Enter. Open Command Prompt Scrolling through the Start Menu Click Start. Scroll down and expand the Windows System folder. Click Command Prompt. To open with administrative privileges, right-click

the Prompt command and choose Run as administrator. Open the Open File Explorer Command Prompt, and then navigate to folder C:\Windows\System32. Double-click the cmd .exe or right-click the file and choose Run as administrator. You can also create a shortcut to this file and store the shortcut anywhere you want. Open the Command Prompt of the Run Box Press Windows+R to open the Run box.

Type cmd and click OK to open a regular Command Prompt. Type cmd and press Ctrl+Shift+Enter to open an administrator command prompt. Open the File Explorer Address Bar Command Prompt in File Explorer, click the address bar to select it (or press Alt+D). Type cmd in the address bar and press Enter to open the Command Prompt with the current folder path already set. Open the command prompt

Here from the File Explorer file menu in File Explorer, navigate to any folder you want to open in command prompt. From the File menu, select one of the following options: Open the command prompt. Open a Command Prompt within the currently selected folder with default permissions. Open the command prompt as an administrator. Open a command request within the currently selected folder with

administrator permissions. Open the Context Menu Command Prompt of a folder in File Explorer To open a Command Prompt window for any folder, shift+right-click the folder in File Explorer, and then choose Open the command window here. Create a shortcut to the command prompt on the desktop by right-clicking an empty point on the desktop. From the context menu, select The Shortcut > New.

Type cmd.exe in the box and click Next. Name the shortcut and click Finish. You can now double-click the shortcut to open the Command Prompt. If you want to open the Command Prompt with administrative privileges, right-click the shortcut and choose Properties from the context menu. Click the Advanced button and check the Run as Administrator option. Close the two open property windows Now just

double-click the shortcut to open the Command Prompt as administrator. The above article may contain links to that help support How-To Geek. How-To Geek is where you turn when you want experts to explain the technology. Since we launched in 2006, our articles have been read over 1 billion times. Want to know more? More? More?

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