

TV with Video set-up

Student(s) inventors, actual past invention(s), display board(s) (optional)


1. Set up banner, TV, video, slide projector and screen, student invention(s) and backboard (if you have them) ahead of time.

2. When everyone is settled, tell them that they are going to get an opportunity to solve a problem and make life a little easier for a family member, a friend or themselves.” They can become an INVENTOR!

3. Show them the gadgets that you’ve brought with you and ask them if they know what they are? Call on a few kids. Explain how and whose life was made easier by the invention of those gadgets.

4. If you have a student inventor, now is a good time for them to show their invention, explain what problem they solved and show the display board.

5. Tell the children that their invention does not have to work, it can be a small model of the actual invention. Also tell them that they must have a Log that explains what they did and how they did it. The Log gets turned in with their invention and display board. There are guidelines in the packet they will receive. (hold up the Student Inventor’s Packet)

6. Show the Jay Leno video. Pick one show. There are students from Irvine in each show.

The Ellen Show has more recent clips that can be found online.

7. After the video, if you didn’t have a student inventor, show some Astounding Invention slides.

8. Before dismissing, tell the children that their teacher will be giving them a letter to take home to their parents. Tell them when the Astounding Invention Convention will take place at your school, and that if they are interested, they have to bring the bottom portion back to school ASAP. As soon as their teacher gives you their filled out form, you will get the inventor’s packet to them.

9. Thank everyone for coming and dismiss by class.




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