Home - Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust

CategoryTreatment, operation or testCancer treatmentBrachytherapyCancer treatmentCyberknife surgeryCancer treatmentGamma Knife surgeryCancer treatmentProton beam therapy (PBT)Cancer treatmentBreast reconstruction surgeryCancer treatmentChemotherapyCancer treatmentHigh Intensity Focused Ultrasound Treatment (HIFU)Cancer treatmentProstate surgery (TURP)Cancer treatmentProstatectomyCardiac surgeryCardiac pacemaker insertionCardiac surgeryCoronary angioplastyCardiac surgeryCoronary artery bypass graft (CABG)Cardiac surgeryAortic heart valve replacementCardiac surgeryAtrial septal defect (ASD) repairCardiac surgeryHeart bypass operationCardiologyCoronary angiogramCardiologyCoronary angiographyCardiologyECG - exercise (or stress)CardiologyECG - restingCardiologyEchocardiogramCardiologyElectrocardiogram (ECG)CardiologyElectrocardiogram (ECG) 24 hoursCardiologyShock treatment for irregular heartbeat (Defibrillation)CardiologyUnblocking of blood vessels in the heartCardiologyAmbulatory 24 hour blood pressure monitoringCardiologyCT scan: Heart scanCardiologyEndovascular aneurysm surgeryCosmetic treatments (non-surgical)Botulinum toxin - one areaCosmetic treatments (non-surgical)Botulinum toxin - three areasCosmetic treatments (non-surgical)Botulinum toxin - two areasDental treatmentTooth extraction - single toothDental treatmentTooth extraction - wisdom toothEarAdenoid removal (adult)EarAdenoid removal (child)EarCholesteatomaEarClearing of the sinusesEarEar drainingEarEar drum repairEarEar surgery (middle ear)EarEar syringingEarEar wax removal (miscrosuction)EarEustachian Tube Dysfunction (ETD)EarInsertion of grommetsEarNasal polyp removalEarNose surgery (for blocked nose)EarNose swelling removalEarOsseous LabyrinthectomyEarParotid gland removalEarPre-auricular Sinus ExcisionEarSeptoplastyEarSinus surgeryEarSnoring surgeryEarStapedotomyEarSurgery for menieres disease (Endolymphatic Sac Surgery)EarTongue tie operationEarTonsil removal (adult)EarTonsil removal (child)EarVoicebox and vocal chords examination by cameraEye surgeryBlocked tear duct surgeryEye surgeryCataract removal and lens implant (IOL)Eye surgeryCataract surgeryEye surgeryCornea transplantEye surgeryEctropion/ entropion of the eyelid surgeryEye surgeryEye removalEye surgeryFalse eye removal and exchangeEye surgeryGlaucoma surgeryEye surgeryIntravenous Fluorescein angiography (IVFA)Eye surgeryIntravitreal Injection for AMD - AvastinEye surgeryIntravitreal Injection for AMD- LucentisEye surgeryLaser correction of poor sight (LASEK)Eye surgeryLaser correction of poor sight (LASIK)Eye surgeryLaser correction of poor sight (Wavefront)Eye surgeryOcular Coherence Tomography (OCT)Eye surgeryPtosis correction surgeryEye surgerySquint correctionFoot and ankle surgeryAchilles tendon repairFoot and ankle surgeryAnkle fusion operationFoot and ankle surgeryAnkle replacementFoot and ankle surgeryBunion surgeryFoot and ankle surgeryFusion of the toeFoot and ankle surgeryLower limb assessmentGeneral surgeryLiver biopsyGeneral surgeryOesophagus and stomach examination by endoscope (gastroscopy)General surgeryAbdomen examination by camera (laparoscopy)General surgeryConsultation with a GPGeneral surgeryAnal fistula repairGeneral surgeryAnti-reflux surgery (Laparoscopic)General surgeryAppendix removalGeneral surgeryBreast lump removalGeneral surgeryBreast tissue removalGeneral surgeryColon polyp removalGeneral surgeryColonoscopyGeneral surgeryEndoscopy (Upper GI)General surgeryGall bladder removal (Laparoscopic)General surgeryHaemorrhoids or piles removalGeneral surgeryHernia Repair - Groin (Inguinal) - Open surgeryGeneral surgeryHernia Repair - Groin (Inguinal) -Laparascopic (Keyhole Surgery)General surgeryHernia repair (epigastric)General surgeryHernia repair (femoral)General surgeryHernia repair (inguinal)General surgeryHernia repair (Laparocscopic Incisional)General surgeryHernia repair (umbilical)General surgeryLiver resectionGeneral surgeryNeck cyst removalGeneral surgeryPartial removal of colon/rectumGeneral surgeryPilonidal sinus surgeryGeneral surgeryRectum examination by cameraGeneral surgeryRemoval of part of the bowel or colonGeneral surgerySkin lesion removal (Cryotherapy)General surgerySpleen removalGeneral surgeryStomach removalGeneral surgeryTear in anus (anal fissure) repairGeneral surgeryThyroid gland removalGeneral surgeryToe nail removalGeneral surgeryVaricose ulcer removalGeneral surgeryConsultation with a consultant or specialistGeneral surgeryBreast removalGeneral surgeryCarotid artery surgeryGeneral surgeryVaricose vein laser treatment (EVLA)General surgeryVaricose vein surgery (VNUS Closure)General surgeryVaricose veins - surgery (both legs)General surgeryVaricose veins - surgery (one leg)General surgeryVaricose veins ablation - both legsGeneral surgeryVaricose veins ablation - One legGeneral surgeryVascular disease surgery (peripheral)Knee surgeryEpidural injectionKnee surgeryCruciate knee ligament surgeryKnee surgeryKnee replacement (Total)NeurosurgeryElectroencephalography (EEG)NeurosurgeryDisc hernia surgery - nucleolysis (RF) Arthrocare Spine CoblationNeurosurgeryLiquorrhea repair microsurgeryOrthopaedic surgeryMeniscectomy (cartilage)Orthopaedic surgeryCarpal tunnel releaseOrthopaedic surgeryElbow replacementOrthopaedic surgeryElbow replacement revisionOrthopaedic surgeryHip Impingement Surgery (FAI)Orthopaedic surgeryHip replacement revisionOrthopaedic surgeryKnee arthroscopy (keyhole investigation of the knee)Orthopaedic surgeryKnee ligament surgery (ACL Reconstruction)Orthopaedic surgeryKnee replacement (Partial)Orthopaedic surgeryKnee replacement revisionOrthopaedic surgeryKneecap replacementOrthopaedic surgeryLumbar disc removal (discectomy)Orthopaedic surgeryShoulder arthroscopy (keyhole investigation of the shoulder)Orthopaedic surgeryShoulder replacement revisionOrthopaedic surgerySpinal fusionOrthopaedic surgeryTorn cartilage repairOrthopaedic surgeryTrigger finger releaseOrthopaedic surgeryHerniated disc (microdiscectomy) removalRehabilitationConsultation with a speech and language therapistScans and investigationsBreast exam and X RayScans and investigationsBreast X Ray (Mammogram)Scans and investigationsColon examination by cameraScans and investigationsTest for Down`s syndrome (CVS)Scans and investigationsBowel cancer screenScans and investigationsBone density scan for osteoporosisScans and investigationsChest X-rayScans and investigationsCT scan - 1 body partScans and investigationsCT scan: Body scanScans and investigationsCT scan: Brain scanScans and investigationsCT scan: Lung scanScans and investigationsDEXA Bone ScanScans and investigationsMRI scan: 1 body areaScans and investigationsMRI scan: 2 body areasScans and investigationsMRI scan: 3 body areasScans and investigationsMRI scan: Brain scanScans and investigationsMRI scan: Heart scanScans and investigationsMRI scan: Lung scanScans and investigationsMRI scan: Total body scanScans and investigationsMRI scan: Virtual colonoscopyScans and investigationsPET scanScans and investigationsPregnancy scan: 2D anomaly ultrasound scanScans and investigationsPregnancy scan: 2D early pregnancy/viability scanScans and investigationsPregnancy scan: 2D fetal growth ultrasound scanScans and investigationsPregnancy scan: 2D gender/sexing ultrasound scanScans and investigationsPregnancy scan: 2D presentation ultrasound scanScans and investigationsPregnancy scan: 3D ultrasound scanScans and investigationsPregnancy scan: 4D ultrasound scanScans and investigationsPregnancy screen (nuchal translucency screen)Scans and investigationsUltrasound of abdomenScans and investigationsUltrasound of breastScans and investigationsUltrasound of pelvisScans and investigationsUltrasound of urinary tractScans and investigationsUltrasound: One areaScans and investigationsX Ray: One viewScans and investigationsX Ray: Two viewsScans and investigationsAirways and lungs examination (bronchoscopy)Shoulder surgeryRotator Cuff RepairShoulder surgeryShoulder keyhole surgeryShoulder surgeryShoulder replacementShoulder surgeryShoulder Surgery (Bursa and Collar Bone)Shoulder surgeryShoulder Surgery (Bursa)Shoulder surgeryTendons in shoulder repairSpine and back surgerySlipped disc surgerySpine and back surgeryTrapped nerve surgerySpine and back surgeryDIAM spinal stabilisation systemTests and medicalsHearing testUrologyCircumcision (Child)UrologyCircumcision (Adult)UrologyKidney removalUrologyKidney stone removalUrologyX ray examination of the ureter and kidneyUrologyBladder examination by camera (cystoscopy)UrologyBladder function studyUrologyBladder resectionUrologyCystectomyUrologyCystoprostatectomyUrologyEpididymal cyst removalUrologyExtracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (one treatment)UrologyPenis foreskin looseningUrologyPercutaneous stone extraction from the kidney (PCNL)UrologyProstate Resection (using Laser)UrologyScrotum fluid removalUrologyTwisted testis surgeryUrologyUndescended testicle surgeryUrologyUreter stone removalUrologyUreteroscopy and fragmentation of kidney stone using laserUrologyUrodynamics studyUrologyVaricocele surgeryUrologyVasectomy (male sterilisation)UrologyVasectomy reversal ................

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