Mca java lab manual - Heroku

|Chatanya bharathi institute Of technology |

| |

|Object Oriented Programming Through Java Lab Record |

|For |

|I Yr. MCA II Semester |

|Compiled by Mrs. G.KALPANA, Asst.Professor in MCA Department |

| |

|2014-2015 |

|[Pick the date] |


Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology (Autonomous)

Gandipet, Hyderabad-75.



| I |Basic Programs |4 |

| |1)Write java program to print Biggest of 3 Numbers using Logical Operators |4 |

| |2) write a java program to print first 10 numbers in fibonacci series |5 |

| |3) Write a java program to print Factorial of a given number |6 |

| |4)Write java program to print the following o/p |7 |

| |5) Write a java program to print sum of Sum of Digits |8 |

| |6) Write a java Program for swapping two numbers |9 |

| |7)Wrte a java program to print primes up to the given prime number |10 |

| |8) Write java program to check given string is a palindrome or not |11 |

| |9) wajp to print sum of n terms in the series 1/1! +1/2!+1/3!..... |12 |

| |10) Write A Java Program to print Quadratic roots using command line arguments |13 |

| |11) Write a java program to print the names in sorted order using arrays |14 |

| |12) Write a java program to print multiplication table using arrays |15 |

|II |Method Overloading |18 |

| |1)Write a java program to demonstrate method overloading |18 |

| |2)Write a java program to find the volume of a Box using method overloading with different number of |19 |

| |perameters. | |

|III |Constructor overloading : |22 |

| |1) Write a java program to illustrate the concept of constructors and its overloading. |22 |

| |2) Write a java program for Rectangle class using constructor overloading with different no. of parameter list |24 |

| |3) Wajp to copy the values of one object into another using constructor. |26 |


|IV |Inheritence |28 |

| |1) Wajp for Rectange class using Simple Inheritance |28 |

| |2) Write a Java program to demonstrate multilevel inheritance. |30 |

| |3) Write a Java program to implement the following hierarchy and find area and perimeter Abstract |31 |

|V |Method Overriding |35 |

| |1)Write a java program for Bank class using Method Overriding. |36 |

| |2) Write a java program to demonstrate Method overriding (use super keyword) |38 |

|VI |Dynamic Method Dispatch |39 |

| |1)Write a Java program to demonstrate dynamic dispatch. |40 |

| |2) Wajp for Bank class using Dynamic Method Dispatch |41 |

|VII |Abstract Class: |43 |

| |1) Write a Java program to implement a Vehicle Abstract class. |43 |

| |2)Wajp to demonstrate the concept of abstract class |46 |

|VIII |Packages: |48 |

| |1)Write a Java program to demonstrate use of user defined packages. |49 |

| |2) write a java package for book class and then import and display the result. |50 |

| |3) write a java program to find the cube of a number for various data types using package and then import and |51 |

| |display the results. | |

|IX |Interfaces: |53 |

| |1) Write a Java program to illustrate the multiple inheritance by using Interfaces. |53 |

|X |Super , Static, final key words : |56 |

| |1)Write a java program to illustrate the keywords i)super ii)static iii)final |56 |


|XI |Exception handling: |57 |

| |1)wajp to demonstrate simple example for exception handling |57 |

| |2)Wajp to demonstrate exception handling with multiple catch blocks |58 |

| |3) wajp using NumberFormat exception |60 |

| |4)Wajp for user defined exception |61 |

|XII |How to make executable jar files in JDK1.3.1? |63 |

|XIII |Multithreading |64 |

| |1) Write a Java program to demonstrate the concept of daemon threads |64 |

| |2) Write a Java program to demonstrate the concept of synchronization by suitable example |66 |

| |3) Write a Java program to demonstrate the concept of Inter thread communication by Suitable example |68 |

| |4) Write a program to demonstrate string tokenizer. |70 |

|XIV) |File I/O and Streams |73 |

| |1)Wajp to Demonstration of FileOutputStream and PrintStream classes |74 |

| |2) Write a java program to Write bytes to a file |75 |

| |3) Write a java program to copy bytes from one file to another. |76 |

|XV |Applets |79 |

| |1) Wajp for Sum of Two Numbers using Applet |79 |

| |2)Wajp for Applet using drawstring(), drawRect() and drawOval() |80 |

| |3) Write a Java program to demonstrate banner applet. |81 |

| |4) wajp for Bouncing of a Ball using applet |83 |

|XIV |AWT: 1 ) Wajp that prints a message by clicking on the button using AWT 2) Wajp to demonstrate |87 |

| |Grid Layout manager using AWT 3) GUI with controls menus and event | |

| |handling using SWING | |

Java lab programmes

Basic programs:

| |

1) Write java program to print Biggest of 3 Numbers using Logical Operators


class Biggest3


public static void main(String args[])


int n1, n2, n3, big;

Scanner scan= new Scanner(;

System.out.print("Please Enter No 1: ");


System.out.print("Please Enter No 2: ");


System.out.print("Please Enter No 3: ");


if(n1>n2 && n1>n3)


else if(n2>n1 && n2>n3)




System.out.println("Biggest No: " + big);





2) write a java program to print first 10 numbers in fibonacci series



public static void main(String args[])







fact=fact*i ;


System.out.println("Factorial of " + n + " is " + fact);





4)Write java program to print the following o/p

Following star pattern is printed






class Stars


Public static voidmain(String[]args)


int row, numberOfStars;


for(row =1; row 0)











6) Write a java Program for swapping two numbers


class Swap


public static void main(String args[])


int n1, n2, temp;

Scanner scan= new Scanner(;

System.out.print("Please Enter No 1:=");


System.out.print("Please Enter No 2: =");





System.out.println("First No: " + n1);

System.out.println("Second No: " + n2);





7)Wrte a java program to print primes up to the given prime number


public class Prime


public static void main(String args[])



Scanner sc =new Scanner(;

System.out.print("enter a number up to which u want print primes =");

int n=sc.nextInt();

for(i=2;i ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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