Project 2) Can you write this program in C# and make a ...

P1) I solved this one

P2) Can you write this program in C# and make a flowchart as well?

Write a program that computes the average of five exam scores. Declare and perform a compile-time initialization with the five values. Use a constant to define the number of scores. Print all scores and the average value formatted with no digits to the right of the decimal. Rerun the application with different values.

P3) Can you write this program in C# and make a flowchart as well?

Write an application that calls a class method to display information about your school Items you might include are the name of your school, number of students enrolled, and school colors. The display should be aesthetically pleasing.

P4) Can you write this program in C# and make a flowchart as well?

Write a program that creates a student class consisting of student ID and three exam scores. In a separate implementation class, allow the user to enter the values. Call the constructor to create an instance of the student class. Include appropriate properties. Do not allow the ID to be changed after an object has been constructed. Provide a method in the student class to compute and return the overall exam average. Print all scores and the average value formatted with no digits to the right of the decimal from the implementation class. Use a single class method to enter all data.

P5) Can you write this program in C# and make a flowchart as well?

Write a program to calculate and display your average and grade. Allow the user to enter five scores. After the values are entered, and the average calculated, test the result to determine whether an A, B, C, D or F should be recorded. The scoring rubric is as follows: A—90-100; B—80-89; C—70-79; D—60-69; F < 60.

P6) Can you write this program in C# and make a flowchart as well?

Write a program to calculate the average of all scores entered between 0 and 100. Use a sentinel-controlled loop variable to terminate the loop. After values are entered and the average calculated, test the average to determine whether an A, B, C, D, or F should be recorded. The scoring rubric is as follows: A—90-100; B—80-89; C—70-79; D—60-69; F < 60.

P7) Can you write this program in C# and make a flowchart as well?

Create an application that contains a loop to be used for input validation. Valid entries are between 10 and 50. Test your program with values both less than and greater than the acceptable range.

P8) Can you write this program in C# and make a flowchart as well?

Write a program that reads data into an array of type int. Valid values are from 0 to 10. Your program should determine how many values were inputted. Output a list of distinct entries and a count of how many times that entry occurred.

Use the following test data: 1 7 2 4 2 3 8 4 6 4 4 7

P9) Can you write this program in C# and make a flowchart as well?

Write a program that creates a two-dimensional array with 10 rows and two columns. The first column should be filled with 10 random numbers between 0 and 100. the second column should contain the squared value of the element found in column 1. Using the Show( ) method of the MessageBox class, display a table.

P10) Can you write this program in C# and make a flowchart as well?

Create a windows application that contains two TextBox objects and two Button objects. The text boxes should be used to allow the user to input two numeric values. The buttons should be labeled Add and Multiply. Create event-handler methods that retrieve the values, perform the calculations, and display the result of the calculations on a Label object. The Label object should initially be set to be invisible. Additional Label objects will be needed for the TextBox object captions.

P11) Can you write this program in C# and make a flowchart as well?

Create the higher/lower guessing game using a graphical user interface. Allow the users to keep guessing until they guess the number. Choose two colors for your game: one should be used to indicat that the value the users guessed is higher than the target; the other is used to indicate that the value the users guessed is lower than the target. With each new guess, change the form color based on whether the guess is higher than the target or lower. Keep a count of the number of guesses. When they hit the target, display a MessageBox indicating the number of guesses it took. Several approaches can be used to seed the target: one is to generate a random number by constructing an object of the Random class. For example, the following stores a random whole number between 0 and 100 in target:

Random r = new Random( );

int target = r.Next(0,100);


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