A Quick Reference to C Programming Language

A Quick Reference to C Programming Language

Structure of a C Program #include(stdio.h) #include... #define..

/* Declare global variables*/) (variable type)(variable list);

/* include IO library */ /* include other files */ /* define constants */

/* Define program functions */ (type returned)(function name)(parameter list) (declaration of parameter types) {

(declaration of local variables); (body of function code); } /* Define main function*/ main ((optional argc and argv arguments)) (optional declaration parameters) { (declaration of local variables); (body of main function code); }


Format: Example:

/*(body of comment)


/*This is a comment in C*/

Constant Declarations

Format: Example:

#define(constant name)(constant value) #define MAXIMUM 1000

Type Definitions

Format: Example:

Variables Declarations: Format: Example:

typedef(datatype)(symbolic name); typedef int KILOGRAMS;

(variable type)(name 1)(name 2),...; int firstnum, secondnum;

Initializing: Format: Example:

Assignments: Format: Example:

Unions Declarations: Format:


Assignment: Format:

Structures Declarations: Format:


char alpha; int firstarray[10]; int doublearray[2][5]; char firststring[1O];

(variable type)(name)=(value); int firstnum=5;

(name)=(value); firstnum=5; Alpha='a';

union(tag) {(type)(member name);

(type)(member name); ...

}(variable name); union demotagname {int a;

float b; }demovarname;

(tag).(member name)=(value); demovarname.a=1; demovarname.b=4.6;

struct(tag) {(type)(variable);

(type)(variable); ...

}(variable list); struct student {int idnum;

int finalgrade; char lettergrade; } first,second,third;

Assignment: Format: Example:

(variable name).(member)=(value); first.idnum=333; second.finalgrade=92;

Operators Symbol +,-,*,/ % > >= < > ................

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