VPP College of Engineering

Program: Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Curriculum Scheme: Rev2012Examination: Second Year Semester IIICourse Code:ETC303 and Course Name: Digital ElectronicsTime: 1 hour Max. Marks: 50===========================================================================================================================================For the students:- All the Questions are compulsory and carry equal marks . Q1.Convert the following decimal number to 8-bit binary. 187Option A:10111011Option B:11011101Option C:10111101Option D:10111100Q2.One hex digit is sometimes referred to as a(n):Option A:byteOption B:nibbleOption C:groupingOption D:instructionQ3.What is the difference between binary coding and binary-coded decimal?Option A:BCD is pure binary.Option B:Binary coding has a decimal format.Option C:BCD has no decimal format.Option D:Binary coding is pure binary.Q4.A 74HC147 priority encoder has ten active-LOW inputs and four active-LOW outputs. What would be the state of the four outputs if inputs 4 and 5 are LOW and all other inputs are HIGH?Option A:Option B:Option C:Option D:Q5.Which of the following expressions is in the product-of-sums form?Option A:(A?+?B)(C?+?D)Option B:(AB)(CD)Option C:AB(CD)Option D:AB?+?CDQ6.A full-adder has a Cin?= 0. What are the sum () and the carry (Cout) when A = 1 and B = 1?Option A:?= 0, Cout?= 0Option B:?= 0, Cout?= 1Option C:?= 1, Cout?= 0Option D:?= 1, Cout?= 1Q7.Which method of combination circuit implementation is widely adopted with maximum output functions and minimum requirement of ICs?Option A:Multiplexer MethodOption B:Decoder MethodOption C:Encoder MethodOption D:Parity Generator MethodQ8.Why are the enale lines specifically used for connecting two or more IC packages in accordance to its application in decoder circuit?Option A:?It allows the reduction of digital function into similar function with more inputs & outputsOption B:It allows the expansion of digital function into similar function with more inputs & outputsOption C:It allows the reduction of digital function into different function with more inputs & outputsOption D:?It allows the expansion of digital function into different function with more inputs & outputsQ9.Which memory elements are utilized in an asynchronous & clocked sequential circuits respectively?Option A:Time- delay devices & flip-flopsOption B:Time- delay devices & registersOption C:Time- delay devices & countersOption D:Time-delay devices & latchesQ10.Which circuit is generated from D-flipflop due to addition of an inverter by causing reduction in the number of inputs?Option A:Gated JK- latchOption B:Gated SR- latchOption C:Gated T- latchOption D:Gated D- latchQ11.Which time interval specify the shifting of overall contents of the shift registers?Option A:Bit timeOption B:Shift timeOption C:Word timeOption D:Code timeQ12.What is the required relationship between number of flipflops and the timing signals in Johnson Counter?Option A:No. of flipflops = 1/2 x No. of timing signalsOption B:No. of flipflops = 2/3 x No. of timings signalsOption C:No. of flipflops = 3/4 x No. of timing signalsOption D:No. of flipflops = 4 x No. of timing signalsQ13.Which of the following describes the characteristics of SRAMOption A:Based on combination of transistor and capacitorOption B:Less consumption of powerOption C:More clear and more consumption of powerOption D:Cheap but slowQ14.Through ______? information travels between components on the motherboard.Option A:Flash memoryOption B:CMOSOption C:PeripheralsOption D:MOSFETQ15.EPROM can be used forOption A:Duplicating ROMOption B:Erasing and reconstructing the contents of ROMOption C:Reconstructing the contents of ROMOption D:Erasing the contents of ROMQ16.The ROM chips are mainly used to store ______Option A:System filesOption B:Root directoriesOption C:Boot filesOption D:Driver filesQ17.The disadvantage of the EPROM chip is _______Option A:The high cost factorOption B:the low efficiencyOption C:The low speed of operationOption D:The need to remove the chip physically to reprogram itQ18.The flash memories find application in ______Option A:Super computersOption B:Mainframe systemsOption C:Distributed systemsOption D:Portable devicesQ19.The flash memory modules designed to replace the functioning of a hard disk is ______Option A:RIMMOption B:Flash drivesOption C:FIMMOption D:DIMMQ20.The inputs in the PLD is given through ____________Option A:NAND gatesOption B:OR gatesOption C:NOR gatesOption D:AND gatesQ21.For programmable logic functions, which type of PLD should be used?Option A:PLAOption B:PALOption C:CPLDOption D:SLDQ22.The FPGA refers to ____________Option A:First programmable Gate ArrayOption B:Field Programmable Gate ArrayOption C:First Program Gate ArrayOption D:Field Program Gate ArrayQ23.Where do we declare the loop index of a FOR LOOP?Option A:EntityOption B:ArchitectureOption C:LibraryOption D:It doesn’t have to be declaredQ24.What is the use of EXIT statement in a loop?Option A:For skipping one executionOption B:For repeating one statement in the loopOption C:For ending the condition and creating infinite loopOption D:?For ending the loopQ25.The FOR loop is not synthesizable if it contains ______ statement.Option A:WHENOption B:THENOption C:WAITOption D:IF ................

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