Department of Computer Science and Technology, 2013 UTU

Department of Computer Science and Technology, 2013


Course: Fundamentals of Web Development using

Course Code: 060010501

Unit 1. Introduction to

1. Multi choice








When an file is placed on an IIS server and viewed through a browser, the

resulting HTML page contains:

a) All code.

b) As much code as is in the file.

c) A mix of and HTML code.

d) All HTML code.

e) None of the above.

Which property is used to name a web control?

a) Control Name

b) Designation

c) ID

d) Name

e) Title

Which user action will not generate a server-side event?

a.) Mouse Move

b.) Text Change

c.) Button Click

d.) Both a and b.

e.) All of the above.

Currently runs on which platform?

a) Windows

b) Linux

c) Windows and Linux

d) Any

In your web application you want to display a list of clients on a Web page. The

client list displays 10 clients at a time, and you require the ability to edit the clients. Which

Web control is the best choice for this scenario?

a) Detail View Control

b) Table Control

c) Gridview Control

d) Form Control

While developing 2.0 web application you have a DataSet containing a Customer

DataTable and an Order DataTable. You want to easily navigate from an Order DataRow to

the Customer who placed the order. What object will allow you to easily navigate from the

order to the customer?

a) DataColumn Object

b) DataRaw Object

c) DataTable Object

d) DataRelation Object

For separating server-side code from client-side code on a page, what programming

model should you use?

a) Separation model

b) Code-Behind model


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c) In-Line model

d) ClientServer model

In which events controls are fully loaded?

a) Page_Init

b) Page_Load

c) Control events

d) Page_Unload events

What is the best way to store the connection strings?

a) Config files

b) Database text file

c) Session

What is the default value for the Method attribute in a server-side Form control

a) GET




In a page, which is the best way to find if the contents of a TextBox has changed

after the form containing the TextBox has been posted back to the server

a) By comparing the old value with the new value

b) By checking the NewValue property of the TextBox control

c) By handling the TextBox control's TextChanged event

d) By checking the HasChanged property of the TextBox

Which statement among the one is correct?

a) The Params and Forms collection of the HTTPRequest class are exactly same and

theForms collection has

been provided only for backward compatibility

b) The HTTPRequest class does include the Params collection

c) The HTTPRequest class does include the Forms collection

d) The difference between the Params and Forms collection of the HTTPRequest class is

that the Params collection also represents QueryStrings, ServerVariables, andCookies

13. You are writing 2.0 Web site that collects lots of data from users, and the data

collection forms spreads over multiple Web pages. When the user reaches the last

page, you need to gather all of data, validate the data, and save the data to the SQL Server

database. You have noticed that it can be rather difficult to gather the data that is spread

over multiple pages and you want to simplify this application. What is the easiest control to

implement that can be used to collect the data on a single Web page?

a) The View control

b) The TextBox control

c) The Wizard control

d) The DataCollection control

14. An Application variable is created:

a.) when the application is first placed on a web server.

b.) when the web server is first started.

c.) when the first client requests a URL resource.

d.) every time a client requests a URL resource.

e.) every time a new client interacts with the web application.

15. Which data type does range validation control support?


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a) Integer string date

b) Integer and string

c) Only string

d) Only integer

16. You have designed a logon form with two TextBox controls named txtUserName and

txtpassword. You want to ensure that the user can enter only lowercase characters in the

controls. Which of the following solutions will fulfill this requirement using the simplest


a) Program the KeyPress event of the TextBox controls to convert uppercase letters to

lowercase letters.

b) Create a single event handler that is attached to the KeyPress event of the form.

Program this event handler to convert the uppercase letters to lowercase ones.

c) Set the CharacterCasing property of the Textbox controls to Lower.

d) Use the CharacterCasing method of the controls to convert the letters to lowercase


17. You have a TextBox control and a Help button that the user can press to get help on

allowable values. You validate the data entered by the user in the TextBox control. If the

user enters an invalid value, you set the focus back in the control using the Cancel property

of the CancelEventArgs. A user reports that once he enters invalid data in the text box, he

cannot click the Help button. What should you do to correct the problem?

a) Set the CausesValidation property of the text box to false.

b) Set the CausesValidation property of the text box to true.

c) Set the CausesValidation property of the Help button to false.

d) Set the CausesValidation property of the Help button to true.

18. The CLR provides ____________ that defines the data type that are use by all .NET languages


b) CTS

c) BCL

d) Dl

19. The _______________ manages the execution of .Net programs by providing essential functions

such as memory management, code execution, security and other services.

a) CTS

b) CLR

c) BCL

d) IL

20. You are developing an Web application. You create a master page. The master page

requires a region where you can add page-specific content by using the page

designer. You need to add a control to the master page to define the region. Which control

should you add?

e) Content

f) ContentPlaceHolder

g) PlaceHolder

h) Substitution

21. You create an page named TestPage.aspx that contains validation controls. You


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need to verify that all input values submitted by the user have been validated by testing the

Page.IsValid property. Which page event should you add an event handler to?

a) Init

b) Load

c) PreInit

d) PreLoad

22. After capturing the SelectedIndexChanged event for a ListBox control, you find that the

event handler doesn¡¯t execute. What could the problem be?

a) The AutoEventWireup attribute is set to False

b) The AutoPostBack attribute is set to False

c) The codebehind module is not properly compiled

d) The ListBox must be defined WithEvents

2.Fill in the blanks

1. control begins with the ___________ prefix.

2. Both web server control and HTML server control require the attribute ________ in

order to be handled on the server rather than on the client.

3. All web server controls exists within ___________________ namespace.

4. Compare validator control can use either property _______________ or _______________.

5. If any of the validation control generate Error message the ___________ property of page class

is set to ____________.

6. ___________ control can also be used to check the date type of the value being validate and to

check that the value being falls in the range indicated by other form controls

7. Web controls are contained in the namespace ________________.

8. Value comparisons are controlled by the__________ and ___________ properties of the

compare validation control.

9. HTML server control two possible events are_______________ and _________________.

10. The button control _________________ property set to _________ will ignore the validation

controls and will posted back without validation.

11. All web controls are defined in the namespace ______________ and derived from class


12. The base class of all validation control is _______________.

13. web.config file _____________ section use to define database connection string.

14. Validation Summary control display value of ___________ property of all validation control

which generate error.

15. _____________ method is used to pass information using query string.

3.True and False










In the second level compilation happen just before the page executed.

validation control execute on client side and server side.

You cannot validate HTMLInputText control using validation controls.

C# is not "Strongly Typed" language.

ASP is a script-based programming language.

page are compiled not interpreted.

server.Transfer() method is slower than Response.Redirect() method.

For loop run faster in C# as compare to .

All the .NET languages are compiled into another lower-level language before the code is


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10. can currently run only on Windows Platform.

11. Events in Web forms are processed before the ¡°Page Load¡± event.

12. Date Time variable can be null.

13. We can create server side HTML control.

14. Runnet=¡±server¡± is optional for the control.

15. is compiled but not interpreted.

16. is hosted by the CLR.

17. does not support all browsers.

18. is not deploying easily.

19. The base class of all validation control is validation.

20. Response.redirect() is valid syntax to display message.

4.Short Questions





















What is ASP?

What is ?

Justify ¡°Is is a server-side technology¡±.

What is IIS? Why is it used?

What is AutoPostBack?

Which events are fired when a page loads?

What is the difference between the Response.Write() and Response.Output.Write() methods?

In which event are the controls fully loaded?

How can we identify that the Page is Post Back?

What is postback? Which property is used to identify it?

Explain in brief the two step compilation process.

Define response object.

Write use of symbols.

state the difference between Checkboxlist control and Checkbox control

How can you convert any static HTML control into an HTML-server control?

Write syntax to display button on screen.

Write code to display hyperlink on screen.

Write code to display link button on screen.

Write font property of textbox.

Write use of orientation property in menu.

5.Long Questions












Write the difference between Asp and Asp .NET.

What is the difference between server control and HTML control?

What is the difference between user control and custom control?

What are different types of directives in .NET?

What is the difference between Server-side scripting and Client-side scripting?

List and explain all the page event.

List and explain the asp: Button property.

Explain is hosted by the CLR.

Explain is object oriented.

How is easy to deploy and configure?

Explain how supports all browsers.


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