Itextsharp datatable to pdf c


Itextsharp datatable to pdf c

Hi, I have the data brought from different tables and I want to use itextsharp pdf to generate a personalized relationship that I finished writing methods c # in code behind, but it is not sure how to send the report generated by the code-behind the print button Inside DataTable Each help is appreciated in today's article I want to write a little on the DataTable class, which represents a data table in the memory, which shows how to perform the most used operations with this function in C # language. A datatable is like a container that we can use to store information from any data source, consisting of a set of rows and columns (columns). We can create a datatable to store data in memory and perform operations to include, change and exclude this information. DataTable is also a central object in the library. Other objects using DataTable include data set and DataView. We can create datatable objects by code by adding rows and columns according to our needs. The DataTable class is present in the system of the names. In this article, you will show you how to perform the following operations with the DataTable class: How to create a DataTable via code How to add data to a DataTable How to select data from a DataTable How to select data from a DataTable via LINQ as per datatable How to convert A DataTable in XML How to convert XML for DataTable How to convert a list for DataTable Features Used: Visual Studio 2013 Express for Windows Desktop Project Creation in VS 2013 Express Edition Open VS 2013 Express for Windows Desktop and click New Project. Then select Visual C # -> Windows Form. Enter the Using_Datatable name and click on the OK button. Subsequently, include in the Form1.cs file the following checks from the toolbox: 1 DataGridView - DGVDados 1 ListBox - LBDados 1 ComboBox ? ? ?,? "CBOCampo 1 TextBox ? ? ?,?" TXTCriterio 8 Buttons ? ? ?,? " Btncrierdatable, btnselectarded, btnconsultalinq, btnconsultalinq_2, consultinq_expressolylda, btnxml_datatable, btnxml_datatable and btnlist_datatable application layout should be according to the following figure: in the click event of each command button, we implement its functionality. Name spaces used in form: using system ; Using System.Collections; using System.Data; using System.Windows.Forms. Definition of variables DTB_ALUNOS and TXTCAMINHARQUIVO At the beginning of the module: DataTable DTB_ALUNOS; TXTCAMINHARHARQUIVO string = @ "C: DATABLE_XML.XML"; create e Display datatable btncartable_click private void (objectender sender, eventargs e) {datatable table = criardatatable (); dgvdados.datasource = plan;} La Creatur a del criardatable () is the following: private datatable criardatatable () {dtb_alunos = new datatable (); dtb_alunos.columns.add ("Alunoid", TypeoF (int)); dtb_alunos.columns.add ("name", Typof (string)); dtb_alunos.columns.add ("email", typoof (string); dtb_alunos.columns.add ("telephone", typoof (string)); dtb_alunos.columns.add ("age", typoof (int)); dtb_alunos.rows .add (1, "macoratti", "macoratti@", "44.669.922", 45); dtb_alunos.rows.add (2, "jefferson", "", "88.669 .977 ", 23); dtb_alunos.rows.add (3," Janice "," janjan@ "," 96.885.522 ", 20); dtb_alunos.rows.add (4," Jessica "," Jessicalang @ .br "," 96.885.522 ", 25); dtb_alunos.rows.add (5," miriam "," "," 96.885.522 ", 48); return dtb_alunos ;} In this code you are creating a datatable called DTB_ALUNOS with five columns and then we add five lines with regard to student data: students, name, email, telephone and ages. Select personal data void btnselecondados_click (Objectender, Eventogs e) {student string = ""; string name = ""; email string = ""; phone string = ""; eth string = ""; field = CBO field.text; criterion string = txt criterio.text; rope; IF (field == "Student" || || == "Age") = {Field Command + "=" + criterion; Else {} command = field + "=" + " '" + test + "'"; } DataRow [] = odatarow (command); Foreach (DataRow in DR Odatarow) {// I used 3 different syntaxs to get values alunoid dr = [0] .turestring (); Name = dr [ "name"] Tostring () .; Email dr = [2] .turestring (); Phone = dr [3] .turestring (); Age Dr.Field = (4) .turestring (); Lblselecao.text alunoid} = + "" + name + "" + email + "" + phone + "" + age; } The above code creates five string variables to receive information from DTB_Alunos table. Subsequently, we have established a consultation compound from the field name defined in the combo box ? ? ? ? "CBOCampo and the criterion laid textTextCriterio box. After the mounting of the consultations in the command variable, we used the SELECT method to select the criteria line and use a foreach loop to go through the result and get the data. to view the result, we concatenate values in a Label control ? ? "lblselection. Consulting using LINQ private void Btnconsultalinq_click (Object sender, EventArgs e) {// query using Linq IEnumerable query = from dtb_alunos.asenumerable () Student Student selection; Foreach (DataRow DR in the query) {lbs.items.add (dr.field ( "alunoid") + "-" + Dr.Field ( "name")); }} To make a LINQ query into a DataTable, we must use the datatableExtensions.asenumerable () of the System.Data namespace. DataRow. This is necessary because ? we are not able to consult directly against a data table file collection, since DataRowCollection does not implement IEnumerable . LINQ Consultation (Anonymous Type) private void Btnconsultalinq_2_click (object sender, EventArgs e) {VA query = from p in dtb_alunos.asenumerable () where P.FIELD (CBOCAMPO.Text) == txtcriterio.text Select New {name = p.field ( "name"), age p.field = ( "age"), telephone p.field = ( "phone")}; lbdados.items.Clear (); // Display the type-type foreach (Var student in consultation) {lbs.items.add (student.Nome + "" + student.idade + "" + student.Fone); }} In this LINQ query we are creating an anonymous type (name, age and phone number) on the basis of a query mounted with the values selected in CBOCampo and TxtCriterio controls. Lambda private consultationInQ_ExpressAolambda_Click Void (object sender, EventArgs e) {var query = from dtb_alunos.asenumerable student () select students; students IEnumerable consultation.where = (. c => c.field ( "name") contains ( "J")); lbdados.items.Clear (); // all the names that contain foreach "j" (DataRows Student student) {lbdados.items.add (student.field ( "name")); {Dtb_alunos.WritExml (txtcaminharquivo); MessageBox.Show ( "successful XML file"); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start (txtcaminharquivo); } Catch (Exception ex) { ( "Error:" + ex.Message); }} To generate XML from a DataTable we use the WriteXML () method by passing the path and filename of the XML file. XML => private void BTNXML_DATATABLE_CLICK DataTable (Object sender, EventArgs e) {try {dtb_alunos.readxml (txtcaminharquivo); dgvdados.datasource = dtb_alunos; } Catch (Exception ex) { ( "Error:" + ex.Message); }} To convert XML to DataTable we just use it all ReadXml () which indicates the path and file name of the XML file. List => private void Datatable BTNLIST_DATATABLE_CLICK (Object sender, EventArgs e) {// List Image: Cup selections Amerry List Olista = new List (); olista.Add (New String [] { "Brazil", "Peru", "Venezuela", "Colito"}); olista.add (new string [] { "Argentina", "Paraguay", "Uruguay", "Jamaica"}); olista.add (new string [] { "Chile", "Mexico", "Ecuador"}); // converted datatable datatable = convertist_datatable (olist); dgvdados.datasource = Odatatable; } The previous code creates a list of strings containing the selections of the Africa cup. Then call the conveller_datatable () method by passing the list created and displayed the datatable returned to DataGridView. CAPIGO METHOD CONTELLISTA_DATATABLE IS FOLLOWING: PRIVATE DATATABLE CONVERTELISTA_DATATABLE (LIST OLIST) {// New DataTable table ODATATABLE = New DataTable (); // in the mass columns int columns = 0; Foreach (Var Array in Olista) {if (array.length> columns) {columns = array.length; }} // Adds columns for (int i = 0; i

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