True/False - Faculty


COSC 199.002: FALL 2005


True/False (1pt each): Indicate by "T" for true and "F" for false statements

1. True or False? All computer programs are algorithms. ___T ___________

2. True or False? In a computer, data is represented electronically by pulses of electricity. ______ T__

3. True or False? The compiler is a program that translates a high-level language program into machine code. _____T _______

4. True or False? Every C++ program must have a function named main. __ T ____

5. True or False? The C++ compiler considers the identifier CanOfWorms to be the same as the identifier canofworms. ____ F _

6. True or False? Some C++ reserved words can also be used as programmer-defined identifiers. ______F _

7. True or False? In C++, a block (compound statement) is not terminated by a semicolon. ______T ___

8. True or False? If a program compiles successfully, it is guaranteed to execute correctly. _____F ______

9. True or False? A literal string can continue onto more than one line, as long as it is enclosed in double quotes. _____ T _____

10. True or False? The statement

const char INITIAL = 'G';

is an example of an assignment statement. ______F ___

Multiple Choice (2pts each)

11. Which of the following statements about the C++ main function is false?

a. Every program must have a function named main.

b. Program execution begins with the first executable statement in the main function.

( c. The main function must call (invoke) at least one other function.

d. The word int in the function heading means that the main function returns an integer value (to the operating system).

12. Which is /or are not a valid identifier(s) in C++?

a. Hi_There b. top 40 c. &UpAnDdOwN d. _BlindMice e. CAPS

13. Which is /or are not valid identifier(s) in C++?

a. my-Name b. 9littles c. X123Y d. GoHome e. IdEnTiFiEr

14. Which of the following is a legal string assignment?

a. name = "Jones"; b. "name" = Jones;

c. name = 'D' + "Jones"; d. a and c above

15. Which assignment statement could be used to store the letter A into the char variable someChar?

a. someChar = "A"; b. someChar = 'A'; c. someChar = A;

d. a and c above e. a, b, and c above

16. In C++, the phrase "standard output device" usually refers to:

a. the display screen b. a floppy disk drive c. the keyboard

d. a CD-ROM drive e. none of the above

17. Which of the following statements prints Happy Birthday on first output line?

a. cout ................

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