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Assignment #1: Formatted I/O (20 points)This program reads team data to show current rankings. This introduces the use of formatted I/O in mand Line Arguments: p1 -t teamFileName Input: Stream input file which contains many teams. There are two different kinds of lines of data for each team: - Team Identification Information: o One line per team (separated by spaces) szTeamId iWins iLosses dFeeAmount dPaidAmount 6s d d lf lf - Team Contact Information: o One line per team (separated by commas) szTeamNm szEmail szPhone szContactName 12s 30s 13s 20s o Although szTeamNm is a maximum of 12 characters, it may contain spaces; therefore, you cannot simply use %13s. For szFullName, you will have to use a bracket format code using %[^,]. The next two values are also terminated by commas. o For szContactName, it contains spaces and is terminated by a new line character. You will have to use a bracket format code using %[^\n]Files Larry provided:cs1713p1_h.txt - include file which you must rename to cs1713p1.hp1abc123_c.txt - program file which you must rename to p1abc123.c (using your abc123 id) and modify with your changes. It will be easier for the grader if your file names that you submit to BlackBoard include your abc123 id.p1Team.txt - this data file is used by your program for the output that you will upload into BlackBoardMultiple additional data files to check your error handling, but you don't need to turn in the output for these:p1TeamBad1.txtp1TeamBad2.txtProcess:While not at EOF, read a data line containing a team's identification information. For each of those teams:Read a data line containing the contact information.Print all the team information.When printing the Team information, use this style (printing two lines per team): Id Team Name Wins Loss Fee Amt Paid Amt Contact Name Phone Email UTSA01 Armadillos 8 0 150.00 80.00 Jean E Us (210)555-1111 utsa@ COM001 Comm Eagles 7 1 150.00 75.00 Mae King (210)555-2222 maeking@ SOUTH1 Slam Dunk 5 3 120.00 75.00 Jerry Tall (210)555-3333 slamdunk@ ALHGHT Cake Eaters 4 4 175.00 100.00 E Z Street (210)555-6666 sliverspoon@ UNKN01 Org New Blk 1 7 150.00 50.00 Bob Wire (210)555-1234 bobwire@ NEWB01 River Rats 0 8 120.00 75.00 Rock D Boat (210)555-4444 riverrat@ UNKN02 Hackers 3 5 150.00 75.00 Tom E Gunn (210)555-5555 cyber@Error Processing:Please include the errors you detect in stderr. For this program, the data input errors should cause your program to piling: gcc -g -o p1 p1abc123.c Executing:./p1 -t p1Team.txtExecuting and saving the output:./p1 -t p1Team.txt >p1abc123Out.txtGrading:Your program must be written according to my programming standards.Your program should use the provided include file "cs1713p1.h".You must turn in your C code (p1abc123.c) and its generated output (p1abc123Out.txt) which is based on the p1Team.txt data file. Including your ABC123 id in the file names makes it easier for the grader to grade your code.Code which is mostly not working will receive less than 50% credit.If your output is manually manipulated in any manner, you will receive a zero.Even though your turned-in output should not have errors, error handling is required.Make certain your code works in Linux.Note: Programming Assignment #2 will be a modification of this program. ................

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