Serialize to xml string c


Serialize to xml string c

JH JAN HOLINKA 14. 07. 2014 Category: Comments .NET: Simple approach as deserialize XML for C # object without attributes. XMLSTRING STRING = " 1 My Product XML 2 My Second Product "; 2. Prepare C # Public Class Product {Public Int ID {GET; set; } Public String name {get; set; }} 3. create XML serializer First argument is type of object you want to get and in the second argument you specify the main attribute of your XML source. XMLSerializer Serializer = New XMLSerializer (TypeoF (product list>), new xmlrootattribute ("products")); 4. Create StringReader STRINGERDER STRINGERDERDER = New StringReader (XMLSTRING); 5. Finally, desertize the C # an object you can use our tightreader as a topic or streamwriter for external XML file too. List Product list = (List ) Serializer.Deserialize (Stringreader); It's all. Page 2 JH Gen Holinka 11. 03. 2014 Category: AngularJs Comments: Angular filter Orderby does not support sorting with diacritical signs. JH JAN HOLINKA 09. 03. 2014 Category: Angularjs Comments: Bstable is an AngularJS directive that adds Tfoot with layout and the format selection page to your table and watch changes to your NG-Repeat attributes collection. Page 3 JH GEN HOLINKA 29. 06. 2014 Category: MVC Comments: Pattern Repository is an abstraction level between your level of business logic and the data access layer. This extracted layer contains methods to data from data from data level. Now, changes in your data layer cannot directly affect the business level. Page 4 JH GEN HOLINKA 14. 07. 2014 Category: Comments .NET: simple approach as deserialize xml for c # object without attributes. Convert an XML string to an object / * Copyright (C) 2010 James Craig Authorization is guaranteed, for free, to anyone obtain a copy of this software and documentation files (the "software"), for non-restriction software, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, unite, publish, distribute, license and / or copies sales of the software and to allow People to which the software is provided to do the same, subject to the following conditions: the copyright notice and this authorization notice must be included in all copies or substantial parts of the software. The software is provided "as well as", without guarantee of any kind, express or implicit, including but not limited to the guarantees of marketability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringing. Under no circumstances the authors or copyright holders can be held responsible for claims, damage or other responsibilities, both in a contract, illicit or otherwise, deriving from, from connection or with the software or use or other reports WITH THE . Software * / Using System; Using; using System.runtime.serialization.formatters.binary; using System.Runtime.serialization.formatters.saap; Using the system.text; using System.xml.serialization; namespace utilit? {/// /// utility class for file management /// class public static filemanager {/// /// gets the contents of a file /// /// file name /// a string containing the contents of the file getfilecontents public static string (string filename) {try {getfilecontents return (filename, 5000); } Catch {throw; }} /// /// gets the contents of a file /// /// file name /// Quantity of time in ms of For the file /// a string containing the contents of the file GetFileContents String Static Public (String Filename, Int Timeout) {StreamReader Reader = NULL; INT STARTTIME = System.Environment.ttickCount; Try {Bool open = false; while {try {if (open!) (system.environment.ttickcount - Starttime> = timeout) Throw New New timed opening "); reader = file.opentext (file name); open = true;} capture ( e) {shooting e;}} string content = reader.Readoend (); reader.close (); Return content;} Catch {return "";} Finally {if (reader! = Null) {reader.close (); reader.dispose ();}}}} /// /// Help with the Serialization of an XML object and backwards. /// Serialization of the public static class {/// /// assumes an XML file and exports the object that contains /// /// file name to be used /// object to be exported to /// Type object to be exported public static void xmtoobject (string filename, object object object object, type objectttype) {if (string.isnulorempty (filename)) {throw new argumentexception ("file name can't be null / empty" );} Try {String FileContent = FileManager.getFileContents (Fi name the); Object = xmltoobject (FileContent, Objectype);} Catch {shooting;}} /// /// C Snown an XML string to an object /// /// String XML /// Object type to export /// The specified type object Public Static Object XMtoObject (XML string, type objectttype) {if (string.isnulorempty (xml)) {Throw New ArgumentException ("XML cannot be null / empty"); } Try {Using (MemoryStream Stream = New MemoryStream (utf8encoding.utf8.getbytes (xml))) {xmlserializer seriazer = new xmlserializer (objecttype); Return serializer.Deserialize (flow); }} capture {shooting; }}}} Related examples in the same category Kieran Benton Hi everyone, I'm sorry but I'm asking for a friend! 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