C h o o s i n g D a t a F o r R u l e I n t e r c h a n g e

IBM Software Group | WebSphere software

C h o o s in g D a ta F o r R u le In te rc h a n g e

C h ris tia n d e S a in te M a rie

R u le a n d d e c is io n m a n a g e m e n t s ta n d a rd s IB M IL O G

? 2011 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group | WebSphere software

Rule interchange (rules as data)

RIF Data model (XSD) Rules

Rules serialize de-serial. Rules

Rule system 1

Data model (OWL, RDF-S, XSD, UML, ...)

Rule system 2

Data serialize de-serial. Data

Application A


Application B

? 2011 IBM Corporation


A brief introduction to W3C RIF

? 2011 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group | WebSphere software

W3C rule interchange format (RIF)

A standard XML serialization for rules

? with standard semantics ? allowing rules written for one application to be published, shared, and re-used in other

applications and other rule engines (between rule languages with compatible semantics) ? A rule is (just another) data item

A set of dialects and an extensible framework, encouraging interoperability

? A RIF-Core dialect with the expressive power of Datalog ? Two extensions: Basic Logic Dialect and Production Rule Dialect ? An extensive set of built-in data types, functions and operators ? Combination with RDF, OWL and XML/XSD data sources and data models

A semantic Web standard A W3C recommendation

? An open standard, endorsed and supported by an well-established industry consortium ? and a well-defined patent policy

? 2011 IBM Corporation

IBM Software Group | WebSphere software



RIF-... (OO, aggregates, ...)


RIF-... (Events, ...)


specialisation RIF-FOL extension

: W3C Recommandations : Working draft : possible future extensions




extension uses

specialisation RIF-Core






? 2011 IBM Corporation


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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