Which of the following graphs matches the result in ...

1. Which of the following graphs matches the result in Comparison Values after the following code has executed?

|[pic] |

|A [pic] | [pic] |

|B [pic] | [pic] |

|C [pic] | [pic] |

|D [pic] | [pic] |

2. What VI is typically used to terminate an Error Cluster wire and to display any error message?

| Simple Error Handler |

| Merge Errors |

| Generate Front Panel Activity |

| One Button Dialog/Two Button Dialog |

3. In what instance would you use the Probe tool rather than Highlight Execution?

|A [pic] | to slowdown the VI to show values in wires |

|B [pic] | to look into a SubVI, as the process is running |

|C [pic] | to see the value of a wire in real time |

|D [pic] | to see the flow of data |

4. Program functionality comments should be included on the:

|A [pic] | Block Diagram. |

|B [pic] | Front Panel. |

|C [pic] | Both A. and B. |

|D [pic] | None of the above. Comments are not needed in graphical programming. |

5. In which of the following functions does the number of output terminals solely depend on the number of elements in the input Cluster?

|A [pic] | Unbundle |

|B [pic] | Bundle |

|C [pic] | Unbundle by Name |

|D [pic] | Bundle by Name |

6. To place an Express VI on the Block Diagram you would select it from the:

|A [pic] | Tools Palette |

|B [pic] | Icon Palette |

|C [pic] | Controls Palette |

|D [pic] | Functions Palette |

7. What is the result in subarray after the following code has executed?

|[pic] |

|A [pic] | a 1-D Array of {6, 8, 10} |

|B [pic] | a 1-D Array of {4, 6, 8} |

|C [pic] | a 1-D Array of {8, 16, 32} |

|D [pic] | a 1-D Array of {2, 4, 6} |

8. Which VI architecture allows the user to run several tasks concurrently?

|A [pic] | Multiple Case Structure VI |

|B [pic] | Parallel Loop VI |

|C [pic] | State Machine VI |

|D [pic] | None of the above |

9. To access a graphical representation of all of the Sub VI's and nodes that is called in the current VI, then:

|A [pic] | select Browse >> Show VI Hierarchy from the menu bar. |

|B [pic] | right-click on a SubVI in the Block Diagram and select Show VI Hierarchy |

|C [pic] | right-click on the VI icon and select Show VI Hierarchy. |

|D [pic] | Both A. and B. |

|E [pic] | Both A. and C. |

10. The STOP button shown below is an example of which data type?

|[pic] |

|A [pic] | Letter |

|B [pic] | Boolean |

|C [pic] | String |

|D [pic] | Numeric |

11. Which of the following performs the most efficient conversion of random numbers of double precision into an array of single precision values?

|A [pic] | [pic] |

|B [pic] | [pic] |

|C [pic] | [pic] |

12. Clusters provide a user with which of the following benefits?

|A [pic] | Clusters group elements of mixed data types. |

|B [pic] | Clusters increase the number of Connector Pane terminals of SubVI's. |

|C [pic] | Clusters reduce wire clutter on the Block Diagram by bundling data elements together. |

|D [pic] | Both A. and B. |

|E [pic] | Both A. and C. |

13. How would you turn off the Debugging capabilities of a VI?

|A [pic] | Select VI Properties, and deselect Allow Debugging from the Execution sub-menu. |

|B [pic] | Make the VI a SubVI and then select Above Priority to automatically turn of debugging. |

|C [pic] | You cannot turn off debugging because it is an integral part of the LabVIEW environment. |

14. What is the result in Output Array after the following code has executed?

|[pic] |

|A [pic] | a 1-D Array of {4, 6, 3, 5, 7, 9, 1} |

|B [pic] | a 1-D Array of {6, 3, 5, 7, 9, 1} |

|C [pic] | a 1-D Array of {6, 7, 9, 1} |

|D [pic] | a 1-D Array of {4, 7, 9, 1} |

15. Which of the following allows you to plot any set of points, evenly distributed or not?

|A [pic] | Waveform Graph |

|B [pic] | Waveform Chart |

|C [pic] | XY Chart |

|D [pic] | Both A. and C. |

16. What is the result in Array after the following code has executed?

|[pic] |

|A [pic] | a 1-D Array of {1, 8, 6, 2} |

|B [pic] | a 1-D array of {1, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 8, 6, 2} |

|C [pic] | a 1-D array of {1, 3, 2, 1, 8, 6, 2} |

|D [pic] | a 1-D array of {1, 2, 1, 0, 8, 6, 2} |

17. Which answer matches the correct labels with their corresponding legend/palette on the following Front Panel?

|[pic] |

|A [pic] | A - Plot Legend; B - Cursor Legend; C - Scale Legend; D - Graph Palette |

|B [pic] | A - Cursor Legend; B - Graph Palette; C - Plot Legend; D - Scale Legend |

|C [pic] | A - Plot Legend; B - Scale Legend; C- Graph Palette; D - Cursor Legend |

|D [pic] | A - Plot Legend; B - Graph Palette; C - Scale Legend; D - Cursor Legend |

18. Which of the following accurately describes the output that results from execution of the following loop?

|[pic] |

|A [pic] | The last three values from the DAQ Assistant will be displayed. |

|B [pic] | A running average of all measurements will be displayed. |

|C [pic] | An average of the last four measurements will be displayed. |

|D [pic] | None of the above. |

19. Comments should be added to the Block Diagram:

|A [pic] | to describe basic functions. |

|B [pic] | to describe unfamiliar functions. |

|C [pic] | comments are unnecessary as LabVIEW automatically adds them. |

|D [pic] | to describe every function. |

20. What is the output of the Build Array function in the figure below when Concatenate Inputs is selected?

|[pic] |

|A [pic] | a 1-D Array of {1, 7, -4, -2, 3, 6} |

|B [pic] | a 1-D Array of {1, -4, 3, 7, -2, 6} |

|C [pic] | a 2-D Array of {{1, -4, 3, 0}, {7, -2, 6}} |

|D [pic] | a 2-D Array of {{1, -4, 3}, {7, -2, 6}} |

21. clicking in which area on the following figure will allow you to adjust the plot color and point style?

|[pic] |

|A [pic] | A |

|B [pic] | B |

|C [pic] | C |

|D [pic] | D |

22. Which of the following will allow you to run text-based code in LabVIEW?

|A [pic] | Case Structure |

|B [pic] | Formula Node |

|C [pic] | Event Structure |

|D [pic] | Sequence Structure |

23. A custom probe is created by:

|A [pic] | placing a property node onto the block diagram and selecting Custom Probe from the Properties menu. |

|B [pic] | double clicking on a normal probe. |

|C [pic] | placing a custom probe from the Probe subpalette onto the Block Diagram. |

|D [pic] | right clicking on a wire and selecting Custom Probe from the shortcut menu. |

24. In the detailed context help window, a SubVI's terminals:

|A [pic] | appear in bold for required terminals. |

|B [pic] | appear as plain text for optional terminals. |

|C [pic] | appear dimmed for recommended terminals. |

|D [pic] | All of the above. |

25. What is the value in Length after the following code has executed?

|[pic] |

|A [pic] | 13 |

|B [pic] | 12 |

|C [pic] | 11 |

|D [pic] | 10 |

26. Which of the following statements is true regarding the execution of the following code?

|[pic] |

|A [pic] | The string "Hello World" will be written into a new file named by the user. |

|B [pic] | If the user selects an already existing file, the old data will be overwritten by the new data. |

|C [pic] | If the user selects an already existing file, the VI will produce an error and stop execution. |

|D [pic] | Both A. and C. |

|E [pic] | Both A. and B. |

27. What is the value in Result after the following code has executed?

|[pic] |

|A [pic] | VOLTS DC +2. |

|B [pic] | VOLTS DC +2 |

|C [pic] | 50 |

|D [pic] | 250 |

28. Which of the following will continuously display multiple plots on the same Waveform Chart until the stop button is pressed?

|A [pic] | [pic] |

|B [pic] | [pic] |

|C [pic] | [pic] |

|D [pic] | [pic] |

29. What is one disadvantage of using the State Machine VI architecture?

|A [pic] | The diagram becomes significantly larger when changing from a General VI to a State Machine VI. |

|B [pic] | A State Machine VI can only traverse states in order. |

|C [pic] | If two events occur at the same time, only the first event will be handled and the second will be lost. |

|D [pic] | State Machines cannot acquire data or use DAQ functions. |

30. If a user needs to enter a name on the front panel and then use the name later in the VI, they would use a:

|A [pic] | Numeric control |

|B [pic] | ASCII control |

|C [pic] | String control |

|D [pic] | Boolean control |

31. Which of the graphs below matches the output in the Waveform Graph indicator after the following code has executed?

|[pic] |

|A | [pic] |

|B [pic] | [pic] |

|C [pic] | [pic] |

|D [pic] | [pic] |

32. A For Loop will stop executing:

|A [pic] | when a false value is present at the conditional terminal and the conditional terminal is [pic]. |

|B [pic] | when the value of the count terminal, [pic], is one less than the value of the iteration terminal, [pic]. |

|C [pic] | when the value of the iteration terminal, [pic], is one more than the value of the count terminal, [pic]. |

|D [pic] | None of the above. |

|Top of Form |

|33. A While Loop stops iterating when: |

|A [pic] |

| a false value is present at the conditional terminal and the conditional terminal is [pic] |

| |

|B [pic] |

| a true value is present at the conditional terminal and the conditional terminal is [pic] |

| |

|C [pic] |

| Both A. and B. |

| |

|D [pic] |

| None of the above |

| |

| |

| |

|Bottom of Form |

34. Which DAQ board will allow for the detection of a 2.1 mV change in a signal if a 0-10 volt range was selected?

|A [pic] | 12-bit board |

|B [pic] | 16-bit board |

|C [pic] | Both A. and B. |

|D [pic] | None of the above. |

35. Which of the following statements is true regarding the use of Clusters?

|A [pic] | The first object placed in a Cluster is designated as element zero. |

|B [pic] | If you delete an element in a Cluster, you must read just the order of the elements manually. |

|C [pic] | Cluster elements are ordered based on their position in the shell. |

|D [pic] | Both A. and B. |

|E [pic] | Both B. and C. |

36.You may associate the Connector Pane of a VI with objects from the:

|A [pic] | Front Panel. |

|B [pic] | Block Diagram. |

|C [pic] | Both A. and B. |

|D [pic] | None of the above. |

37. What is the output of the Build Array function after the following code has executed?

|[pic] |

|A [pic] | a 1-D Array of {4, 8, 3, 3, 6, 4} |

|B [pic] | a 2-D Array of {{4, 2, 0}, {3, 6, 4}} |

|C [pic] | a 2-D Array of {{4, 8, 3}, {3, 6, 4}} |

|D [pic] | a 1-D Array of {4, 2, 3, 6, 4} |

|Top of Form |

|38. What is the output of the Build Array function in the figure below when Concatenate Inputs is not selected? |

|[pic] |

| |

| |

|A [pic] |

| a 2-D Array of {{2, 4}, {6, 3}} |

| |

|B [pic] |

| a 1-D Array of {2, 4, 7, 6, 3} |

| |

|C [pic] |

| a 2-D Array of {{2, 4, 7}, {6, 3, 0}} |

| |

|D [pic] |

| a 1-D Array of {6, 3, 2, 4, 7} |

| |

| |

| |

|Bottom of Form |


39. What is the value in Shift Register Answer after the following code has executed?

|[pic] |

|A [pic] | 10 |

|B [pic] | 16 |

|C [pic] | 32 |

|D [pic] | 24 |


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