IBM WebSphere Adapter for Siebel

IBM WebSphere Adapter for Siebel

Enterprise Business Applications

Quick Start Scenario V 6.1

Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction 7

1.1 Learning Objectives 7

1.2 Audience 7

1.3 Software prerequisites 7

1.4 Scenarios in brief: 7

1.4.1 Outbound using Siebel business service 7

1.4.2 Inbound using Siebel Integration object 8

1.4.3 Outbound using Siebel business object 8

1.4.4 Inbound using Siebel business object 8

2.0 Preparing to run through the tutorials 9

2.1 Extracting the sample files 9

2.2 Creating the authentication alias 9

2.3 Creating the adapter project in the WebSphere Integration Developer 12

2.4 Start with the External Service Wizard 16

3.0 Tutorial for outbound processing using Siebel business service 21

3.1 Start with the External Service Wizard 21

3.2 Setting connection properties for the External Service 22

3.3 Selecting the Siebel business services 24

3.4 Generating business object definitions and related artifacts 26

3.5 Service generation and deployment configuration 27

3.6 Configuring the adapter properties 30

3.7 Deploying the adapter project to the test environment 31

3.8 Testing the adapter application 32

3.8.1 Execution of ‘Insert’ operation 32

3.8.2 Execution of ‘QueryByExample’ Operation 36

4.0 Tutorial for outbound processing using Siebel business object 40

4.1 Start with the External Service Wizard 40

4.2 Setting connection properties for the external service 41

4.3 Selecting the Siebel business objects 42

4.4 Generating business object definitions and related artifacts 43

4.5 Service generation and deployment configuration 44

4.6 Configuring the adapter properties 47

4.7 Deploying the adapter project to the test environment 48

4.8 Testing the adapter application 49

4.8.1 Execution of ‘Create’ operation 49

4.8.2 Execution of ‘Exists’ operation 52

5.0 Tutorial for inbound processing using Siebel business service 54

5.1 Start with the External Service Wizard 54

5.2 Setting connection properties for the External Service 55

5.3 Selecting the Siebel business services 55

5.4 Generating business object definitions and related Artifacts 58

5.5 Service generation and deployment configuration 58

5.6 Configuring the adapter properties 61

5.7 Wiring the Inbound Interface 62

5.8 Deploying the adapter project to the test environment 66

5.9 Testing the assembled adapter application 66

6.0 Tutorial for inbound processing using Siebel business object 68

6.1 Start with the External Service Wizard 68

6.2 Setting connection properties for the External Service 69

6.3 Selecting the Siebel business Objects 69

6.4 Generating business object definitions and related artifacts 70

6.5 Service Generation and Deployment Configuration 71

6.6 Configuring the adapter properties 74

6.7 Wiring the Inbound Interface 75

6.8 Deploying the adapter project to the test environment 79

6.9 Testing the assembled adapter application 79

7.0 Troubleshooting the Tutorial 81

7.1 Deployment Failure 81

Export project into ‘EAR’ file 81

Deploying project through Admin Console 82

Starting the application through Admin Console 85

7.2 Create Record Failed 85

8.0 Appendix 86

8.1 Clearing the tutorial content 86

8.1.1 Business service ‘Siebel Account’ – ‘Insert’ operation 86

8.1.2 Business Service ‘Siebel Account’ - ‘QueryByExample’ operation 86

8.1.3 Business Object ‘Account – ESP’ - ‘Create’ operation 86

8.1.4 Business Object ‘Account – ESP’ - ‘Exists’ operation 86

Table of Figures

Figure 1: Choose Servers’ View 10

Figure 2: Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) 11

Figure 3: Create a New Authentication Alias with User ID, Password and Description 11

Figure 4: Select Authentication Entries 12

Figure 5: Import adapter with WID 13

Figure 6: Import adapter RAR File 14

Figure 7: Connector Import window prompt 15

Figure 8: Confirm Perspective Switch 15

Figure 9: Project Explorer's view in Java perspective 16

Figure 10: New External Service 17

Figure 11: External Services 18

Figure 12: Select the imported adapter 19

Figure 13: Locate Siebel dependency jar files 20

Figure 14: Processing Direction 22

Figure 15: Discovery Configuration 23

Figure 16: Discovery Configuration - Bidi Properties and Log Properties 24

Figure 17: Query Properties 25

Figure 18: Selected Objects 26

Figure 19: Configure Composite Properties 27

Figure 20: Service Generation and Deployment Configuration 28

Figure 21: Service Location Properties window 29

Figure 22: File Changes Saved 30

Figure 23: Assembly diagram 31

Figure 24: Type of Operation on Component 33

Figure 25: Add Property Object Element 33

Figure 26: Select Deployment Location 35

Figure 27: Business Object Attributes 35

Figure 28: Operation Type 36

Figure 29: Add Element to Business Object 37

Figure 30: AccountID of Existing Record 38

Figure 31: Select Deployment Location 38

Figure 32: Invoke 39

Figure 33: Processing Direction 41

Figure 34: Discovery Configuration 42

Figure 35: Object Discovery and Selection 43

Figure 36: Configure Composite Properties 44

Figure 37: Service Generation and Deployment Configuration 45

Figure 38: Service Location Properties 46

Figure 39: Files Changed 47

Figure 39: Assembly Diagram and Properties View 48

Figure 41: Operation Type 49

Figure 41: Create a business object 49

Figure 42: Select Deployment Location 51

Figure 43: Return Output 51

Figure 45: Setting Component, Interface or Operation 52

Figure 45: Business Object Reference ID 52

Figure 47: Successful Status Returned 53

Figure 47: Processing Direction 54

Figure 48: Discovery Configuration - Siebel Business Service 55

Figure 50: Discovery Configuration - Bidi Properties and Log Properties 56

Figure 49: Query Properties 57

Figure 50: Configuration Properties For 'QueryByExample' 58

Figure 51: Configure Composite Properties 58

Figure 52: Service Generation and Deployment Configuration 59

Figure 53: Service Location Properties 60

Figure 56: Files Changed 61

Figure 54: Assembly Diagram and Properties View 62

Figure 55: Untyped Component Added 63

Figure 56: Component Wired to Interface 63

Figure 57: Add Wire Window Prompt 64

Figure 58: Generate Implementation 64

Figure 59: Default Package Selected 65

Figure 60: Add Trace Statements 65

Figure 61: Trace Statement Captured 67

Figure 62: Processing Direction 68

Figure 66: Object Discovery and Selection 69

Figure 67: Discovered and Selected Objects 70

Figure 68: Configure Composite Properties 71

Figure 66: Service Generation and Deployment Configuration 72

Figure 67: Service Location Properties 73

Figure 68: Connection Properties 74

Figure 69: Untyped Component Added 76

Figure 70: Component Wired to Interface 76

Figure 71: Add Wire Window Prompt 77

Figure 72: Generate Implementation, Java 77

Figure 73: Default Package Selected 78

Figure 74: Add Trace Statements 78

Figure 75: Trace Statement Captured 80


The IBM WebSphere Adapter for Siebel enterprise supports exchange of data with the Siebel EIS through two types of Siebel objects – Siebel business services and Siebel business objects. This guide provides tutorial scenarios that demonstrate how the adapter performs outbound and inbound operations using Siebel business services and business components.

1 1.1 Learning Objectives

After completing a tutorial, you should be able to perform the following tasks:

• Create an adapter project in WebSphere Integration Developer.

• Discover services and associated business objects from the enterprise information system (EIS) and make them part of the adapter project.

• Create a deployable module that you install on WebSphere Process Server or WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus.

• Test the module and validate the results.

2 1.2 Audience

These tutorials are for integration developers who design, assemble, test, and deploy business integration solutions.

3 1.3 Software prerequisites

To use these tutorials, you must have the following applications installed:

WebSphere Integration Developer, version 6.1

WebSphere Process Server or WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus, version 6.1

Siebel 7.8 or 8.0 driver

1.4 Scenarios in brief:

There are four scenarios in total:

i) Outbound using Siebel business service

ii) Inbound using Integration Object

iii) Outbound using Siebel business object

iv) Inbound using Siebel business object

The table in each scenario below provides the details of the Siebel’s Integration or Business Object and the operations to be performed on it.

1.4.1 Outbound using Siebel business service

|Business Service |Siebel Account |

|Integration Object |Account Interface |

|Event MethodsOperations |Insert (Tutorial 1) |

| |QueryByExample (Tutorial 2) |

There will be two operations in this scenario, in order: ‘Insert’ and ‘QueryByExample’. The ‘Insert’ operation will be used to add a hierarchy of instances of the integration object ‘Account Interface’ to the Siebel EIS, using the Siebel business service, ‘Siebel Account’. The ‘QueryByExample’ operation will retrieve the created ‘Account Interface’ instance from the Siebel EIS.

1.4.2 Inbound using Siebel Integration object

|Integration Object |Account Interface |

|Event MethodOperation |QueryByExample (Tutorial 3) |

This scenario includes updating a hierarchy of instances of ‘Account Interface’ (not through adapter) in the EIS. There will be an event added automatically (through Siebel script) to the event component for the corresponding update. The adapter will poll the event from the event component & retrieve the updated instance hierarchy based on the information available in the event.

1.4.3 Outbound using Siebel business object

|Business Object |Account – ESP |

|Event MethodOperations |Create (Tutorial 4) |

| |Exists (Tutorial 5) |

There will be two operations in this scenario, in order: ‘Create’ and ‘Exists’. The ‘Create’ operation will be used to add a hierarchy of instances of the business object ‘Account - ESP’ to the Siebel EIS. The ‘Exists’ operation will confirm that a particular ‘Account’ instance exists in the Siebel EIS.

1.4.4 Inbound using Siebel business object

|Business Object |Account – ESP |

|Event MethodOperation |Retrieve (Tutorial 6) |

This scenario will include retrieving a hierarchy of updated instances of ‘Account - ESP’. An event will be added automatically (through Siebel script triggers) to the event component when the corresponding update happens. The adapter will poll the event from the event component & retrieve the updated instances based on the information available in the event.


Note: For the inbound scenarios, it is necessary to set up the event component in the Siebel EIS. For more information, refer the adapter user guide.

Preparing to run through the tutorials

1 Extracting the sample files

Replicas of the artifacts that you create when using the external service wizard are provided as sample files for your reference. Use these files to verify that the files you create with the external service wizard are correct. The samples folder will have another sub-folder ‘referencefiles’ – this will have the sample project interchange files containing the artifacts generated as part of the tutorials – this can be used for comparison purposes whenever you run the tutorials and generate your own artifacts.

The names of the replica files for the six tutorials are,,,, and – all can be found under ‘./samples/referencefiles’. These files can be extracted into the WID and the artifacts used for reference purposes. The apps and Siebel scripts accompany each sample scenarios of the tutorial.

2 Creating the authentication alias

Using an authentication alias eliminates the need to store the password in clear text in an adapter configuration property, where it might be visible to others. The authentication alias needs to be set since the adapter uses the username/password to connect to the database. Here are the steps to set the authentication alias in WPS admin console. This authentication alias will be used later when generating the artifacts for the module.

1. In WebSphere Integration Developer, switch to the Servers View by selecting Windows > Show View > Servers.



Figure 1: Choose Servers’ View

2. To set the authentication alias, we need to start the server. In the Servers tab in the lower-right pane of the WebSphere Integration Developer screen, right-click on the server, and then select Start. If a new server entry needs to be added, right-click on the blank space in the Servers’ view and choose ‘New’.

3. When the server status is “Started”, right-click on the server, and then select “Run administrative console”.

4. Log in to the administrative console by clicking the “Log in” button. The User ID is optional and is meant for recalling the session configuration settings.

5. In the administrative console, click Security → Secure administration, applications, and infrastructure. Under Authentication, click Java Authentication and Authorization Service → J2C Authentication data.


Figure 2: Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS)

a. In the list of J2C authentication aliases that is displayed, click New.

b. In the Configuration tab, type the name of the authentication alias in the Alias field.

c. Type the user ID and password that are required to establish a connection to the database.

d. Optionally type a description of the alias.

e. Click OK. The newly created alias is displayed. Note the full name of the alias, which includes the node name. This full name will be used in subsequent configuration windows.

f. Click Save.



Figure 3: Create a New Authentication Alias with User ID, Password and Description

6. A message appears asking to Save changes to the master configuration. Click on the Save link.



Figure 4: Select Authentication Entries

7. Save all changes made.

Note: We have created an authentication alias that will be used to configure the adapter properties. Restart the server for the changes to take effect.

3 Creating the adapter project in the WebSphere Integration Developer

Import the .RAR file into the project.

➢ Open the WID.

➢ Select File -> Import



Figure 5: Import adapter with WID

➢ Select ‘RAR file’ option in the ‘Import’ Window. Click ‘Next’



Figure 6: Import adapter RAR File

➢ In the ‘Connector Import’ window prompt

o For the ‘Connector file’ option, browse to the folder that contains the adapter file, i.e. CWYEB_SiebelAdapter.rar.

o Leave the default values for the other options in the window. The connector module should be self-named according to the adapter. WebSphere Process Server v6.1 is the expected target runtime. Click ‘Finish’.


Figure 7: Connector Import window prompt

➢ Click ‘No’ to the question asked next (as below) as there is no need to change to the J2EE perspective.


Figure 8: Confirm Perspective Switch

➢ Select Window->Open Perspective->Other->Java. Confirm that the adapter has been installed in WID.


Figure 9: Project Explorer's view in Java perspective

The adapter RAR import is complete.

4 Start with the External Service Wizard


➢ In the WID, select the ‘Business Integration’ perspective. To do so select Window->open perspective->other->’Business Integration (Default)’.


Figure 10: New External Service

➢ Select File-> New-> Other -> Business Integration-> ’External Service’.


Figure 11: External Services

In the ‘New External Service’ window, select the ‘Adapters’ service. Click ‘Next’. This selection will create a service to connect to an external system.



Figure 12: Select the imported adapter

Find the ‘IBM WebSphere Adapter for Siebel Business Application (IBM 6.1)’ adapter and select the imported adapter, CWYEB_SiebelAdapter.



Figure 13: Locate Siebel dependency jar files

Browse for the Siebel library jar files in order to satisfy the connection dependencies. The version should match the server’s.

So far, the steps taken with the wizard are common for all scenarios. Subsequent steps vary based on the type of processing that will be accomplished for the scenarios.

Tutorial for outbound processing using Siebel business service

The following sub-sections deal with the outbound processing through Siebel business service ‘Siebel Account’. This operates on the integration object ‘Account Interface’. The generated artifacts against this scenario will be part of and (one for ‘Insert’ and another for ‘QueryByExample’).

File Contents

|Tutorial |Folders |Descriptions |

|1 |SiebelAcctOut |Generated artifacts, such as XML Schema Definitions(xsd) and|

| | |Web Services Definition Language (WDL). |

| |SiebelAcctOutApp |EAR application artifacts, such as deployment descriptors. |

| |SiebelAcctOutEJB |EJB module artifacts. |

|2 |SiebelAcctOut |Generated artifacts, such as XML Schema Definitions(xsd) and|

| | |Web Services Definition Language (WDL). |

| |SiebelAcctOutApp |EAR application artifacts, such as deployment descriptors. |

| |SiebelAcctOutEJB |EJB module artifacts. |

1 Start with the External Service Wizard

Follow section 2.4 for initial steps of External Service Wizard.


Figure 141432: Processing Direction

Continuing with the wizard, a ‘Processing Direction’ will be undertaken which for this scenario is an Outbound.

➢ Select Outbound.

2 Setting connection properties for the External Service

Upon selecting ‘Outbound’ processing type, the discovery configuration is the next step whereby the connection properties are displayed and available for changes if necessary. The type of Siebel objects to be discovered for this scenario is Siebel Business Services.


Figure 15: Discovery Configuration

➢ Provide the values for the connection properties – ‘Connection URL’, ‘User Name’, ‘Password’, ‘Language Code’.

➢ In the miscellaneous section, select the type of Siebel objects as ‘Siebel Business Services’.

➢ Set the ‘Siebel Repository’ field to have the Siebel repository name as needed – in general, the repository name is ‘Siebel Repository’.

➢ Prefix for business object names can be added at will.

By clicking on the ‘Advanced’ button, a bottom-half of the window offers the ‘Bidi Properties’ and logging portion for settings.


Figure 16: Discovery Configuration - Bidi Properties and Log Properties

By selecting ‘Bidi transformation’, the Bidi ordering schema is enabled with the ‘Implicit’ or ‘Visual’ option. Additionally, text direction can also be set with LTR (Left To Right) or vice versa or either contextually in one of the directions.

Once we specify the level of logging desired, the log file output location and logging level are set with default values but can be configured as needed.

➢ Click ‘Next’.

3 Selecting the Siebel business services

➢ In the ‘Object Discovery and Selection’ window, click on ‘Edit Query’. In the ‘Query Properties’ window, provide the name (or the starting characters in the name) of the business service – ‘Siebel Account’. Click ‘Ok’.



Figure 1716: Query Properties

➢ Click ‘Run Query’.

➢ The business service will be listed. Click on the ‘+’ sign next to the ‘Siebel Account’ tree node. It will list all the methods supported against the business service.

➢ Select ‘Insert’ and ‘QueryByExample’ of Siebel Account discovered objects, before proceeding to the next step as shown in the following figure.and Click ‘Add to import list’. It will bring up the ‘Configuration Parameters’ window. There is no need to set any value for ‘Event Method’ for outbound operations. Click ‘OK’ to close the window.



Figure 1817: Selected Objects

➢ Click ‘Next’.

4 Generating business object definitions and related artifacts



Figure 1918: Configure Composite Properties

➢ Provide a value for ‘Folder’ – ‘out’ for example. This is where the generated WebSphere business objects will be stored. Leave the other properties Business object namespace and ‘Generate a business graph for each business object’ with the default values or choose to have it with shorter names.

➢ Click ‘Next’.

5 Service generation and deployment configuration

Based on the J2C Authentication alias created earlier on WebSphere, specify it as a ‘J2C Authentication Data Entry’ on ‘Service generation and deployment configuration’ window. Alternatively, the connection properties can be used instead, simply enter the password as all other properties are recalled. Click ‘Next’ when done. Refer the following figure.



Figure 2019: Service Generation and Deployment Configuration

➢ In the ‘Service Location Properties’ window, select ‘New’ against ‘Module’ or choose a preexisting module. Specify the name of the module.


Figure 2120: Service Location Properties window

➢ Browse to the ‘Folder’ where you want to store the generated WebSphere business objects. Otherwise, leave it empty and the objects will be stored to the project’s top-level folder by default.

➢ Click ‘Finish’


Figure 22: File Changes Saved

After the wizard concluded, a window prompts to save file changes which in most cases would be agreeable unless otherwise it’s not needed.

Note: There is no need to set the password as the adapter gets it from the ‘Authentication Alias’ set.


6 Configuring the adapter properties

The properties have already been configured earlier at the time of generation of the business objects and artifacts. If there are any configuration changes needed, the same can be done using the Assembly Editor.

➢ In the ‘Business Integration’ perspective, open the assembly diagram under the project and select the SiebelOutboundInterface import.

➢ Right-click and select ‘Show In Properties’ to display the ‘Properties’ view and click on the ‘Binding’ tab under it.

➢ Select the different tabs – ‘Connection’, ‘ResourceAdapter’ as needed to configure any of the corresponding properties e.g. ‘Managed Connection Factory’, ‘Authentication’ etc.


Figure 2321: Assembly diagram

➢ Save the project when done with the changes.

Note: Select the assembly diagram window before saving i.e. one that has the ‘SiebelOutboundInterface’ and save the project. It is important to select the window else the changes cannot be saved.

7 Deploying the adapter project to the test environment

The result of running the External Service wizard is an SCA module that contains an EIS import. Install this SCA module in the WebSphere Integration Developer integration test client.

➢ Add the SCA module you created earlier to the server using the Servers View in WebSphere Integration Developer. Right-click on the server, and then select Add and remove projects.

➢ Select the project in the ‘Available Projects’ view. Click ‘Add’ button. It should get added to the ‘Configured Projects’ pane on the right hand side.

➢ Click ‘Finish’

➢ The SCA module will be installed and started on the server.

Note: If there are any problems installing the application using the above approach, you can export the project into an EAR, install and start the same through the WPS admin console. For more information on how to do the same, check out the troubleshooting sections 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3.

8 Testing the adapter application

The adapter application will be tested using the WebSphere Integration Developer integration test client. The following subsections will provide information on how to execute the two operations, ‘Insert’ and ‘QueryByExample’, against the business service ‘Siebel Account’.

1 Execution of ‘Insert’ operation

➢ In the ‘Business Integration’ profile, select the module, right-click on it and select Test > Test Module.


➢ In the ‘Events’ window, select the operation ‘insertSiebelAccountInsertAccountInterface’ against the ‘Operation’ property.



Figure 2422: Type of Operation on Component

➢ Right click on the ‘SiebelMessage’ attribute and click ‘Add Element’.



Figure 2523: Add Property Object Element

➢ Set the values as needed against the attributes of the ‘SiebelMessage’ element.

Note: Under the SiebelMessage instance (of IOAccountInterfaceICAccount) type) Name, PrimaryOrganization, Location and CurrencyCode are mandatory attributes that must have values set. Also the container attributes, RelatedOrganization’ and ‘RelatedSalesRep’ are mandatory. For the remaining ones, there is no need to set the values. But if there is a specific need in your environment to set any of the other attributes, do so.

The values provided below are just sample ones that may or not be valid in your environment. Get the valid values for the attributes by checking existing EIS records for the ‘Account’ integration object.


Instances should be created for the two container attributes ‘RelatedOrganization’ and ‘RelatedSalesRep’.

1. RelatedOrganization:


2. RelatedSalesRep:


Where is the user name you use to login to Siebel e.g. sadmin

➢ Select the value ‘null’ for the container attributes (mandatory) under the SiebelMessage instance with the exception of RelatedOrganization and RelatedSalesRep.

➢ Select the simple non-required attributes to be set using ‘Shift’ and/or ‘Ctrl’ keys and right-click on the selected attributes list. Select ‘Set To’->’Unset’. Note that the figure below does not show all the non-required attributes. (Do this even for the simple non-required attributes within the instances of the container attributes, ‘RelatedOrganization’ and ‘RelatedSalesRep’).

➢ Click ‘Continue’

➢ Select the appropriate WebSphere Process Server instance and click ‘Finish’ to execute the operation.


Figure 2624: Select Deployment Location

➢ When the execution is successfully done, the resultant business object with the key values filled in will be returned. Note down the ‘AccountID’ key value as it can be used later in the ‘QueryByExample’ operation. It is also needed for clearing the sample content created.


Figure 2725: Business Object Attributes

➢ The execution of the ‘Insert’ operation is successfully completed.

2 Execution of ‘QueryByExample’ Operation

➢ In the ‘Business Integration’ profile, select the module, right-click on it and select Test > Test Module.

In the ‘Events’ window, select the operation ‘qQueryByExampleSiebelAccountQueryByExampleAccountInterface’ against the ‘Operation’ property.



Figure 2826: Operation Type

➢ Right Click on the ‘SiebelMessage’ attribute and click ‘Add Element’.



Figure 2927: Add Element to Business Object

➢ Get the ‘AccountID’ key value from any existing Account record in the Siebel EIS and set the same against the ‘AccountID’ attribute of the ‘SiebelMessage’ element added.

Note: Do not use the value set below. The ‘AccountID’ that was generated earlier against the ‘Insert’ operation is set below. You can do the same too if you had done the ‘Insert’ operation prior to the execution of this operation. If not, get the ‘AccountID’ from any existing record in the EIS.


Figure 3028: AccountID of Existing Record

➢ Select the simple attributes other than ‘AccountID’ using ‘Shift’ key and right-click on the attributes list. Select ‘Set To’->’Unset’.

➢ Click ‘Continue’

➢ Select the appropriate WebSphere Process Server instance and click ‘Finish’ to execute the operation.


Figure 312930: Select Deployment Location

➢ When the execution is successfully done, the resultant business object hierarchy with the attribute values filled will be returned as follows.


Figure 323031: Invoke

➢ The execution of the ‘QueryByExample’ operation is successfully completed.

Tutorial for outbound processing using Siebel business object

The following sub-sections deal with the outbound processing through Siebel business object ‘Account - ESP’. The generated artifacts against this scenario will be part of and (one for ‘Create’ and another for ‘Exists’).

|Tutorial |Folders |Descriptions |

|4 |SiebelBOAcct2 |Generated artifacts, such as XML Schema Definitions (xsd), |

| | |Web Services Definition Language (WDL), Service Component |

| | |Architecture (SCA) module file and etc. |

| |SiebelBOAcct2App |EAR application artifacts, such as deployment descriptors. |

| |SiebelBOAcct2EJB |EJB module artifacts. |

|5 |SiebelBOAcct2 |Generated artifacts, such as XML Schema Definitions (xsd), |

| | |Web Services Definition Language (WDL), Service Component |

| | |Architecture (SCA) module file and etc. |

| |SiebelBOAcct2App |EAR application artifacts, such as deployment descriptors. |

| |SiebelBOAcct2EJB |EJB module artifacts. |

1 Start with the External Service Wizard

Follow section 2.4 for initial steps of External Service Wizard.


Figure 333132: Processing Direction

Continuing with the wizard, a ‘Processing Direction’ will be undertaken which for this scenario is an Outbound.

➢ Select Outbound.

2 Setting connection properties for the external service


Figure 343233: Discovery Configuration

Upon the ‘Discovery Configuration’ step, select ‘Siebel Business Objects’ as the type of Siebel objects to discover.

3 Selecting the Siebel business objects

➢ In the ‘Object Discovery and Selection’ window, click on ‘Edit Query’. In the ‘Query Properties’ window, provide the name (or the starting characters in the name) of the business object – ‘Account – ESP’. Click ‘Ok’.



Figure 353334: Object Discovery and Selection

➢ Click ‘Run Query’.

➢ The business object will be listed. Click on the ‘+’ sign next to the ‘Account - ESP’ tree node to get the list of business components under the ‘Account – ESP’ business object.

➢ Select the business component ‘Account’ and click ‘Add’.

➢ Click ‘Next’.

4 Generating business object definitions and related artifacts


Figure 3435: Configure Composite Properties window


Figure 36: Configure Composite Properties

➢ Provide a value for ‘Folder’ – ‘out’ for example. This is where the generated WebSphere business objects will be stored. Do not change the Namespace value. Do not edit the ‘Operations’ list.

➢ Click ‘Next’.

5 Service generation and deployment configuration

Based on the J2C Authentication alias created earlier on WebSphere, specify it as a ‘J2C Authentication Data Entry’ on ‘Service generation and deployment configuration’ window. Alternatively, the connection properties can be used instead, simply enter the password as all other properties are recalled. Click ‘Next’ when done. Refer the following figure.


Figure 3519: Service Generation and Deployment Configuration


Figure 37: Service Generation and Deployment Configuration

➢ In the ‘Service Location Properties’ window, create a new module by clicking on ‘New’ against the ‘Module’ property. In the ‘Integration Project’ window, select the option – ‘Create a module project’ and click ‘Next’.

➢ Provide a module name in the ‘New Module’ window and click ‘Finish’.


Figure 3836: Service Location Properties

➢ Provide a value against the ‘Folder’ property – ‘intf’ for example. The corresponding folder will be created under the module. This is the folder where the generated .import and .wsdl files will be stored.

Click ‘Finish’ to end the wizard.


Figure 39: Files Changed

To conclude the changes to the artifacts, files are typically saved based on the configurations made earlier throughout the wizard steps.

Click ‘Yes’ to save files changed.

Note: There is no need to set the password as the adapter gets it from the ‘Authentication Alias’ set.

6 Configuring the adapter properties

The properties have already been configured earlier at the time of generation of the business objects and artifacts. If there are any configuration changes needed, it can be done using the Assembly Editor.

➢ In the ‘Business Integration’ perspective, open the assembly diagram under the project and select the SiebelOutboundInterface import.

➢ Open the ‘Properties’ view and click on the ‘Binding’ tab under it.

➢ Select the different tabs – ‘Connection’, ‘Resource Adapter’ as needed to configure any of the corresponding properties e.g. ‘Managed Connection Factory’, ‘Authentication’ etc.


Figure 3937: Assembly Diagram and Properties View

➢ Save the project when done with the changes.

Note: Select the assembly diagram window before saving i.e. one that has the ‘SiebelOutboundInterface’ and save the project. It is important to select the window else the changes cannot be saved.

7 Deploying the adapter project to the test environment

The result of running the External Service wizard is an SCA module that contains an EIS import. Install this SCA module in the WebSphere Integration Developer integration test client.

➢ Add the SCA module created earlier to the server using the Servers View in WebSphere Integration Developer. Right-click on the server, and then select Add and remove projects.

➢ Select the project on the left hand pane ‘Available Projects’. Click ‘Add’ button. It should get added to the ‘Configured Projects’ pane on the right hand side.

➢ Click ‘Finish’

➢ The SCA module has been successfully installed and started on the server.

Note: If there are any problems installing the application using the above approach, you can export the project into an EAR, install and start it through the WPS admin console. For further information, refer to the troubleshooting sections at the end of the tutorial.

8 Testing the adapter application

The adapter application will be tested using the WebSphere Integration Developer integration test client. The following subsections will provide information on how to execute the two operations, ‘Create’ and ‘Exists’, against the business object ‘Account - ESP’.

1 Execution of ‘Create’ operation

➢ In the ‘Business Integration’ profile, select the module, right-click on it and select Test > Test Module.

➢ In the ‘Events’ window, select the operation ‘createBOAccountESPBCAccount against the ‘Operation’ property.


Figure 38: Operation Type


Figure 41: Operation Type

➢ Set the verb to ‘Create’ by selecting the same from the verb list.



Figure 4139: Create a business object

➢ Provide sample values for the following business object attributes. Note: You do not need to set the attributes with the same values given below. Instead, you can provide your own valid values.

|Attribute Name |Possible sample value |

|Currency Code |USD |

|InternalOrgFlag |N |

|Name |AccountSample4ID |

|PartyTypeCode |P |

|PartyUID |Q |

➢ Select the value ‘null’ for the container attributes under BOAccountU32U45U32ESPBCAccount (mandatory).

➢ Select the simple attributes that do not need to be set using ‘Shift’ and/or ‘Ctrl’ keys and right-click on the selected attributes list. Select ‘Set To’->’Unset’.

➢ Click ‘Continue’

➢ Select the appropriate WebSphere Process Server instance and click ‘Finish’ to execute the operation.


Figure 4240: Select Deployment Location

➢ When the execution is successfully done, the resultant business object with the key values filled in will be returned. Note down the ‘ID’ key value as it can be used later in the ‘Exists’ operation. It is also needed for clearing the sample content created.


Figure 4341: Return Output

➢ The execution of the ‘Create’ operation is successfully completed.

2 Execution of ‘Exists’ operation

➢ In the ‘Business Integration’ profile, select the module, right-click on it and select Test > Test Module.

In the ‘Events’ window, select the operation ‘existsBOAccountESPBCAccount against the ‘Operation’ property.


Figure 42: Setting Component, Interface or Operation


Figure 45: Setting Component, Interface or Operation

➢ Set an existing Account ‘ID’ key value in the EIS onto the ‘ID’ attribute in the business object.

Note: Do not use the value set below. The ‘ID’ that was generated earlier against the ‘Create’ operation is set below. You can do the same too if you had done the ‘Create’ operation prior to the execution of this operation.


Figure 4543: Business Object Reference ID

➢ Select the simple attributes other than ‘ID’ using ‘Shift’ key and right-click on the attributes list. Select ‘Set To’->’Unset’.

➢ Click ‘Continue’

➢ Select the appropriate WebSphere Process Server instance and click ‘Finish’ to execute the operation.

➢ When the execution is successfully done, the resultant business object of type ‘SiebelExistsResult’ is returned. This business object has a single ‘Boolean’ type variable. The value would be returned ‘true’ if the object was present in the Siebel EIS and ‘false’ if not.


Figure 44: Successful Status Returned


Figure 47: Successful Status Returned

➢ The execution of the ‘Exists’ operation is successfully completed.

Tutorial for inbound processing using Siebel business service

This scenario deals with the inbound processing through the Siebel integration object ‘Account Interface’. This integration object comes under the Siebel business service ‘Siebel Account’. The generated artifacts against this scenario will be part of

|Tutorial |Folders |Descriptions |

|3 |SiebelBSAcctIn2 |Generated artifacts, such as XML Schema Definitions (xsd),|

| | |Web Services Definition Language (WDL), Service Component |

| | |Architecture (SCA) module file and etc. |

| |SiebelBSAcctIn2App |EAR application artifacts, such as deployment descriptors.|

| |SiebelBSAcctIn2EJB |EJB module artifacts. |

1 Start with the External Service Wizard


Follow section 2.4 for initial steps of External Service Wizard.


Figure 4745: Processing Direction

Continuing with the wizard, a ‘Processing direction’ will be undertaken which for this scenario is an Inbound.

➢ Select Inbound.

2 Setting connection properties for the External Service

Follow section 3.2.

3 Selecting the Siebel business services


Figure 4846: Discovery Configuration - Siebel Business Service

As part of the discovery configuration on Siebel system, besides setting the connection properties, the type of Siebel objects to be discovered is set to “Siebel Business Services”. As for the Siebel repository name, keep it as “Siebel Repository”.

Prefix for business object names can be added at will.

By clicking on the ‘Advanced’ button, a bottom-half of the window offers the ‘Bidi Properties’ and logging portion for settings.


Figure 50: Discovery Configuration - Bidi Properties and Log Properties

By selecting ‘Bidi transformation’, the Bidi ordering schema is enabled with the ‘Implicit’ or ‘Visual’ option. Additionally, text direction can also be set with LTR (Left To Right) or vice versa or either contextually in one of the directions.

Once we specify the level of logging desired, the log file output location and logging level are set with default values but can be configured as needed.

Click Next.

In the ‘Object Discovery And Selection’ window, click on ‘Edit Query’. In the ‘Query Properties window, provide the name (or the starting characters in the name) of the business service – ‘Siebel Account’.

Click ‘Ok’.



Figure 4947: Query Properties

➢ Click ‘Run Query’.

➢ The business service will be listed. Click on the ‘+’ sign next to the ‘Siebel Account’ tree node. It will list all the methods supported against the business service.

➢ Select ‘QueryByExample’ and Click ‘Add’. It will bring up the ‘Configuration Properties’ window. Set the ‘Event Method’ property to ‘QueryByExample’. Click ‘OK’.


Figure 5048: Configuration Properties For 'QueryByExample'

➢ Click ‘Next’.

4 Generating business object definitions and related Artifacts

➢ In the ‘Configure Composite Properties’ window, specify the business object namespace if different than the default and the folder’s name to store the artifacts. As an option, generate a business graph for each business object as part of the artifacts.



Figure 5149: Configure Composite Properties

➢ Click ‘Next’.

5 Service generation and deployment configuration

Based on the J2C Authentication alias created earlier on WebSphere, specify it as a ‘J2C Authentication Data Entry’ on ‘Service generation and deployment configuration’ window. Alternatively, the connection properties can be used instead, simply enter the password as all other properties are recalled. Click ‘Next’ when done. Refer the following figure.



Figure 5250: Service Generation and Deployment Configuration

➢ Create a new module by clicking on ‘New’ against the ‘Module’ property. In the ‘Integration Project’ window, select the option – ‘Create a module project’ and click ‘Next’.

➢ Provide a module name in the ‘New Module’ window and click ‘Finish’.

➢ Provide a value against the ‘Folder’ property – ‘intf’ for example. The corresponding folder will be created under the module. This is the folder where the generated .export and .wsdl files will be stored.


Figure 5351: Service Location Properties

➢ Click ‘Finish’ to end the External Service wizard process.


➢ Figure 56: Files Changed

To conclude the changes to the artifacts, files are typically saved based on the configurations made earlier throughout the wizard steps.

Click ‘Yes’ to save files changed.

6 Configuring the adapter properties

The properties have already been configured earlier at the time of generation of the business objects and artifacts. If there are any configuration changes needed, the same can be done using the Assembly Editor.

➢ In the ‘Business Integration’ perspective, open the assembly diagram under the project and select the SiebelInboundInterface export.

➢ Open the ‘Properties’ view and click on the ‘Binding’ tab under it.

➢ Select the different tabs – ‘Connection’, ‘Resource Adapter’ as needed to configure any of the corresponding properties e.g. ‘Activation Spec’, ‘Resource Adapter’ etc.



Figure 5452: Assembly Diagram and Properties View

➢ Save the project when done with the changes.

Note: Select the assembly diagram window before saving i.e. one that has the ‘SiebelInboundInterface’ and save the project. It is important to select the window else the changes cannot be saved.

7 Wiring the Inbound Interface

➢ In the ‘Business Integration’ perspective, open the assembly diagram under the project and select the SiebelInboundInterface export.


Figure 5553: Untyped Component Added

➢ From the left pane, select the “Untyped Component”. After selecting it, click on the assembly diagram window.

➢ The new element ‘Component1’ will be added.

➢ Link up the new element ‘Component1’ with the ‘SiebelInboundInterface’ export.


Figure 5654: Component Wired to Interface

➢ The ‘Add Wire’ window will show up. Click ‘Ok’.


Figure 5755: Add Wire Window Prompt

➢ Right-click on the new element ‘Component1’. Select ‘Generate Implementation’ -> ‘Java’. The class file, ‘’ gets generated.


Figure 5856: Generate Implementation

➢ In the ‘Generate Implementation’ window, ensure ‘default package’ is selected. Click ‘Ok’.


Figure 5957: Default Package Selected

➢ Add “System.out.println” statement in the emit methods of the class file, “”, in order to trace the flow of execution as shown in the figure below.


Figure 6058: Add Trace Statements

➢ Save the class file and then the project when done with the changes.

Note: Select the assembly diagram window before saving the project i.e. one that has the ‘SiebelInboundInterface’ export and save the project. It is important to select the window else the changes cannot be saved.

8 Deploying the adapter project to the test environment

The result of running the enterprise service discovery wizard is an SCA module that contains an EIS import. Install this SCA module in the WebSphere Integration Developer integration test client.

➢ Add the SCA module you created earlier to the server using the Servers View in WebSphere Integration Developer. Right-click on the server, and then select Add and remove projects.

➢ Select the project on the left hand pane ‘Available Projects’. Click ‘Add’ button. It should get added to the ‘Configured Projects’ pane on the right hand side.

➢ Click ‘Finish’

➢ The SCA module has been successfully added to the server.

Note: If there are any problems installing the application using the above approach, you can export the project into an EAR, install and start the same through the WPS admin console. For more information on how to do the same, check out the troubleshooting sections.

9 Testing the assembled adapter application

➢ Create a new record in the event component in the Siebel application. The event record information should be as follows:


Note: If you had provided any prefix in the connection properties, you have to prefix the same to the ‘Object Name’. The ‘Object Key’ value provided is a sample one. You need to set an appropriate name by checking out any existing ‘Account’ record in the EIS.

➢ In the ‘Admin Console’ window, Select Applications -> ‘Enterprise Applications’.

➢ Confirm that the application has been started successfully – a message will be provided at the top of the window and also the Status against the application will change from [pic] to[pic]. If not started, start it.

➢ Select the ‘Console’ tab in the window on the bottom to check the WebSphere Process Server log information.

➢ Assuming the event was successfully polled and delivered by the adapter, you should see the trace statement added earlier in the class on the console window.


Figure 6159: Trace Statement Captured

➢ This concludes the successful polling and delivery of an event by the adapter using the business service ‘Siebel Account’ and its integration object ‘Account Interface’. You can also confirm by checking the event component using the Siebel client – the corresponding event record would have been deleted from the same.

Tutorial for inbound processing using Siebel business object

The following section deals with inbound processing through the Siebel business object ‘Account ESP’. The generated artifacts against this scenario will be part of

|Tutorial |Folders |Descriptions |

|6 |SiebelBOAcctESPIn4 |Generated artifacts, such as XML Schema Definitions |

| | |(xsd), Web Services Definition Language (WDL), |

| | |Service Component Architecture (SCA) module file and |

| | |etc. |

| |SiebelBOAcctESPIn4App |EAR application artifacts, such as deployment |

| | |descriptors. |

| |SiebelBOAcctESPIn4EJB |EJB module artifacts. |

1 Start with the External Service Wizard


Follow section 2.4 for initial steps of External Service Wizard.


Figure 6260: Processing Direction

Continuing with the wizard, a ‘Processing Direction’ will be undertaken which for this scenario is an Inbound.

➢ Select Inbound.

2 Setting connection properties for the External Service

Follow section 3.2.

3 Selecting the Siebel business Objects

➢ In the ‘Object Discovery and Selection’ window, click on ‘Edit Query’. In the ‘Query Properties window, provide the name (or the starting characters in the name) of the business object – ‘Account – ESP’. Click ‘Ok’.


Figure 6162: Object Discovery and Selection


Figure 66: Object Discovery and Selection

➢ Click ‘Run Query’.

➢ The business object will be listed. Click on the ‘+’ sign next to the ‘Account - ESP’ tree node to get the list of business components under the ‘Account – ESP’ business object.


Figure 6263: Discovered and Selected Objects


Figure 67: Discovered and Selected Objects

➢ Select the business component ‘Account’ and click ‘Add’.

➢ Click ‘Next’.

4 Generating business object definitions and related artifacts

In order to configure the composite properties that apply to all selected objects, the following window will entail a business object namespace field entry that is initialized and a folder field entry that is optional for storing the generated business objects.


Figure 6364: Configure Composite Propertiess


Figure 68: Configure Composite Properties

➢ Provide a value for ‘Folder’ – ‘out’ for example. This is where the generated WebSphere business objects will be stored. Do not change the Namespace value. Do not edit the ‘Operations’ list.

➢ Click ‘Next’.

5 Service Generation and Deployment Configuration

Based on the J2C Authentication alias created earlier on WebSphere, specify it as a ‘J2C Authentication Data Entry’ on ‘Service generation and deployment configuration’ window. Alternatively, the connection properties can be used instead, simply enter the password as all other properties are recalled. Click ‘Next’ when done. Refer the following figure.


Figure 666465: Service Generation and Deployment Configuration


Figure 676566: Service Location Properties

➢ In the ‘Service Location Properties’ window, create a new module by clicking on ‘New’ against the ‘Module’ property. In the ‘Integration Project’ window, select the option – ‘Create a module project’ and click ‘Next’.

➢ Provide a value against the ‘Folder’ property – ‘intf’ for example. The corresponding folder will be created under the module. This is the folder where the generated .import and .wsdl files will be stored.

➢ Provide a module name in the ‘New Module’ window and click ‘Finish’ to end the External Service wizard process.

Note: There is no need to set the password as the adapter gets it from the ‘Authentication Alias’ set. If we decide to connect directly, the following figure displays the expected properties after clicking the ‘Advanced’ button.


Figure 68: Connection Properties

6 Configuring the adapter properties

The properties have already been configured earlier at the time of generation of the business objects and artifacts. If there are any configuration changes needed, the same can be done using the Assembly Editor.

➢ In the ‘Business Integration’ perspective, open the assembly diagram under the project and select the SiebelInboundInterface export.

➢ Open the ‘Properties’ view and click on the ‘Binding’ tab under it.

➢ Select the different tabs – ‘Connection’, ‘Resource Adapter’ as needed to configure any of the corresponding properties e.g. ‘Activation Spec’, ‘Resource Adapter’ etc.


➢ Save the project when done with the changes.

Note: Select the assembly diagram window before saving i.e. one that has the ‘SiebelInboundInterface’ and save the project. It is important to select the window else the changes cannot be saved.

7 Wiring the Inbound Interface

➢ In the ‘Business Integration’ perspective, open the assembly diagram under the project and select the SiebelInboundInterface export.

➢ From the left pane, select the icon ‘Component with no Implementation type’. From the icon list that shows up, select the icon ‘Component with Implementation type’ again. After selecting it, click on the assembly diagram window.

➢ The new element ‘Component1’ will be added.


Figure 696667: Untyped Component Added

➢ Link up the new element ‘Component1’ with the ‘SiebelInboundInterface’ export as below.


Figure 706768: Component Wired to Interface

➢ The ‘Add Wire’ window will show up. Click ‘Ok’.


Figure 716869: Add Wire Window Prompt

➢ Right-click on the new element ‘Component1’. Select ‘Generate Implementation’ -> ‘Java’. The class file, ‘’ gets generated.


Figure 726970: Generate Implementation, Java

➢ In the ‘Generate Implementation’ window, ensure ‘default package’ is selected. Click ‘Ok’.


Figure 737071: Default Package Selected

➢ Add “System.out.println” statement in the emit methods of the class file, “”, in order to trace the flow of execution as shown in the figure below.


Figure 747172: Add Trace Statements

➢ Save the class file and then the project when done with the changes.

Note: Select the assembly diagram window before saving the project i.e. one that has the ‘SiebelInboundInterface’ export and save the project. It is important to select the window else the changes cannot be saved.

8 Deploying the adapter project to the test environment

The result of running the enterprise service discovery wizard is an SCA module that contains an EIS import. Install this SCA module in the WebSphere Integration Developer integration test client.

➢ Add the SCA module you created earlier to the server using the Servers View in WebSphere Integration Developer. Right-click on the server, and then select Add and remove projects.

➢ Select the project on the left hand pane ‘Available Projects’. Click ‘Add’ button. It should get added to the ‘Configured Projects’ pane on the right hand side.

➢ Click ‘Finish’

➢ The SCA module has been successfully installed and started on the server.

Note: If there are any problems installing the application using the above approach, you can export the project into an EAR, install and start the same through the WPS admin console.

9 Testing the assembled adapter application

➢ Create a new record in the event component in the Siebel application. The event record information should be as follows:


Note: If you had provided any prefix in the connection properties, you have to prefix the same to the ‘Object Name’. The ‘Object Key’ value provided is a sample one. You need to set an appropriate Id by checking out any existing ‘Account’ record in the EIS.

➢ In the ‘Admin Console’ window, Select Applications -> ‘Enterprise Applications’.

➢ Confirm that the application has been started successfully – a message will be provided at the top of the window and also the Status against the application will change from [pic] to[pic].

➢ Select the ‘Console’ tab in the window on the bottom to check the WebSphere Process Server log information.

➢ Assuming the event was successfully polled and delivered by the adapter, you should see the trace statement added earlier in the class, on the console window.


Figure 757273: Trace Statement Captured

➢ This concludes the successful polling and delivery of an event by the adapter using the business object ‘Account – ESP’. You can also confirm by checking the event component using the Siebel client – the corresponding event record would have been deleted from the same.

Troubleshooting the Tutorial

1 Deployment Failure

The following sections provide information on the alternative approach to deploy the project onto the WPS, if there are issues with WID deployment.

Export project into ‘EAR’ file

To export the project into an ‘EAR’ file, do the following.

➢ Confirm that there are no errors by building the project.

➢ Right-click on the project and select ‘Export’->EAR File.


➢ In the ‘EAR Export’ window, select the EAR project e.g. SiebelBS_OutboundApp and provide the the absolute path including the ‘EAR’ file name e.g. ‘Siebel_BS_OutboundApp.ear’ against the ‘Destination’ property. Select all options that have check-boxes as below. Click ‘Finish’. The EAR file will be saved in that destination folder.


Deploying project through Admin Console

Deploying the adapter project through the admin console consists of the following steps.

➢ Click on the ‘Servers’ view in the bottom right-hand side window of the WID.

➢ If not already started, right-click on the WPS instance and start the same.

➢ Confirm that the server is up by checking the status – it should be listed as ‘started’.

➢ Right-click on the server and select ‘Run administrative console’. The admin console window should show up.

➢ Click on ‘login’ in the admin console window.

➢ Select Applications -> ‘Enterprise Applications’


➢ In the ‘Enterprise Applications’ window, select ‘Install’ option.


➢ In the ‘Path to the new application’ window, choose the system where the EAR file was saved into and browse to the corresponding folder on the system. Select the EAR file from the folder where you saved earlier (under ‘Saving the adapter project’ section) and click ‘open’. Click ‘Next’.


➢ Click ‘Next’ in the ‘Preparing the application for installation’ window.


➢ In the ‘Install New Application’ window, click on the ‘Summary’ step.

➢ Click ‘Finish’.

➢ The project will be installed. When installation is done, you will get the message confirming the successful installation of the application.

➢ Click on ‘Save to Master Configuration’ option in the same window where the message is printed.


➢ Click on the ‘Save’ option in the ‘Enterprise Applications window.


➢ The application is now installed and saved successfully.

Starting the application through Admin Console

➢ In the ‘Enterprise Applications’ window, select the check-box next to the installed application.

➢ Click on the ‘Start’ option.

➢ Confirm that the application has been started successfully – a message will be provided at the top of the window and also the ‘Status’ against the application will change from [pic] to [pic]

3 Create Record Failed

In an outbound scenario which requires a business object to be created, the id is not required as input value because it’s automatically generated. Another possible cause would be creating a duplicate record; hence, a DuplicateRecordException will be thrown.


1 Clearing the tutorial content

8.1.1 Business service ‘Siebel Account’ – ‘Insert’ operation

You should have noted down the ‘AccountID’ generated earlier against the business service ‘Insert’ operation (Section Using Siebel client, you can delete the corresponding ‘Account’ record.

8.1.2 Business Service ‘Siebel Account’ - ‘QueryByExample’ operation

Not applicable. The ‘QueryByExample’ operation (Section just retrieves an existing record and does not create or update any sample content in the Siebel EIS.

8.1.3 Business Object ‘Account – ESP’ - ‘Create’ operation

You should have noted down the ‘ID’ generated earlier against the business service ‘Create’ operation (Section Using Siebel client, you can delete the corresponding ‘Account’ record.

8.1.4 Business Object ‘Account – ESP’ - ‘Exists’ operation

Not applicable. The ‘Exists’ operation (Section just checks for the existence of a record and does not create or update any sample content in the Siebel EIS.


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