|Chairman of the Competitive bidding committee of |

|PJSC “Ukrgasvydobuvannia” |

|______________ Razdobarin S.М. |

|The Competitive bidding committee meeting protocol |

|dated April, “06” 2017 №17Т-179 |


Drilling rig with capacity of 180 tons (1000HP) assembled

Procurement procedure number 17T-179


Chapter 1. General provisions

1. Terms used in the documentation of procurement procedures.

2. Information about the customer of procurement procedures.

3. Information about the subject matter of procurement.

4. Procurement procedure.

5. Non-discrimination of participants.

6. Information about currency, in which the price offer of procurement procedure must be calculated and pointed.

7. Information about the language (languages) of that (which) the offers of procurement procedure must be drawn up.

Chapter 2. The order for making changes and clarifications to the documentation of procurement procedures.

1. The order of clarifications to documentation of procurement procedure.

Chapter 3. Preparation of offers for procurement procedures.

1. Preparation of offers for procurement procedures.

2. Content of the participant’s offer.

3. Offer security.

4. The terms of return or non-return of offer security.

5. Offer validity.

6. Qualifying criteria and requirements for participants.

7. Information about required technical, qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the subject matter of procurement.

8. Description of individual part (parts) of the subject matter of procurement, for which offers can be submitted.

9. Amending or revocation of the offer by the participant.

Chapter 4. Submission and tear opening the offers.

1. Manner, place and deadline of the offers.

2. Place, date and time of the procurement procedure offers tear opening.

3. Estimated time of start of reversed auction.

Chapter 5. The winner definition

1. Offer evaluation and acceptance.

2. Offer rejecting.

3. Procurement procedure cancellation by the customer.

4. Other information.

Chapter 6. Conclusion of the contract.

1. Terms of the contract conclusion.

2. The draft contract or the basic conditions which necessarily included to the contract.

3. The actions of the customer in case of refusal of the bidding winner to sign a contract.

4. Enforcement of treaty.

5. List of documents for the winner, necessary for the contract conclusion.

Chapter 7. Blacklist of suppliers.

1. Inclusion in the Blacklist.


1. Qualifying criteria and requirements for participants.

2. Price offer form.

3. Information about the necessary technical, qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the subject of procurement.

4. Draft contract which will be concluded with the winner of the bidding.

5. Profile of the contractor.

6. DECLARATION about acceptance of conditions of procurement procedures.

7. Present value calculation

8. Information sheet

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. Terms used in the documentation of procurement procedures

Procurment procedure documentation is developed in accordance with the “Procedure of procurement of goods, works and services of PJSC "Ukrgasvydobuvannia" approved by the Order No. 690 dd. 19.12.16 (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure).

Terms of this documentation are used in the values specified in the Procedure.

2. Information about the customer of procurement procedures:

Full name: Public Joint-Stock Company "Ukrgasvydobuvannia"

Location: 04053, Kyiv, Kudravska, 26/28;

Official customer, authorized to carry out communication with the participants:

Manager: Boyko Evgeny, phone +38 (044) 461-25-57;

for additional information on technical issues:

Head of drilling department

Paduchak Mikhail, phone+38 (044) 461-27-59 

Deputy head of the ground equipment modernization division

Sologub Oleg, phone +38(044) 461-27-57 

Head of the ground equipment modernization division

Litovchenko Yuriy ph. (044) 461-27-57

as for procurment procedure – procurement organization division

phone +38 (044) 461-27-14, 461-27-11; е-mail: tender@.ua

for non-residents:

foreign activity sector +38 (044) 461-27-17.

3. Information about the subject matter of procurement

Name: 43132200-9 Drilling rigs

Type: Drilling rig with capacity of 180 tons (1000НР) assembled

Place of delivery: Kharkiv region, Krasnograd.

Qantity: 1 pcs.

Terms of delivery: to 01.03.2018.

(more listed in Annex 2 and Annex 3 to procurement procedure)

The expected cost of procurement: 149 760 000,00 UAH incl. VAT.

4. Procurement procedure: Two-stage bidding with reduction

5. Non-discrimination of participants: Domestic and foreign participants take part in the procedure on equal terms.

6. Information about currency, in which the price offer of procurement procedure must be calculated and pointed.

The currency of procurement procedure offer is hryvnia.

If a participant of procurement procedures is non-resident, such participant can specify the price of the offer in USD or Euro. While opening the proposals the price of such proposal is translated into hryvnia as per official exchange rate of hryvnia to USD or Euro established by the National Bank of Ukraine as of the date of the proposals opening and indicated in the protocol of opening. Also with the purpose of bringing the price of non-resident proposals to terms similar with residents (VAT and/or customs charges and/or conditions of payment), the calculation of the present value can be used. The Present value calculation form is provided in Annex 7 to documentation. Also with the purpose of bringing the price offers of nonresidents to terms equal with residents (VAT and/or customs charges and/or conditions of delivery, payment) the calculation of the present value of the goods can be used. Form of calculation of present value is provided in Appendix 7 to the documentation.

7. Information about the language (languages) of that (which) the offers of procurement procedure must be drawn up.

During the procurement procedures the all documents prepared by customer and participant, are taught in Ukrainian or in Russian, as well as by the decision of the customer simultaneously all documents can have authentic translation into another language. The determinative text is the text drafted in Ukrainian.

In case the language of the document of proposal is differ from Ukrainian or Russian language the participant provides certified in the established order translation of this document into Ukrainian or Russian.

Chapter 2. The order for making changes and clarifications to the documentation of procurement procedures

1. The order of clarifications to documentation of procurement procedure.

The participant has the right not later than five business days before the end of the period of the proposals submission refer to the customer for clarification on procurement procedure documentation. The customer provides written clarification to the request within three business days from the date of its receipt. Received date is the date of registration of the request in the bidding Committee.

The customer has the right, on his own initiative or by results of queries to make changes to the procurement procedure documentation, extending the term of submission of proposals not less than by 5 business days and publish on the own web site within one working day from the date of the decision to make these changes.

Chapter 3. Preparation of offers for procurement procedures

1. Preparation of offers for procurement procedures.

The offer should be provided in a sealed package and contains two internal separate sealed envelopes:

- envelope with a qualifying offer – binded, numbered indicating the number of sheets on the back of the last sheet and with a signature and seal of the participant;

- envelope with a price offer - binded, numbered indicating the number of sheets on the back of the last sheet and with a signature and seal of the participant.

Envelopes with a qualifying offer and price offer are sealed in one package, which in places of gluing should contain prints stamp of participant.

The follwing must be specified on the package:

- the number of procedure according to the data of the site (17T-…….).

- full name and location of the customer: Public Joint-Stock Company "Ukrgasvydobuvannia", 04053, Kyiv, Kudravska, 26/28, office 904;

- the name of the subject matter of procurement according to the data of the site;

- full name of participant, location, address, identification code, contact phones, fax, email address, and company Manager name and sirname;

- marking: "Do not open up to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (the date and time of the proposals opening is specified)"

The inner envelopes with the relevant parts of the proposal should marked with:

1.  Number of procurement procedure;

2.  Subject of procurement;

3.  Name and address of the customer;

4.  Name and address of the participant;

5.  Name of the part of the proposal (qualification or price).

If one or another part of the proposal consists of several packages, packed in individual envelopes, then for each such envelope in addition the number of the package of the relevant part of the proposal should be indicated.

Simultaneously with the offer submitted in written, the participant provides an electronic copy of each of the parts of the proposals on one or more compact discs CD-R/DVD-R (without the possibility of further changes to the information stored on these media), which includes all documents that make up the appropriate part of the proposals. CD-R/DVD-R CDs are signed with permanent marker indicating the date and time of recording of information, name of the participant and his signature.

The electronic copy must contain scanned versions of documents (in the form accessible for visual perception), prepared in hard copy, Portable Document Format (*. pdf) is preferable, according to the principle: one file - one document. The title of each document shall clearly follow the document contained in the file and cannot exceed 25 characters. Files should not have protection from their opening, copying their content or print.

Each disc, which is an electronic copy of the part of proposal must be inside an envelope with the relevant part of the proposal.

Part of one electronic copy of the part of proposal should include all documents that make up the original of this piece. The content of the electronic versions of the documents that are included in an electronic copy must match the original content. In case of discrepancies between the original and the electronic copy such proposal may be rejected.

Providing of electronic copies of both parts (qualifying and price) on one electronic media is not allowed and such proposal may may be rejected.

Received offer is registered by the customer in the received offer registry.

The participant has the right to submit only one offer.

If the procurement procedure containce several parts (lots) the participants have the right to submit proposals for all procurement procedure or for certain parts of the subject (lots) .

Authority for signature of documents of proposal is confirmed by: extract from the minutes of the founders, a copy of the Decree on the appointment, proxy or other document confirming the power of the official party to sign of the documents.

2. Content of the participant’s offer.

The proposal should consists of:

- the qualification offer;

- the prise offer.

The qualification offer consists of:

- documented information about the participant's offer compliance with the qualification criteria and requirements, in accordance with Annex 1 to documentation;

- documented compliance of the offer with the technical requirements and quality characteristics, quantitative and other requirements to the subject of procurement established by the customer in accordance with Annex 3 to the documentation;

- technical requirements and quality characteristics, and the basic conditions that will be included in the contract (Annex 3 and 4 to the documentation), signed by the authorized person and certified by seal;

- a copy of the anti-corruption programme of the legal entity that is a party to, and a copy of appointment order of attorney on the anti-corruption programme of the legal entity (in case the expected value of the procurement is equal to or exceeds 20 mln. UAH);

- profile of the contractor, signed and certified by the seal in accordance with Annex 5 to the documentation.

- DECLARATION about acceptance of conditions of procurement procedures as per Annex 6 signed and certified by the seal.

- Annex 8 Information sheet, filled, signed and certified by the seal.

The price offer contains:

- the offer formed as per Annex 2 to documentation and the contract as per Annex 4 to documentation.

3. Offer security.

In order to participate in procedure participant provides offer security in the form of:

1. A bank guarantee or standby (Bid bond Guarantee or Bid bond SBLC), issued by the Bank, rating of which at the classification of one of the world's leading rating companies (Fitch IBCA, Standard & Poor's, Moody's) corresponds to the requirements of first-class banks (above investment grade).

Guarantee or standby should provide the following cases:

- the participant withdrews its price offer after completion of the time of submittion,

not signing the contract by participant which became the winner of the procurement procedures in terms required by the documentation.

The amount of the guarantee or standby is  150 000,00 USD .

Guarantee or standby should be in English.

Guarantee or standby is issued by SWIFT with advising through Ukrexsimbank (EXBSUAUX). A paper copy of A paper copy of the relevant SWIFT should be added to the proposal.

The period of validity of the guarantee or standby to 06.07.2017 p. (inclusive).

All the costs for registration of a guarantee or a standby at the expense of the participant.

Guarantee or standby should meet the form below.



Type of [Guarantee / SBLC]: Bid bond

Number of the [Guarantee / SBLC]: (..)

Date: (..)

The [Guarantor / Issuer]: (..)

The Applicant: (..).

Beneficiary: (..)

The Underlying Relationship: Tender Documentation for the open procedure (..)

The [Guarantee / SBLC] amount and currency: (..)

Language of any documents under the [Guarantee / SBLC]: English.

Form of the presentation: paper form by any mode of delivery.

For the purpose of identification, the beneficiary’s bank shall confirm authenticity of the Beneficiary’s signature on the demand by the authenticated swift message sent to the [Guarantor’s / Issuer’s]

Place of the presentation: (..).

Expiry: (..) [validity of the tender + 30 days]

The party liable for payment of any charges: Applicant.

At the request and for the account of the Applicant, we, as the [Guarantor / Issuer], hereby irrevocably undertake to pay the Beneficiary any amount up the [Guarantee / SBLC] amount, upon presentatin of the Beneficiary’s complying demand in the Form of the presentation indicated above stating that the Applicant is in breach of its obligations under the Underlying Relationship, particularly:

+ the Applicant has withdrawn its bid within the validity of the tender; or

+ the Applicant has been nominated as successful bidder, but has failed or refused to sign the contract.

Any demand under this [Guarantee / SBLC] must be received by us on or before Expiry at the Place of presentation indicated above.

[This Guarantee is subject to URDG758, ICC publication. / This SBLC is subject to ISP98 / UCP600, ICC publication.]

4. The terms of return or non-return of offer security.

As per Section 12 of the Procedure of procurement of goods, works and services of PJSC "Ukrgasvydobuvannia".

5. Offer validity.

Proposals are considered to be valid for 90 days from the date of the proposals opening. Before the end of this period the customer has the right to request the prolongation of term of proposals validity.

6. Qualifying criteria and requirements for participants.

Qualifying criteria and requirements for participants are specified in Annex 1 to documentation.

The list of documents confirming qualification and requirements is specified in Annex 1 to documentation.

7. Information about required technical, qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the subject matter of procurement.

- Information about required technical, qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the subject matter of procurement is specified in Annex 3 to documentation.

In the qualifying offer participants should provide the documents confirming the compliance of the proposals with technical, qualitative, quantitative, and other requirements for the subject of procurement established by the customer.

8. Description of individual part (parts) of the subject matter of procurement, for which offers can be submitted.


9. Amending or revocation of the offer by the participant.

The participant has the right to amend or withdraw its proposal before the end of the term of its submission without losing proposal security. Such changes or statement of revocation of the offer are taken into account if they are received by the customer before the end of the term of submission of proposals.4. The terms of return or non-return of offer security.

As per Section 12 of the Procedure of procurement of goods, works and services of PJSC "Ukrgasvydobuvannia".

5. Offer validity.

Proposals are considered to be valid for 90 days from the date of the proposals opening. Before the end of this period the customer has the right to request the prolongation of term of proposals validity.

6. Qualifying criteria and requirements for participants.

Qualifying criteria and requirements for participants are specified in Annex 1 to documentation.

The list of documents confirming qualification and requirements is specified in Annex 1 to documentation.

7. Information about required technical, qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the subject matter of procurement.

- Information about required technical, qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the subject matter of procurement is specified in Annex 3 to documentation.

In the qualifying offer participants should provide the documents confirming the compliance of the proposals with technical, qualitative, quantitative, and other requirements for the subject of procurement established by the customer.

8. Description of individual part (parts) of the subject matter of procurement, for which offers can be submitted.


9. Amending or revocation of the offer by the participant.

The participant has the right to amend or withdraw its proposal before the end of the term of its submission without losing proposal security. Such changes or statement of revocation of the offer are taken into account if they are received by the customer before the end of the term of submission of proposals.

Chapter 4. Submission and tear opening the offers

1. Manner, place and deadline of the offers:

Proposals to purchase procedures, obtained by the customer after the expiration of their views are not accepted.

- the way of offers submission: Personally or through an authorized representative or by courier -"personally in hands”.

- place of submission: 04053, Kyiv, Kudravska, 26/28, office 904, procurement organization division, phone +38 (044) 461-27-14, 461-27-11 .

- deadline of submission (date, time): Deadline: 15.05.2017, before 16.00.

2. Place, date and time of the procurement procedure offers tear opening on the 1st stage:

- place of opening: 04053, Kyiv, Kudravska, 26/28, Conference or meeting room.

- date and time of opening: 16.05.2017, at 10.30.

At the first stage the customer is open the proposals of the participants. Envelopes with price are not opened.

By results of the opening of the envelopes with the qualification offer the appropriate protocol is formed with information about the submitted proposals, the name address and location of the participant, as well as other information. The protocol of opening of envelopes with qualification offers is not published on the website of the customer.

In the frame of the first stage the customer considers the qualifying offer of the participants in conformity with the requirements in the documentation of the procurement in accordance with the instructions of the pre-qualification for selection of the contractors (which is available on the website of the company .ua in Chapter "Procurement»). The goal of the first stage - admitting to further participation in procurement of proposals meeting the requirements of documentation and reject the other as unacceptable. The customer has the right to apply to the participants for clarification of the content of their proposals.

The first stage should be completed within 21 working days after deadline of qualifying proposals. The term of consideration of the proposals may be extended for no more than 10 working days. The decision on extension of terms of consideration of qualifying proposals is drawn by the bidding Committee's decision.

By results of the first stage the bidding Committee makes decision about admission of the participants to the second stage of the procurement or rejection of admission according to the criteria of the qualification selection and define the date of the second stage (reduction). The bidding Committee's decision is documented by appropriate protocol.

Notice about the place, date and time of the second stage is published on the website of the customer and shall be sent by fax or email to the address of the participants admitted to 2nd stage no later than 5 working days before the date of the second stage.

Autorised representatives of the participant that received the message must register to participate in the procedure of price offers opening before the date of the second stage. They must provide the following documents to the customer:

- all filled pages of the passport or other document proving the identity certified by participant as well as provide the original of such document for review;

- the document autorising the representative on behalf of the participant to be present at the procedure of opening to sign the Protocol of results of opening procedure and declare or reduce the proposal’s price (power of Attorney or other document ).

The opening protocol signed by members of the bidding Committee and participants who were present at the procedure.

3. Estimated time of start of reversed auction (2nd stage):

- date and time of price offers opening: is published on the website of the customer and shall be sent by fax or email to the address of the participants admitted to 2nd stage no later than 5 working days before the date of the second stage.

At the second stage the envelopes with price offer of participants admitted by bidding Committee decision to the second stage are opened. Envelopes with price offer of participants that by the bidding Committee's decision was not allowed to participate in the second stage, are not opened. Price offer opening is held in the presence of representatives of the participants who admitted to the second stage. The lack of an authorized representative of participant during the procedure is not a reason for refusal in it offer opening.

Disclosure of the price offers is made at the time and place indicated in the notice about the second stage of the procurement procedure. Customer opens envelopes with price offer of participants and announces their price and proposes to the authorized representatives of the participants begin reducing the price of the subject of procurement or lot.

In case calculation of the present value of participants offer after their disclosure and announcement the Customer has the right to transfer the procedure price reduction of the subject of procurement to the next day after the day of the price offers disclosure. In this case the initial price of the offer is indicated in disclosure protocol. The disclosure Protocol is signed by members of the bidding Committee and participants were present. The next day the procedure of price reduction (auction) is carried out taking into account present value calculations.

The starting price for the procedure of reduction is considered to be the lowest price of the disclosed proposals. Representatives of the participants confirm their consent to the reduction of price offers by raising his hands and announcement the new price. If, after the triple announcement of final price none of the participants suggested new prices, the procurement procedure is stoped.

The initial and final price of proposals is specified in opening (reduction) protocol. Protocol of opening (reduction) is signed both by the bidding Committee's members and participants that were present.

The participant with the lowest price should provide a new price offer for the amount not more than recorded in the protocol on the subject of procurement as a whole or for each lot separately within 3 business days.

The period from the day of opening (reduction) to acceptance of the lowest price offer must not exceed 21 business days.

Chapter 5. The winner definition

1. Offer evaluation and acceptance.

The winner is determined by decision of the bidding Committee by the lowest price (with VAT) at equal status of taxpayers or (without VAT) at different status taxpayer of participants or by results of the present value calculation, if such a calculation was used in the procurement procedure.

The customer has the right to ask for confirmation of the information provided by the participant to public authorities, enterprises, institutions, organizations, according to their competence.

In case of reliable information about his inconsistency to qualification requirements, presence of the grounds specified in the documentation of the procurement procedures, or the fact of indication in the offer any false information that is important in determining the results of the procurement procedure, the customer declines the offer of such participant.

The winner proposal acceptance is specified in protocol.

The notice about the winner of procurement procedure is published on the website of the customer within three working days from the day of acceptance.

2. Offer rejecting.

The customer reject the offer if:

- the participant’s offer does not meet the qualification requirements, including the technical and qualitative characteristics of the subject of procurement (lot) established by documentation of procurement procedures;

- the participant’s offer does not meet requirements established by documentation of procurement procedures;

- the participant doesn’t provid offers security, if such security was required by the customer;

- The participant has provided a written refusal from participation in the procurement procedure;

- offer is submitted by the participant which is associated person with the other participants of the procurement procedure;

- the participant doesn’t conducts economic activity in accordance with the provisions of its Charter;

- after the second stage (reduction) the customer appealed to the participant with the most economically advantageous offer for confirmation of information provided, and the participant has not provided documents or information in the specified period;

- the participant is entered in Blacklist.

3. Procurement procedure cancellation by the customer

The customer cancels the procurement in case of:

- lack of financing or need in procurement of goods, works and services;

- submission of less then two offers in procurement procedure;

- the price of the most advantageous offer exceeds the amount stipulated by the customer for financing of the procurement;

- if to the second stage (reduction) after first stage (qualification) less than two participants were admitted;

- not making a decision regarding acceptance of offer of participant who was participated in the procedure;

- unconclusion of the contract by results of procurement procedure;

Procurement procedure can be cancelled partly (by lots).

4. Other information

The prices are specified taking into account the requirements specified in item 6 of Chapter 1 of this documentation taking into account the value added tax and the cost of other expenses necessary for the implementation of the agreement, on the conditions determined by this documentation.

Participant specifies price including all costs relating to the goods until the moment of its delivery in accordance with the terms of this documentation, including travel expenses, as well as all duties, taxes and other fees are payable at export of goods and which is need to transit shipment through any country prior to its delivery. The cost of customs procedures in the country of import are paid by participant.

Chapter 6. Conclusion of the contract

1. Terms of the contract conclusion

The customer enters into a contract with the participant an offer of which was accepted not later than twenty one business days from the date of acceptance.

2. The draft contract or the basic conditions which necessarily included to the contract

The draft contract for procurement is specified in Annex 4 to this documentation.

3. The actions of the customer in case of refusal of the bidding winner to sign a contract

In the case of a written denial of the winner of procurement procedure to sign a contract in accordance with the requirements of the procurement procedure documentation or not signing a contract by fault of the participant within the time limit determined by this documentation the customer may determine the most economically advantageous offer of procurement procedure from those the period of validity of which has not expired, and makes a contract with him no later than 21 business days from the day of repeat definition of the winner.

4. Enforcement of treaty

Not required.

5. List of documents for the winner, necessary for the contract conclusion

At the conclusion of the contract the winner provides the following documents:

A copy, certified by the winner:

а). the Charter, the Foundation/memorandum, the decision about the formation of the entity;

b). An original or a copy of an excerpt from the Registry of VAT or Unified Tax Payers (except for the entities that are non-residents of Ukraine);

c). a document confirming the authority of the person who signs the Contract (Passport and a copy of the order or a copy of a power of Attorney, or a copy of the decision of the supreme body of the legal person, or any other document confirming the right of such person to sign the contract);

d). extract/ certificate from the unified State Register of legal entities and private persons-entrepreneurs;

e). certificate of registration of the taxpayer in the TAX INSPECTION or certificate of payer;

f). Participant’s balance statement for the latest reporting period;

g). permission to perform certain activities, if such permission is necessary according to the current legislation for a certain type of activity (license, patent, certificate, etc.);

h). certificate from the Bank about opening of current account for the details specified in the contract;

і). certificate from the Bank about the lack (presence) of overdue indebtedness on loans, which must be dated no earlier than the last day of the quarter preceding the publication of the announcement about the bid;

j). certificate from STATE TAX INSPECTION about absence of indebtedness to the budget on the required taxes and fees, which must be dated no earlier than the last day of the quarter preceding the publication of the announcement of the bid;

k) certificate from public body about absence of bankruptcy proceedings and no decision on bankruptcy;

l). information about the actual location of the contractor and the phone numbers of the head and chief accountant or person who performs its function;

m). for State and municipal enterprises, institutions and organizations that provide services perform work for a company instead of the documents provided by items above, the certificate signed by the head of such an enterprise, institution or organization may be provided with these issues.

Chapter 7. Blacklist.

1. Inclusion into the Blacklist of participants.

The customer compile the Blacklist of unscrupulous participants. The inclusion of participants into the Blacklist is made by decision of the customer.

The information about unscrupulous participants is intered into the Blacklist for a period that may not exceed one year. Blacklist is published on the website of the customer. Reasons for inclusion of unscrupulous participants into the Blacklist are as follows:

- if participant anreasonably refused to sign the contract;

- participants with whitch the contracts was terminated in connection with significant violations of contract terms by them;

- committed disapproving and anti competitive concerted actions;

- violated the agreement about protection of confidential information;

- provided any false information in the proposals.

- breaches of obligations under the concluded Contracts.

| |

| | | |Annex 1 to procurement documentation |

|№ |Criteria |Contractor Evaluation |Supporting documentation to be provided by Candidate |

| |

|1. |Compliance of Candidate with current |Eligible |Admitted |Copies of documents (as per the list): |

| |legislation requirements on entities | | |- Copy of the Charter, copy of the Articles of Incorporation of the company, in case if its founders and their equity|

| |supplying material and technical | | |interest not mentioned in the Charter. |

| |assets; availability of permitting | | |- Joint-stock companies shall provide a copy of an excerpt from the Registry of Shareholders in regards to the |

| |documentation as required. | | |shareholders owning over 10% of shares. |

| | | | |- A copy of an excerpt from the Registry of VAT or Unified Tax Payers (except for the entities that are non-residents|

| | | | |of Ukraine). |

| | | | |- An original excerpt from the Unified State Registry issued by the state registrar, (a sealed hard copy) or an |

| | | | |electronic copy of such excerpt from the Unified State Registry sealed with the Participant’s stamp. |

| | | | |A copy of the founders’ resolution on appointment of the general manager; a copy of the order on assignment of the |

| | | | |general manager to his position; a copy of the manager’s identification document (passport). |

| | | | |- free-form information on absence of the record in the Unified State Registry about the participating legal entity |

| | | | |in regards to its committing corruption or corruption-related offences |

| | |Non-eligible |Not Admitted | |

|2. |Absence of procedure for liquidation |Eligible |Admitted |An official letter on the company letterhead signed by the general manager of the company, or an information note (an|

| |of Candidate (legal entity), absence| | |excerpt) on bankruptcy sealed with the Participant’s stamp. |

| |of court’s decision on recognizing | | | |

| |Candidate (legal entity, individual | | | |

| |entrepreneur) bankrupt or initiating | | | |

| |of the bankruptcy proceedings. | | | |

| | |Non-eligible |Not Admitted | |

|3. |Absence of outstanding claims towards|Eligible |Admitted |A list of complaints related to supplied material and technical assets during the past 12 months to PJSC |

| |Candidate on behalf of PJSC | | |Ukrgazvydobuvannya signed by an authorized manager (a free-form letter provided by Participant). |

| |Ukrgazvydobuvannya or outstanding | | | |

| |property or financial disputes | | | |

| |between Candidate and PJSC | | | |

| |Ukrgazvydobuvannya. | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Non-eligible |Not Admitted | |

|4. |Provide a possibility to conduct a |Provided |Admitted |If Participant is a manufacturer himself, he shall provide an official letter of assurance printed on company |

| |technical audit in order to confirm | | |letterhead, signed and sealed by the general manager of Participant, on ensuring the possibility to conduct a |

| |the information provided valid during| | |technical audit. (Participant shall provide free access to Company’s authorized representatives to the Manufacturer’s|

| |all period of accreditation (12 | | |sites for the entire period of the manufacturing process). |

| |months) | | |If Participant is not a manufacturer but an authorized dealer, he shall provide an official letter of assurance |

| | | | |signed and sealed by the general manager of Participant that he guarantees the possibility to perform a technical |

| | | | |audit of the Manufacturer. |

| | |Not provided |Not Admitted | |

|Criteria for evaluating financial capacity |

|5. |Compliance of Candidate with |Eligible |Non-eligible |A copy of a Participant’s balance statement for the latest reporting period signed and sealed by the Participant’s |

| |financial requirements, namely his | | |authorized person (Form 1); |

| |liquidity position and solvency. | | |A copy of a financial results report for the latest reporting period signed and sealed by the Participant’s |

| |General liquidity coefficient | | |authorized person (Form 2); |

| |(current position) – Кпл. | | | |

| |Кпл=ОбА/КБЗ, where: | | | |

| |ОбА – current assets, line 1195 of | | | |

| |the balance statement | | | |

| |КБЗ – quick liabilities, line 1695 of| | | |

| |the balance statement. | | | |

| |This coefficient should be at least | | | |

| |0.5 at if payment is provided within | | | |

| |30 calendar days as of delivery date,| | | |

| |and 1.0 in case of prepayment (if | | | |

| |required pursuant to documentation). | | | |

| | |Admitted |Not Admitted | |

|Technical evaluation criteria |

|6. |Candidate (Supplier) is a |Eligible |Admitted |An authorizing document form the manufacturer of material and technical assets or its official representative. |

| |manufacturer of material and | | | |

| |technical assets purchased by PJSC | | | |

| |Ukrgazvydobuvannya or a company, | | | |

| |authorized by a manufacturer to | | | |

| |supply such material and technical | | | |

| |assets. | | | |

| | |Non-eligible |Not Admitted | |

|7. |Material and technical assets |Eligible |Admitted |Requirements: |

| |supplied by Candidate shall meet | | |The individual components of the subject of procurement (or parts of this subject) of which it is made (list of parts|

| |Ukrgazvydobuvannya requirements, | | |mentioned in the Technical Specification in Clause 2.1. List of equipment), shall be manufactured in a country that |

| |regulatory requirements and technical| | |joined the WTO’s Agreement on Government Procurement (Agreement on Government Procurement, GPA). |

| |standards (GOST, ОСТ, ТU, SТО or | | | |

| |other standards of manufacturing | | |Participant shall provide: |

| |country applicable to such | | |A copy of the product (procurement item) certificate, signed and sealed by Participant of the procurement process. |

| |materials/equipment). | | |A copy of a valid ISO certificate on the manufacturer’s quality management system 9001:2008 signed and sealed by |

| | | | |Participant of the procurement process. |

| | | | |3) Certified signature and seal party procurement copy of the |

| | | | |current certificate on compliance of technical parameters |

| | | | |specification requirements of labeling as the American |

| | | | |Petroleum Institute - API monogram for the manufacture |

| | | | |of the products for at least 3 years: |

| | | | |- API 4F (derrick); |

| | | | |- API 7К (drilling and workover equipment); |

| | | | |- API 8С (drilling an operational equipment for tripping pipe); |

| | | | |4) An official letter of assurance on the company |

| | | | |letterhead signed by the company’s general manager |

| | | | |regarding the permission to use equipment on the |

| | | | |territory of Ukraine obtained from the Expert and |

| | | | |Technical Center of the State Labor Service of Ukraine |

| | | | |(under the Resolution of CMU #1107 as of 26.10.2011) |

| | | | |subject to delivery results (in case of foreign procurement |

| | | | |items manufactured outside Ukraine) pursuant to: |

| | | | |-DNAOP 1.1.21-1.20-03 – Safety regulations for oil and gas industry in Ukraine; |

| | | | |-DNAOP 40.1-1.32-01 – Regulations for building electric plants (Electrical systems of specialized equipment). |

| | | | |5) An official letter of assurance signed by the company’s |

| | | | |general manager regarding mandatory establishment of a |

| | | | |service center for servicing of equipment on the territory |

| | | | |of Ukraine. |

| | | | |Requirements for the Service Center: |

| | | | |Availability of engineering personnel and stock of spare parts in the amount sufficient for supporting 1 year of |

| | | | |product use and servicing; |

| | | | |The Service Center must be manufacturer authorized. |

| | | | |6) For the Service Center existing on the territory of |

| | | | |Ukraine, Participant shall provide to the bank an official |

| | | | |confirmation letter signed and sealed by Participant, as |

| | | | |well as the excerpt from the Unified Register of |

| | | | |Enterprises and Organizations of Ukraine confirming the |

| | | | |establishment of such Service Center. |

| | |Non-eligible |Not Admitted | |

|8. |Manufacturer should have at least 3 |Eligible |Admitted |- Participant shall provide an official letter confirming his experience in fulfilling similar procurement contracts |

| |years’ experience in the market of | | |(at least for the past three years). |

| |supplying similar material and | | |- Participant shall provide reference letters and recommendations from end customers (from at least three drilling |

| |technical assets | | |companies in regards to drill the wells using the manufacturer’s equipment procured during the last 36 months) |

| | | | |supported with contact details of an authorized representative of the drilling company in order to confirm the |

| | | | |authenticity of the provided reference letter. |

| | |Non-eligible |Not Admitted | |

| | |Non-eligible |Not Admitted | |

|9. |Rejection level (information shall be|Low |Admitted |A list of quality (completeness) complaints related to supplied material and technical assets during the past 12 |

| |provided by the department | | |months to PJSC Ukrgazvydobuvannya signed by an authorized manager (a free-form letter provided by Participant). |

| |controlling the supply of material | | | |

| |and technical assets). In case a | | | |

| |supplier has no work experience, this| | | |

| |criterion shall not be taken into | | | |

| |account at evaluation. | | | |

| | |High |Not Admitted | |


1. Documents that are not required by law from participants who are physical entities, including individual entrepreneurs, are not required for submitting as a part of the procurement proposal package.

2. Participants who are non-residents, in order to meet the requirements listed in the Annex 1 of the procurement documentation, shall provide the documents required by law of the country they are registered in. All such documents must be provided with certified translation.

Annex 2

to the documentation

The form of the "Price quotation" in the form below.

The participant should keep this form.


(filed by the participant on a letterhead)

«Proposal № _______ dated ________ 2017»

We, (name of the Participant), provide our proposal to participate in the procurement procedure for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ according to requirements offered by the Customer.

After reviewing the documentation and technical requirements for the subject of procurement, we are who authorized by Participant to sign the proposition, purchase agreement, have the opportunity and agree to fulfill Customer requirements and Contract on the conditions as follows:

1. The full name of the participant _______________________________________________

2. Address (legal and actual)_______________________________________________

3. Phone/fax _______________________________________________________________

4. Management (surname, name)_______________________________________

5. Unified State Register number ______________________________________________________________

6. Ownership and legal status of the participant; the name and address of the main enterprise of the participant, date of establishment, place of registration; specialization _______________

7. Banking details ___________________________________________________________

8. Brief information about activities _________________________________________________

9. Price of the proposition (the total price of the purchase contract):

Numbers ________________________________________________________________________

Letters _________________________________________________________________________

10. Terms of payment: _____________

11. Term of delivery: till ___________

12. Country of origin and manufacturer of the goods:_____________

13. Conditions of delivery:________________

14. Proposition on the subject of procurement Table 1

15. Year of manufacture______________________

Table 1

|№ | |UOP |Q-ty |The unit price ** |The total price ** |

| |Name* | | | | |

|1 | | | | | |

|2 | | | | | |

|….. | | | | | |

| |Total | | | | |

* - The participant indicates the name of the goods (products) mentioned in the certificate of the quality or in the Passport.

** - When specifing the name of the goods in English the resident has noted that formulation that will be in a shipping documents at the shipment of the goods. Translation into Ukrainian shall fully meet the English version; all articles/designation indicated in English must be identical to Ukraine version.

*** - The value in the currency and on the conditions of participant is specified (price of the purchase contract).


Post, first name, name, signature of the Participant’s authorized person, certified by seal * (* this

requirement does not apply to participants which is not use the seal in accordance with current legislation)

When submitting a price offer the participant nonresident must take into account the following information.

- If the amount of non-resident price offer is above 1 000 000 USD or equivalent of this amount in other currency and the offer provids prepayment, the payment should be only by letter of credit, unless otherwise provided by the current legislation of Ukraine acting at the time of conclusion of the contract.

- In case of latter of credit the participant nonresident has to include into the cost of the offer the next sharing of bank fees:

«All costs of servicing of letter of credit on the territory of Ukraine are paid by the buyer. All costs outside Ukraine, including the Commission for acceptance of leter of credit and guarantee covering of international financial organization/EBRD pays the Seller.

Costs for amending letter of credit are paid by Party that initiates the following changes».

- Such letters of credit are subject to the Uniform Rules for documentary letters of credit as amended by 2007, published by the International Chamber of Commerce No. 600 ».

In the presence of related services (start-up works, installation), the cost of such services should be included separately.

Annex 3

to the documentation


|№ |Product name, characteristic, DEST * |UOM |Q-ty |Destination |

|1. |Drilling rig with capacity of 180 tons (1000HP) assembled (new) |pcs. |1 |UBG |

* - The participant indicates the name of the goods (products) as mentioned in the certificate of quality or the Passport

2.2 Technical specification

|С№ |Customer requirements |Participant proposal |

|Item | | |

| |Customer requirements |Technical Specification | |Type, description, manufacture, |Detailed specification |Quantity |

| | | |Q-ty |production date | | |

|1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |

|General requirements |

| |Equipment requirements |According to API standards, “Safety in the oil and | | | | |

| | |gas industry” NPAOP 11.1-1.01-08, “Electrical | | | | |

| | |Installation Regulations - 2014”, Rules for | | | | |

| | |installing electrical facilities by NPAOP | | | | |

| | |0.00-1.32-01", Rules of construction and safe | | | | |

| | |operation of vessels working under pressure NPAOP | | | | |

| | |0.00-1.07–94, Regulations on Installation and Safe | | | | |

| | |operation of Cargo cranes by Nominative legal acts | | | | |

| | |of labor protection 0.00-1.01-07, "Engineering | | | | |

| | |equipment of buildings and structures. The natural | | | | |

| | |and artificial lighting" (Ukrainian national | | | | |

| | |construction regulation.2.5-28: 2006) | | | | |

| | Specifications | | | | | |

| | Equipment certificates |Bilingual versions (Ukrainian or Russian and | | | | |

| | |English) | | | | |

| |Quality certificates |ISO 9001:2008 | | | | |

| |Certificates of conformity |  | | | | |

| |Technical Specification |Includes kinematic, pneumatic, hydraulic, electrical| | | | |

| | |circuits; layout of foundations, slabs and equipment| | | | |

| | |on site, directory assembly units; drawing | | | | |

| | |components and assemblies; 2 copies in English, 3 | | | | |

| | |copies in Ukrainian or Russian, 3 copies in | | | | |

| | |electronic form. | | | | |

| |Installation and maintenance instruction |3 copies in Ukrainian or Russian, 2 copies in | | | | |

| | |English, 3 copies in electronic form. | | | | |

| |Climatic modification |operation in the range of ambient temperature -40 ° |  |  |  |  |

| | |+ 40 ° C | | | | |

|1 |Power frame |  | 1 set |  |  |  |

|1.1 |Power frame with driller’s cabin |WO truck equipped with special-purpose frame. All |1 set |  |  |  |

| | |equipment is mounted on the truck base frame with | | | | |

| | |single front wheels and dual-tyre rear wheels. | | | | |

|1.2 | Thrust jacks |Hydraulic and mechanical |1 set |  |  |  |

| |Hydraulic jack | |4 ea | | | |

| |Mechanical jack | |2 ea | | | |

|1.3 |Assembly ramp | Assembled steel section connected to derrick |1 set |  |  |  |

| | |foundation. All jacks are based on the supporting | | | | |

| | |stands. | | | | |

|1.4 |Pneumatic system implemented through operating compressors|Includes all elements and communications of carriage|1 set | | | |

| |are mounted on internal combustion engines and the general|frame. | | | | |

| |system of preparation and drying air including on - off in| | | | | |

| |mode switching. | | | | | |

| |Working pressure at least |0,8 MPa | | | | |

| |Climatic modification |operation in the range of ambient temperature -40 ° | | | | |

| | |+ 40 ° C | | | | |

|2 |Power drive |  |  |  |  |  |

|2.1 |Engine model |CAT C15 or similar |2 sets |  |  |  |

| |Type |Diesel | | | | |

| |Power capacity at least |540 hp | | | | |

| |Max. rotation speed |2100 rpm | | | | |

| |Specification |Cooling system, exhaust system, protection against | | | | |

| | |overheating, oil pressure drop in the system, drop | | | | |

| | |in coolant. With pre-heated 220, 3kW, 50Hz; charging| | | | |

| | |system of diesel generator. Pneumatic system with | | | | |

| | |emergency stopping of engine from driller’s cabin. | | | | |

| | |Dashboard (tachometer, oil pressure indicator, | | | | |

| | |engine temperature indicator, counter, start button,| | | | |

| | |emergency stop button the engine, fuel pressure, | | | | |

| | |battery charging). With the pneumatic system with | | | | |

| | |emergency stopping of engine from driller’s cabin. | | | | |

|2.2 |Fuel tank |Winterized (with heating elements) |2 sets | | | |

| |Fuel tank capacity at least |340 l | | | | |

| |Climatic modification |Operation in the range of ambient temperature -40 ° | | | | |

| | |+ 40 ° C | | | | |

|2.3 |Hydraulic gearbox |Allison M5620 AR or analogue |2 ea |  |  |  |

| |Number of speeds |7 (6+1) |  |  |  |  |

| |Configuration |Control panel, oil pressure indicator, oil | | | | |

| | |temperature indicator, automatic cooling through the| | | | |

| | |engine cooling system. | | | | |

| |Climatic modification |operation in the range of ambient temperature -40 ° | | | | |

| | |+ 40 ° C | | | | |

|2.4 |Transmission and engine operation |Pneumatic/electric operation from driller’s panel |1 set | | | |

| | |and cabin. | | | | |

|3 |Emergency drive |The capacity should be sufficient to operate with |1 set | | | |

| | |nominal hook load. | | | | |

| |Type |Electric with reducer. | | | | |

| |Min. motor capacity |50 kW | | | | |

| |Voltage |400 W | | | | |

| |Frequency |50 Hz | | | | |

|4 |Drive system | | | | | |

| |Climatic modification |Operation in the range of ambient temperature -40 ° | | | | |

| | |+ 40 ° C | | | | |

|4.1 |Gearbox to drive hydraulic pumps |Chealse or analog |2 sets | | | |

| |Manufacture |Mounted on the automatic transmission | | | | |

|4.2 |Transfer gear case | |1 set | | | |

| |Type |Compound | |  |  |  |

| |Operation |Self-lubrication system with heating elements from | | | | |

| | |the mains 220V | | | | |

|4.3 |Angular gear (drive by drawworks ) |  |1 set |  |  |  |

| |Manufacture |Self-lubrication system with heating elements from | |  |  | |

| | |the mains 220V | | | | |

|4.4 |Inclined chain gear of draw works drive |Operated with Diamond, Tsubaki, Renold chains or |1 set |  |  |  |

| | |analogue | | | | |

|4.5 |Rotor drive transmission |Shaft drive system with intermediate bearings from |1 set | | | |

| | |compound to rotor drive parallel-shaft reducer. | | | | |

|4.6 | Parallel-shaft reducer for rotary drive. |for change the direction of rotation |1 set | | | |

|4.7 |Chain gear for rotary drive |Two vertical chain reducers connected to the shaft |1 set | | | |

| | |drive. Rotor flange joint. Rotor drive clutch | | | | |

| | |installed at the lower chain gear. Rotor clutch | | | | |

| | |brake installed at the upper chain gear. | | | | |

| |Manufacture |Self-lubrication system of each reducer. Operated | |  |  |  |

| | |with Diamond, Tsubaki, Renold chains or analog | | | | |

|5 |Lifting system |API Spec 4F-2013, safety construction category |1 set |  |  |  |

| | |SSL-E2 and U2, product design category PSL-1. | | | | |

| |Climatic modification |Operation in the range of ambient temperature -40 ° | | | | |

| | |+ 40 ° C | | | | |

|5.1 |Mast |Two-section construction with telescopic hydraulic |1 set | | | |

| | |cylinders and with an open front face and | | | | |

| | |monkey-board. The derrick raising supported by two | | | | |

| | |telescopic hydraulic cylinders; Raising and lowering| | | | |

| | |the second section supported by two hydraulic | | | | |

| | |cylinders. | | | | |

| | The maximum static hook load at least 10 lines |180 t | | | | |

| |Working hook load at least |160 t | | | | |

| |Ultimate derrick height at least |32 m |  | | | |

| |Inclination angle at least |2,5 0 | | | | |

| |Anti-wind stability without load on the travelling block |110 km/h | | | | |

| |with full pipe set backset at least | | | | | |

| |Derrick holder |Complete with steel wire ropes, roller blocks, |1 set | | | |

| | |levered winch, fastening in sufficient amount. | | | | |

|5.2 |Monkey board |According to “Safety in the oil and gas industry” |1 set | | | |

| | |NPAOP 11.1-1.01-08, | | | | |

| |Monkey board height, at least |Adjustable monkey board locked at heights 17; 19; | | | | |

| | |21; 22m | | | | |

| |Min.monkey board capacity with wind shelters |4 1/2″ DP- 3000 m | | | | |

| | |178 DC- 200 m | | | | |

|5.3 |Mast components |  |  | | | |

|5.4 |Manual tongs balancer |  |1 set | | | |

|5.5 |Pulley blocks of tong hangers |  |1set | | | |

|5.5 |Pulley blocks of auxiliary winches |  |1 set | | | |

|5.6 |Fastening device of derrick man emergency escape system | Fastening device of the derrick man emergency |1 set | | | |

| | |escape system | | | | |

|5.7 |Differential device for derrick man protection | SALA or similar |2 sets | | | |

|5.8 |Fall arrestor for stairs | SALA or similar |2 sets | | | |

|5.9 |Safety slide evacuation device (monkey board) | Trolmatic or similar |1 set | | | |

|5.11 |Service platform for “goose neck” standpipe | |1 set | | | |

|5.12 |Stairs/Ladders | | 1 set | | | |

| |Ladders from the floor to the crown block and monkey board| |1 set | | | |

|5.13 |Power tong hanger | |1 ea | | | |

|5.14 |Drilling tongs hanger | |2 ea | | | |

|5.15 |Bracket for service equipment | |1 ea | | | |

|5.16 |Lighting system | |1 set | | | |

|5.17 |Manifold | |1 set | | | |

| |Stand pipe | |1 set | | | |

| |Drift diameter |101,6 mm (4'') | | | | |

| |Internal pressure |35 МPа (5000 psi) | | | | |

| |Fastener clamps |  |1 set | | | |

| |Valves |35 МPа (5000 psi) |1 set | | | |

|6 |Gear at the level of the monkey board for pulling up DC | |1 ea | | | |

| |(auxiliary winch) | | | | | |

| |Lifting capacity at least |0,5 t | | | | |

|7 |Crown block |API Spec 8A-2012,category of safety of construction |1 set | | | |

| | |SSL -E2 and U2, category of design of products | | | | |

| | |PSL-1 | | | | |

| |Climatic modification |Operation in the range of ambient temperature -40 ° | | | | |

| | |+ 40 ° C | | | | |

| |Max. Static load at least |180 t | | | | |

| |Тype |triaxial | | | | |

| |Fast line sheave diameter at least |914 mm |1 ea | | | |

| |Crown block sheave diameter at least |760 mm |5 ea | | | |

| |Crown block groove diameter at least |28 mm | | | | |

|8 |Hydraulic cathead | |2 sets | | | |

| |Pull capacity at least |10 т | | | | |

| |Steel wire diameter |19 mm | | | | |

| |Working pressure |14 МPа | | | | |

| |Specification |Complete with steel wire and fixing kit | | | | |

| |Climatic modification |Operation in the range of ambient temperature -40 ° | | | | |

| | |+ 40 ° C | | | | |

|9 |Safety parts |  |  | | | |

| |Wind indicator |  |1 ea | | | |

| |Signal lights on the crown block | Сonsists of (at least) two lights. One of them |1 set | | | |

| | |receives power from an independent power supply | | | | |

| | |(solar panel and battery) Battery capacity enough at| | | | |

| | |least for 12 hours of operation) | | | | |

| |Lightning protection | |1 set | | | |

|10 |Rig up control panel |  |1 set | | | |

| |General requirements |Derrick mounting and dismounting operations |  | | | |

|11 |Subsructure |API Spec 4F-2013, category of safety of construction| 1 set | | | |

| | |SSL -E2 and U2, category of design of products | | | | |

| | |PSL-1 | | | | |

| |Climatic modification |Operation in the range of ambient temperature -40 ° | | | | |

| | |+ 40 ° C | | | | |

|11.1 |Substructure |Lay-down job system with vertical legs. Assembly |1 set | | | |

| | |front lower beams for easy mounting of drilling | | | | |

| | |platforms at the wellhead. | | | | |

| |Design of substructure |Swing lift (SL) | | | | |

| |Rig floor height from the ground level at least |6 m |  | | | |

| |Ultimate derrick height from the ground level to rotory |5,3 m |  | | | |

| |beams at least | | | | | |

| |Rig floor dimension at least |6 m x 6 m |  | | | |

| |Min. setback capacity |4 1/2″ DP - 3000 m | | | | |

| | |178 DC - 200 m | | | | |

| |Max. static load on the substructure at least |270 t |  | | | |

| |Max. static load on the rotaty support beams at least |180 t | | | | |

| |Max. static load on the setback at least |120 t |  | | | |

|11.2 |Substructure components | | | | | |

|11.3 |Driller’s cabin (Doghouse) | |1 set | | | |

| |Doghouse supports | |1 set | | | |

|11.4 |Catch pans | |1 set | | | |

|11.6 |Evacuation bridge from the rig floor |  |1 set | | | |

|11.7 |Inclined chute for evacuation |Pipe slip |1 set | | | |

|11.8 |Pipe rack | |1 set | | | |

|11.9 |Hydraulic auxiliary winch at least |5 t |2 ea | | | |

| |Climatic modification |Operation in the range of ambient temperature -40 ° | | | | |

| | |+ 40 ° C | | | | |

| |Control |Driller’s panel, remote panel | | | | |

|11.10 |Windbreak including sliding doors for access. Height at |3 m |1 set | | | |

| |least | | | | | |

|11.11 |Folding protection doors on hinges before the V-door ramp |  |1 set | | | |

| |for pipes | | | | | |

|11.12 |Substructure erection with draw works complete with |According to specifications API 9A |1 set | | | |

| |lifting equipment | | | | | |

|11.13 |Wooden mats in setback area with thickness at least |75 mm |1 set | | | |

|11.14 |Stairs with handrails for lifting the rig floor |Equipped with safety devices for drill men. Safety |1 set | | | |

| | |plates for doors, protective strips for feet around | | | | |

| | |rig floor. | | | | |

| | |According to "Safety in the oil and gas industry of | | | | |

| | |Ukraine" NPAOP 11.1-1.01-08. | | | | |

| | |- stairs with angle 60° at most; | | | | |

| | |- width of stairs 0.7 m at least; - stairs for | | | | |

| | |transportation of loads 1.0 m at leats; | | | | |

| | |- distance between steps 0.25 m; | | | | |

| | |- on both sides stairs are fitted with handrails not| | | | |

| | |lower than 1.0 m; | | | | |

| | |- side sheets in both sides of stairs to prevent | | | | |

| | |feet slippage 0.10 m at least; | | | | |

| | |- distance between stair steps 0.35 m at least. | | | | |

|11.15 |Deflecting pulley for auxiliary winch of rig floor | |2 ea | | | |

|11.16 |BOP assembly device |Two hand hoists |1 set | | | |

| |Load capacity of each hoist at least |10 t | | | | |

| |BOP transportation carriage | |1 set | | | |

|11.17 |Rat hole |  |1 ea | | | |

|11.18 |Mouse hole |  |1 ea | | | |

|11.19 |Post of fastening of the cable end of the manual power | |2 ea | | | |

| |tongs | | | | | |

|11.20 |Rat hole post | |1 ea | | | |

|11.21 |Lighting system | |1 set | | | |

|11.22 |Driller cabin (Dog house) |  |1 set | | | |

| |General requirements |Сontainerized |  | | | |

| |Body material |Stainless steel |  | | | |

| |Doors |  |2 ea | | | |

| |Windows |Unbreakable glass. Upper windows protected with |  | | | |

| | |grating. Windows wipers. | | | | |

| |Drawworks / MP control units | |  | | | |

| |Climate system |Air conditioning system and heating. |  | | | |

| |Auxiliary equipment |Provide space for BOP remote control panel. |  | | | |

| |Driller’s panel |Devices built into the driller’s control panel. The | | | | |

| | |gauges are vibration-resistant. Control panels of | | | | |

| | |engines (start, stop, emergency stopping), automatic| | | | |

| | |transmissions (gearshift), hydraulic catheads, | | | | |

| | |clutches, auxiliary witches, drill pumps (rotation, | | | | |

| | |operation, stopping), spinner to swivel, spider. | | | | |

| | |Pressure gauges of pneumatic and hydraulic system, | | | | |

| | |air in the lead clutch of draw works, rotor drive | | | | |

| | |clutches, oil in the hydraulic cathead. | | | | |

|12 |Deadline anchor |  |1 set | | | |

| |Version according the standard, technic specification |API Spec 8A-2012,category of safety of construction |  | | | |

| | |SSL -E2 and U2, category of design of products | | | | |

| | |PSL-1 | | | | |

| |Groove diameter of drilling line at least |28 mm |  | | | |

| |Max. dead line pull at least |240 kN |  | | | |

| |Weight indecator | Martin Decker or similar |1 set | | | |

| |Climatic modification |Operation in the range of ambient temperature -40 ° | | | | |

| | |+ 40 ° C | | | | |

|13 |Drawworks |  | 1 set | | | |

| |Version according the standard, technic specification |API Spec 7K-2010 5th Edition | | | | |

| |Climatic modification |Operation in the range of ambient temperature -40 ° | | | | |

| | |+ 40 ° C | | | | |

|13.1 |Single drum drawworks | |1 set | | | |

| |Max.fast line pull at most |280 kN | | | | |

| |Drilling line diameter at least |28 mm | | | | |

| |Drum size at least |550 mm х 1000 mm with Lebus groove | | | | |

| |Brake system |Band brake |1 set | | | |

| |Fast line stabilizer | |1 set | | | |

| |Travelling-block limit switch | Mounted above the Drawworks drum (Сrown-o-Мatiс) |1 ea | | | |

|13.2 |Auxiliary brake |WPT Power or similar |1 set | | | |

|13.3 |Drawworks auxiliary brake of cooling system | |1 set | | | |

| |Type |Liquid, forced | | | | |

| |Cooling tank for auxiliary brake and draw works |9м3 |1 ea | | | |

| |Circulating pumps with min. electric drive productivity |25 m3/h |2 sets | | | |

| |Manufacture |Rig ramp equipped with level indicator and | | | | |

| | |electromotor fan | | | | |

| |Clitatic modification |Operation in the range of ambient temperature -40 ° | | | | |

| | |+ 40 ° C | | | | |

|14 |Traveling block |API Spec 8C-2012 5th Edition specification, category|1 ea |  |  |  |

| | |of design of products PSL-1 | | | | |

| |Sheaves diameter at least |760 mm |5 ea | | | |

| |load capacity at least |180 t | |  |  |  |

| |Line groove diameter at least | 28 mm | |  |  |  |

| |Climatic modification |Operation in the range of ambient temperature -40 ° | | | | |

| | |+ 40 ° C | | | | |

|15 |Drilling line | |1 set |  |  |  |

| |Version according to the standard, specifications |API 9A 26th Edition | | | | |

| |Climatic modification |Operation in the range of ambient temperature -40 ° | | | | |

| | |+ 40 ° C | | | | |

| |Diameter at least |28 mm | |  |  |  |

| |Length at least |1000 m | |  |  |  |

|16 |Drilling line spooler | |1 set |  |  |  |

| |Drive type |Electric or pneumatic drive | | | | |

| |Cathead capacity, at liast |1 000 m | | | | |

| |Nominal pull-in torque, at least |8 kN*m | | | | |

| |Climatic modification |Operation in the range of ambient temperature -40 ° | | | | |

| | |+ 40 ° C | | | | |

|17 |Swivel | |1 ea |  |  |  |

| |Version according to the standard, specifications |API Spec 7K-2010 5th Edition | | | | |

| |Maximum load at least |225 t | |  |  |  |

| |Maximum rotational tonque at least |300 rpm | |  |  |  |

| |Maximum working pressure at least |35 МPа | |  |  |  |

| |Connection thread |6-5/8 " REGLH | |  |  |  |

| |Climatic modification |Operation in the range of ambient temperature -40 ° | | | | |

| | |+ 40 ° C | | | | |

|17.1 |Pneumatic spinner |Mounted at the swivel and include all pneumatic |1 set | | | |

| | |system communication and equipment. | | | | |

| |Pneumatic system working pressure at least |0,7 МPа | | | | |

| |Maximum rotational tonque at least |1500 Nm | | | | |

| |Brake torque at least |2500 Nm | | | | |

| |Climatic modification |Operation in the range of ambient temperature -40 ° | | | | |

| | |+ 40 ° C | | | | |

|18 |Rotary table |  | 1 set | | | |

| |Version according to the standard, specifications |API Spec 7K-2010 5th Edition | | | | |

| |Climatic modification |Operation in the range of ambient temperature -40 ° | | | | |

| | |+ 40 ° C | | | | |

| |Static load at least |225 t | |  |  |  |

| |Inside diameter |700 mm | |  |  |  |

| |Maximum rotational tonque at least |30 kNm | | | | |

| |Round trip rotor spinning with the equal speed |left, right | |  |  |  |

|18.1 |Rotary bushing |  |1 set |  |  |  |

| |Climatic modification |Operation in the range of ambient temperature -40 ° | | | | |

| | |+ 40 ° C | | | | |

|18.1.1 |Master rotary bushing | |1 ea | | | |

| |Тype |MSPC | | | | |

|18.1.2 |Wear bushing |  |  | | | |

| |Bushing 2 3/8”-8 5/8” |For drilling |1 set | | | |

| |Bushing 9 5/8”-10 3/4” |For casing running |1 set | | | |

| |Bushing 11 3/8”-13 3/8” | |1 set | | | |

|18.1.3 |Bushing remover tool |  |2 sets | | | |

|18.1.4 |Roller bushing for kelly 3 1/2" | |1 set |  |  |  |

| |Drive by |4 pins | | | | |

|18.1.5 |Roller bushing for kelly 3 1/2" |  |1 set |  |  |  |

| |Drive by |4 pins | | | | |

|19 |Rotary kelly 3 1/2" |  |1 ea |  |  |  |

| |Тype |Square | | | | |

| |Length |12,19 m | | | | |

| |Swivel connecting thread |6 5/8 REG LH | | | | |

| |Kelly connecting thread |NC 38 | | | | |

|20 |Rotaty kelly 5 1/4" |  |1 ea | | | |

| |Тype |Square | | | | |

| |Length |12,19 m | | | | |

| |Swivel connecting thread |6 5/8 REG LH | | | | |

| |Kelly connecting thread |NC 56 | | | | |

|21 |Rotary hose |  |1 set | | | |

| |Version according to the standard, specifications |API Spec 7K |  | | | |

| |Climatic modification |Operation in the range of ambient temperature -40 ° | | | | |

| | |+ 40 ° C | | | | |

| |Working pressure |35,0 МPа (5000psi) |  | | | |

| |Inside diameter |101,6mm (4'') |  | | | |

| |Length |18 m |  | | | |

| |Specification |With hummer lug | | | | |

|22 |Cementing manifold |  |1 set | | | |

| |Working pressure |70,0 МPа(10000psi) |  | | | |

| |Diameter |89mm (OD 3'') |  | | | |

| |Specification |Included swivel joints and hummer lug | | | | |

|23 |Hydraulic system | | | | | |

| |General requirements |Hydraulic system’s crucial components include main | | | | |

| | |oil pumps, hydraulic tank, winch, levelling jacks. | | | | |

| | |Cylinders: mast lifting, mast upper section lifting,| | | | |

| | |hydraulic tong hanger, hydraulic catheads and | | | | |

| | |control valve. Stop valves include high-pressure | | | | |

| | |hoses and supply lines. | | | | |

| |Climatic modification |Operation in the range of ambient temperature -40 ° | | | | |

| | |+ 40 ° C | | | | |

|23.1 |Hydraulic pump |Parker, Danfoss, Vickers, Rexroth, Eaton or similar |2 ea | | | |

| |Max. pumping capacity at least |200 l/min | | | | |

| |Working pressure at least |14 МPа | | | | |

| |Manufacture |Mounted on transmission transfer gear | | | | |

|23.2 |Return line filter |With clogging indicator |1 set | | | |

|23.3 |Suction line filter | |1 set | | | |

| |Specification |Includes all supply lines to connect drilling rig | | | | |

| | |equipment and auxiliary supports. | | | | |

|23.4 |Hydraulic tank | | | | | |

| |Manufacture |Winter version (with heating elements) | | | | |

|23.5 |Control valve |Parker, Danfoss, Vickers, Rexroth, Eaton or similar |1 set | | | |

| |Hydraulic telescoping cylinder |Complete with protective cases |2 sets | | | |

| |Hydraulic mast upper section cylinder |Complete with protective cases |2 ea | | | |

|24 |Drilling rig pneumatic system | |1 set | | | |

| |General requirements |Pneumatic system’s crucial components include power | |. | | |

| | |drive compressors, aid drier, alcohol supply device,| | | | |

| | |air preparation system, air reservoirs check and | | | | |

| | |control valves | | | | |

| |Climatic modification |Operation in the range of ambient temperature -40 ° | | | | |

| | |+ 40 ° C | | | | |

| |Working pressure at least |0,8 МPа | | | | |

| |Max. pressure at least |1,3 МPа | | | | |

| |Specification |Includes all supply lines to connect drilling rig | | | | |

| | |equipment, compressor air unit and auxiliary | | | | |

| | |supports. | | | | |

|24.1 |Compressor |Bendix or similar |2 ea | | | |

| |Min. Compressor capacity |700 l/min | | | | |

| |Manufacture |Mounted on power engine | | | | |

|24.2 |Air drier capacity for two compressors |Bendix or similar |1 set | | | |

|24.3 |Alcohol supply device | |1 set | | | |

|24.4 |Drilling rig air reservior |Sufficient quantity , one tank volume should not |1 set | | | |

| | |exceed 1 m3 | | | | |

| |Manufacture | According to Rules of construction and safe | | | | |

| | |operation of vessels working under pressure NPAOP | | | | |

| | |0.00-1.07–94. | | | | |

|24.5 |Air-preparation unit completes with moister separator, | |1 set | | | |

| |pressure detector, lubricator. | | | | | |

| |Location |Ahead of driller cabin | | | | |

|24.6 |Valves and controls |Bendix, Rexroth, FESTO or analogue |1 set | | | |

|25 |Compressor block |  |1 set | | | |

| |Manufacture |Container mounted on one frame with compressor, | | | | |

| | |receivers and air dryers. | | | | |

| |Climatic modification |Operation in the range of ambient temperature -40 ° | | | | |

| | |+ 40 ° C | | | | |

|25.1 |Compressor |  |1 ea | | | |

| |Тype |Screw |  | | | |

| |Rated flow compressor at least |5,5 m3/min |  | | | |

| |Min. working pressure |0,8 МPа |  | | | |

| |Electric motor capacity at least |30 kW | | | | |

|25.2 |Air drier |  |1 set | | | |

| |Flow rate |15 m3/min |  | | | |

| |Dew point under operating pressure | -40°C |  | | | |

| |Filter in input line |  |  | | | |

| |Filter in output line |  |  | | | |

|25.3 |Air tank |According to Rules of construction and safe |3 sets | | | |

| | |operation of vessels working under pressure NPAOP | | | | |

| | |0.00-1.07–94 | | | | |

| |Size at most |1 m3 |  | | | |

| |Working pressure at least |0,8 МPа |  | | | |

| |Configuration |Air gauge, safety valve, condensate drain valve |  | | | |

|25.4 |Container | Steel Moment Frame | 1 ea | | | |

| |Lighting system | |1 set | | | |

| |Climatic modification |Operation in the range of ambient temperature -40 ° |  | | | |

| | |+ 40 ° C | | | | |

| |Air pipe-line to connect with pneumatic system unit with |  |1 set | | | |

| |quick connectors | | | | | |

|26 |Manifold | |1 set |  |  |  |

| |Climatic modification |Operation in the range of ambient temperature -40 ° | | | | |

| | |+ 40 ° C | | | | |

| |Тype |Single. Horizontal manifold with flow-summarizing |  | | | |

| | |valve | | | | |

| |Working pressure at least |35,0 МPа (5000psi) |  |  |  |  |

| |Inside diameter at teast |101,6mm (4'') |  | | | |

|26.1 |Manifold components |  | 1 set | | | |

| |Valves | | 1 set | | | |

| |Working pressure at least |35,0 МPа (5000psi) | | | | |

| |Internal diameter at least |101,6mm (4''). | | | | |

| |Fastening |  | 1 set | | | |

| |Flexible hoses |35,0 МPа (5000psi) | 1 set | | | |

| |Joints and plugs | Тype Hummer Union | 1 set | | | |

|27 |Electric power system | | | | | |

| |Climatic modification |Operation in the range of ambient temperature -40 ° | | | | |

| | |+ 40 ° C | | | | |

|27.1 |Diesel Gen-set in noise absorbing container with internal|The function of parallel operation of generators. |2 sets  | | | |

| |fuel tank |Caterpillar or similar | | | | |

| |Specification |Cables, cabinets and control panels | | | | |

|28.1.1 |Cable network with quick-disconnect joints. |API RP505, "Safety in the oil and gas industry of | | | | |

| | |Ukraine" NPAOP 11.1-1.01-08., "Ukraine PUE | | | | |

| | |Electrical Installations Code-2014" Electric cabling| | | | |

| | |(400/220v)copper certified, must meet requirements | | | | |

| | |for drilling rigs, oil/weather-resistant | | | | |

| | |halogen-free. | | | | |

| |Class of flexibility at least |5 | | | | |

| |Number of air conditioners |The heating and cooling capacity of one air |2 ea | | | |

| | |conditioner must be enough to keep a rig running at | | | | |

| | |maximum load, closed-loop cooling/heating system | | | | |

|28.2 |Rig lighting system with emergency lights |API RP505, "Safety in the oil and gas industry of |1 set | | | |

| | |Ukraine" NPAOP 11.1-1.01-08., "Ukraine PUE | | | | |

| | |Electrical Installations Code-2014", "Engineering | | | | |

| | |equipment of buildings and structures. The natural | | | | |

| | |and artificial lighting" (DBN V.2.5-28: 2006) | | | | |

| |General requipements |Lighting service with earthing conductor [3P + N + | | | | |

| | |E] electrical equipment of contractors. All electric| | | | |

| | |fixture should be equipped with safety slings | | | | |

| |Voltage |220 V | | | | |

| |Frequency |50 Hz | | | | |

|28.3 |Lights location | | | | | |

| |Mast and monkey board |  |  | | | |

| |Mast safety lighting at least |  |2 ea | | | |

| |LED emergency light at least | |4 ea | | | |

| |Explosion-proof lighting at least | |10 ea | | | |

| |Rig ramp | | | | | |

| |Explosion-proof lighting at least | |10 ea | | | |

| |LED emergency light at least | |4 ea | | | |

| |Power frame |  |  | | | |

| |LED emergency light at least | |5 ea | | | |

| |Explosion-proof lighting at least | |2 ea | | | |

| |Flood light projector at least |Metal-halide 400 W |5 ea | | | |

| |Footing and surroundings |  |  | | | |

| |Flood light projector at least |Metal-halide 400 W |9 ea | | | |

| |Mud tanks |  |  | | | |

| |LED emergency light at least | |12 ea | | | |

| |Explosion-proof lighting at least | |18 ea | | | |

| |Pump block |  |  | | | |

| |LED emergency light at least | |4 ea | | | |

| |Explosion-proof lighting at least | |8 ea | | | |

| |Projector at least |Metal-halide 400 W |3 ea | | | |

| |MCC | | | | | |

| |LED emergency light at least | |2 ea | | | |

| |LED light at least | |2 ea | | | |

| |Specification |Cables with quick connections, lighting distribution| | | | |

| | |cabinets. | | | | |

|28.4 |Cable network with quick-disconnect joints. |API RP505, "Safety in the oil and gas industry of | | | | |

| | |Ukraine" NPAOP 11.1-1.01-08., "Ukraine PUE | | | | |

| | |Electrical Installations Code-2014" Electric cabling| | | | |

| | |(400/220v) copper certified, must meet requirements| | | | |

| | |for drilling rigs, oil/weather-resistant | | | | |

| | |halogen-free. | | | | |

| |Class of cable flexibility at least |5 | | | | |

|28.6 |Electric power system | |1 set | | | |

| |Voltage |400 W | | | | |

| |Frequency |50 Hz | | | | |

| |Cable network with quick-disconnect joints. |API RP505, "Safety in the oil and gas industry of | | | | |

| | |Ukraine" NPAOP 11.1-1.01-08., "Ukraine PUE | | | | |

| | |Electrical Installations Code-2014" Electric cabling| | | | |

| | |(400/220v) copper certified, must meet requirements| | | | |

| | |for drilling rigs, oil/weather-resistant | | | | |

| | |halogen-free. | | | | |

| |Class of cable flexibility at least |5 | | | | |

|28.7 |Grounding system according to the standards, |API RP505, "Safety in the oil and gas industry of | | | | |

| |specifications |Ukraine" NPAOP 11.1-1.01-08., "Ukraine PUE | | | | |

| | |Electrical Installations Code-2014" | | | | |

|28.8 |Lightning protection according to standards specifications|API RP 2003, Instructions for lightning protection | | | | |

| | |of buildings and structures RD 34.21.122-87 | | | | |

|29 |Control and monitoring system |Located in Dog house |1 set | | | |

| |Displaying parameters |Hook load, kN; WOB, kN; rotary torque, kNm; rotaty | | | | |

| | |speed, rpm; standpipe pressure, MPa; power tong | | | | |

| | |torque, kNm; strokes per minute, mud volume at well | | | | |

| | |returns, liters per second; mud volume in each mud | | | | |

| | |pit. | | | | |

|29.1 |Analogue devices |  |  | | | |

| |Installation requirements |Rig floor, dog house | | | | |

| |Weight indicator | Totco or similar |2 sets | | | |

| |Max. weight indicator |250 t |  | | | |

| |Stand pipe pressure gauge |Equipped with phrase-separator |1 set | | | |

| |Max. measuring range |52,5 МPа (7500psi) |  | | | |

| |Suspended power tongs gauge |  |2 set | | | |

| |Rotary torque-measuring device |  |1 set | | | |

|29.2 |Sensors |  |  | | | |

| |General requirements |EX-proof or intrinsically safe design. |  | | | |

| | |Vibration-proof | | | | |

| |Mud pit level sensor |Ultrasonic / float |10 sets | | | |

| |Return line flow sensor |  |1 set | | | |

| |Stroke counter sensor |Proximity sensor mounted in front of slider of each |2 sets | | | |

| | |mud pump | | | | |

| |Rotor rpm sensor |  |1 set | | | |

|30 |Communication system | |1 set | | | |

| |Installation points |Driller cabin. Mud pump. Monkey board. Shale | | | | |

| | |shakers. Toolpusher office. BOP power unit. Mud | | | | |

| | |loggers. Lab assistant. Mud mix area. MCC module. | | | | |

| |Additional system |Driller- rig floor |1 set | | | |

|30.1 |Speaking device | |10 sets | | | |

| |Loudspeakers | | | | | |

| |Phone units | | | | | |

| |Power supply |Provides smooth operation of the system without |1 ea | | | |

| | |voltage for at least one hour | | | | |

| |Cabeling |sufficient amount of cables to connect phones and |1 set | | | |

| | |loudspeakers | | | | |

|31 |Tools |  |  | | | |

| |Version according to the standard, specifications |API Spec 7K |  | | | |

| |Тype |B |  | | | |

| |Range of diameters of catching pipes |89mm- 340mm (3 1/2”-13 3/8'') |  | | | |

| |Max. operating torque |75 kNm |  | | | |

| |Lever type |standard |  | | | |

| |Climatic modification |Operation in the range of ambient temperature -40 ° |  | | | |

| | |+ 40 ° C | | | | |

|31.2 |Spider |NOV, Weatherford or similar |1 set | | | |

| |Version according to the standard, specifications |API Spec 7K | | | | |

| |Climatic modification |Operation in the range of ambient temperature -40 ° | | | | |

| | |+ 40 ° C | | | | |

| |Drive type |Pneumatic | | | | |

| |Pneumatic cylinders working pressure at least |0,6 МPа | | | | |

| |Range of diameters of catching pipes at least |89 mm- 168 mm (3 1/2’’- 6 5/8") |  | | | |

| |Specification |Included. Connections to pneumatic installation |  | | | |

| |Operation |With driller panel | | | | |

|31.3 |Hydraulic power tong completed with hydraulic clamps and |  Weatherford, NOV, Eckel or similar |1 set | | | |

| |cylinder | | | | | |

| |Version according to the standard, specifications |API Spec 7K | | | | |

| |Climatic modification |Operation in the range of ambient temperature -40 ° | | | | |

| | |+ 40 ° C | | | | |

| |Connection requirements | drilling rig hydraulic system | | | | |

| |Specification |Included. Hydraulic piping and safety lines | | | | |

| |Climatic modification |Operation in the range of ambient temperature -40 ° | | | | |

| | |+ 40 ° C | | | | |

| |Range of diameters of catching pipes at least |73 mm - 140 mm (2 7/8''- 5 1/2'') |  | | | |

| |Make up/ brake out torque at least |100 kNm |  | | | |

| |Working pressure at least |14 МPа | | | | |

| |Clamps | | | | | |

| |Climatic modification |Operation in the range of ambient temperature -40 ° | | | | |

| | |+ 40 ° C | | | | |

| |Тype |hydraulic | | | | |

| |Range of diameters of catching pipes at least |73 mm - 203 mm (2 7/8''- 8'') | | | | |

| |Clamps amount at least |3 pcs | | | | |

| |Working pressure at least |14 МPа | | | | |

| |Hydraulic cylinder | | | | | |

| |Stroke length at least |1500 mm | | | | |

| |Min. working pressure |14 МPа | | | | |

|31.4 |Weldless links |  |1 set | | | |

| |Version according to the standard, specifications |API Spec 8C-2012 5th Edition and marked with API |  | | | |

| | |monogram, Product Specification Level: PSL-1 | | | | |

| |Climatic modification |Operation in the range of ambient temperature -40 ° | | | | |

| | |+ 40 ° C | | | | |

| |Type 250 |  |1 set | | | |

| |Max. load at least |225 t (250 ton) |  | | | |

| |Min. length |1500 mm |  | | | |

| |Тype 250 |  |1 set | | | |

| |Max. load at least |225 t (250 ton) |  | | | |

| |Min. length |2400 mm |  | | | |

| |Тype 250 |  |1 set | | | |

| |Max. load at least |225 t (250 ton) |  | | | |

| |Min. length |3300 mm |  | | | |

|31.5 |Tubing spider |NOV, Weatherford or similar |1 set | | | |

| |Model |B | | | | |

| |Climatic modification |Operation in the range of ambient temperature -40 ° | | | | |

| | |+ 40 ° C | | | | |

| |Drive type |Pneumatic | | | | |

| |Pneumatic cylinders working pressure at least |0,6 МPа | | | | |

| |Range of diameters of catching pipes at least |60 mm- 89 mm (2 3/8’’- 3 1/2") |  | | | |

| |Specification |Included. Connections to pneumatic installation |  | | | |

| |Operation |With driller panel | | | | |

|31.6 |Hydraulic power tong completed with hydraulic clamps and |  Weatherford, NOV, Eckel or similar |1 set | | | |

| |cylinder | | | | | |

| |Version according to the standard, specifications |API Spec 7K | | | | |

| |Climatic modification |Operation in the range of ambient temperature -40 ° | | | | |

| | |+ 40 ° C | | | | |

| |Connection requirements | Hydraulic Power Unit | | | | |

| |Specification |Included. Hydraulic piping and safety lines | | | | |

| |Climatic modification |Operation in the range of ambient temperature -40 ° | | | | |

| | |+ 40 ° C | | | | |

| |Range of diameters of catching pipes at least |140 mm - 340 mm (5 1/2''- 13 3/8'') |  | | | |

| |Make up/ brake out torque at least |33 900 Nm |  | | | |

| |Working pressure at least |14 МPа | | | | |

| |Hydraulic cylinder | | | | | |

| |Stroke length at least |1500 mm | | | | |

| |Working pressure at least |14 МPа | | | | |

|31.7 |Hydraulic Power Unit with disel engine and air cooled | |1 set | | | |

| |Engine power at least |84 kW (113hp) | | | | |

| |HPU working pressure at most |20 MPa | | | | |

| |HPU flow rate at least |100 l/min | | | | |

|32 |Mud circulation system | | |  |  |  |

| |Version according to the standard, specifications |API Spec 7K 6th Edition |  |  |  |  |

| |Climatic modification |Operation in the range of ambient temperature -40 ° | | | | |

| | |+ 40 ° C | | | | |

| |Specification requirements |Frame-mounted supercharger pump, pneumatic | | | | |

| | |compensator, safety valve, choke valves. | | | | |

| |Type |Single-acting horizontal triplex pump |  |  |  |  |

| |Nominal input power, at least |590kW (800 hp) |  |  |  |  |

| |Max. Liner diameter at least |170 mm 6 3/4’’ |  |  |  |  |

| |Length of stroke at least |203 mm (8'') |  |  |  |  |

| |Number of plunger stroke at least |145 stroke per minute |  |  |  |  |

| |Маx. working pressure |35 МPа (5000psi) |  |  |  |  |

| |Pump valve |API 7 or АРI 6 |  |  |  |  |

| |Type of hydraulic module |Forge |  |  |  |  |

| |Pump lubrication system |With electric drive |2 sets | | | |

| |Electric motor voltage |400 V | | | | |

| |Pneumatic compensator |  |2 ea | | | |

| |Pressure at least |35,0 МPа (5000psi) | | | | |

| |Capacity at least |70 l (20 gall) | | | | |

| |Charging system |Nitrogen charged | | | | |

| |Safety valve |  |2 ea | | | |

| |Pressure range |0-35.0 MPa (0-5000 psi) | | | | |

| |Choke control |From pump control panel |2 ea | | | |

| |Робочий тиск |35 МПа | | | | |

|32.2 |Pump control panel |Complete with pump on/off valves, choke valves panel|1 set | | | |

|32.3 |Auxiliary equipment |  | | | | |

| |Rod cooling system |Forced. Closed |2 sets | | | |

| |Rod cooling pump |Pump drive | | | | |

| |Drive type |Belt | | | | |

| |Overhang beam with hoist for maintenance mounted on pump, |1t |2 ea | | | |

| |lifting capacity at least | | | | | |

| |Suction line filter |Replaceable |2 ea | | | |

| |Discharge line filter |Replaceable |2 ea | | | |

| |Specification |Indcule all communication and connection lines | | | | |

| |Climatic modification |Operation in the range of ambient temperature -40 ° | | | | |

| | |+ 40 ° C | | | | |

|32.4 |Pump motor | Cooling system, exhausting system, overheat control| 2 sets |  |  |  |

| | |system, hydraulic pressure loss, coolant level drop.| | | | |

| | |Prestart heating 220 V, 3 kW, 50 Hz. Control display| | | | |

| | |(monometer, oil pressure indicator, engine | | | | |

| | |temperature sensor, hour meter, fuel pressure, | | | | |

| | |accumulator chargers, start-stop button, emergency | | | | |

| | |stop button). Motor emergency stop system at the | | | | |

| | |driller panel. | | | | |

| |Тype |Diesel |  |  |  |  |

| |Engine model |САТ C-27 or similar | | | | |

| |Engine power at least |599 kW (800 hp) | | | | |

| |Rotations per minute at least |1800 rpm | | | | |

| |Specification requirements |Frame-mounted internal combustion engine with | | | | |

| | |systems, Hydraulic gearbox and pump drive | | | | |

|32.5 |Hydraulic gearbox complete control panel. |Allison or similar | 2 sets |  |  |  |

| | | | | | | |

| |Pump drive | | | | | |

|32.6 |Pump unit shelter |Forced ventilation. Framing structure covered by |1 set | | | |

| | |sandwich panels. | | | | |

|33 |Low pressure mud system (Circulation system) |  |1 set |  |  |  |

| |General requirements | АРІ 13С |  |  |  |  |

| |Climatic modification |Operation in the range of ambient temperature -20 ° | | | | |

| | |+ 40 ° C | | | | |

| |Shelter circulation system with fire-resistant fabric and | |1 set | | | |

| |ventilation | | | | | |

| |Total capacity of mud tank at least |250 m3 |  |  |  |  |

| |Total number of mud tanks at least |  |6 sets |  |  |  |

| |Mud cleaning tank at least |45 m3 |1 set |  |  |  |

| |Intermediate tanks at least |50 m3 |1 set |  |  |  |

| |Receiving tanks at least |50 m3 |2 sets |  |  |  |

| |Mud mixing unit, capacity at least |35 m3 |1 set |  |  |  |

| |Auxiliary tanks |  |  |  |  |  |

| |Trip tank at least |10 m3 |1 set |  |  |  |

| |Water tank |30 m3 |1 set |  |  |  |

| |Service lines |Each tank must be fitted with all necessary | | |  |  |

| | |pipelines for connection with the circulation, | | | | |

| | |cleaning, trip and mixing systems | | | | |

| |Seals |Oil resistant |  |  |  |  |

| |Allowable mud density, at least |2000 kg/m3 |  |  |  |  |

|33.1 |Mud cleaning tank, capacity at least |45 m3 |1 set |  |  |  |

| |The design includes: |  |  |  |  |  |

| |Mud pit No. 1 mud settling pit (sloping wall) |10 m3 |  |  |  |  |

| |Mud pit No. 2 for desander (sloping wall) |17 m3 |  |  |  |  |

| |Mud pit No. 3 for desander (sloping wall) |18 m3 |  |  |  |  |

| |Mud ditch from settling pit to mud pits of additional |  |  |  |  |  |

| |receiving tank with adjustable slide dampers | | | | | |

|  |Place for the shale shaker (including header box) |  |2 places |  |  |  |

|  |Place for hydraucycling unit including mud cleaner |  |1 place |  |  |  |

|  |Place for Degasser |  |1 place |  |  |  |

|  |Place for agitator |  |1 place |  |  |  |

|  |Place for one desander pump |  |1 place |  |  |  |

|  |Place for desilter aligned pump |  |1 place |  |  |  |

|  |Place for high pressure washer |  |1 place |  |  |  |

|  |Service lines |The piping of mud cleaning system must provide |  |  |  |  |

| | |multistage mud cleaning. The tank must be fitted | | | | |

| | |with hatches for tank cleaning. | | | | |

|33.2 |Intermediate tank, capacity at least |50 m3 |1 set |  |  |  |

| |The design includes: |  |  |  |  |  |

| |Mud pit No. 1 |25 m3 |  |  |  |  |

|  |Mud pit No. 2 |25 m3 |  |  |  |  |

|  |Mud ditch from the intermediate tank to receiving tank |  |  |  |  |  |

| |with adjustable slide dampers | | | | | |

|  |Place for the aditator |  |2 places |  |  |  |

| |Place for the centrifugal | |1 place | | | |

|  |Service lines |Each tank must be fitted with all necessary |  |  |  |  |

| | |pipelines for connection with the circulation | | | | |

| | |system. The tank must be fitted with hatches for | | | | |

| | |tank cleaning. | | | | |

|33.3 |Receiving tank, capacity at least |50 m3 |2 sets |  |  |  |

| |The design includes: |  |  |  |  |  |

| |Mud pit No. 1 |25 m3 |  |  |  |  |

|  |Mud pit No. 2 |25m3 |  |  |  |  |

|  |Mud ditch to the receiving tanks with adjustable slide |  |  |  |  |  |

| |dampers | | | | | |

|  |Place for the agitator |  |2 places |  |  |  |

|  |Service lines |The tank must be fitted with all necessary pipelines|  |  |  |  |

| | |for connection with the circulation system. The tank| | | | |

| | |must be fitted with hatches for tank cleaning. | | | | |

|33.4 |Drill mud mixing unit, capacity at least |35 m3 |1 set |  |  |  |

| |The design includes: |  |  |  |  |  |

| |Mud pit No. 1 |15 m3 |  |  |  |  |

| |Mud pit No. 2 |12 m3 |  |  |  |  |

| |Mud pit No. 3 |8 m3 |  |  |  |  |

|  |Agitator place |  |3 places |  |  |  |

|  |Mixing hopper | |2 Kits |  |  |  |

|  |Place for mixing and transfer pump |  |2 places |  |  |  |

| 33.4.1 |Monorail | |1 set |  |  |  |

| |Load capacity at least |2 t | | | | |

| |Specification requirements |Mounted above mixing hopper | | | | |

|  |Service lines |The tank must be fitted with all necessary pipelines|  |  |  |  |

| | |for connection with the circulation system. Piping | | | | |

| | |of mixing hoppers and transfer pumps must be fitted | | | | |

| | |with pipelines for mud transfer mud treatment and | | | | |

| | |trip tank filling. | | | | |

|33.5 |Trip tank at least |10 m3 |1 set |  |  |  |

| |Includes: |  |  |  |  |  |

| |Trip tank at least, capacity at least |10 m3 |  |  |  |  |

|  |Place for trip tank pump |  |2 places |  |  |  |

|  |Suction and discharge pipeline for mud transfer to the |  |  |  |  |  |

| |bell nipple or to the screen shaker | | | | | |

|  |Service lines |The tank must be fitted with all necessary pipelines|  |  |  |  |

| | |for connection with the circulation system, as well | | | | |

| | |as all necessary lines for hole fill-up and tank | | | | |

| | |draining. | | | | |

|33.6 |Water tank at least |30 m3 |1 set | | | |

| |Place for water transfer pump | |1 place | | | |

| |Specification |The tank must be fitted with all necessary pipelines| | | | |

| | |for connection with the circulation system. | | | | |

|34 |Circulation system equipment for mud cleaning and mixing. |  |  |  |  |  |

| |Climatic modification |Operation in the range of ambient temperature -40 ° | |  |  |  |

| | |+ 40 ° C | | | | |

|34.1 |Shale shakers |  |2 sets |  |  |  |

|  |Тype |MI Swaco, Derrick or similar |  |  |  |  |

|  |Cuttings transportation |Double movement (line and elliptic ones) |  |  |  |  |

|  |Design |One level |  |  |  |  |

|  |Screen shale shakers |Frame type |  |  |  |  |

|  |Deck inclination angle, at least |Regulated from -2° to +2° |  |  |  |  |

|  |Power, at least |G>5 |  |  |  |  |

| |Capacity, at least |36 l/s |  |  |  |  |

|34.2 |Shale shaker-desander |  |1 set |  |  |  |

| |Type |MI Swaco, Derrick or similar |  |  |  |  |

| |Cuttings transportation |Double movement (line and elliptic ones) |  |  |  |  |

| |Design |One level |  |  |  |  |

|  |Deck inclination angle, at least |Regulated from -2° to +2° |  |  |  |  |

|  |Power, at least |G>5 |  |  |  |  |

|  |Capacity at least |36 l/s |  |  |  |  |

|  |Desander |Cones 2 x 10-12’’ |  |  |  |  |

|  |Desander capacity at least |50 l/s |  |  |  |  |

|  |Desilter |Cones 12-20 x 4’’ |  |  |  |  |

|  |Desilter capacity at least |50 l/s |  |  |  |  |

|34.3 |Vacuum degasser |  |1 set |  |  |  |

| |Тype |MI Swaco, Derrick or similar |  |  |  |  |

| |Installation requirements |To be installed downstream shale shakers |  |  |  |  |

| |Capacity at least |50 m3/h |  |  |  |  |

|34.4 |Blade agitators |  |10 sets |  |  |  |

| |Motor type |Electrical motor |  |  |  |  |

|  |Power, at least | 7,5 kW (10 hp) |  |  |  |  |

|  |Shaft rotation speed |1 500 rpm |  |  |  |  |

|  |Voltage |400 V |  |  |  |  |

|  |Frequency |50 Hz |  |  |  |  |

| |Safety |Explosion-proof electrical motor |  |  |  |  |

| |Gear box |  |  |  |  |  |

| |Impeller with blades (size depends on the section volume) | |  |  |  |  |

| |Place of installation |  |  |  |  |  |

| |Mud cleaning tank |  |1 set |  |  |  |

|  |Intermediate tank |  |2 sets |  |  |  |

|  | Receiving tank |  |4 sets |  |  |  |

|  |Mud mixing unit |  |3 sets |  |  |  |

|34.5 |Mud jet gun |The low pressure mud jet gun with pipelines and |10 sets |  |  |  |

| | |valves installed on the tank bottom | | | | |

| |Fluid supply |Centrifugal pump of mud mixing unit |  |  |  |  |

| |Nozzle diameter | 1 3/8’’ |  |  |  |  |

| |Hummer union size | 3’’ |  |  |  |  |

| |Instalation place |  |  |  |  |  |

| |Mud cleaning tank |  |1 set |  |  |  |

| |Intermediate tank |  |2 sets |  |  |  |

| |Receiving tank |  |4 sets |  |  |  |

| |Mud mixing unit |  |3 sets |  |  |  |

|34.6 |Mixing hopper |  |2 sets |  |  |  |

| |Тype |Venturi type or analogue |  |  |  |  |

| |Specification |  |  |  |  |  |

|  |Nozzle |Kit of 2'', 4'' |  |  |  |  |

|  |Bag cutting device |  |  |  |  |  |

|  |Table for bags |  |  |  |  |  |

|  |Loading hose |  |  |  |  |  |

| |Injection rate of weighting agent (barite), at least |10 t/h |  |  |  |  |

|34.7 |Centrifugal pumps |Total amount |8 sets |  |  |  |

| |Charge pump |  |2 sets | | | |

| |Centrifugal type |6 х 5 х 14 | | | | |

| |Impeller diameter |10’’ | | | | |

| |Drive type |Electrical | | | | |

| |Power at least |37 kW (50 hp) | | | | |

| |Shaft rotation speed at most |1 500 rpm | | | | |

| |Voltage |400 V | | | | |

| |Frequency |50 Hz | | | | |

| |Trip tank pump |  |2 set |  |  |  |

| |Centrifugal type |3 x 2 x 13R |  | |  |  |

| |Impeller diameter |11’’ |  |  |  |  |

|  |Electrical motor |Explosion-proof. |  |  |  |  |

|  |Electrical motor power at least |18kW (25 hp) |  |  |  |  |

|  |Voltage |400 V |  |  |  |  |

|  |Frequency |50 Hz |  |  |  |  |

|  |Rotation speed at most |1 500 rpm |  |  |  |  |

| |Desander pump |  |1 set |  |  |  |

|  |Centrifugal type |8 x 6 x 14R |  |  |  |  |

|  |Impeller diameter |13’’ |  |  |  |  |

|  |Electrical motor |Explosion-proof. |  |  |  |  |

|  |Electrical motor power at least |55 kW (75 hp) |  |  |  |  |

|  |Voltage |400 V |  |  |  |  |

|  |Frequency |50 Hz |  |  |  |  |

|  |Rotation speed at most |1 500 rpm |  |  |  |  |

| |Desilter pump |  |1 set |  |  |  |

|  |Centrifugal type |8 x 6 x 14R |  |  |  |  |

|  |Impeller diameter |13’’ |  |  |  |  |

|  |Electrical motor |Explosion-proof. |  |  |  |  |

|  |Electrical motor power at least |55 kW (75 hp) |  |  |  |  |

|  |Voltage |400 V |  |  |  |  |

|  |Frequency |50 Hz |  |  |  |  |

|  |Rotation speed at most |1 500 rpm |  |  |  |  |

| |Mud mixing and transfer pump |  |2 sets | |  |  |

|  |Centrifugal type |8 x 6 x 14R |  | |  |  |

|  |Impeller diameter |13’’ |  |  |  |  |

|  |Electrical motor |Explosion-proof. |  |  |  |  |

|  |Electrical motor power at least |55 kW (75 hp) |  |  |  |  |

|  |Voltage |400 V |  |  |  |  |

|  |Frequency |50 Hz |  |  |  |  |

|  |Rotation speed at most |1 500 rpm |  |  |  |  |

| |Water tank pump |  |1 set | | | |

| |Centrifugal type |4 x 3 x 13R |  | | | |

| |Impeller diameter |10 ’’ |  | | | |

| |Electrical motor |Explosion-proof. |  | | | |

| |Electrical motor power at least |18 Kw (25hp) |  | | | |

| |Voltage |400 V |  | | | |

| |Frequency |50 Hz |  | | | |

| |Rotation speed at most |1 500 rpm |  | | | |

|34.8 |Centrifuge |  |1 set | | | |

| |Capacity, at least |30 m3/h |  | | | |

| |Motor |Electrical motor. Explosion-proof. |  | | | |

| |Control |Speed regulation of drum and screw |  | | | |

| |Feeding of screw pump | | 1 set | | | |

| |Capacity at least |30 m3/h | | | | |

| |Motor |Explosion-proof electrical motor |  | | | |

| |Control |Liquid supply regulation |  | | | |

| |Design | Rigid frame structure |  | | | |

| |Temperature range |-40…+40°С. | | | | |

| |Service lines |The suction line piping must provide ability to get |  | | | |

| | |mud from any mud pit. Clean mud should come to ditch| | | | |

| | |system. | | | | |

|35 |Flow line |Connection from the wellhead to the head box |1 set |  |  |  |

| | |(between the second and third shakers) | | | | |

|  |Diameter |254 mm (10”) |  |  |  |  |

|  |Specification |Sleeve |  |  |  |  |

|36 |Mud pump suction line |Fitted with butterfly valves and pipelines for |1 set |  |  |  |

| | |proper operation of mud pumps. | | | | |

|  |Piping |Receiving tank + intermediate tank + mud mixing unit|  |  |  |  |

|37 |Heating and ventilation systems |  | 1 set | | | |

| | |Dog house, МСС |1 set | | | |

| | | For wellhead (bell nipple). Mud pumps |1 set | | | |

| | |Circulating system, BOP |1 set | | | |

|38 |Fuel and lubricant storage |  |1 set | | | |

| |Climatic modification |Operation in the range of ambient temperature -20 ° | | | | |

| | |+ 40 ° C | | | | |

| |Total capacity of fuel tanks, at least |25 m3 |  | | | |

| |Fuel centrifuge and a tank for clean fuel at least |3 m 3 | 1 set |  |  |  |

| |Equipment requirements |API 8С PSL-2 | | | | |

| |Climatic modification |Operation in the range of ambient temperature -40 ° | | | | |

| | |+ 40 ° C | | | | |

| 39.1 |Drill Pipe elevators | |  |  |  |  |

|  |OD 127мм |G-Series-18 Degree 200 t |2 ea |  |  |  |

|  |OD 114мм |G-Series-18 Degree 200 t |2 ea |  |  |  |

|  |OD 102мм |G-Series-18 Degree 200 t |2 ea |  |  |  |

|  |OD 140мм |200 t |2 ea |  |  |  |

|  |OD 127мм |200 t |2 ea |  |  |  |

|  |OD 114мм |200 t |2 ea |  |  |  |

|  |OD 102мм |200 t |2 ea |  |  |  |

|  |OD 89мм |120 t |2 ea |  |  |  |

|  |OD 73мм |100 t |2 ea |  |  |  |

| 39.2 |Casing elevators | Тype SLX. |  |  |  |  |

| |OD 508 мм |250 t |2 ea | | | |

|  |OD 426 мм |200 t |2 ea |  |  |  |

| |OD 340 мм |200 t |2 ea | | | |

|  |OD 324 мм |200 t |2 ea |  |  |  |

|  |OD 245 мм |200 t |2 ea |  |  |  |

|  |OD 178 мм |200 t |2 ea |  |  |  |

|  |OD 168 мм |200 t |2 ea |  |  |  |

|  |OD 140 мм |200 t |2 ea |  |  |  |

| 39.3 |Drill Pipe slips ( 5 kits of spare dies for each kit of |Тype SDML | |  |  |  |

| |slips) | | | | | |

|  |-O.D. 140mm | 5 1/2” |2 sets |  |  |  |

|  |-O.D. 127mm  | 5” |2 sets |  |  |  |

|  |-O.D. 114mm | 4 1/2” |2 sets |  |  |  |

|  |-O.D. 102mm  | 4” |2 sets |  |  |  |

|  |-O.D. 89mm  | 3 1/2" |2 sets |  |  |  |

|  |-O.D. 73mm  | 2 7/8” |2 sets |  |  |  |

|39.4 |Drill Collar slips ( 5 kits of spare dies for each kit of | | |  |  |  |

| |slips)  | | | | | |

|  |-O.D. 140-178мм |Type DCS - L (5 1/2 – 7” ) |2 sets |  |  |  |

|  |-O.D. 203-241мм |Type DCS - L (8 - 9 1/2" ) |2 sets |  |  |  |

| 39.5 |Casing slips ( 5 kits of spare dies for each kit of | | |  |  |  |

| |slips)  | | | | | |

|  |Casing slips ( 5 kits of spare dies for each kit of |Type CMS- XL |2 sets |  |  |  |

| |slips)  | | | | | |

|  |- O.D. 178 мм |7 ” |2 sets |  |  |  |

|  |- O.D. 193,68мм |7 5/8” |2 sets |  |  |  |

| |- O.D. 245 мм |9 5/8 ” |2 sets | | | |

| 39.6 |Long pup joints for drill collar | | |  |  |  |

|  |-O.D. 216 mm |L = 1m, pipe body Ø = 127 mm, thread NC-61 |3 ea |  |  |  |

|  |-O.D. 203 mm |L = 1m, pipe body Ø = 127 mm,thread NC-61 |3 ea |  |  |  |

|  |-O.D. 178 mm |L = 1m, pipe body Ø = 127 mm, thread NC-50 |3 ea |  |  |  |

|  |-O.D. 165 mm |L = 1m, pipe body Ø = 127 mm, thread NC-46 |3 ea |  |  |  |

|  |-O.D. 159 mm |L = 1m, pipe body Ø = 127 mm, thread NC-46 |3 ea |  |  |  |

|  |-O.D. 146 mm |L = 1m, pipe body Ø = 127 mm, thread NC-44 |3 ea |  |  |  |

|  |-O.D. 121 mm |L = 1m, pipe body Ø = 114 mm, thread NC-35 |3 ea |  |  |  |

| 39.7 |Casing spider-elevator |250 t. |2 sets |  |  |  |

| |Slips kit diameter |340mm, 324 mm, 245mm, 178mm, 168mm, 140mm | | | | |

| 39.8 |Safety clamps (2 kits of slips for each safety clamps) |Тype МР |  |  |  |  |

|  |-I.D. 8 - 9 1/2'' |  |2 sets |  |  |  |

|  |-I.D. 6 1/2 - 8 1/4'' |  |2 sets |  |  |  |

|  |-I.D. 4 3/16 – 5 11/16 |  |2 sets |  |  |  |

|  |-I.D. 2 15/16 - 3 3/4'' | |2 sets |  |  |  |

|39.9 |Short pup joints for drill collar | | | | | |

| |- O.D. 216 mm |thread NC-61 |2 ea | | | |

| |- O.D. 203 mm |thread NC-61 |2 ea | | | |

| |- O.D. 178 mm |thread NC-50 |2 ea | | | |

| |- O.D. 165 mm |thread NC-46 |2 ea | | | |

| |- O.D. 159 мм |thread NC-46 |2 ea | | | |

| |- O.D. 146 мм |thread NC-44 |2 ea | | | |

| |- O.D. 121 мм |thread NC-35 |2 ea | | | |

|40 |Inclination angle measurement system |  | 1 set | | | |

| |Device |ТOTCO type or similar |  | | | |

| |Angle measurement range | From 0° to 16° |  | | | |

| |Auxiliary equipment |Load and extension |  | | | |

| |Drawworks |  |  | | | |

| |Wire, at least |3000 m |  | | | |

| |Meter |  |  | | | |

| |Tension indicator |  |  | | | |

| |Connection head |  |  | | | |

|41 |Blowout preventing equipment | | | | | |

| |Manufacture according to the standard, specifications |API 16A, 6А, 16D,16C, "Safety in the oil and gas |  | | | |

| | |industry of Ukraine" NPAOP 11.1-1.01- 08 | | | | |

| |Climatic modification |Operation in the range of ambient temperature -40 ° | | | | |

| | |+ 40 ° C | | | | |

|41.1 |Preventer unit |Temperature rating T-20, AD. With Fixing set (set of| 1 set | | | |

| | |stud bolts and nuts) | | | | |

| |Тype |90 | | | | |

| |Sealing material |synthetic | | | | |

| |Nominal inside diameter |230 mm (9") |  | | | |

| |Operating pressure |35 МPа (5000 psi) |  | | | |

| |Metal O-ring |R-50 |3 ea | | | |

| |Тype |UM | | | | |

| |Nominal inside diameter |230 mm (9") |  | | | |

| |Operating pressure |70,0 МPа (10000 psi) |  | | | |

| |Metal O-ring |BX-157 |4 ea | | | |

| |Pipe Rams (additional set of rubber sealing to each size |  |  | | | |

| |of rams) | | | | | |

| |Pipe rams 5'' |127 mm (5'') |2 sets | | | |

| |Pipe rams 3 1/2'' |89 mm (3 1/2'') |2 sets | | | |

| |Annular for tubing |2 3/8 to 3 1/2” |2 sets | | | |

| |Pipe rams 4 1/2" |114 mm (4 1/2") |2 sets | | | |

| |Pipe rams 4 " |102 mm (4 ") |2 sets | | | |

| |Blind rams |  |2 sets | | | |

| |Door seal | |10 sets | | | |

|41.2 |Drilling spool with two side outlets, valves, stud bolts |9" / 3 1/16"-70(10000psi) |1 set | | | |

| |and nuts | | | | | |

| |Nominal inside diameter |230 mm (9") |  | | | |

| |Operating pressure |70,0 МPа (10000 psi) |  | | | |

| |Metal O-ring |BX-157 |3 ea | | | |

| |Metal O-ring |BX-154 |10 ea | | | |

| |Hydraulic valves |(3 1/16х10000 psi) |2 ea | | | |

| |Stud bolts and nuts | |1 set | | | |

|41.3 |Adapter spool |  |1 ea | | | |

| |Nominal inside diameter |230mm (13 5/8") |  | | | |

| |Operating pressure |35 МPа (5000 psi) |  | | | |

| |Metal O-ring |R-50 |2 ea | | | |

| |Operating pressure |70,0 МPа (10000 psi) |  | | | |

| |Choke control 3 1/16" |hydraulic / manual |  | | | |

| |Substructure |Adjustable height |  | | | |

| |Back- pressure valve |  |1 ea | | | |

| |Nominal inside diameter |80mm(3 1/16") |  | | | |

| |Metal O-ring |BX-154 |10 ea | | | |

| |Kill manifold |  |1 set | | | |

| |Operating pressure |70,0 МPа (10000 psi) |  | | | |

| |Substructure |Regulation as per height |  | | | |

| |Back- pressure valve |  |1 ea | | | |

| |Nominal inside diameter |80mm(3 1/16") |  | | | |

| |High pressure armoured hose |API - 16C і API - 6A |1 set | | | |

| |Nominal internal diameter |76 mm (3'') |  | | | |

| |Operating pressure |70,0 МPа (10000 psi) |  | | | |

| |Metal O-ring |BX-154 |4 ea | | | |

| |Temperature range |Class B (-20°C - + 100°C) |  | | | |

| |Length |9.1 m/ 30ft |  | | | |

| |Internal diameter |80mm (3 1/16") |  | | | |

| |Flange pipeline |  |1 set | | | |

| |Operating pressure |70,0 МPа (10000 psi) |  | | | |

| |Internal diameter |80mm (3 1/16") |  | | | |

| |Length, at least |30 m |  | | | |

| |Atmospheric degasser |  | 1 set | | | |

| |Outside diameter |1 220 mm (48'') |  | | | |

| |Capacity, at least |5000 l/min |  | | | |

| |Shaker tank drainage line |219 mm (8'') |  | | | |

| |Choke manifold connection line |  |  | | | |

|41.5 |BOP control |API 16D |1 set | | | |

| |Main control panel |  |1 set | | | |

| |Pump |  |  | | | |

| |Pump electrical drive |  |  | | | |

| |Tank |  |  | | | |

| |Hydraulic accumulators |  |  | | | |

| |High and low pressure lines |  |  | | | |

| |Pneumatic pumps |  |  | | | |

| |Climatic modification |Operation in the range of ambient temperature -40 ° | | | | |

| | |+ 40 ° C | | | | |

| |Remote control console |Located in the Dog house |1 set | | | |

| |Choke control panel |  |1 set | | | |

| |High pressure hoses for BOP and choke connections | |1 set | | | |

|41.6 |Auxiliary equipment |  |  | | | |

| |Stand for pressure test of preventers on rig location |  |1 set | | | |

| |Climatic modification |Operation in the range of ambient temperature -40 ° | | | | |

| | |+ 40 ° C | | | | |

| |High pressure pump |100,0 МPа (15000 psi) |1 set | | | |

| |Recorder |  |  | | | |

| |Pressure gauges |  |  | | | |

| |Fluid pressure test tank |  |  | | | |

| |High and low pressure hoses |  |  | | | |

| |Pressure test packer |  |1 set | | | |

| |Connections |All necessary clamps, bolts, nuts and rings – BOP |1 set | | | |

| | |and spools seals. | | | | |

|41.7 |Washer, steam cleaner | |1 ea | | | |

|42 |Tools |  |  | | | |

| |BOP tools | Hydraulic or pneumatic wrenches. Kit of impact |1 set | | | |

| | |wrenches for BOP bolt joints. | | | | |

| |Special tools | Special tools for repair and maintenance of |2 sets | | | |

| | |drilling equipment (MP,DW, etc.) | | | | |

| |Tools for maintenance and repair of equipment |  |1 set |  |  |  |

|43 |Spare parts |  |  | |  |  |

|44.1.1 |Liner 7” | |18ea | |  |  |

| |Liner 6 1/4" | |12 ea | | | |

| |Liner 6” | |12 ea | | | |

| |Liner 5 3/4” | |12 ea | | | |

| |Liner 5 1/2" | |12 ea | | | |

| |Liner 5” | |12 ea | | | |

| |Liner 4 1/2" | |9 ea | | | |

| |Material |bimetal | | | | |

|44.1.2 |Piston assembly 7” | |24 sets | | | |

| |Piston assembly 6 3/4" | |24 sets | | | |

| |Piston assembly 6 1/2" | |15 sets | | | |

| |Piston assembly 6 1/4" | |15 sets | | | |

| |Piston assembly 6” | |15 sets | | | |

| |Piston assembly 5 3/4" | |15 sets | | | |

| |Piston assembly 5 1/2" | |15 sets | | | |

| |Piston assembly 5” | |15 sets | | | |

| |Piston assembly 4 1/2" | |12 sets | | | |

| |Material |Polyurethane | | | | |

|44.1.3 |Poston rod with nut |  |12 sets | | | |

|44.1.4 |Valve with seat and spring |  |42 sets | | | |

| |Valve sealing material |Polyurethane | | | | |

|44.1.5 |Liner seal |Polyurethane |120 sets | | | |

|44.1.6 |Cylinder head plug sealing |Polyurethane |50 sets | | | |

|44.1.7 |Cover plate sealing |Polyurethane |50 sets | | | |

|44.1.8 |Safety valve | |1 ea | | | |

|44.1.9 |Pulsation dampener diaphragm | |1 ea | | | |

|44.2 |Swivel parts | | | | | |

| |Swivel packing assembly | |1 set | | | |

| |Wash pipe with sealings | |7 sets | | | |

|44.3 |Manifold parts | | | | | |

| |Valve 4’’ 35МPа (5000psi) | |4 ea | | | |

| |Valve 2’’ 35МPа (5000psi) | |2 ea | | | |

| |Hummer union sealing | |15 ea | | | |

* - The participant indicates the name of the goods (products) as mentioned in the certificate of quality or the Passport

Post, first name, name, signature of the Participant’s authorized person, certified by seal * (* this requirement does not apply to participants which is not use the seal in accordance with current legislation)

22.3. Technical design assignment

for manufacture of the mobile drilling rig with capacity of 180 tons (1000HP)

1. General provisions

Technical design assignment (hereinafter referred to as TDA) is the list of main minimum requirements for furnishing and technical characteristics of the equipment.

The tenderer shall be obliged to provide the detailed and comprehensive description of the equipment of the mobile drilling rig (hereinafter referred to as DR), specified in Appendix 1, but without limitation of the required information. Answers YES / NO shall not be accepted.

While describing the equipment, it is necessary to specify the type, designation, manufacturer and year of fabrication of the mobile drilling rig and all its components, year of manufacturer should be 2016 - 2017 and to provide in details all its main technical characteristics. For better completeness of the reply, the Tenderer can provide for consideration additional information, which is not given in these specifications, if the Tenderer considers this information important.

In some cases, for description of the equipment, names of makers or models are used in this document. During evaluation, any equivalent of the specified equipment will be considered.

Purpose – fabrication of a mobile drilling rig with the diesel drive of the main power equipment for geological, exploration drilling of wells and workover operations.

2. Equipment requirements

Design and quality of fabrication of the equipment must comply with requirements of standards:

- API 4F 4th, (Specification for Drilling and Well Servicing Structures);

- АРІ 6А (Specification for Wellhead and Christmas Tree equipment);

- API 7К 5th (Drilling and Well Servicing Equipment);

- API 8С 5th (Drilling and Production Hoisting Equipment);

Electric system must comply with standards:

- API RP 505 1st – Recommended Practice for Classification of Locations for Electrical Installations at Petroleum Facilities Classified as Class 1, Zone 0, Zone 1 and Zone 2;

- API RP 2003 8th - Protection Against Ignitions Arising Out of Static, Lightning, and Stray Currents

- API Q1 9th (Specification for Quality Management System Requirements for

Manufacturing Organizations for the Petroleum and Natural Gas Industry);

- API 9A 26th (Specification for Wire Rope);

- API RP 13C Recommended Practice on Drilling Fluid Processing Systems Evaluation

- API 16A 3rd (Specification for Drill-Through Equipment);

- API 16C (Choke and Kill Equipment);

- API 16D 2nd (Specification for Control Systems for Drilling Well Control Equipment and Control Systems for Diverter Equipment);

- API STD 53 4th (Blowout Prevention Equipment Systems for Drilling Wells) with monogram of API.

- DNAOP 1.1.21-1.20-03 - Safety in the oil and gas industry of Ukraine;

- NPAOP 40.1-1.32-01 - Rules of special electrical installations;

- "Ukraine PUE Electrical Installations Code-2014";

- RD 34.21.122-87 - Instructions for lightning protection of buildings and structures

- GOST, specifications and regulatory documents of Ukraine.

- Rules of construction and safe operation of vessels working under pressure DNAOP 0.00-1.07-94;

- Rules of design and safe operation of cranes NPAOP 0.00-1.01-07;

- Engineering equipment of buildings and structures. Natural and artificial lighting (DBN V.2.5-28: 2006).

Drilling rig, including all components (spare parts) that they are made of, must be entirely new (not used) and equal: made of equal components (spare parts) based on the same design (project). 

2.1 List of equipment

List of equipment or parts of this equipment shall be manufactured in a country that joined the WTO’s Agreement on Government Procurement (Agreement on Government Procurement, GPA):

Engines; hydraulic gearboxes; gearboxes to drive hydraulic pumps; chains; differential device for derrick man protection; fall arrestor for stairs; safety gear of the monkey board; weight sensor and indicator; auxiliary brake; hydraulic pumps; hydraulic control valves; engine compressors; pneumatic control valves; diesel generators; power tong; spiders; hydraulic power tongs; air dryer; wellhead screen shakers; shale shaker-desander; vacuum degasser; mixing hoppers; inclination angle measurement system.

2.2 Scope of application of the drilling rig

For geological exploration and development drilling of wells for oil and gas and workover operations.

2.3 Climatic version

The drilling rig must operate in the range of environment temperature from minus 40 °С to plus 40°С, made by U1 according to GOST 15150-69 - machines, devices and other technical products. Should be manufacture for different climatic regions. Categories operating conditions, storage and transportation as per environment climatic factors.

2.4 Requirements to the drilling rig design

2.4.1 Location of the equipment must assure minimum possible dimensions of the drilling site and quick RU/RD.

The tender documentation must include dimensions of the drilling site (АА, ВВ, СС, DD). The drilling site must have dimensions sufficient for mini-camp installation, turning of trucks, the place for water well must be indicated.


2.4.2 The main gears must be driven by diesel engines.

2.4.3. The drilling rig shall be power by diesel power plants of appropriate capacity. The mode of operation of diesel power plants shall be continuous.

2.4.4. The equipment of the rig must be repairable; it must include special tools, appliance and devices assuring monitoring of modes of operation, servicing and current repair of all units and equipment making part of the drilling rig.

2.4.5. The design of the drilling rig substructure must assure collection, pumping out and drainage of leaks of drill mud, water and atmospheric precipitations from the drilling site, modules of the circulation system and pumps, as well as remains of flushing liquid from the circulation system tanks.

2.4.6. The equipment of the rig must be placed in factory-fabricated modules. Modules must be suitable for transportation by railway and have weight of not more than 40 t and length of not more than 12,0 m except vehicle chassis and derrick.

2.4.7. During transportation on flat beds 1.4 m high, the height of unpacked modules must not exceed 4.5 m.

2.4.8. Service lines between modules (water, steam, air, condensate, hydraulic liquids, and power) must have quick-release couplings, excluding welding operations during R/U.

2.4.9 The derrick up to the monkey board and crown block must be fitted with tunnel stairs on every section of the derrick.

2.4.10. The rig must have shelters:

- shelter of the drill floor 3 m high of three layer panels with filler of polypropylene;

- shelter of the lower part of the drill floor – from the rig floor to the ground level – of flame retardant fabric and with forced ventilation;

- shelter of the circulation system and the pump unit - framework structure with cover of flame retardant fabric and forced ventilation.

2.4.11. The values of lighting of the drilling rig zones must comply with requirements of Rules of Safety in Oil and Gas Industry.

The lighting system LED lamps shall be powered from a stabilized power supply; for emergency lighting LED, lamps with built-in batteries shall be used.

2.4.12. Units of serial mobile drilling rigs must be used for this rig to the maximum extent.

2.5 Requirements to marking

2.5.1. All parts and components of the rig must have marking with indication of the following:

- manufacturer trade mark;

- designation and code of the type;

- factory number;

- main parameters and technical specifications with designation of measurement units;

- designation of standards or specifications (if any);

- date of manufacturing (month, year);

Marking must be made as per API or GOST 12969-67 on metal plates which should be fixed on appropriate components of the rig and by impact methods where serial number of the equipment shall be duplicated in the established place specified in passports and operations manual.

The passport must include the specified service life of this equipment.

2.6. Requirements to packing

2.6.1. The method of preservation of the loads must comply with requirements of API or GOST 14192-96.

2.6.2. Packing of components must comply as per API or GOST 14192-96 and meet КУ - 0 and assure preservation of the rig under conditions of storage 8 (ОЖ3) as per GOST 15150-69, as well as preservation during transportation 8 (ОЖ3) as per GOST 15150-69 in terms of impact of climatic factors and under conditions of transportation Ж as per GOST 23170-78 in terms of impact of mechanical factors.

2.6.3. The manufacturer using duly approved transportation and packing drawings shall determine placement and piling of components.

2.6.4. Oversized components and parts shall be transported without packing; at that, machined surfaces that have contact with one another must be protected against damage. The rest of components must be delivered packaged, and small parts – packed in boxes of type 1 as per GOST 10198-91.

2.6.5. Operation and shipping documentation sent with the rig must be packed according to requirements of GOST 23170-78. Each cargo item must have a packing list.

2.7. Requirements to reliability

2.7.1. The design service life of the drilling equipment: pump, rotary, swivel, crown block, hook, top drive system, line anchor, drawworks, derrick and substructure, power electrical motors, generators of diesel power plant – 20 years.

The above equipment shall be subject to regular inspection; for the first time – after 10 years, and for the following times – every three years.

2.8. Aesthetic and ergonomic requirements and painting

2.8.1. On the rig there must be developed colour scheme with aesthetic, ergonomic and functional purpose of units take into account.

2.8.2. Colouring of units according to the colour scheme must comply with recommendations in terms of colour separation of moving and hazardous zones during operation of parts and units.

2.8.3. Signal colours and safety signs used on the rig must comply with requirements of GOST 12.4.026-76.

2.8.4. The rig equipment must comply with general ergonomic requirements as per DSTU 7234:2011.

Painting: double-layer thickness of 240 microns, performed a two-component paint based on polyurethane.

3. Safety requirements

3.1. The location of rig equipment must make possible easy maintenance and repair.

3.2. The equipment of the rig must comply with requirements of GOST 12.2.003-91 and Rules of Safety in Oil and Gas Industry 11.1-1.01-08.

3.3. The equipment must be explosion-proof according to the class of explosion-proof zone of its installation.

3.4. The design of the derrick must make possible fastening of auxiliary small tools and equipment (hanger of power tongs, run-around rollers for operation of the auxiliary winch etc.).

3.5. All units and gears of the rig must have take-in devices for slinging (frames, stud-bolt, and eye-rings) or marking in places of sling fixing.

The diagrams of slinging of the equipment and components must be included in the operation manual.

3.6. The electrical equipment of the rig must comply with requirements of the "Ukraine PUE Electrical Installations Code-2014" (PUE-2014) and the Industry Rules of Health and Safety while Operating Electrical Installations.

3.7. The rig equipment must not have negative impact to environment.

3.8. Enclosures of drawworks, drill pump drives must have a locking device excluding possibility of start up of drives when enclosure is removed.

3.9. Equivalent sound levels at working places must not exceed 80 dBA. Maximum sound levels must not exceed 110 dBA.

3.10. The corrected value of vibration acceleration of control levers of drawworks, drilling tongs, measured on axes Х, У, Z, must not exceed 2.0 m/s2.

3.11. The corrected equivalent value of vibration acceleration at working places, measured on axes Х, У, Z, must not exceed 0.1 m/s2.

3.12. The total level of sound pressure at working places measured according to the line scale in the range of frequencies from 1.4 Hz to 20 Hz (infrasound) must not exceed 10 dBA.

3.13. The values of electric field intensity at working places must not exceed 5 kV/m.

3.14. In closed premises (blocks of mud system, mud pumps etc.) which shelters are made of flame retardant fabric, general process heating of premises must be envisaged.

3.15. In derrick and drawworks unit, local heating of equipment and working places must be provided. A shelter must be provided for rest and heating of the operating personnel.

3.16. The working place of the derrick man must be fitted with a device for emergency escape.

3.17. The design of equipment must exclude leakage to the working zone of oil and its vapours through seals of fixed connections.

3.18. The temperature of equipment surfaces that can be touched by the personnel during its servicing must not exceed 60 ºC.

3.19. Maximum allowable concentration (MAC) of hazardous substance in air of the working zone must not exceed:

- nitrogen oxide - 5 mg/m3;

- carbon oxide - 20 mg/m3;

- aliphatic hydrocarbons terminal С1-С10 - 300 mg/m3;

- nitrogen dioxide - 2 mg/m3;

- acrolein – 0.2 kg/m3; benzopyrene 0.00015 kg/m3.

3.20. Lighting of the rig must comply with requirements of the "Engineering equipment of buildings and structures. The natural and artificial lighting" (DBN V.2.5-28: 2006).

3.21. In case of the mechanical control system of the equipment, efforts for switching on of levers must be the following:

- Not more than 60 N (6 kgf) – on levers used in every working cycles;

- Not more than 120 N (12 kgf) – on pedals used in every cycles;

- Not more than 150 N (15 kgf) – on levers and pedals used not more than 5 times per shift.

3.22. The equivalent sound level emitted by the drilling rig equipment to the environment, which is measured in the control point at a distance of 1.5 of the derrick height from the well center in the shift rest room at a height of 1.5 m from the ground level must not exceed 80 dBA.

3.23. At the rig, there must be envisaged closed cycle of collection and withdrawal of leaks of drill mud, oil, water, condensate from the drilling site, modules of ЦС and pumps to special trays for further disposal.

3.24. The manufacturer must take part in commissioning of the drilling rig.

4. Requirements to transportation and storage

4.1. Trains, vehicles (tractors) or ships must transport the rig, disassembled in modules.

4.2. The rig components those transported by railway must comply with requirements as per order #299 from 18.05.2010 by Ministry of Transport and Communications of Ukraine "On the Drafting of technical documentation for placing and securing of cargo in wagons and containers transported by rail".

4.3. Oversized, heavy and long loads must be fixed on railcars according to drawings of loading and fastening duly agreed with the Ministry of Railways.

4.4. Dimensions and mass of shipped components must be specified in supporting documentation.

4.5. The manufacturer shall prepare and submit to the customer the optimum scheme of distribution of shipped items for transportation of the equipment and modules of the drilling rig by trucks.

4.6. The terms of storage of the rig equipment shall be 7 (Ж1) as per GOST 15150-69. The period of protection without reconservation of components shall be 12 months from the moment of conservation if the consumer follows proper methods of transportation, unloading and storage according to requirements of this technical design assignment.

4.7. Transportation and storage (including in terms of impact of climatic factors of environment) of component parts must be carried out according to requirements of standards for these parts.

4.8. Other (additional) requirements to transportation and storage shall be according to the supply agreement.

5. Procedure of control and acceptance

5.1 The manufacturer shall guarantee provision of reports on fabrication of the drilling rig and shall assure access of the customer representative for inspection of the production process.

5.2. The manufacturer shall carry out acceptance and handover tests of the rig on the inspection stand at the site of the manufacturer with participation of the customer representatives.

5.3. The manufacturer shall take part in supervised installation and pre-commissioning of the rig equipment and shall conduct training of the personnel on operation of power and process equipment of the drilling rig.

5.4. The rig shall be accepted for operation as per results of acceptance and handover tests of the whole drilling rig.

6. Guarantees of manufacturer

6.1. The manufacturer shall guarantee the operation of the rig during 12 calendar months from the date of signing the Work Acceptance Protocol.

6.2. The manufacturer guarantees charge-free elimination of defects occurred or discovered during the warranty period and replacement parts that have failed during this period in the terms agreed in writing with the manufacturer, and if the terms are not agreed - within 10 days of the referral producers message defects or lack of quality product.

6.3. The warranty period for component parts must comply with standards or specifications for these products.

7. Technical documentation

Together with the drilling rig the manufacturer shall supply the following set of documentation:

- passport, quality certificate, certificate of conformity of the equipment;

- permit of the ETC of the State Health and Safety Committee for use of the equipment in the territory of Ukraine;

- operation documentation;

- assembly drawings of the unit and its component parts with specifications, catalogue numbers of spare parts.

Year of production: 2016 - 2017.

Destination: Warehouse (station) of consignee

• BU «Ukrburgaz» (UBG): Kharkiv region, Krasnograd, Ukrainska vul. 165, Krasnograd warehouse ВТЗіК.

Terms of delivery :

1. DDP – station (storehouse) of designation

Transport costs to the place of destination (on terms of delivery - DDP) included to the price of the goods (subject of procurement)

2. DАP (for non-residents)

Requirements for packaging – According to the factory package (price of the offer includes the cost of containers and packaging). Is not reversible.

Shipment of goods according to the customer job sheet (the customer specifies the recipient's mail address in the job sheet).

Delivery date: to 01.03.2018.

Payment terms -"desirable": Payment is made by opening of an irrevocable documentary divisible letter of credit confirmed by first-class Bank:

- Cash a letter of credit for the initial amount is 30% of the value of all the goods under the contract comes after providing to the confirmation Bank the following documents: invoice for 100% of the cost of all the goods (that is 30% of the total amount of all the goods under the contract) signed and certified by the seal of the Seller and the bank guarantee of the first-class Bank in favour of the Buyer for the amount of 30% of the total value of all the goods under the contract;

- After the message about the beginning of shipment of the goods received from the Seller, the Buyer increases the amount of the letter of credit, which is 40% of the value of the goods under the contract and will be paid to the Seller after providing to the confirming Bank the following documents: invoice for 100% of the cost of goods under the contract with indication of payment (that is 40% of each individual unit cost of the goods ready for shipment) signed and certified with the seal of the Seller and the bank guarantee of first-class Bank in favour of the Buyer for the amount that is 40% of each individual unit cost of the goods ready for shipment.

- Payment of 30% of the value of all the goods under the contract is paid by the Buyer after carrying out of installation and start-up of the goods by direct payment to the Seller within 60 calendar days after signing of the Act of acceptance with signature and seal of the Seller and the Buyer.


Participant provides other payment terms that will be better than these (percentage of prepayment is lower from the set, while keeping the other parameters of the calculation).

The terms of payment specified by the customer are binding and cannot be changed unless the conditions of payment is desirable!

In case the customer specifies the desired terms of payment, the participant may offer their payment terms, in this case for the purposes of the auction the proposal of such participant will be recalculated to the common terms with the other participants by calculating the present value.

Calculation of the present value is specified in Annex No. 7 to this documentation.

The factory warranty for the goods (subject of procurement): the warranty period for the goods may not be less than fixed by manufacturer of the goods, but in any case not less than 12 calendar months from the date of signing of the delivery-acceptance Act. The Seller guarantees the quality of the goods supplied during the term of the warranty. The product must be new and was not in use.

Quality: the quality and completeness of the goods must comply with the technical documentation, acting on territory of Ukraine, DESTs, quality requirements, conditions of the contract and confirmed by the certificate of quality or passport with a manufacturer LTC mark according to the current quality assurance program of the enterprise during supply of goods

The originals of the documents issued by foreign authorities, together with a proposal should be legalized or certified by Apostille in accordance with the legislation of the country of origin of the document, as well as to be officially translated into Ukrainian or Russian language (such translation must be appropriately certified).


Post, first name, name, signature of the Participant’s authorized person, certified by seal * (* this requirement does not apply to participants which is not use the seal in accordance with current legislation).


Додаток 4

до документації процедури закупівлі

| Договір | CONTRACT No.__________________ |

| | |

|Київ, Україна « » 2017 |Kyiv, Ukraine « » 2017 |

| | |

|_________________________, іменоване надалі «Продавець», в особі |_______________________, hereinafter referred to as the «Seller», |

|____________, діючого на підставі ___________, з однієї сторони, та |represented by ____________, acting under ________, on the one part, |


|іменована надалі «Покупець», в особі ___________________________, |hereinafter referred to as the “Buyer”, represented by |

|діючого на підставі ___________, з іншої сторони, разом іменовані |________________, acting on the basis of ____________, on the other |

|«Сторони», окремо – «Сторона» заключили даний договір (далі - Договір)|part, hereinafter referred to as the «Parties» collectively and the |

|про наступне. |«Party» individually have concluded the present Contract as follows. |

| | |

|1. Предмет Договору |1. Contract Subject |

| | |

|1.1.Продавець зобов’язаний поставити та передати у власність Покупця 1|1.1 The Seller shall undertake to deliver |

|(один) мобільний бурильний верстат (далі - Товар), зазначених у |and transfer the ownership of the 1 (one) mobile drilling rigs |

|Специфікації, яка є Додатком № 1 до даного Договору та є його |(hereinafter – the Goods) to the Buyer, execute the commissioning works|

|невід’ємною частиною та виконати роботи по пуско-наладці Товару (далі |and the Buyer shall commit itself to accept and pay for the Goods, |

|- Роботи), а Покупець зобов’язаний прийняти і оплатити Товар та |accept and pay for the commissioning works as listed in the |

|Роботи. |Specification indicated in the Appendix No.1 to the present Contract |

|В Специфікації зазначаються в обов’язковому порядку: найменування, |attached hereto and being its integral part. |

|кількість, ціна, загальна вартість, строки і умови поставки Товару, а |It shall be mandatory to include the following information into the |

|також повні транспортні реквізити вантажовідправника та |Specification: description, quantity, price, total value, period and |

|вантажоотримувача. |terms of delivery of the Goods, as well as complete transportation |

| |details of the consignor and the consignee. |

|2. Ціна і загальна вартість Договору |2. Contract Price and Total Value |

| | |

|2.1. Ціна Товару зафіксована в гривнях - якщо Продавець є резидентом |2.1. Price of the Goods shall be fixed in UAH if the Seller is a |

|України або доларах США/євро, якщо Продавець не є резидентом України |resident of Ukraine or USD / EUR if the Seller is not a resident of |

|на умовах DAP (відповідно до Міжнародних правил тлумачення торгових |Ukraine, on DAP terms of delivery (in accordance with the International|

|термінів ІНКОТЕРМС–2010): |Rules for the Interpretation of INCOTERMS-2010 Trade Terms): |

| | |

|_______________________________________________________________________| |

|___________________________________________ |_______________________________________________________________________|

|і вказана в Специфікації на поставку Товару. |________________________________________ |

| |and quoted in the Specifications for delivery of the Goods. |

|Розрахунки за Товар частково здійснюються за допомогою документарного |The Goods shall be partially paid by the irrevocable divisible |

|безвідкличного ділимого акредитиву, підтвердженого першокласним банком |documentary letter of credit, confirmed by the first class bank (70 % |

|(70% від загальної суми Договору), а частково прямим платежем після |of the total Contract value), and partially by direct payment after |

|підписання Сторонами акту приймання – передачі виконаних Робіт (30% від|signing the Work Acceptance Protocol by the Parties (30% of price the |

|вартості Товару) . |Goods). |

| | |

|2.1.1. У випадку, якщо Продавець є резидентом України та Товар є | |

|товаром імпортного походження, він повинен поставити Товар після сплати|2.1.1. If the Seller is a resident of Ukraine and the Goods are of |

|всіх митних платежів, встановлених законами України на імпорт цього |foreign origin, the Seller shall deliver the Goods after payment of all|

|Товару, та виконання усіх необхідних митних формальностей та допущення |customs fees, established by the Law of Ukraine on the import of Goods,|

|Товару для вільного обігу на митній території України. |performance of all necessary customs formalities and approval of the |

| |Goods for free circulation in the customs territory of Ukraine |

|2.2. Загальна ціна Договору становить ______________________ | |

|У вартість Товару включаються: | |

|- митні витрати, понесені Продавцем при митному оформленні Товару у |2.2. The total Contract value makes up _____________________________. |

|пункті відправки (застосовується, якщо Продавець не є резидентом |The cost of the Goods includes: |

|України); |- customs expenses incurred by the Seller in the customs clearance of |

|- витрати на пакування та навантаження; |Goods at dispatching point (applicable if the Seller is not a resident |

|- транспортні витрати відповідно до умов поставки, що зазначені в |of Ukraine); |

|пункті 2.1. даного Договору; |- packing, loading expenses; |

|- витрати на отримання дозвільної документації; |- transport expenses under the delivery terms as appear in Clause 2.1.|

|- витрати пов’язані з отриманням сертифікату походження Товару. |of the present Contract; |

|У вартість Робіт включаються: |- expenses for obtaining necessary permits; |

|- пуско - налагоджувальні роботи (Роботи); | |

|- витрати на відрядження представників Покупця для інспекції процесу |- expenses for obtaining a certificate of origin of the Goods. |

|виготовлення та випробування Товару; |The cost of Works includes: |

|- витрати на навчання персоналу Покупця з правил експлуатації та |- commissioning Works; |

|обслуговування Товару; |- travel expenses of Buyer’s representatives for the inspection of |

| |testing and manufacturing process of the Goods; |

|2.3. Ціна на Товар, що постачається є остаточною і незмінною на весь |- expenses for training the Buyer’s personnel on the rules of operation|

|період дії даного Договору, окрім випадку, коли Сторони домовляться про|and maintenance of the Goods; |

|зміну обсягу поставки. Узгоджені зміни повинні бути викладені у | |

|Додатковій угоді до даного Договору, підписаної обома Сторонами. |2.3. Price for the supplied Goods shall be final and subject to no |

| |alterations for the whole term hereof, unless there are changes in the |

| |scope of supply agreed by both Parties. The agreed changes should be |

| |described and indicated in the Additional Agreement to the Contract and|

| |signed by both Parties. |

|3. Умови і строки поставки |3. Terms and Period of Delivery |

| | |

|3.1. Товари постачаються на умовах DAP (відповідно до Міжнародних |3.1.All the Goods shall be supplied under DAP (in accordance with the |

|правил тлумачення торгових термінів ІНКОТЕРМС–2010) _______ транспортом|International Rules for the Interpretation of INCOTERMS-2010 Trade |

|за наступною адресою: |Terms) by _______ transport to the followings delivery addresses: |

| | |

|Філія БУ „Укрбургаз”, Харківська обл., м. Красноград, вул. Українська, |Drilling Branch UKRBURGAZ, Krasnograd Equipment Base, 165, Ukrainska |

|165, Красноградська база ВТЗіК. |street, Krasnograd, Kharkiv region. |

| | |

|Покупець є відповідальним за розвантаження Товару з транспортних |The Buyer is responsible for unloading of the Goods from the transport |

|засобів і зобов’язаний надати необхідне підйомне обладнання для |vehicles and shall provide lifting equipment required for unloading of |

|розвантаження Товару у місці доставки. |the Goods at the delivery address. |

| | |

|3.1.1. Адреса місця митного оформлення Товару в Україні, буде |3.1.1. The place of custom clearance in Ukraine, will be informed |

|повідомлена Покупцем Продавцю додатково, шляхом надсилання офіційного |additionally by the Buyer to the Seller by sending of the official |

|листа по електронній пошті на адресу: |letter via e-mail: _____________________________________ |

|_____________________________________ |The Seller undertakes to deliver the Goods to the place of custom |

|Продавець, зобов’язується доставити Товар у місце митного оформлення в |clearance in Ukraine, which will be informed additionally by the Buyer,|

|Україні, додатково повідомлене Покупцем, для здійснення митного |for execution of custom formalities by the Buyer. After finalization of|

|оформлення Товару Покупцем. Після закінчення митного оформлення |the custom formalities the Seller undertakes to deliver the Goods to |

|Товару , Продавець має поставити оформлений Товар на адресу зазначену у|the delivery addresses, indicated in clause 3.1 of the Contract |

|п. 3.1. даного Договору (застосовується, якщо Продавець не є резидентом|(applicable if the Seller is not a resident of Ukraine). |

|України). | |

| | |

|3.2. Продавець зобов’язаний поставити Товар відповідно до умов | |

|поставки, згідно з п. 3.1. даного Договору протягом ______________ |3.2. The Seller undertakes to deliver the Goods under the delivery |

|тижнів з дати відкриття акредитиву, які повністю відповідають умовам, |terms as specified in clause 3.1. hereof during ________ weeks after |

|даного Договору. |issuance of the Letter of Credit in full compliance with the terms of |

| |the present Contract. |

|3.3. Поставка Товару здійснюється ________ транспортом відповідно до | |

|реквізитів Вантажоодержувача. Продавець зобов’язаний один раз в тиждень|3.3. The Goods shall be delivered by _____ transport in accordance with|

|(кожної середи) інформувати Покупця про місце знаходження Товару. |shipping details of the Consignee. The Seller must once a week (every |

| |Wednesday) inform the Buyer about the location of Goods |

|3.4. Датою поставки Товару вважається дата прибуття Товару в пункт | |

|призначення відповідно до п.2 Специфікації до цього Договору, яка | |

|визначається на підставі товаро-транспортних документів. |3.4. The date of arrival of the Goods at the point of destination |

| |according to clause 2 of the Specification hereto shall be deemed the |

|3.5. Перехід ризику втрати чи пошкодження Товару від Продавця до |date determined on the basis of consignment notes. |

|Покупця переходять відповідно до умов DAP. Дата переходу ризиків на | |

|Товар є дата відмітки (підпису) Покупця (уповноваженою особою |3.5. The risk of loss or damage to the Goods shall pass to the Buyer |

|Покупця) на товаро-транспортному документі. |from the Seller according to DAP terms of delivery. The date of passing|

|Датою переходу права власності на Товар від Продавця Покупцю |the risks for the Goods shall be deemed the date of the Buyer’s |

|вважається дата підписання Сторонами Акту приймання-передачі Товару. |(authorized representative of the Buyer) note (signature) on the |

| |consignment note. |

| |The date of passing the title for the Goods from the Seller to the |

|3.6. За 20 робочих днів до дати відвантаження Товару Продавець |Customer shall be deemed the date of signing the Goods Acceptance |

|зобов’язаний направити на електронну адресу |Certificate by the Parties. |

|yuriy.litovchenko@.ua наступну інформацію: | |

|- Очікувану дату поставки; |3.6. 20 working days prior to the moment of dispatch of the Goods the |

|- Найменування Товару; |Seller undertakes to send to the e-mail yuriy.litovchenko@.ua |

|- Кількість транспортних одиниць. |the following information: |

| |- The estimated delivery date; |

|3.7. За 20 робочих днів до дати відвантаження Товару Продавець |- Description of the Goods; |

|зобов’язаний направити на електронну адресу |- Quantity of transport units. |

|yuriy.litovchenko@.ua зразки наступних товаро-супровідних | |

|документів для підтвердження правильності їх заповнення: |3.7. 20 working days prior to the moment of dispatch of the Goods the |

| |Seller undertakes to send to the e-mail yuriy.litovchenko@.ua |

|- Проформа Інвойс (для нерезидента); |the samples of shipment documents, which will accompany the Goods for |

|- Інвойс (для нерезидента)/ рахунок (для резидента); |acknowledgment of correctness of their filling: |

|- Пакувальний лист; | |

|- Товаро-транспортна накладна та акт приймання-передачі Товару; |- Proforma Invoice (for a non-resident); |

|- Сертифікат якості; |- Invoice (for a non-resident) / tax invoice (for a resident); |

|- Сертифікат походження. |- Packing list; |

| |- Transport consignment note and the Goods Acceptance Certificate; |

|3.8. В день відвантаження Продавець висилає Покупцю на електронну |- Certificate of quality; |

|адресу yuriy.litovchenko@.ua копії оформлених товаросупровідних |- Certificate of origin. |

|документів, що будуть слідувати з вантажем. Покупець має розглянути | |

|копії таких документів та остаточно повідомити Продавця про |3.8. On the day of dispatch of the Goods the Seller undertakes to send |

|правильність їх заповнення. |to the Buyer’s e-mail yuriy.litovchenko@.ua the copies of the |

|У випадку виявлення Покупцем неправильно заповнених товаро-супровідних |shipment documents, which will follow with cargo. The Buyer undertakes |

|документів або помилок в таких документах, Продавець відповідальний за |to consider them and provide the Seller with final notification of |

|те, щоб усунути всі недоліки і забезпечити транспортні засоби |correctness on their filling. |

|правильними документами. | |

| |In case of revealing by the Buyer of wrong filling or errors in |

|Без письмового підтвердження від Покупця про правильність оформлення |shipment documents, the Seller is responsible for elimination of such |

|товаро-супровідних документів Продавець не має права відправляти |lacks, errors and for providing transport units with correct shipment |

|транспортні одиниці. |documents. |

| | |

|3.9. Поставка Товару повинна супроводжуватися оригіналами наступних | |

|товаро-транспортних документів: |The shipment cannot be dispatched before the documents have been agreed|

| |upon with the Buyer, and before the Buyer has given his written |

|- Проформа Інвойс (для нерезидента) – 5 оригіналів; |confirmation regarding accuracy of the shipment documents. |

|- Інвойс (для нерезидента) – 5 оригіналів; |3.9. The delivery of the Goods should be accompanied by the following |

|- Пакувальний лист – 5 оригіналів; |documents: |

|- Товаро-транспортна накладна та акт приймання-передачі Товару– 5 | |

|оригіналів; | |

|- Сертифікат якості – 3 оригінали; |- Proforma Invoice (for a non-resident) – 5 originals; |

|- Сертифікат походження, виданий Торгово-Промисловою палатою або іншим |- Invoice (for a non-resident) – 5 originals; |

|уповноваженим органом – 1 оригінал і 1 дублікат; |- Packing list – 5 originals; |

|- Експортна декларація – 2 копії (для нерезидента). |- Transport consignment note and the Goods Acceptance -5 originals; |

| |- Certificate of quality – 3 originals; |

|У випадку поставки Товару в більш ніж одному транспортному засобі |- Certificate of origin, issued by the Chamber of Commerce or other |

|вищевказані товаро-супровідні документи повинні бути надані на кожний |authority - 1 original and 1 duplicate; |

|транспортний засіб (за виключенням сертифікату походження, сертифікату | |

|якості та експортної декларації. (експортна декларація – для |- Export declaration (for a non-resident) – 2 copies. |

|нерезидента). | |

| |In case if the Goods are delivered in more than one transport vehicle, |

|3.10. Відповідальність за правильність, своєчасність та повноту наданих|the above-stated shipping documents should be issued for each transport|

|Покупцеві товаро-супровідних документів, вказаних в п. 3.9. даного |vehicle (with the exception of the certificate of quality, certificate |

|Договору і наслідки, пов’язані з їх ненаданням приймає на себе |of origin and export cargo customs declaration (export declaration – |

|Продавець. При виникненні додаткових витрат в зв’язку з ненаданням чи |for a non-resident). |

|неправильним оформленням товаро-супровідних документів для митного | |

|оформлення Товару, такі витрати компенсує Продавець. |3.10. The responsibility for the accuracy, timeliness and completeness |

| |of the Seller`s shipping documentation, stipulated in the clause 3.9. |

|3.11. У випадку якщо Товар є негабаритним вантажем, то Продавець |of the present Contract, and the consequences associated with their |

|організовує дозвіл на транспортування негабаритного вантажу до пункту |failure shall be assumed by the Seller. If there arise any additional |

|призначення за свій рахунок і своїми силами. |costs for failure or improper execution of the shipping documentation |

| |for customs clearance of imported goods, these costs shall be offset by|

|3.12. За 2 робочі дні до відвантаження Товару Продавець надає |the Seller. |

|інформацію Покупцю про пункт прикордонного переходу кордону з Україною | |

|транспортними засобами з відвантаженим Товаром. |3.11. If the Goods are considered as over-size cargo, the Seller shall |

| |arrange permission for transportation of the oversize cargo to the |

|3.13. Продавець зобов’язаний вказувати в пакувальних листах вагу |point of destination at own expenses and by own means. |

|нетто/брутто кожного типу Товару, вказаного в Додатку №1 до даного | |

|Договору, а також вагу нетто/брутто кожного пакувального місця. |3.12. 2 working days prior to dispatch of the Goods, the Seller shall |

|Фактична вага Товару має відповідати вазі, вказаній в |advise to the Buyer a name of the crossing point of the Ukrainian |

|товаро-супровідних документах. |border by the transport vehicle with the shipped Goods. |

| | |

| | |

|3.14. Не допускається часткова поставка Товару. |3.13. The Seller undertakes to indicate weight net / gross in packing |

| |lists for each type of the Goods, specified in the Appendix 1 to the |

| |present Contract, as well as weight net/gross of each colli. |

| |Actual weight of the shipped Goods shall conform to the weight |

| |indicated in the shipping documents. |

| | |

| |3.14. The Seller must not allow partial delivery of the Goods |

| | |

|3.15. За 60 робочих днів до планової дати поставки Товару Продавець |3.15. 60 working days prior to estimated delivery date the Seller |

|зобов’язаний направити на e-mail Покупця yuriy.litovchenko@.ua |undertakes to send to the Buyer’s e-mail yuriy.litovchenko@.ua |

|технічний паспорт на Товар, інструкцію по експлуатації, а також |Technical passport for the Goods, the instructions manual, technical |

|технічний опис на Товар (технічні характеристики, креслення, габаритні |description for the Goods (technical specifications, drawings, |

|розміри, фото, опис принципу роботи, опис основних вузлів) документи |dimensions, photos, description of operational principles, description |

|мають бути надані на українській або на англійській – з нотаріально |of main components). Such information and/or documentation should be in|

|засвідченим перекладом на українську мову. |Ukrainian or in English with notarized translation into Ukrainian. |

| | |

|У випадку, якщо наданої інформації та/або документів буде не достатньо,|In case if such information and/or documentation is not sufficient, the|

|Продавець має надати додаткову інформацію та/або документи на запит від|Seller undertakes to deliver additional information and/or |

|Покупця. |documentation upon request of the Buyer. |

| |3.16. The Seller is responsible for maintaining the quality and |

|3.16. Продавець несе відповідальність за збереження якості та кількості|quantity of the Goods during their delivery. |

|Товару під час його поставки. | |

| | |

|4. Умови оплати |4. Payment Terms |

| | |

|4.1. Оплата 70% вартості Товару по Договору |4.1. 70% of the Goods’ value under the Contract |

|(_____________________________________) оплачуються шляхом відкриття |(____________________________) shall be paid by means of issuance of |

|документарного безвідкличного ділимого акредитиву, підтвердженого |the Irrevocable Divisible Documentary Letter of Credit, confirmed by a |

|першокласним банком на користь Продавця наступним чином. |first-class bank in favour of the Seller. |

|Акредитив, що відкривається відповідно до даного Договору, | |

|підпорядковується Уніфікованим правилам і звичаям для документарних |The letter of credit issued hereunder shall be subject to the Uniform |

|акредитивів в редакції 2007р., опублікованим Міжнародною торговою |Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits as amended by 2007 |

|палатою під №600(UCP URR в останній редакції). |publication of the International Chamber of Commerce No. 600 (UCP URR |

|Акредитив відкривається протягом -60 календарних днів від дати |latest version). |

|підписання обома Сторонами даного Договору. |The Letter of Credit is opened within 60 calendar days from the date of|

|Строк дії акредитиву ______ календарних днів (відповідає останньому |signing of the present Contract by both Parties. |

|строку відвантаження товару +20 календарних днів для надання документів|Validity of letter of Credit is ____ calendar days (Corresponding to |

|в банк). |the last period of shipment + 20 days for the submission of documents |

|4.1.1. Акредитив відкривається на початкову суму ___(_____________) |to the bank). |

|дол. США/грн., що складає 30% вартості Товару по Договору та буде | |

|оплаченим після надання до підтверджуючого банку наступних документів: | |

|- Інвойс на 100% вартості Товару із вказанням до оплати ____________ |4.1.1. The letter of credit is opened for the initial amount of USD/UAH|

|(що становить 30% від загальної вартості Товару по Договору), |___ (_____________), that constitutes 30% of the Goods’ value under the|

|підписаний і завірений печаткою Продавця – 1 оригінал; |Contract and will be paid after submission of the following documents |

|- 1 копію банківської гарантії повернення здійсненого платежу |to the confirming bank: |

|(Advance Payment Guarantee), виданої банком, рейтинг якого за |- Invoice for 100% of the total value of the Goods indicating “Due |

|класифікацією однієї з провідних світових рейтингових компаній (Fitch |payment is _______ of the Invoice” (that constitutes 30% of the total |

|IBCA, Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s) відповідає вимогам першокласних |value of the Goods under the Contract), signed and stamped by the |

|банків (не нижче інвестиційного класу), що містить наступні умови: |Seller – 1 (one) original; |

|- сума банківської гарантії не менше ____________ (що становить 30% від|- Advance Payment Guarantee issued by the bank, the rating of which |

|загальної вартості Товару по Договору), |according to the classification of one of the world's leading rating |

|- строк дії банківської гарантії до (Строк дії банківської гарантії має|agencies (Fitch IBCA, Standard & Poor's, Moody's) meets the |

|бути на 15 днів більшим запланованого строку здійснення Продавцем |requirements of the first-class banks (not below investment grade) – 1 |

|пуско - налагоджувальних робіт). |copy, containing the following conditions: |

|- банківська гарантія складається англійською мовою і передається через|- the amount of Advance Payment Guarantee shall be not less than |

|систему SWIFT через банк Покупця АТ «Укрексімбанк» (BIC: EXBSUAUX ). |____________ (accounting for 30% of the total value of the Goods under |

|- платіж за банківською гарантією виконується за вимогою Покупця без |the Contract); |

|необхідності надання будь-яких додаткових документів |- the validity of the Advance Payment Guarantee shall be till (The |

|- банківська гарантія підпорядковується Уніфікованим правилам для |guarantee period shall be 15 days longer than the scheduled period of |

|гарантій за вимогою (публікація МТП №758) / ICC URDG758, rev.2010. |the commissioning works that will be performed by the Seller); |

|4.1.2. Після отриманого повідомлення Продавця, про початок |- the Advance Payment Guarantee shall be drawn up in English and |

|відвантаження Товару, відповідно до п.3.6 Договору, Покупець до |transmitted via SWIFT system through the Buyer’s Bank - JSC |

|____(дата, рік) збільшує суму акредитива на ________(________) дол. |"Ukreximbank» (BIC: EXBSUAUX); |

|США/грн., що складає 40% вартості Товару по Договору та буде оплаченим |- payment under the Advance Payment Guarantee is performed at the |

|на користь Продавця після надання ним до підтверджуючого банку |Buyer’s request, without the need of any additional documents; |

|наступних документів: |- the Advance Payment Guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for |

|1. Інвойс (для нерезидента) або Рахунок (для резидента) на 100% |Demand Guarantees (ICC URDG758, rev.2010). |

|вартості Товару по Договору із в казанням до оплати ____________ (що | |

|становить 40% від вартості Товару, готового до відвантаження), | |

|підписаний і завірений печаткою Продавця – 1 оригінал; | |

|2. 1 копію банківської гарантії повернення здійсненого платежу |4.1.2. After receiving the Seller’s notification about the beginning of|

|(Advance Payment Guarantee), виданої банком, рейтинг якого за |shipment, in accordance with clause 3.6 of the Contract, the Buyer in a|

|класифікацією однієї з провідних світових рейтингових компаній (Fitch |period till ____ (date, year) shall increase the amount of the credit |

|IBCA, Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s) відповідає вимогам першокласних |for USD/UAH ________ (________), that constitutes 40% of the Goods’ |

|банків (не нижче інвестиційного класу), що містить наступні умови: |value under the Contract and will be paid in favor of the Seller after |

|- сума банківської гарантії не менше ____________ (що становить 40% від|submission of the following documents to the confirming bank: 1. |

|вартості Товару, готового до відвантаження), |Invoice (for a non-resident) or tax invoice (for a resident) for 100% |

|- строк дії банківської гарантії до (Строк дії банківської гарантії має|of the total value of the Goods under the Contract indicating “Due |

|бути на 15 днів більшим запланованого строку здійснення Продавцем |payment is _______ of the Invoice” (that constitutes 40% of the value |

|пуско - налагоджувальних робіт). |of the Goods ready for shipment), signed and stamped by the Seller – 1|

|- банківська гарантія складається англійською мовою і передається через|(one) original; |

|систему SWIFT через банк Покупця АТ «Укрексімбанк» (BIC: EXBSUAUX ). | |

|- платіж за банківською гарантією виконується за вимогою Покупця без |2. Advance Payment Guarantee issued by the bank, the rating of which |

|необхідності надання будь-яких додаткових документів |according to the classification of one of the world's leading rating |

|- банківська гарантія підпорядковується Уніфікованим правилам для |agencies (Fitch IBCA, Standard & Poor's, Moody's) meets the |

|гарантій за вимогою (публікація МТП №758) / ICC URDG758, rev.2010. |requirements of the first-class banks (not below investment grade) – 1 |

|3. Акт готовності до відвантаження Товару, підписаний Продавцем та |copy, containing the following conditions: |

|Покупцем – 1 оригінал. |- the amount of Advance Payment Guarantee shall be not less than |

| |____________ (accounting for 40% of value of the the Goods ready for |

|4.2 Оплата 30% вартості Товару по Договору оплачуються Покупцем після |shipment); |

|проведення Робіт по пуско-наладці Товару прямим платежем на користь |- the validity of the Advance Payment Guarantee shall be till (The |

|Продавця протягом 60 календарних днів після підписання Акту приймання –|guarantee period shall be 15 days longer than the scheduled period of |

|передачі виконаних робіт, з підписом і печаткою Продавця і Покупця – 1 |the commissioning works that will be performed by the Seller); |

|оригінал. |- the Advance Payment Guarantee shall be drawn up in English and |

| |transmitted via SWIFT system through the Buyer’s Bank - JSC |

|4.3. Документи повинні бути надані у підтверджуючий банк в межах строку|"Ukreximbank» (BIC: EXBSUAUX); |

|дії акредитива. |- payment under the Advance Payment Guarantee is performed at the |

| |Buyer’s request, without the need of any additional documents; |

|4.4. Всі документи в банк, проти яких має здійснюватися оплата по |- the Advance Payment Guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for |

|акредитиву, повинні бути оформлені на англійській мові. |Demand Guarantees (ICC URDG758, rev.2010). |

| | |

|4.5. Всі витрати по обслуговуванню акредитиву на території України | |

|оплачує Покупець. Всі витрати за межами України, в тому числі комісію | |

|за підтвердження акредитиву та гарантійне покриття Міжнародної |3. Release report for the Goods , signed and stamped by the Seller and |

|фінансової організації / ЄБРР оплачує Продавець. |the Buyer – 1 original. |

|Витрати за внесення змін до акредитиву лягають на Сторону, яка ініціює | |

|такі зміни. |4.2 Payment of 30% of the value of the Goods under the Contract shall |

| |be paid by the Buyer after commissioning Works by direct payment in |

|4.6. Текст акредитиву узгоджується Сторонами додатково і не може |favor of the Seller within 60 calendar days after signing the Work |

|суперечити умовам даного Договору. |Acceptance Protocol, signed and stamped by the Seller and the Buyer - 1|

|Остаточний текст акредитиву повинен бути узгоджений з Продавцем в |original. |

|письмовому вигляді (в електронній формі) протягом ___ днів з моменту | |

|отримання проекту акредитиву від Покупця. | |

| |4.3. The documents should be submitted to the confirming bank within |

|4.7. У випадку, якщо потрібно оновити, внести зміни чи продовжити |the validity of the letter of credit. |

|банківський акредитив по причині невиконання Продавцем своїх | |

|зобов’язань по даному Договору, всі витрати і збори за продовження чи |4.4. All documents, against which the payments under letter of credit |

|оновлення акредитиву оплачує Продавець. |shall be made, shall be issued in English. |

|У випадку, якщо потрібно оновити, внести зміни чи продовжити | |

|банківський акредитив по причині невиконання Покупцем своїх зобов’язань|4.5. All costs of servicing of letter of credit on the territory of |

|по даному Договору, всі витрати і збори за продовження чи оновлення |Ukraine shall be paid by the Buyer. All costs outside Ukraine, |

|акредитиву оплачує Покупець. |including the Commission for acceptance of letter of credit and |

|Зміни до акредитиву вносяться на основі підписаної Сторонами Додаткової|guarantee covering of international financial organization/EBRD shall |

|Угоди до Договору. |be paid by Seller. |

| |Costs for amending letter of credit shall be paid by Party that |

|4.8. У випадку не поставки Продавцем Товару після 120 календарних днів |initiates the following changes. |

|від дати оплати, передбаченої в п.4.1.1.-4.1.2. цього Договору, у разі | |

|необхідності отримання Покупцем висновку центрального органу виконавчої|4.6. The text of the Letter of credit shall be agreed additionally by |

|влади щодо продовження строку розрахунків за зовнішньоекономічними |the Parties, and shall not contravene the provisions of present |

|операціями (надалі – Висновок), починаючи з 121 дня, Продавець |Contract. |

|зобов’язується сплатити Покупцю пеню у розмірі 0,4% за кожен день |The final text of the LC must be agreed with the Seller in writing (in |

|прострочення від суми оплати за Товар. Продавець звільняється від |electronic format) within _____ days from the receipt of the draft of |

|обов’язку оплати пені у випадку: повного та своєчасного надання пакету |the Letter of Credit from the Buyer. |

|документів, відповідно до п. 8.4. цього Договору; поставки Товару в | |

|межах строку поставки Товару, вказаного у отриманому Покупцем Висновку | |

|(положення даного пункту застосовуються, якщо Продавець не є резидентом|4.7. In the case of necessity to renew, to make correction to the |

|України). |Letter of Credit or to prolong the Letter of Credit, caused by the |

| |Seller’s breach of obligation under the present Contract, all relevant |

| |expenses and fees will be borne by the Seller. |

| |In the case of necessity to renew, to make correction to the Letter of |

| |Credit or to prolong the Letter of Credit caused by the Buyer’s fault– |

| |all relevant expenses and fees will be borne by the Buyer. |

| |Amendments to the Letter of Credit are made on the base of Additional |

| |Agreement to the Contract signed by the Parties. |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |4.8. In case of Seller’s failure to deliver the Goods after 120 |

| |calendar days from the date of payment provided for in cl.4.1.1.-4.1.2 |

| |hereunder, should the Buyer have the necessity to obtain the approval |

| |with the central executive authorities on the extension of payment term|

| |on foreign transactions (hereinafter - the “Approval”) starting from |

| |the day 121,  Seller agrees to pay a penalty of 0.4% of the payment sum|

| |of the Goods for each day of delay.  Seller is exempt from the |

| |obligation to pay penalties in case of: full and timely provision of |

| |documents according to cl. 8.4 hereunder; the Goods delivery within the|

| |delivery period specified in the Approval obtained by Buyer (the |

| |provisions of this clause apply if Seller is a non-resident of |

| |Ukraine). |

| | |

|5. Прийомка Товару |5. Acceptance of the Goods |

| | |

|5.1. Товар, що постачається в рамках даного Договору, передається |5.1. The Goods supplied hereunder shall be transferred by the Seller |

|Продавцем і приймається Покупцем: |and accepted by the Buyer: |

|по кількості – відповідно до ваги та кількості місць, вказаних у |in respect of quantity – in accordance with weight and quantity of |

|товаро-супровідних документах; |collis specified in shipping documents; |

|по якості – на основі заводських випробувань кожної Товарної позиції, |in respect of quality – based on manufacturer’s testing of the Goods, |

|даних сертифікатів якості заводу-виробника, які супроводжують поставку |information of certificates of quality issued by the manufacturer and |

|та пуско-налагоджувальних робіт; |accompanying supply and commissioning of the Goods; |

|відповідно до вимог, вказаних в Додатку № 10 до цього Договору. |in accordance to the requirements specified in Appendix number 10 to |

| |this Contract. |

|5.2. Випробування на площадці заводу-виробника (застосовується у |5.2. Testing at the site of the manufacturer (applicable if the Goods |

|випадку, якщо Товар знаходиться на стадії виробництва). |are under production). |

| | |

|5.2.1. За 70 днів до початку заводських приймальних випробувань на |5.2.1. For 70 days before the start of the factory acceptance tests at |

|території заводу виробника, Продавець повинен направити письмове |the site of the manufacturer, the Seller shall send a written notice to|

|повідомлення Покупцю з інформацією про дату початку заводських |the Buyer with the information on the start date of the factory |

|приймальних випробувань та вказати їх обсяг та тривалість виконання. |acceptance tests and specify their scope and duration. |

| | |

|5.2.2. Після отримання повідомлення від Продавця про дату початку і | |

|тривалість заводських випробувань, Покупець повинен направити Продавцю |5.2.2. After receiving notification from the Seller on the date of |

|перелік представників, які будуть проводити прийомку Товару на заводі |commencement and duration of the production tests, the Buyer shall |

|та направити представників на завод Продавця. |provide the Seller with a list of representatives that will conduct the|

| |acceptance of the Goods at the factory and to send the representatives |

|5.2.3. Продавець сплачує або компенсує витрати Покупця на авіаквитки, |to the Seller's facility. |

|проживання, транспорт від готелю до території заводу виробника та назад| |

|і харчування представників Покупця. |5.2.3. The Seller shall pay or compensate the cost of air tickets, |

| |accommodation, catering and transportation from the hotel to the |

|5.2.4. Всі випробування на заводі повинні проводитися при участі |manufacturer’s site for the Buyer’s representatives. |

|представників Покупця. | |

| |5.2.4. All tests at the factory must be carried out with participation |

|5.2.5. Після успішних випробувань протягом 3 днів Сторони підписують |of Buyer’s representatives. |

|Акт прийомки на заводі Продавця відповідно до форми, викладеній в | |

|Додатку №7 до даного Договору. |5.2.5. Within 3 days after successful tests, the Parties shall sign the|

| |Acceptance certificate at the Seller's site in accordance with the form|

|5.3. Прийом Товару після доставки Товару на місце поставки. |set out in Appendix 7 to the Contract. |

| | |

|5.3.1. В строк, до 30 календарних днів від дати поставки Товару, що | |

|зазначена в пункті 3.4. цього Договору, Продавець, або його |5.3. Acceptance of the Goods after delivery to the point of |

|уповноважений представник, та Покупець підписують Акт |destination. |

|приймання-передачі Товару, в якому відображена кількість, але не | |

|відображена якість Товару. Форма Акту приймання-передачі Товару |5.3.1 In a period not exceeding 30 calendar days from the delivery date|

|наведена у Додатку №2 до цього Договору, який є його невід’ємною |of the Goods, indicated in the art. 3.4 hereto, the Seller or |

|частиною. |authorized representative of the Seller and the Buyer shall sign the |

| |Goods Acceptance certificate by the quantity of the Goods only, not by |

|5.3.2. Представник Продавця підписує Акт приймання-передачі Товару на |the quality of the Goods. The form of Goods Acceptance certificate is |

|основі довіреності, виданої Продавцем на право підпису відповідного |indicated in Appendix No. 2 that is an integral part of this Contract. |

|Акту приймання-передачі Товару. Датою переходу права власності на | |

|Товар від Продавця Покупцю, що зазначена в пункті 3.5. є дата підпису |5.3.2 The Seller′s representative shall sign the Goods Acceptance |

|Покупцем Акту приймання–передачі Товару. |Certificate based on the Power of Attorney for signing issued by the |

| |Seller. The date of passing the title for the Goods from the Seller to |

|5.4. Приймання Товару в експлуатацію: |the Buyer specified in clause 3.5 shall be deemed the date of signing |

| |the Goods Acceptance Certificate by the Buyer. |

|5.4.1. Продавець зобов’язаний отримати Дозвіл на застосування машин, | |

|механізмів, устаткування підвищеної небезпеки та передати його Покупцю.| |

| |5.4. Acceptance of the Goods into operation: |

|5.4.2. Покупець зобов’язаний прийняти Товар в експлуатацію після: | |

|- успішного проведення пуско-налагоджувальних робіт; |5.4.1. The Seller must obtain Permission for the use of machinery and |

|- передачі Покупцю оригіналу Дозволу на застосування машин, механізмів,|equipment with increased hazard and to pass it to the Buyer. |

|устаткування підвищеної небезпеки; | |

|- передачі Покупцю всієї технічної документації, передбаченої даним | |

|Договором; |5.4.2. The Buyer shall accept the Goods into operation after: |

|- проведення навчання персоналу Покупця. |- successful commissioning; |

| | |

|5.4.3. Остаточне приймання Товару відбувається після здійснення всіх |- submission of the original Permit for the use of machinery and |

|Робіт, вказаних в пунктах 10.1-10.8 даного Договору. Сторони в строк, |equipment with increased hazard to the Buyer; |

|що не перевищує ______ робочих днів від дати виконання всіх Робіт, |- submission of all technical documentation provided for in the |

|вказаних в пунктах 10.1-10.8 даного Договору, підписують Акт |Contract to the Buyer; |

|приймання-передачі виконаних робіт. Форма Акту приймання-передачі |- provision of training to the Buyer’s personnel. |

|виконаних робіт наведена у Додатку №2.1. до даного Договору, який є | |

|його невід’ємною частиною. |5.4.3. Final acceptance of the Goods shall take place after the |

| |performance of all the Works referred to in clauses 10.1-10.8 of this |

|5.4.4. У випадку, якщо Товар, не пройшов успішне проведення |Contract. Parties in a period not exceeding ______ working days from |

|пуско-налагоджувальних робіт, та/або не надано оригіналу Дозволу на |the date of performance of the Works referred to in clauses 10.1-10.8 |

|застосування машин, механізмів, устаткування підвищеної небезпеки, |of this Contract, shall sign the Commissioning and Startup works |

|та\або не передано всієї технічної документації та при цьому право |acceptance protocol. The form of the Commissioning and Startup works |

|власності на Товар не перейшло до Покупця, в порядку визначеному п. |acceptance protocol is provided in Appendix №2.1. to this Contract, |

|5.3.1. цього Договору, такий Товар може прийматися Покупцем або |which is its integral part. |

|вантажоотримувачем на відповідальне зберігання за рахунок Продавця, до | |

|усунення недоліків. Продавець зобов'язаний усунути недоліки протягом 10|5.4.4. Should the Goods fail to pass commissioning and / or no original|

|днів, якщо інший строк письмово не погоджений Сторонами. |Permit to use hazardous equipment, machines and mechanisms is provided |

| |on time, and /or no complete package of technical documentation |

| |furnished while no ownership of the Goods has been transferred to the |

| |Buyer under cl. 5.3.1 hereunder, the Goods may be accepted by the Buyer|

| |or consignee for safekeeping at the Seller’s expense until the Seller |

| |addresses the  issue.  Seller must address the issue within 10 (ten) |

| |days, unless a different period is agreed in writing by Parties. |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|6. Пакування та маркування |6. Packing and Marking |

| | |

|6.1. Товар, що постачається по даному Договору повинен бути упакований |6.1. The Goods supplied hereunder shall be duly packed preventing its |

|належним чином, з метою уникнення його псування і пошкодження при |loss and damage while transportation, transhipment and storage. The |

|транспортуванні, перевантаженні та зберіганні. Пакування включається у |package shall be included into cost of the Goods and subject to no |

|вартість Товару і не підлягає поверненню. Упаковка повинна бути |return. Package shall be environmentally friendly and not contain |

|екологічно безпечною і не повинна містити елементів, що потребують |elements requiring special recycling. |

|спеціальної утилізації. |The Seller is responsible for any damage of the Goods due to poor or |

|Продавець несе відповідальність за всякого роду псування Товару в |unreliable packing. |

|наслідок неякісного чи неналежного пакування. |In case if the defects of the Goods have arisen in consequences of |

|У випадку якщо дефекти Товару виникли внаслідок неналежного пакування,|inadequate packing, the Seller is obliged to make replacement or to |

|Продавець має здійснити заміну чи усунути дефект Товару за свій рахунок|remove defect of the defective Goods, at own expense and by own forces |

|і своїми силами у строк, що забезпечує своєчасне виконання |in terms that will ensure timely fulfillment of commissioning works and|

|пуско-налагоджувальних робіт та введення Товару в експлуатацію. |operational acceptance of the Goods. |

| | |

|6.2. Маркування Товару повинно відповідати вимогам діючих стандартів | |

|для даного виду Товару. | |

| |6.2. The Goods shall be marked in compliance with the requirements of |

| |existing standards for the given type of the Goods. |

|6.3. Маркування Товару повинно включати наступну інформацію на | |

|англійській та українській мові: | |

|Продавець / Вантажовідправник |6.3. Marking of the Goods should contain the following information in |

|Покупець / Вантажоотримувач |English and Ukrainian: |

|Договір |the Seller / Consignee |

|Номер місця |the Buyer / Consignor |

|Вага брутто / нетто |the Contract |

|Низ/верх/центр тяжіння (де необхідно) |Number of colli |

| |Weight net/gross |

| |Bottom / Top/Gravity center (where necessary) |

|6.4. У випадку поставки Товару в пакувальному матеріалі з деревини, | |

|таке пакування підлягає карантинному контролю, як супровідний матеріал | |

|із деревини для Товару, повинен бути очищений від кори, термічно |6.4. In case of delivery of the Goods in packing material made of wood,|

|оброблений та обеззаражений, а також промаркований з двох протилежних |such packing material is subject to quarantine control, as material |

|сторін у відповідності до Фітосанітарного стандарту ISPM 15 (відмічений|accompanying the Goods, shall be cleaned from bark, undergo thermal |

|знаком EPAL для Европалет). |treatment or disinfection as well as marked on both sides in accordance|

| |with Phytosanitary requirements according to ISPM 15 (marked by EPAL |

| |stamp for EUROPALLETS). |

|7. Якість |7. Quality |

| | |

|7.1. Якість Товару, що постачається має бути підтверджена сертифікатами|7.1. Quality of the Goods supplied hereunder shall be proved by API |

|API (згідно з п.2 Додатку №3). Якість Робіт повинна відповідати |(according to item#2 of Appendix №3) certificates. Quality of Works |

|якості, яка звичайно ставиться до такого виду Робіт. |must meet the quality requirements which usually refer to this type of |

| |Works. |

|7.2. Продавець гарантує відповідність якості Товару, що постачається | |

|нормативно-технічній документації, вимогам встановленим даним Договором|7.2. The Seller shall guarantee the quality conformity of the delivered|

|та Додатком № 3, де вказані технічні характеристики Товару. |Goods with standards, technical documentation and requirements fixed |

| |hereby and the Appendix #3, where the technical features of the Goods |

| |are indicated. |

|8. Документація |8. Documentation |

| | |

|8.1. Продавець надає Покупцю технічну документацію, українською та |8.1. The Seller shall submit to the Buyer the technical documentation |

|англійською мовами, відповідно до Переліку технічної документації, |in English and Ukrainian in accordance with the Technical Documentation|

|вказаному у Додатку № 4 до даного Договору. |Schedule indicated in Appendix # 4 to the present Contract. |

|Покупець має прокоментувати надані документи щодо повноти та |Buyer shall comment the received documents regarding fullness and |

|коректності наданої інформації. У випадку, якщо надані документи є |correctness of their fulfillment. |

|неповними/некоректними Продавець має надати доповнені/відкориговані |In case if the provided documents are not full / correct the Seller |

|документи на письмовий запит Покупця. |undertakes to provide the full / correct documents upon written request|

| |from the Seller. |

| | |

|Документи відправляються Продавцем на електронну адресу Покупця | |

|yuriy.litovchenko@.ua, а оригінали документів направляються на |Documentation is to be provided by the Seller to the Buyer’s e-mail |

|поштову адресу Покупця за допомогою кур’єрської служби експрес |yuriy.litovchenko@.ua, and the originals of such documents |

|доставки. |should be send to the postal address of the Buyer via express courier |

| |service. |

|8.2. Перелік таких документів може бути змінений на основі письмової | |

|згоди Сторін. |8.2. The list of documents may be changed upon written agreement by the|

| |Parties. |

|8.3. У строк до 10 днів від дати підписання Договору, Продавець | |

|зобов’язаний надати Покупцю оригінал довідки (чи нотаріально завірену |8.3. Within 10 days from the date of signing the Contract, the Seller |

|копію), котра підтверджує, що нерезидент є резидентом країни, з якою |should present to the Buyer original of certificate (or it’s legalized |

|підписана міжнародна Конвенція Україною про уникнення подвійного |Copy) which prove that the non-resident is the resident of the country |

|оподаткування по формі, затвердженій згідно з законодавством країни |with which Ukraine has signed International Convention about Avoidance |

|реєстрації Продавця, котра повинна бути належним чином легалізована і |of Double Taxation in the form corresponding with Seller's country of |

|перекладена у відповідності до законодавства України. |registration legislation, duly legalized and translated according to |

|У випадку ненадання такої довідки, Покупець має право утримати 15% від |Ukrainian laws. |

|розміру платежу, передбаченого п. 4.2. цього Договору. | |

|Така довідка має надаватися 1 раз на календарний рік (застосовується за|In case if the Seller doesn’t provide the Buyer with above-mentioned |

|умови, що Продавець – не є резидентом України. |certificate, the Buyer has the right to withhold 15% of the payment |

| |cost according to 4.2. to this Contract. |

|8.4. Продавець, на письмову вимогу Покупця, протягом п’ятнадцяти днів |Such certificate should be provided once per year (applicable if the |

|з дня отримання такої вимоги, надає Покупцю зазначений у вимозі повний |Seller is not a resident of Ukraine). |

|пакет документів для підтвердження того факту, що Товар є складним | |

|технічним виробом. Зазначений пакет документів необхідний для отримання| |

|Покупцем висновку центрального органу виконавчої влади щодо продовження|8.4. Under the written request of Buyer, Seller shall provide the |

|строку розрахунків за зовнішньоекономічними операціями. Така вимога |required package of documents confirming the fact that the Goods is a |

|може направлятися факсимільним зв’язком або електронною поштою на |complex engineering item of equipment, within 15 (fifteen) days after |

|адресу Продавця з подальшим направлення оригіналу такої вимоги. |receipt of such request. Buyer requires the said package of documents |

| |for obtaining of the approval with the central executive authorities on|

| |the extension of payment term on foreign transactions. Such request may|

| |be sent to Seller by fax or e-mail and the original copy of the request|

| |mailed afterwards. |

|9. Гарантії |9. Warranties |

|9.1. Гарантійний строк на Товар не може бути меншим ніж той що |9.1. The warranty period for the Goods, shall be not less than warranty|

|встановлений виробником Товару, але в будь якому випадку не менше 12 |period established by the manufacturer, but anyway shall be not less |

|календарних місяців від дати підписання Акту приймання-передачі |than 12 months since the signing date of the Commissioning and Startup |

|виконаних робіт. |works acceptance protocol. |

|Продавець гарантує якість Товару, що постачається протягом всього |The Seller shall guarantee the quality of the Goods during the whole |

|строку дії гарантії. |period of the factory warranty. |

|Застосовуються умови гарантії Продавця, що вказані у Додатку №5 до |Seller`s warranty policy shall apply as per Appendix 5 to the present |

|даного Договору. |Contract. |

| | |

|9.2. Якщо у в межах гарантійного строку, що вказаний вище, буде |9.2. In case if during warranty period a defect of the Goods occurs, |

|виявлений дефект Товару, Продавець зобов’язаний замінити дефектний |the Sellers undertakes to replace the defective Goods or their parts, |

|Товар або його частину, за власний рахунок і власними силами, в строки,|at own expense and by own means, in terms agreed with Buyer in writing,|

|письмово узгоджені з Покупцем, а якщо такі строки не узгоджені – |and if such terms are not agreed - within 10 days from the date of |

|протягом 10 днів з дати направлення Покупцем повідомлення про дефекти |notification about the defect or substandard quality of the Goods. |

|або невідповідність якості Товару. | |

| | |

|9.3. У випадку виявлення Покупцем відхилень в роботі Товару, Покупець | |

|невідкладно повідомляє про це Продавця шляхом надсилання електронного |9.3. If the Buyer finds deviations in the work of the Goods, the Buyer |

|листа на адресу _________________. |shall immediately inform the Seller about them by sending of the |

|Продавець в свою чергу зобов’язаний направити свого представника для |electronic message to the e-mail _______________. |

|з’ясування причин. |The Seller shall send a representative in order to reveal reasons of |

|За результатами такої інспекції представники Продавця та Покупця |deviation. |

|складуть Акт про несправність, на основі якого Продавець має усунути |On the grounds of such inspection the representatives of the Buyer and |

|всі несправності своїми силами та за свій рахунок у межах гарантійного |the Seller sign the Act of discrepancy, on the basis of which the |

|строку, в строк погоджений з Покупцем в письмовій формі. |Seller shall eliminate all the deviations at own expense and by own |

| |means during the warranty period, in terms agreed with Buyer in |

|9.4. Продавець гарантує, що Товар, його обладнання та комплектуючі, які|writing. |

|поставленні Покупцю не мають дефектів. | |

|Покупець повинен повідомити Продавця, в письмовій формі, не пізніше 5 | |

|(п’яти) наступних робочих днів після поставки, про виявлення дефектів. | |

|Письмове повідомлення Покупця повинне описувати суть дефекту і масштаб |9.4. The Seller guarantees that the Goods, equipment and parts, which |

|спричиненого збитку. |shall be delivered to the Buyer have no defects. |

|Продавець зобов’язаний вчасно виконати, за свій рахунок, всі роботи з | |

|ремонту, виправленню, заміни, усунення дефектів. |The Buyer shall notify the Seller in writing not later than within 5 |

| |(five) next business days after delivery, about the detection of |

| |defects. |

|10. Пуско-налагоджувальні роботи | |

| |The Buyer’s written notice shall describe the nature of the defect and |

|10.1. Покупець письмово повідомляє Продавця про дату початку монтажу |the scale of damage. |

|Товару але не пізніше ніж за 3 доби до дати початку монтажу. |The Seller shall perform at own expense all the work on the repair, |

| |correction, replacement and elimination of the defects. |

|10.2. Продавець направляє Покупцю лист з переліком фахівців, які будуть| |

|залучені до робіт. |10. Commissioning |

| | |

|10.3. Продавець зобов’язаний за власний рахунок направити до місця |10.1 The Buyer shall notify the Seller on the commencement date of the |

|монтажу Товару наступних фахівців: |rig up of the Goods, but not later than 3 days before the starting date|

|- інженер механік; |of rig up. |

|- інженер енергетик; | |

|- інженер по роботі з системою верхнього приводу. |10.2. The Seller sends the Buyer a mail with a list of experts who will|

|Перелік фахівців може бути змінений за письмовою згодою Покупця. |be involved in the operations. |

| | |

|10.4. Покупець повинен забезпечити фахівців Продавця транспортом та |10.3. The Seller shall at own expense send to the location of the Goods|

|житлом, яке повинно бути максимально наближене до місця монтажу Товару.|rig-up the following experts: |

| |- Mechanical engineer; |

|10.5. Тривалість пуско-налагоджувальних робіт не повинна перевищувати |- Power Engineer; |

|21 добу з дати початку монтажу Товару. |- Top drive engineer. |

| |The list of experts can be changed with the written consent of the |

|10.6. Продавець зобов’язаний на місці проведення пуско-налагоджувальних|Buyer. |

|робіт налаштувати роботу всього обладнання, що входить до складу | |

|Товару, провести пуск обладнання та забезпечити працездатність у | |

|робочих режимах, які зазначені у технічній документації. |10.4. The Buyer shall provide transport and accommodation for the |

|Строк проведення робіт з налаштування– не більше 10 діб з дати початку |Seller’s experts, which shall be as close as possible to the place of |

|монтажу Товару. |the Goods rig-up. |

| | |

|10.7. Всі пуско-налагоджувальні роботи повинні проводитись за участю |10.5. Duration of commissioning operations should not exceed 21 days |

|довірених представників Покупця. |from the date of commencement of the Goods rig-up. |

| | |

|10.8. Після закінчення пуско -налагоджувальних робіт Продавець |10.6. The Seller shall at the site of the commisionining configure the |

|зобов’язується надати Покупцю Звіт про тестування бурильного верстату |operation of all the equipment, which is part of the Goods, perform |

|(Форма наведена в Додатку 8 до цього Договору, або інша форма, яка |launching of the equipment and ensure efficiency in the operating |

|передбачується Продавцем для проведення тестування бурильного верстату |conditions specified in the technical documentation. |

|та узгоджена з Покупцем). У разі відсутності зауважень уповноважені |Duration of configuration operations - not more than 10 days from the |

|представники Сторін підписують Акт приймання-передачі виконаних робіт |date of commencement of the Goods rig-up. |

|(Форма Акту наведена в додатку 2.1., та є його невід’ємною частиною | |

|цього Договору). | |

| |10.7. All commissioning operations shall be performed with the |

| |participation of the Buyer’s representatives. |

| | |

| |10.8. After the commissioning the Seller undertakes to provide the |

| |Buyer with the report of drilling rig testing (the Form is provided in |

| |Appendix 8 to this Contract or any other form which is provided by the |

| |Seller for testing of the drilling rig and agreed with the Buyer). In |

| |the absence of comments the authorized representatives of the Parties |

| |shall sign the Acceptance Protocol for the performed commissioning |

| |works (the Form of the Protocol is provided in Appendix 2.1., which is |

| |an integral part of this Contract). |

|11. Навчання персоналу Покупця | 11. Training the Buyer’s personnel |

|11.1. Під час проведення пуско-налагоджувальних робіт Продавець |11.1. During commissioning the Seller shall conduct a training of the |

|зобов’язаний провести навчання персоналу Покупця на предмет монтування |Buyer’s personnel for the rig-up and rig-down of the equipment |

|та демонтування Товару. | |

| | |

|11.2. Покупець надає перелік персоналу для проведення навчання з | |

|розрахунку одна бурова бригада на Товар. |11.2 The Buyer shall provide a list of personnel for training having |

| |one drilling crew assigned to the Goods. |

|11.3. В строк не пізніше, ніж 2 дні після завершення | |

|пуско-налагоджувальних робіт Продавець зобов’язаний розпочати |11.3. No later than 2 days after the completion of commissioning the |

|проведення навчання персоналу Покупця з правил експлуатації та |Seller shall initiate training for Buyer’s personnel on the rules of |

|обслуговування Товару. |operation and maintenance of the Goods. |

| | |

|11.4. Загальна тривалість навчання повинна становити не менше 10 | |

|робочих днів. | |

| |11.4 The duration of training should not be less than 10 business days.|

|11.5. Перелік персоналу Покупця, з яким Продавець зобов’язаний провести| |

|навчання на території Продавця в період проведення заводських |11.5. The list of the Buyer’s personnel to whom the Seller shall |

|випробувань: |provide the training at the Sellers’s site during the commissioning: |

|- інженер-механік – 1 чол; |- Mechanical engineer - 1 person; |

|- інженер-енергетик; |- Power Engineer; |

|- майстер – 1 чол; |- Tool Pusher - 1 person; |

|- бурильник – 1 чол. |- Driller - 1 person |

| | |

| | |

|12. Особливі умови |12. Special Conditions |

| | |

|12.1. Покупець має право направити свого представника для інспекції |12.1. The Buyer has the right to send a representative to the site of |

|якості Товару, що виробляється. |production in order to check the quality of the produced Goods. |

| |The Seller shall provide free access of Buyer’s authorized |

|Продавець зобов’язаний надати вільний доступ уповноваженим |representatives to production facilities with the process of |

|представникам Покупця до виробничих площ, на яких відбувається процес |manufacture of the Goods being the subject hereof for purpose of |

|виготовлення Товару, що є предметом даного Договору, для інспекції |inspection of quality of manufactured Goods at all stages of their |

|якості Товару, що виробляється на всіх етапах його виробництва. |production. |

| | |

|Уповноважені представники Покупця мають право використовувати власні |Buyer’s authorized representatives shall be entitled to use own |

|вимірювальні інструменти та спеціальне обладнання для дослідження |measuring tools and special equipment for inspection of qualitative |

|якісних характеристик Товару, що виробляється. |properties of the Goods under production. |

| | |

|У разі виникнення сумніву щодо якості Товару або конструктивних | |

|недоліків чи невідповідності нормативним документам України, Продавець |In case of doubt about the quality of the Goods or structural |

|зобов’язаний усунути такі недоліки. |deficiencies or non-compliance with regulatory documents of Ukraine the|

| |Seller must eliminate such deficiencies. |

|12.2. Персональний склад уповноважених представників Покупця | |

|направляється Продавцеві офіційним листом на e-mail _________. |12.2. The Buyer shall provide the Seller with the names of Authorized |

| |representatives in a formal letter send via electronic message to |

|12.3. Покупець має право направити своїх уповноважених представників на|e-mail ____________. |

|завод Продавця для присутності на інспекції готовності Товару до | |

|відвантаження у відповідності до пакувального листа. |12.3. The Buyer has the right to send authorized representatives to the|

| |Seller`s factory for inspection of the readiness of the Goods in |

|Продавець має направити попереднє повідомлення Покупцю за _____ робочих|accordance with packing list for the shipment. |

|днів із вказанням точної дати і часу проведення інспекції готовності | |

|Товару до відвантаження. |The Seller shall provide ___days advance notice to the Buyer of the |

| |exact date and time of the test and inspection of the Goods prior to |

|По завершенню інспекції Сторони підписують Акт прийомки на заводі |shipment. |

|Продавця у відповідності до форми, викладеній в Додатку №7 до даного | |

|Договору. У випадку не приїзду вповноважених представників Покупця на | |

|інспекцію Товару, такий Акт підписується тільки Продавцем і має законну|Upon inspection of the Goods, the Parties shall sign Factory Acceptance|

|силу. |Test Report (FATR) as per Appendix #7 to the present Contract. If the |

| |Buyer`s authorized representative fails to come to Seller`s facility on|

| |advised date for inspection before shipment of the Goods, the |

| |inspection will be carried out by the Seller only in the absence of the|

| |Buyer`s authorized representative and FATR, as per Appendix #7 to the |

| |present Contract shall be signed by the Seller only and will have legal|

| |force. |

|12.4. Продавець даним підтверджує, що Товар, що постачається за даним | |

|Договором є складним технічним обладнанням. | |

| |12.4. The Seller hereby confirms that the Goods to be supplied under |

|12.5. В строк 1 (один) календарний місяць з дати набрання Договору в |the present Contract are complex technical equipment. |

|силу, Продавець зобов’язаний надавати виробничий звіт. Далі буде | |

|надаватися щомісяця (кожен останній четвер місяця). |12.5. In the period of 1 (one) calendar month from the date this |

|Виробничий звіт повинен включати в себе: |Contact has entered into force, the Seller shall submit an operations |

|поточний стан виробництва; |report. After that it should be submitted once per month (every last |

|підтверджуючі документи на поставку обладнання чи матеріали, які |Thursday of the month). |

|Продавець не виготовляє, але буде включати до комплекту Товару; |Operational Report must include: |

|фотографіями виготовлених основних і допоміжних вузлів; |- the current state of operations; |

|контактні дані менеджера проекту (ім'я, мобільний телефон, адреса |- supporting documents for the supply of equipment or materials that |

|електронної пошти). |the Seller does not produce, but that will be included in the Goods |

| |package; |

| |- taking photos of newly manufactured and secondary units; |

| |- contact details of the project manager (name, phone number, email |

| |address) |

|13. Санкції і рекламації |13. Penalties and Claims |

| | |

|13.1. У випадку невиконання чи неналежного виконання своїх зобов’язань |13.1. In the event of non-performance or improper performance of their |

|по даному Договору, Сторони несуть відповідальність передбачену |obligations under the present Contract, the Parties shall be held |

|законодавством України і даним Договору. |liable as provided for by the legislation of Ukraine and the present |

| |Contract. |

|13.2. Якщо протягом гарантійного строку будуть виявлені дефекти або |13.2. If during the warranty period the defects or substandard quality |

|невідповідність якості Товару, обумовленої Договором, Продавець |of the Goods are identified, the Seller shall at own expense eliminate |

|зобов'язаний за свій рахунок усунути дефекти Товару за його |the defects of the Goods at their location or replace defective Goods |

|місцезнаходженням або замінити неякісний Товар на Товар належної якості |with the proper quality Goods within the terms agreed by the Parties, |

|в узгоджені Сторонами строки, але не більше 10 календарних днів з дня |but not more than 10 calendar days from the date of sending of notice |

|направлення повідомлення від вантажоотримувача чи Покупця про дефекти або|from the Consignee or from the Buyer about defects or substandard |

|невідповідність якості Товару. |quality. |

| | |

|13.3. За постачання Товару неналежної якості або некомплектного Товару, | |

|Продавець виплачує Покупцю штраф у розмірі 20 % від вартості Товару | |

|неналежної якості або некомплектного Товару. |13.3. For the defective or incomplete Goods The Seller shall pay a 20% |

| |penalty to the Buyer of the price of defective or incomplete Goods. |

|13.4. У випадку неповідомлення або несвоєчасного повідомлення про дату | |

|відвантаження Товару Продавець виплачує Покупцю штраф у розмірі 1% від | |

|вартості Товару, про відвантаження якого було не повідомлено або не |13.4. In case of non-notification or untimely notification about the |

|своєчасно повідомлено. |Goods shipment date the Seller pays to the Buyer a penalty of 1% of the |

| |value of the Goods, about the shipment of which it was not notified or |

|13.5. У випадку ненадання або порушення строків надання товаросупровідних|untimely notified. |

|документів і/або інших документів відповідно до даного Договору, більше | |

|ніж на 5 календарних днів, Продавець виплачує Покупцю штраф у розмірі 1% | |

|від вартості Товару, документи щодо якого ненадані або надані з |13.5. In case of failure or breach of terms of provision of the shipping|

|порушенням строку та додатково сплачує пеню у розмірі 0,01% від вказаної |documents and/or other documents in accordance with the Contract more |

|вартості за кожен день прострочення. При цьому, Продавець компенсує |than 5 days, the Seller pays to the Buyer a penalty of 1% of the value |

|документально-підтверджені витрати Покупця, що виникли у зв’язку з |of the Goods, documents for which were not provided or provided in |

|порушенням Продавцем строків надання товаросупровідних документів і/або |violation of the deadline and extra pay a penalty of 0.01% of the |

|інших документів відповідно до даного Договору з другого дня порушення |indicated value for each day of delay. Thus, the Seller compensates |

|строків. |documentary confirmed expenses the Buyer arising from the breach by the |

| |Seller terms of providing shipping documents and / or other documents |

|13.6. У випадку невиконання Продавцем взятих на себе зобов’язань по |pursuant to this Contract from the second day in violation of the |

|даному Договору, Продавець зобов’язаний відшкодувати Покупцю прямі |deadline. |

|збитки, що завдані йому таким невиконанням. | |

|13.7. У разі невиконання Продавцем взятих на себе зобов‘язань з поставки | |

|Товару, останній сплачує Покупцю пеню у розмірі 0,1 % від вартості |13.6. In case of the Seller’s failure to comply with the undertaken |

|непоставленого або несвоєчасно поставленого Товару за кожен день |obligations under the present Contract the Seller shall reimburse to the|

|прострочення, а за прострочення понад тридцять днів додатково сплачує |Buyer direct damages caused by such failure. |

|штраф у розмірі 7% від вартості непоставленого або несвоєчасно |13.7. In case of the Seller failure to comply with the undertaken |

|поставленого Товару. Розмір пені збільшується у випадку, передбаченому п.|obligations on delivery of the Goods, the Seller shall pay to the Buyer |

|4.8. цього Договору |a penalty of 0.1% of the undelivered or late delivered Goods for each |

| |day of delay, and the delay of more than thirty days in addition pay a |

|13.8. Оплата штрафних санкцій не звільняє Сторону від виконання |fine of 7% of the value of the undelivered or late delivered Goods. The |

|зобов’язань, передбачених даним Договором. |size of the penalty is increased in the case provided clause 4.8. of |

| |this Agreement. |

|13.9. Загальний розмір санкцій, що можуть бути застосовані Покупцем до | |

|Продавця за невиконання чи/та неналежне виконання цього Договору, не може| |

|перевищувати загальної суми цього Договору, за винятком випадків, коли |13.8. Payment of the penalty does not exempt the Parties from fulfilling|

|такі санкції були спричинені недбалістю або навмисною неналежною |obligations under this Contract. |

|поведінкою Продавця. В останньому випадку санкції (в тому числі збитки) | |

|сплачуються Продавцем у повному обсязі). |13.9. The total amount of penalties that can be applied by the Buyer to |

| |the Seller for failure and / or improper performance of this Contract |

|13.10. У випадку, якщо Продавець є резидентом України та не зареєстрував,|shall not exceed the total amount of this Contract, except where such |

|неправильно або несвоєчасно зареєстрував податкову/і накладну/і в системі|penalties were caused by negligence or willful misbehavior of the |

|електронного адміністрування податку на додану вартість чи вчинив інші |Seller. In the latter case, penalties (including losses) shall be paid |

|дії/бездіяльність, в результаті чого Покупець втратив права на податковий|by the Seller in full. |

|кредит, Продавець зобов’язаний сплатити Покупцю штраф у розмірі 20% від | |

|суми операції/й по якій не зареєстровано, неправильно або несвоєчасно | |

|зареєстровано податкову/і накладну/і. Такий штраф Продавцем сплачується у|13.10. If the Seller is a resident of Ukraine and failed to properly and|

|семиденний строк від дня пред’явлення вимоги Покупця. |timely register a tax invoice/s in the system of electronic |

| |administration of VAT or committed other acts / omissions as a result of|

|13.11. У випадку прострочення Продавцем строків усунення недоліків: |which the Buyer lost the right to a tax credit, the Seller shall pay the|

|Товару в погоджений Сторонами строк; проведених пуско-налагоджувальних |Buyer a penalty of 20% of the operation/s for which a tax invoice was |

|робіт, Продавець зобов’язаний сплатити Покупцю пеню у розмірі 0,01%, за |not registered or registered incorrectly or untimely. The Seller shall |

|кожен день прострочки, яка обраховується від вартості Товару по якому |pay such a penalty within seven days from the date of request by the |

|не було усунено недоліки та/або від вартості пуско-налагоджувальних робіт|Buyer. |

|по яких не було усунено недоліки, та компенсує документально-підтверджені| |

|витрати/збитки Покупця пов’язані з несвоєчасним усуненням недоліків. | |

|13.12. У випадку ненадання, або несвоєчасного надання оригіналу(ів) | |

|Дозволу(ів) на застосування машин, механізмів, устаткування підвищеної | |

|небезпеки/передачі технічної документації на Товар, Продавець | |

|зобов’язаний сплатити Продавцю штраф у розмірі 10 тис. грн. за кожен |13.11. In case of Seller’s failure to comply with the set time frame for|

|випадок ненадання Дозволу (для нерезидентів дана сума обраховується за |addressing the issue regarding timely delivery of the Goods as agreed by|

|офіційним курсом НБУ по відношенню долара/євро на дату виставлення вимоги|Parties and commissioning of the Buyer, Seller agrees to pay Buyer a |

|про сплату штрафу). |penalty of 0.01 for each day of delay, calculated based on the cost of |

| |the Goods and/or the cost of commissioning in respect of which the issue|

| |hasn’t been addressed, as well as compensates Buyer's documented |

| |costs/loss connected with untimely addressing of the issue.   |

| | |

| | |

| |13.12. In case of failure to provide or untimely provision of the |

| |original(s) of Permit(s) to use hazardous equipment, machines and |

| |mechanisms/technical documentation of the Goods, Seller shall pay Buyer |

| |a fine amounting to 10 thousand UAH in each case of failure to provide |

| |the Permit. (For non-residents the amount shall be calculated based on |

| |the official NBU USD/EUR exchange rate as of the day of issuing the |

| |requirement to pay the fine). |

| | |

|14. Форс-мажор |14. Force Majeure |

| | |

|14.1. При настанні обставин, що повністю або частково перешкоджають |14.1. Upon occurrence of circumstances preventing complete or partial |

|виконанню будь-якою із сторін свої зобов’язань за даним Договором, а |fulfilment of obligations by either Party hereunder, specifically: acts|

|саме: стихійні лиха, війни, військові операції будь-якого характеру, |of God, war, military operations of any nature, export or import bans, |

|заборона експорту чи імпорту, пожежі, паводки, землетруси чи інші |fire, flood, earthquake or other natural disasters and circumstances |

|природні катастрофи, що не залежать від обох сторін, термін виконання |beyond the reasonable control of both Parties the term for fulfilment |

|зобов’язань відтерміновується пропорційно до часу, протягом якого будуть |of such obligations shall be extended for the period of these |

|діяти такі обставини. |circumstances. |

| | |

|14.2. Сторона, що в невзмозі виконати свої зобов’язання по даному |14.2. The Party incapable to perform its obligations hereunder shall |

|Договору, повинна негайно повідомити іншу Сторону про початок і про |notify immediately the other Party of the beginning and the end of such|

|закінчення дії таких обставин. |circumstances. |

| | |

|14.3. Достатнім підтвердження виникнення таких обставин і строку їх дії |14.3. Certificates issued by the Chamber of Commerce in the country of |

|будуть сертифікати, видані Торговою Палатою країни виникнення таких |origin of Force Majeure circumstances shall serve sound proof of |

|форс-мажорних обставин. |occurrence of these events and the period of their duration. |

| | |

|14.4. Якщо форс-мажорні обставини продовжуються більше трьох місяців |14.4. If Force Majeure circumstances last for more than three months |

|через вищезазначені причини, інша Сторона вправі розірвати Договір без |because of the circumstances from above, the other Party has the right |

|застосування будь-яких штрафних санкцій. |to cancel the contract without any penalty sanctions applied. |

|15. Антикорупційне застереження |15. Anticorruption warning |

| | |

|15.1. При виконанні своїх зобов'язань за цим Договором, Сторони, їх |15.1. During performance of their obligations under this Contract, the |

|афілійовані особи, працівники або посередники не виплачують, не |Parties, their affiliates, representatives or agents do not pay, do not|

|пропонують виплатити і не дозволяють виплату будь-яких грошових коштів |offer to pay and do not allow payment of any money or transfer values, |

|або передачу цінностей, прямо або опосередковано, будь-яким особам, для |directly or indirectly, to any of the Parties, to influence the actions|

|впливу на дії чи рішення цих осіб з метою отримати які-небудь |or decisions of these individuals to obtain any illegal benefits or for|

|неправомірні переваги чи на інші неправомірні цілі. |other illegal purposes. |

|При виконанні своїх зобов'язань за цим Договором, Сторони, їх афілійовані| |

|особи, працівники або посередники не здійснюють дії, що кваліфікуються | |

|законодавством, як дача / отримання хабаря, комерційний підкуп, а також |During performance of their obligations under this Contract, the |

|дії, що порушують вимоги законодавства України та міжнародних актів про |Parties, their affiliates, representatives or agents do not perform |

|протидію легалізації (відмиванню) доходів, одержаних злочинним шляхом. |actions qualified by the legislation as giving/receiving bribes, |

|Кожна із Сторін цього Договору відмовляється від стимулювання будь-яким |commercial bribery, and actions that violate the requirements of the |

|чином працівників іншої Сторони, в тому числі шляхом надання грошових |Ukrainian legislation and international regulations on countering the |

|сум, подарунків, безоплатного виконання на їх адресу робіт (послуг) та |legalization (laundering) of the income obtained by criminal means. |

|іншими, не пойменованими у цьому пункті способами, що ставить працівника |Each Party under this Contract refuses from incentivizing in any way |

|в певну залежність і спрямованого на забезпечення виконання цим |the employees of the other Party, including through the provision of |

|працівником будь-яких дій на користь стимулюючої його Сторони. |cash, gifts, free performance of works (services) and other means not |

|Під діями працівника, здійснюваними на користь стимулюючої його Сторони, |specified in this paragraph, that makes the employee dependent and |

|розуміються: |directed to ensure performance by this employee of any action in favour|

|- надання невиправданих переваг у порівнянні з іншими контрагентами; |of incentive Party. |

|- надання будь-яких гарантій; | |

|- прискорення існуючих процедур; | |

|- інші дії, що виконуються працівником в рамках своїх посадових |Actions of an employee, performed for the benefit of incentive Party, |

|обов'язків, але йдуть врозріз з принципами прозорості та відкритості |mean: |

|взаємин між Сторонами. | |

| |- providing undue advantage in comparison with the other |

|15.2. У разі виникнення у Сторони підозр, що відбулося або може відбутися|counterparties; |

|порушення будь-яких антикорупційних умов, відповідна Сторона |- providing any guarantees; |

|зобов'язується повідомити іншу Сторону у письмовій формі. Після |- acceleration of existing procedures; |

|письмового повідомлення, відповідна Сторона має право призупинити |- other actions that are performed by an employee as part of the |

|виконання зобов'язань за цим Договором до отримання підтвердження, що |duties, but which go against the principles of transparency and |

|порушення не відбулося або не відбудеться. Це підтвердження повинне бути |openness in the relationship between the Parties. |

|надіслане протягом 5 (п'яти) робочих днів з дати направлення письмового |15.2. In case of suspicion that a violation of any anti-corruption |

|повідомлення. |conditions occurred or may occur, the relevant Party shall notify the |

|У письмовому повідомленні Сторона зобов'язана послатися на факти або |other Party in writing. After notification, the Party has the right to |

|надати матеріали, що достовірно підтверджують або дають підставу |suspend performance of obligations under this Contract until receiving |

|припускати, що відбулося або |confirmation that a violation has not occurred or will not occur. This |

|може відбутися порушення будь-яких положень цих умов контрагентом, його |confirmation must be sent within 5 (five) working days from the date of|

|афілійованими особами, працівниками або посередниками виражається в діях,|sending a written message. |

|які кваліфікуються відповідним законодавством, як дача або одержання | |

|хабаря, комерційний підкуп, а також діях, що порушують вимоги | |

|законодавства України та міжнародних актів про протидію легалізації | |

|доходів, отриманих злочинним шляхом. |In a written statement the Party is obliged to refer to facts or |

| |provide materials that reliably confirm or give grounds to assume that |

|15.3. Сторони цього Договору визнають проведення процедур щодо |a violation of any provision of these conditions occurred or may occur,|

|запобігання корупції і контролюють їх дотримання. При цьому Сторони |conducted by a counterparty, its affiliates, employees or agents and |

|докладають розумні зусилля, щоб мінімізувати ризик ділових відносин з |expressed in acts that are qualified by the relevant legislation as |

|контрагентами, які можуть бути залучені в корупційну діяльність, а також |giving or receiving bribes, commercial bribery, and actions that |

|надають взаємне сприяння один одному в цілях запобігання корупції. При |violate the requirements of legislation of Ukraine and International |

|цьому Сторони забезпечують реалізацію процедур з проведення перевірок з |regulations on countering the legalization (laundering) of the incomes |

|метою запобігання ризиків залучення Сторін у корупційну діяльність. |obtained by criminal means. |

| | |

|15.4. З метою проведення антикорупційних перевірок Продавець | |

|зобов'язується протягом (5) п'яти робочих днів з моменту укладення цього |15.3 The Parties under this Contract acknowledge the procedures to |

|Договору, а також у будь-який час протягом дії цього Договору за |prevent corruption and control their observance. At that the Parties |

|письмовим запитом Покупця надати Покупцю інформацію про ланцюжок |make reasonable efforts to minimize the risk of business relationships |

|власників Продавця, включаючи вигодонабувачів (у тому числі, кінцевих) за|with contractors which may be involved in the corruption as well as |

|формою згідно з Додатком №6 до цього Договору з додаванням підтверджуючих|provide mutual assistance to each other in order to prevent corruption.|

|документів (далі - Інформація). |At that, the Parties provide for implementation of the procedures of |

|У разі змін у ланцюжку власників Продавця, включаючи вигодонабувачів (у |checks in order to prevent risks of engaging the Parties in corruption.|

|тому числі, кінцевих) та (або) у виконавчих органах Продавець | |

|зобов'язується протягом (5) п'яти робочих днів з дати внесення таких змін| |

|надати відповідну інформацію Покупцю. | |

|Інформація надається на паперовому носії, завірена підписом належним |15.4. To conduct anti-corruption audits the Seller is obliged within |

|чином уповноваженої посадової особи Продавець, і направляється на адресу |(5) five working days from the date of signing of this Contract, as |

|Покупця шляхом поштового відправлення з описом вкладення. Датою надання |well as at any time during the period of this Contract by written |

|Інформації є дата отримання Покупцем поштового відправлення. |request of the Buyer to provide the Buyer with information about the |

| |chain of owners, including the beneficiaries (including the final ones)|

|15.5. Сторони визнають, що їх можливі неправомірні дії та порушення |in accordance with Appendix No. 6 to this Contract with the addition of|

|антикорупційних умов цього Договору можуть спричинити за собою |supporting documents (hereinafter – the Information). |

|несприятливі наслідки - від зниження рейтингу надійності контрагента до | |

|істотних обмежень по взаємодії з контрагентом, аж до розірвання цього |In case of changes in the chain of owners of the Seller, including the |

|Договору. |beneficiaries (including the final ones) and (or) in the executive |

| |bodies, the Seller is obliged within (5) five working days from the |

|15.6. Сторони гарантують здійснення належного розгляду за представленим в|date of making such changes to provide the relevant information to the |

|рамках виконання цього Договору фактами з дотриманням принципів |Buyer. |

|конфіденційності та застосування ефективних заходів щодо усунення |Information shall be provided in hard copy, certified by the signature |

|практичних труднощів та запобігання можливих конфліктних ситуацій. |of a duly authorized officer of the Seller and shall be sent to the |

| |address of the Buyer by email with enclosures. The date of the |

|15.7. Сторони гарантують повну конфіденційність при виконанні |provision of information is the date of receipt of the mail by the |

|антикорупційних умов цього Договору, а також відсутність негативних |Buyer. |

|наслідків як для Сторони Договору в цілому, так і для конкретних | |

|працівників Сторони Договору, які повідомили про факт порушень. | |

| |15.5. The Parties acknowledge that their possible misconduct and |

|15.8. У разі відмови Продавця від надання Інформації, як визначено у |violations of anti-corruption conditions of this Contract may result in|

|цьому розділі, фактичного ненадання такої інформації, надання інформації |an adverse impact from the downgrade the reliability of the contractor |

|з порушенням строків, встановлених у цьому розділі, або надання |to the substantial restrictions on interactions with contractor, up to |

|недостовірної Інформації, Покупець має право в односторонньому порядку |the termination of this Contract. |

|відмовитися від виконання Договору шляхом направлення письмового | |

|повідомлення про припинення Договору. Договір припиняє свою дію через 5 | |

|(п'ять) робочих днів з моменту направлення повідомлення. |15.6. The Parties guarantee the proper consideration under represented |

| |in the framework of this Contract facts in compliance with the privacy |

|15.9. У разі надання Інформації не в повному обсязі, зазначеної у формі |principles and use of effective measures to eliminate the practical |

|Додатку №6 до цього Договору Покупець має право направити повторний запит|difficulties and prevent of possible conflict situations. |

|про надання Інформації за вказаною формою з метою доповнення відсутньої | |

|інформацією із зазначенням строків її надання. У разі неподання такої | |

|інформації, порушення строків її надання, а також надання недостовірної |15.7. The Parties will guarantee the full confidentiality while |

|інформації Покупець має право в односторонньому порядку відмовитися від |performing anti-corruption conditions of this Contract, as well as the |

|виконання Договору шляхом направлення письмового повідомлення про |lack of negative consequences for both Parties to the Contract as a |

|припинення Договору. Договір припиняє свою дію через 5 (п'ять) робочих |whole and for specific employees of the Party to the Contract, who |

|днів з моменту направлення повідомлення. |reported about the fact of violations. |

| | |

|15.10. Зазначене у цьому розділі антикорупційне застереження є істотною |15.8. In case of refusal of the Seller to provide information as |

|умовою цього Договору відповідно до частини 1 ст. 638 ЦК України. |defined in this chapter, the actual failure to provide such |

| |information, providing information in violation of the terms set forth |

| |in this section or provide inadequate information, the Buyer has the |

| |right to unilaterally repudiate the Contract by sending a written |

| |notice about termination. The Contract shall expire after 5 (five) |

| |working days from the moment of sending of the message. |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |15.9. In case of provision of not in full information specified in the |

| |form of Appendix 6 to this Contract, the Buyer has the right to send a |

| |repeated request for information as per the specified form to |

| |complement missing information indicating the terms of its provision. |

| |In case of failure to provide such information, violation of the terms |

| |of its provision, as well as providing inadequate information, the |

| |Buyer has the right unilaterally repudiate the Contract by sending a |

| |written notice about termination. The Contract shall expire after 5 |

| |(five) working days from the moment of sending of the message. |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| |15.10. The anti-corruption clause specified in this section is |

| |essential condition of this Contract in accordance with part 1 of art. |

| |No.638 of Criminal Code of Ukraine. |

| | |

|16. Інші умови |16. Miscellaneous |

| | |

|16.1. Даний Договір вступає в силу з моменту підписання і діє до повного |16.1. The present Contract shall become effective as of its signing and|

|виконання Сторонами зобов’язань. |remain in force until fulfilment of all obligations assumed by the |

| |Parties. |

|16.2. Вся попередня кореспонденція і документація Сторін по даному |16.2. All prior correspondence and documentation of the Parties |

|Договору втрачає юридичну силу з моменту його укладення. |hereunder shall become null and void as of its signing. |

| | |

|16.3. Додатки, доповнення, додаткові угоди до даного Договору, укладені | |

|після його укладення можуть доповнювати або змінювати Договір при умові |16.3. Appendices, supplements, additional agreements hereto executed |

|підписання уповноваженими особами обох Сторін. |after its signing may supplement or amend the Contract subject to |

| |signing by authorized persons of both Parties. |

|16.4. Даний Договір підписаний в чотирьох примірниках на українській і | |

|англійській мовах. У випадку розбіжностей між українським та англійським |16.4. The present Contract shall be made in four counterparts in |

|текстами пріоритет має український текст. Кожній зі сторін надається по 2|Ukrainian and English. In the event of differences between the texts in|

|екземпляри. |Ukrainian and English, the text in Ukrainian shall prevail. Each Party |

| |shall have 2 (two) counterparts. |

|16.5. У випадку необхідності внесення змін в даний Договір, Сторони | |

|внесуть необхідні зміни, шляхом підписання Додаткової Угоди до Договору, |16.5. If it seems necessary to amend the given Contract, the Parties |

|яка буде вважатися його невід’ємною частиною. |shall make appropriate amendments and supplements by signing Additional|

| |Agreement hereto being its integral part. |

|16.6.  Даний Договір і всі документи, котрі мають до нього відношення, | |

|підписані Сторонами і передані через електронну пошту, мають юридичну |16.6 This contract and all documents related, signed by the Parties and|

|силу оригіналу і в подальшому підлягають заміні на оригінал. |submitted by e-mail, have a validity of the original and in the future |

| |shall be substituted for originals. |

|16.7. Не пізніше дати приймання-передачі Товару (Позиції №1) Продавець | |

|зобов’язаний створити сервісний центр на території України для | |

|обслуговування Товару. |16.7. Not later than the date of acceptance of the Goods (Position №1) |

| |The Seller must create a service centre in the territory of Ukraine for|

|Сервісний центр повинен бути забезпеченим досвідченим інженерно-технічним|the maintenance of the Goods |

|персоналом та запасними частинами в кількості, достатній для забезпечення| |

|1 року експлуатації та обслуговування Товару. |The service centre should be provided with an experienced technical |

| |personnel and spare parts in an amount sufficient to provide 1 year of |

|Такий Сервісний центр має бути авторизований виробником Товару. Надати |operation and maintenance of the Goods. |

|письмове підтвердження виробником Товару на офіційному бланку завірене | |

|підписом та печаткою виробника того факту, що сервісний центр є | |

|авторизований. Після створення сервісного центру Продавець зобов’язаний |Such service centre should be authorized by the manufacturer of the |

|надати Покупцю, терміном 1 (один) календарний місяць, копію наступних |Goods. The Seller shall provide a written confirmation of the fact that|

|документів: |the service centre is authorized, signed and stamped by the |

|- витяг з ЄДРПОУ, який засвідчує заснування сервісної компанії; |manufacturer of the Goods on the official letterhead. After opening a |

|- Статут компанії. |service centre, the Seller within 1 calendar month must provide the |

| |Buyer with the copy of the following documents: |

|16.8. У випадку виникнення необхідності залучення Продавцем працівників, |- an extract from the Unified State Register certifying the foundation |

|що не є громадянами України, Продавець зобов’язаний, за власний рахунок, |of the service company; |

|отримати всі необхідні дозволи. |- charter of the company. |

| | |

| |16.8. In the event of the Seller’s need to involve the employees who |

|Контакти Покупця: |are not citizens of Ukraine, the Seller shall, at own expense, obtain |

|електронна пошта: |all necessary permits. |

|yuriy.litovchenko@.ua | |

| | |

|Контакти Продавця: | |

|електронна пошта: ______________________ |The Buyer Contact Details |

|______________________________________ |e-mail address: |

| |yuriy.litovchenko@.ua |

|17. Арбітраж |The Seller Contact Details |

| |e-mail address: ________________________ |

|17.1. Всі суперечки та розбіжності Сторін по даному Договору підлягають |______________________________________ |

|як найшвидшому врегулюванню шляхом переговорів. | |

| | |

|17.2. Всі суперечки та розбіжності, які виникають в ході виконання даного|17. Arbitration |

|Договору, що не врегульовані шляхом переговорів, розглядаються | |

|Міжнародним комерційним арбітражним судом України при Торгово-Промисловій|17.1. All disputes and differences between the Parties |

|палаті України, згідно з Регламентом Міжнародного комерційного суду при |hereunder shall be subject to immediate settlement by |

|торгово-Промисловій палаті України. |negotiations. |

|Число арбітрів: три. Місце проведення арбітражу: м. Київ. Мова, що | |

|використовується при арбітражі – українська з перекладом на англійську. | |

|Право, що регулює даний Договір: матеріальне право України. |17.2. All disputes arising during the execution of this contract not |

| |settled by negotiation judged by the International Commercial |

| |Arbitration Court at the Chamber of Commerce of Ukraine in accordance |

| |with the Rules of the International Commercial Arbitration Court at the|

| |Chamber of Commerce of Ukraine. |

| | |

| |Quantity of arbitrators: three. |

| |The seat of arbitration shall be Kyiv. |

| |The language used in the arbitration: Ukrainian with simultaneous |

| |translation into English. |

| |Governing law of the Contract is the substantive law of Ukraine. |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| _________________________ | |

| |_________________________ |

Додаток № 1 до Договору № _______________________ від «___» _____________ 201_

Appendix No. 1 to the Contract No__________________________ dated _____________, 201_


от «___» ______________ 201_


dated ________________, 201_

|№ п/п |Найменування Товару |Од. виміру. | |Ціна за одиницю, _____ |Загальна вартість, ____ |

|Item |Description of Goods |Meas. unit |Кількість |Unit price, ____ |Total value, _____ |

|number | | |Quantity | | |

|1. |Мобільний бурильний верстат 180т (1000НР)// |шт./unit |1 | | |

| |Mobile drilling Rig 180T (1000HP) | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Всього / Total: |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Загальна вартість Товару, що постачається в рамках даної Специфікації |Total value of the Goods supplied under the present Specifications shall make |

|становить _________ (____________________________________________). |_________ (____________________________________________). |

|Умови поставки Товару: DАP – згідно міжнародних правил тлумачення торгових |Delivery terms of the Goods: DАP – according to the International Rules for the|

|термінів (редакція 2010 року): |Interpretation of Trade Terms INCOTERMS-2010: |

|Адреса поставки: |Address of delivery: |


|________________ |_______________ |

| | |

|Вантажовідправник: |Sender: |


|________________ |_______________ |

| | |

|Вантажоодержувач: |Consignee: |


|________________ |_______________ |

|Срок поставки Товару: ________ з дати випуску акредитиву. |Delivery period of the Goods: ________ from the day of issuance of the letter |

| |of credit. |

|Гарантія на Товар встановлюється в розмірі ________ |Warranty for the Goods shall be set for ___________ |

|Виробник Товару: __________________________ |Manufacturer of the Goods: ___________________ |

|Рік виготовлення Товару - ________________ |Year of manufacture of the Goods – ______________. |

|7. 7. Дана Специфікація є невід’ємною частиною №_Договору |7. This Specification shall be the integral part of Contract No. |

|№______________________ від |__________________________ dated |

| | |

|8. Дана Специфікація складена в ______ екземплярах (по ___ екземпляру для |8. This Specification shall be made in ________ counterparts (_______ |

|кожної Сторони). |counterpart for each Party). |

«__»_________ 201_. «__»_________ 201_.



| | |

|______________________ |___________________ |

| Продавець: | Покупець: |

|Seller: |Buyer: |

М.П. М.П. Stamp here Stamp here

Додаток № 2 до Договору № _______________________ від «___» _____________ 201_

Appendix No. 2 to the Contract No__________________________ dated _____________, 201_


АКТ приймання-передачі Товару

№___ від «__»__________201__р.

до Договору № ____- ________ от _______201_ р.


Goods Acceptance Certificate

№ ___ of "___" __________ 201__

to the Contract № ___- _________ dated ______201_

|Відповідно до умов Договору № ____________ від __________ ПУБЛІЧНЕ |In accordance with terms of the Contract No. ____________ dated ____________|

|АКЦІОНЕРНЕ ТОВАРИСТВО «УКРГАЗВИДОБУВАННЯ» (Україна), в особі |Public Joint Stock Company «Ukrgasvydobuvannya» in the name of |

|___________________________, діючого на основі |__________________________________ acting on the basis of ________ |

|___________,_________________________, в особі ____________, діючого на |____________, and «________.» in the name of ___________________________, |

|основі ___________, підписали даний Акт приймання-передачі Товару про |acting on the basis of _______, have signed the present Goods Acceptance |

|наступне: |Certificate in confirmation of the following: |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Товару у наступній кількості і найменування | |

| |Goods in the amount and description |

|№№ |DESCRIPTION | |UN. |QTY. |PRICE (___) |TOTAL PRICE (___) |


| | | | | | | |

|Товар відповідає комплектності, зазначеній в Додатку №1 до Даного |The Goods are in compliance with completeness regarding terms and conditions |

|Договору __________________ від ________, на основі пакувальних листів та|of the Appendix No 1 to the Contract No_______________ dated ____________201_|

|сертифікату якості Продавця. |based on the attached packing list and Seller`s certificate of quality. |

| | |

Передав/Delivered Прийняв/Accepted



|Продавець | Покупець: |

|Seller: |Buyer: |

|_______________________ |_______________________ |

|М.П. |М.П. |

|Stamp here |Stamp here |

Додаток № 2.1 до Договору № _______________________ від «___» _____________ 201_

Appendix No. 2.1 to the Contract No____________________dated _________________ 201_


АКТ приймання- передачі виконаних робіт

№___ від «__»__________201__р.

До Договору № ____________ от _______201_ р.


Commissioning and Startup works Acceptance Protocol

№ ___ of "___" __________ 201__

to the Contract № ___ _________ dated ______201_

Відповідно до умов Договору № _______________________ від ____________ПУБЛІЧНЕ АКЦІОНЕРНЕ ТОВАРИСТВО «УКРГАЗВИДОБУВАННЯ» (Україна), в особі ___________________________, діючого на основі __________________________________, та _______________________________ (__________________), в особі __________________, діючого на підставі ___________, підписали даний Акт про наступне

In accordance with the terms of the Contract # ____________ dated _______________________ PUBLIC JOINT STOCK COMPANY UKRGASVYDOBUVANNYA (Ukraine), represented by ___________________________, acting on the basis of __________________________________, and _______________________________ (__________________), represented by __________________, acting on the basis of ___________, have signed this Act as follows

1. Згідно з умовами Договору Продавцем були виконані пуско-налагоджувальні Роботи ________________________________________________________

(Назва обладнання, серійний номер)

Under the terms of the Contract the Seller performed the commissioning Works of _____________________________________________

(description of the equipment, serial number)



|Продавець: | Покупець: |

|Seller: |Buyer: |

| ________________. | ___________________________ |

|М.П. |М.П. |

|Stamp here |Stamp here |

Додаток № 3 до Договору № _______________________ від «___» _____________ 201_

2.3. Technical design assignment

for manufacture of the mobile drilling rig with capacity of 180 tons (1000HP)

1. General provisions

Technical design assignment (hereinafter referred to as TDA) is the list of main minimum requirements for furnishing and technical characteristics of the equipment.

The tenderer shall be obliged to provide the detailed and comprehensive description of the equipment of the mobile drilling rig (hereinafter referred to as DR), specified in Appendix 1, but without limitation of the required information. Answers YES / NO shall not be accepted.

While describing the equipment, it is necessary to specify the type, designation, manufacturer and year of fabrication of the mobile drilling rig and all its components, year of manufacturer should be 2016 - 2017 and to provide in details all its main technical characteristics. For better completeness of the reply, the Tenderer can provide for consideration additional information, which is not given in these specifications, if the Tenderer considers this information important.

In some cases, for description of the equipment, names of makers or models are used in this document. During evaluation, any equivalent of the specified equipment will be considered.

Purpose – fabrication of a mobile drilling rig with the diesel drive of the main power equipment for geological, exploration drilling of wells and workover operations.

2. Equipment requirements

Design and quality of fabrication of the equipment must comply with requirements of standards:

- API 4F 4th, (Specification for Drilling and Well Servicing Structures);

- АРІ 6А (Specification for Wellhead and Christmas Tree equipment);

- API 7К 5th (Drilling and Well Servicing Equipment);

- API 8С 5th (Drilling and Production Hoisting Equipment);

Electric system must comply with standards:

- API RP 505 1st – Recommended Practice for Classification of Locations for Electrical Installations at Petroleum Facilities Classified as Class 1, Zone 0, Zone 1 and Zone 2;

- API RP 2003 8th - Protection Against Ignitions Arising Out of Static, Lightning, and Stray Currents

- API Q1 9th (Specification for Quality Management System Requirements for

Manufacturing Organizations for the Petroleum and Natural Gas Industry);

- API 9A 26th (Specification for Wire Rope);

- API RP 13C Recommended Practice on Drilling Fluid Processing Systems Evaluation

- API 16A 3rd (Specification for Drill-Through Equipment);

- API 16C (Choke and Kill Equipment);

- API 16D 2nd (Specification for Control Systems for Drilling Well Control Equipment and Control Systems for Diverter Equipment);

- API STD 53 4th (Blowout Prevention Equipment Systems for Drilling Wells) with monogram of API.

- DNAOP 1.1.21-1.20-03 - Safety in the oil and gas industry of Ukraine;

- NPAOP 40.1-1.32-01 - Rules of special electrical installations;

- "Ukraine PUE Electrical Installations Code-2014";

- RD 34.21.122-87 - Instructions for lightning protection of buildings and structures

- GOST, specifications and regulatory documents of Ukraine.

- Rules of construction and safe operation of vessels working under pressure DNAOP 0.00-1.07-94;

- Rules of design and safe operation of cranes NPAOP 0.00-1.01-07;

- Engineering equipment of buildings and structures. Natural and artificial lighting (DBN V.2.5-28: 2006).

Drilling rig, including all components (spare parts) that they are made of, must be entirely new (not used) and equal: made of equal components (spare parts) based on the same design (project). 

2.1 List of equipment

List of equipment or parts of this equipment shall be manufactured in a country that joined the WTO’s Agreement on Government Procurement (Agreement on Government Procurement, GPA):

Engines; hydraulic gearboxes; gearboxes to drive hydraulic pumps; chains; differential device for derrick man protection; fall arrestor for stairs; safety gear of the monkey board; weight sensor and indicator; auxiliary brake; hydraulic pumps; hydraulic control valves; engine compressors; pneumatic control valves; diesel generators; power tong; spiders; hydraulic power tongs; air dryer; wellhead screen shakers; shale shaker-desander; vacuum degasser; mixing hoppers; inclination angle measurement system.

2.2 Scope of application of the drilling rig

For geological exploration and development drilling of wells for oil and gas and workover operations.

2.3 Climatic version

The drilling rig must operate in the range of environment temperature from minus 40 °С to plus 40°С, made by U1 according to GOST 15150-69 - machines, devices and other technical products. Should be manufacture for different climatic regions. Categories operating conditions, storage and transportation as per environment climatic factors.

2.4 Requirements to the drilling rig design

2.4.1 Location of the equipment must assure minimum possible dimensions of the drilling site and quick RU/RD.

The tender documentation must include dimensions of the drilling site (АА, ВВ, СС, DD). The drilling site must have dimensions sufficient for mini-camp installation, turning of trucks, the place for water well must be indicated.


2.4.2 The main gears must be driven by diesel engines.

2.4.3. The drilling rig shall be power by diesel power plants of appropriate capacity. The mode of operation of diesel power plants shall be continuous.

2.4.4. The equipment of the rig must be repairable; it must include special tools, appliance and devices assuring monitoring of modes of operation, servicing and current repair of all units and equipment making part of the drilling rig.

2.4.5. The design of the drilling rig substructure must assure collection, pumping out and drainage of leaks of drill mud, water and atmospheric precipitations from the drilling site, modules of the circulation system and pumps, as well as remains of flushing liquid from the circulation system tanks.

2.4.6. The equipment of the rig must be placed in factory-fabricated modules. Modules must be suitable for transportation by railway and have weight of not more than 40 t and length of not more than 12,0 m except vehicle chassis and derrick.

2.4.7. During transportation on flat beds 1.4 m high, the height of unpacked modules must not exceed 4.5 m.

2.4.8. Service lines between modules (water, steam, air, condensate, hydraulic liquids, and power) must have quick-release couplings, excluding welding operations during R/U.

2.4.9 The derrick up to the monkey board and crown block must be fitted with tunnel stairs on every section of the derrick.

2.4.10. The rig must have shelters:

- shelter of the drill floor 3 m high of three layer panels with filler of polypropylene;

- shelter of the lower part of the drill floor – from the rig floor to the ground level – of flame retardant fabric and with forced ventilation;

- shelter of the circulation system and the pump unit - framework structure with cover of flame retardant fabric and forced ventilation.

2.4.11. The values of lighting of the drilling rig zones must comply with requirements of Rules of Safety in Oil and Gas Industry.

The lighting system LED lamps shall be powered from a stabilized power supply; for emergency lighting LED, lamps with built-in batteries shall be used.

2.4.12. Units of serial mobile drilling rigs must be used for this rig to the maximum extent.

2.5 Requirements to marking

2.5.1. All parts and components of the rig must have marking with indication of the following:

- manufacturer trade mark;

- designation and code of the type;

- factory number;

- main parameters and technical specifications with designation of measurement units;

- designation of standards or specifications (if any);

- date of manufacturing (month, year);

Marking must be made as per API or GOST 12969-67 on metal plates which should be fixed on appropriate components of the rig and by impact methods where serial number of the equipment shall be duplicated in the established place specified in passports and operations manual.

The passport must include the specified service life of this equipment.

2.6. Requirements to packing

2.6.1. The method of preservation of the loads must comply with requirements of API or GOST 14192-96.

2.6.2. Packing of components must comply as per API or GOST 14192-96 and meet КУ - 0 and assure preservation of the rig under conditions of storage 8 (ОЖ3) as per GOST 15150-69, as well as preservation during transportation 8 (ОЖ3) as per GOST 15150-69 in terms of impact of climatic factors and under conditions of transportation Ж as per GOST 23170-78 in terms of impact of mechanical factors.

2.6.3. The manufacturer using duly approved transportation and packing drawings shall determine placement and piling of components.

2.6.4. Oversized components and parts shall be transported without packing; at that, machined surfaces that have contact with one another must be protected against damage. The rest of components must be delivered packaged, and small parts – packed in boxes of type 1 as per GOST 10198-91.

2.6.5. Operation and shipping documentation sent with the rig must be packed according to requirements of GOST 23170-78. Each cargo item must have a packing list.

2.7. Requirements to reliability

2.7.1. The design service life of the drilling equipment: pump, rotary, swivel, crown block, hook, top drive system, line anchor, drawworks, derrick and substructure, power electrical motors, generators of diesel power plant – 20 years.

The above equipment shall be subject to regular inspection; for the first time – after 10 years, and for the following times – every three years.

2.8. Aesthetic and ergonomic requirements and painting

2.8.1. On the rig there must be developed colour scheme with aesthetic, ergonomic and functional purpose of units take into account.

2.8.2. Colouring of units according to the colour scheme must comply with recommendations in terms of colour separation of moving and hazardous zones during operation of parts and units.

2.8.3. Signal colours and safety signs used on the rig must comply with requirements of GOST 12.4.026-76.

2.8.4. The rig equipment must comply with general ergonomic requirements as per DSTU 7234:2011.

Painting: double-layer thickness of 240 microns, performed a two-component paint based on polyurethane.

3. Safety requirements

3.1. The location of rig equipment must make possible easy maintenance and repair.

3.2. The equipment of the rig must comply with requirements of GOST 12.2.003-91 and Rules of Safety in Oil and Gas Industry 11.1-1.01-08.

3.3. The equipment must be explosion-proof according to the class of explosion-proof zone of its installation.

3.4. The design of the derrick must make possible fastening of auxiliary small tools and equipment (hanger of power tongs, run-around rollers for operation of the auxiliary winch etc.).

3.5. All units and gears of the rig must have take-in devices for slinging (frames, stud-bolt, and eye-rings) or marking in places of sling fixing.

The diagrams of slinging of the equipment and components must be included in the operation manual.

3.6. The electrical equipment of the rig must comply with requirements of the "Ukraine PUE Electrical Installations Code-2014" (PUE-2014) and the Industry Rules of Health and Safety while Operating Electrical Installations.

3.7. The rig equipment must not have negative impact to environment.

3.8. Enclosures of drawworks, drill pump drives must have a locking device excluding possibility of start up of drives when enclosure is removed.

3.9. Equivalent sound levels at working places must not exceed 80 dBA. Maximum sound levels must not exceed 110 dBA.

3.10. The corrected value of vibration acceleration of control levers of drawworks, drilling tongs, measured on axes Х, У, Z, must not exceed 2.0 m/s2.

3.11. The corrected equivalent value of vibration acceleration at working places, measured on axes Х, У, Z, must not exceed 0.1 m/s2.

3.12. The total level of sound pressure at working places measured according to the line scale in the range of frequencies from 1.4 Hz to 20 Hz (infrasound) must not exceed 10 dBA.

3.13. The values of electric field intensity at working places must not exceed 5 kV/m.

3.14. In closed premises (blocks of mud system, mud pumps etc.) which shelters are made of flame retardant fabric, general process heating of premises must be envisaged.

3.15. In derrick and drawworks unit, local heating of equipment and working places must be provided. A shelter must be provided for rest and heating of the operating personnel.

3.16. The working place of the derrick man must be fitted with a device for emergency escape.

3.17. The design of equipment must exclude leakage to the working zone of oil and its vapours through seals of fixed connections.

3.18. The temperature of equipment surfaces that can be touched by the personnel during its servicing must not exceed 60 ºC.

3.19. Maximum allowable concentration (MAC) of hazardous substance in air of the working zone must not exceed:

- nitrogen oxide - 5 mg/m3;

- carbon oxide - 20 mg/m3;

- aliphatic hydrocarbons terminal С1-С10 - 300 mg/m3;

- nitrogen dioxide - 2 mg/m3;

- acrolein – 0.2 kg/m3; benzopyrene 0.00015 kg/m3.

3.20. Lighting of the rig must comply with requirements of the "Engineering equipment of buildings and structures. The natural and artificial lighting" (DBN V.2.5-28: 2006).

3.21. In case of the mechanical control system of the equipment, efforts for switching on of levers must be the following:

- Not more than 60 N (6 kgf) – on levers used in every working cycles;

- Not more than 120 N (12 kgf) – on pedals used in every cycles;

- Not more than 150 N (15 kgf) – on levers and pedals used not more than 5 times per shift.

3.22. The equivalent sound level emitted by the drilling rig equipment to the environment, which is measured in the control point at a distance of 1.5 of the derrick height from the well center in the shift rest room at a height of 1.5 m from the ground level must not exceed 80 dBA.

3.23. At the rig, there must be envisaged closed cycle of collection and withdrawal of leaks of drill mud, oil, water, condensate from the drilling site, modules of ЦС and pumps to special trays for further disposal.

3.24. The manufacturer must take part in commissioning of the drilling rig.

4. Requirements to transportation and storage

4.1. Trains, vehicles (tractors) or ships must transport the rig, disassembled in modules.

4.2. The rig components those transported by railway must comply with requirements as per order #299 from 18.05.2010 by Ministry of Transport and Communications of Ukraine "On the Drafting of technical documentation for placing and securing of cargo in wagons and containers transported by rail".

4.3. Oversized, heavy and long loads must be fixed on railcars according to drawings of loading and fastening duly agreed with the Ministry of Railways.

4.4. Dimensions and mass of shipped components must be specified in supporting documentation.

4.5. The manufacturer shall prepare and submit to the customer the optimum scheme of distribution of shipped items for transportation of the equipment and modules of the drilling rig by trucks.

4.6. The terms of storage of the rig equipment shall be 7 (Ж1) as per GOST 15150-69. The period of protection without reconservation of components shall be 12 months from the moment of conservation if the consumer follows proper methods of transportation, unloading and storage according to requirements of this technical design assignment.

4.7. Transportation and storage (including in terms of impact of climatic factors of environment) of component parts must be carried out according to requirements of standards for these parts.

4.8. Other (additional) requirements to transportation and storage shall be according to the supply agreement.

5. Procedure of control and acceptance

5.1 The manufacturer shall guarantee provision of reports on fabrication of the drilling rig and shall assure access of the customer representative for inspection of the production process.

5.2. The manufacturer shall carry out acceptance and handover tests of the rig on the inspection stand at the site of the manufacturer with participation of the customer representatives.

5.3. The manufacturer shall take part in supervised installation and pre-commissioning of the rig equipment and shall conduct training of the personnel on operation of power and process equipment of the drilling rig.

5.4. The rig shall be accepted for operation as per results of acceptance and handover tests of the whole drilling rig.

6. Guarantees of manufacturer

6.1. The manufacturer shall guarantee the operation of the rig during 12 calendar months from the date of signing the Work Acceptance Protocol.

6.2. The manufacturer guarantees charge-free elimination of defects occurred or discovered during the warranty period and replacement parts that have failed during this period in the terms agreed in writing with the manufacturer, and if the terms are not agreed - within 10 days of the referral producers message defects or lack of quality product.

6.3. The warranty period for component parts must comply with standards or specifications for these products.

8. Technical documentation

Together with the drilling rig the manufacturer shall supply the following set of documentation:

- passport, quality certificate, certificate of conformity of the equipment;

- permit of the ETC of the State Health and Safety Committee for use of the equipment in the territory of Ukraine;

- operation documentation;

- assembly drawings of the unit and its component parts with specifications, catalogue numbers of spare parts.

8. Technical specification.

|№ з/п |Name |Technical specification |Q-ty |

|1 |2 |3 |4 |

| | | | |

| | | | |



Продавець: Покупець:

Seller: Buyer:

__________________ _____________________

М.П. М.П.

Stamp here Stamp here

Додаток № 4 до Договору № __________________ від «___» ______________ 201_

Appendix No. 4 to the Contract No__________________________ dated _____________, 201_


|Документ |Строк отримання |Коментарі |К-сть копій |

|Document |документації/Terms of |Comments |Qty of copies |

| |receiving documentation | | |

|Технічний паспорт бурильного верстату та обладнання/ | | |4 bilingual |

|Technical passport of the drilling rig and equipment | | | |

|Інструкція з експлуатації монтажу та обслуговування бурильного | | |2eng/3ukr-rus/3elect.versi|

|верстату/ | | |on |

|Drilling Rig operation R/U and maintenance manual | | | |

|Технічний паспорт та інструкція з експлуатації та обслуговування | | |2eng/3ukr-rus/3elect.versi|

|на обладнання/ | | |on |

|Drilling equipment Technical Data | | | |

|Сертифікати якості ISO та відповідності API/ | | |4 bilingual |

|Quality certificates (ISO, API) | | | |

|Мачта / Mast | | |2ukr/rus |

|Інерційний механізм проти падіння верхового / Fall arrester for| | |2ukr/rus |

|derrickman | | | |

|Механізм проти падіння при підніманні по сходах / Fall arrester | | |2ukr/rus |

|for stairs | | | |

|Рятувальний механізм верхової палати / Safety gear of the monkey | | |2ukr/rus |

|board | | | |

|Комплект обладнання для підйому основи / Set of lifting eqipment | | |2ukr/rus |

|for the substructure | | | |

|Самохідне шассі / Рower frame | | |2ukr/rus |

|Маніфольд / Manifold | | |2ukr/rus |

|Стояк/ Stand pipe | | |2ukr/rus |

|Засувки / Valves | | |2ukr/rus |

|Манометр / Pressure gauge | | |2ukr/rus |

|Механізм кріплення мертвого кінця талевого каната / Deadline | | |2ukr/rus |

|anchor | | | |

|Датчик та ідикатор ваги / Weight indicator and sensor | | |2ukr/rus |

|Основа / Substructure | | |2ukr/rus |

|Допоміжні лебідки /Winches | | |2ukr/rus |

|Кабина бурильника / Doghouse | | |2ukr/rus |

|Підйомний пристрій для ПВО/ Lifting device for BOP | | |2ukr/rus |

|Кронблок / Crown block | | |2ukr/rus |

|Талевий блок / Travelling block | | |2ukr/rus |

|Бурова лебідка / Drawworks | | |2ukr/rus |

|Талевий канат / Drill line | | |2ukr/rus |

|Котушка для намотування каната / Drum for coiling of the line | | |2ukr/rus |

|Штропи / Slings | | |2ukr/rus |

|Ротор / Rotary | | |2ukr/rus |

|Спинер пневматичний /Pneumatic spiner | | |2ukr/rus |

|Вкладиші ротора / Rotary bushing | | |2ukr/rus |

|Ведуча бурова труба 3 1/2” / Square kelly | | |2ukr/rus |

|Ведуча бурова труба 5 1/4” / Square kelly | | |2ukr/rus |

|Роликовий вкладиш 5 1/4” / Roller bushing | | |2ukr/rus |

|Роликовий вкладиш 3 1/2” / Roller bushing | | |2ukr/rus |

|Вертлюг / Swivel | | |2ukr/rus |

|Буровий насос / Mud pump | | |2ukr/rus |

|Привід бурового насоса / Mud pump drive | | |2ukr/rus |

|Підпірний насос / Charge pump | | |2ukr/rus |

|Пневмокомпенсатор / Pneumatic compensator | | |2ukr/rus |

|Запобіжний клапан / Safety valve | | |2ukr/rus |

|Консольна балка для обслуговування / Overhang beam for servicing | | |2ukr/rus |

|Приміщення для насосного блоку / Shelter for pumping unit | | |2ukr/rus |

|Буровий шланг / Drill hose | | |2ukr/rus |

|Цементувальний маніфольд / Cementing manifold | | |2ukr/rus |

|Ємність для очистки бурового розчину / Tank for cleaning drill | | |2ukr/rus |

|mud | | | |

|Приймальна ємність / Receiving tank | | |2ukr/rus |

|Проміжна ємність / Intermediate tank | | |2ukr/rus |

|Блок приготування бурового розчину / Drill mud mixing unit | | |2ukr/rus |

|Доливна ємність / Trip tank | | |2ukr/rus |

|Гирлові вібросита / Wellhead screen shakers | | |2ukr/rus |

|Ситогідроциклонна установка / Shale shaker-desander | | |2ukr/rus |

|Вакуумний дегазатор / Vacuum degasser | | |2ukr/rus |

|Лопатеві перемішувачі / Blade mixers | | |2ukr/rus |

|Гідравлічні струменеві перемішувачі (гідропістолет) / Hydraulic | | |2ukr/rus |

|jet agitator (hydraulic gun) | | | |

|Змішувальна воронка / Mixing hopper | | |2ukr/rus |

|Відцентрові насоси / Centrifugal pumps | | |2ukr/rus |

|Укриття циркуляційної системи / Shelter of circulation system | | |2ukr/rus |

|Центрифуга / Centrifuge | | |2ukr/rus |

|Підпірний гвинтовий насос / Feeding of screw pump | | |2ukr/rus |

|Дизель-генератори / Diesel-generators | | |2ukr/rus |

|Електрообладнання бурової/ Electric equipments | | |2ukr/rus |

|Інформаційна система / Information system | | |2ukr/rus |

|Система зв'язку / Communication system | | |2ukr/rus |

|Компресор / Compressor | | |2ukr/rus |

|Осушувач повітря / Air dryer | | |2ukr/rus |

|Повітряний резервуар / Air tank | | |2ukr/rus |

|Освітлення / Lighting | | |2ukr/rus |

|Електричні кабелі /Cabling | | |2ukr/rus |

|Машинний ключ / Power tongs | | |2ukr/rus |

|Спайдери/Spiders | | |2ukr/rus |

|Гідравлічні трубні ключі / Hydraulic pipe tongs | | |2ukr/rus |

|Гідравлічна силова установка (HPU) / Hydraulic power unit (HPU) | | |2ukr/rus |

|Система заміру зенітного кута / Inclination angle measurement | | |2ukr/rus |

|system | | | |

|Система обігріву / Heating system | | |2ukr/rus |

|Склад ПММ / Fuel and lubricant storage | | |2ukr/rus |

|Універсальний превентор / Annular BOP | | |2ukr/rus |

|Плашкові превентори / Rams BOP | | |2ukr/rus |

|Хрестовина з двома боковими відводами / crosspiece with two side | | |2ukr/rus |

|outlets | | | |

|Надпревенторная котушка / spool above preventer | | |2ukr/rus |

|Маніфольд ПВО / BOP manifold | | |2ukr/rus |

|Блок дроселювання / Choke manifold | | |2ukr/rus |

|Блок глушіння / Kill manifold | | |2ukr/rus |

|Броньований шланг високого тиску / High pressure armoured hose | | |2ukr/rus |

|Фланцевий трубопровід / Flange pipeline | | |2ukr/rus |

|Атмосферний дегазатор / Atmospheric degasser | | |2ukr/rus |

|Управління ПВО / BOP control | | |2ukr/rus |

|Пульт управління дроселем / Choke control panel | | |2ukr/rus |

|Стенд для опресування превенторів на території бурової / Stand | | |2ukr/rus |

|for pressure test of preventers on drilling rig location | | | |

|Інструмент для ПВО / Tools for BOP | | |2ukr/rus |

|Елеватори / Elevators | | |2ukr/rus |

|Ручні клини / Slips | | |2ukr/rus |

|Запобіжні хомути / Safety clamps | | |2ukr/rus |

|Патрубки для ОБТ / Shot and long pup joints | | |2ukr/rus |

|Мийка високого тиску / High-pressure washer | | |2ukr/rus |


| | |

|_____________________________ |_____________________________ |

|М.П. |М.П. |

|Stamp here |Stamp here |


| Продавець: | Покупець: |

|Seller: |Buyer: |


Додаток № 5 до Договору № __________________ від «___» ______________ 201_


Appendix No. 5 to the Contract No__________________ dated ________________, 201_

|________________ | |

|Warranty Policy |Гарантійні умови |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |



|Продавець: | Покупець: |

|Seller: |Buyer: |

| | |

|______________ |________________ |

|М.П. |М.П. |

|Stamp here |Stamp here |

Додаток № 6 до Договору № _______________________ від «___» _____________ 201_

Appendix No. 6 to the Contract No__________________________ dated _____________, 201_


Інформація про власників Продавця, включаючи бенефіціарів (в тому числі кінцевих)

(станом на «_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _» 201_р.)


Information about the owners of the Seller, including the beneficiaries (including the final)

(as of «_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _» 201_)



|# p/n |Найменування Продавця (податковий номер та|Інформація про власників Продавця, бенефіціари (в |Підтверджуючі документи (найменування, |

| |вид діяльності) |тому числі кінцеві) |реквізити) |

| | |(ПІБ, паспортні дані, ІПН) | |

| |The name of the Seller (TAX ID and type of| |Supporting documents (name, props) |

| |activity) |Information about the owners of the Seller, the | |

| | |beneficiaries (including the final) (full name, | |

| | |passport details, tax ID) | |

|1 |2 |3 |4 |

|  |  |  |  |

|  |  |

|  |Точність і повноту інформації, що надається підтверджуємо. |

| |I confirm the accuracy and completeness of the given information. |

|  | |  |  |

|  |"___"________20___ . |_______________________________________. |

|  |  |(підпис особи, що вповноважена представляти інтереси продавця) |

| | |(signature of a person - an authorized representative-contractor) |

| | | |

| | | | | | |



|Продавець: | Покупець: |

|Seller: |Buyer: |


| ________________________ |______________________________ |

| |М.П. |

|М.П. |Stamp here |

|Stamp here | |

Додаток № 7 до Договору № _______________________ від «___» _____________ 201_

Appendix No. 7 to the Contract No__________________________ dated _____________, 201_


АКТ прийомки на заводі

№___ від «__»__________201__р.

До Договору № ____________ от _______201_ р.


Factory Acceptance Test Report

№ ___ of "___" __________ 201__

to the Contract № ___ _________ dated ______201_

|Відповідно до умов Договору № ____________ від __________ ПУБЛІЧНЕ |In accordance with terms of the Contract No. ____________ dated ____________|

|АКЦІОНЕРНЕ ТОВАРИСТВО «УКРГАЗВИДОБУВАННЯ» (Україна), в особі |Public Joint Stock Company «Ukrgasvydobuvannya» in the name of |

|___________________________, діючого на основі |__________________________________ acting on the basis of ________ |

|___________,_________________________, в особі ____________, діючого на |____________, and «________.» in the name of ___________________________, |

|основі ___________, підписали даний Акт прийому Товару на заводі про |acting on the basis of _______, have signed the present Factory Acceptance |

|наступне: |Test Report in confirmation of the following: |

| | |

| | |

|№№ |Description |Un. Од. Вим |Qty. |Visual inspection and functional |Check off. Відмітка |Full capacity test. Іспити під |

| |Найменування | |К-ть |check-up. Візуальний контроль та |про виконання |максимальним навантаженням. |

| | | | |перевірка працездатності. | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | |

|-________________________________________ |- |

|________________________________________ |_______________________________________ |

Передав/Delivered Прийняв/Received



|Продавець: | Покупець: |

|Seller: |Buyer: |

| ________________ | ___________________________ |

|М.П. |М.П. |

|Stamp he |Stamp here |

Додаток № 8 до Договору № ______________________ від «___» ______________ 201_ р. Appendix No. 8 to Contract No. _____________________dated _________________201_ .


Drilling Rig testing report /Звіт про тестування бурильного верстату

Date / Дата: ____________ 201_ р. Commission represented by / Представники комісії:

On behalf of Buyer / Зі сторони Покупця: On behalf of Seller / Зі сторони Продавця:

_________________________ _________________________

(name, position, organization)   (name, position, organization)   (ПІБ, посада, організація) (ПІБ, посада, організація)

Have drawn the present Drilling Rig testing report in compliance with Contract №

________________ dated ___________201_

Цей звіт про тестування бурильного верстату складений відповідно до Договору № ____________________ від «__»_________ 201_

Drilling Rig ____________________ with support equipment passed comprehensive testing.

Бурильний верстат__________________з допоміжним обладнання пройшов тестування.

during ______ hours from «____» ______________201_ till «____» _______________201_. протягом _____ годин з "_________" 201_ до "______" _____________ 201_.

During the period of testing of the Drilling Rig SN _____________, with additional equipment it showed positive operational results;

Протягом періоду тестування бурильний верстат сер номер____________ разом з допоміжним обладнанням, показав задовільну роботу.

Ready for operation. / Готовий до роботи.

Remarks / Примітки:

Deficiencies to be eliminated until / Недоліки усунути до_____________

Commission Findings / Заключення комісії

Drilling Rig _________________________ is regarded to have passed the acceptance test. Бурильний верстат____________________ пройшов тестування та прийнятий.



Продавець: Покупець:

Seller: Buyer:

__________________ _____________________

М.П. М.П.

Stamp here Stamp here

Appendix No. 9 to Contract No. _____________________dated _________________201_.


Drilling Rig Release Report

№ ___ of "___" __________ 201__

to the Contract № ___ _________ dated ______201_

|Contract No. ____________ dated ____________ |

|Documentary Letter of Credit Number _________, date of issue______________ |

|In accordance with terms of the Contract №_________ dated______________________, informs Public Joint Stock Company “Ukrgasvydobuvannya” (Ukraine) that|

|the all components of the Goods (Drilling Rig) are ready for shipment. |

Description of the Goods as per Letter of Credit:


| Seller: | |

| |Buyer: |

| ________________. | ___________________________ |

|М.П. |М.П. |

|Stamp here |Stamp here |

Додаток № 10 до Договору № ______________________ від «___» ______________201_ р. Appendix No. 10 to Contract No. _____________________dated _________________201_ .

Вимоги до Товару та штрафні санкції за недодержання вимог до Товару /

Requirements the Goods and penalties for noncompliance with the requirements.

|1. Окремі складові Товару перелік яких міститься в п.2.1. Додатку|1. The individual components of the Goods listed in Clause 2.1. Appendix |

|№3 до цього Договору, повинні бути виготовлені в країні, що |№3 to this Contract, must be made in the country, which joined the World |

|приєдналася до Угоди Світової організації торгівлі про державні |Trade Organization Agreement on Government Procurement (Agreement on |

|закупівлі (Agreement on Government Procurement, GPA). |Government Procurement, GPA). |

| | |

|Також Продавець повинен надати належні підтверджуючі документи | |

|країни походження Товару та його вузлів та місця їх виготовлення, | |

|а також відповідні сертифікати на метал для даних вузлів. |Seller shall also provide proper documentation on the country of origin of |

| |the Goods, its units and their place of manufacture, as well as |

|2. До переходу права власності на Товар від Продавця до Покупця |certificates for metal components of such units. |

|(до дати підписання Сторонами акту приймання-передачі Товару, | |

|відповідно до п. 5.3.2. Договору) Продавець зобов’язаний надати | |

|Покупцю наступні документи: |2. Prior to transfer ownership of the Goods from the Seller to the Buyer |

|1) Копію паспорта на Товар завірену підписом та печаткою Продавця.|(prior to the date of signing of the Goods Acceptance Certificate, |

|2) Копію діючого сертифіката щодо наявності на виробництві системи|according to Clause 5.3.2. of the present Contract) the Seller undertakes |

|менеджменту якості ISO 9001:2008 завірену підписом та печаткою |to provide the Buyer with the following documents: |

|Продавця. |1) A copy of the product (procurement item) certificate, signed and sealed |

|3) Копії діючих сертифікатів щодо відповідності стандартам API, |by the Seller of the procurement process. |

|завірені підписом та печаткою Продавця: |2) A copy of a valid ISO certificate on the manufacturer’s quality |

|- API 4F (бурова вежа); |management system 9001:2008 signed and sealed by the Seller of the |

|- АРІ 6А (обладнання гирла свердловини та фонтанна арматура); |procurement process. |

|- API 7К (бурове обладнання для буріння та ремонту свердловин); |3) Copies of a valid certificates of compliance with API standards signed |

|- API 8С (бурове та експлуатаційне обладнання для спуско - |and sealed by Participant of the procurement process: |

|підйомних робіт) з нанесенням знаку якості Американського |- API 4F (derrick); |

|Нафтового Інституту – монограми API на виготовлені відповідні |- АРІ 6А (Specification for Wellhead and Christmas Tree equipment); |

|вироби); |- API 7К (drilling and workover equipment); |

|- API 9A 26th (специфікація для сталевого бурового канату); | |

|- API 16A 3rd (система управління свердловиною під час буріння); |- API 8С (drilling an operational equipment for tripping pipe bearing |

|- API 16C (обладнання блоків глушіння та дроселювання); |quality mark of American Petroleum Institute – an API monogram put on |

|- API 16D 2nd (специфікація для систем управління під час буріння |manufactured items); |

|свердловин контрольно-вимірювальних приладів та систем управління | |

|ПВО); | |

|3. У випадку, якщо Товар не відповідає вимогам, вказаним у п. 1 |- API 9A 26th (specifications for steel drilling line); |

|цього Додатку та\або не надано документу\ів, вказаних у п. 2 цього|- API 16A 3rd (well control system for drilling); |

|Додатку, Покупець має право відмовитися від Товару (від його | |

|прийняття) без компенсації витрат та збитків Продавцю, пов’язаних |- API 16C (choke and kill manifold); |

|з відмовою від Товару, а Продавець зобов’язаний повернути Покупцю | |

|всі отримані Покупцем кошти, які Покупець здійснив в якості оплати|- API 16D 2nd (specifications for well control equipment for drilling, |

|за Товар. |control and instrumentation systems and BOP control system); |

| | |

|4. Повернення коштів, відповідно до п. 3 цього Додатку, |3. In case if Goods fails to meet the requirements under cl. 1 of this |

|здійснюється протягом 10 робочих днів з дати вимоги Покупця про |Contract and/or if no document(s) provided under  cl. 2 hereof, Buyer has |

|повернення коштів, якщо інший строк не вказаний у вимозі Покупця. |the right to refuse from Goods (its acceptance)  without reimbursement to |

|5. У разі неповернення коштів у строк, вказаний у п. 4 цього |Seller of cost related to such refusal, while Seller shall return Buyer all|

|Додатку, Продавець зобов’язаний сплатити Покупцю штраф у розмірі |the funds that the Buyer paid for such Goods. |

|100% від суми неповернутих в строк коштів. | |

| | |

|6. Товар, що не відповідає вимогам, вказаним у п. 1 цього Додатку| |

|та\або не надано документу\ів, вказаних у п. 2 цього Додатку, може| |

|прийматися Покупцем або вантажоотримувачем на відповідальне |4. Return of funds under cl. 3 of this Appendix shall be made within 10 |

|зберігання за рахунок Продавця, до його заміни та/або надання |business days as of the date when Buyer requested the return of funds, |

|документів, вказаних в п. 2 цього Додатку. У випадку, якщо Товар, |except otherwise is indicated in the Buyer’s request.  |

|не пройшов успішне проведення пуско-налагоджувальних робіт, та/або|5. Should Seller fail to return the funds on time pursuant to cl. 4 hereof,|

|не надано оригіналу Дозволу на застосування машин, механізмів, |Seller pays a fine to Buyer amounting to 100% of the unreturned amount.   |

|устаткування підвищеної небезпеки, та\або не передано всієї | |

|технічної документації та при цьому право власності на Товар не | |

|перейшло до Покупця, такий Товар може прийматися Покупцем або |6. Goods failing to meet the requirements under cl. 1 of this Appendix |

|вантажоотримувачем на відповідальне зберігання за рахунок |and/or having no document(s) provided under cl.2 hereof, can be accepted by|

|Продавця, до усунення недоліків – заміни Товару. Продавець |Buyer or receiver of shipment under consignment storage terms at the |

|зобов'язаний усунути недоліки протягом 10 днів, якщо інший строк |Seller’s expense until it is replaced or/and until documents are provided |

|письмово не погоджений Сторонами. |pursuant to cl.  2 hereof. Should the Goods fail to pass commissioning and |

| |/ or no original Permit to use hazardous equipment, machines and mechanisms|

| |is provided on time, and /or no complete package of technical documentation|

| |furnished while no ownership of the Goods has been transferred to the |

| |Buyer, the Goods may be accepted by the Buyer or consignee for safekeeping |

| |at the Seller’s expense until the Seller addresses the issue. Seller must|

| |address the issue within 10 (ten) days, unless a different period is agreed|

| |in writing by Parties. |



Продавець: Покупець:

Seller: Buyer:

__________________ _____________________

М.П. М.П.

Stamp here Stamp here

|18. Список Додатків |18. List of Appendices |

| | |

|1. Специфікація №1 |Specification №1 |

|2. Форма Акту приймання-передачі Товару |Form of Goods Acceptance Certificate |

|2.1.Форма Акту приймання- передачі виконаних робіт. |Form of Commissioning and Startup works acceptance protocol |

|3. Технічне завдання. |3. Technical specifications |

|4. Перелік технічної документації. |4. Technical Documentation Schedule |

|5. Форма гарантійних умов. |5. Form of warranty conditions |

|6. Форма інформації про власників Продавця, включаючи бенефіціарів. |6. Form of information about the owners of the Seller (including the |

|7. Форма Акту прийомки на заводі. |beneficiaries) |

|8. Форма звіту про тестування бурильного верстату. |7. Form of Factory Acceptance Test Report |

|9. Форма Акту готовності до відвантаження. |8. Form of report on drilling rig testing. |

|10.Вимоги до Товару та штрафні санкції за недодержання вимог до Товару. | |

| |9. Form of Drilling Rig Release Report. |

| |10.Requirements the Goods and penalties for |

| |noncompliance with the requirements. |

|19. Реквізити Сторін | |


|_______________________________________ | |

|ПОКУПЕЦЬ: |19. Legal details of the Parties |

|Публічне акціонерне товариство «Укргазвидобування» |SELLER: |

|04053, м. Київ, вул. Кудрявська, 26/28 |_______________________________________BUYER: |

|код ЄДРПОУ 30019775 |Public Joint Stock Company “UkrGasVydobuvannya” |

|Тел. (38 044) 272-41-55 |26/28, Kudriavska Str., 04053, Kyiv |

|Факс: (38 044) 272-41-55 |USREOU code 30019775 |

|Банк: р/р _______________________в |Tel. (38 044) 272-41-55 |

|ПАТ «Державний експортно-імпортний банк України» |Fax: (38 044) 272-41-55 |

|127, вул. Горького, |Bank: a/c ____________________SD in |


|Код ЄДРПОУ 00032112 |127, GORKOGO STR., 03150, KYIV, |

|МФО 322313 |USREOU code 00032112 |

|S.W.I.F.T.: EXBSUAUX |MFO 322313 |


|Продавець: | |


|_________________________ |Покупець: |

| |Buyer |

| |Покупець: |

|Покупець: |Buyer: |

|Buyer: | |

| |___________________________ |

Annex 5

to the documentation



Name (full name) of the participant

legal organizational form __________________________________________________________________

Majority owners/founders __________________________________________________________________

The body of State registration __________________________________________________________________

Number and date of registration ______________________________________________

EDRPOU ______________________________________________________________

TAX ID __________________________________________________________________

VAT payer certificate number __________________________________

The status of the taxpayer ____________________________________________

Address of the participant:

Legal __________________________________________________________

Actual ___________________________________________________________

Phone fax ______________________

E-mail ____________________

Affiliated organizations/branch of holders _________________________________________________________

License date and number, name of the authority issued ________________

If your company, your subsidiaries or affiliates are working or planning to work with the JSC"Ukrgazvydobuvania" or its affiliates, list them:



Name of contractor Bank


Phone/fax _______________________________________________

Account number __________________________________________________________________

MFI _________________________________________________________________

Data about persons having the authority to sign, with respect to whom there are no judicial decision on the disqualification:

1. Post __________________________________________________________

Name, surname______________________________________________________________

Number, month and year of birth __________________________________________________________________

Passport: the series _________ number ______________ dated _______________

Issued by __________________________________________________________________

2. Post __________________________________________________________

Name, surname____________________________________________________________

Number, month and year of birth __________________________________________________________________

Passport: the series _________ number ______________ dated _______________

Issued by __________________________________________________________________________

3. Post __________________________________________________________________

Name, surname____________________________________________________________

Number, month and year of birth __________________________________________________________________

Passport: the series _________ number ______________ dated _______________

Issued by __________________________________________________________________


- Participant guarantees the accuracy of the submitted information and receving them as for the above workers in accordance with the law of Ukraine "On the protection of personal data". Participant guarantees the accuracy of the submitted information and the lack of grounds for rejecting the proposals and is ready to provide supporting documents. The company has the right to check all the information mentioned in the questionnaire.

Date of filling signature name

Prepared by

Annex 6

to the documentation


about acceptance of conditions of procurement procedures

__________ (hereinafter referred to as the participant) fully and unconditionally


confirms that acquainted with purchase procedure rules, established by PSC "Ukrgasvydobuvannia", and also completely acknowledges and agrees that the purchase procedures are carried out according to the approved PSC "Ukrgasvydobuvannia" internal Order of procurement of goods, works and services. The participant confirms that the procurement procedure, in which he intends to take part, is not subject to the laws of Ukraine "About the public procurements" and fully complies with the norms of current legislation of Ukraine

In this regard, the participant understands that any legal implications related to the procurement procedure of PSC "Ukrgasvydobuvannia", including in part of its appeal is not governed by the above legislative acts.

There are no claims and remarks from the participant to the Order of procurement of goods, works and services, approved by PSC "Ukrgasvydobuvannia", according to which the purchase is made.

The participant confirms that acquainted with his right in established by PSC "Ukrgasvydobuvannia" order to address with the complaint to the Conflict Commission of PSC "Ukrgasvydobuvannia".


Post, first name, initials, signature of the authorized person, seal


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