

What do Cabbage White Butterfly Larvae Like to Eat? (page 69)

1. What is molting?

Shedding of the outer skin

2. What does molting have to occur? Be specific.

Because the outer skin (exoskeleton) that covers and protects the larva does not grow. As the larva increases in size, the outer skin cracks to reveal a baggy inner skin. Then the larva crawls out and resumes eating. The more it eats, the larger it grows. The larger it grows the more it eats. The larva undergoes 4 molts before it reaches full size.

3. What is “frass” and what is its importance to the larva?

Droppings of the larva – what larva feeds off initially

4. How does the size of the Larva differ from L1 to L5? Give 3 distinct differences.

Length, # of hairs, head size, width

Picky Eaters (page 73)

1. What are the most important cues an insect recognizes and how are these cues generated.

Odor & taste cues generated by chemicals in plants

2. How are Brassicaceae characterized?

A sharp, strong odor and flavor

3. What causes the strong smell and taste of Brassicaceae?

Mustard oils and chemicals called glucosides

4. What is the purpose of glucosides?

Make the plant unappetizing to the typical hungry, plant-eating insect; secondary substances

5. How many different types of pests does the Cabbage White attract? Give to actual examples.

25 different pests; moths, flies, beetles, aphids

6. Why are entomologists important to farmers?

Help them understand insect feeding habits; help with harvesting healthy crops

Is Color a Factor in Attracting Cabbage Whites to a Food Source? (page 75-76)

1. Why do Cabbage whites feed off nectar?

Provides energy they need during their quest for mates and for suitable plants on which to lay their eggs.

2. What is the proboscis? What occurs here?

The mouth part of an adult butterfly; takes in nutrients and water

3. Defend or refute this statement using your own logic – is color a factor in attracting cabbage white butterfly to its food?

Based on the information given, no because it seems they eat based on the attraction to the nectar or sugar the leaves contain.

The Delicate Balance of Life (page 78-79)

1. Defend this statement. Use two examples. Having more food sources ensures survival.

Cabbage white butterfly – feeds on mustard family

Giant panda – only bamboo so limited to where inhavits.

2. Why would the cabbage white butterfly not survive in the desert?

There are no cabbage plants there

3. Summarize what happened in Guam.

Brown Tree snakes got on a ship and landed in Guam. Because they had no natural predators, they ate everything from birds to bats and lizards – animals that had no defense mechanisms to fight them.

Gypsy Moths: From Invited Guests to Major Pests (page 80-81)

1. Why were the gypsy moths first brought to the US?

Hoping to create a new type of silkworm, ca caterpillar that produces silk cacoons.

2. Why is it so difficult to keep the gypsy moth population under control?

Because their food preferences were diverse, they found plenty to eat.

3. Explain the stages of metamorphosis for gypsy moths.

Eggs ( caterpillars (larval) ( molt several times before encasing in cacoons ( emerge as winged insects

4. How are gypsy moths so dangerous?

They feast on over 500 species of trees

5. What is the danger in bringing in another pest to kill the gypsy moth?

They tend to kill other things while killing the moth.


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