Potawatomi Property Owners Association (PPOA)

Potawatomi Property Owners Association (PPOA)

Board Meeting

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Board Members Present: Jeff Brittan, Dianne Hess, Mary Bielke, Leonard Benser, Dawn Pittman, Vern Wilcox and Tom Jacobson

Board Member Absent: President Greg Roman

Association member present: John Kudlas

Visitor: Bob Lang, Road and Property Foreman – Town of Barnes

Vice President Wilcox called the meeting to order at 9:03 a.m.

Minutes from the September 24, 2011 meeting were read. Mary made and Tom seconded a motion to accept the minutes.

Financial Report:

• Dawn distributed the budget report through April 24, 2012.

• Income received:

- Assessments $19,464

- Rentals - $15,885

• Dawn informed the Board that $1,400 in donations has been received. This is greatly appreciated!

• Dawn will be sending out second notices for unpaid assessments in May.

• Dianne made and Lenny seconded a motion to accept the financial report.

Caretakers Report:

• Rentals looking good for the new season.

• Jeff has completed the new table and chairs for the Lodge. He is also building five new windows for the Wanigan and Lakeview.

• Jeff will be power washing and staining the new dock before it is installed for the season.

• A new backpack leaf blower is needed. Vern made and Lenny seconded a motion to allocate $500 for the blower.

• Dawn made and Mary seconded a motion to accept the caretaker’s report.

Old Business:

• PPOA t-shirts -Vern is looking for a digitized copy of the PPOA logo. He will bring some t-shirt cost estimates to the next meeting.

• Newsletter/Blog information – Vern will get information to Dianne for the Town of Barnes Blog before next meeting.

New Business:

• Roadwork – Pine Chip Drive, Birch Tree Trail and Tall Timber Trail, Wilderness and East Wilderness Court, Lynx Road and select intersections: Bob Lang stopped by to update the Board on the road work being done in Potawatomi. The Town of Barnes is updating some of the roads and assured the Board that the final product will include gravel, ditches and culverts where necessary. Some they will try to complete this year. Any questions can be directed to him at the Town of Barnes. Dawn thanked him for the work done and to be done including the sweeping of the streets completed this spring.

• Stump Dump – The Town of Barnes asked for permission to cross PPOA property to access that area. They want to pile some of the stumps from the PPOA road work in that area and will burn this winter. Dianne made and Vern seconded a motion to allow them to access the Town of Barnes property through PPOA. Bob Lang assured us that extreme caution will be used when they burn.

• Milfoil Report – George Lake – John Kudlas handed out information regarding the George Lake problem. He discussed treatment and said the property owners on George Lake will be receiving a letter updating them on the status of ongoing work being done. A big thank you to John for all he does to protect our lakes!

• Rules for Building on Lakes - John gave the Board a copy of a State of Wisconsin Senate ruling that rescinds rules for building on lakes.

• Island Snowplowing 2012/2013 – Vern made and Lenny seconded a motion to hire Joe Buck again for an amount of $200.

• Cabin Maintenance – Tom Jacobson invited several companies to meet on the Island today to give him bids for refacing the cabins. He will bring the bids to our next meeting. It is hoped that we could possibly reface one building at a time to save these historic buildings.

• Chipping Date for 2012 – Brush should be ready for chipping by July 14, 2012.

• Firewise Grant monies from 2011/2012 – Vern made and Mary seconded a motion for The Northern Lakes Tree Service to take down a number of dead trees on the Island before the grant runs out June 1, 2012.

Vern made and Mary seconded a motion to adjourn the meeting.

Next Regular Board Meeting: Saturday, May 26, 2012

Respectfully submitted by Dianne Hess


A special thank you to the board members, Bonnie & Duane Palmi, and Jeff and Lisa Pittman for helping our Caretaker rake the island.

Kudos to Dawn Pittman for coordinating the lunch.


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