The amendment

The Amendment 2014

٢٠١٤ - Dos Mil Catorce


A reader asks The Committee: "What are some of your wishes for us, your readers in our new year of 2014? Be as specific or general as you wish, you know who we are and what we are about. We know who we are when we read your words."

C: We enjoy and thank you all for your questions, those already presented and to come in this year on your calendars. We will speak to the concept of time and years and what we hope will transcend time as you see, mark and measure it.

We cannot say when the marking of time in this way you do, was begun; we do say it was done differently in civilizations before your current knowledge. Your Earth's rotations have been varied and disturbed in moments not so distant in your history, the rotations seemingly reversed briefly. Moments where your sun was seen to rise and set within hours of each moment, along the same point of the horizon. No extinctions or deaths resulted and such moments caused a ripple or wrinkle to the view of time's passing and we say, a restart to the marking of time would result, were this to happen today.

There were common elements in prior civilizations as the understanding of Earth's revolutions about the central star were known to require three hundred and sixty five rotations of the light and dark cycle that defines your bodies. The light and dark have always been good for planetary inhabitation and we suggest there are few beings of your matter density and dimensional awareness inhabiting planets without the rotational day and night cycles.

Events and happenings are grouped by your annual units and it is along this we wish to describe time.

The central star of your planet grouping appears fixed in place relative to planet revolutions; true yet relative to space, your galaxy travels and so does your planet. Thus the orbit that appears circular, nearly perfect, is either a straight line or an elliptical line. It is relative to galaxial positions or to positions within the galaxy that this line can be seen as straight or curved. The majority of mass in the galaxy you inhabit lies generally along a common plane, this plane perpendicular to that of other galaxies. If the orbit of your central star is seen as a straight line, your Earth follows an elliptical course. If Earth is plotted to follow a straight line, the central star, your "sun" follows the series or oscillations or ellipses.

We suggest a computer view allowing a zoom in or zoom out function; the farther out the view the easier it is to perceive the galaxy and components within.

Time on Earth is the sequential occurrence of events. Reality is these events occur all around the participants; they are assembled artificially along a line – the way the sun or Earth's orbits can be seen, as circular, straight or oscillating, depending on the view chosen – and thus to you appear to occur in series, the one following the other, one before and one after. This is the illusion. As you remain on Earth, everything fits inside this illusion, so there is no illusion. Reality for Earth presence is sequential.

Off Earth, the sun does not rise and does not set; there exists no cycle to be divided in half, each divided by a dozen, then sixty (ten times a half dozen) and sixty again to create segments of this concept. Occurrences are artificially assembled along the line of time the course the sun draws across the sky; true reality as from where you all originate and shall return home, has these events arranged in a circular, spherical manner about your soul.

So now we have come to the beginning of another revolution about the central star, on this most recent calendar to be numbered two thousand fourteen. Our wishes for you transcend time as you have it; we wish now what is always now. It is always now. There is no past; there is experience. There is no future; there is experience. The difference between past and future is called understanding.

We wish for you to have understanding. We wish for all of you to continue your journeys as you blend experience with understanding. We love all of you; we adore your lives and we watch and observe with rapt attention and interest as we have not words to describe, for such words exist not. Your language born of Earth existence contains not the terms. We are especially grateful to the readers of these words we offer, as your view, sight and ingestation of them open a doorway, a hatch, a portal and a view into your minds we otherwise would not have and this insight is of value, beauty and enjoyment we cannot describe. Words of language fail the moment, we regrettably say.

For world events, we can see the many extracted from their files arranged in the depths of the spherical files about Earth and about each of you. We see the plan and arrangement for these events to be manifested in these dozen revolutions of your moon now just underway.

We can say you will do well, all of you although humanity will see its share of the bumps and stumbles these times are scheduled to bring. We wish for your calmness as you grow your understanding, as you blend the experiences of future and past, the fertilizer and nourishment of the knowledge planted and cultivated into understanding and comprehension, the growth of your souls.

Our advice and recommendations are to consider money as the voucher it is and recognize its flows. It will flow away and flow towards; you are not the stream it appears to create. Enjoy closeness and also distance from the current, as both bring benefit and perspective.

We recommend the higher view of conflict, a long term understanding. Be it what you call war or personal, understand this is given to some people and entities and there will be eruptions of it as energies and shifts create effects to ripple through humanity. As you feel the ripples of the sea upon which you float, despair never for the waves created, which might rock your boat. Rise above the waves and shapes of the water disturbed, look down from above it as you imagine yourself floating above and independent of the events, for you truly are.

This we wish for you in two thousand fourteen. We wish you all what we wish upon ourselves. Until soon again, be well, one and all.


Ahmed 03/01/2014 1:48am

Great post, thank you. Is the year appearing in Arabic for everyone or is that just me?

Patrick 03/01/2014 10:25am

Good channeling, Ahmed I thought of you as I typed it and you've picked up the energy! Also for everyone, since so much of the world uses Arabic based numbers, now distorted over time. I threw in Spanish for kicks, too.

Britta 03/01/2014 1:07pm

I loved this message! Thank you!

Hazra 03/01/2014 10:52pm

The best answer yet! Thanks Patrick, that was really, really good.

Metaphor of Time


A definition of "metaphor": A short phrase or word, a figure of speech that compares two apparently dissimilar, unlike things which in fact, have something in common.

A reader inquires of The Committee:

I thought of an extended metaphor to address the seeming contradiction in time as it exists when one is in a material body versus eternity and unbreakable connection to "All There Is" a.k.a. the ultimate creator. How good is this metaphor? How would you improve it in English language terms?

The Committee says a lot our existence on Earth is like entering an automobile. We are inside the car but also separate from the vehicle; we can get in, get out and drive.

So in turn, our souls are divisible from our bodies, the loss of connection to "home" just an illusion with purpose and objectives. Like running an errand from someone in the household, getting into a car, driving somewhere to fulfill the errand - or fail - then returning, getting out of the vehicle to walk back into the house.

The part I don't grasp well is the paradox between linear time in a body and how time for our souls is not an issue; it doesn't exist. Is it correct to think that while on Earth, we’re in two places at once, our soul still in heaven while we’re on earth? Is a human body like a puppet on stage with strings leading back to the creator? Connected yet unconnected, just an illusion that we're cut off, since we cannot look to the sky and see our creator? Is it okay to say we're everywhere and in one place at the same time? Maybe what I'm trying to achieve with language isn't possible. My other extended metaphor is like the movie "The Matrix". Does our soul "sleep" in heaven while actively engaged on Earth? Earth is the illusion, Heaven the true placeholder in the universe?!

C: Your scribe, your interpreter of our thoughts, your typist as he has called himself, repeats here the question above, the questions within numbered to identify responses we gladly give, as he believes a first reading of the question with his numberings inserted will dilute understanding, and we do see this is possible for some readers.

The inquiry - repeated with numbering - in italics, Committee answers not italicized.

I thought of an extended metaphor to address the seeming contradiction in time as it exists when one is in a material body versus eternity and unbreakable connection to "All There Is" a.k.a. the ultimate creator. 1) How good is this metaphor? C: This automobile transport metaphor is good, very good for the movement also represented. Movement is a permanent component of existence, and thus you always have the choice to feel still and stationary, calm and at rest, for movement is an integral part. Movement on Earth is of and with the body, without which movement is not seen. Fixture of a human body in a place is deemed punishment, deprivation and restriction. Prison is a name for its sanction. So as you come to live a life, it can well be seen as a trip by vehicle, or sea vessel, or horseback before them. 2) How would you improve it in English language terms? C: We do not suggest an improvement; it is good.

The Committee says a lot our existence on Earth is like entering an automobile. We are inside the car but also separate from the vehicle; we can get in, get out and drive.

So in turn, our souls are divisible from our bodies, the loss of connection to "home" just an illusion with purpose and objectives. Like running an errand for someone in the household, getting into a car, driving somewhere to fulfill the errand - or fail - then returning, getting out of the vehicle to walk back into the house. No question came with this phrase, yet we do wish to say, you do not fail in life. None of you. Failure is not possible, none of you fails at life. This human concept is discarded when humanity you return to your memory, as the experience becomes the understanding the past and future are blended to become, as the notion of time is recognized artificial.

Humanity is a success and each of you a success within, always and permanently. The human view is otherwise; standards, criteria and evaluations do you create yet these are for the environment in which created, only. Each of you, please congratulate yourselves and each other for your success, for this is absolute, immutable and universal.

The part I don't grasp well is the paradox between linear time in a body and how time for our souls is not an issue; it doesn't exist. 3) Is it correct to think that while on Earth, we're in two places at once, our soul still in heaven while we're on earth? C: Yes. Your view is accurate, precise and certain. 4) Is a human body like a puppet on stage with strings leading back to the creator? C: No, none of you are puppets. You create and pull your own strings, always. You are not controlled elsewhere or from it. Your Guides and Guardians truly are. Discard this notion of manipulation, it applies not, it is an illusion of your Earth. 5) Connected yet unconnected, just an illusion that we're cut off, since we cannot look to the sky and see our creator? C: Yes. Well said, well understood. 6) Is it okay to say we're everywhere and in one place at the same time? Maybe what I'm trying to achieve with language isn't possible. C: Yes, it is possible and also accurate because "at the same" requires an idea, a notion and a perception of time. Where no time applies, where it does not exist, everything is simultaneous because nothing is simultaneous. To this idea of possible with human language of words, we say the embedded concepts of time and language make separation and use difficult and, while you live on Earth, unrequired. It is not necessary to separate language from communication, neither arises there a need for time to be forgotten; as you chose it and thus all of you accept it. My other extended metaphor is like the movie "The Matrix". 7) Does our soul "sleep" in heaven while actively engaged on Earth? C: Yes and no; by Earth time segmentation and sequencing of occurrences, you soul can be understood to sleep as you are awake and conscious however removal of timelines means no cycles and thus unconscious conditions of sleep occur. 8) Earth is the illusion, Heaven the true placeholder in the universe?! C: Both are true, Earth but an "illusion" by comparison to a non-linear, non-time existence.

Last idea to sharpen my grasp. 9) God has what most people call a plan; this motivates God to express himself and live through the created in a vicarious way but probably to God, it is simultaneously first person, also vicariously, at the same time, all at once for every divisible soul, created by Him? C: Yes. A natural expression of His nature? C: Absolutely, yes. "Bravo" you would say to this sharp interpretation, and we thus say it to you; bravo! By choosing to experience this way, 10) I suppose we strengthen our "puppet strings" to our creator, making them shorter or more direct? C: Yes, absent strings of a puppet yet we do say, improve recognition, for the connections are always there, always present and always permanent. All ways.

C: We speak to time on Earth. In just a few languages of societies recently and closely related, with language patterns similar, are found clues into meanings of time. In one language, the word means also weather, the condition of the atmosphere. In another it means pace or speed, the word borrowed to indicate the pace of music, its tempo. So you see, time is a series, a queue, a line. What is a line, but a set of points? How close or how far apart should the points be located from one another to create a line? We say, there is no distance, as the limits to perception of size, on Earth, are this….mere limits. The congregation of points is a spot, a grouping, a splotch or an accumulation. A three plane or three dimension view of existence, as you have on Earth, allows a splotch to be created. Where no flat plane limit is imposed, then an accumulation of points can have depth and height also, as related to length and width.

We return to the points along a line, a line of time. Are one second intervals too little? For sharp bursts or flashes of light – a strobe, for example – they are not. For movies and meals, seconds are far too close to one another, on your Earth. Thus the line along which events occurs exists only as events are seen separately.

There exist many lines of time, timelines through experience, strung together as the occurrences are defined by you. The convenience of a day & night, light & dark cycle provides a mathematical common denominator, divisible into segments of equal size against the cycling of light appearing from your central star.

Depart your planet surface and instantly this base vanishes; the appearance and angle, or disappearance of light of the sun can be shifted as chosen. Time measurement disappears, it vanishes. Gaze at Earth from your moon, as have astronauts and many of you from the photographs taken by them; look upon your Earth, partially illuminated and then at a wristwatch from Earth, taken to the moon. Look away momentarily, your Earth's sphere out of view and what relevance does the indicated time have to the moon? None.

We suggest the large spot of points taken from a line of time and clustered like dust, floating before you; if a flat dimensional view is removed from the view of this dust cluster, from each particle within it – as each particle represents a point of time, taken from a line – which is seen as separate, as the view is expanded, as you would do understand a microscope, what series or sequence applies? The arrangement of the particles can be as you choose to approach the cluster of dust; absent gravity and the up & down orientation gravity creates, which approach to the cluster of dust becomes its top? Thus, which opposite side becomes bottom? To the left side, or right or behind? Any side can be any of these Earth descriptions and thus, none do apply.

This is the orientation of the universe and each event, in the past as humans see the past and in the future as humans see the concept of "future", can be placed before or behind another point; simply re-approach the cluster of dust from a different angle or redirect your approach or movement within.

Each event or occurrence of the past can be reached, viewed and either opened or filed away as if all existence were arranged like a spherical, globe-like computer storage disk. We do say, this concept of a sphere for data and information storage comes soon to Earth, your extraterrestrial visitors preparing the introduction in general. This method and device has been shown to world leadership, the technology not grasped because of observer desire to see arrangements solely upon a flat plane, along a linear queue. Your computer binary language. We do now say, you who have read these words now, have understood a concept from "outer space" as it would be called, that is not yet comprehended by a good number of scientific people deemed intelligent, bright and along the "cutting edge". Reluctance to share this arises from related reluctance, even resistance, to confess the source of this concept, so all you reading here now are privy to a future development. A prediction, as Earth English calls it, that light beams you call lasers will supply, retrieve and read data from and onto spheres, multi-layered and both vast in their capacity to store and fast to deliver volumes of data, heretofore unknown on Earth.

This is a small change, to be deemed a breakthrough in your language, of technology soon coming to Earth and we thank your question, dear reader, for posing this inquiry. We trust our attempts to explain in your language have succeeded yet ask any and all to inquire further or again, if more clarification is desired, for explanations of this notion of time. Your old friend Einstein, Professor Albert as he was called, greets you all as we relay these thoughts. He has helped with his selection of words.

Until we again meet, fare well and good, we do wish for all.


Mike 04/01/2014 8:01pm

When we go back home is it like going back inside a bubble which houses all our thoughts, imaginings and manifestings. In this bubble we carry our own thoughts as to what we perceive as an afterlife? But this bubble can merge with other bubbles to create a shared experience or similarly share in anothers? And this bubble can expand or contract at will, never overstretching or popping.

What then would exist outside this bubble of our own existence?

The Committee 05/01/2014 1:10pm

The Committee responds:

"Bubble a good description is, yet bubble means border, enclosure, capsule or containment. Pressure, force or resistance to entry and exit would be necessary, to a small degree or extent. We suggest this is not the case, entry of information - the essence of your existence - is generally unrestricted. Entry into your sphere of existence and your own entry into other spheres.

We suggest a basic or even crude example of Earth; digital information. The way an image called a digitized photograph is stored then recreated mimics, in a basic way, all energy as it exists.

The loss of electric flow in the many Earth devices can cause loss of the data until stored, and magnetism - a permutation and source of electricity - can distort and to the degree of erasure of that which is stored. This represents a bubble as you have suggested the word, Michael, and as correct it is in your use of it, such use represents more Earth than our home.

We suggest a spherical energy field and then to respond to your last, pointed and excellent question, we say what exists is you. The universe. You are as much a part as any other entity, no other one means more than do you, no other being or soul is greater or better or more necessary and thus outside of you exists the continuance of the universe your existence creates.

Human societies have recently striven for this view under the concept of 'one person one vote' yet hierarchies born from control of resource remain and continue creation of authority humans prefer.

Organization requires no hierarchy of rank as humanity desires; thus your fluid and flexible 'bubble' of existence is part of, an extension of and the extent of the universe as much as any other."

Kees 05/01/2014 7:39am

Again Patrick another great post. I can't wait for all this new technology to arrive and to be a part of it. I also keep re reading all these posts constantly and hoping to find a new "clue" that i have missed between the lines.

Also i liked that Albert Einstein "helped out" the committee on this post. I think he is still one of the great ones that is not yet on the departed page. I hope he will be there soon and can give us some more clues about things like anti gravity and how crystals will play a part in future technology.

Many thanks again

Patrick 05/01/2014 12:49pm

You're most welcome, Kees, it's a pleasure and honor for me to do this.

Mo 05/01/2014 7:42am


Spiritual Orb or as a light sphere?

Mike 05/01/2014 10:52am


I suppose you could say spiritual orb. Are we all orbs floating around in the vastness of I don't know what. In your orb is all your existence, thoughts, feelings, emotions, life experiences. Plus your current surroundings and those in the afterlife. Outside of your Orb, bubble exists other people's bubbles. You can also merge, amend or disconnect from other bubbles as you see fit.

Patrick 05/01/2014 1:20pm

@ Mo & @ Mike:

After transcribing The Committee's input above, I read these analogies and references to light orbs and see how both of you have "channeled" The Committee's reply "in advance" by questioning and expressing the ideas before I received them.

See how time sequence on Earth is an illusion and how you both have "channeled" out of order?

Mike 05/01/2014 4:55pm


It was something that came to me whilst reading the article and it was a field with all these bubbles floating around. Some bubbles merged with other bubbles to create one bubble (not increase in size). Some separated and floated on. Each bubble represented a soul and all that it is. The bubbles never popped, but could be stretched and re-shaped by their creator. There were many colours to these bubbles.

Just a strange image to have!

Abe 06/01/2014 9:08am

This is a very intriguing post and the technology prediction is fascinating.

As has been forecast earlier on this blog, let's suppose there is a meltdown or partial collapse of the global banking system. All those currencies (IOU's) plummet in value and the entire structure of banks, central banks, world banks is seriously downsized. Perhaps the level of computing power available through this technology could power an international bartering system where goods and services are exchanged for "points". The individual's or corporation's inventory of points could then be exchanged for other goods and services. Who needs the bureaucracy of the current banking system when it seems to be not much more than a house of cards anyway. It could transcend country borders much as the Internet does now.

I love this blog! Thank you Patrick and The Committee.

Patrick 06/01/2014 9:58am

Thank you, Abe.

You have just described "bitcoins"; Wikipedia has an entry:

Sarah 11/01/2014 11:30am

Excellent, post, thanks!

State of the State


Q: Do we - we being humanity in general - need or want to know more about the past, the present or the future? Possibly a combination, but if so, which gets the emphasis?

C: This emphasis, choice, selection and view are born of time.

Q: Yes, and the three are interchangeable BUT for humans…

C: The future. The unknown always attracts, it is the reason for your place on Earth.

Q: So, as the title asks, what is the state of the state of Earth?

C: Good you see that divisions also exist as illusions; tightly, closely held illusions. Dear and sacred are these illusions of Earth life, are they not? As are many.

Q: What awaits us all? The lot of Earth, political divisions excluded.

C: The result of choice.

Q: We've heard this over….and over….and over…..but none of us individually or as a group controls what happens….

C: No? How many humans as a percentage of humanity chose to commence which war? We ask that you choose a war as example.

Q: And you’ll tell us we put these “choosers” into power, gave them ability to act and then we get what we created.

C: We shall not tell you, as you have already stated it. If you do not like your system, change it.

Q: The country targeted in a terrorist attack, such as train bombs in Spain, can hardly control the individuals behind the bombings.

C: Would leaders and even citizens of the target nation listen to elements of the attackers, if given the opportunity to do so, absent threats?

Q: I imagine yes, they might. Yes, that’s likely.

C: So the attackers, in reverse, would not listen to the target?

Q: They wouldn't know they were a target, because….

C: We suggest many targets do know they are. Leadership chooses to conceal knowledge or at least suspicion that attacks against its society are planned. We revert to our comment that leadership you dislike should be replaced. Possibly leadership should be eschewed, cast aside, reduced or diminished in its role. Could this be an option?

We take the powerful military nation, the USA. Could its ability to defend and resist give confidence to approach dangerous elements and offer solutions, ideas points-of-view? We say yes, this choice is viable. It is taken, yet concealed. Has it produced results? We say, it has. Are the results generally seen as sufficient? This humanity and the nations involved shall decide.

Q: So as powerful “terrorist target” nations have done as you say, approach and speak with terrorists, why does the danger persist as we see it?

C: Do terrorists convince targets to see the terrorist point-of-view? So why should the terrorist see its victims' idea? They do not, either side, and logical this is.

Q: There has to be some method of progress to resolve this.

C: Of course, there is.

Q: Lay it on us, Esteemed Committee..slather on the naked truth, smack us with our reality.

C: Stop informing yourselves about it. For how long would you argue with an unpleasant person and how many return visits would you make to argue anew? We say, the many of you would avoid the person and risk for argument upon first possibility. This response and approach – avoidance – can be followed with news of terrorism. The vast majority of potential targets would feel no concern, fear or worry for they do not know and behavior would not be changed. The attackers act out to inflict change. If a group of ten attacks and kills twenty, injures fifty and directly affects three or four thousand associated people such as family, friends, medical workers, builders and tradesman, then knowledge and effect, leading to a change in attitudes then behaviors, might encompass five thousand humans. This is less than two hundredths of one percent of a nation made up of forty million. We suggest chemistry; if such concentration, one hundred twenty five parts per million, were introduced into an entire organism such as a human body, there would be almost no effect and it would fade quickly if even detected. So would it be with society.

Q: We can’t cease to report on events like that.

C: Please explain.

Q: The press cannot be curtailed.

C: This ideal is never fully reached and retribution for reporting unpleasantly about the powerful, as you have chosen to make them powerful, is omnipresent. So we say, pressures to curtail reporting information exist and function. You have collectively named this “politics”.

Thus we say, there was a time in recent Earth history where such horrific acts were reported much later and often not at all beyond the immediacy of the event. Shortly before that and for millennia, no reporting or press existed. This meant events did not happen? We suggest the rhetorical question recently coined; if a tree falls but is not heard or seen, did it fall?

Q: So allow me to circle back to the title of this entry, state of the state. Have you told us, Esteemed Committee, that we should stop reporting news if unpleasant?

C: We suggest the choice and effects are not considered; what obligation do humans have to consume information offered and what reactions do you prefer to have to such information? This thinking is consistently applied to nourishment; foods unpalatable are avoided and also others considered bad tasting. Why can news not be avoided also?

Q: We’d end up uninformed and ignorant, some of us?

C: We suggest not; if sufficient consumers of news made their collective will known to a news provider, that no perusal of their offerings would there be until an affirmative decision were made to cease reporting about a specific subject, we suggest this would have great effect, and it would be quick. It would be voluntary.

Q: So what IS the state of our state?

C: Humanity proceeds on schedule and positively. We do say, progress is admirable we see it every moment in every place.

Q: To have a quick thought about what occupies news nowadays on the world’s stage, that’s a long and deep look not many of us see, I don’t think. Economy, conflicts, wars, severe cold weather….

C: These effects existed always, as you know. Why are you concerned? Is humanity frustrated it cannot erase what has always been? If this is the case – we say it is – a look must be given to the things humanity creates. Much malaise is generated by and for humanity.

Q: Diseases? Malaria? AIDS? Bubonic plague?

C: The ability to halt the spread is available; is it implemented? We refer to our example citing parts per million; do the great maladies of society affect directly and indirectly, concentrations of humanity greater than five or ten parts per million?

Q: Point well taken.

C: You wish to know your future; we say, you can predict it now. Arrange your choices along your lines of time, this line will be drawn towards the precise future you prefer. The understanding of time’s illusion yet its reality and application on Earth, where it IS real, reveals human ability to control the future.

The sum of your individual acts creates the effect and course of your life; so go all societies and the Heavens are exactly this way also.

Examine choices today and add them; the total produces the effect. The flow is continuous.

Q: What trends and choices do you see that are positive?

C: Awareness rises in all ways; complaints gather views, as do tragic attacks. Humanity has its elements that require attention because it is seen to be given. This is the way of Heaven, yet on Earth without ready knowledge and understanding that your true existence also offers. Thus humans enjoy attention without the examination the attention involves in reality. Thus psychic ability is discounted, shunned and denounced, for the fear in some it creates. The concern motives different from outward acts could be understood, is cause for pause and even concern in some attention seekers.

We say, cast this aside as awareness will rise and solve unpleasant, undesirable aspects much as consumption of the written word is a self pruning, self improving process. As words are expression of sentiments, poor writing will lead a reader to better writing consumed as it relates and informs ideas. Better expression of thoughts and ideas occurs as these are understood beneficial.

So we say, awareness of Earth, humanity’s role, place and purpose all rise well and in greater ways than have been experienced in many, many millennia.

Q: We want even predictions, also. We always want those. What can we know?

C: If you can be counted among the five thousand of the forty million in our example, you can know that you shall be among the one hundred twenty five parts of the million. Do you wish to know what affects the one twenty five, the forty million OR what shall be the news to report around the globe, of the event, as you choose to inform? This question must be asked first.

Q: I will consider this and return later, with questions. Maybe readers also?

C: Welcome will be these questions and we await them; good day!


Hazra 16/01/2014 12:16am

"Stop informing yourselves about it"

Most succinct piece of advice ever. Or more to the point mind my own business. Haven't watched/listened to news since 1995. In order to keep my reality favourable, I have to deliberately choose to read or listen to uplifting news and info.

Patrick 17/01/2014 7:17pm

Since 1995? Does the landlord have any more space to lease in your cave and when may I move in? You are to be admired but I dare say, the BBC/CBC/NBC/ABC/CBS/FOX/Breitbart/HuffPo/Daily Caller/Daily Beast/Newsmax/WND Information Oligarchy is less than pleased!

The Committee offers a comment: "Where you draw the boundary between information offered and reviewed can indeed be named a minding of your own business, and we like your view. That which is offered for consumption, what you might choose to observe, is not an intrusion as not minding one's business can be said to be. All of humanity minds the business of all of humanity; what shall matter always is your thought and reaction, your purpose and motivation to understand it or otherwise. Your reality can be favourable either way; we admire your decisive choice to make yours favorable, in the manner you select; well done."

cristina 20/01/2014 4:29pm

Thank you committee for your patience and wisdom ................

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