Institute of Race Relations


The Institute of Race Relations has published its: Annual Report 2012

Download it at: (pdf file, 1.1mb)


Bail for Immigration Detainees (BID) has published a report: The Liberty Deficit: long-term detention and bail decision-making.

Download the report at:

(pdf file, 1.1mb)

The Children’s Society has published a report: Into the unknown: Children’s journeys through the asylum Process.

Download the report at:

(pdf file, 3.3mb)

Destitution Concern Bradford has published a report: No Return, No Asylum: Destitution as a way of life? The extent and impact of destitution amongst asylum seekers in Bradford.

Download the report at:

(pdf file, 840kb)

Gatwick Detainees Welfare Group has published a report: ‘A prison in the mind’: the mental health implications of detention in Brook House Immigration Removal Centre.

Download the report at:

(pdf file, 628kb)

The Migrants and Refugee Communities Forum has published research on: ‘Night Workers: London’s Unseen Migrant Workforce’.

View the research here.

The Migrants and Refugee Communities Forum has published research on: ‘Safeguarding Refugee Youth: Turning 18 in the Asylum System’.

View the research here.

The National Coalition of Anti Deportation Campaigns has launched its new campaigning toolkit

View and download the toolkit at:

The Refugee Support Network has published a report: Broken futures: young Afghan asylum seekers in the UK and in their country of origin.

Download the report at:

(pdf file, 1.7mb)

The Refugee Council has published a report: Between a rock and a hard place: the dilemma facing refused asylum seekers.

Download the report here.

The South Yorkshire Migration and Asylum Action Group has published a: Campaign Guide: Asylum Housing Challenging Instructions to move home.

Download the guide here:

(word doc 104kb)

The Irish Refugee Council has published a report: State sanctioned child poverty and exclusion: the case of children in accommodation for asylum-seekers.

Download the report here.

Inservice Training and Educational Development (Insted) has updated its website with new equalities materials, they are available here.

The Committee on the Administration of Justice has published a report: The Policing You Don’t See Covert policing and the accountability gap: Five years on from the transfer of ‘national security’ primacy to MI5.

Download the report at:

(pdf file, 1.1mb)

INQUEST has published a report: Learning from Death in Custody Inquests: A new Framework for Action and Accountability.

Download the report here:

INQUEST and the Prison Reform Trust have published a report: Fatally flawed: Has the state learned lessons from the deaths of children and young people in prison?.

Download the report here.

Cageprisoners has published its evidence to the: ‘Home Office Schedule 7 Review’.

Download the evidence at:

(pdf file, 712kb)

The Equality and Human Rights Commission has published the findings of a review of progress made by the meat and poultry processing sector. View the finding and related documents here.

The European Commission has published a report: ‘Report from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament Mid-Term Report on the Implementation of the Action Plan on Unaccompanied Minors’.

Download the report and other materials here.

The Mayor of London’s Office have published a report: It Took Another Riot: The concluding report of the Mayor of London’s Independent Panel on Tottenham.

(pdf file, 6.5mb)

The Hillsborough Independent Panel into the Hillsborough Disaster on 15 April 1989 has published its final report.

Download the report and all disclosed materials here.

The Office for National Statistics has published data from the ‘2011 Census for England and Wales’.

View the data at:

Jenny Jones (Green Part Assembly member) has published a report: The Kids Are All Right: How the Metropolitan Police Service can gain the trust of young Londoners.

Download the report at:

(pdf file, 640kb)

The Independent Police Complaints Commission has published a report: Metropolitan Police Service Territorial Support Group: A review of complaints data and IPCC cases 2008-2012.

Download the report here.

The Independent Police Complaints Commission has published a report: Police complaints: statistics for England and Wales 2011/12.

Download the report at:

(pdf file 308kb)

The Independent Police Complaints Commission has published its report into the death of Sean Rigg.

View the report and foreword here.

The Director of Public Prosecutions has published guidance on: Joint Enterprise cases.

Download the guidelines at:

(pdf file, 96kb)

HM Inspector of Constabulary has published: Revisiting Police Relationships: A progress report.

Download the report here.

The Prisons and Probation Ombudsman for England and Wales has published its: Annual Report 2011-2012.

Download the report at:

(10).pdf (pdf file, 1.3mb)

The Prisons and Probation Ombudsman for England and Wales has published a report: Investigation into the circumstances surrounding the death of a man at Campsfield House in August 2011.

Download the report at:

(pdf fil3e14kb)

HM Inspectorate of Probation, Ofsted and Estyn have published a report: Looked After Children: An inspection of the work of Youth Offending Teams with children and young people who are looked after and placed away from home.

Download the report at:

(pdf file 404kb)

HM Chief Inspector of Prisons has published its: Annual Report 2011–12.

Download the report at:

(pdf file, 5.2mb)

HM Chief Inspector of Prisons has published a thematic review: The use of the person escort record with detainees at risk of self-harm.

Download the report at:

(pdf file, 500kb)

HM Chief Inspector of Prisons and the Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration have published a joint thematic review on: The effectiveness and impact of immigration detention casework.

Download the report at:

(pdf file, 492kb)

HM Inspectorate of Prisons and the Youth Justice Board have published a report: Children and Young People in Custody 2011–12, An analysis of the experiences of 15–18-year-olds in prison.

Download the report at:

(pdf file, 4.2mb)

HM Chief Inspector of Prisons has published a: Report on an announced inspection of Cedars Pre-Departure Accommodation.

Download the report at:

(pdf file, 588kb)

HM Chief Inspector of Prisons has published a report on: Detainees under escort: Inspection of escort and removals to Afghanistan.

Download the report at:

(pdf file, 80kb)

HM Chief Inspector of Prisons has published a report on: Detainees under escort: Inspection of escort and removals to Jamaica.

Download the report at:

(pdf file, 84kb)

HM Chief Inspector of Prisons has published a: Report on an unannounced short follow-up inspection of Dungavel House Immigration Removal Centre.

Download the report at:

(pdf file, 236kb)

HM Chief Inspector of Prisons has published a: Report on an unannounced inspection of the short-term holding facility at: Sandford House.

Download the report at:

(pdf file, 56kb)

HM Chief Inspector of Prisons has published a: Report on an unannounced follow-up inspection of the non-residential short-term holding facility at: Electric House, Croydon.

Download the report at:

(pdf file, 844kb)

HM Chief Inspector of Prisons has published a: Report on an unannounced follow-up inspection of the non-residential short-term holding facility at: Lunar House, Croydon.

Download the report at:

(pdf file, 108kb)

HM Chief Inspector of Prisons has published a: Report on an unannounced follow-up inspection of the non-residential short-term holding facility at: Cayley House.

Download the report at:

(pdf file, 1.3mb)

HM Chief Inspector of Prisons has published a: Report on an unannounced inspection of the short-term holding facility at: Liverpool Capital Building.

Download the report at:

(pdf file, 152kb)

HM Chief Inspector of Prisons has published a: Report on an unannounced follow-up inspection of the non-residential short-term holding facility at: Sheffield Vulcan House.

Download the report at:

(pdf file, 104kb)

HM Chief Inspector of Prisons has published a: Report on an unannounced inspection of the short-term holding facility at: Larne House.

Download the report at:

(pdf file, 56kb)

HM Chief Inspector of Prisons has published a: Report on an unannounced inspection of the short-term holding facility at: Drumkeen House.

Download the report at:

(pdf file 48kb)

HM Chief Inspector of Prisons has published a: Report on an unannounced inspection of the short-term holding facility at: Leeds Waterside Court.

Download the report at:

(pdf file, 124kb)

HM Chief Inspector of Prisons has published a: Report on an unannounced inspection of the short-term holding facility at: Pennine House Manchester Airport.

Download the report at:

(pdf file, 132kb)

HM Chief Inspector of Prisons has published a: Report on an unannounced inspection of the short-term holding facility at: Glasgow International Airport.

Download the report at:

(pdf file, 128kb)

HM Chief Inspector of Prisons has published a: Report on an unannounced inspection of the short-term holding facility at: Festival Court, Glasgow.

Download the report at:

(pdf file, 124kb)

HM Chief Inspector of Prisons has published a: Report on an unannounced inspection of the short-term holding facility at: Eaton House, Hounslow.

Download the report at:

(pdf file, 140kb)

The Independent Family Returns Panel at the UK Border Agency has published its: Annual Report.

Download the report here.

The Home Office has published the: First annual report of the Inter-Departmental Ministerial Group on Human Trafficking.

Download the report at:

The Home Office has published statistics relating to police powers under the Terrorism Act,

View the statistics here.

The Home Office has published statistics on: Operation of police powers under the Terrorism Act 2000 and subsequent legislation: Arrests, outcomes and stop and searches Great Britain 2011/12.

View and download the statistics at:

The Home Office has published statistics on: Hate crimes, England and Wales 2011/12.

View and download the statistics at here.

The Home Office has published statistics on: Racist incidents, England and Wales 2011/2012.

View and download the statistics here.

The House of Commons Home Affairs Committee has published a report: Powers to investigate the Hillsborough disaster: interim Report on the Independent Police Complaints Commission.

Download the report at:

(pdf file, 1mb)

The House of Commons Culture, Media and Sport Committee has published a report: Racism in Football.

Download the report at:

(pdf file, 468kb)

The House of Commons Home Affairs Committee has published a report: The work of the UK Border Agency (December 2011–March 2012.

Download the report at:

(pdf file 584kb)

The National Audit Office has published the results of its investigation into the contracting out of language services in the justice system: The Ministry of Justice’s language services contract.

Download the report here.


The organisations listed below produce regular emails and newsletters, follow the embdedd links to sign up to, or view, the lateste dition

• Bail for Immigration Detainees (BID)

• Centre for Crime and Justice Studies

• Campaign Against Criminalising Communities

• Centre on Migration Policy and Society (COMPAS)

• Corporate Watch

• Doctors of the World

• East of England Local Government Association/Strategic Migration Partnership, email:

• Equality Commission for Northern Ireland

• Equality and Diversity Forum

• Equality and Human Rights Commission

• Garden Court Chambers (E-Bulletins on Housing, Immigration and Employment)

• Howard League for Penal Reform


• Joint Enterprise Not Guilty by Association

• JUST West Yorkshire

• Kick it Out

• Migrants' Rights Network

• Migrants and Refugee Communities Forum (now known as The Forum)

• National Coalition of Anti Deportation Campaigns (NCADC)

• No-Deportations (Send an email to: with ‘subscribe’ in the subject line).

• Positive Action for Refugees and Asylum Seekers (PAFRAS) (Leeds)

• Prison Reform Trust

• Refugee Council

• Runnymede Trust

• Show Racism the Red Card

• Statewatch


• Sign a petition: ‘Michael Gove, Secretary of State for Education: Keep Mary Seacole on the National Curriculum’.

• Sign a petition: ‘Don't Deport Recovering Transplant Patient’.


• John Hemming, MP, has tabled an EDM on: ‘Judicial Review’. View EDM 850 here.

• Jeremy Corbyn, MP, has tabled an EDM on: ‘Cleaners in the transport sector’. View EDM 833 here.

• John McDonnell, MP, has tabled an EDM on the: ‘Counihan-Sanchez Family’. View EDM 671 here.

• Bob Russell, MP, has tabled an EDM on: ‘Racism in football and European football tournament in Israel. View EDM 640 here.

• Keith Vaz, MP, has tabled an EDM on: ‘Rio and Anton Ferdinand and racism in Football’. View EDM 617 here.


• Survey by Release and StopWatch on: ‘Drugs, the law and human rights. The impact of stop and search on you and your community’.

• Survey by the Coalition for Racial Equality and Rights (CRER) and the STUC Black Workers Committee on: ‘The impact of funding cuts and/or the removal of funding for projects/activities that support BME communities’.



• Contracts Finder lets you search for information about contracts worth over £10,000 with the government and its agencies.

• The Migrant and Refugee Communities Forum has launched a new website (.uk) with their new name (The Forum) and a new film. Check out their new look and watch the film called 'Where London Happens'. The Forum is currently looking for mentors and volunteers in addition to individuals interested in joining The Welcome Committee.

• The StopWatch coalition, which works to educate around the use of stop and search has launched its new website, with detailed information on what you can do to get involved.


• The Ministry of Justice is conducting a consultation on: Fee remissions in the First-tier Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber). The closing date for the consultation is 29 January 2013. View the consultation documents here.

• The Ministry of Justice is conducting a consultation on: Judicial Review: proposals for reform. The closing date for the consultation is 24 January 2013. View the consultation documents here.

• The Ministry of Justice is conducting a consultation on: ‘Transforming Rehabilitation – a revolution in the way we manage offenders’. The closing date for the consultation is 22 February 2013. View the consultation documents here.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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