|A Bi-Monthly Publication – Issue Date: March 29th, 2016 |

|St. Matthew’s United Methodist Church |

|Thomas Hoffmann, Pastor |

|Jose Estrada, Associate Pastor |

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|Our Mission Statement: “St. Matthew’s Tulsa is a United Methodist congregation that brings Christ to people of all nations in our community.” |

|Our Slogan: “Every Person/Every Nation/All Together/One Location” |

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|Dear Friends, |

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|Last September we started on a sermon series that took us from the Book of Genesis to the birth of Christ. Beginning in January we spent time with the |

|Jesus that Mark’s Gospel proclaims: the Suffering Servant who desires to heal and to save everyone through his work on the Cross. During Holy Week we |

|took time to celebrate Passover with our families and remember the sacrifice of Christ on the Cross on Good Friday. Finally, on Easter morning we |

|celebrated the resurrection of Jesus in our first Spanish-English bi-lingual service. Since September it’s been a wonderful time of hearing the whole |

|story of God! |

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|Now on Sunday mornings, where do we go from here? |

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|Well, there is more of the story that has to be told. Because of Easter, something called “The Church” emerges, and we have to know what that is. |

|Pastor Jose and I will be preaching about this Church that the disciples start to experience. There are lots of ways to preach about this; for 2016, we|

|have decided that we will learn about the Church mostly through the ups and downs of the Corinthian church. |

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|Here are some of the passages and themes we’ll focus on: |

|April 3: The Outreach Ministry of the Disciples (Acts 1:1-14) |

|April 10: The Healing Ministry of the Disciples (Acts 3:1-10) |

|Acts 17: The First Christians (Acts 11:19-26) |

|April 24: The Church at Corinth (Acts 18:1-4; 1 Corinthians 1:10-18) |

|May 1: The Royal Way of the Church (I Corinthians 13:1-13) |

|May 8: The Church’s Most Important Task (1 Corinthians 15:1-26, 51-57) |

|May 15: God’s Gifts to the Church (Acts 2:1-4; 1 Corinthians 12:1-13 |

|Beginning May 22nd, we’ll move into Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthians for a few months. Here we’ll explore Paul’s teaching on consolation, |

|reconciliation, forgiveness and generosity, just to name a few wonderful themes. These are qualities that every church should have, and we need to know|

|how to strengthen them in us. |

|Being with you on Sunday mornings is just one more reason why I am Blessed Beyond Belief. |

|Pastor Thomas |

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|4:30-5:30 p.m. Gathering and Small Groups - Children/Youth |

|5:30-6:15 p.m. Community Dinner |

|6:15-7:15 p.m. Small Group/Adults (please try to be in your room by 6:15) |

|6:15-6:50 p.m. Small Groups – Children/Youth |

|6:50 p.m. Load bus for home – Children/Youth |

|7:15-8:15 p.m. Choir |

|8:30-9:30 p.m. Praise Band |

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|The deadline to submit articles for the April 12th, 2016, newsletter is Sunday, April 10th. |

|Please send articles to the church at stmatts@ and suzanne.pfeifer@. Thank you! |

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|[pic] Ronald McDonald House – |[pic]Breakfast –This Sunday!-April 3rd |

| |The VIM Team will be serving breakfast for you on this Sunday.  All your |

|The ladies furnishing main dishes for Ronald Mc Donald House on April 28, |favorites will be ready – biscuits ‘n gravy, French toast, pancakes, scrambled|

|2016 will be Deborah Worman and Nancy Hoffmann.  The ladies furnishing |eggs and more - from 7:30 until 9:00.  Enjoy a hot, scrumptious breakfast with|

|desserts will be Giselle Lenhart and Suzanne Pfeifer.  A great big Thank |your family and friends.  |

|You to these ladies. |The VIM Team thanks you for your support. |

| | The VIM Team |

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| [pic] March Birthdays | [pic] April Birthdays |

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|6 Deanna Rocha | |

|10 Ann Marie Boyce | |

|10 Rich Brasher |16 Tracy Duggan |

|13 Stephanie Dent-Pancoast |28 Melanie McCammon |

|16 Stephanie Butler | |

|17 Larry Boyce | |

|18 Jim Kimbrel | |

|22 Kaleb Schneider | |

|23 Brona Kimbrel |If you want your birthday listed in the newsletter, contact Suzanne at |

|30 Noah McCammon |918-605-2104 or Suzanne.pfeifer@. |

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|FOOD  PANTRY |[pic] Sarah’s Circle |

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|Thanks for caring and sharing. |We are studying Profiles of Men and Women of the Bible.  Everyone is invited |

| |to join us Tuesday mornings at 9:30 in the parlor for Bible study and |

| |refreshments. |

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[pic] [pic]

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|Mark 16:6-7 – “Don’t be alarmed, he said. You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where|

|they laid Him. But go; tell His disciples and Peter, ‘He is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see Him, just as He told you.” |

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|Please pray for Bonita Young and family in their loss. |

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|BJ is asking prayers for her friend, David, who is suffering with health issues, & pray for BJ, as well. |

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|Joanna Ellis is asking for prayers for her cousin whose house burned down. |

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|Barbara Youngblood requested prayers for Avis and her son, Paul, who were in a car accident. |

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|Jeanne Keller is requesting prayers for her sister. |

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|Skip Hurst needs our prayers as he adjusts to new medication. |

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|Please pray for Virgie who is struggling with health issues. |

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|Please pray for Andrea Laney’s friend who was in a car accident. |

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|June Vannoy needs our continued prayers for her health issues. |

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|Gert McKenzie is missing coming to church. She needs our prayers for strength. |

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|Continued prayers for Kielee Ferrell, her mother and siblings. Still waiting on an update from surgeons. |

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|Joyce Hargrove asked for continued prayers for her friend, Carol, as she deals with chemo treatments. |

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|Continued prayers for Gordon Godfrey and family. |

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|Continue prayers for Barbara McDowell for an increase in strength and continued recovery. |

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|Continued prayers for Leona Robison family. |

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|Continued prayers are needed for Del & Sharon Gatzke. |

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|Beth Hewitt & her brother; Gail Arnold; Andrea Laney’s friend, Elizabeth; Dr. Mike’s friend; Lawrence Long’s friend, Gail; Pat Roderick; Jaxon Roberick & |

|Atley Howe; Tawnya McCammon’s mom; Bubby & Judy Williams; Lovelle Lightner; Gail Carnes; Del Gatzke; the Hylla family; Brent Utterback’s niece, Lola |

|Bolding; June Vannoy’s cousin, Gina; Deanna Rocha’s friends, Kay and Kenny Ratzlaff, especially Kenny’s sister, Margie Nantz; Laura; Irene; Tricia |

|Tuepker; Joanna Ellis’ family; Jeanine Keller’s daughter, Lisa and nephew, Greg; Sherrie Schumacher; Mercedes Ellis’ family; Alderman family; Nancy |

|Hoffman’s mother, Helen; B J & her friends' health; Leona Robison and her family; Rusty Colvin; Phillip Laney; Brady family; Aunt Laurene; George and |

|Share; Miss Cherry; Gert McKenzie; Chuck Wise’s sister and his mother, Louise; Kendle Boyce’s friend, Kirsten Plum and children; Laura Wolfe; Hime’s |

|son-in- law, Guy; Ann Marie Boyce’s brother, Eric; Gordon & Judy Godfrey; Bud Loveless’ daughter, Karen; Barbara Patterson and her son, Jarrod and his |

|family, and for the sale of her house. |

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|Yours in God’s love |

|Barbara Roderick |


UMW Calendar

All women at St. Matthew's are invited to any UMW events. Most meetings are the 3rd Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Child care and rides are available upon request. 

UMW Women’s Fellowship Dates

April 17………UMW Sunday at both services

April 21 – 6:30pm……….Join us as we plan our annual TEA

April 29, 30 & May 1st………Spiritual Growth Retreat at Camp Egan, Tahlequah

Pick up a registration form from Ann Marie or the UMW bulletin board by the office

May 7 –  11:00am……….TEA!


We didn't have enough for me to send in at the end of 2015, but maybe by the end of 2016 we will.  I understand that Reasor's is handling Best Choice Products again.  You can also find them at Warehouse Market and Cost Savers Grocery stores.  I just need the UPC code, so put them in the container in Fellowship Hall.

Thank you.

Joyce Hargrove


Birthday Cake Bags for Restore Home Ministries


What is a Birthday Cake Bag?  It includes 1 box of cake mix, one container of frosting, one can of pop, & 1 package of candles put into a birthday bag you already have around the house. If you go to the Dollar Store or Dollar Tree for these items, each bag should only cost around $3.50 or so. Then Restore Hope Ministries will distribute them to their clients as needed. Some of you are probably wondering about the pop & cake mix:  here is the recipe:


1 box of cake mix

1 can of pop

no need for any eggs, water or oil

bake according to the directions on the box


For a white or yellow cake get 7-up or Sprite

For a chocolate cake get Pepsi, Coke, Dr Pepper or Root Beer


There is a place in the Fellowship Hall for the donated Birthday Cake bags, and we will be collecting them through the end of April.


Restore Hope Ministries:

Provides  spiritual guidance.

Last year Restore Hope provided school supplies to 2,860 students.

Gave great Thanksgiving groceries for 606 families.

Provided 221 HouseKeeping Kits with basic cleaning supplies.

In addition, Restore Hope helped 124 children have a Merry Christmas through our Family Sponsorship program.

Our programs are possible only through the support of donors and volunteers who give time, talent, and resources to help families in need. In FY 2013-14, 1175 volunteers gave more than 6,380 hours of labor. In addition, donors gave food, school supplies, and much-needed financial resources to support our programs and mission.


These are just a few ways that Restore Home Ministries help people.  If you have any questions, please call me.  Thank you, Giselle Lenhart  918-260-3860.


Folks, if you know the addresses, phone numbers, email, etc. of the members below, please let me know. Thanks!

June Vannoy



Beverly Swaringim

Patty Madole

Ginny Honea

VIM Mission – April 18 – 22

I will be leading a mission trip the week of April 18th and would love to have you join me for a day or the whole week.  We will be serving the OK Indian Missionary Conference in Preston, OK (near Okmulgee), preparing their conference center for their annual meeting in May.  All servants are welcomed and needed.

Ann Marie Boyce


These are dates for most of our Youth events. Please put these on your calendar. For each event details will follow. (Note. Youth who expect to attend Youth Mission Trip must attend and participate in all mission trip fundraisers.)


16 Garage Sale – 8am to 4pm

17 Youth Game Night – 5:30pm to 7:30pm

Youth Garage Sale

It's time to clean out your closet because the Youth Garage Sale will be Saturday, April 16th, from 8:00am until 2:00pm.  If you have items to donate, please bring them to the church and leave them outside the youth room. If you have items you need picked up, please call Debbie Gant @ 918-770-3735.  Don't forget to come and shop on the 16th. Thanks, Debbie



A Musical Evening with Dinner, Entertainment and Fine Arts will be Saturday, April 23, 2016 at the Elks Lodge #946, 5335 S. Harvard Ave. from 7 - 8:30.

Tickets are $45.00 each. This gala event is a Council Oak District UMC project.  Reservations need to be in by April 5, 2016.   Please see Joyce Hargrove

for reservations.


June Vannoy is requesting that everyone fill out an attendance card each Sunday morning and drop it in the offering plate. If there is more than one family member in attendance, please be sure to list each one, including spouses and children. It is sometimes hard for those helping with the services, such as choir members, praise band members, etc. to get their names entered, so family members not participating in the services can be of great help in making sure their names are listed. This would also be a great time to update your addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, etc. June will be entering attendance data in our rolls, so would be very grateful for your help.

Spanish Classes

These are the dates for the Spanish classes from now through March. If something comes up and we need to cancel, I will let you know in advance. If you have any questions, contact me at 918-500-4583 or pastoraanaestrada@

Thank you!

Pastor Ana

March 31, 2016

April 7th, 2016



FRIDAY  FUN – April 1st, 2016

(and Games)

Bring a game you would like to play, or join another game… board games, card games, and many others.

Fellowship for members of the church, families, neighbors, and anyone else that would like to join us.  (Please do invite your neighbors and friends.)  This has been planned for the whole church and for anyone you would like to invite.

This event is sponsored by the Fishermen, UMW, Wednesday night small groups and Youth.

Bring a friend, and if you would like, bring a snack.  Drinks will be provided.  The sponsoring groups will be providing a few snacks, too.

Hours of operation will be 6 pm to 10 pm, and everyone is free to come and go as they wish.




St. Matthew’s United Methodist Church

12424 E. 31st Street

Tulsa, OK 74146-2202


E-mail address: stmatts@ Website:


|Mission Outpost |2 | |Prayers |4 |

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|Birthdays |3 | | | |

|Breakfast |3 | |Ronald McDonald | |

|Church Rolls |2 | |*Sarah Circle |3 |

|Food Pantry |3 | |*UMW |5 |

|Pastor Message |1 | |Announcements |6-11 |



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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