Family and Consumer Sciences

Family and Consumer Sciences

Culinary Skills 1

Mrs. Harley

|Day |Daily Learning Target |Agenda – |Bell Ringer |

| | |Congruent Tasks | |

|Unit 1: History of Culinary Arts |

|1 |I can explain the content studied in |Syllabus |BR: What are three things you expect to learn about in this course? |

| |Culinary 1A. |Parent Letter | |

| | |Hall Passes | |

| | |Get to Know You Activity | |

| | |Culinary Lab Rules | |

| | |*Classroom & Lab Management Soon! | |

| | |Employability Portfolio Expectations | |

|2 |I can outline steps for following safe |#1 Culinary Overview PPT |BR: What two things must you have for this course? When are they due? |

| |practices in the foods lab. |#2 Name That Food PPT Game | |

| | |#3 Safe or Dangerous PPT | |

| | |#4 Preventing Kitchen Accidents Visual Activity | |

| | |#5 Food Borne Illness Activity | |

| | |#6 Tom E. Ache Activity | |

| | |#7 Foods & Nutrition Review Game | |

| | |#8 Classroom & Lab Management Test | |

|3 |I can outline major events in the |#9 Safety & Sanitation Lab – Chicken Stir Fry |BR: Explain why a food borne illness can be hard to detect. List 2 FB illness and |

| |Culinary Arts Industry. |#10 The History of Culinary Arts PPT & Guided Notes |list their causes. |

| | |#11 Restaurant Investigation Project | |

| | |#11 Restaurant List | |

|4 |I can outline major events in the |#11 Restaurant Investigation Project |BR: What are two things you already know how to prepare? What are two things you |

| |Culinary Arts Industry. |#12 Restaurant Investigation Round Robin |would like to learn how to prepare? |

| | |Restaurant Time Line | |

| | |#13 History of Culinary Arts Quiz | |

|5 |I can compare major restaurants in the |#14 Restaurant Critic Magazine Article |BR: List 3 precautions you should take in the kitchen related to cleanliness. |

| |Culinary Arts Industry. | | |

|6 |I can determine how chefs have impacted |#15 Chef Research Assignment |BR: The history of culinary arts can be traced back to when? Who was the first chef |

| |Culinary Arts techniques. |#16 Casserole Planning |to hold regular cooking classes on TV? |

|7 |I can determine how chefs have impacted |#15 Chef Research Assignment |BR: Who was the founder of the Kitchen Brigade System? Explain the Kitchen Brigade |

| |Culinary Arts techniques. |Lab Plan Sheet |system. |

|8 |I can prepare a recipe and demonstrate |Chef Lab |BR: In what year did the term and facility of a full service restaurant become |

| |various styles of cooking. | |available? |

|Unit 2: Food Service Industry |

|9 |I can define terminology used in the food|#1 Culinary Skills Employability Portfolio | |

| |service industry. |#2 Culinary Skills Dictionary - Unit Vocabulary | |

| | |#3 Food Service Employment PPT w/ Guided Notes | |

| | |#4 Job Application (Panera Bread) | |

| | |#5 Cover Letter & Sample Cover Letter | |

|10 |I can prepare and analyze an |#6 Resume | |

| |employability portfolio. |References - Go over guidelines | |

| | |#7 Interview Questions WKST | |

| | |#1 Finalize Culinary Skills Employability Portfolio | |

|11 |I can analyze current trends in Culinary |#8 Foodservice Industry ORQ | |

| |Arts. |#9 Current Trends Prezi | |

| | |#10 Knowing the Law | |

| | |Lab Prep – Current Trends Lab | |

|12 |I can prepare a dish to represent current|Tends Lab & Presentation | |

| |trends in Culinary Arts | | |

|13 |I am able to analyze career opportunities|#10 Kitchen Brigade PPT & Guided Notes | |

| |available in Culinary Arts. |#11 Culinary Career Brochure and Research | |

|14 |I am able to identify the procedures in |#12 Catering Activities | |

| |establishing a catering business. | | |

|15 |I am able to plan and coordinate the |#12 Catering Activities | |

| |procedures in a catering business. | | |

|16 |I can categorize menu styles for various |#13 Menu Planning PPT & Guided Notes | |

| |restaurants. |#14 Menu Project Rubric | |

|17 |I can demonstrate quality customer |#15 Customer Service PPT & Personal Notes & Conclusion Activity | |

| |service techniques. |#16 Customer Service Article & Article Reflection Sheet | |

| | |#17 Restaurant Project & Peer Evaluation | |

|18 |I can prepare foods and utilize customer |#17 Restaurant Labs | |

| |service that meets customer satisfaction.| | |

|19 |I can create a workstation that would |#19 Workstations PPT & Assignment | |

| |utilize efficient work flow. |#19 Unit 2 Vocabulary Quiz | |

|Unit 3: Culinary Applications |

|20 |I can define terminology used in Culinary|#2 Culinary Skills Dictionary - Unit 3 | |

| |applications. | | |

|21 |I can identify the parts of a knife, |#3 Knife Skills PPT & Guided Notes | |

| |select a knife for an appropriate task, |#4 Knife Cuts Handout | |

| |perform basic cutting skills, explain |#5 Knife Parts and Types of Knives WKST | |

| |proper knife storage guidelines and |#6 Knife Skills Playdough Activity | |

| |recommend important knife safety and |Apple Swan Video & Carving | |

| |sanitation guidelines. |#7 Knife Skills Exit Slip | |

|22 |I can demonstrate professional garnishing|#8 Garnishing Activities – | |

| |and food presentation techniques. |* Students read in table groups “Food Merchandising” and complete | |

| | |“Merchandising Food – Elements of Design Notes” | |

| | |* Identify & Label Garnishing Tools Handout | |

| | |*”Garnishing Techniques Guided Notes” – Students choose three | |

| | |garnishing techniques to learn about | |

| | |*Garnishing Sheet | |

| | |*Garnishes Competition Lab | |

|23 |I can create a professional food plate |Garnishing Food Presentation Quiz | |

| |using presentation techniques. |#9 Party Platter & Plate Design Assignment | |

| | |#10 Dessert Garnishing Lab | |

| | |#11 Cooking Techniques Comparison Planning | |

|24 |I can contrast different cooking methods,|#11 Cooking Techniques Comparison Lab | |

| |as well as, explain how cooking affects a| | |

| |food’s nutritive value, texture, color, | | |

| |aroma, and flavor. | | |

|25 |I can describe characteristics of basic |#12 Stocks, Sauces & Gravies PPT & Guided Notes | |

| |types of stocks, sauces, and gravies. |#13 Pepperoni String Cheese Roll Ups & Marinara | |

| | |Copy Recipe & Lab | |

| | |Plan for Soup Challenge | |

|26 |I can prepare various stocks, sauces, and|#14 Stocks for Gravy Lab | |

| |gravies. |Entrée and Dessert Sauce | |

| | |Lab Evaluation | |

|27 |I can prepare various soups. |#15 Soup Challenge | |

|28 |I can apply the fundamentals of baking |#16 Tarts PPT | |

| |when preparing pies/tarts. |Joy of Baking Video (on PPT) | |

| | |#17 Bacon & Egg Quiche Tart Recipe | |

| | |#18 Pop Tarts Lab | |

|29 |I can apply the fundamentals of baking |#17 Bacon & Egg Quiche Tart Lab | |

| |when preparing pies/tarts. |#18 Basic Cream Puffs Lab Activity Copy Basic Custard Recipe | |

| | |Copy Basic Cream Puffs Recipe | |

|30 |I can apply the fundamentals of baking |#18 Basic Cream Puffs Lab | |

| |when preparing custards, foams, and |Evaluation | |

| |buttercreams. |Check Your Knowledge P. 694 (#1-10) | |

| | |Critical Thinking Activities (#1-3) | |

| | |#19 Cheesecake Recipe | |

| | |#20 Chocolate Tasting | |

| | |#20 Savoring Chocolate | |

|31 |I can apply the fundamentals of baking |Catch Up | |

| |when preparing breads. |#21 Pizza Braid Recipe | |

| | |Lab Prep | |

| | |#22 Chocolate Mousse Lab Plan | |

| | |Chocolate Balloon Bowls | |

|32 |I can apply the fundamentals of baking |#22 Chocolate Mousse Lab | |

| |when preparing custards, foams, and |Evaluation | |

| |buttercreams. | | |

|33 |I can explain the different |#23 Intro to Meats PPT | |

| |characteristics of various cuts and |#24 Meats Research Assignment – Work Time | |

| |grades of meats. | | |

|34 |I can recognize quality grades and |Meats Presentations | |

| |classes of meat and prepare and handle |Meats Lab | |

| |meat safely. | | |

|35 |I can identify canapes, appetizers, hor |Canapes, Appetizers, Hor D’ eouvres, Garde Manger | |

| |d’oeuvres, and garde manger. | | |

|36 |I can prepare canapes, appetizers, hor |Canapes, Appetizers, Hor D’ eouvres, Garde Manger | |

| |d’oeuvres, and garde manger using safe | | |

| |handling preparation techniques. | | |

|37 |I can create a tasty and creative dish |#25 Chopped Day 1 | |

| |using various ingredients and preparation| | |

| |techniques. | | |

|38 |I can create a tasty and creative dish |#25 Chopped Day 2 | |

| |using various ingredients and preparation| | |

| |techniques. | | |

|39 |I can identify various styles of cakes |#26 Cakes Galore PPT | |

| |and preparation methods used. |#27 Cakes Rubric & Planning Sheet | |

| | |Cake Work Time | |

|40 |I can create a cake that would be |Cake Work Time | |

| |pleasing to a customer. | | |

|41 |I can create a cake that would be |Cake Work Time | |

| |pleasing to a customer. | | |

|42 |I can create a cake that would be |Cake Work Time | |

| |pleasing to a customer. | | |

|43 |I can summarize concepts studied in |Review | |

| |Culinary Skills. | | |

|44 |I can summarize concepts studied in |Review | |

| |Culinary Skills | | |

|45 |I can summarize concepts studied in |Finals | |

| |Culinary Skills | | |

*10 Days (Thursdays) are left open for Casserole Thursday Labs

*5 Days (Fridays) are left open for Teacher Lunch Labs

Seasoning and Flavorings, Beverages


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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